How long does the candy bouquet period last for a man? Candy-bouquet period. When is it time to start having sex ?! - says Seidman

There is a lovely time at the very beginning of a relationship - "Candy - bouquet»Period. This is the sweetest stage in a couple's relationship. It starts from the moment of falling in love and can last a week, a month, and for someone a year, since this is individual for each couple. It is thanks to the harmonies that each of the lovers begins to seem even more colorful life, and the heart stops at the thought of his soul mate. Lovers see only good in each other, only beautiful.
A moment comes when the lovers feel that their feelings have faded a little, a showdown begins, selfishness and rose-colored glasses fall off, this indicates that the candy-bouquet period is passing, or rather, your feeling of falling in love develops into something else, stronger. Relationships are gradually escalating. Quarrels begin, and everyone begins to see only shortcomings in their partner, concentrating exclusively on them and constantly talking about it. It happens that at this stage, the couple disagree, coming up with a variety of excuses.
What is the real problem?

Even the greatest love one day comes to this stage, which can be called with one big word "nightmare". Every couple goes through this. The only difference is that some overcome it together and go to the next stage of the relationship, while others break up, justifying the breakup with each other's fault.
Many people think that love is just a "candy - bouquet" period, and everything after it is a habit that has nothing to do with romantic relationships. But in fact, after this stage in the life of a couple has passed, it is then that the most sincere and true love begins.

The romance of a relationship does not depend on how long the candy-bouquet period lasts, but on the individuals themselves. Learn to respect your partner, along with all his differences from yourself. Learn to negotiate, you need to listen to your partner, hear! Then each of you will have a sense of support, reliability. Do not forget about sex, sexual relations are an integral part of the life of each of us, it is in sex that you open up and dissolve in each other. Maintain self-esteem and self-esteem. It will be easier for your significant other to love you if you love yourself. Decorate your relationship with new common interests, this will brighten up your common pastime and give new impressions and emotions. It is only in your power to save a bright spark of the joy that gripped you when it all just began: respectful attitude, pleasant surprises, interest in your partner, attention and other actions always support romance in a relationship.

Do not forget this and always return to that very beautiful day when you and your loved one became the closest and happiest people, remembering this warmth inside you, take care of it, develop and then your period of happiness and love will last for many, many years ...

How to choose the right man?

I constantly say what kind of woman you need to become, how to improve your rating and what skills you need to have in order to snatch a successful man from the crowd of losers, attract him and drag him to the registry office. And you, for sure, are offended and think: “Why doesn't Pavel Alexandrovich speak about men, what criteria they must meet”. Well, let's fill this gap.

A Guide to Happy Family Life for Women

Probably, every woman in her life considers it her duty to create a strong and happy family, where quarrels will be only on trifles and no matter what problems there are, all of them will be resolved together with her husband. Because the husband is, first of all, the main component of a family marriage, your protection and support in any life situation, the main consultant on all issues and even any little thing, whether it is buying new cutlery, must be discussed with him.

How to intrigue a man

As the old song used to say, "there must be some kind of mystery in a woman." And this is perfectly true. If women are attracted by stability and predictability, then men by nature are adventurers who are attracted by everything exciting, unusual and mysterious. The same applies to women. A man would rather pay attention to a woman who knows how to "keep her mouth shut" than to a woman who, on the very first date, tells him all the ins and outs. And it is better to be known as the Snow Queen than the annoying lady who does not allow the gentleman to step even a step without her obsessive care.

It cannot be said unequivocally that in this period of the relationship ten dates should happen, during which three bouquets, seven boxes of chocolates should be presented, five cafes, two cinemas, three restaurants and five parks should be visited. Each girl herself designates for herself the alleged frames of the candy-bouquet period.

Candy-bouquet period - a state of mind

If people like each other, then one or two dates can go through, after which the girl will want to make love with such a nice man for her. Moreover, if a man is adequate, there will be no condemnation on his part, which many girls secretly fear. Moreover, but it also depends on specific people, the candy-bouquet period does not have to end after the first night spent together. After all, this awkward concept is just a special period in the relationship between a man and a woman, when it is already clear that this person is “yours” in terms of emotions, feelings, similar cultural baggage, but a lot is still unknown about him, while every time you think about it a person is accompanied by an outburst of tenderness or even euphoria.

Do not think that the girl who prefers to have sex after the first or second date is flawed or poorly brought up. More often than not, this line of behavior is a deliberate choice.

With all this, sometimes the candy-bouquet period can last for several months, while sexual attraction between people may not arise. Moreover, often it does not arise in a girl in relation to a man, when she sees in her boyfriend only a friend, but not a man. In this case, it is very important to inform him in time that there are no romantic feelings. Otherwise, the continuation of the relationship in a candy-bouquet style is simply unethical. Do not give false hope once again.

Arithmetic mean period

Both options are, of course, extremes.

Despite the fact that the period bears the title of "candy-bouquet", few girls like it when flowers are presented to them before a date, because often there are problems with where to put this bouquet.
On average, the candy-bouquet period lasts from several weeks to a couple of months, during which time people get to know each other, imbued with sympathy and trust, and set the necessary accents and priorities. It is best not to force such a period, but also not to prolong it. That is why you should not visit bars and pubs during this period, since under the influence of alcohol, wrong decisions can be made, which you can then greatly regret.

The most desirable and intriguing in love relationships is the candy-bouquet period. Based on the name itself, we can say that this period is marked by a large number of "sweets" and "bouquets of flowers", which is an obligatory stage in conquering a woman's heart. If a man presents a woman with gifts, compliments and signs of attention, then a woman also gives a man her attention, disposition, cheerful mood and upcoming opportunities.

We can say that absolutely all love relationships, regardless of their duration, begin with the candy-bouquet period. The main feature of this period is acquaintance. Partners get to know each other, begin to build plans and hopes in relation to each other, and whether they are realized or not, time will tell.

The candy-bouquet period, according to the specialists of the site of psychological assistance, the site is:

  • Acquaintance with a new person who is unknown, interesting, unpredictable, and this is what causes intrigue.
  • A period of building hopes and prospects that are possible in the future. However, the very fact that a person can dream gives him a lot of positive emotions.
  • Time of various positive emotions associated with an exceptionally good disposition of a person. Partners in this period are trying to demonstrate extremely positive and good qualities of their personalities. They pay attention, give gifts, give compliments, spend their time carefree.
  • The period when partners are not yet united by everyday life, life problems and difficulties.
  • The time when the partner is still so unfamiliar that he seems to be the most ideal. Moreover, he tries to be perfect, because only by demonstrating good qualities can you fall in love with yourself.

And most importantly, only in the candy-bouquet period do people feel exciting feelings in the form of anticipation, expectations and all the best. It was during this period that people fall in love with each other, because they are not yet familiar with the shortcomings of partners. They experience passion because it arises against the background of novelty and interest in a person who seems to be a rather fascinating person. This is where sex gets very passionate and unpredictable.

  • Needless to say, the candy-bouquet period is the most desirable time in a relationship? It can be compared to the honeymoon after the wedding, which, unfortunately, also does not last very long. It is during these periods that people rest together, enjoy life, do only good deeds for each other and give each other extremely positive emotions.
  • Needless to say that the candy-bouquet period is so attractive for people that they then want to return to the relationship the feelings they experienced at the beginning for the rest of the time? People do not understand that passion and love based on hormones raging in the body cannot last forever. Over time, these experiences pass, leaving people alone with each other and the need to make a decision with their minds whether to maintain a relationship or part, because in fact they are no longer interested in each other. However, people suffer in relationships if they want to return the emotions that they experienced in the beginning, which is absolutely impossible, unless you start meeting new people.
  • Needless to say, the candy-bouquet period can be so desirable for people that they will unconsciously break off relations immediately after it stops in order to start dating other people, artificially creating new candy-bouquet periods. A person who longs for a serious relationship should be prepared for the candy-bouquet period to pass, which means that the feelings of novelty, passion, love, "rose-colored glasses" will disappear. If a person is ready every year to look for a new partner with whom he will again experience the candy-bouquet period, then he will never create a serious relationship and family.

Because of all the attractiveness of the candy-bouquet period, we can say that. They do not break off relationships that have been developing with their loved ones for a long time, however, they miss being in love, passion, novelty so much that they decide to have an affair on the side. Lovers and mistresses are needed only to find yourself in the candy-bouquet period again, when:

  1. A woman again wants to dress up, paint, glow with happiness, be in love and feel like a sexy, desirable man.
  2. A man wants to be a hero, to tell various fantastic stories to a woman in order to win her heart, to feel needed and interesting, to receive signs of attention and loving glances.

The candy-bouquet period can be compared to the honeymoon that comes after the wedding. That is why many people in love, when their candy-bouquet period passes, immediately begin to think about the wedding, because after it new sensations will arise:

  • They will become husband and wife.
  • They will be able to live in a separate apartment or run a joint household.
  • They will become independent of their parents.
  • They will be able to go on a trip or to the sea, which their relatives will provide.
  • They will receive a lot of money as a gift, which will allow them to chic and have fun for their own pleasure, without thinking about anything.

However, the candy-bouquet period and honeymoon are all bad because they end quickly enough. Novelty, passion, falling in love, a sense of the unknown and curiosity quickly become satiated. The money is running out. The desire to build an exclusively "positive person" out of oneself also disappears. And partners are gradually returning to ordinary life, where they need to make a living, solve problems, eliminate disagreements and misunderstandings among themselves, get along with habits and even negative character traits that were initially hidden.

If people are not ready for the fact that all positive experiences will pass with the departure of the candy-bouquet period and the honeymoon, then they begin to think that everything is over between them, love has passed, nothing else unites them. If people understand that everything was based on hormones and a sense of novelty, then they can rebuild and begin to get used to each other when all passions have passed and they will have to learn to live with partners in the real world.

What is the Candy Bouquet Period?

The candy-bouquet period is the first stage in a relationship, which begins from the first day of meeting or dating a couple in love and ends when partners begin a serious relationship in ordinary life or move out to live together. The candy-bouquet period always arises at the origin of a relationship. It differs in that partners want to spend as much time as possible together, look at each other with admiration, try to merge into a single whole.

If we recall children's ideas about love, when a guy and a girl want to always and everywhere be together, then this is typical of the candy-bouquet period, when partners do not want to part for a minute, because they are so interested in spending time together that they start to get bored from the very first minutes of parting.

It is in the candy-bouquet period that various gifts come to the fore that a man makes to a woman, walks in private, kisses and touches of various kinds, which excite and pleasantly excite.

It is during the period of sweets and bouquets that hormones are released in the brain, which cause love, passionate and sexual desire, interest and curiosity. In other words, a person does not even need to do anything to simply be drawn to a partner whom he usually idealizes. A partner at the stage of the candy-bouquet period always seems to be the most ideal, good and worthy. Therefore, he wants to give only positive emotions, to please him, to please and amuse.

At this stage, a person falls head over heels in love, so he is ready to give his partner everything that he has. He does not think about taking, he is determined only to give. That is why this period is filled with sincerity and romance.

Is it any wonder that after all of the above, people want to return their initial experiences back when the candy-bouquet period passes and they no longer experience their former feelings and desires, do not see in their address everything that was done for them before? The guy eventually stops paying a lot of attention and giving numerous gifts. The girl ceases to be infinitely happy and ceases to make herself beautiful, always sexy and ready to please the eye. If people do not understand that hormones moved them, then they will believe that their relationship ended with the departure of the candy-bouquet period - when hormones stop being produced in the amount in which they were produced at the beginning of the relationship.

This is why this period is attractive, that people do not need to do anything, but only obey their own impulses and enjoy pleasant events.

Candy-bouquet period in a relationship

Love relationships go through several stages of their development. To come to true love, people must live together for a long time and go through all the stages, the first of which is the candy-bouquet period.

How long it will last, for each couple, everything is individual. Some go through it in a month, others stay in it for up to a year. However, it ends sooner or later, because it is solely due to those hormones that are produced in the brain and make people experience certain emotions and do pleasant things.

Psychologists do not recommend doing serious business and making fateful decisions during the candy-bouquet period, since euphoric emotions will not allow a person to adequately assess the situation and see the unsightly sides. This is especially true of the decision to get married with your soul mate. It is better to take this step when the candy-bouquet period has already passed and when you have become acquainted with the shortcomings of your soul mate. Only with a conscious decision to put up with the shortcomings and unpleasant habits of your soulmate can we say that a marriage can exist for a long time. The partner must make the same conscious decision.

The candy-bouquet period itself can be divided into several stages:

  1. The first stage is when a man takes the initiative to see a woman, gives her gifts, bewitches with himself.
  2. At the second stage, the woman herself can already show some initiative, for example, in where to go for a walk.
  3. At the third stage, it becomes unimportant for partners who first invited to a meeting or called, wrote an SMS. You should be wise here, because your partner may be busy with some business and not answer the call. This does not mean that he does not like you. He is just busy at the moment, so he will call back as soon as he is free.
  4. In the fourth stage, partners introduce each other to their friends.
  5. At the fifth stage, partners get to know relatives, in particular, each other's parents. This is possible only if the partners have already decided that they will have a serious meeting.

During all this time, partners constantly get to know each other. They are interested only because each time they are faced with new actions and qualities of each other, situations and events that they decide together.

As soon as the candy-bouquet period passes, quarrels arise in the couple. They become fatal because the partners react quite sharply to the fact that they begin to conflict, which was not the case before. And quarrels arise only because partners finally begin to take off their "rose-colored glasses" and see flaws in each other, something that has not been noticed before, so as not to overshadow their ideal ideas about each other.

If partners go through this period of quarrels and discontent with each other, when it seems to them that they need to part, because they did not know about the presence of shortcomings in each other, then intimacy arises - a sincere understanding of each other. Partners finally get to know each other real, already resigning themselves to some of the shortcomings and habits that previously caused resentment and a desire to part.

Some people believe that love is everything that happens to them during the candy-bouquet period. Psychologists, however, argue that true love arises only after the candy-bouquet period and after the passage of all fatal quarrels, when the relationship persists and the partners still continue to live together. Romance does not depend on feelings, but on the actions of the people themselves. During the candy-bouquet period, it is created as if by itself, since people do not notice how they shape it by their actions. When emotions and feelings fade away, romance can be created, but already deliberately.

In order for the relationship to persist and last for a long time, psychologists give the following advice:

  1. Show respect and understanding to each other. Pay attention, listen to each other when resolving conflicts, compromise.
  2. Be in various places besides home and relax together.
  3. Maintain your independence from your partner. Also let your partner be independent of you and go about their business, have friends and interests of their own.


Undoubtedly, the candy-bouquet period is the most attractive simply because people don't have to put in the effort. They are subordinate to their hormones, which evoke certain desires and emotions in them. However, sooner or later this period passes. And then, the relationship will remain and what they will be, already depends on the partners themselves, what decisions they will make and what they will do when faced with real images of each other, take off their pink glasses and just live together.


Candy-bouquet period. When is it time to start having sex ?!

Darling, if you kiss me again, then I will be yours all my life!
- Understood! Thanks for the warning.

How long should it last candy-bouquet period and when is it time to start having sex? !!

Each girl decides this issue for herself, but some, in their youth, probably so want to get some advice on when it will be decent to switch to sex ?! Well, let's discuss.

Of course, one cannot say that in candy-bouquet period must include three bouquets, four boxes of chocolates, five visits to a cafe, two visits to a restaurant, one visit to the theater and two to the cinema.

If two people really like each other, they can, after a few days of dating, feel either soul kinship or the attraction of bodies, and then have sex. And no one will consider anyone too persistent or compliant. Unless, of course, we are talking about normal adults who respect each other.

On the other hand, you can meet for several months, visit during this time all places of cultural, less cultural and completely uncivilized rest, but the desire to have sex will not appear. Then don't. Duration of courtship does not at all oblige to switch to sex. Although if one of the partners realized that there would be no sex, the other must be informed, and not continue to give hope. We are all human, and everyone wants to be treated like a human being, do you agree ?!

So, on the first dates, wonderful enchanting sex can happen, and after several months of communication it may or may not happen at all.

But all this is closer to extremes. Most, of course, during candy-bouquet period recognition of each other occurs, mutual sympathy, trust and everything that brings people closer together is strengthened and growing.

And it is better not to force this process artificially, and not to delay unreasonably. Everything should be in moderation.

Let's read which of the girls, what they think about it:

We have candy bouquet period lasted about six months. I still remember how romantic it was !!! Meetings, cinemas, restaurants, walked around Moscow and all by the hand, and only kisses. We had nowhere to rush, we enjoyed communicating with each other.

Everyone has it candy-bouquet period lasts in their own way. It lasted for about a month, and then everything happened by itself. And there was such a case when candy-bouquet period and remained so, because a man did not interest me precisely as a man, he was interesting to me as a person and a friend. So there can be no definite criteria here. Although I think this is the most wonderful time, so romantic and exciting.

I can only judge by myself. And judging by itself, then sex is possible when there are feelings, mutual, warm, affectionate. When there is attraction, but not just physical attraction, but something deeper. If this is, of course, a serious relationship. And here it is important to feel, feel yourself, your loved one and the relationship itself, and then it is immediately clear when to switch to sex. I think, even on the third date, if there is a feeling of closeness, affection, a desire to get to know each other even closer. You can, of course, discuss this for a long time, or you can just feel the "very" moment and it will happen by itself, you just need to surrender to your feelings in time.

But I can't for a long time (a month, six months, a year) meet with a man to whom I am madly drawn. My maximum was three months. And that is only because before that man I had no one: this time was spent on overcoming the fear of the first sex. I was almost 18 years old.
If I am not attracted to a man, I do not meet with him at all. Interesting friends, in my opinion, are quite enough without him.

- Candy-bouquet period is probably the most interesting and exciting in the relationship of two people. It happens to me in different ways. Sometimes I deliberately stall for more fire, and sometimes I pass candy-bouquet period generally! It happens that he passes like that, because he does not pull towards a man and that's it. But in any case, I always remember this time with a smile and sometimes I even want to repeat it.

I have a long time - 8 months. This is only because it was before my first time - I was 17 years old. But I do not regret it, my man did not press, waited until I began to absolutely trust him. My opinion is that it's not about time - a week, a month, a year. It's about relationships, about trust. And the main thing is to understand: what do you want to get from this relationship?

I have candy-bouquet period lasted about a month, it's hard to say for sure, since everything happened by itself. There was a feeling that we have known each other all our lives, and it, this feeling, still does not go away.

It is interesting to read how everything happens differently for everyone!
With my last man (he is now my husband), this period lasted exactly six months! Smooth! It seems to me that he calculated this time on purpose. we knew from the first day of our relationship that we would be husband and wife. And it happened! After 5 years! This is probably why they were in no hurry - they knew that the whole life was ahead!
Our relationship was not like any that I had before! He was even afraid to take my hand, even kiss me on the cheek. It was so touching!
I didn't mind moving to sex, but the young man kept his distance. Now I have no regrets. Candy period we had a long, romantic one. There is something to remember. Then, when there was already the first sex with him, we could not tear ourselves away from each other at all - we were so happy! And now we are happy! It's just different.
If we talk about other young people, I can say that I had sex at the first meeting. But it was all frivolous, entertainment ...
Everyone should decide for himself - it's time or it's too early!

I don’t understand why it’s necessary to delay it on purpose. Some kind of masochistic pleasure? My maximum was 4 months before the first time. And then from three days to 3-4 weeks. More than a month, in my opinion, has never been. When, how much and how, in my opinion, then does not affect the depth and seriousness of the relationship. It depends on people. As proof, I have received bouquets more than once after the first sex. I jokingly call it the sign "don't think it was just sex, you mean more to me." It’s always very pleasant for me.
If I think that there can be a serious relationship, then usually it is 3 dates, and either on the 4th meeting the bed, or I am not drawn to it. Then bye.

How long it lasted, I do not remember. But this period was nervous, constant expectations, difficult farewells, intervention of mothers, and it was a long time ago. I like a stable relationship when we live for ourselves, the way we want. And the elements of that period are still there.

I have a funny case! There was none candy-bouquet nor any other period. We went straight to sex. We met on a dating site, talked for a little less than a month, quite politely without any special revelations. Then, when we met again on the Internet, I asked him if he was very busy at work. It turned out that it was not strong, he came straight to my house in the middle of the day. The sex was just great! Almost a month has passed since then. There is no magic story with a happy ending, but we have very good, even, friendly relations, although we continue to regularly sleep with each other. Neither I, nor he lost interest in each other.
And I don't really need sweets and bouquets. That's it.

I also had a case. Candy-bouquet period passed, since at first there were some kind of friendly relations, and then immediately and sex. Almost. And how can I get all the missing candy flowers now? Eh ... After all, now you will not ask.
So flowers first, flowers and flowers again. With sex, with mutual desire, will have time. But if the desire to conquer and give disappears, this is somehow not very good.

- Candy-bouquet period needed in cases of long and moderately serious relationship, and so, in fact, you can just have sex without sweets.

But I wonder, did anyone manage to ask for flowers after sex? I mean, when there were no special flower displays of attention before him. And then I have such a need for this, and it seems like you won't ask for no reason at all. And he does not seem to be burning with desire. How could I hint so delicately that it should be ?!

In my mind, candy-bouquet period- these are not just sweets and bouquets. This is courtship in general, all kinds of romance.

It was like this: we met on the Internet, and talked for a long time before the first meeting. But when they met, on the first day, sex happened. And then - solid candy-bouquet period... Together with sex.

I have with my boyfriend happened to candy-bouquet period kind of weird. When we started dating, he, this period, was not really. He appeared later when there was sex. And now we have been together for more than two years and it has not ended, candy-bouquet period continues.

I did not have candy flower period, as our relationship developed in a very strange way. We have known each other for 2 years, studied in the same group. He had a girlfriend, I changed a lot of guys, mostly one-day. We talked to him very often. They could talk for hours, quickly found the right topics. But I was sure that his girlfriend was forever, and I was not drawn to him in a closer relationship. But on his birthday, he quarreled with his girlfriend, we were in nature, and the girl didn’t take time off from work for him, but arrived in the evening, angry, tired and did not really love his friends, that is, us. He sent her to sleep in the car, and then we were literally thrown towards each other. We call this day with humor - the holiday of the first blowjob. And it so happened that no matter how this period was and could not be. But I cannot say that our relationship is devoid of romance, he manages to bring a fairy tale into every day of communication. On my last birthday, he brought me an armful of roses - I don't really like cut flowers, but it's still amazing. And this year he gave me a star, as it should be, with a certificate and exact coordinates. The star is named La Gata, which means Cat in Spanish.

Earlier it also seemed to me that if you want to build a really serious relationship with a man, then you should bouquet and candy period tighten up, tease him so that he would value what he had obtained with such difficulty, but ... We knew my beloved for two weeks only, when he suggested that we come to him in the evening with a suitcase. "In the meantime, I'll empty your closet" - he said then. I was in some confusion, I thought that it was somehow strange and frivolous, such an important decision to make so soon! But then I succumbed to him and never left him again. Since then we have been living together, and bouquet and candy period continues. There is even more romance now than when we first met, because we already know what someone likes and how to make each other pleasant. This is also important! For example, I somehow managed to give him a rose ... I thought that he would appreciate the depth and tenderness of such a gift! He was at a loss !!! He said that he was a man and he didn’t like such gifts! I was upset then, of course. But I just resigned myself to the fact that he did not understand me then. But now I know that he doesn't like it, and I make him other pleasant surprises. He's not lagging behind either. Gives flowers, although at first he was even surprised - they say, do you like it so much? For my birthday, I put a present in my car in the garage in the morning - it was doubly pleasant from such a surprise.
So it is difficult to determine exactly how long this period should last and when it is time to move on to sex. I think everyone should feel that it's time! Good luck!

And it seems to me that you should not take the leap in a relationship and give yourself up to a guy on the first, second date. He must strive to conquer the girl. Although if you just want sex, without feelings, then why not.
I myself believe that bouquet period should continue as much as possible and not stop altogether. Otherwise, the young man will stop in his desire to win his beloved, and feelings will cool down.

For example, I have this period and it is difficult to determine, a week, probably, if you can call it that. There was no need for us to delay sex, since we are already quite adult people.
But sweets, flowers, restaurants did not stop, and together we decide how best to spend the evening.
What does it depend on? To be honest, I still cannot understand myself, although there have already been different situations in my life. Much depends on the man. Definitely! From parenting too!
But the most important thing, girls, what I would like to note is not that important!
It's nice, of course, but if, instead of a bouquet, it gives affection and tender attitude, I think this is more important! Not everyone can afford to throw money, but attention and tenderness are more important than a collection of expensive gifts?

Gifts and flowers don't have to be expensive. But how many pleasant impressions from the gifts!

I would not differentiate at all candy-bouquet courtship and sex. You can combine it successfully.

My husband and I had a week from the beginning of meetings to the first sex.

Until the first time I thought that the very minimum - six months should pass. But after 2 months and 20 days I gave up! I could not resist, although now looking back and comparing our relationship now and then, I think that it could turn out to be a terrible stupidity, it was not at all the same relationship. But! Everything is fine to this day, and we have been together for exactly 8 months !!!

My husband and I had sex on the third day of our acquaintance. We have been living together for 8 years and are very happy.

But I have it right now candy-bouquet period... We meet for 3 weeks and everything is just great! In general, not for long, but I already want this bright, long-awaited moment ... Everything is very magical. But that's just scary for some reason. I don’t know myself - I’m afraid of some kind of disappointment.

And my biggest period was about two years. This was my first man, my first love. He was much older than me. So touchingly courted! He wore flowers, strawberries, rode a motorcycle with him everywhere, he was a protector for me. And after sex somehow everything began to fall apart. Most likely, he simply ceased to interest me.
And the shortest period was 1 day. This is how we met, talked and immediately some kind of attraction went between us.
There are absolutely no regrets, under no circumstances! It's nice to remember what happened and how!
And we met my husband over the Internet. I didn't think about anything like that at all. But he began to slowly conquer me. Through children. And the first sex we had with him was 3 months later, on New Year's. And somehow the courtship period came to naught. But sometimes it's our own fault. I've always made claims to him about the flowers - either expensive or sluggish. And that's all. Now I say directly that I want flowers, but he doesn't. Holidays only. So, sometimes you have to think with your head.
In general, everyone decides for himself when and after how much!

Everything does not depend at all on the amount of time spent together after meeting. I had my first sex on the fifth day after they met, and after almost four years after they met, and for four years they met each other in all seriousness, gave flowers gifts, but in terms of sex they were not ready.

But mine never gave me flowers or sweets. In general, I myself do not really like flowers, only live ones in pots, but I would not refuse sweets. And on March 8, he didn't even give anything, saying that there was no money, but I didn't ask for something expensive. Well, why was it not possible to give even just a postcard? Yes, even homemade! It's even better than what you bought. But no...
And so I want at least some kind of present ...

We have candy-bouquet period lasted two months. It so happened that I moved to live with him, slept together, but did not have sex for almost a month. He even kissed me for the first time only after 3 weeks. And I so wanted it! Just right up to the pain in the stomach. We go to bed, I was already spinning and spinning, I put my lips on it. There was zero effect. But then, for the first time, it turned out so long-awaited and desired by both, that it was simply torn with feelings! Beyond words!

- Girl, I want you. Ugh, damn it, it's me! Please forgive me. Girl, what's your name?
- Lena.
- Lena, I want you!

The girl was so thin and fragile that she did not break for long.

You know, I wanted to propose to you.
- Finally! For five years you have been gathering your courage.
- Why, today I was going to propose to you - let's part in an amicable way.

Two friends meet:
- How are you and your friend?
- Yes, I think to leave ...
- Why? You were at her brother's wedding the day before yesterday, was it all right?
- It was. Until she caught the bride's bouquet.
Vasilyeva Natasha and Valentin Denisov-Melnikov specially for the site

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Many dictionaries give a cruel and low-emotional definition of the word "courtship". It is usually noted that all the feats that a man performs during the candy-bouquet period are aimed not only at gaining the woman's attention, but to drag her into bed. In addition, the interpretation says that such a process requires a gentleman to please the lady in all her whims.

Courtship theory

For several millennia, the rules of conduct during this phase have not changed significantly. The active side has always been a man. His goal was to interest and attract a woman. This distribution of positions is due to the fact that the female is responsible for the offspring, therefore, it depends on her choice whether the couple will have healthy and strong children.

The first step has always remained the prerogative of a strong half of humanity. Even today, in the 21st century, only part of Europe and the North American continent have moved away from these stereotypes. There, the privilege of being the first to choose a companion is also granted to the lady.

Nature is the foundation that was laid during the candy-bouquet period. How long it lasts, in theory, depends on the woman. From time immemorial, the goal of the male was one thing - to move on to mating as soon as possible and look for the next "prey", while for the opposite sex it was important to make sure that the potential partner is better than all other gentlemen.

Therefore, it is not worth taking offense at men for seeking to find more partners. Their natural task is to organize pairing with a given object and quickly move on to the next one. This system is imposed by nature, and they lived by such rules for more

Dating is the core of a relationship

Over the centuries, society moved from polygamy to monogamy. Advanced civilizations increasingly turned to the institution of marriage. However, until 1700, marriage was perceived more as a business contract, and not a logical continuation of a love relationship. They walked down the aisle by agreement, and the girl left the care of her father and was transferred under the tireless guidance of her husband.

The world learned about the candy-bouquet period during the period At this time, their rights increased, and the power of parents and life partners gradually decreased. It was then that the dating that forms the basis of romantic relationships today emerged.

The purpose of such meetings at the present time is not to make sure that the companion will be a successful party for procreation, and not to find a partner who is profitable in terms of material wealth, but to make sure that young people are suitable for each other.

Laws and rituals

The candy-bouquet period is a kind of courtship stage, which is laid by nature in the nature of all intelligent beings. Flirting theory is as old as human history.

In addition to natural needs, both parties involved in a relationship must obey certain principles. If in fish the process of courtship is not complete without so-called dances, and in insects - without singing, then a person has his own rituals.

One of them is to smarten up. The next feat, for which, apparently, a man is fully prepared only during the period of courtship, is submission. He demonstrates to a woman a willingness to fulfill all her whims. That is why the candy-bouquet period is so sweet for young ladies and so unbearable for a strong half of humanity. For her part, the lady plays the role of a defenseless and weak creature in order to develop a sense of self-confidence in her boyfriend.

The first month is honey

Usually, the courtship phase is divided into several stages. It is worth noting here that the stage of gifts and bouquets in different pairs continues in completely different periods of time.

The first step can be characterized by the word “caution”. Young people look closely at each other, keep their emotions under control and try to present themselves as profitably as possible.

How long the candy-bouquet period can last and whether it will be at all depends entirely on this phase. If a gentleman does not consider it necessary to give his girlfriend symbolic gifts and attention, and the young lady is not ready to accept material signs of sympathy, then perhaps their relationship will either disintegrate or be deprived of elementary notes of romance.

If partners are willing to spend time and energy, then their feelings move on to the next stage.

The sweetness of the second phase

On average, the first segment lasts from several weeks to a maximum of a year. Further, the lovers live in a state of constant euphoria. The feeling of shame is dulled, but attachment arises. The candy-bouquet period reaches its peak. Partners are absolutely open, nevertheless they remain interesting and new for each other. This stage provides for everything that will bring a smile to the face of a loved one.

The methods that can help at this time include surprises. It is worth noting that this period involves not only one-sided impact. Guys are no less sentimental at heart than girls, so they also want attention, gifts and even sweets.

At this stage, the most emotional proposals and decisions take place, which, in addition to love, friendship develops in a couple, which becomes a guarantee of support and trust. This phase can last from one to three years on average.

Stress Tour

After the summit comes the difficulties of the candy-bouquet period. As with any phenomenon or occupation, passion begins to subside. Life turns into a routine. A man ceases to perform feats in the name of his lady of the heart, since she already belongs to him. The woman, in turn, stops encouraging her partner to continue to conquer her. Bright romantic adventures, bouquets of flowers and expensive chocolate disappear from life. But as gifts, banal, but so necessary socks, shaving foam, and shower gels are increasingly appearing. Unpleasant changes lead to stress.

The further fate of the relationship depends on how the partners react to this in a couple. If the turn is very sharp, then the likelihood that young people will not part is small. Conversely, lovers who will smoothly move to another stage will stay together.

Gift art

There are many secrets of how you can continue the candy-bouquet period. Psychology will tell you where to start a relationship in which there will be a sea of ​​flowers and gifts.

First and foremost, you need to teach your partner to understand the essence of presentations through the prism of bribes and gratitude. That is, the thing that is handed over at the start of the joint journey (on the eve of going to a restaurant, kissing or having sex) will be perceived as bribery. And the gift after a successful date plays the role of a symbol that will say that the partner is satisfied with everything and he is ready to continue communication, to reach a new level. After all, few people will fork out, realizing that there can be no future.

Chain system

Another, no less important, rule - you need to learn to accept surprises, no matter how trivial they may be. Phrases like “why should I buy this” or “I shouldn't have bought this” make the partner feel inadequate.

The last law of the long candy-bouquet period is the chain theory. You should not wait for the holiday to please your loved one. Give things and emotions regardless of the days of the calendar. And, most importantly, start the chain mechanism, that is, respond to any gift with a gift.