The most effective cosmetic face massage techniques. What gives face massage

Currently, a huge selection of goods, services for preserving youth and beauty is presented in the cosmetic market. How to choose an inexpensive and painless way of rejuvenation?

Cosmetic facial massage is a pleasant procedure, has the effect of lifting, muscles tones, fights premature aging.

The first massage manipulations were carried out by residents of Egypt. Greek, Arab women for uncomplicated procedures used herbs and fruits.

Women of ancient Rome applied masks from oil even on their men.

The Russian bath with a good ferry, a fragrant broom was used in Russia not only as hygienic, but also as a cosmetic procedure.

Types of massage

There is a huge amount of massage.

Today in cosmetology use cosmetic, therapeutic, plastic, plumbing massage. These types of massage faces differ in the intensity of exposure to the skin, pursue various purposes.

Cosmetic facial massage combines 2 main reception: stroking and rubbing. Thanks to it, the skin improves the tour, each muscle is strengthened. It is recommended for women to eliminate leather flabbing, wrinkle prevention.

Cosmetic facial massage There are 4 species:

  • Hygienic. Toning muscles, makes skin elastic, returns her shining color;
  • Medical. Held according to special testimony;
  • Prophylactic. Such a procedure is recommended for ladies with a fatty skin type. Technique is associated with the use of ice cubes. The cryoissage activates the blood supply to the fabrics of the face, improves the immune system of cells;
  • Plastic. Used by persons with progressive fading of the skin. After the plastic massage, the skin becomes tightened, sleek.

In addition to these types of massage faces, new varieties of cosmetic manipulations are common:

  • Chiplastic lifting. The essence of the method is irritation of skin receptors with a response of the body;

  • Massage in the jacket. Through forceps, the activities of the sebaceous glands are normalized;
  • Miofascial way. With this procedure, massage movements make it possible to remove the muscles spasm, relax facial muscles;
  • Massage "36 movements." He came to cosmetology from the east. The peculiarity of this technique is a combination of 36 movements that activate intake in oxygen cells, nutrients, due to which the tissue cells are rejuvenated, the total tone of the organism is restored. The action of the cosmetology effect: wrinkles are eliminated, the contour is restored, the skin becomes an elastic and healthy.

Selecting a procedure

How to choose the necessary execution technique from a wide variety?

Selection is purely individual. Although sessions can be changed. Great importance when choosing a type of procedure plays age and cosmetic disadvantages. If young people have aesthetic disadvantages on the face (reduced muscle tone, infiltrates, acne rashes), they are recommended by therapeutic cosmetic procedures.

Upon reaching the achievement of thirty-year-old age, the first aesthetic problems appear in young women. The correct cosmetic means will conduct preventive manipulations. At the same time, a woman of all age groups should be resorted to this massage. Who has aesthetic problems. For ladies with the first signs of wilting, the cosmetologist has a more intensive technique.

The effect of massage manipulations

What is useful face massage? The skin is the largest human body. In addition to the protective function, it has a mass of others: respiratory, excretory. It consists of 3 layers containing muscles, blood and lymphatic vessels, nervous endings, biologically active points. When rubbing, stimulation of these organs occurs. In this way, there is an impact on all organism systems.

Various techniques act in different ways, for example, when stroking the nervous system calms down, relaxes. Massage techniques such as vibration and rubbing are excited by the CNS.

What gives facial massage:

  • improves blood circulation processes;
  • enhances metabolic processes;
  • displays metabolic products from cells;
  • improves respiratory function.

All of the above functions improve the overall human well-being, appearance, give a great mood.

Cosmetic facial massage provides:

  • strengthening facial and cervical muscles, due to which the face relief is improved;
  • skin suspender and smoothing wrinkles;
  • delay of aging processes;
  • reducing swelling and podlotiness.

How often is a cosmetic procedure?

The first procedure can be done at the achievement of 27 years when the appearance of minor changes in the appearance of the face.

After inspecting the cosmetologist of the face, neck, zone decolte, the list of cosmetology services is determined. As a rule, procedures are undergoing courses. It is useful to conduct 10 cosmetic sessions for 1 course, 2 procedures weekly. The result of massaging manipulations is visible, starting from the first visits.


Visits to the cabin and appeal to the cosmetologist for massage manipulations are necessary:

  • people of all ages for preventing premature aging;
  • women who are in the period of menopause and caring for their face, as well as in neurasthenic disorders.

Manipulation is not useful:

  • young missions that do not comply with the multiplicity of procedures, which leads to violations of the regenerative abilities of cells;
  • women with problem skin;
  • with individual intolerance to the varieties of procedures.

In order to avoid the above problems, consult your doctor.

Contraindications for massage:

  • skin diseases (minecated, fungal lesions, eczema, psoriasis, exacerbation of herpes);
  • hematological diseases of blood with impaired coatability;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • heart disease, kidneys;
  • walled diseases, feverish states, exacerbation of chronic diseases.


Cosmetic facial massage is included in the list of cosmetics services. Cosmetology, face massage, neck and neckline are one of the main preventive directions of this area of \u200b\u200bmedicine.


Who visited the cosmetic cabinets, remembers the pleasant atmosphere, light music, fragrance.

Massed face, neck and zone neckline.

Before starting the tritis, you will be prepared and clean the skin:

  • Purpose with cosmetics on the face is unacceptable;
  • Clean the skin with a tonic or other special means;
  • Space the face for 10 minutes. In the cabin, these manipulations are carried out using a vaporizer. At home, hold the waffle towel over the ferry and put on the skin. The temperature of the heated towel must be comfortable.
  • Will apply the cosmetics needed for your skin type and targets;
  • It is necessary to prevent muscle stretching.

Main technique

The classical procedure begins after the preparatory stage.

After heating hands, the specialist starts stroking. Massage is necessary for the main massage lines.

  • Tightening movements on the person are sent from the center of the chin area to the ear (lower part);
  • The next main line originates from the corner of the mouth to the ear cavity (middle part);
  • Start movies from the nose to the top of the ear - the third main line;
  • To remove wrinkles on the forehead, the massage direction follows from the middle of the frontal bone to the temporal share;
  • Of all massaging movements, the most tender should be with manipulations around the eyes. It is necessary to work with the tips of nameless fingers. Manipulations are carried out, ranging from the corner of the upper eyelid towards the end of the eyebrows. The massaging line from the outdoor corner of the lower eyelid towards the inner corner of the eyes.

What kind of cosmetic is used when carrying out rubbing? As a rule, it is vegetable oils that have properties easily absorbed and not to leave the oily shine:

  1. Avocado;
  2. Termino;
  3. Olives;
  4. Jojoba.

Effective way to strengthen the procedure is the use of essential oils. For therapeutic rubbing, it is useful to add 5-7 drops for preventive -3 drops of essential means.

After cosmetic rubbing, the skin looks much younger and fresh.

Massage "36 movements" is very popular. The results of this procedure are equated with plastic operations and injections.

Thanks to the technique of "36 movements", the entire human body is rejuvenated. The beauty of the face is restored as in the youth.

Oriental rubbing pursues one goal - to preserve the beauty, youth of man. Despite the fact that they appeared recently, won popularity from cosmetologists and their customers.

Eastern procedure is used for all skin types, will help any cosmetic defect. It can be used even after 25 years.

What gives east massage:

  • recovered smooth, healthy shade;
  • esthetic problems such as irritation, pigmentation disappear;
  • wrinkles disappear;
  • the chin borders and sowing faces come back to normal.

How often can you use this cosmetology procedure?

It all depends on the state of the skin, age boundaries. If you need overall health care, you can pass 4 procedures per month. For rejuvenation, skin recovery will be needed 12 sessions per month.

For greater success, this procedure is perfectly combined with the technique of Vietnamese scraper massage.

The essence of the method is to exposed to important points of the body with special devices made of jade, animal bones. The procedure is influenced by acupuncture zones. The technique does not differ in difficulty, but has a health effect on the human body.

Even in ancient Egypt, a massage was known as a way to care for the skin. The cosmetic massage of the face and the body of a woman is valued and appreciated now very high, because it not only allows you to make the skin soft, elastic, silky, but also a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the body and nervous system. Nowadays, professional massage can offer any beauty salon. But the fulfillment of it at home will affect their fruits.

Why make a cosmetic massage

Our face and body need care for preserving youth and beauty. One of the types of care is a cosmetic massage. This procedure has an impact not only on the skin, but also on the muscles. Of course, the main purpose of it is the elimination of cosmetic flaws and the improvement of the appearance of the face and body. This is a useful influence that this massing has:

  • Improves blood flow in the skin and muscles and movement of lymph according to vessels;
  • Improves the trophy of all the layers of the dermis, up to the deepest;
  • Contributes to the elimination of congestive phenomena in the skin and muscles, relieves swelling;
  • Contributes to updating the top layer of the skin, the lunch of dead cells;
  • Stimulates the exchange processes in the skin and the production of the collagen;
  • Reduces the severity of wrinkles;
  • Improves the complexion due to the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Removes stress, muscle clips, which often appear in the muscles of the face and the whole body;
  • Tones the sluggish muscle groups;
  • It has a common soothing, relaxing effect, normalizes emotional background, gives positive emotions, relieves stress;
  • Cosmetic body massage can also be aimed at reducing the number of fat layers, correction of forms.

You can call another majority of cosmetic massaging benefits, in addition to listed, but these are quite enough to try it on yourself.

Types of cosmetic massage

Depending on the purposes and methods of execution, the following types of cosmetic massage are distinguished.

  • Preventive (hygienic). Preventive massage is performed in order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, slowing the aging of the skin, the improvement of its overall state. It is such an array recommended by young girls.
  • Cosmetic. Cosmetic massage aims to eliminate already emerging signs of wilting. It is needed for refreshing skin tone, reducing wrinkles and folds, bringing into tone or muscle relaxation. Massage is performed as a professional cosmetologist in the cabin and at home.
  • Medical and cosmetic. Therapeutic and cosmetic massage is shown by those who have any health problems, whether there are violations of venous or lymphatic outflow, swelling, scar changes, consequences of acne and others. Such massage should be carried out only with a massage therapist medical formation.
  • Sculpturing. The sculpturing massage is aimed at the correction of the face, the shape of the cheek, the cheek, has a lifting effect. It is also performed by a professional.

Cosmetic massage at home

The facial massage procedure can be done at home. It is not difficult to make it, and the result will be noticeable at the end of the course out of 10-12 procedures. Learn to perform self-massage will not be difficult, because the Internet is replete with tutorials with photos, video materials. In addition, you can find a cosmetic massage training courses for more thorough familiarization with the question.

In any cosmetic mass production there is a certain sequence of actions that are performed in stages. It all starts with skin training to the procedure:

  • Skin cleansing;
  • Spreading over the ferry or with a heated towel;
  • Application for cosmetic massage.

The correct selection of the product for massaging is very important, and without it can not do at all. After all, it is necessary for a good slip of the fingers on the skin of the face, preventing its stretching, as well as nutrition and saturation with its useful substances throughout the procedure. Most suitable for these purposes cosmetic massage oil due to its texture and nutritional properties. It can be universal, or targeted specifically for the face or body.

After skin training, the facial massage procedure begins. There are various cosmetic massage techniques, but the basic scheme is one. During the procedure, massage techniques are performed, such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, tapping and stroking again.

  1. All begins with soft stroking movements without push and skin stretching. Such manipulations accelerate blood slightly, prepare the skin to more intense effects.
  2. Then it should be triturated with a small pressure.
  3. After-kneading aimed at working out muscles and deep layers of skin.
  4. After the main work, vibrations are performed with the whole palm or fingers, without skin shift and muscles.
  5. Light tapping and tendering completes the procedure, relax muscles, strengthen the blood flow.
  6. Complete the session again stroking.

It is important to note that massage techniques on the face are conducted strictly through massage lines. These lines from the vertical, mentally spent through the center of the forehead, nose, lips, to the periphery of the persons, to the temples, the uches. The movements on the neck, on the contrary, seek from the clavicle upstairs, to the line of the lower jaw. It is accepted around the eye to perform movements from the inner corner to the external at the top of the century, and along the bottom - the opposite. This direction of movements is due to the progress of blood and lymphatic vessels.

Cosmetic face massage - 36 movements

The simplest instruction on cosmetic self-making faces of the house implies the repetition of a three-time series of 12 simple movements. This is the so-called cosmetic face massage "36 movements." It is believed that the birthplace of such a technique was ancient eastern countries. First, a series of exercises is performed on the frontal part of the person, then on the middle part and in the field of lips and chin. The manipulation cycle is repeated three times.

It occupies a self-massage of the face of only 10 - 15 minutes, does not require any special devices, expensive means, except the simple massage oil. But with proper perseverance and regular holding at least 10 sessions, will give an excellent result that will be visible to you and everyone.

Video: Cosmetic facial massage - simple step by step instruction

Cosmetic face massage is one of the effective procedures of cosmetics cosmetology. It has long been used to prevent age-related skin changes. The procedure is suitable for almost all age categories of patients with any skin types. To preserve the youth of the person, it is necessary to regularly pass professional massages courses and maintain the achieved effect outside the walls of cosmetic salons.

The benefits and harm of the cosmetic massage

The manual impact is widely used with the weakening of the muscle tone, to restore the muscles after injuries and under therapy of articular immobility. It is indispensable in sports medicine.

In cosmetology to the massage of the person, until recently, were with distrust. Especially many complaints caused self-massage. But practice has proven the beneficial effect of the procedure for skin condition. First of all, it is noted its role in the prevention of premature fading of the skin and the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Cosmetic massage contributes:

  • stimulation of blood supply and lymphatic drainage;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • improving skin elasticity;
  • ensuring surface layers of dermis oxygen;
  • counteracting stress skin reactions;
  • cheerful tide.

Cosmetic massage has a general relaxing effect. Cosmetic face massage has a beneficial effect on the body of a woman during a climax and in neurasthenia. Stimulation of points located on the face, activates the work of various organism systems.

In particular, after a cosmetic massage session, cases are noted:

  • blood pressure stabilization
  • elimination of disorders in the cerebral cortex.

But under certain circumstances, the cosmetic massage can apply skinny harm to the skin:

  • excessive passion for the procedure for a young girl causes the loss of the natural skin ability to regenerate;
  • abuse of massage means during the impact on problem areas contributes to a more pronounced manifestation of acneaways;
  • necessary influence on fading skin can irreparably stretch it;
  • individual intolerance to certain effects of exposure is fraught with unforeseen reactions of the body;
  • a deep impact on a thin face provokes the occurrence of a hematoma, the stretched skin saves.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences before holding a cosmetic massage, it is recommended to consult with a beautician and attending physician.

Varieties of cosmetic massage

Cosmetic facial massage is divided into four main types:

  1. Hygienic - to maintain elasticity and healthy skin color, muscle tones;
  2. Preventive (cryomassage) - are carried out with oily skin and pronounced clogs of pores with ice or snow. Causes a tide of blood and activating the immunity of skin cells;
  3. Therapeutic - implies a more intense and deep impact. Applied by testimony;
  4. Plastic - shown in manifestations of skin fading. "Trains" and pulls the muscles of the face.

There are species of cosmetic massage with specific techniques:

  • chiplastic - lifting massage annoying skin receptors, causing a reflex response of the body;
  • head - a kind of therapeutic massage using tongs. They "squeeze" the sebaceous glands, contributing to the normalization of their functioning. Technique Face massage in the jacket;
  • miofascial - a complex method that combines a variety of impact on muscles and deep breathing. Relaxing the muscles of the face, removes muscle spasms, stimulates deep muscles;
  • spanish - combines the methods of oriental and classical techniques, frails of chiropractic and kinesiology. Affects muscle activity, vessels, nerves, removes toxins;
  • shiatsu - a massage therapist affects certain points. stimulates the work of the muscles of the face and internal systems of the body;
  • Joel Siokko - energetic muscle study, especially the contour of the face. affects facial muscles and vessels;
  • Pascal Kosha - Methods of impact on the lymphatic system. Has a cosmetic effect, relaxes, restores strength;
  • cogan - Japanese two-bed massage technique. Displays toxins, adjusts the nutrition of tissues, drains, rejuvenates.

Massage technique for each client is selected individually. Often, they change them to session.

Massage technique is selected individually.

Testimony for cosmetic massage

The need for a procedure is more affected by the age of the patient and the condition of its skin. Young people show therapeutic cosmetic massage if available:

  • sebori;
  • acne rams;
  • infiltrates;
  • reduced muscular tone.

After 30 years, at the first manifestations of age-related skin changes, almost everything is recommended to carry out preventive massage. And with pronounced fading of the skin of the face, she needs a more intense massage "Shake".

Cosmetic influence technique

Specialists of cosmetic salons usually possess many massage techniques. Each of them takes into account the features of the condition of the patient's skin and his wishes, the techniques are selected individually.

Classic cosmetic effect

Classic massage is performed in stages, stimulation precedes the preparatory period. Hand warming, specialist kneading patient's face. Strokes are carried out according to the scheme, in the direction opposite to the treated area:

  • from the nose to the temporal zone;
  • from the wings of the nose to the lower border of the chin;
  • from the center of chin to the neck and neckline;
  • from the middle of the forehead to the hair growth line;
  • from a brush to the temples.

Starting from the chin, the back surface of the palm is promoted to the temples and the frontal zone, stimulating the region. Folds and pronounced wrinkles are compressed between the fingers (indicable and large), then the skin is released. Massage stimulation contributes to better blood circulation, tones the skin. The procedure is recommended to be carried out until noon on a pre-moistened cream.

Cosmetic massage with essential oils

Massage of the face with oil use is made by general rules. For massing, it is recommended to use easy-absorbed oils of vegetable origin, not leaving oily shine:

  • jojoba;
  • avocado;
  • taman;
  • macadamia;
  • distribution.

The use of aromatic mixture is 3-5 times increases the efficiency of the massage conductive.

Massage "36 movements"

Technique "36 movements" - the main part of the Chinese massage of Guasha. When it is carried out, special scrapers made of natural materials (nephritis, buffalo horn) are used. Technique provides five stages:

  1. Cleaning - Masseur, using gel, "rolls out" from the surface of the skin dead cells, delivering alive additional oxygen;
  2. Lymphodroenzh - scrapers in the form of fish with long-tails massage biologically active points, systemically affecting the body;
  3. Food regulation fabrics - the master performs hands 36 of the verified movements, which activate the active points of the person and normalize blood circulation in the vessels (combinations of rubbing, kneading, pressure, strokes);
  4. Directly nutrition fabrics - imposition of nutritional masks;
  5. Moisturizing skin - applying a moisturizing cream.

The procedure is healing and tones the skin, gives the patient to the vitality.

Self-massage face

At home in front of a cosmetic massage on cleaned skin for a few minutes, you can apply a warm compress. It will expand the pores and will provide a faster absorption of the massage agent. The main movements of the home massage include:

  • singing the back surface of the palm of the chin - at first one, then the other hand;
  • patches on the cheeks from the chin to the eye;
  • squeezing (pinch) with fingers (index and big) along the chin line and under it;
  • patted from the wings of the nose to the ears;
  • massage of the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows from the nose to the temporal zone;
  • soft circular blows from eyebrows to the field of temples and nose.

Impact should be emphasized in problem areas (reduced muscle tone, pronounced wrinkles). Gentle skin around the eyes is recommended to massage by unnamed fingers.

Effect of cosmetic face massage

Properly performed face massage contributes to better blood supply and outflow of lymph. The saturation of the tissues of the dermis with nutrients and oxygen increases, their ethnicity decreases. Certain technicians of manual cosmetic effects strengthen the muscle frame, tightening the skin.

The procedure warns the manifestation of acne rams, slows down the occurrence of age-related skin changes:

  • wrinkles and folds;
  • second chin;
  • treadmill, dark circles under the eyes;
  • unhealthy face color;
  • chickens.

After massage exposure, the face looks fresh and rested.

Contraindications to conduct a procedure

The obvious benefit of massage is indisputable, but in some cases there is contraindications to the procedure. These include:

  • various skin lesions (eczema, psoriasis, mercant and fungal diseases);
  • viral infections (herpes);
  • hypertension;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • blood pathology;
  • increased vessel fragility;
  • disorders of facial nerve functions;
  • chronic kidney pathologies, vessels, hearts.

To avoid possible adverse manifestations before massage, it is worth consulting with a specialist!

Page Cosmetic Massage Face See this video:

Cosmetic facial massage is an effective skin tone tool. The procedure improves the appearance of the patient and its internal state. But to maintain the resulting effect, massage sessions should be carried out regularly. The greatest result will be able to achieve with complex skin care - its proper purification, moisturizing, toning and nutrition.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Only the right and competently selected skin care can keep the beauty and health of the skin. One of the components of such care can be a cosmetic massage of the person. Today we will tell you in detail about this procedure and its features.

Cosmetic facial massage is a procedure that includes at the same time simultaneously and massage and cosmetic face skin care. It is often used in the complex with other procedures. At the same time, he also perfectly copes with his tasks. There are professional and home techniques and techniques of the face massage.

Indications and Contraindications for Cosmetic Face Massage

Like any other cosmetic procedure, a cosmetic face massage has its own testimony and contraindications. Therefore, before conducting a similar procedure, it is worth consulting with a specialist who can help find the desired technique.

Indications for cosmetic face massage:

  • sluggish
  • small mimic wrinkles;
  • problem and oily skin;
  • consequences of acne
  • reduction of skin tone;
  • deterioration of face color;
  • the presence of a second chin;
  • small sorces of skin.

Contraindications of cosmetic massage faces:

  • violation of facial nerve functions;
  • herpes and eczema in the state of exacerbation;
  • fungal diseases of the skin of the face;
  • acute cardiovascular diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • acute viral infections.

Cosmetic Massage Face Massage Technique

There are many techniques for cosmetic face massage. But at the heart of any of them lie alone, the same techniques.

  1. Stroking.
  2. Vibration.
  3. Trituration.
  4. Melting.

Of course, the frequency, frequency and power that is used in one or another reception depends on the technique used. It should be remembered that the massage should begin with smooth and delicate movements, and then gradually gain power to the middle of the procedure, and by the end - again return to smooth and calm movements.

Cosmetic face massage at home

If you have no time, money or desire to go to the salon, then you can learn how to cosmetic face massage at home. First you need to prepare the skin of the face to conduct a face massage at home. Therefore, you need:

1. Clean the skin from pollution and wash off the decorative cosmetics.

2. Scroll a little, if it is fat.

3. Apply a cosmetic massage to face. It can be cream, gel or oil. After preparation, you can proceed directly to the procedure.

How to spend cosmetic massage at home

To carry out a cosmetic face massage at home, we suggest you to use 12 receptions that will need to repeat three times each:

1. Start standing from the neck. Therefore, starting from the bottom of the neck, gradually move to the chin. This plot needs to stroke, and movements should be slow and smooth.

2. Go to leather massage along the jaw line. So, starting from the middle of the chin, spend stroking soft movements up to the uches.

3. Now comes the nose queue. Put your palms on the wings of the nose, and the fingers squeeze on the bridge. Conduct squeezing movements for 3-4 seconds each.

4. Internal palm attach to cheeks. Then a little pushing on the skin, smoothly assign hands to the ears.

5. Starting from the middle of the forehead, turn the frontal fold with two fingers. It is necessary to conduct at the same time with two hands, along the line of eyebrows to the temples.

6. The second exercise for the forehead zone is even simpler. Put your fingers over the eyebrows and how to pull up the skin to the hair line.

7. From an external corner, start massaging the area around the eyes. It must be made soft, light circular movements.

8. This exercise will help cope with the problem of the second chin. To do this, put thumbs up onto the chin center, and then strong circular massaging movements pass through the muscle line of the jaw.

9. In order to pull the cheeks to use the reception of vibration. That is, you need to tap on the lower edge of the jaw and smoothly move towards the cheese. To do this, use the non-name and middle fingers of both hands.

10. Reception Painting effectively copes with a fold in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose. To do this, starting from the tip of the nose, circular presses move moving to the nose. You need to process both sides of the nose.

11. Now you can go to the nasolabial fold. Put the middle and index fingers of both hands on the chin center. Then highly press and circle them around the lips and the wings of the nose.

12. For the last exercise, you need to put the index fingers to the outer corners of the eye and pull them up to the temples.

Cosmetic Massage Effect

First of all, the effectiveness of the cosmetic massage depends on the techniques and techniques that were used, as well as the complexity of the task. Remember that even if you decide to carry out a massage at home you still should be consulted with a specialist. After all, the personal features of your skin require a certain approach and explanations. Properly selected technique - a guarantee of a good result.

The effect of the cosmetic massage of the face may be as follows:

  • slowing the process of aging of the skin;
  • elimination of the second chin;
  • reduction and even complete removal of traces acne;
  • reduction of fat deposits;
  • strengthening muscles of the face and neck;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • improving the color of the face;
  • improving the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Of course, no one says that after the first session of the cosmetic massage you can get the whole list. But the course that the specialist determines will allow you to get rid of the problem with which you turned.


It is worth noting that the cosmetic massage of the face - the procedure is pleasant and relaxing. But you should not overdo it. Because the desire to get everything and can now lead to undesirable consequences.

The first caring procedures were carried out before our era. In China, Greece, Rome studied the benefits of mechanical exposure to the skin. Cosmetic facial massage included simple techniques, and only in the 19th century received scientific development. There are many species that allow not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to adjust the aesthetic flaws. A pleasant and useful procedure is available in the salons, it is also possible to spend a beauty session at home.

Efficiency of technology

This is a traditional cosmetology method that allows you to preserve freshness, skin elasticity. Despite the wide range of new products, classical ways of rejuvenation remain popular. A huge advantage is the absence of side effects and rehabilitation period. And the result can be compared with beauty injections and plastic correction.

What gives facial massage:

  • activates blood flow;
  • strengthens capillaries;
  • stimulates regeneration processes;
  • displays toxins, slags;
  • restores collagen synthesis;
  • removes muscle tone;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • removes traces of fatigue;
  • copes with swelling due to the restoration of lymphenage;
  • reduces fat deposits;
  • adjusts the line of oval;
  • pulls the balls, the line of the second chin;
  • reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

For the prevention of age-related changes, maintain the elasticity of elasticity, approaches procedures from 25 years.To smooth out scars, bugs after acne and demodex, cosmetological manipulations can be carried out in adolescence. After 40 years, sessions allow you to form a clear line of oval, smooth out the nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the forehead.

Indications for conducting:

  • dry, dry face skin, neck;
  • wrinkles of different depths;
  • pigmentation;
  • increased fatty skin;
  • extended pores;
  • offset line oval;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • acne, acne, comedones.

Note! In addition to the cosmetic effect, the work of the whole organism improves. The person is a projection of systems and organs, with tactile effects the general state is normalized. This is a great way of full rest, which will result in gentle, well-groomed skin.

Rules of implementation

There are several types of massages to cosmetologists, but recommendations for the implementation of common. In the complex of facial and neck, it is also important to be balanced nutrition, water regime, a full-fledged rest. This will save the achieved aesthetic effect after the course.

Rules for conducting:

  1. A relaxing atmosphere is created. The master can include quiet, calm music, use the aromas.
  2. Perhaps can be performed in the lying or sitting position, it is important to relax as much as possible.
  3. During the session, it is not recommended to talk, laugh, not to strain facial muscles.
  4. The hair is cleaned under the dressing. To achieve greater efficiency, often before manipulations on the face, neck, neckline zone, head massage, ears.
  5. All movements smooth, through massage lines. Lymph nodes can not be massaged and rub.
  6. Each technique immediately replaces each other, long-term pauses and intervals are unacceptable.
  7. Master's hands must be neat well-groomed. Short rounded nails are the best manicure for the beautician.
  8. For easy sliding, as well as saturation of cover with useful elements, basic vegetable oils and essential compositions are used. Depending on the compositions may be tonic, moisturize, rejuvenate.
  9. For some techniques, a talc is used, a warning slide. Often it is used in a plug-in, plastic massage to prevent stretch marks.
  10. Before a session, the face is cleared, during the manipulations, the epithelium softened, toxins, oxidants are displayed.
  11. After massage, a mask or regenerating cream can be used.
  12. Cosmetic formulations, including oils, are tested for a possible allergic reaction.

Types of massage

All types of face massage are performed exclusively through massage lines. Regardless of the selected technique of conducting, movements are made strictly by certain lines.

Directions of massage lines:

  • from the center of the chin to the uha urnesses;
  • parallel to the previous line start from the corners of the mouth to the ear kids;
  • cheeks, cheeks from nostrils of nose to the temples;
  • from the bridge, capturing the center of the forehead, the hands move to the temples.


Refers to techniques of gentle impact, it allows to affect shallow wrinkles, improve the appearance of the skin. It is recommended for the prevention of age-related changes, restoring a beautiful, smooth tone.

Technique holding:

  • stroking - easy gliding over the surface, the maximum area is captured;
  • rubbing - pressure is carried out with pillows of fingers, does not cause pain;
  • kneading - also worked with the pads of the fingers, movement along massage lines, as if drawing a spiral;
  • vibration - a rhythmic effect of 2-3 fingers, after toning must necessarily relax;
  • each reception is stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibration, runs from 6 to 8 times, a session takes from 10 to 20 minutes;
  • the procedure is carried out 1-3 times a week;
  • the duration of the course is determined individually, it is possible to carry out from 10 to 20 sessions;
  • to maintain the results achieved, it is enough to repeat once a year.


The impact is aimed at combating and preventing age-related changes. The benefit of the course will bring and with too active facial expressions, is appointed after 30 years. Refers to complex techniques, the professionalism of the master affects the result.

After the procedure, there is an improvement in blood flow and lymphatic drainage, the tissue density increases. Unlike classic species, a talc is used that prevents sliding.

Execution technique:

  1. Stroking through massage lines, after relaxation, each direction is fixed with a slight pressure.
  2. Melting - Movement Movement Works Muscle Fibers, Deep Impact Requires experience to avoid the formation of stretch marks, and draininess.
  3. Each intensive reception alternates with stroking for the restoration of muscle tone.
  4. The kneading neck comes from the region of the second chin to the ear of the ear.
  5. From the line of the lower jaw symmetrically on the side surfaces of the neck to the clavicle, then from the clavicle to the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline.
  6. Then return starting from the neckline area to the clavicle on the side surface of the neck, completion - the movement of the hands along the lower jaw.

Massage feature is deep kneading, tendering and vibration.The session takes from 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the skin condition. To achieve the non-operative suspender, it will be required from 10 to 20 procedures. Course is carried out with an interval every other day. After to maintain the results achieved, it is recommended to repeat 2 times a month.


Refers to plasticity, also when executing talc is used.Capture is carried out between the second phalange of the index and the thumbnail. Tightening the skin is contraindicated, pain and discomfort should not occur.

The master is moving quickly and rhythmically through massage lines, a feeling of light plug is created, as if by frost. Duration - no more than 10 minutes, conducted by courses from 10 to 15 procedures, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.


Special vacuum jars with suction pears are used. As a result, the outflow of lymph is improved, the skin looks like an elastic, taped. The jam massage procedure allows you to refresh the color, remove traces of fatigue, cope with acne.

Technique holding:

  1. The procedure from the decollete area begins, banks on the clavicle are recorded and moved to the chin.
  2. Next, massage from the chin to ear kids is carried out, from the corners of the mouth to the uha urnesses.
  3. Then the area around the eyes is being worked out, banks are installed under the lower eyelid, move to the temples in a spot.
  4. At the final stage, the frontal muscles - from the bridges to the temples.
  5. The duration of the session takes from 5 to 10 minutes.
  6. It is held 1-2 times a week, it is often not recommended to do to not injure the skin.
  7. The standard course consists of 8-10 procedures.


It is performed to maintain the elasticity, the elasticity of the covers, the removal of fatigue. Bloodstock, collagen synthesis is activated, the complexion of the face is improved. It begins with the massage of the hair part of the head, it allows you to achieve maximum relaxation.


  1. Hygienic massage is carried out according to classic massage lines from the neck, gradually moving to the bottom of the face, to the forehead.
  2. Movements are performed in a straight line, as well as spiral and zigzag.
  3. Each reception is stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibration, runs 5 times.
  4. There is no massage in the field of the eyelids.
  5. Session duration - from 10 to 12 minutes.
  6. It is recommended to carry out with a frequency of 1-3 times a week, the course consists of 10 procedures.

Photo before and after


The price of a session of the face massage at the cosmetologist varies from 700 to 2000 p. The cost also depends on the applied caring products, implementation techniques. You can independently master the technique of classical massage.

Important!Plastic and plumbing perform only professionals, otherwise it is easy to stretch the covers, receiving new wrinkles and folds.


Despite the beneficial properties of cosmetic massage and neck, it is worth postponeing a session in some cases. It is important to carefully approach the choice of a beautician, a masseur, find out about the presence of medical education.


  • Before the procedure is cleared not only face, but also neck, area decolve.
  • In the presence of allergies, it is necessary to inform the masseur. It is possible to use only basic oil that does not cause reaction.
  • With problem, fatty skin applies antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The technique of conducting does not stretch the skin, restores the elasticity of the fibers.
  • Any uncomfortable sensations are excluded, even with a plastic massage, a feeling of pain should not arise.

To enhance the effect of the course of cosmetic massage, you can use various masks, creams, fluids. It is useful to combine with facial gymnastics, it is possible to work the facial muscles as much as possible, activate the collagen synthesis.


  • pathology of facial nerve;
  • dermatological diseases in the aggravation stage;
  • cooperosis;
  • hypertension;
  • burns, damage to the integrity of the cover;
  • tumors;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • postoperative period;
  • recently conducted lifting procedures, beauty injections.

Cosmetic facial massage is an effective way to take care of the youth and freshness of the skin. To solve various aesthetic problems, it is recommended to refer to professionals. You can independently maintain the elasticity of the covers, warning the occurrence of wrinkles and decrees.

Useful videos

Cosmetic face massage. Training face massage at home.

Face massage with a tablespoon.