Schedule school holiday: Dedication to first-graders. Scenario and presentation of the holiday "Dedication to first-graders"

Scenario for elementary school "Dedication to first-graders"

1. Adaptation of first-graders to school.
2. Improving learning motivation.
3. Formation and cohesion of the team.
4. Purify the skills of proper behavior at school.
5. Development of artistry, creative abilities.

1. To form the ability to express poems expressively.
2. Develop imagination.
3. Relieve the feeling of friendship and cohesion of the team.
4. Raise the emotional set of students.
Class festively decorated: balls, posters - "First time in the first class", "In a good way", leaflets of maples, drawings of students "First day at school", the name of the holiday. - Letters (school) - Words to distribute first-graders in advance, mysteries + Envelope, record hooligan songs on audio. Presentation.
Music "First grader, first-grader, you have a holiday today"

Department:Dear guys, dear parents, teachers! We gathered for the traditional holiday "Dedication to first-graders." Today is 1 grade a gala day.
Department: For almost two months, the guys have learned in school. Most recently they were called kids, reoxoites, and now they say about them:
BOTH: "These are students!"
Music. Perfect first-graders.
Student (ka)(Holds the drawn letter "sh"
I did in autumn
To school in 1 "a".
I'm counting schoolboy
From the first day.
Student (CA) (with the letter "K")
I was just just a child yesterday.
Nothing can be done here.
Called me with a daughter,
And now first call is called.
Student (CA) (with the letter "O")
No, at school is better than in the garden!
I am going to school with joy.
After lessons, leave class,
And no quiet hour!
Pupil (CA) (with the letter "L")
I'm on the lesson for the first time
Now I am a student.
He entered the teacher in class
Get up or sit down?
I'm afraid to move
Student (CA) (with the letter "A")
New form on ourselves
New handle in a new portfolio,
New books, wands for account,
New notebooks, new worries.
As a result, it turns out the word "school"
The confusion runs out and rearranges the guys so as to mix letters in the word "school".

Department: Guys! What a strange guest with us? Who are you?
Confusion: (proudly, crushing the nose). I am confusion!
Department: That's why you all the letters confused ... I just tried in vain!
Confusion: And why is that?
Department: Now you see. Guys! Who wants to restore the word?
The counselors cause children - 2 people - restore the word and go.

Confusion: Think! And here I know that many of you your moms and dads do not obey, the lessons do not want to learn. Probably at school you are not interested at all. Yes?
Pupils (chorus): Interesting!
Confusion: Well, okay! But I know such a boy who knows nothing and wants nothing. (Screaming) Nehoo-hay!
Non-good: Ah-ah?
Confusion:Come here!
Non-good: I do not want!
Confusion:Go, I say!
Non-good: (reluctantly fits). Well, what do you?
Confusion:Well, tell your favorite poem.
Non-good: I do not want!
Confusion: (by team voice). Talk!
I am great non-good,
I want nothing.
And I will tell you frankly:
I do not teach lessons.
I do not go, friends, I am in school.
Day day i sleep sweetly
Because because
I do not like to learn.
Confusion: That's how! And no one will redo it.
Department: And you, non-good, instead of the words "I do not want" try to say: "Want! I will be happy!".
Non-good:I will never succeed.
Department:Guys, let's help hopeless! He will say the word "me", and you "want". And then the bad will say that he wants to do.
Non-good: I…
pupils(chorus). Want…
Non-good: Play!
Department: Let's spend the game
"It's us and you, and I, together a friendly family!". Repeat after me (repeats with movements). I will ask you, and you are a chorus answer: "It's we and you, and I, together a friendly family !!". Be careful. Possible trap.
Department: And tell me, the guys, who in the morning makes charging?
Pupils (chorus). This is, and you, and I, together a friendly family !! (movement)
Department: Who is neat and cheerful early in the morning rushes to school?
Department:Who is in bed all day and who learn too lazy?
First-graders are silent.
Department: Which of you, tell me out loud, in the lesson catches flies?
Department:Who frost is not afraid of skating like a bird flies?
Department: Which of you, how to grow up, only go to astronauts?
Department:Which of you does not go gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
Department:Which of you, so good, sunbathing in caloes?
Department:Which of you keep in order books, handles and notebooks?
Department:Which of you, from kids, walks dirty to ears?

Department:Which of you on the pavement goes upwards?
Department:Which of you, I want to know, with a diploma at five?
Department:Which of you come to the class late for an hour?
Department: Who does a home lesson performs exactly on time?
Confusion: (screaming). All wrong, wrong!
Non-good: Guys, it's a shame that I am alone. Thank you! Now I correct.
Confusion: Well, okay, you won today. But we will meet with you in the lessons, and I already confuse you there! Let's go, let's notheh, it is corrected. Non-good and confusion goes. Music
Department: Guys! I got a strange envelope for you. Here he (shows). Let's open it. (Takes out a letter from the envelope) that's what it is written here:
"Dear kids-candy-stools! Guess my riddles, picks! I specifically picked them up so that you do not guess them. Your wagon!"
So listen to the Koshcheev riddles.
Presentation with answers.
It is a cheerful bright house
Guys of agile many in it.
They write and read.
Draw and consider. (school)
In the corridor of the football feet,
We are calling everyone in the class ... (call)
How boring, brothers,
On someone else's back to ride!
Would give me someone a couple of legs
So I could run! (school bag)
If you hide it,
Draw whatever you want.
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? (pencil)
If broken pencil -
I am a faithful assistant.
I, as a doctor, he is leaving -
Quickly, sharply nasup. (pencil sharpener)
Then I'm in a cage, then in the ruler,
Write on them Sumy-ka!
You can draw and draw.
Call me! (notebook)
Missed Kolya, Lena.
This means - ... (change)
Long-awaited dance call -
It ended ... (lesson)
Leaders:Well done boys!
Leading:You perfectly coped with the mysteries of Koschey.
Hooligan appears with a big slingshot and a portfolio. He aims from the slingshot into the guys sitting in the hall.

Bully: How I'm glad you! New replenishment, my assistants came. After all, we, real hooligans, are very little left. Windows beat not with whom, lessons to walk alone boring. And now it is, what I will have a gang hooligand! Now I will teach you how you can live in school, how to teach teachers how to joke over classmates and in general ...
Lazy to lazy, learn less
More often to lose your diary!
Tear books, notebooks, forget about the order,
Then they say everything: "Bad student!"
Girls Verpita, more often,
On the desk, write bad words,
Focus, visacy, do not learn at all,
Then there will be bad rumor.
Includes an excellent man in Masha Kninkina.
Masha Kninkina:Hello guys! I think you will not listen to hooligan. And I led assistants with him - the best students from senior classes. Listen to what punishas we give you.
Video of children of high school students, with tips.
First student.
In the morning wake up early
Wash it well
To not yaw in school
Nose desk do not peck.
Second student.
Take yourself to order
Do not play with things in hide and seek.
Each book is expensive
Clean the portfolio hold.
Third student.
Dress carefully
To watch it was nice.
In the lessons do not gigchi,
Chair there and do not move here.
Fourth student.
Do not tease, do not compete,
In school, everyone is helpful,
In vain, do not frown, be bold -
And you will find yourself friends.
Fifth student.
Tell everyone about school,
Honor school values
Learn to write, read, count
To get the mark "five".
Sixth student.
That's all our advice,
There are no wise and easier.
If you do the mad,
In the second prepare class!
Masha Kninkina:Well, future second-graders, the next riddle tells you the teacher?
Teacher: And I can not just a riddle, but a riddle with a hint:
Masha Kninkina: Can!!!
Teacher: Guess the riddle:
I have big children:
Here they are, here everyone is two:
2 Alexandra, 2 Mary,
2 Christina and Anastasia,
Here are 2 Daria and 2 Dima
Further all one.
There is Arina, Yaroslav, Vanya,
Irina, Sophia and Andrey
Maxim, Danil, Varvara, Fedor.
Yakov, Lev, Makar, Arseny,
Timofey, Nikita, Misha
And one girl Zlata.
In general, the full first class.
I am a big family parent.
Guess? I - …. (teacher)
Yes, I am your teacher. You all know me already, my name is ... (Children answer). I betray you, my dear students, all your knowledge so that you grown smart, kind, hardworking. I congratulate you on the holiday "Dedication to first-graders" and I wish to learn well and work well. School years are the most wonderful and fun. They are so interesting. That you will be wondering without end! Especially memorable and remains for a long time in memory what is happening for the first time. In the second grade you will find out all new and new.
Bully:Oh oh oh! 2nd class, 2nd class, think. But this my riddle, the guys - Nnieres, you definitely do not guess:
At the presentation:
4 winters 816 days
4 Springs 32 thousand lessons
4 autumn 50 thousand hours
Masha Kninkina:Guys, guessed, what are these numbers ???
Department: Can anyone explain that they indicate these numbers and words?
Masha Kninkina:Maybe you will now be clearer? (Presentation - We will be together!)
Well, what does it mean?
Guys answer.
Teacher:Yes, you are right, it is so many winters and west, days and lessons we will be with you together.
Department: Only schoolchildren can travel around the country. And who are such schoolchildren? (Children who study at school) How can you be called differently? Pupils.
Masha Kninkina:Well done!
Bully:Well, I do not play. All of them know!
Masha Kninkina:And you play with the guys, maybe they will take you into the 1st grade.
Bully:And what guys will play with me?
Department:Since you are already disciples, what do you think when it is better to collect a portfolio - in the morning, before school or in the evening?
Children: It is better in the evening, and then you can be late for school.
Department:Okay! This student must learn how to collect a portfolio quickly and neatly. Attention, we have the game "Collect the briefcase," let her hold a good boy.
Bully: So, children, you will hear a test with the words when there will be a thing that needs to be taken to school, you clap into your hands. If this item is not needed at school, you are in kicking.
Tutorials and books,
Toy mouse
Farrow clockwork,
Plasticine color,
Tassels and paints,
New Year's masks
Eraser and bookmarks,
Stapler and notebooks
Schedule, diary.
Summary to school student!
Bully:Well, guys, take me to first-graders?
Bully:Hooray! Then before the meeting!
Masha Kninkina:Goodbye, guys!
Hooligan and Masha Kninkina leaves.
Department:Here are the first tests.
Department:And now let's say the oath of the first grader. Repeat after me:
"We, first-graders School №28,
in the face of teachers, parents and classmates
solemnly swear:
Department:never coming to school ... with unbearable lessons ... swear!
Department:never finish a quarter ... with bad marks! ... swear!
Department:never open textbooks ... dirty hands ... swear!
Department:never invite parents to the meeting ... 5 minutes before the start ... Klya!
Department:Make the pride of parents and teachers ... swear!
Department:Klya love your homeland, swear! Klese be smart, kind and honest!
Kley! Kley! Kley!
Now you can safely be called first-graders and comes an important point of delivery of the first school documents: a certificate of first grader.
Department:I give a certificate to the class teacher, he will distribute them to you in the classroom.
Both counselors:We congratulate you!
Department: And call all your guests !!!
All participants include confusion, non-good, hooligan, Masha Kninkina.
Non-good:But today we must note another event.
Confusion:Birthday of your class!
Masha Kninkina:Tell me, and without which there is no birthday?
Responses of children. Among them is the answer: cake.
Bully:So let's bake a festive cake now.
Game "Cake"
All children are taken by arms and lined up in one long chain. If children are not enough, attract adults. Ahead of all the counselor, leaving the rest. At the team, children begin the "Cake oven": the leading turns around him, winding the entire chain. The master is spinning until a big "cake" is turned out. Condition - hands do not exercise. Once the entire chain rolls around the charge, you should stop. During the game, the melody of the song of crocodile genes sounds.
Department:So the cake turned out! (asks children) with what is it with us?
Children's Answers: With Banana, With Jam, With Cream, Strawberry, Apples ...
And what is missing at the festive cake?
Non-good:Right! Raised all the hands up.
Masha Kninkina:That's how many candles!
Bully:And now everyone let him take himself on a piece of our delicious cake.
Children hug themselves and scatter in different directions.
Department:Guys, what do we wish our class?
Responses of children.
Department:And now in honor of two significant events
Confusion:We cry a loud "Hurray" - 3 times!
Everything: Congratulations on the holiday !!
Leading: Thank you for your attention goodbye!!!

Holding an interesting holiday dedication for students of grades 1 is great for familiarizing new schoolchildren with different teachers and the orders of the school itself. During such events, the guys can communicate with high school students, have fun with other first-graders with parallels. But the main task of such a holiday is to congratulate the toddlers with the first school year. A dedication to first-graders can be in class, the assembly hall or library. When drawing up a modern holiday scenario, the original performances with verses, presentations with photos and presentation of gifts should be included. Among the proposed examples of the script and video from such holidays, you can make a new program or choose unusual contests, initiation of first-graders in pedestrians and readers.

Original initiation in first-graders - an interesting holiday scenario

To make dedication of students in grade 1 interesting and entertaining, using already ready-made scenarios that include a variety of rooms, contests. For example, kids can deal with each other and find out who draws better, sings or dancing. After completing such contests or games, you can distribute useful gifts: books, albums, pencils.

An example of a script for an interesting initiation of students of grades

Starting a holiday dedication is recommended from acquaintance with the class teacher and the leading event. As a lead, it can act as a teacher himself and any of the parents. Be sure to alternate performances with verses with songs about 1 class, school or children. It should also be included in the program interesting performances of the first graders with dancing or songs, butterms. And for touching greetings of children with the first school year, you can prepare the following poems that will tell moms and dads:

Sun is sleepily smiling,
Wind with leaves of the rustle
And, worrying, going
In the morning of the school kids.

Bows sparkle white,
Still a new portfolio,
Still timid, fierce
First paints enter the door.

We wish you in rapid
Cheerfully school days
Interesting events,
Good, devotees,

To homing tasks
Performed exactly on time,
To be happy with the desire
Came to the lesson,

To realize that the main thing is
Not evaluation, but skills,
Fast mind and good heart.
You - good luck and patience!

In the lesson, do not yaw
Boldly raise your hand.
Only from the place do not cry
Do not spin and do not download.
Answer beautifully, intelligible
So that everyone is understandable.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

In school, everyone should learn
Here it is impossible, a friend, to be lazy.
The lesson will not quickly pass
If you think about the call
And teachers do not listen
And under the part of the pear to eat.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

Know: during a change
Never stand at the wall.
Better play games,
Watching the word, swam.
Like girls and boys
Prepare for a book lesson.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

Midges in class do not consider
Listen to everything, remember.
Content portfolio in order
Books, handles and notebooks.
Do not forget about your diary:
After all, now you are a student.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

The call rang - go
Permits do not expect.
Laugh louder than everyone in the world
Substitute the foothold of the children
And, as a turbo aircraft,
All confused, rushing forward.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

You do not greaded, share
Be good, do not touch.
Weak Protection Class
And no offense do not come up.
It is necessary to take a friend's friendship,
All one family live.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

In the lesson, do not be sad
Better hand shut.
Legsy a little washing,
Finger Make a hole in the book.
Draw on the party chalk,
Tell everyone: "I'm busy business!"

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

Health does not joke
And in the table go.
There behaved worthy of
Gently eat, calm.
With full mouth do not say
I ate - wear dishes.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

I wanted to sleep at school,
Parta - Best Bed!
Stretch on her beautifully
And put out lazy.
If they call -
Ask them to wait.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

You do not run like a cheetah,
Along the rows of a beautiful desk.
Not football portfolio foot -
He is new and native.
Touch and be neat,
Pure, cute, neat.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

And during change
Draw beautiful walls.
Show how you can
Remove the bolts from the table.
And, like a bold knight in a fairy tale,
Wear a sword-pointer.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

After school, rest
Adults at home help.
And homework
Do not leave a friend, without attention.
Make them try myself:
Without tips of dad and mothers.

Chloride together in your hands,
If my advice is good.

To know a lot,
Need to go to school
And not just sit,
And have twelve to have!

Everyone in life

The only time

It happens your first

Your memorable class

And first tutorial

And the first lesson,

And the first grinding school bell.

The first time you came to school,

The first time in first class.

Everything for you today is new,

Everything worries you now!

Dear kids!

Know you tuned

Tell poems about

How to school you are preparing!

Dedication to first-graders at school - modern holiday scenario for grade 1

The best place for the holiday of initiation for first-graders can rightly be considered an assembly hall or a spacious room with the projector. On it you can show children interesting video access from the director or width, a selection of photos from the first call. You can also include entertaining songs with funny clips about 1 class. Such videos can be installed from previously shot materials about school holidays, competitions or competitions.

Ideas for the modern scenario of the holiday dedication for first grades

Since the festival of dedication is usually held 1-2 months after the start of study, the class teacher can prepare small strange stories to him. For example, to tell about who most often answers the lesson who loves to play with friends on change, and who is more late. Good and cheerful notes, games can be alternating with more "serious numbers". The class teacher can prepare small presentations on the topic:

  • short school history;
  • the most vivid achievements of school students;
  • competitions, competitions and competitions held at school.

It is recommended for the speech of teachers to prepare short stories about themselves and how they will lead lessons. Such friendly communication can be supported by original contests. For example, you can assign children to guessing unusual and funny riddles:

Very slow and quiet
List crawls ...

Quacked asking
Cute, kind ...

Who gnaws on a bump branch?
Well, of course, this ...

Who takes off the flower is about?
Multicolored ...

Interesting dedication to first-graders - holiday scenario with fabulous heroes

Make a dedication of students of grades unusual and interesting will help hold a small event with fabulous heroes. They can be played by parents or high school students. When carrying out such a holiday, you can put a variety of numbers with songs and dances, verses. Also, children will certainly like the breakdown of mysteries, contests and a variety of polls, a game with the artists themselves.

Video examples of the holiday of initiation of first-graders with fabulous heroes

In order for the performance of artists or parents, teachers before schoolchildren was really interesting, you need to use non-standard fairy tales as a basis. These stories can concern the school life of their favorite heroes, just talk about their lives, adventures. In the proposed video examples, you can learn excellent ideas for setting the original holiday and draw up a really enforceive program.

Unusual dedication to first-graders - examples of poems and oaths

Since students of grades can not only be present on dedication, but also to perform at the festival, they should choose the original poems and oaths. With such texts, the guys will be able to tell about new friends, impressions about school and teachers.

Examples of children's poems and swirls to dedication to first-graders

Among the examples proposed below, you can find interesting poems and oaths with which students of grades can perform on dedication. Simple texts are perfectly suitable for rapidly preparations for the holiday and his beautiful and interesting conduct.

I swear before everyone try to be healthy to be,
In the fourth school it is regularly walking!
I swear to read and write I decently
And in the wreck to wear "good" and "excellent."
I swear that I am very trying
My friends will continue to fight again!
I swear to the child to be brought up
Do not run in school, but walking.
And if I violated my oath,
Then I give my milk tooth,
Then I promise to wash forever dishes,
And I will not play on the computer!
The child is always perfect I will
And my oath will never forget!
Difficult to raise their children
Much need to know for this.
Parents I want to wish:
Children always help all
To school in the morning of the child to gather
Pattern on time to give
Smart book to have time to read
And at the weekend, do not forget to take a walk,
To avoid diseases to everyone
You still need to temper children,
Meetings are also visiting
School as they strengthen.
And most importantly - without a doubt -
I wish you patience!

I was once a crumb,
Then he grieved a little,
And with a papier and with mom
I walked to kindergarten.
Now I am first and
I carry the portfolio I am important
I will learn and that I am glad

Today is dedication
And the first excitement,
But I will try
And you will not let you down.
After all, I am first and
I carry the portfolio I am important
Friends I will soon be headed at school.

I will decide from the letters of the word
Smart, beautiful, simple.
And all those who will read them,
Let them shine like saints.
And, like stars through the clouds,
So my words will be twisted.
And, as a complete river.
Let people bear good to the miracle.

Doors opens in front of us
Knowledge and wisdom Country.
The most beautiful dreams
Our school years will become.
Experiments, discoveries, solutions,
Strict evidence long system
Small school desires
Will come to us a series.
In the future, we will visit in the past
The accuracy of the confirmation will collect
Everything in the world mystery we learn
Wise answers here will find.

Beautiful initiation of first-graders in readers - scenario for the holiday in the library

An interesting acquaintance of first-graders with a library of a school in the future will help the guys much easier to look for the necessary materials or choose books to prepare for classes, competitions and olympiads. Therefore, school employees and parents must prepare the kids such a holiday in the library that they will definitely enjoy and interest the children in the subsequent visit to the reading rooms.

Ideas for drawing up a scenario for the holiday of dedications in readers of first-graders

During the initiation of first-graders in the library, it is better to smash the program into several parts. But it is desirable to include the following speeches in the holiday scenario:

  1. The introductory word of the director, the class teacher.
  2. Story about the history of the library.
  3. Description of the most interesting, old books of the Foundation.

Complete the event may be an original presentation with a selection of photos about how different holidays are held in the library, exhibitions. And then all children can hand out congratulatory letters and reader tickets.

Solemn dedication to the first-graders of the school in pedestrians - poems for the script

Conducting initiation of first grades may include not only stories about school, new subjects or teachers. It will be useful to familiarize children with the rules of the road. When carrying out such events, children can also draw a route for which they are with their parents go to school.

Examples of solemn poems to initiate first grades in pedestrians

When dedicated to students of 1 classes in pedestrians, it is recommended to discuss with children the rules for the transition of roads, behavior at the traffic light. After the event, children can be given different useful gifts: small sets of cards with road signs, posters with road rules. Children themselves can prepare for a similar event of the newspaper, scenes that show as it should not behave on the road. Also, first-graders can come up with parents and teachers with such verses:

And Avenues and Boulevards
Everywhere the street is noisy.

If you walk just,
Still forward looking,
Through noisy crossroads
Carefully pass.
Red light transition
With green - even children

To help you
Path to pass dangerous
Burning and day and night green light
and red.
Our house is a traffic light,
We are two native brothers.
We light up on the road to all the guys.
The strictest is red light.
If it burns - Stop!
No roads!
The path for everyone is closed!
And behind him the green light will flash ahead.
He will say: no obstacles!
Boldly go!

In order for the initiation of the first-graders to be really interesting, you need to carefully work on the scenario of the holiday and include a variety of performances. It can be both song or dance rooms and just entertaining contests. The guys themselves can tell the poems on how they study at school what they like more. Additionally, it is possible to include in such an event a dedication to the guys in pedestrians, library readers. You can please the children at the end of the holiday with pleasant and useful gifts: books, diplomas. Among the proposed examples and ideas for drawing up, you can easily choose different materials for the preparation of modern and entertaining scenarios.

Holiday dedication to first graders

( Sounds music "Hello grade 1")

Slide 1.


Each fall at the school comes first-graders noisy dance, joyful, thoughtful, funny, you teacher to know knowledge.

Dear Guys! Today you have the first school holiday - "Dedication to first-graders. " A month ago, you came to our school, not knowing her rules and laws. And now you have learned school orders, plunged into the sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge, experienced the first difficulties and did not flock, did not request home. You can be called real students. Today we will go all together to the country of knowledge, and what kind of country it is to find out with you.

So, it all started on the first of September. -And the word first graders:

Music for exit __________

Slide 2.


We are in school invite perky calls.

We were kids - now students.

First color 1:

And I can already write!

I can show a notebook and even Polystay!

Leading: Lovely!

Yes, you became a scientist! Tell me what you wrote about?

First color 1:

And me from where to know it!

I myself would like to know everything! I can write, and not read!

Firstland: No, at school is better than in the garden!

I am going to school with joy I am: after lessons, you leave the class, and no "quiet hour"!


Guys, and who are the first turns?


First paintings, first-graders - inquisitive people! First Cold, first of all questions ask everyone: "Why in the sky the sun, why around grass? Why did Dolphin do not sink and why bull horns? "


First, first grades are not easy to live in the world! First, first grades need to be able to ask: "Why do trees noise, why is the grass murmut?

Why do girls cry, and never boys? "

Music for exit _____________

Teacher: Dear kids! Know you tuned

Tell poems about how to school you are preparing!

1st student. So we, meet us - We are your new first class! We go to school early in the morning for a lesson.

2nd student: I love to learn very much I am not afraid to answer

    i can handle the task. Because it is not lazy.

I am not to toys now:

    i study in tanking. Gather your toys.And I will give a kindergarten.

3rd student . We arrive all with bows. Studim pants now themselves! Look, the arrows are, maybe 5, and maybe - 6!

4th student . We are accustomed to order, In the morning we do charging.

And we rose whenever the teacher enters the class.

5th student. We are now disciples, We are not up to Gulia.

Hooks are set to the house - a difficult task!

6th student. In the class are busy all the case From call to call. It is only a pity that a change in school is very short.

7th student. Here draw and sing, Here they read and consider.

In school fractions calculate! You can find out a lot, if only do not yaws.

8th student . At school, we have shown How to write big "a"
In school, we already told what figure 2 is.

9th student "2" put and know This means you are lazy! Only we do not yet know who will be lazy.

10th student . How much at school we learn! How many books read! We are on this path
Many years to go!

11th student . Let their gloss Smart school our people! Wait for the holiday, lesson,
And not it will not be added.

There is a knock at the door and the scene appears nonchard.

It goes, throws a portfolio and shouts:

Non-good: "I do not want!".

Leading: What a strange guest on our holiday? - This is, not good.

Why didn't you say hello to those present in the hall?

Non-good: When I wake up in the morning, i scream: "Hello, all people of the globe! " And then to me no need to greet each. I do not want!

Nehohhuha takes out candy and unfolds : what a delicious candy!

Leading: Non-good it is necessary to treat other guys. Nekhukha : You have a lot, and the candy is alone! I do not want!

Leading: You urgently need to be re-educated and advise you to walk with the guys to school. Nekhukha : I will not go to school more! Neither read i do not know how and talk to me teacher do not allow!

    great non-good, I do not want anything.

And I will tell you frankly,

    lessons do not teach.

I do not go friends to school, I sleep, because, because, because I do not want anything.

That's how. And no one will redo me.

Leading: Non-good in school, children learn and need everyday training, to achieve everything perfection. Come on, without losing moments, let's start studying with you. Non-good, let's read.

Nekhukha : I do not want

Leading : Non-good, let's sing.

Non-good: I do not want

Leading : Nehhah, let's draw.

Nekhukha : I do not want

Leading : And you, non-good, instead of the words "I do not want" try to say: "Want!" Nekhukha : I will never succeed.

Leading : Guys, let's help hopeless! She will say the word "I", and you "want", and Nehohhha will tell on what she wants to do. Let's try?

Nekhukha : I...

Children in the hall of the choir answer: "I want"

Non-good: I: (I want) ... candies, dance, be friends, become a student. I understood everything! Guys, thank you you, now I want a lot of things. And I want to play with you.

Leading: I suggest play the game "Collect a portfolio»

Non-good: So, children if I call the subject, which you need to take to school you clap into your hands. If this item is not needed at school, you are in kicking.

Tutorials and books, toy mouse, steam room, plasticine color, tassels and paints, Christmas masks, eraser and bookmarks, stapler and notebooks, schedule, diary. Summary to school student!

Non-good: Well, guys, you are just great! How great you learned yourself collect a portfolio. Can I stay with you too?

Let's find out who are the same first places ??

1B class students are invited to the scene

Song 1 "in» Class

Slide 3.

Teacher: And we go on the road to the country of knowledge.

Enabled to record as at the station

ATTENTION, ATTENTION Please make landing for a school bus Point of destination Country of knowledge

Slide 4. The first stop city of the digitalograd and his mistress mathematics.

In the city, the digitalograd live signs, numbers and figures. I want to know if you know them well. I will make you riddles, and you will choose the right answer.

Slide 5.

Question 1 class "A"

We will add a digit to the figure,

Between them put the cross.

Move yourself on the mustache:

This sign is called ... (plus)

Slide 6.

Question 1 class "B"

From the figure we will read another,

We put the screcist direct.

She dash in grammar

And what about mathematics? (minus)

Slide 7.

Question 1 class "B"

Live in a difficult book

Cheerful brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

Consider everything in the world.

Slide 8.

Question 1 class "A"

No corners I have,

And looks like a dish I

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring and the wheel. (a circle)

Slide 9.

Question 1 class "B"

I did not go and not a circle,

Triangle I am a friend

Rectangle I brother.

And call me ...

Slide 10.

Question 1 class "B"

He does not look like a pile.

Not similar to Rublek.

Round he, not a fool,

With a hole, yes not a bagel. (zero)

And now all together:

Slide 11.

We are cheerful marks.

And we meet often

At the diligent diary.

Who gets more often

Never bounce. (five)

Well done! You have guess everything correctly.

Slide 12. Decide my tasks :

Question 1 class "A"

Lying on a plate

Four beautiful delicious pears.

But our task is not to eat, but listen.

If one of them get a friend,

How many pears will remain on the plate? (click)

Slide 13.

Question 1 class "B"

How many mushrooms in the basket, if there are less than five, but more than three? (four)


Slide 14.

Question 1 class "B"

On the table 1 apple. It was cut in half. How many apples become? (1) (click)

Slide 15.

Wonderful answers. What are you smart! Very good! I will put you for work 5.

(Figures digit 5. All figures are built in ascending order.)

Tell me, what figures are missing? (2)

The guys prepared us small miniatures in the challenges


1. Crying Ira, do not learn

Very sad Ira:

"The chairs were exactly five,

And now ... - four ... "

"One, two, three, four, five!

Do not Cry! - said the baby -

After all, on the fifth you sit! "

2. "Ivan, here are four beautiful pears

Lying on a plate.

Do not eat, and listen:

If one of them brother gets,

How much do you have on a plate? "

"Two" - answers Ivan.

"Why? You give one brother you will give your brother! "

"Yes, I would be happy

This example is clear to me.

But only my brother does not agree to one! "

3. Russell guys on a log in a row

And quietly talking about the school three.

"I like the school," Irina said.

All my life I about school guys dreamed. "

I like the teacher, Sasha said.

He is strict what I have not seen. "

"And I," a little thought, said Lena.

I like the most change.

- Students 1 »B» Classrooms are invited to the scene

Music number 1 "B" class

Slide 16.

The next stage of our city is the city of Grammar.

Slide 17.

You meet his mistress - a letter.

The letter loves the letters, so invites you to remember all the letters of the alphabet

Slide 18. Video "Alphabet"

Now guess the riddles. You need it not only to guess, but also call the first letter of the word.

Slide 19.

Question 1 class "A"

To retreat enemies!

They met their horns ... (elk)

Question 1 class "B"

In the spines of the Yozh and Yersh,

But you will immediately challenge:

Who is getting, that ... (Yozh)

Question 1 class "B"

Where does the underground move?

This knows only ... (Mole).

Now play

The game of attention "Who flies?"

(Lead calls those who fly, and you guys will have to portray the flight, i.e. to portray the wings. When called an object that does not flies, you must slam in your hands)

Birds flew: Typing pigeons, daws and crows, cats, pasta, spoons and plates, delicious cutlets, swallows, haircuts, grasshoppers, read,

Squirrels, piglets, ducks, cubs, chicken, chickens, slippers, guys, ships, sailors, various questions, buckwar, notebooks, balls, penguins, sparrows and midges, books and potatoes. All of them together took to school ran.

Music number (dance)

Slide 20.

The next stop is the city of bookvice.

Slide 21. And his mistress is reading. She prepared for us a lot of mysteries

Slide 22.

We are cheerful marks.

And we meet often

At the diligent diary.

Who gets more often

Never bounce.

Slide 23.

Although not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with the root.

Talking with us

All understandable.

Reading prepared for us riddles - jokes

Slide 24.

In more often, turning the head, howls with hunger ... Giraffe (Wolf)

He knows in Malina, a kosolapy brown ... Wolf (bear) of daughters and sons teaches grunt ... ant (pig)

Who loves on the branches is worn? Of course, red-haired ... Fox (protein) is faster from fear and rushing ... Turtle (hare)

On the mountain cooler passed, increasing wool ... Crocodile (Baran) in a warm puddle of his loudly kicat ... Barmalei (frog)

From the palm trees down, the palm has been cleverly jumping ... Cow (monkey)

Slide 25-26. Lovely Heroes Tales

Slide 27.

Look our way lies through the field of sunflowers, we will stop and sing a chastushka

Music number Chastushki 1B, 1A, 1B

H and with that sh to and: 2. Early to school, I went,

1. We give you a chastushki, So you want to learn

Please do not laugh Although I don't have 7 years

We are young artists Will be proud of me.

We can flagg.

6. Runly called school,

3. First-graders studied The lesson begins,

Different numbers write Like a tornado flies

Either 7, or 5 Litled boyfriend.

Nothing to disassemble.

7. Our teacher was waiting for an answer.

4. Well, and we have reduction, From Natasha long,

Just a look Not a response, nor lead

We draw animals there Not anything.

And we write proposals.

8. Somehow once a teacher

5. How to get a change, Explained that the knowledge is known.

In the corridor of the lump Light went to sleep when

Well, but I care, In the morning I got up - there is no knowledge.

Would not be down to me.

9. We have a chastushki

Is it good if

And now we will ask you

So that you patted us.

Slide 28.

We arrived in the city of Note.

Slide 29.

Fairy meets you - Music

She also prepared task for you - musical. Now the melodies of children's songs will be won. You need to know them and try to execute.

Slide 30.



"Song about the grasshopper"

Teacher: In school, most importantlyto be attentive. Here we now check your attention with the help of the game "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

I will ask, and you, if we agree, answer "that's me, it's me, these are all my friends," and if not, then chlo in your hands.

    Who Vatago is cheerful every year goes to school?

    Which of you keep in order books, handles and notebooks?

    Which of you kids is dirty to ears?

    Who flies forward so soon that he does not see the traffic light?

    Does anyone know that the red color means - no stroke?

    Who frost is not afraid of skating, like a bird flies?

    Which of you come to the class late for an hour?

    Who does a home lesson performs exactly on time?

    Which of you does not go gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

    Which of you want to know loves to sing and dance?

Guys a schoolboy to be not easy, but will you imagine that if there would be no schools ??? And let's find out now!

Music number 1A class

Slide 31.

Teacher: Well, how to do on this birthday without the wishes of guests, without pursuant words


1 . In the morning wake up early

Wash it well4. In the lessons do not gigchi,

So that the school does not yaw, the chair is not moving here,

Nose desk do not peck. Pedagogue, respect

And the neighbor does not interfere.

2. Dress carefully

To watch it was nice5 . Do not tease, do not compete,

Forms to Pospen, check, at school to help everyone,

You're big now. In vain, do not frown, be bold,

And you will find yourself friends.

3 . Take yourself to order

Do not play with things in strands,6 . That's all our advice,

Each book is expensiveTheir wise and easier not,

Clean the portfolio hold. You, friends, do not forget them

You always be friendly!

Guys, when I went to school in the morning I met the postman Pechkin. He gave me this casket. Let's open it. In it, the telegrams that your friends sent you. I think you will guess who they are.

Slide 32.

1 . I wish you health from the soul, Baby!

So that the vaccinations were not afraid, they stopped daily, so as not to torment you bronchitis, good doctor ... /Aibolit /

2 . I wish you as a gift to get a huge cake, Chocolate and cookies, marmalade and jam

It is thicker, above, waiting for your roof from you. /Carlson / 3 . I want to wish you only 5 get Good books to love, with mathematics to be friends,

From Piero, Malvina, your buddy ... /Pinocchio /

And the last telegram. It is a terrible one, unrearent. Well, the guys, define who sent it, because she is not signed.

4. Let your academic year only beats, Get only "2", very rarely you can "3", beate the windows and shop windows, do not go to the lessons,

Conduct more fights, hello old ... /Shapoklyak /

Teacher: - Of course guys, we will not take such wishes and will not fulfill them.

Teacher: Fanfare

And now I declare my decision. I ask everyone to stand.

I spoke a solemn oath. And you say: I swear!

I swear!

I swear!

I swear!

I swear!

And if I violated my oath,

I swear!

I swear!

Slide 34.


So our journey comes to an end, we arrive at the destination and us meet students of the country's knowledge invite us to go

Slide 35.

And here it is a country of knowledge! Guys where did you come? (to school). Our school is the same country of knowledge Where we have traveled today and now when you gave an oath and passed all the obstacles. You have the complete right to consider yourself real students of school №2! I congratulate you.Slides 36, 37, 38

Today you opened the door to the country of knowledge. And how wide it will open, it depends only on you.

Now let's tell you "What do you teach at school?" I ask everyone to get up and sing the song of real schoolchildren.

Video "What do you teach at school?"

Teacher: Now guys you are real first-graders, in classrooms you will hand out your first school paper and are waiting for sweet treats. To new meetings!

View the contents of the presentation
"Dedication to first-graders"

Everyone in life

The only time

It happens your first

Your memorable class.

And first tutorial

And the first lesson,

And the first sliding

School bell.

And the first mentor -

Your first teacher

Who will behave

On the opening road .

We will add a digit to the figure,

Between them put the cross.

Move yourself on the mustache:

This sign is called ...

From the figure we will read another,

Put a dash straight.

I dash in grammar,

And who I am in mathematics?

Live in a difficult book

Cheerful brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

Consider everything in the world.

No corners I have,

And looks like a dish I

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring and the wheel.

I did not go and not a circle,

Triangle I am a friend

Rectangle I brother.

And call me ...

He doesn't look like a pile not similar to Rublek.

Round he, not a fool,

With hole, yes not a bagel

We are cheerful marks.

And we meet often

At the diligent diary.

Who gets more often

Never bounce.

On the page of the bookpoint

Thirty three heroes.

Wise men-Bogatyrey

He knows every letter.

Although not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with the root.

Talking with us

All understandable.

Favorite characters fairy tales

I went to visit my grandmother, she suffered pies. Gray wolf followed her, deceived and swallowed

I waited for mom with milk, and wolf let the house ... who were these little children?

You will not spend a lot of strength over a simple question. Who is a boys with a long nose from the CM solver?

Favorite characters fairy tales

He treats young children, treats birds and animals, her kind doctor looks through his glasses ...

The fat man lives on the roof, he flies all above.

Confident, even though neumeful, and from nature, he is a big zona deska, and well, to guess his souches, knowing everything under the name ...

I swear before everyone try to be healthy to be,

In bright school regularly walk!

I swear!

And in the Ranger wearing "good" and "excellent."

I swear!

I swear that I am very trying

My friends will continue to fight again!

I swear!

I swear to the child to be brought up

Do not run in school, but walking.

I swear!

And if I violated my oath,

Then I give my milk tooth,

Then I promise to wash forever dishes,

And on the computer, I will not play any more!

I swear!

The child is always perfect I will

And my oath will never forget!

I swear!

School melody sounds. Fanfare, coming out leading.

Leading: Hello, boys and girls, as well as your parents and teachers! Today we are glad to welcome you in our big and cozy house called the school! What are you all elegant and beautiful! And everything, probably, because today we take a new replenishment in our school family - first-graders! We dedicate guys in first graders who first crossed the school threshold for the first time.

On this holiday on September day





And I will give a kindergarten.




































































