Presentation in various situations according to etiquette. Etiquette rules everyone needs to know

Situations when you have to greet familiar or unfamiliar people arise daily. It is not always clear who should say hello first when meeting. To remain a polite person in the eyes of others, it is important to understand the basic rules of etiquette and greet the interlocutor correctly. In secular or business life, there is a different idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwho needs to say hello first.

Who should say hello first

Managers and employees, men and women, children and adults greet each other. When choosing who should greet first, you need to act according to the general rules of courtesy. It depends on the specific situation who greets whom first according to etiquette. The main thing to remember is that a polite person is not ashamed to be the first to reach out when meeting.

Senior or junior

When meeting peers, it does not matter who greets whom first. Usually the initiative is shown by the one who is better brought up. And if the interlocutors have a significant age difference? According to the rules of etiquette, who should say hello first: junior or senior? It turns out that everything is decided by the nuances:

  • When familiar people meet in everyday life, the younger one greets the older one with words. This shows respect for the interlocutor. But an older person is the first to give a handshake.
  • When meeting, the initiator of the greeting will, on the contrary, be the eldest in age. He holds out his hand.
  • In a situation requiring publicity, age is not taken into account when greeting. For example, the lecturer is the first to greet the audience before the lecture, and the teacher is the first to greet the students before the lesson.

Chief or subordinate

Communication at work between the manager and employees is regulated by business etiquette. In an official setting, they show their respect to each other, regardless of who is older and who is younger in age, regardless of gender. The main criterion is the position that a person occupies. The superior is considered senior, and the subordinate is considered junior.

  • Special rules of conduct apply in situations where you need to enter the office. In an institution, the one who enters the premises always greets at the entrance first with the one who made the appointment. If other employees are present in the office, you can show your respect to everyone with a slight bow.
  • Who should say hello first: a subordinate or a leader? In business communication, respect for the junior in position testifies. An elderly employee is the first to greet a boss who is younger than her. But according to etiquette, the hand for a handshake is extended not by the one who first greets, but by the senior in position. This rule has some exceptions. The leader, when he enters the office to his subordinates, is the first to greet everyone.
  • A partner in a business meeting is first greeted by a subordinate (both a woman and a man), and then the boss.
  • The rules of etiquette require a person who is late to be the first to greet those waiting for him.

Man or woman

The norms of etiquette determine who is the first to greet: a girl greets a man or a man greets a woman. It must also be understood that specific rules of secular etiquette apply in each situation.

  1. The gentleman is the first to pay his respects to the lady. A polite man stands up if the meeting takes place in a room. But at first the lady extends her hand, who, if she wishes, can do without a handshake.
  2. If a girl and an elderly man meet, it is customary for the woman to be the first to greet the interlocutor as a sign of respect.
  3. The rules of etiquette determine the behavior of two couples who meet on the street. The lady greets the lady, after that the gentlemen - representatives of the weaker sex, complete the ritual of the men, who mutually show respect.
  4. A married couple, meeting on a walk with a friend, follows certain norms of secular behavior. When a couple walks towards a man walking alone, the men should shake hands. Having met a lonely woman, you only need to bow and smile.
  5. Sitting in a taxi, passengers are the first to greet the driver, then give the address.
  6. A man who has met a group of people shakes hands with friends and nods to strangers.
  7. The one who walks is always the first to pay respect to those who stand. If on the street one person overtakes another, then the one who overtakes is the first to greet. This applies to both young people and girls.

Guest or host

In order to determine by etiquette who is the first to say hello at a party, you need to follow the rules of good manners.

  1. In a strange house, you should first greet the hostess, and then everyone else present. This rule applies to both women and men. shakes hands with each invited guest.
  2. If there are many guests in the room where the company gathers, then the incoming one in turn greets the owners of the house, then other ladies, starting with the oldest. Last but not least, respect for the rest of the male guests. A handshake is not required in this situation.
  3. When visiting, a woman must respond to every greeting, even if the greeting man is unpleasant to her or they are in a quarrel. A personal showdown should not spoil the rest of the guests in the mood.
  4. A late guest, who came up when everyone sat down at the table, first greets the women, and then their companions. If her husband is present at the table, then his lady welcomes him last.
  5. A late man shows respect to women, then to his wife, only after that he greets the owner of the house and other male guests. Spouses should show courtesy towards each other.
  6. If a celebrity is invited to dinner, then this person is welcomed separately and at the very beginning.

Seller or Buyer

Communication between sellers and buyers includes some nuances that determine who should say hello first according to etiquette. The sequence of greetings depends on the size of the store, the rules of trade. In any situation, it is important to remember about courtesy and goodwill, which will make visiting the store comfortable and not spoil your mood.

  • When entering a small store or sales department, the buyer should say hello to the seller. In accordance with the rules of etiquette, the person entering the room is the first to greet.
  • A regular supermarket customer who sees the same salesperson every day is the first to pay his respects.
  • A well-mannered person, asking for advice from a consultant, will not forget to say hello. On the other hand, the seller will show respect if he himself wants to help the visitor with the choice of goods.
  • If the buyer and the seller are familiar, then they greet each other, taking into account gender and age.

child or adult

The same for everyone: for children and adults. It is important to teach the child the rules of etiquette, which explain how to say hello correctly and who should say hello first.
The child, as the youngest, greets adults (acquaintances, neighbors) first.

There are certain situations where this rule does not apply. In an educational institution, the teacher greets the children first, starting the lesson. In the store, sales assistants greet a child who has come to buy something. An adult can say hello to get the child's attention.

Within the children's team, communication is also subject to the norms of etiquette. Boys should greet girls. And the girls must be sure to show their upbringing and answer the greeting. When two girls or two boys meet, the most polite one greets first.

Why you can not say hello through the threshold

Russian national culture includes not only the rules of etiquette, but also signs and superstitions. It is believed that you can not say hello, and especially shake hands, through the threshold. This will lead to a quarrel between the interlocutors.
The prohibition is connected with the beliefs of the ancestors. In paganism, dead relatives were buried under the threshold of the house, who were supposed to protect the living from evil spirits. It was also believed that the threshold is a refuge for the brownie.
Today, superstitious people believe that a greeting across the threshold destroys the boundaries between the world of the dead and the living, lets in evil spirits and therefore leads to trouble.
Everyone decides for himself whether or not to follow such prejudices.

The rules of good manners inspire confidence on a walk, at a party, in the office. Knowing the rules of greeting is the best way to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in secular and business communication.

Recently, I advised my friend not to put the phone on the table during family dinners with her highly moral mother-in-law - they say, the rules of etiquette regard such an act as disrespect for interlocutors and obsession with work.

She thanked with surprise, and a few days later she called with thanks - it turns out that the mother-in-law pursed her lips in displeasure for this very reason, it seemed to her that the daughter-in-law was so bored at family gatherings that she was ready to run away at the first call.

After talking about this topic, we realized that many people have no idea what secular etiquette is and how to follow the rules of etiquette. I wrote a little guide to good manners that all people should follow.

Universal Rules

These recommendations must be followed regardless of gender, age and country of residence - this is common courtesy.
  1. Do not come to visit without a call - this is bad form. Even if your friend lives in the next entrance and you are sure that he will be glad to see you - you should not put him in an awkward position, call and arrange. The same rule applies to relatives.

    Many young couples complain that parents come to visit without a call, but at the same time they allow themselves to visit their loved ones, believing that these are different situations. In fact, the situation is one - you violate someone else's will.

  2. If your interlocutor or companion greets their acquaintance, show good manners and say hello, and if the conversation drags on, invite a random interlocutor to join you.
  3. There are things that should not be discussed in polite society. There are several of them:
    - questions of age and longevity (this can confuse and even compromise those present);
    - financial well-being (in some situations this is appropriate, usually at men's meetings, in the company of business partners or close friends);
    - problems in the house (this applies to both the situation at a party and your own home problems - in any case, it is simply unacceptable to take out dirty laundry for everyone to see);
    - religious attitudes and behavior (again, with the exception of the company of close friends who are aware of your religion);
    - illnesses and issues related to various diseases - absolutely all conversations about health started “for health” end on a doomsday note and unpleasant details;
    - adultery and someone else's personal life;
    - low and dishonest deeds;
    - own deeds that deserve praise - others should praise a person, otherwise it looks like a peacock spreading its tail.
  4. Entering the room greets first, thus attracting attention. Even if your subordinates are in front of you, and you are sure that they should show respect, the rule of the “culprit” of the event is triggered here. You entered - you greet first.
  5. Someone else's correspondence should be inviolable, like any other people's secrets. Remember, what is known to two, everyone around will know.
  6. No need to try to fit someone else's lifestyle if you can't afford it.
  7. Gratitude is appropriate absolutely everywhere and always, express your emotions, say compliments and learn to be grateful to people.

These simple basics of etiquette are nothing complicated - it's a common cultural code, following which, you will rotate in a circle of decent friends.

Of course, if you do not follow such rules, no one will challenge you to a duel, and it is unlikely that you will draw all the attention of the public to your mistake. But if you do not follow them, then over and over again a special negative attitude will form towards you, and gradually you will find yourself in a company where you have not even heard about the norms of communication with people.

Project all these rules onto yourself and you will understand their value. Do you like it when a girlfriend calls and says she intends to visit? Of course, you like it, you will have time to take away the guest slippers from the cat and bake cookies for her arrival. So, you need to do the same.

Would you like your correspondence to become public, and even more so discussed in the company? Unlikely, which means you should not participate in such conversations, much less initiate them.


The rules of etiquette for men have several subtopics - relationships with women, relationships with men, relationships with colleagues and with an impersonal representative of society (for example, someone else's wife should not be looked after in a company, it is enough just to follow secular etiquette).

Goethe wrote that a person's manners are a mirror in which his portrait is reflected. Accordingly, our behavior says more about us to others than we might like. Watch your manners and you will always be on top.

A man should not offend the women present with his appearance and behavior. This means that he must be neat, well-groomed, neat in clothes, wear a good haircut and be either clean-shaven or keep facial hair in perfect order.

In relation to women, a man should show himself to be a gentleman:

  • show signs of attention;
  • skip forward;
  • to open doors for a lady;
  • give a hand;
  • ask permission before smoking.
For other men, DO NOT:
  • show negative reactions, even if the person is purely unpleasant to you and you are forced to be at the same event with him, secular etiquette requires at least a fleeting greeting;
  • expressing discriminatory opinions about those present is always regarded negatively;
  • stir up a scandal
  • speak disparagingly;
  • reveal other people's secrets;
  • spread about his male victories (this can discredit the girl in the eyes of other men).

It is not difficult to follow such rules, but good behavior makes a person pleasant to communicate with.


Special rules of etiquette for girls suggest a lot of hints - especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Back in the Middle Ages, there was a certain system of rules and traditions, following which a girl could tell a random gentleman any information about herself - for this, a system of views and sighs, special hairstyles, special scarves and much more were used.

The current secular etiquette that ladies must adhere to is much simpler, however, there are secrets here too.

It is no secret that the requirement to be a neat and well-groomed person is the norm of politeness, but exactly the same norm of politeness is to correspond to the place and time. It is not too appropriate to attend a party that takes place in the bosom of nature, in diamonds and an evening dress.

Also, don't be too democratic. This applies to the choice of clothes, jewelry, accessories, hairstyles and makeup. The girl must be well-groomed, and her appearance should always match the situation.

Dignity and honor are the main weapon of a woman. Beauty is given to us by nature, any lady should be well-groomed, but stand with dignity- a rare quality that should be learned. First of all, learn to follow the speech.

A woman should be merciful, this is one of the qualities that is inherent in each of us, and it is good form to show mercy not only to socially unprotected people, but also to your friends. Inquire about the well-being of other people's sick relatives, be ready to help and do not forget about anyone.

Be friendly, don't be snobbish. Secular etiquette is not when service personnel are reprimanded, but the rules of conduct that are expected from oneself and others outside their occupation and origin.

Learn to look decent, the basic rules of etiquette give clear recommendations on how a woman in society should:

  • stand;
  • walk;
  • sit down, stand up and sit.
If a girl is going on a business trip or a trip, be sure to ask what are the main behavioral norms adopted in this country. So you can find interesting information about the etiquette of other countries and avoid fatal mistakes.

It is sad, but true: violation of the norms of social behavior in countries that live according to Sharia can cost a woman her freedom and life.

different situations

When applying for a job in a serious company, study the rules of conduct in a team, but do not forget that each team has its own, unique communication etiquette. Try to use the generally accepted manners, and not contradict the habits of the regulars, then you can pass for a cultured and pleasant person.

Maintain (and encourage your companions to do so) etiquette in public places, you should not cause inconvenience to strangers. At the same time, be careful in your aspirations towards other people - society does not always perceive such acts mercifully.

Despite the rules of etiquette in Russia, show respect for foreigners and pay tribute to their cultural traditions, do not forget that other rules may apply in the house of a newcomer.

Do not be afraid to be uncivilized, if in some situation you are completely unprepared, you can always ask for advice from the person whose manners seem impeccable to you - absolutely not ashamed not to know something, ashamed not to seek to know.

Manners are a habit, a set of behaviors, a well-mannered person remains well-mannered even alone with himself. Strive for it and you will feel the result.

We all know perfectly well that the knife must be held in the right hand, and the fork in the left, but the rules of good manners are not limited to this. Why a man should go to the left hand of a woman, and a bag cannot be put on his knees - read in our article.

Dry your umbrella properly

All of us have long been accustomed to, coming, wherever it was in rainy weather, to immediately open an umbrella. Yes, indeed, this is how it dries the fastest, but according to the rules of etiquette, such a maneuver is completely unacceptable. Why? Everything is very simple: if you open an umbrella in the office or in any other public place, others will do the same, the umbrellas will fill the whole space and it will be quite difficult to move around such a “field”, so the umbrella must be folded (but not twisted, otherwise through an unpleasant odor may appear for a while) and place in the umbrella stand. If one is not at hand, you can lean the umbrella against the wall.

Bag on the floor

All residents of Europe put handbags on the floor, often it causes some bewilderment for us, which is not surprising, we are used to forever hugging our bags, and meanwhile, this is contrary to all the rules of etiquette. The good manners rule says: you can put a small clutch on the table next to you, as for other bags, they must be hung on the back of a chair (but not put on the next seat) or placed on the floor, they definitely won’t interfere with anyone.

Hats must be removed indoors.

If today you decide to leave the house in an elegant hat and gloves, then you can safely enter the room in this form - the rules of etiquette do not prohibit this (naturally, if you do not plan to spend the whole day in a hat or decide to go to the theater in a hat) , but it’s better to take off your hat and mittens. In the end, if you have already decided to be a lady, you need to remain her to the end, even in forty degrees of frost.

Keep track of decorations

According to etiquette, the number of jewelry items that are simultaneously on a woman should not exceed thirteen units, and jewelry buttons are also in mind. In addition, it is completely inadmissible to wear a ring over gloves, but a bracelet is completely. The high cost of your jewelry should also be taken care of, the main rule here remains the same: the darker it is outside, the more expensive and larger the jewelry. Avoid combinations of several jewelry made of different metals. It is not recommended to wear gold and silver at the same time, as well as to combine jewelry with real jewelry or with products made from natural materials. The same applies to precious stones: only pearls and diamonds are combined with all stones, and colored sapphires, emeralds, rubies should not be worn at the same time.

How to pay for an order in a restaurant

And although we women love to talk about “he should pay for me,” this statement is only partly true. So, for example, if you invite a man to a restaurant, with the specific wording “I invite”, then you thereby confirm your willingness to pay not only for yourself, but also for the invitee. The same is true with a business lunch (dinner / breakfast): if a woman invites her partner to a restaurant, she pays. Only the phrase remains saving: “Let's go to a restaurant”, only in this case the bill can be divided in half, and if you come across a noble companion, then, most likely, he will pay for you.

Don't talk about diets

Our favorite topic is weight loss: new types of fitness, diets, miracle drinks and so on. But if you do not want to give the wrong impression to others, you will have to leave all the talk about lost pounds at home. Your interlocutors, unless, of course, this is your best friend, are absolutely not interested in exactly how much you have lost over the past month, how exactly your body reacts to plums or cottage cheese, or plums with cottage cheese, and why your cellulite does not want to disappear. It is especially ugly to refuse the dishes offered to you at a party, etiquette prescribes at least a taste prepared by the hosts, it’s better that the food on your plate remains almost untouched than you publicly declare that the diet allows you only water and green apples, which, as luck would have it, there were no guests.

How to behave in the auditorium

If you ended up in a theater or in a cinema hall later than other spectators, and your place is in the middle of a row, you need to make your way to it only facing those who are sitting. However, it is interesting that in Europe there is a completely opposite rule. It's about mentality, I guess. So, if you are walking down a row in an auditorium somewhere in France, you must turn your back to those who are already sitting, otherwise people will consider you ill-mannered, the same goes for the elevator. Turning your back in Europe does not mean disrespectful at all - on the contrary, in this way you clearly demonstrate that you do not encroach on the personal space of your neighbor.

Rules for the use of perfume

This rule is incredibly concise: do not overdo it with perfume and toilet water, if by the evening you still smell your perfume, be sure that everyone else has already suffocated.

How to eat sushi

It is quite natural that at home you can afford to relax and eat sushi the way you want: with chopsticks, hands, a fork or even a spoon, but in a restaurant you still need to use only chopsticks. True, there is a slight indulgence for men - they are allowed to eat Japanese dishes with their hands.

The man on the left

According to the rules of etiquette, a man should always walk along the street to the left of a woman. This custom has its own history: a few centuries ago, a man could not afford to leave the house without a weapon, as a rule, it was a saber, rapier, sword, dagger or saber, which was attached to the gentleman’s belt on the left, so that the weapon would not hit the beautiful lady on the knees, the gentleman had to go on the left. Today, once forced necessity has become a sign of a good upbringing. The only exception here is the military - they are supposed to go to the right of the companion in order to perform a military greeting if necessary, or, more simply, to salute.

Smartphone on the table - a sign of bad taste

If during a meeting with friends, and even more so - a business lunch, your phone will certainly lie in front of you, and besides, you are constantly distracted by it to check what's new, then you are extremely uninteresting with your interlocutors. By doing so, you show how important the communication device is in your life and how indifferent you are to those in front of you.

When a man should be first

Contrary to the stereotype, a man does not always have to let his lady go first. So, for example, if you can’t go up the stairs side by side, then when ascending, a man walks behind, and when descending, in front. Everything is very logical: if the lady "decides" to fall, then she will fall down. And then on her way there should be a man who will not let her do it. Also, you do not need to skip the lady ahead when entering the elevator. But the lady should go out first - the elevator is still considered a transport of increased danger.

Following the rules of etiquette is necessary for all self-respecting people, and especially for those who seek to build a career. Business women will no doubt appreciate male gallantry, and this will positively affect business relationships. Business women with good manners will also strengthen their business reputation in the eyes of partners and colleagues. The rules of good manners are known to educated people from childhood, they are elementary, however, there are nuances and even innovations here.

Everyone knows the rule: entering the room, a man must let the woman go forward, while having time to open the door for her. No wonder a joke was born: a gentleman will always let a lady go ahead to see how she looks from behind. Attention! It is by no means always the first to follow the lady!

If there is any obstacle on the way, a narrow passage, a crowd of people, the man should go first. Let me remind you that a man walking with a woman should be to her left. It happened in ancient times, when horse-drawn carriages drove along the bridges, and there were no sidewalks. Being on the left, the man occupied a more "dangerous" place.

The gentleman must enter the elevator first. By tradition, it is believed that the elevator is a means of increased danger. Therefore, the strong floor is supposed to check whether it can withstand passengers. In addition, the instructions for using the elevator indicate that you need to make sure that the cabin is in front of you, so as not to fall into the shaft. So, this is the task of a man (not to fall, of course, but to check).

More recently, the rules of etiquette without options indicated that the woman should be the first to leave the elevator. However, today it is considered correct when the one closest to the door leaves first, and now women do not need to squeeze past men in a narrow elevator car.

If you have to climb stairs or stand on a subway escalator, the man should be behind the woman, a couple of steps lower. If you have to go down - the man is in front. Thus, he shows his readiness to come to the rescue at any moment, in which case to pick up a stumbled companion.

In public transport, a well-mannered and healthy man, according to etiquette, sits down only if there is not a single woman standing next to him. Exceptions are made only for the very old and the disabled.

The woman gets into the car first, but the man opens the door in front of her. By the way, not all the fair sex, even motorists, can beautifully get into and out of a car. One enterprising Englishman was making a lot of money organizing courses for women to teach this difficult procedure. They say that they were visited by the English princess herself. A more convenient and beautiful way is when a woman sits on a seat and gently pulls both legs in. The man should get out of the car first, and then help the woman by opening the door and offering her his hand.

In a restaurant, cafe, club and other public places, a man should also enter first. Again, conservative etiquette suggests that a woman is afraid to appear in front of an unknown public. The "blow" is taken by the man. However, he must hold the door and make sure that the wide-open door does not drive into the woman’s forehead with all its might and slam in her nose. A woman is the first to enter the dining room of the restaurant, but the companion must immediately get ahead of her and lead her to the table. If the table is ordered and you are escorted by a restaurant employee, then the order is as follows: head waiter, woman, man. If the representative of the stronger sex agreed to meet the lady in a cafe, he must come a few minutes earlier to choose a free table. Entering the theater, cinema or concert hall, the man lets his companion go ahead and politely hands the tickets to the usher. A woman passes first to a place in the auditorium, she takes a place to the right of her companion. The duties of a man include the purchase of a program, he must give it to a woman.

In the sphere of business relations, some amendments should be taken into account, related to the fact that social position and the position held dominate over status differences by sex and age. Including the attitude towards a woman, adopted in secular etiquette, in a service environment in some cases does not work. However, if a young director is the first to greet an elderly employee, it certainly will not be a violation of business etiquette and subordination.

Men's rules of etiquette

1. On the street, a man should walk to the left of the lady. On the right, only military personnel can go, who must be ready to give a military salute.

2. It is necessary to support the woman by the elbow if she stumbled or slipped. But in a normal situation, the decision to take a man by the arm or not is made by the lady.

3. In the presence of a woman, a man does not smoke without her permission.

4. At the entrance and exit to the room, the gentleman opens the door in front of the lady, and he goes behind her.

5. Climbing or descending the stairs, a man secures his companion by walking one or two steps behind or in front, respectively.

6. A man enters the elevator first, and at the exit from it, a lady should be skipped ahead.

7. The man gets out of the car first, he bypasses the vehicle and opens the door on the passenger side, while helping the woman out. Provided that the man drives the car himself, he must open the door and support the woman by the elbow when she sits in the front seat. If the man and woman are both taxi passengers, they are supposed to ride in the back seat. The lady is the first to sit in the salon, the man sits next to him.

8. Entering the room, a man should help a woman take off her outer clothing, leaving the room, it is worth giving her clothes.

9. In society, it is also customary not to sit down if the ladies are standing (this also applies to public transport).

10. According to etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with a lady. On the contrary, the gentleman should come a few minutes earlier, because his delay can embarrass the lady and put her in an awkward position. In unforeseen cases, it is necessary to warn and apologize for being late.

11. Any woman of any age should be helped to carry large objects and massive bags. They do not include a handbag, a light fur coat or a coat, except in those cases when, for health reasons, she cannot carry them herself.

12. In society, a frank conversation about a lady with a third person is unacceptable, and especially in a male company.

13. During a conversation, a man should not fold his arms over his chest or keep them in his pockets. Also, do not twist different objects in your hands - this is disrespect for the interlocutor.

14. Good to know: A man always enters the restaurant first, the main reason is that on this basis the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the institution and who will pay. In the case of the arrival of a large company - enters first and pays the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came. But if a porter meets visitors at the entrance, then the man must let the first woman through. After that, the gentleman finds free places.

Women's rules of etiquette

1. You must not take off your hat indoors. Exceptions are cases when you are in the room for more than 10 minutes and cases of work necessity (for example, business negotiations).

2. If they give you a hand for a handshake, you must give yours: for a handshake, the right one, for a kiss - the left one. It is not necessary to remove the glove.

3. Never walk with your hands in your pockets, even in sportswear.

4. Leaving the car, a man should give you a hand. But if he does not do this, it is permissible to go out unaided.

5. At the door, the incoming person lets the outgoing person through, and the man - the woman.

6. It is not permissible to light a cigarette in the presence of a man. If a man does not react in any way, you can ask for a “light”.

7. Do not tilt the bowl of soup in any direction: neither forward nor backward.

8. When you have finished your meal, put the knife and fork on the plate - this is a sign to the waiter that it can be taken away.

9. It is not allowed to use toothpicks at the table, only in the ladies' room.

10. You can not be late for meetings, especially business ones. In extreme cases, the delay is reported by phone and the partner has the right to reschedule the meeting.

11. All drinks are poured by a waiter or a man, even tea.

12. The ideal distance between interlocutors in business negotiations is one meter, between a boss and a subordinate - one and a half meters.