Cool congratulations for a PR man. So, congratulation is a genre type of PR text, which is actually a congratulation in the first person of the basic PR subject with a significant event

Dear PR-managers, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Day of PR-specialist !
In order to develop the main business and politics, PR has recently become more and more actively used - the practice of creating an attractive image of someone or something. PR specialists or, as they are called in the professional environment, PR specialists form public opinion on any problem or issue, promote the company's products, maintain its competitiveness.
Day of Russian PR Specialist - the holiday is relatively young, but people of this important and necessary profession have often met before, although they were called differently - advisers or stewards.
Nowadays, PR specialists are managers, deputy directors or heads of public relations departments. Their work is truly significant and necessary, as it brings tangible benefits to society. More and more people understand this. It is also understood that in the modern world of competition it is impossible to survive without competent PR, that without promoting your brand and the successful development of individual companies and enterprises, the general development of the economy is impossible.
Therefore, the profession of a PR specialist is becoming more and more prestigious and promising, because it is it that makes a company or firm popular, creates and maintains its positive image in society.
It is not easy to be successful in this profession. To do this, you need to have creative thinking and charisma, have organizational skills, be able to build relationships in any situation. PR specialists need to be active and in constant motion, since to write an effective article, you need to study the sea of ​​information and know about all important events, actions of competitors, be able to create bright, imaginative, attractive and interesting materials, organize creative presentations and social events, work with investors and government agencies, the media, create the basis for the development of favorable relationships with clients. And PR specialists need to have professional knowledge and public speaking skills, have competent oral and written speech, be able to understand the basics of marketing, management, economics, own modern software, as well as be sociable, able-bodied, and know the rules of etiquette. It is difficult to comply, but if you really bet on this profession, then you have to meet the requirements.
Dear PR specialists of Russia ... Happy holiday to you. I wish you health, happiness and good luck. And I also want to wish you that your work is always interesting and beloved for you, that difficulties do not knock you out of the rut, but push you to new achievements, inspire you to “deeds” and give you strength. I wish you success, a positive reputation, and also work for the good of the whole society, helping others and yourself!

On July 28, 2003, the Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the introduction of the qualification characteristics of public relations specialists into the OKPDTR (All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades). On July 28, 2004, the Russian PR community for the first time celebrated the day of state registration of the profession. It was then that the tradition of the annual celebration of the PR-Specialist Day appeared.

On PR day we wish you a lot of creative ideas, positive attitude, endless inspiration! Let the result of all ideas be an indelible impression, and the approach to work be an example for the rest! Good luck and implementation of your plans!

Happy PR Specialist Day and sincerely wish you unique opportunities and amazing ideas, high reputation and incredible success in your work, brilliant ideas and bright luck, bright emotions and true happiness.

Happy PR Specialist Day and wish you excellent abilities in promoting talents and any masterpieces. May every day promise good luck, may every business be a winner in activities and with a wonderful result, may in your life, in addition to fame and bright holidays, there is always time for your own happiness and good meetings with your loved ones.

Our dear PR specialists, we congratulate you on your professional holiday. We wish you always find the best and most productive way of promotion, may your creative vein always find its application, and may your customers be satisfied. Happy holidays and success in everything.

I congratulate you on PR Day and sincerely wish you to live healthy and wonderful so that the whole world knows about you without any PR and that PR in your business is only beautiful, excellent and incredible. Good luck and bright ideas in activities, fame, success and happiness in life!

You know exactly how to make everything popular in the world, you work tirelessly over the ratings, day after day you are proposing more and more PR projects. So let you yourself, on the day of the PR man, receive the due fame and popularity, which will subsequently bring a decent passive income.

Total congratulations: 6


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Promote, promote, serve in the best possible way,
You will easily attract attention.
Although your work is not visible to others,
You invariably lead us to success.
PR man, we sincerely congratulate you!
For your glory, we have composed poems.
We wish you health, smiles and happiness,
Great prospects and beautiful love!


Happy PR Specialist Day!
You are in your profession - well, just an ace!
You advance your business smartly, subtly, cleanly -
I say it as it is, without falsity and embellishment.
I want to wish you success and excitement,
Bright thoughts and career heights,
According to merit, so that your salary grows,
And all cherished dreams came true!


How to present yourself beautifully
To become famous for everyone?
Where to get a bunch of creativity,
To have great success?
Without a PR man, guys,
There is no way to get around here.
Some money will appear with him,
Life will become more popular.
We are a PR specialist
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Let your career grow quickly
Days will all be good!


You, PR specialists,
Congratulations on this day.
Be cheerful, talkative!
Bright, bold ideas for you!
Let there be an excess in the house
In life - happiness, in the heart - peace.
We wish you bright weekdays,
Much joy and strength!


You will create any image,
You will make a hero out of any.
You think creatively and freely
And in business you do not tolerate idle time.
Will lead to recognition and glory
Make a piece of paper candy.
Be successful in your PR
And work on without a mistake!


You will tell tales about us,
And they will think that it is a reality.
And you will show merit
And throw dust in everyone's eyes.
The holiday is yours today, PR man!
Be happy and healthy!
Although you are a deceiver in something,
We are not sorry for good words!

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The holiday "PR-Specialist Day" or "PR Specialist Day" in 2018 is celebrated on July 28, on Saturday. The need for this profession has long been recognized not only by representatives of small and large businesses and politicians. PR specialists were recognized at the state level. This profession was officially registered on July 28, 2001.

On July 28, 2004, the Russian PR community for the first time celebrated the day of state registration of the profession. It was then that the tradition of the annual celebration of the PR-Specialist Day appeared. State recognition has removed public relations from the category of shadow professions. The process of state registration of the profession began in 2001 at the initiative of the Russian Association for Public Relations (RASO) and was primarily due to the need for further self-identification and internal self-organization of the PR industry. State recognition has removed public relations from the category of shadow professions. PR has acquired the status of the same necessary tool as marketing, advertising and other areas of the organization's activities that contribute to the development of its core business, and, of course, politics.

PR Day 2018 funny congratulations, pictures, postcards: congratulations in prose

Today we congratulate our creative and talented PR specialists on their well-deserved professional holiday. We would like to wish that you were always visited by the most unusual and interesting ideas for promotion, that any product or service was advertised at the highest level and customers were only satisfied.

How many of you, famous creative, communicative PR people and PR managers. Do not forget that today, on the Day of PR-specialist, you must honor your profession and irreplaceable work. May your work bring you not only the pleasure of successful marketing and advertising, but also a decent salary.

It is difficult to imagine the modern world now without the services of PR specialists, or rather, without advertising. These smart and modest guys are able to give any business sense, goods on the shelves are sold thanks to them, celebrities are remembered everywhere and always. Do not let your intuition let you down and any work will be within your reach.

Today we give advertising-glorious congratulations to those whose vocation in this world is to promote everything and everyone. From the bottom of our hearts, we send congratulations to all PR specialists on their professional holiday. Let all ideas come true, dreams come true, and the number of people attracted by you is inexorably growing every day!

Happy PR Day to you, dear friend, I congratulate you. You are a supervisor, you create a real class, you PR, monitor, press and make the right decisions. Today is your day - have fun, dance, relax! We wish all PR specialists more fresh ideas, even if at home and at work there is always positive, creativity, love and beauty. I wish you health and creative success!

Today we congratulate people who are able to glorify everyone and everything thanks to their creative and unusual profession - a PR specialist. Until tens of years ago, no one had any idea who was behind everything that is sold in the markets or on the Internet. Happy PR Day, you, the kings of advertising and promotion, may your life be filled with only joyful events and last a long, long time.

We wish creative inspiration, joy, kindness and love to all representatives of the PR community of our country. We wish your profession to develop further, bearing worthy fruits of hard work. Let the customer not disturb you today, and peace and happiness will settle in your homes forever.

To promote and show the human eye the most intricate and fashionable ideas - only PR specialists can handle it. We congratulate people of this wonderful and extremely interesting profession on their holiday - PR Day. We wish you not picky customers, excellent health, decent salaries and interesting offers!

PR Day 2018 funny congratulations, pictures, postcards: funny poems for the holiday

It's not easy being a PR man
Here fantasy is important:
It is necessary correctly and succinctly
Choose the right words.

We wish you good luck
And always go forward
For your work
All the people were pleased.

So that everything is in openwork
And the talent did not leave.
To PR year after year
Interest did not fade away!

Happy PR-cool day,
Positive attitude,
Creative inspiration,
From the result - impressions.
May your work be yours
It will be a joy, without care,
Let your creativity
Will lead you to a masterpiece
Proprietor, color everything like that
For everyone to say "ah"
And your salary right away
Has grown at least three times.

PR for you is not baking buns,
There must be competent speech,
Presentable vidocq
And a little cute!

We wish you success
Look for new ways
And all the "potentialists"
We wish you to rake in the paws!

Today the holiday is celebrated
PR specialists,
Any product they will promote
And they will give any heat!

We wish you more creativity,
And doubly creative thoughts,
They are special people
Let them stay on the wave.

All PR people today
Congratulations on a great day.
So that it is only comfortable
In the world you are always yours.

Let PR strategies
They give you inspiration.
And rather to the pedestal
And they will bring you recognition.

How to raise an elephant from a fly
Transform a crow into a wonder bird
And mold a candy from the mud
You need to learn from PR specialists.

It's not to scratch behind your ear,
The case asks for creativity.
Yes, we need to respect PR,
After all, advertising is the engine of income!

PR man dear, dear, cunning,
We kiss you, we praise you from the heart,
You are very creative, accurate, the best,
And all your PRs are good!

Everywhere you see the zest with your eye,
And you write so that you hit the mark
Your projects are big diamonds
And your speech is a wonderful pipe!

Health to you, dear, and good luck!
Let the work move forward
And just let the problems be solved
And the profit grows every year!

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In 2003, a significant event took place for employees of all branches of the PR business in Russia. Then the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation issued a decree according to which various specializations of public relations workers were officially recognized and received their characteristics. Thus, a step by the state helped to remove the PR industry in Russia from the list of shadow industries. This decision of the ministry, significant for all Russian PR specialists, was made on July 28, 2003, and since 2004, the same specialists have established a tradition to celebrate a professional holiday. Typically, on July 28, PR companies organize events that promote team building and team-building. Date, we celebrate the day of the PR specialist (day of the PR specialist) - July 28.

You can easily promote the company's products,
Make your cherished dreams come true
The product is being sold under the hammer,
PR people have a light hand.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
Let the mood be great
Let the work be joy for you,
May the sun of good luck shine on you every hour.

PR specialists, you have a creative approach,
You will give any business a course,
The modern world will not do without your services,
Without rest, you have to work.
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish you a long and happy life
Let the salary pleasantly surprise you,
Let reliable friends surround.

You are the kings of promotion and advertising,
We admire, PR people, you,
Ordinary product, decorate with a word,
And the company will be a huge catch.
We wish you success from the bottom of our hearts,
Let cherished dreams come true
Let luck open the doors for you,
Let the result of the work pleasantly surprise you.

You get pleasure from marketing and advertising,
You are promoting the product with speed,
You bring ideas to life easily,
PR people, you are looking far into the future.
For your services, we sincerely thank
We sincerely want to congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish you good luck, joy and happiness,
Let not misfortune touch you.

Congratulations to everyone on the holiday of PR people,
Let tremendous success await you in your work,
May the goals be achieved easily
May you never have to be sad.
We wish you good health, good,
Let it always be lucky in everything
Let a bright star illuminate your path,
Let fate give in full.

Excellent PR skills!
With passion, energy, heat
you usually advertise yourself,
but today is a special date:
the day of the PR man promotes those,
who walks with PR on an equal footing.
And in honor of this most beautiful date
congratulations to you. And rich
we wish, of course, to become
and in the growth of career limits do not know!

PR man - you are a valuable exhibit
Your merits, any boss is glad
The public fell to their knees
You don't know the syndrome of laziness.
I wish you get drunk on the day of the PR man,
Walk and dance and have fun
So that the whole country knew, understood,
The fact that the PR man is thumping here until the morning.

All that is possible, you sold and promoted,
And never once, in the dirt with your face, did you hit,
You have talent in your blood - PR,
As if a gift was given from the hands of God.
I want to join the environment,
And as a person develop more,
Happy PR man's day, good man
Work with the contingent for many years.

Congratulations to my speaker, my companion,
Our PR man, you serve, in the name of life,
Psychology is your strong point
You are a talented working boy.
They don't scare you, there are conflicts in your company,
You are a PR man, you are a monolithic hard worker,
Happy PR day, I congratulate you,
Our company is a whole family.
We can support in any business,
We will help you with incomprehensible moments,
Do not hesitate to contact me, I will tell you
After all, I value a PR person very much.

It's nice to look at you
How much strength has gathered in you
PROM to live, not to die,
We contacted you for a reason.
Your desires have brought
Development for our company,
PR companies are yours,
They are becoming more beautiful, more beautiful.
You reign in communication with people
You master your minds in an instant,
You are a message of fate to us
In PR, you know everything specifically.