Parents meeting meeting a new teacher. Summary of the parent meeting. Parents meeting

Compiled and conducted by O. G. Kostyleva, I. G. Lukina


- create favorable conditions for parents to get to know each other and the class teacher;

- to promote the unity of the team of parents, their involvement in the life of the class;

- to acquaint parents with the Charter of the school;

- accept the agreement between the parents and the school;

- select the parent committee of the class.

Participants: parents of first grade students, class teacher.

Preparatory work

I. The homeroom teacher visits students' families; talks with parents to find out the conditions of family upbringing, interests and hobbies of family members; performs video filming of a mini-interview "My family" (with parental consent).

II. The class teacher sends out invitation cards indicating the place and time of the meeting, the first homework assignment for parents (to depict the coat of arms of their family for the first parent meeting-acquaintance).

III. The psychologist conducts a micro-research among students "My Family" (drawing test), analyzes the test results, reports information to the class teacher.

IV. The class teacher, with the help of students, designs an exhibition of works by parents on the theme "And this is all about us!", An exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "My family".

V. The class teacher prepares an electronic presentation "Our new home is a school" (brief information from the history of the school, its traditions, the success of students, the teaching staff, the Charter of the school).

Decoration, equipment, inventory:

- during the work, the coats of arms of families made by the participants of the meeting will be located along the perimeter of the board, and the coat of arms of the class will be in the center; at the top there is a place for a heading that parents will come up with during the work; the rest of the space is evenly filled with empty frames with the words: "Agreement", "Charter of the school", "Parents' committee of the class", "Order-forecast for the year"; on the left half of the board - a screen, on the right - children's drawings "My family"; test forms, markers, paper, colored paper; equipment for demonstrating electronic presentation and showing video clips; posters with proverbs and sayings about the family; business cards with the names of the parents; an animated film "Seven-flower flower" or a fairy tale of the same name.

I. Introduction by the class teacher

Parents enter the classroom, sit in a semicircle. In the center is the class teacher's desk, technical equipment. The chairman and secretary of the parent meeting are elected, the agenda is announced.

Hello dear parents! Today we are having our first parents' meeting. I really want this class to become a common home not only for our children, but also for you, parents. Therefore, our main task is to get to know each other, learn the main laws of school life and work out a plan for our joint work for the near future. To begin with, I invite everyone to watch the TV show "While Everyone is Home", where the main characters were several families of our class.

II. First class TV show "While everyone is at home"

The splash song of a famous TV show sounds:

Tell your friends, tell your friends -

Our warm home is open for you.

I ask you to come to us, while everyone is at home,

While everyone is at home, we are waiting for you!

2 - 3 videos about families are shown. After each story - gratitude to the presented family for courage and cooperation, presenting a gift (a disc with the recording of this program as a keepsake). The coats of arms of families are placed on the board.

III. Presentation of the exhibition "And it's all about us!" and an exhibition of children's drawings "My Family".

Classroom teacher. The talents of our parents and their interests are so diverse that the framework of this TV show could not contain everything, so I invite you to the presentation of the exhibition of the achievements of families of our class. She will continue to introduce us to each other. And those parents who provided their works will act as guides.

Parents talk about their families, family traditions, and hobbies. After each story, the class teacher thanks the speaker and presents a commemorative diploma to the exhibitor. The coat of arms of each family is attached to a board around the perimeter, forming a kind of frame (parents explain the meaning of the picture). The class teacher then talks about herself, her family, and her interests and hobbies. It is concluded that many families have common interests and can successfully cooperate with each other. Next, an exhibition of drawings by students is presented (drawings are signed on the back). Assignment to parents: try to guess which of the drawings depicts their family.

At the end of the work, the class emblem is attached to the blackboard in the center, made by the students with the help of the class teacher. He explains to parents the signs and symbols of the image and the meaning that the children put into their work. Thus, on the central board in the classroom, in front of the parents' eyes, a "Parent's corner" is being created, and by this moment its center has already been drawn up - the class coat of arms and the coats of arms of all families placed along the perimeter.

IV. Parents' questioning. Drawing up a parental order for the academic year

Parents questionnaire

1. Surname, name, patronymic of parents.

2. Education: higher, secondary, primary. (Underline whatever applicable.)

3. Age.

4. Who in the family is directly involved in raising the child: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, someone else? (Underline or add what you need.)

5. What prevents you from raising your son, daughter: no time; lack of education, pedagogical knowledge; do you think that the school should educate? (Underline or add what you need.)

6. Where do you most often visit with your child: in a museum, theater, cinema, philharmonic society, in nature, do not go anywhere? (Underline or add what you need.)

7. Are you familiar with your child's schoolmates, around the house, with the leaders of circles, sections, children's associations? (Underline or add what you need.)

8. Name the character traits of your child that you consider: a) positive; b) negative.

9. What methods of upbringing, in your opinion, are the most effective: upbringing based on trust, exactingness, respect, strict discipline? (Underline or add what you need.)

10. What do you most often talk about with children?

11. Do you think you know your child well enough?

12. How and with whom does he spend his free time?

Classroom teacher... I suggest you dream a little. Remember yourself as children, because it is at this age that everything is easy, there are no our everyday "adult" problems, but there is always a feeling of happiness and parental love. And also a huge belief in a fairy tale, miracle, magic.

Demonstration of a fragment of the animated film "Flower-seven-flower" - the girl Zhenya says magic words.

Imagine that you have such a magic flower in your hands. Think about how you would like to see your children at the end of our school year and write your wish on one of the multi-colored petals.

The class teacher distributes pieces of colored paper, the parents write down their wishes. The leaves are collected in a large envelope with the inscription: “Parental order - forecast for the academic year. Open on May 25 at the final parents' meeting. " The envelope is sealed and placed on the board.

Our children, of course, believe in miracles and magic. But, unfortunately, you and I have already firmly learned a simple but vital lesson: in order for our desires to come true, we need to work hard ourselves. Therefore, our predictions will not come true at the behest of a pike, but only when we all put our efforts and abilities together and every day, with small steps and concrete deeds and actions, approach the intended goal.

V. Displaying an electronic presentation "Our new home is a school" combined with the story of the class teacher

Provides brief information about the history of the school, its traditions, the success of students, the teaching staff. We pay special attention to the section of the School Charter "The rights and obligations of parents."

Vi. Working in groups... Drawing up an agreement between parents and the school on the education and training of children

The text of the agreement was drawn up in advance and printed by the number of groups. Parents get to know him, if necessary, make their own additions, corrections and sign. All sheets are collected in an envelope labeled "Agreement" and attached to the board.

Draft agreement between educators, parents and students

1. The relationship between teachers, students and parents is built on the basis of mutual respect, trust and understanding.

2. We work on ourselves, learn to measure our strengths and capabilities. Work and study come first, rest comes second.

3. We live by the principle: do not like it - offer, offer - do it.

4. We do not accumulate anger and resentment against each other, but in calm conversations we sort things out.

5. We organize parental patrols to monitor the behavior of children in the evening and at night.

6. We organize clubs and sports sections for students with the involvement of parents.

7. Parents and students provide all possible assistance in organizing the repair of the school.

Vii. Election of the parent class committee

Classroom teacher... You probably noticed a long time ago that during our work a lot of information appeared on the board: here is the coat of arms of our class, the coats of arms of families, the agreement and your parental forecast. How do you think all this can be called?

The parents 'suggestions are listened to, the chosen name is written on top of the place left for the heading in advance (for example, "Parents' Corner", "For you, parents", "Family and school", etc.).

We have left unfilled the last, but very important section - the composition of the parent committee of our class. During this meeting, you have already managed to get to know each other better, have worked in groups. Now is the time to select a few people for this important and honorable position.

After discussion, the names of the chosen parents are written with a marker on a sheet, which is attached to the board.

VIII. The class teacher sums up the work, thanks everyone present, and offers an approximate text for the decision of the parent meeting.


Kaleidoscope of parenting meetings: Methodological developments / Ed. E.N. Stepanov. M., 2001. Issue. 1.

Salyakhova L.I. Handbook for the class teacher: personal development, educational activities, spiritual and physical health of the student. Grades 1-4. M., 2007.

Sherkunova L.A. Agreement between teachers, parents and students // Class teacher. 2005. No. 6.

Parents' meeting number 1 (5 b grade)

"Let's get acquainted »

"A child has his own special ability to think and feel, there is nothing more stupid to try to replace this skill with ours ..." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

(The first parent meeting-meeting is appropriate to hold at the end of August. This allows, firstly, to get acquainted in advance with the parents of students who cross the threshold of school and class for the first time, to set up families to the need to communicate with the school, teachers, and secondly, it will create a certain optimistic mood for educational activities, will remove the fear of the family in front of the school and teachers.)

The purpose of the parent meeting : acquaintance of the class teacher with the parental composition of the class; acquaintance of parents with the parents of newly arrived students, determination of the prospects for the development of the children's collective.

Tasks : create an emotional mood for teamwork, an atmosphere of mutual trust between parents and the class teacher; examine the expectations of parents; to familiarize parents with the main directions of educational activities in the middle level of the school; to hold elections for the parent committee.

Form of conducting - solemn meeting

Participants : parents of 5th grade students, class teacher, school psychologist, school administration representative.

1) an invitation to the first parent meeting of parents of grade 5 students 1-2 weeks before the meeting.

2) the study by the class teacher of the personal affairs of students in order to draw up a social passport for the class;

3) preparation of a questionnaire for parents (family business card);

4) collection and analysis of information on the following issues: features of educational work in the fifth grade, the main directions of educational work, the rights and duties of the class teacher in the middle level;

5) making business cards of their parents by the students of the class (plates indicating the surname, name and patronymic of both parents);

Parents questionnaire

1. Surname, name and patronymicmothers ___________________________________________

2. Year of birth, education _________________________________________________

3. Place of work, position, contact phone number ________________________________


4. Surname, name and patronymicfather _______________________________________________

5. Year of birth, education __________________________________________________

6. Place of work, position, contact phone _________________________________

7. Home address, telephone ___________________________________________________

8. Number of children in the family (name, age, that attends) ___________________________


9. Living conditions of a family (separate comfortable apartment, dormitory, own house, do not have their own housing (rented) _________________________

10. Conditions for the child's study (separate room, desk in the common room,

table with other children) _______________________________________________

11. Personal characteristics of the child (isolation, leadership, anxiety, lack of independence, etc.) _______________________________________________________

12. Additional information (status of a single mother, widow / widower, large family, Chernobyl victims, disabled people, refugees, student parents, retired parents, etc.) ____


13. In what class activities could you help:

Conducting conversations with students on special topics.

Organization of excursions.

Assistance in the manufacture of manuals, in the repair of classrooms, furniture.

Assistance in organizing a hike, travel, leisure activities.

Other ____________________________________________________________________

You can also conduct a survey with fifth graders in advance.

Student's questionnaire.

1. My name is ____________________

2. I am years old_ (I was born) _________________________

3. I have eyes __________________

4. I have hair _______________________

5. The street where I live is called and the house number ___________________

6. My favorite food ___________________________________

7.My favorite color ________________________________

8. My favorite animal ________________________________

9. My favorite book _________________________________________

10. My favorite TV show __________________________________________

11. The finest movie I've seen ______________________

12. I love myself ________________________________

13. My favorite game ___________________________

14. My best friend's name is ______________________________

15. Country I would like to visit ________________________

16. Best of all I can ________________________________

17. My brothers and sisters are called ___________________________

You can highlight the children in the class whose answers they found the most interesting, who have a lot in common, and mark the questions that were difficult for the children.

Meeting progress

Introductory speech of the class teacher of future fifth graders.

Good evening, dear parents! I am glad to see you at our meeting. The beginning of studies in the fifth grade is a special stage in school life. Graduated from primary school, your children have matured, they have a new, interesting adult life. What it will be - largely depends not only on the school, but also on moms and dads. I really want the new life of your children not to alienate you from each other, but on the contrary, to bring you closer, to make you good friends. Your children will have many difficulties, but no less joy and victories! I really want you to take good care of the big griefs and small joys of your children, to know about them and help children to experience difficult moments of their lives. Once again, we will all together overcome difficulties, learn to fall, stuffing as few bumps as possible, learn to rejoice at the successes of our own children and the victories of their peers. We, teachers, are open to communication, our school specialists will give you qualified advice, you can always get an exhaustive answer to the most seemingly insoluble question. First of all, the doors of the office of the school principal, his deputies, all those who are entrusted with helping the family in raising children are always open for you. We are all interested in making our children comfortable and interesting at school. But before we start looking for solutions to these problems. Let's get acquainted!


(All parents are listened to. During this time, the teacher can jot down expectations on the board, sorting them into groups).

Expectation of success

Fears and difficulties ahead

Improving academic achievement

Fear of declining academic performance

Difficulty making contact with new teachers

Orientation difficulties in the school building

Waiting to make new friends

What is the reason for the emergence of problem situations, what are the characteristics of age, the school psychologist will tell.

School psychologist's speech

The age of fifth grade children can be called transitional from primary school to younger adolescence. Psychologically, this age is associated with the gradual acquisition of a sense of maturity - the main personality neoplasm of a younger adolescent. The development of adulthood is understood as the formation of the child's readiness for life in the society of adults as a full-fledged and equal participant. Adulthood can be manifested in learning, work, relationships with friends or adults, in appearance and behavior. Social and moral adulthood is expressed in relations with adults and comrades in the presence of a teenager's own views, assessments, in their protection and defense, in the certainty of moral and ethical ideas, judgments and the conformity of their actions. Many children are distinguished by independence in the assimilation of knowledge, not only in the school curriculum, but also outside it. The independence of children can be manifested in studies, relationships with friends, doing household chores, using free time, in any activity. Independence in fulfilling the instructions of parents is formal, when individual assignments are carried out with constant guardianship and control, and genuine, when there is some division of labor in the family, without the details of guardianship and control, which expresses trust in the child. The path of self-awareness is difficult, the desire to find oneself as a person generates the need for alienation from everyone who previously habitually influenced the child, and first of all from the family, from the parents. Hence, there are so many conflicts with adults. Priorities are gradually changing within the walls of the school. Grades play an important role in this: a high grade provides an opportunity to prove your ability. Matching assessment and self-esteem is important to a teen's emotional well-being. Otherwise, internal discomfort, and even conflict, is inevitable.

How easily and quickly a younger adolescent will adapt to the conditions of high school depends not only and not so much on his intellectual readiness for learning.

It is important that the skills and abilities that determine the success of adaptation were formed:

Ability to be aware of the teacher's requirements and comply with them;

Ability to establish interpersonal relationships with teachers;

Ability to accept and abide by the rules of class and school life;

Communication skills and decent behavior with classmates;

Confident behavior skills;

Joint (collective) skills;

Skills of independent peaceful resolution of conflicts;

Self-study skills;

Skills to adequately assess their own capabilities and abilities.

So, with all these skills and abilities, it is possible to solve the main development problems of fifth-graders:

1) mastering basic school knowledge and skills;

2) the formation of the ability to study in secondary school;

3) the development of educational motivation, the formation of interests;

4) development of skills of cooperation with peers, the ability to compete with others, to correctly and versatilely compare their results with the success of others;

5) the formation of the ability to achieve success and the correct attitude to success and failure, the development of self-confidence;

6) the formation of an idea of \u200b\u200boneself as a skillful person with great development opportunities.

Discussion of the plan of educational activities, solution of organizational issues

Classroom teacher: We got acquainted with the peculiarities of the development of fifth-graders, heard about possible problems and tasks of development. To successfully overcome difficulties, joint educational activities are necessary.

Further, the class teacher acquaints parents with the tasks and goals of the school, defines their own and the classroom's tasks for the academic year; talks about teachers and the requirements they place on the learning activities of students; introduces parents to the main directions of the educational activities of the school, the main activities for the year, a specific work plan for the first quarter / trimester; tells parents about what circles, electives, sections will work in the school for children of this age.

The following organizational issues are being resolved:

About meals in the school canteen;

Possibilities for providing material assistance;

Changeable shoes;

Diaries (electronic);

On the organization of the class fund.

Parents' committee election

Dear parents! Now you need to choose a parent committee. This can be an appointment from a list, if desired, in sequence, followed by a distribution of responsibilities within the committee.

Summing up the meeting

Our meeting has come to an end. Thank you for your joint work, I hope for further mutual understanding.

Meeting preparation literature

1. Derekleeva N.I. "Parents' meetings 5-11 grades", Moscow, "VAKO", 2004

2. OV Dyukina "Parents' meetings", M., "VAKO", 2008

3. Voskoboinikov V.М. "How to determine and develop the child's abilities" SPb, 1996

4. Kolyada M.G. "Cheat sheet for parents", Donetsk, 1998

5. Gippenreiter Yu.B. “Communicate with the child. How? ", M., 1997

6. Reader on educational psychology, M., 1995

7. Aloeva M.A., Beisova V.E. “Handbook of the class teacher. 5-8 grades ", Rostov n / a, Phoenix, 2005 (I give my heart to children)

When meeting children, you can slightly lift the veil of secrecy by offering to fill in the gaps in the sentences: "I want to be _______ like a mom" and "I dream of becoming _________ like a dad." Take the time to find out if there is a dad in the family. And for those children who do not have a dad, do not give a questionnaire with such a question. Add, for example, a similar question about your grandparents.

And at the first meeting, ask the parents only for standard information:

  • Full name of all family members living with the child;
  • address, contact phones;
  • are there any more children in the family, their names and dates of birth;
  • whether the child and family members have significant health problems;
  • contacts of a person who can be contacted in case of emergency, if the parents are for some reason unavailable.

Parents should be asked to clarify whether the family has the right to any benefits, as well as: how many rooms are in the apartment and how many people live there; whether the child has his own room or a corner in a room shared with another family member.

It can be a mistake to offer to write who and where the parents work. Many people perceive this as an attempt to find out what can be "fucked" from the family. It is better to suggest the following as the last question of the questionnaire: "How could you help the class?" You can offer options:

  • i want to be a member of the parent committee;
  • i can write scripts;
  • agree to give a lift with a private car;
  • would like to travel with children on excursions or organize trips;
  • i can get good theater tickets;
  • i can play the button accordion and am ready to accompany at class evenings, etc.

Don't forget the option "Unfortunately, I can't help you."

All attempts to find out what kind of relationship the family members have with each other and with the child, what model of upbringing is most relevant for them, etc., at the first meeting are doomed to failure. Adults will not want to be frank with a stranger, but they will begin to treat the teacher with distrust, taking a defensive position. In the questionnaire, they will write what, as it seems to them, characterizes them from the best side.

The next parent meeting can be held in the form of a tea party. Buy everything you need for this yourself: tea, coffee, a couple of types of cookies and some inexpensive sweets. Bring a large teapot for aromatic tea. Place tea bags for those who only drink tea bags. Your best bet is to get cups, not disposable cups. But put the cups in a pile - for those who are especially squeamish.

Relying on them, it is not worth anything to bake yourself (yourself). Many people disdain what others have prepared.

Discuss all the questions over a cup of tea. And, as if they suddenly came up with something, offer to take part with the children in the presentation of the family. Say, you got an idea. Let each family introduce themselves somehow: make a wall newspaper, or a computer slideshow, or just some kind of speech. And every day for 15 minutes you will listen and watch the whole class to this presentation.

Believe me, in this way you will learn more about families than with the help of conversations and, because in the questionnaire, everyone tries to embellish themselves, in creativity a person is always frank.

How can you get information about the nature of the relationship between adults and children in the family? There is only one at least somewhat reliable way - observation. Questioning is irrelevant in this respect. Even if parents try to be honest (which is not necessarily the case), they can still be fatally wrong. It seems to them that they do not press or indulge the child, and you will notice everything from the outside. But how to observe the process from the outside? Try to involve children and parents in joint activities.

  • Arrange a joint meeting of parents with children and conduct a quest, quiz, creative competition, uniting three or four families into a team in a random way (using a draw).
  • Organize a joint trip to nature.
  • Conduct an intellectual game or sports, it is possible with another class, but there should be families as participants.

If you have the slightest suspicion about a family, contact a school psychologist. The specialist has a variety of possibilities for diagnosing the student's family. Just do not replace the professional work of a psychologist with tests downloaded from the Internet. They can distort the picture and mislead you.

Don't neglect the latest technology. Encourage your parents to create a general group on social networks or, for example, WhatsApp. Throw various information there, including partly personal information. For example, a photo of your favorite cat. This will cause the reciprocal frankness of the parents of the students, and you will get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the families of the children live, what interests and worries them, what is important and valuable to them.

Offer to make virtual living rooms of the family, place there photos of all family members, pets, holidays, reviews of books, films, programs, visits to performances or exhibitions.

At parent-teacher meetings, in no case discuss specific children and even more so families. All individual information - on individual conversations!

Tip 7. Show your parents that you are cooperative

Invite families to participate in classroom activities, and organize them in a way that puts parents in a winning light.

For example, you can organize a series of lectures that parents will read "My Life's Work."

Arrange the exhibition "Mom and I are needlewomen", where mothers can present their works: photos of gorgeous branded desserts, embroidery, knitting, etc. And invite dads to take part in Starling Day - to make the best birdhouse that a child can paint or even paint.

Encourage children to congratulate their parents on the holidays, help them come up with original signatures for postcards or do-it-yourself gift options.

These tips can help a teacher successfully meet the parents of children in their new class. But the most important thing is the attitude towards them. A friendly and positive attitude, no looking down, no demands or judgments. Parents and the school should be allies, and the teacher should strive to generate trust and kindness from the students' families.

Yulia Naumenko
Organizational and introductory parent meeting in a preschool educational institution

Parent meeting

(organizational - introductory)

purpose: Getting to know parents, establishing positive relationships, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

Parents sit at a round table. The teacher greets everyone and introduces the present teachers of the preschool educational institution.

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! Welcome to our kindergarten. I am glad to see you. I understand how exciting it is for you when your child enters the kindergarten. I cordially congratulate you and your children on this stage of growing up.

I am very pleased to meet new children and their parents, however, the moment of our meeting is also characteristic by the fact that not only you and our children are worried, but, to be honest, I am. Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept my requirements? The success of our joint work with you depends on this.

Now your children will have everything new: in kindergarten, the child learns to communicate not only with children, but also with adults, in kindergarten, the child gets acquainted with certain rules of behavior and learns to comply with them. I understand that the word "discipline" many people have a negative attitude, but if you think carefully, then the word "discipline" just the ability to adhere to the necessary rules of human society, and one should admit: These are the skills he needs. It is very important that at the same time you lovers parents, were with their children. Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and prepare for school.

I hope that all this time our team will be friendly and united. In order for us to be comfortable together, let's get to know each other.

A game "Magic ball"

I invite each of you to wind a thread around your finger and introduce yourself, let's start with me: “My name is Yulia Ivanovna Naumenko, I am married, mother of two sons, at the moment I am studying at KSU in the specialty "social teacher", and educator for your children.

Parents wind a thread around the finger, introduce themselves, and pass the ball in a circle. Our ball is magical and the thread that tied us together is also magical, I want this thread to be strong and strong throughout the years that we will be with you, we will now put it in an envelope and it will be stored until graduation in kindergarten ...

"Question Basket".

For parents pens and small pieces of paper are offered on which they should write their questions. All the leaves are folded into a basket. Note parentsthat the answers they will hear during meetings.

The word of the head of the preschool educational institution, she will acquaint with the goals, objectives for the new academic year, planned events with the participation parents... Then the floor is given to narrow specialists, each of them briefly talks about their activities in the preschool educational institution.

Educator: In order for us to be able to work in closer contact, we will now play a little with you.

A game "Boasting"... Each of the participants must show off some quality or skill of their child. A soft toy is passed over and everyone talks about their child. (for example: my Misha is the best at tying shoelaces, etc.).

Educator: We got to know your children a little closer.

"Expectations parents»

Educator: Each of you bringing your child to kindergarten hopes that his child will soon grow up and learn a lot. We invite you to fill out a small questionnaire:

My name is.

I am mom / dad.

Now for my child. year. months

Now my child can.

By the age of 7, my child will learn.

What do I expect from educators for these the years:.

After filling, the sheets are folded parents and placed in envelopes. All envelopes fit in a box, which when parents are glued.

Educator: We will open this box at the last meeting in a group and find outwhether your expectations were met.

Educator: and now we will choose parental committee, maybe we already have those willing (choose)

A game "Suitcase". (It will be needed for the previously cut out portfolio from Whatman paper and markers).

Educator: I ask you to add in this portfolio those qualities that you think are necessary for every educator in dealing with your children. What would you like to change, add, wish me.

Educator: In exchange, I offer you reminders (read out loud)

1. The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with kind thoughts, kind words, kind deeds.

2. Always be kind. Friendliness is the foundation of your health.

3. Living is easy, simple and joyful. To see the positive in everything.

4. Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you have done will always return to you multiplied.

5. Always be in balance, restraining negative emotions.

6. Do not create conflict situations.

7. Get out of conflict situations with dignity and humor.

8. To love the child as he is.

9. Respect the personality of every child.

10. When your child talks to you, listen carefully. Be generous with praise.

11. To notice not the shortcomings of the child, but the dynamics of his development.

12. Praise, encourage, encourage, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

Educator: All the best. Thank you for your cooperation!

Topic: Meet the Parents

Teachers meet with the parents of first graders before the start of the school year; it is most appropriate to hold such a meeting at the end of August. The teacher uses the first meeting in order to get to know the parents, tune the family to the need to communicate with the school, teachers, create an optimistic mood for educational activities, and remove the family's fear of school.

Meeting objectives:

1. To acquaint parents with teachers, school, administration, school services and with each other.

2. Help the family prepare to teach their child in first grade.

Issues for discussion:

Þ Where can parents get advice on raising a child?

Þ What are the laws of upbringing in a family?

Þ What is interesting in a single family: traditions and customs (exchange of experience)?

Meeting plan(exemplary)

I. Acquaintance with the school principal and school administration.

II. Introducing the teacher who will work with the class.

III. Tour of the school building.

IV. Mini-lecture “Laws of upbringing in the family. What should they be? "

V. Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting.

Vi. Self-introduction is the calling card of the family.

Vii. Parental training "Child in the mirror of parents".

Meeting-meeting progress

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children will be teaching. The class is festively decorated (you can place wishes, creative works of students who graduated from primary school on the stand). On the blackboard are photographs of graduates who studied with a teacher recruiting a class.

I. Introduction by the headmaster (option).

- Dear dads and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, all adults who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which your kids will cross in September!

Today we are announcing you and ourselves as members of one large ship crew called "School". Our voyage begins today and ends in 12 years. As long as we will be together, and while our ship is sailing on the ocean of Knowledge, we will experience storms and storms, grief and joy. I would like this voyage to be interesting, joyful and significant in the life of every child and every family.

How to learn to overcome difficulties, how to learn to fall, stuffing as few bumps as possible, where to get advice, an exhaustive answer to an unsolvable question - all this can be found in the office of the deputy director for primary school.

II. Speech by the Deputy Director for Primary School.

The speech should contain information about the traditions and customs of elementary school, about the requirements for students. It is necessary to acquaint parents with the charter of the school, give each family a business card of the school, indicate the days of consultations of the deputy principal for primary school, introduce the primary school teacher who will work with a specific class.

III. Self-presentation of the teacher.

The teacher conducts self-presentation (option):

1. A story about yourself, about the choice of the profession of a teacher.

2. A story about their graduate students, about their plans for the future in working with the new class.

IV. Self-Representation of Families.

Self-representation of families is very interesting at the parent meeting. This is a kind of visiting card of the family. It is advisable to tape the parent's talk about themselves at the meeting. Such work will make it possible to immediately determine the characteristics of families, the degree of their openness, the system of family values \u200b\u200band relationships. It will be important for the homeroom teacher to analyze the mini-stories about the family.

Family self-representation plan

1. Surname, name, patronymic of parents.

2. Age of parents, birthday of the family.

3. Interests, hobbies of the family.

4. Traditions and customs of the family.

5. Family motto.

You can write the families' motto on a piece of Whatman paper that you place on the board in class. This material can be successfully used in work with students.

V. Tour of the school building.

After the self-introduction of parents, teachers and the establishment of a warm atmosphere, a tour of the school is held. It is very important to show the parents the office of the psychological service, to acquaint them with the schedule of its work, to offer to record the helpline of the psychological service.

Vi. Advice to parents.

At the end of the meeting, each family receives a mandate in the form of a scroll, which contains the laws of raising a child in the family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask the teacher questions.

Vii. Parents' questioning.

Held at the end of a meeting on a designated topic.

You can take a common photo in memory of the first "school" day of parents.