Happy Knowledge Day, the best. Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge: in poetry, prose, SMS and pictures

→ In prose> "url =" http://scenarii.ru/pozdrav/index2.php?raz=11&praz=49&p=1 ">

Dear pupils, students! Dear teachers, educators! I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the school year! Education is the reliable foundation on which the well-being of the country is built. Therefore, we are doing everything necessary so that the younger generation can gain deep knowledge, realize their talents, make friends with sports, and become a real patriot of the city and their beloved homeland. There is not a single area of ​​human activity where deep knowledge is not required. In the age of scientific and technological progress, the development of information technologies, it is knowledge that determines the socio-economic potential of society and its ability to creative activity.

On this holiday, I want to wish all pupils, students, cadets and graduate students to persistently and persistently comprehend the foundations of science, feel the joy of learning and tirelessly strive for discoveries. I express my sincere gratitude to teachers and teachers for their high professionalism, loyalty to the vocation and love for students.

Good health to all, success in studies and work, inexhaustible energy, happiness, optimism!

Dear teachers, students and parents!
I warmly and heartily congratulate you on the start of the new academic year and the Day of Knowledge!

After the summer vacation, study again becomes the main and for many long-awaited business in the life of a large family of teachers, students and parents. The joyful trills of the first school calls carry the children away to the beautiful land of knowledge. This unique journey is not an easy one. But it enriches intellectually and culturally, spiritually and physically, expands the horizons of creativity, reveals talents, helps to choose the next life routes correctly, and to become a worthy citizen of the native country.

The heavier the “baggage” of school education, the easier it will be to follow an independent path, fulfill your dreams and plans, and achieve the highest goals in your profession and life.

Teachers pave the bright path to knowledge for students. Teachers are the pride of the capital, which occupies a leading position in Russian education. Our teachers carefully preserve and increase the achievements of national education, talentedly introduce new forms and methods of teaching. Tradition and innovation are the ingredients for the success of the education system.
The return of parents to the country of knowledge is also an invariable tradition. Together with children and teachers, they again go through this route "from A to Z", so that a large school family would live as a united friendly team, aimed at the harmonious development of students.

I express my deep gratitude to our dear teachers, moms and dads - for talent, wisdom and love, for sparing no effort, time and nerves for a good education and upbringing of children. I am convinced that your selfless pedagogical and parental work will continue to be fruitful and will be of great benefit to Russia.

With all my heart I wish you bright success in your studies, work and life, good health and great happiness!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday that the whole country celebrates on September 1 - the Day of Knowledge. This holiday is one of the most solemn and exciting of the year. Today, schools will open their doors to receive students within their walls - those behind whom the future of the city stands. First of all, I would like to congratulate the first graders, for whom the upcoming academic year will be the most important stage in a new, eventful life, and school everyday life prepares many responsible and serious tests. For pupils and students - September 1 - the beginning of the next stage on the way to new heights and personal growth.

I wish all the guys excellent marks. May it be easy and interesting for you in learning, may your success be the pride of parents and teachers. And for teachers - optimism, energy, new professional victories and fruitful work.
Happy Holidays! The Day of Knowledge!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Dear teachers, schoolchildren, students, parents!
I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge, on the beginning of the new academic year!
For everyone who will sit down at their desks on this day, fill the auditoriums of colleges, schools, universities, a wonderful time begins - a time for learning new things, a time for amazing discoveries. The September call equally worries all generations. To some he gives a meeting with his native educational institution, to others - memories of the past. But we all re-recognize the need to learn together.

On this holiday, according to tradition, we surround first-graders with special attention, for whom the long road to the world of knowledge is just beginning, and those who cross the threshold of graduation classes: for them the new academic year will be the first milestone on the path of choosing a profession.

I wish all schoolchildren and students successful studies, perseverance in achieving their goals, teachers - creative energy, inspiration in their hard work, which forms a love for knowledge in the younger generation in the coming academic year. I wish the parents wisdom, patience, so that they will never be left with a high sense of responsibility for the upbringing of their children - future worthy citizens of our Fatherland.

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

I sincerely congratulate you on one of the happiest holidays - Knowledge Day! September 1 is a special day for every person, for every family. The children are looking forward to meeting their favorite teachers and classmates; first-graders and graduates will meet this holiday with special excitement. For those who have already graduated from school, the years of study will remain in memory as one of the brightest periods of their lives.

Modern life places high demands on a person. To be a professional, to go one step ahead, most of us do not stop learning throughout our lives. Therefore, Knowledge Day is a national holiday, close and dear to everyone.

On this festive day, I wish everyone that the desire to move forward and grow above themselves never runs out, so that the knowledge gained is aimed at achieving personal well-being, and, therefore, at the development of their hometown. Success and good luck in all your endeavors!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

This holiday has long become a symbol of good undertakings and achievements. But September 1 is especially important for those who first cross the threshold of a school, college or university.

Dear first graders! Studying at school means gaining knowledge about everything in the world. Learning can be difficult. But teachers and especially your first teacher will help you. Remember, everything you learn in school will come in handy in life. Congratulations on the start of your first academic year! Let it be successful, interesting, bright for you!

Dear freshmen! Having become students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, you have taken an important height, and most importantly, you have chosen a business to which you will devote your whole life. I sincerely wish each of you to achieve maximum results in your chosen field! I wish you success, wise mentors, good friends, a successful career and great personal happiness!

Support and improvement of the education system is one of the priority tasks of the authorities. We will do our best to make sure that there will be changes for the better in the coming academic year!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Dear teachers and students, teachers and students!
Knowledge Day is a special holiday. In a city filled with colorful student crowds and education as a major industry, September 1st will always be an important date. For some, this is an exciting day of the beginning of school or student life, for others - a new school year at their favorite job. But all of you, regardless of age and status of "student" or "teacher", are united by one thing - you are walking along an interesting path of continuous knowledge of the world, the acquisition of new knowledge and the fruitful exchange of them. It is this - the free spirit of knowledge, discoveries and inventions, the atmosphere of creativity and creation - the main value of life in our city.
I wish you, residents of our city and guests who have come to study, teach, research, good luck in conquering new educational and scientific heights. May your ideas and plans find their embodiment, may the new school year be useful and successful!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Dear pupils and teachers, teachers and students!
Dear Parents!
I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new academic year!
The first of September is a wonderful holiday! There is hardly a single person who is indifferent to him! On this day, for thousands of first-graders and first-year students, the first calls will sound, for them a new stage of life will begin, full of interesting meetings and amazing discoveries.
For high school graduates, a year will begin, which will become defining for them when choosing a profession. This is a solemn and very exciting day for all teachers who meet students and pupils on the doorstep of educational institutions.
The old wisdom “Live and learn” is relevant today as never before, education is becoming the basis for a successful career and a prosperous life. The rapidly growing level of technology, the development of knowledge-intensive industries, innovative approaches - all this requires continuous learning and continuous improvement of professional skills.
Thanks to the efforts of all branches of government and the active position of the pedagogical community, conditions have been created for obtaining a high-quality education: modern information technologies, health-saving and innovative projects are used in the educational process, the material base of educational institutions is being strengthened, the standard of living of teachers is increasing every year.
With all my heart I wish the young generation a fascinating journey into the world of knowledge, teachers, educators and teachers - optimism and health, and parents - wisdom and patience. Let this academic year be the starting point for all of you to conquer new heights! The Day of Knowledge!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Teachers and parents, schoolchildren and students!
I congratulate you on the start of the new academic year and the Day of Knowledge!

This holiday unites townspeople of all ages and generations, representatives of all professions and all social groups.

After all, knowledge is the basis of any skill, success in any industry. We learn all our lives, developing talents and gaining invaluable experience. And the foundations laid down in the school serve as a solid foundation for this knowledge.

This year, thousands of young residents of our city will sit down at school desks for the first time, and yesterday's graduates will become students. And current first-graders are already taking their first independent steps into the future, where they will soon want to realize themselves, to achieve success, like their parents, older brothers and sisters. And on this path, teachers will be their reliable and caring companions.

Knowledge Day is not just the beginning of a new academic year, but an excellent occasion to express words of gratitude and respect to teachers for their indifference and tireless work, for their professionalism and wisdom.

I wish young compatriots success in their studies, inexhaustible striving for knowledge, victories and achievements, and teachers - health, patience, optimism and good luck in their difficult and responsible business!

> 1 September is the day of knowledge

Dear friends!
Dear colleagues, dear friends and parents!

We celebrate September 1 not just as the Day of Knowledge, it is a special day in our life - a holiday of our bright hope, strong faith and a dream come true. A holiday inextricably linked with new beginnings and opportunities, a mass of new ideas, bold experiments, joyful discoveries, constant search and faith in the future.

For the first time, more than forty-three thousand and a half first-graders cross the threshold of the school. Sixty-nine and a half thousand ninth and eleventh graders this year will be called by a new name - graduates. About thirty thousand children and girls became students and students of professional educational institutions. Guys, you have taken a very big step into adulthood, laid the foundation for your future. New discoveries begin for you, every day will be filled with new impressions.

Dear teachers! The development of education today is acquiring a task of national importance. And with your daily work you keep a high bar in the upbringing and education of youth and adolescents.

Dear friends!
Happy Knowledge Day! Great mood in the new academic year, interesting and fruitful work, creative success.

We will consider congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the school year in prose in this article. To begin with, I would like to emphasize that September 1 is not just a new school day and the beginning of a new year. According to the official calendar of holidays, September 1 is an officially approved holiday, the Day of Knowledge. This has been the case since the days of the USSR, the event was included in the calendar in 1984, and then migrated to Russian legislation.

Knowledge Day is an important event for first graders and schoolchildren of any age, for students and, of course, for the entire teaching staff. Moreover, for first-graders, the Day of Knowledge is the opening of a new road to adult school life, and it is for them that the solemn line is the most exciting. Every year, in honor of the Day of Knowledge, open lessons are held in schools, which are attended not only by schoolchildren, but also by their parents. Prepare for the holiday.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the academic year in prose to teachers and schoolchildren

For first-year students of universities and, of course, for first-graders, Knowledge Day is a special holiday associated with the beginning of a new life. Not only children are worried, but also their parents and teachers. I wish that this pleasant and vibrant excitement will be remembered for a lifetime, and that the chosen path was interesting and will certainly lead to the set goals.

On Knowledge Day, everything starts with a solemn line, which is dedicated to the beginning of the new year. On this day, I would like to congratulate both students and teachers. Today everyone is so beautiful, benevolent and the smile never leaves the faces of children and adults. I wish that this is the mood that will persist for the entire forthcoming academic year.

For every person, the Day of Knowledge is a symbol of purity and kindness, a symbol of the beginning of a new school year. This is a great occasion to become a year older, collect your thoughts and dive headlong into the ocean of science. I wish that the new year will bring new knowledge to the students, and the teachers - strong nerves and only a good mood from how attentive the students are in the classroom. I wish you all discoveries and impressions in the new educational year.

What congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the academic year in prose to colleagues can be? Let's consider this option too! There is nothing more beautiful in the world than learning and learning new things. And teachers help children with this. Colleagues, I know from my own experience how difficult it is sometimes to break through the wall between us and the students. I wish all of us to find the right approach to children and make them, by our example, with patience, also love the subject as we love it! I am sure that the best example for a student is always and at all times only personal experience!

I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you wisdom and diligence. Believe me, school time for children seems difficult, but adults then remember this time in their lives with special trepidation. You, children, have before your eyes the example of your teachers - adults who have achieved a lot in life and are now trying to pass on their wisdom to the new generation. Do not ignore the advice of teachers or test their patience.

On the Day of Knowledge, it is simply impossible to remain silent about the fact that it is knowledge that makes a person stronger, wiser, kinder. Knowledge reveals new truths and man can learn the secrets of nature. I wish all students that your mind does not refuse new knowledge. Moreover, you have excellent teachers, with whom it is interesting to move along the road of new knowledge!

Today is another Knowledge Day and, to be honest, I envy the schoolchildren very much. A lot of interesting things await them ahead, and each lesson during the academic year is a discovery, secrets and opportunities to solve them. I hope that you will be diligent students, and teachers will help you comprehend the secrets of all sciences, reveal your talents.

Remember also that congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the school year in prose from the head of the school should be addressed not only to students and their parents, but also to teachers during the solemn ceremony. Our material also contains audio congratulations that will help each person find the right words to congratulate a specific person on September 1, on Knowledge Day, regardless of age.

Knowledge Day is the first calls and excitements, a sea of ​​flowers and white bows, and, of course, traditional lessons from the world. This is the most anticipated day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time. This holiday appeared in Soviet times.

Officially as the "Day of Knowledge" it was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 373-11 of June 15, 1984 "On the declaration of September 1 as a national holiday - the Day of Knowledge", which supplemented the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. memorable days "of October 1, 1980 as a new holiday.

A special day today -
Bright autumn has come
And boys and girls
She called loudly to school.

Excellent to study,
We give you parting words.
You are a granite of science challenging
Conquer every day.

Inspiration for you, talent,
Without obstacles in the way,
To make it interesting
Go to school in the morning!

Learn, remember everything in the world,
Think over everything and understand everything
To be responsible for everything in the world -
We celebrate the Day of Knowledge again!

Since there is a holiday, it means you need it,
And there would be a reason in September ...
Here is a yellow leaf spinning again
Autumn day on the calendar.

When you need both intelligence and knowledge
... and therefore the soul is alive ...
The world will be born, through trials
Stubbornly towards wisdom in haste!

Here comes the breath of autumn,
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!

You are in a good mood
Go to school every day.
For any question a solution
Then you will be able to find!

And with any school task,
We know you can handle it jokingly.
Rejoice in the merry years
They will fly by quickly!

Happy Knowledge Day!
Oh, the season of assignments has come
Tricky questions
Yes quizzes and surveys.

You zealously learn everything
And in study, do not be lazy,
Try to be the first in everything

Discover your reserves.
Strive for new knowledge,
Climb up high
Become very smart!

The school is ready to meet us,
The day of knowledge has come again!
Going to school fun
Congratulate everyone on this day!

Let the capricious sciences
Will not deliver much flour
And it is easy for everyone
No particular problem.

Let the teachers praise us
And they always set us as an example.
We will appreciate the school
And all the subjects are taught.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the school year in SMS

So the summer has flown by
September has come again.
And solemnly the Day of Knowledge
Celebrates the whole world.

We wish you guys
Only fives in the diary
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in your head!

Knowledge is never too much
Let your mind keep them.
After all, without knowledge, nowhere -
Neither this nor that.

Do not be lazy, learn
Discover the secrets of the world.
And let every gram of knowledge
Helps you in life.

Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1!
The home school opened the door,
Into the fascinating world beckoning,
Where everything is mysterious and new.

So let the school year fly by
Without failures and stumbling blocks,
Let everyone find for themselves
A treasure of valuable knowledge and skills!

Knowledge is never too much
School meets us again.
An important day of the calendar
The main holiday of September.

The school year is ahead,
There are many lessons awaiting you.
We wish you fives
And congratulations on the day of knowledge!

Autumn has come again
The bell rang in schools -
He congratulates on the Day of Knowledge,
Invites you to a lesson.

All the guys have matured
Gained strength over the summer
We want the academic year
Only brought joy!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the school year in prose

A joyful autumn day filled with smiles and flowers, a holiday for all children. Happy Knowledge Day, Happy New Academic Year! Let this year bring many new discoveries. Let every day be bright, memorable, fruitful and filled only with positive results, new experiences and excellent mood.

Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and learn. Ease in the new school year. A friendly atmosphere, interesting events, great marks and a constant desire to be better than yesterday. I wish you success, luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!

Dear students, teachers and parents! We congratulate you on the wonderful September holiday - on the Day of Knowledge. We would like to wish you success in the process of mastering something new, good luck, vigor and health, true friendship and joy of discovery.

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and sincerely wish you never stop believing in yourself, constantly strive for new successes and achievements, always achieve your goals and not lose interest in everything new and unknown. May correct knowledge and science help to live wisely, may any subject be given easily and “perfectly”.

* * *
Happy knowledge Day! Let a lot of interesting things lie ahead, each lesson will bring discoveries, and the academic year will be successful. Let the teachers help to comprehend the secrets of the sciences, and the bright minds brightly show their talents. I wish that one of the most important days in September will be remembered with cheerful excitement, smiles, joy of anticipation of novelty. Diligence, diligence, patience, good luck!

Dear friend!
Today, without a doubt, one of the most important holidays in your life. This day symbolizes not just one moment, but a whole year of hard work. And this work is very important in the future, because it is through it that your future is laid. Perhaps now it seems to you that it is too early to decide anything for yourself, it is too early to work hard. But this, believe me, is not so, education is like a ladder, where it is impossible to go to the next step without mastering the previous one. Therefore, in the coming year, I wish you with all my heart to learn and understand yourself, because this is all terribly interesting;) And in the future you will give a lot to return this time again.
Good luck and aspirations to you in the new year, sincerely yours ..

On the border of summer and autumn, carelessness and learning, the school comes to life. It is again filled with children's voices and forced silence. School corridors and desks are waiting for everyone. Everyone will receive knowledge and experience that has no price, but there is value! The teachings are light, so let this light fill your life not only at school, but throughout your life! Happy Knowledge Day, hurry up to learn, but don't grow up!

On the eve of the new school year, teachers and parents would like to wish the patience of Prometheus and the wisdom of Confucius, the students - the hard work of SpongeBob and the responsibility of Spider-Man! Learn to learn, try to try and have time to keep up! The Day of Knowledge! Let knowledge be a joy, and lessons not a burden!

School time is a wonderful opportunity to express yourself in studies, to feel the taste of the first love, first victories, achievements, and, of course, failures. After all, it is in this way that life experience arises. Therefore, dear students, do not let the world fail to recognize you, and prove that you deserve a better life. Treat everything you do responsibly. Do not lose your life optimism, under any circumstances. Bright thoughts to perform worthy deeds for you. The Day of Knowledge!

A beautiful, light autumn day aches my heart. The next academic year has stepped on the threshold of the school. Let the knowledge be enriched with the correct terms, let the formulas serve not only for solving mathematical and physical equations, but also for solving life situations. Let teachers be faithful friends and mentors. On the pages of the diary, let them paint grades that will amuse the eyes of the parents. Let each of you study not for the sake of assessment, but for the future use of the accumulated knowledge. Learn not only to write beautifully, competently, but to be real people!

So one of the most important holidays of the year has come - the Day of Knowledge! This day brings with it a golden autumn, and with it the time of new discoveries, interesting adventures, bright events! Congratulations to all teachers and students on this awesome holiday! Let inspiration, wisdom of life, thirst for new discoveries, desire to learn and give knowledge to others do not leave you! Get knowledge with ease and pleasure, go for it! May all your undertakings be crowned with success, shine in all sciences and subjects! Happy Holidays!

The first day of a wonderful time of the year gathers all schoolchildren, parents and teachers on the Day of Knowledge. The pupils were looking forward to this day with impatience and excitement, because everything new and interesting awaits them at school. New knowledge, interesting acquaintances, girlfriends and friends, and, of course, first love. During the time spent at school, children will have to solve many problems and situations, they will accumulate a large store of knowledge that will be useful to them in the future. Happy Knowledge Day! We wish the students hard work, the parents we wish to be patient and attentive, and the teachers good health and a lot of positive energy in the new academic year!

On the Day of Knowledge, the morning is especially transparent and solemn. Today the road to school turns into a magical path to knowledge, friendship, new achievements. May he give pure autumn freshness, the wind of good changes, the warmth of meetings. Let the light of knowledge in the windows of a cozy school house be a beacon of wisdom, creativity, and culture. Now we are all gathered together by the proudly announced New Academic Year. Let it become a great start for the embodiment of hopes, interesting undertakings, educational journeys into the unknown.

September has come, the first day is today, which means that it is on this day that the whole world celebrates the day of knowledge! Knowledge is what you use to realize yourself; therefore, you should study well. And everything will be fine in your life. I believe that you can fill your pockets with money and make your life happy. As the saying goes: "First you work for knowledge, and then knowledge works for you and brings money." Therefore, you need to be patient, persistent and persistent. After all, the educational process is not simple, but the fruits that it gives are priceless.

The Day of Knowledge burst into us on the first day of September, and even if a fun summer with vacations is behind us, how we all missed school! Tanned and rested, we stand on the first school line and look at each other, and we can't wait to start studying, because it will bring us so many new and unknown, but very interesting! Waking up early again, lessons, books and notebooks, but it's great! May our studies be easy for us, may we learn even more, may the grades be high, and may we always rush to our beloved school for knowledge! Happy knowledge day friends!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday that the whole country celebrates on September 1 - the Day of Knowledge. This holiday is one of the most solemn and exciting of the year. Today, schools will open their doors to receive students within their walls - those behind whom the future of the city stands. First of all, I would like to congratulate the first graders, for whom the upcoming academic year will be the most important stage in a new, eventful life, and school everyday life prepares many responsible and serious tests. For pupils and students - September 1 - the beginning of the next stage on the way to new heights and personal growth.

I wish all the guys excellent marks. May it be easy and interesting for you in learning, may your success be the pride of parents and teachers. And for teachers - optimism, energy, new professional victories and fruitful work.
Happy Holidays! The Day of Knowledge!

Today we congratulate the first graders with the entry into school life! Happy Knowledge Day, little students! This is your first step on a long road to success! We congratulate you all on this solemn occasion and wish you, your parents and your first teachers a great mood! You will find a huge family that will teach you knowledge! And this knowledge will be very useful to you throughout your life! Justify the hopes of your moms and dads, be diligent students! You are our future and we would like our future to show only bright hopes! I wish you success in your initial training, attention, patience, perseverance, interest and desire to know this world from different sides! School provides you with a great opportunity to improve and flourish! Don't miss this chance! Good luck, support and clear thoughts on the path to excellence!

Congratulations on the holiday of students and teachers - the Day of Knowledge! Today, on the first day of autumn, the great path to success begins! We wish you that the entire academic year will be as festive, bright and interesting as today's celebration! Let the world of knowledge captivate you and help you overcome another new step! May every lesson be useful, every word of the teacher will be important for you, and every day will be filled with inspiration and desire to learn more and more new things! Dear students! Appreciate teaching, respect the word of your elders and live up to the hopes of your parents! Dear teachers! Show more patience with the younger generation! We wish you mutual understanding, which will certainly lead you to success! School is not only school lessons, but also the acquisition of life skills! We wish you successful learning in the new year and understanding on both sides!

The Day of Knowledge for each of us remains a warm and exciting holiday in a special way. You, beautiful and smart, smiling and curious, have gathered here to gain new knowledge. You have bouquets in your hands, and behind your backs are new satchels. But the most important thing is what is in your heart. And this is a slight excitement and desire to learn everything about this wonderful world. More than anything, we want each of you to become not only a worthy, educated person, but also a real professional in your chosen business. Happy Knowledge Day!

School time is a wonderful opportunity to express yourself in studies, to feel the taste of the first love, first victories, achievements, and, of course, failures. After all, it is in this way that life experience arises. Therefore, dear students, do not let the world fail to recognize you, and prove that you deserve a better life. Treat everything you do responsibly. Do not lose your life optimism, under any circumstances. Bright thoughts to perform worthy deeds for you. The Day of Knowledge!

The first of September is the Day of Knowledge! It's so good that there is such a day in the year. And this is not only a children's holiday for all students and a professional holiday for all teachers. So I would like to wish that we all learn and develop throughout our lives, become better, wiser. Indeed, it is in this movement, in mental and spiritual development, that life consists. And development without knowledge is impossible. Therefore, I wish that every person could celebrate this holiday for himself. Let the first of September annually celebrate your successes, according to which, like milestones, your life will go uphill. Let the achievements be noted, and on the second of September you will rush to new knowledge, to new heights that will conquer you again, so that on the Day of Knowledge next year you can proudly celebrate it!

Greetings to all students, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you again at the school site on Knowledge Day! Today is a holiday that invariably happens at this time, which opens the study season! Everyone rested and missed a fresh breath of knowledge! Welcome to the temple of science! We wish you to experience a genuine interest in the new program and find a hobby for your soul! Let the study time not burden you, let it bring you joy and benefit! We wish you to acquire a lot of new knowledge, skills and experience in the new academic year! We wish you to make the most of this school season, not miss anything and bring your capabilities to perfection! Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because he who does not make mistakes does not learn! And he who does not study will achieve nothing in this life! Dare, try, try, strive! Success in your studies!

The Day of Knowledge urges us to take the path of success! And start today! The first day of autumn inspires us to feats and great deeds! The beginning of new knowledge, the beginning of an exciting path to the unknown, the beginning of beginnings! An interesting journey into the past will be told by history, geography will be lucky in the countries of the world, biology will tell us about the animal world! Sports activities, literary discussions, conversations about great creators! Hundreds of opportunities to plunge into the past and experience the magic of yesteryear! How many beautiful things lie ahead! The desire to learn knows no bounds, and we absorb knowledge with great pleasure! Let the school years never end! Let the source of knowledge never run out! We wish everyone a great desire and inspiration for study and development! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and wish you success!

Knowledge Day is always a warm, in a special way exciting holiday for everyone who comes to study, to receive new and new knowledge. We all once came to the school doors as first-graders with new satchels on our shoulders, bouquets in our hands and excitement in our chest! What an endless school road seemed to us, and now we have already graduated from school, we ourselves have become teachers and now we meet you guys, so that all our knowledge can be passed on to you, so that you become worthy people, get an education, choose a profession you like. Learn guys, master and comprehend new sciences! You are our future! From September 1!

Today, students and teachers traditionally celebrate the Day of Knowledge - September 1! Throughout the country, the first school bell echoes, informing the country about the start of the new school year! In any educational institution, a new academic year begins on this day - a special, solemn, wise holiday. Knowledge is power! Teaching is one of the greatest human needs. Learn, enrich our country with knowledge! The Day of Knowledge!