Prevention of ARVI, influenza and other colds in children: vaccinations, medications and other measures. Prevention of colds in a child. Family Cold Drink Recipe

According to medical statistics, about 80% of all diseases in children are SARS, flu and the so-called cold. Correct and timely prevention of influenza in children helps not only to reduce the risks of infection, but also to facilitate the course of the disease if it occurs.

Most often, children attending educational institutions and those who are forced to stay in in public places, for example, getting to the place of study by bus or metro. It is important to remember that influenza viruses, like other acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, are transmitted by airborne droplets and can persist long time on any subjects.

Medical preventive measures

Of course, universal remedy that can protect a child from infection with SARS, colds or flu does not exist, but reduce possible risk and you can ease the course of the disease.

It should also be remembered that with age, susceptibility to the virus changes, for example, babies under one year old, on a natural breastfeeding are much less susceptible to infection than their peers who eat artificial milk formulas.

The mother's body produces enough antibodies to protect the baby, but with the cessation of breastfeeding, the baby's body has to fight on its own, so the prevention of influenza in children from one year and older is very important.

Medical protection measures can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Dispositional (specific), including methods of increasing the body's resistance to influenza, SARS and colds.
  2. Exposure (non-specific), aimed at preventing possible contacts of the baby with sources of infection.

Exposure (non-specific) prophylaxis

The source of the spread of viruses is usually a sick person who creates an infection zone around him. Unfortunately, not all parents understand that a sick child must be left at home and isolated from the rest, therefore, most often children contract the flu in public places and educational institutions, which often leads to epidemics.

What to do:

  1. Reduce contact with patients as much as possible , especially during the period of seasonal incidence. Of course, healthy child should go to kindergarten or school, but should not take him to shops or take him to entertainment centers... You should temporarily refuse to visit guests and, if possible, from public transport. From routine inspection in the clinic during this period, it is also better to abstain, since the child's contact with the sick will be inevitable, especially for babies under one year old who are undergoing a monthly examination.
  2. Create a barrier to infection , with the onset of the season of diseases, it is necessary to purchase special disposable masks and explain to the child the importance of wearing them.
  3. Teach children to wash their hands with soap , especially after returning from the street, and do not touch your face when in a public place or educational institution.
  4. Being away from home and not being able to wash your hands, you must wipe them with hygienic or antibacterial wet wipes.
  5. Ventilate regularly rooms and training classes during colds, as well as maintain the correct level of humidity - warm, still and dry indoor air contributes to the multiplication of influenza and ARVI viruses. Frequent carrying out of wet cleaning , especially with the use of disinfectants.
  6. Remove from the children's room carpets and Stuffed Toys because they can persist influenza viruses for a long time.
  7. Diffuse natural essential oils , especially citrus fruits, it helps to disinfect the air and improve general condition children. Inhalation essential oils applied to handkerchiefs or baby clothes will help protect against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

There are other non-specific prevention measures:

  • good nutrition;
  • additional intake of vitamin preparations;
  • carrying out regular hardening procedures;
  • active sports;
  • compliance with the established daily regimen;
  • frequent walks on fresh air.

Dispositional (specific) prevention

When a flu virus, ARVI or ARI enters the child's body, further development or suppression of the disease depends on the state of his immune system. Therefore, it is important to increase the immunity and resistance of the child's body to various viruses during the period of colds.

Strengthening the immune system can be done in three ways:

  1. Forming certain areas of the immune system through the introduction of vaccines.
  2. By activating the work of local immunity.
  3. Using special immunomodulators.

Local immunity must always be in working order, ensuring self-defense of the mucous membranes oral cavity and respiratory tract.

To maintain the normal functioning of local immunity, it is necessary:

  • create the correct level of humidity in the rooms and optimal temperature air;
  • do not wrap up the child. When going for a walk, you need to dress your baby in accordance with the weather and prevent overheating;
  • take food at the right time, without "snacks";
  • make sure that after active games, children must drink liquid, this will help to avoid drying out of the mucous membranes;
  • when cleaning premises use clean water without household chemicals(when you can do without it);
  • in case of insufficient air humidification, the mucous membranes should be additionally moistened with pharmacy products or saline solutions prepared by hand.

It is also possible to activate local immunity with the help of drugs that affect the immune system as a whole. Such preparations contain particles of bacteria, which, when in contact with mucous membranes, begin to stimulate the production of additional antibodies and enhance overall protection.

These funds are able to protect not only from influenza viral infections and colds, but also from bacterial diseases(ARVI, ARI).

Immunomodulators are called medicines, which affect the entire immune system of the child, strengthening it and increasing the body's defenses. But only a doctor can prescribe them after a complete immunological examination.

Such drugs are produced in different forms, for example, lollipops, sweets, chewable tablets, liquids, syrups and drops, which, if necessary, allows the introduction of the substance even to babies under one year old and children who do not want to drink medicines.


The formation of immunity in a certain direction is usually carried out by introducing special vaccines into the child's body. Preventive vaccination in most cases, it is able to develop a strong immune response against certain forms viruses.

Vaccinations are carried out every year, developing new drugs, since influenza viruses are rapidly changing. As a rule, the vaccination, in the absence of contraindications, is easily tolerated by the child's body.

The vaccine for such vaccinations can be different and contain both live, but weak viruses, and dead or their parts. Vaccines are also divided into several generations, but any of the drugs used begins to protect the baby only after 1-3 weeks, when the injected agent will form the necessary immunity.


Alternative medicine offers many remedies for the flu, colds, and SARS, but only a few can be of real help.

For example, garlic and onion with antimicrobial properties. You can spread chopped onions in the rooms and the child's room or hang bags of crushed garlic. Such a measure will help to decontaminate the air and reduce the risk of infection.

Herbal and berry teas , special preparations help to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of the disease, as well as strengthen the immune system.

An excellent remedy against acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu and colds is lemon ... The oil of this fruit is used for inhalation, creating favorable atmosphere in room. But there is also a special tool that can protect the child from the inside.

To prepare it, you need to take two large ripe lemons, wash, cut, remove the seeds and, together with the peel, grind them in a blender into porridge with the addition of two or three full tablespoons of honey. Put the mixture in a jar and close the lid tightly, store in the refrigerator. Give your child a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, especially before going out and going to school / kindergarten.

Lifestyle in flu and jar season

An important point is adherence to the daily regimen and the duration of sleep. A child's lifestyle plays a special role in strengthening their immune system and providing protection.

If children are constantly sitting at home at the computer or watching TV, do not go for walks, do not work out in sports clubs, do not breathe fresh air, their immunity will be weak. It is these children who most often get sick with colds and viral diseases, since the body is unable to resist.

It is important to teach the child as early as possible to observe the rules of personal hygiene, to frequent and proper washing hands using soap. If the baby has not yet visited sport sections, it needs to be carried away active games, especially in the fresh air, it contributes to the overall strengthening of the body.

Do not forget about daily procedures hardening, which should be started as early as possible.

During the period high probability getting the flu is important to ensure that children balanced diet, enriched with vitamins, as well as sufficient drinking in the form of compotes, fruit and berry teas, fruit drinks, green tea with lemon and honey (in the absence of allergy to these substances).

Prevention of influenza in newborns and babies up to a year

The main means of protecting infants is mother's milk, with which they receive not only the necessary nutrients but also protective antibodies. It is important to protect the baby from contact with sick relatives, and when feeding and carrying out care procedures, wear a mask and wash hands thoroughly.

In order to prevent the penetration of the virus into the body of newborns, prophylactic drops, such as Derinat or Grippferon, can be instilled into the baby's nose.

An important aspect of prevention is the hardening of babies, and you can start it as early as the age of one year. Such a measure will help in the future to avoid problems associated with colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu and other diseases.

Is it effective to lubricate a child's nose for the prevention of influenza

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Prevention of colds in children involves, first of all, accustoming the child's body to a moderate air temperature. The most optimal temperature is 18-20 ºС. Colds are often caused by sharp drops temperatures when from a hot stuffy room a child enters the cold outside air. It is equally important to dress the child according to the weather conditions - excessively warm clothes leads to overheating of the body, increased sweating and, as a result, freezing in cold air.

It is useful to conduct various procedures hardening: rubdown wet towel dousing cold water walking barefoot. Daily walks are also required, including in "bad" weather (rain, snow, fog).

Main conditions correct hardening Is gradualness, regularity, healthy state the child's body.

Good nutrition

For the normal functioning of the immune system, the body must receive the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements daily. The child's diet should be balanced, the menu must include fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat, fish. For prevention colds you should also include in the diet onions and garlic, which contain phytocysts.

You should stop eating foods that contain artificial colors, flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives. Such substances overload all systems of the child's body, provoke the development of allergic reactions and weaken the immune system. It is also recommended to minimize the consumption of sugar, which washes out valuable vitamins and minerals from the body.

Hygiene procedures

It is impossible to protect the body from pathogenic viruses and bacteria without observing basic hygiene rules. Child with early age it is necessary to teach to wash hands with the obligatory use of soap, cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing, use your handkerchief, and so on.

It is equally important to maintain cleanliness in the home - regularly carry out wet cleaning, ventilate the room, and, if necessary, use a special air purifier. But at the same time, one should not strive for sterile cleanliness and use aggressive detergents that can provide Negative influence on the child's body.


In order to prevent colds, especially in a period of increased epidemiological danger, many pediatricians are recommended to use special pharmacy preparations... Such funds help children's body resist the effects of pathogenic agents and, as a result, reduce the likelihood of developing severe complications.

Consider the most effective drugs for the prevention of colds in children:

It should be remembered that the use of any pharmaceutical preparations (including vitamins) must be strictly prescribed by a doctor.

Self-medication can lead to allergic reactions and other health problems.

Every person periodically suffers from infectious diseases that affect everyone, regardless of age or gender - influenza and acute respiratory infections. The patient is in a helpless state for several weeks, feels weak, suffers from fever, headache and intoxication. The mortality rate of a viral disease is relatively high: 1 death... Prevention of influenza, according to doctors, serves effective way avoid infection, because the disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

Prevention of influenza with folk remedies for colds

Most people believe that it is possible to protect against infection by only one gauze mask... However, non-specific prophylaxis of diseases is primarily based on increasing immunity. Folk remedies help to increase the general resistance of the body to various pathogens. Similarly, homeopathy does not stimulate the development of specific immunity in humans. This is solely subject to the vaccine.

Treatment of influenza with folk remedies, although it gives an effect, is very low. To achieve a meaningful result, you need to systematically prevent the disease. If you use folk recipes, preventive measures should be carried out constantly (as a way of life). A useful shot of the vaccine is given once a year. Benefits folk remedies how to prevent viruses are:

  • their sparing action for the body;
  • minimal amount side effects;
  • no contraindications (allowed during pregnancy, allowed for children preschool age, nursing mothers);
  • universal action (prevent not only flu, but also other diseases);
  • they are inexpensive compared to pharmaceutical drugs.


Garlic is a proven method for preventing influenza. To avoid infection with seasonal viruses and survive the epidemic, adults and children are advised to eat a couple of garlic cloves daily. If the child does not want to eat a spicy product, it is worth trying another method of prevention - inhalation. To do this, you need to pass through a press or grate 2-3 cloves of garlic and a wedge of onion. While the gruel is fresh, the baby should breathe in pairs, alternating breaths through the nose and mouth. As the virus concentrates in respiratory tract, such prevention is very effective.


Alleviating flu symptoms is considered the right method therapy. According to naturopaths, taking antibiotics in this case is inappropriate, since they have no effect on the virus. The perfect solution will become traditional medicine. To saturate the body with vitamins that play the role of immunomodulators, they eat honey, drink fruit drinks, compotes from berries (cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries), herbal decoctions with lemon. For prevention viral diseases, you need to consume about 500 mg ascorbic acid per day.


Fast way to defeat a runny nose - inhalation. To prevent influenza, take 500 ml of water into a small saucepan, bring it to a boil, then remove it from the heat and add eucalyptus or mint essential oil (5-7 drops) to the liquid. Often, inhalations are carried out using decoctions of herbs. Sage, oregano, lavender are brewed in boiling water for 10 minutes. After that, you should breathe in the steam over the pan for 10-15 minutes, covering your head with a towel. For the prevention of viral diseases, the procedure is done once a day.

Prevention of ARVI diseases with antiviral drugs

Drugs for the prevention of ARVI have a bacterial-stimulating and immunomodulatory effect. Medicines that provide protection against influenza often act on the organs of the central nervous system (central nervous system). It is worthwhile to study the instructions and contraindications in detail before starting to take any drug, including homeopathic remedies. Modern pharmaceuticals do not have a panacea for influenza therapy, since the strains and forms of the virus are constantly changing.

Flu pills

  1. Amantadine, remantadine. Prescribed to patients with type A influenza (pandemic type, which includes avian, swine, etc.). Taking pills within the first 2 days after infection can shorten the duration of the illness and dull the first symptoms of the flu. For the B virus, these drugs will be ineffective. For prophylaxis, no more than 5 mg is prescribed per 1 kg of body weight of an adult. V childhood(under 7 years of age) taking these medications is prohibited.
  2. Arbidol. The drug suppresses influenza pathogens of types A and B, increases the body's resistance to viruses. Even in contact with an infectious person, the agent protects against the development of influenza. For prevention, take 1 capsule per day for two weeks. Antiviral drugs for influenza such as Arbidol are contraindicated in people who have serious illness kidneys, of cardio-vascular system and liver.
  3. Amiksin. Used for the treatment and prevention of many viral diseases, including influenza, hepatitis, herpes and others. Pills suppress the development of viruses, therefore, they are often prescribed to adults who are already sick or to those who are at risk of becoming infected while working in public places. Drink Amiksin should be 1 tablet once a week. Refrain from preventing acute respiratory infections and colds through of this drug costs women during pregnancy or lactation, children under 7 years of age, with hypersensitivity to its components.
  4. Aflubin. The syrup belongs to homeopathic medicines, it is able to stimulate the immune system and increase the protective functions of the body. An infant under one year old is prescribed 1 drop of the drug, mixed in a small amount of milk or water, three times a day. Children under 12 years old should take 4-5 drops at least three times a day. Adults drink syrup 10 drops up to 8 times a day. The duration of influenza therapy is 5-10 days. For prophylaxis, the agent is taken twice a day for 20 days.
  5. Viferon. Suppositories are used starting from the first hours of the illness. Viferon effectively destroys viruses and stimulates the immune system. Doctors prescribe a drug for the prevention or therapy of acute respiratory infections and influenza even for young children and the elderly due to the gentle effect of the agent on the body. Scheme of taking Viferon: 1 suppository per day for 5 days. Often, to consolidate the result, a second course of therapy is carried out.
  6. Teraflu. Such powders and tablets, which contain paracetamol, are considered the most effective for the prevention of colds. Their disadvantage is high degree toxicity. Paracetamol-based products can cause stomach pain or colic, in addition, they have a harmful effect on the liver and kidneys. Doctors recommend not to take such drugs for the prevention of influenza, but to use Theraflu, Coldrex and other drugs of this group exclusively in severe cases of the disease with a persistently high temperature.

Nasal drops

  1. Grippferon. Drops, in order to prevent acute respiratory infections and other viral diseases, are instilled into the nose twice a day. For the treatment of influenza, the agent is used 4-5 times a day. As a rule, Grippferon is not used during an epidemic, but only for the duration of contact with sick people. Doctors do not recommend using the product longer than 5-7 days. Grippferon for prophylaxis is prescribed for both adults and children from 1 year old.
  2. Ingaron. The drug differs from analogues in that its effectiveness is equally equal at all stages of influenza: from development to recovery. Studies have proven that viruses are not able to get used to the components of the drops. It is forbidden to use Ingaron for women during pregnancy and for babies under 7 years old. The drug is produced in the form of a powder, which should be diluted with water. Daily dosage for prophylaxis viral infections is 500,000 IU.
  3. Derinat. The only drug in the antiviral group that does not contain interferon. Due to its special composition, drops are effective even against fungal infection or with a bacterial infection of the body. Derinat helps in the regeneration of the nasal mucosa after the destructive action of viruses. For prophylaxis, the agent is used 1 time per day. If the symptoms of ARVI have already appeared, the nose is instilled twice a day with an interval of about 12 hours.

Nasal ointment

  1. Oxolin. Ointment in the nose is used to prevent acute viral infections 2-3 times a day, lubricating it inner cavity nostrils. The course lasts 20-25 days during the dangerous period epidemics. For the treatment of the common cold, Oxolin is used for 3-5 days. Prevention of influenza in pregnant women is very limited. As a result, cheap oxolinic ointment helps a lot. Along with the reception vitamin remedies it is the primary means of preventing influenza.
  2. Fleming's ointment. Homeopathic remedy used for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis. The ointment has an antibacterial effect, activates blood microcirculation and increases the protective function of the immune system. For prophylaxis, the drug is used as follows: the contents of the tube are squeezed in a small amount onto cotton swab and is applied to the mucous membrane of each nostril. The procedure is repeated in the morning and in the evening.

Flu shot

The vaccine is considered the most reliable way to prevent influenza during an epidemic. It strengthens the immune system, which, after vaccination, is able to suppress any viruses of the common cold. The main function of the healing shot is to prevent getting the flu. Complications after an illness are considered especially dangerous, for which the vaccine is main enemy... Signs of an exacerbation of health after influenza are malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, and respiratory organs.

The most common influenza vaccines include: Begrivac, Grippol, Agrippal, Influvac, Fluarix. Everyone has the right to independently choose a remedy based on their health condition and financial capabilities. However, it is imperative that you visit your doctor before getting vaccinated. It is allowed to vaccinate against influenza from six months of age, but for some categories of people, doctors strongly recommend giving an injection. High-risk groups include:

  • sick diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from impaired metabolism;
  • elderly people (from 50 years old);
  • children from six months to the age of majority;
  • patients on inpatient treatment;
  • people with diseases of the kidneys, lungs, heart or blood vessels;
  • schoolchildren, preschoolers and students;
  • people with immunodeficiency;
  • infected with staphylococcal infection.

A common occurrence with influenza vaccinations is side reaction for vaccination. To avoid the negative effects of vaccination, you need to warn your doctor about existing diseases or those that you have suffered for last month... The specialist should also be aware of allergic reactions for any drugs and products. Vaccinated people notice the manifestation of flu-like symptoms in the first days after the injection. It:

  • headache;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • redness of the vaccination site;
  • slight weakness.

Even nursing mothers are allowed to administer the ARVI vaccine. Breastfeeding does not affect the immune response in any way and is not considered a contraindication to getting the flu shot. In addition, antibodies produced by the mother's body penetrate through breast milk, serve additional protection child from viruses. It is forbidden to give an injection to a lactating person with a runny nose or other symptoms of a cold.

Influenza is very easily transmitted. The most common methods of infection are airborne and household. When talking, sneezing, coughing, sputum is released from the nasopharynx of an infected person, containing pathogens that can spread 2-3 meters around the patient. As a rule, the flu manifests itself immediately in acute form... The incubation period of the disease lasts from 2 to 5 days, after which the symptoms of the virus are diagnosed. To avoid inpatient treatment in the clinic, it is important to carry out seasonal prophylaxis of the disease.

Antiviral drugs for children

A child's cold is a frequent occurrence. It indicates low protective function immunity, susceptibility of the baby's body to cold, viruses, infections. The main difficulty in treating babies is the inability to use effective means... They are contraindicated in young children due to their complex composition. Baby antiviral agent should be free of side effects. After watching the video, you will learn about the TOP drugs for the prevention of viruses, including influenza, in babies.

What is the difference between ARVI and ARI

Children are more likely to get colds than adults. With the onset of cold weather, parents are faced with feeling unwell a child who has a fever, a cough, a runny nose. The reason for this symptomatology may be acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or influenza. How are diseases different? Find out about this and the methods of disease prevention by watching the video.

Influenza vaccination

The first sign of an impending epidemic is the massive flu vaccination. To prevent the spread of the virus, the state creates an action plan that is carried out in all institutions. These are memos about the disease, thematic health bulletins, posters. Their main topic is influenza vaccination. By watching the video, you will find out whether it is worth getting vaccinated to prevent infection with the virus.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it - known folk wisdom... But how can you protect your child from colds when there are so many infections around? In this article, we will talk about the main ways to prevent colds in children of different ages.

Fundamental rules

Exists different methods prevention of colds and flu in children.

  • Medication can only be used after consulting a specialist. Most often, for the prevention of colds, children are prescribed suppositories, tablets and ointments based on interferon, Oxolinic ointment and vitamin complexes.
  • Oxolinic ointment can be used to lubricate the nose to prevent colds when visiting crowded places or before traveling to public transport during epidemics and flu.
  • To prevent colds in children, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands in a timely manner, use a handkerchief.
  • If the child is cold after a walk or his feet are too cold, warm up the baby in the bathroom or give him a hot foot bath, after which you need to put on woolen socks. You can give hot milk or lemon tea to drink.
  • And of course, it is necessary to avoid contact with sick people, to visit public places less often, especially during periods of epidemics.

7 rules for the prevention of colds in children

1. Watching the temperature

It is necessary to maintain normal level room temperature so that children, going outside, do not overheat and do not overcool. Severe temperature changes are the root cause of colds in children. Always try to dress your children for the weather. Do not wrap your child up so that he does not sweat during a walk.

2. We humidify the room

Heating devices in the cold season greatly dry the air in the room. Dry air helps to dry out the nasal mucosa, breathing is difficult in children and adults, and pathogenic microbes easily enter the body. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, use humidifiers if possible, or place containers with water in the rooms. You can hang soaked in water in the bedroom on the battery at night terry towel... If the air in the room is too dry, the baby's nasal mucosa can be moistened. saline solutions in the form of sprays Salin or Aqua-Maris.

3. We enrich the diet with natural vitamins

To prevent colds in children, it is very important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Let your child drink more natural fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries, cook compotes from fruits, dried apricots and raisins, make teas with rose hips, lemon, sage. Treat your child to natural raspberry or currant jam. A large number of Vitamin C is found in fresh orange, red, and dark green vegetables and fruits. It is very important that the child's diet contains cabbage, onions, garlic, eggs, meat, dairy products and cereals.

4. Observe the regime of the day

A great way to prevent colds and flu in children and to maintain their immunity is to conserve energy in the child's body. Complete healthy sleep, walks, regular meals, mental occupations and moderate physical activity in the correct sequence allows the child to easily switch from one activity to another without large energy costs... It is important to follow the cycle, put the child to bed and sit at the table at the same time. Healthy strong organism easily cope with viruses and colds.

5. We use aromatherapy

Aromatic oils enhance immunity, have soothing and antiseptic properties. Excellent prevention colds in children will be aromatherapy procedures using essential oils of lavender, pine, fir, eucalyptus, mint, lemon balm, orange and lemon. Oils can be added to the bath when bathing. You should strictly follow the instructions and make sure that the child does not have allergic reactions.

6. We refuse medications

To prevent colds in children, it is better to abandon chemicals that affect the child's body. Better to use proven natural remedies... Protective medications do not allow the child's immunity to develop and strengthen on its own. Medicines should be used only as a last resort after consulting a specialist.

7. Strengthening the immune system by hardening

For a long time better prevention colds in children is considered a hardening of the body - air baths, rubdown, douche. It is important to follow the sequence and take your time, gradually increasing the intensity of the procedures. You can temper a child only if he is absolutely healthy. Start giving your child something to drink gradually. cold water v small quantities, cold ice cream. The main thing is to do this when it is not hot outside or indoors and the child is not sweating. Let your baby run barefoot both at home and outdoors in summer. Walking without shoes promotes the development of natural thermoregulation. A good prevention of colds in children is daily dousing of the feet with cool water, you can gradually switch to cold water. Before starting hardening, it is better to consult a doctor.

Prevention of colds in children under one year old


The best and most effective way to prevent colds in children under one year old is breastfeeding. V breast milk contains antibodies that prevent the penetration of infections into the infant's body.

World health organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding up to three years of age... According to experts, children raised on natural breastfeeding are less likely to get sick, develop mentally and physically faster. Their the immune system is optimally formed naturally.

Mother's breast milk contains all the necessary enzymes and trace elements for the formation of microflora in the baby's intestines. As you know, human immunity is formed precisely in the intestine. When breastfeeding occurs natural growth bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal microflora decreases, and ultimately the resistance to colds increases and the overall immunity of the baby is strengthened.

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According to research, young children are more than five times more likely to get the flu. This is due to the fact that their immune system is not yet fully formed and, due to the weakening, it is difficult for it to resist the cold virus.

Moreover, due to the complexity of the flu course, children are at times more likely to be exposed to negative consequences from it, which manifest themselves in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia. Let's consider in more detail what the prevention of influenza in kindergarten, and what needs to be done so that the baby does not catch the virus in this institution.

In kindergarten and school, during an epidemic, the likelihood of getting sick increases

In the event that the baby regularly attends kindergarten, then the likelihood of getting the flu increases several times. This is due to the fact that any children's group is already favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes, especially if this occurs during outbreaks of an epidemic.

In order for the prevention of ARVI in children to really "work", many pediatricians recommend, first of all, not to keep children in the so-called greenhouse conditions, when the child does not walk in the fresh air and does not come into contact with other children.

In fact, this is negatively reflected on immunity, therefore, at the slightest opportunity, children catch a cold and get sick, as a rule, for a long time, with lingering complications.

Influenza infection itself can occur in several ways, and kindergarten is an excellent source of illness. For example, a toddler may catch a cold while playing with other people's toys or using poorly washed dishes, where germs remain from a toddler who came to the kindergarten with a cold. Moreover, due to the high "survivability" of influenza on different surfaces, even poorly washed hands before eating can become a source of illness.

In addition, babies are very susceptible to respiratory diseases if they already suffer from severe chronic pathologies. In this state, the immune system is practically unable to fight aggressive types of viruses. Also important role plays and psycho-emotional state baby - with frequent stress, his immunity will be greatly weakened.

The psychological state of the baby is very important for his health.

Preventive actions

Traditional prevention of influenza and ARVI in kindergarten provides for the mandatory fulfillment of the following conditions:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene and cleanliness in the kindergarten institution.
  2. Proper nutrition and a balanced diet.
  3. Restricting the contact of healthy children with sick children (but this does not refer to the complete restriction in communication of healthy babies).
  4. Conducting immunomodulatory and antiviral protective therapy (only under the supervision of a physician).
  5. Carrying out compulsory vaccination as one of the most effective methods prevention of ARVI in children.

Consider each preventive measure from influenza for children in more detail so that parents can learn more about best practices protect the baby from the cold virus. At the same time, it should be noted right away that the prevention of influenza in children in kindergarten largely depends not only on the parents, but also on the employees of this institution, who look after the children.


Due to the fact that many microbes are localized in kindergartens all the time, the issue of hygiene and cleanliness of premises should always be especially acute.

Teach children to wash their hands after the street and before eating

Therefore, to maintain cleanliness, the following guidelines should be followed:

  1. Ventilate the premises on a regular basis (not only bedrooms, but also corridors, playrooms, dining rooms, etc.). This event during periods of outbreaks of epidemics should be carried out at least three times a day.
  2. The air temperature in the premises should not be more than 21 degrees. Otherwise, in rooms where it is hot and stuffy, favorable conditions are created for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. It is important to wet the floor twice a day. Also, be sure to wash all toys that children play with during the day. In general, pediatricians advise taking personal toys from home for each child. This can significantly reduce the transmission of the virus through saliva, because children often pull various toys into their mouths.
  4. Children should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before every meal. Parents should teach this, and the sooner the baby has an understanding of hygiene and cleanliness, the better.
  5. Remind children not to touch their faces with their hands or pull dirty fingers into their mouths. This should be done not only by parents, but also by the caregivers who look after the boys and girls during the day.

Compliance with personal hygiene and cleanliness is the basis for the prevention of ARVI in kindergarten, because if you follow all the recommendations for hygiene, then the virus simply will not take root in this institution.


According to the kindergarten rules, children should go out for a walk every afternoon. At the same time, it is very important that the caregivers then check the baby's clothes - if it is wet, then the child must be changed to avoid hypothermia. To do this, each child should always have a spare set of underwear and outerwear in the locker.

As a hardening of a young body, doctors advise to do the following:

  1. Provide moist, cool air in the room where children are.
  2. Moreover, this rule must be observed not only in kindergarten, but also at home.
  3. Practice wiping with a cold towel.
  4. Take long walks in the fresh air.

Many doctors strongly recommend teaching a child to physical activity... Of course, this does not have to be a professional sport, however, light regular gymnastics, swimming or regular running should always be present.

Thanks to active physical activity the immune system will function better so that the body will be able to withstand most respiratory ailments.

In the event that the baby is always at home, watching cartoons and not even going out regularly, then at the first hypothermia or contact with other children, he is guaranteed to catch ARVI.


The work of the immune system largely depends on the diet of children. Thus, to maintain the defenses, one should adhere to following recommendations on nutrition:

  1. Enrich the diet with herbs and vegetables. Carrots are especially useful, Bell pepper and parsley.
  2. Give children fish, meat and liver meals regularly.
  3. The menu should contain low-fat dairy products, nuts, honey and fruits (apples, citrus fruits). As a supplement, you can give children dried fruits and a decoction of them.
  4. Children should definitely be given fruit juices, baked beets and pumpkin.
  5. The diet should regularly contain antibacterial foods - onions and garlic. What's more, you can practice folk method, which has been used for more than a dozen years - to put on a homemade "necklace" around the neck of children, inside which there is chopped garlic. It will protect them from the virus.

At the same time, in order for the diet to be really useful, it should not contain an excess of sweets (sweets, cakes, etc.). Also, it is better to exclude fatty, fried and smoked foods from the menu altogether, since it will not bring any benefit to children anyway. In addition, it is worth forbidding children to consume sugary carbonated drinks.

Antiviral therapy and vaccination

In the event that the child's immunity is weakened, and he is often exposed to colds, it is recommended that he be given immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs, such as Anaferon and its derivatives.

These medicines will stimulate the immune system and protect the baby from viruses. They should be given to children only after the permission of the doctor, taking into account the individual dosage and method of administration.

Timely vaccination reduces the likelihood of illness

You should also know that the prevention of influenza and ARVI for children, a reminder of which should be in every kindergarten, provides for mandatory vaccination. With the help of this procedure, the baby will develop immunity to virus strains, thereby significantly reducing the risk of infection. Moreover, even if the child gets sick with the flu, after such a vaccination, the risk of complications will be much lower.

Limiting contact with sick children

Today, during periods of outbreaks of epidemics in kindergartens, you can easily see a sick child who is with healthy children. In fact, this is unacceptable, because in this way an ideal environment is created for infecting healthy children, who, after 1-2 days, also catch the virus.

To prevent this, educators should not be allowed to leave sick children in the group. If a dispute arises between the parents on this basis, then the nurse should at least examine the baby and only then say whether it is possible for the child with a cold to stay in the group or if it will be safer if he recovers at home and comes to the kindergarten without the flu.

Moreover, in the event that the child feels unwell in the middle of the day, the nurse must isolate him in another room before the parents arrive in order to exclude contact with healthy children.

To prevent ARVI in children in kindergarten to be effective, you should adhere to the following additional recommendations:

  1. Parents need to thoroughly wash and disinfect their baby's clothes, as they can also contain viruses and germs. This also applies to the child's personal items and toys.
  2. It is important to monitor and personally make sure that the child understands how to properly wash his hands with soap and does it regularly.
  3. It is always necessary to select preventive measures taking into account the individual indications of the baby. For example, hardening will be contraindicated for some children, and for others - going in for sports for reasons of illness.
  4. Very good prevention of influenza in children (every parent should have a reminder) is carried out by washing the nasal cavity with a solution of salt and further lubricating it with antiviral ointments.
  5. If the child cannot get all the necessary vitamins from the diet and nutrients, then it is additionally allowed to give him vitamin complexes. It is best to practice this during periods of outbreaks of epidemics when the immune system is weakened.
  6. For overall strengthening immunity is allowed to give children a decoction of wild rose, linden and mint. They will not do harm, but, on the contrary, will improve the body's defenses. In addition, you can give children tea with raspberries and currants, which are rich in vitamin C, as well as add lemon juice to drinks.

Features of prevention

Influenza and acute respiratory infections in children, the prevention of which is mandatory for preschool children, has the following features:

  1. If a child suffers from chronic diseases(asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, etc.), then all preventive measures must be coordinated by the parents with the attending physician. Self-medication in this condition can be dangerous for the baby's health.
  2. Children should be especially careful when giving juices, nuts, honey and fruits if they have a tendency to allergies. The same applies to taking antiviral drugs.
  3. If you notice that the baby is not feeling well, complains about headache, runny nose and cough, it is better to play it safe and leave the child at home. This could be a sign of the onset of the flu.

If symptoms of a cold appear, it is better to leave the child at home.

It is important to know that even after the baby has had the flu, he high risk development of complications... For this reason, it is recommended that he be at home and gain strength for another 1-2 weeks. This is justified by the fact that some types of complications from colds can occur even after a long time after recovery.

For preschool children, tolerate acute respiratory diseases 2-3 times a year is considered an absolute norm. Fortunately, due to the observance of the series preventive measures, this figure can be minimized.