Dream Interpretation to see strong arousal under hypnosis. Why dream of hypnosis. If the Crowd is dreaming, what is it for

You can find out for free in the dream book what Hypnosis is dreaming of by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Hypnosis, but something else, use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

The structure of the interpretation of sleep:

Why dream of Hypnosis

See crowd.

Seeing Hypnosis in a dream

Being in a dream under the influence of hypnosis means that you are under the influence of others. Your will is paralyzed. Such a dream indicates that if you want to achieve something in life, you need to free yourself from this influence, regardless of whether it is good or bad. To be a hypnotist yourself in a dream portends the disclosure of other people's secrets, which will help change your situation for the better and at the same time alarm your acquaintances or friends and their discontent. If you dream that a crowd of people is hypnotized by you, then for a long time you will be able to deceive others and lead them by the nose. But if in a dream the crowd comes out of a state of hypnosis, then you should be wary of strong revelations. The dream in which you saw how the hypnotist skillfully directs other people's actions indicates that you should show yourself so as not to become a toy in the hands of another person. After such a dream, you should take care of your property, money or loved one if you are afraid of losing them. To hypnotize a snake in a dream means that your enemy will be confused and completely neutralized thanks to your psychoanalytic abilities. Hypnotizing a loved one in a dream is a sign that you can fully rely on him. If in a dream he leaves this state, then beware of betrayal or some unexpected actions on his part that will upset you. If you dream that the person you love is hypnotized by someone, then soon you will find out that he cheated on you and is literally blinded by his passion. See interpretation: snake.

What does sleep hypnosis mean

Seeing in a dream how you are being hypnotized - you will be subject to your will.

Dream about Hypnosis

To feel the influence of hypnosis in a dream is to be dependent on a strong enemy.

What do dreams mean Hypnosis

To dream about how you hypnotize someone means that you will be able to subjugate many people to your will.

Dream about hypnosis

To imagine in a dream that you are present at a hypnosis session, in reality portends failures in area a.

For a young girl, such a dream can mean a serious one from her peers. Being hypnotized in a dream and watching your actions in such a state, as if from the outside, means that some important shift will take place in your mind and you will comprehend the meaning of your life.

What does hypnosis mean in a dream

You are hypnotizing someone - symbolizes strength and good luck in the affairs that you lead or actively contribute to; you are present at a hypnosis session - your business will be significantly shaken due to competitors who do not show an open interest in your business; you are hypnotized and - you are trying to be drawn into a dangerous avant by a person whom you blindly trust.

Imagine that this is not a real hypnosis session, but a performance played out on a stage where you are eating leading role(see Actor, being an actor).

The Meaning of Dreams Hypnosis

A symbol of your strength and good luck.

The effect is hypnosis against your will - someone is trying to use you for their own purposes.

Being present at a hypnosis session is a failure in business.

Hypnotize someone - you can have a strong enough influence on this person.

What does hypnosis mean in a dream

Take part in a hypnosis session

Seeing yourself as a hypnotist - you will have to persuade the boss for a long time (perhaps give a bribe).

Interpretation of dreams about hypnosis

Selected interpretations of dreams about Hypnosis by our interpreters from the section Interpretation of Dreams of the House of the Sun. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to the question Why is Hypnosis dreaming.

Dreams about hypnosis

Selected dreams of our visitors in the section Interpretation of dreams. Perhaps only there you will find what it means to dream of Hypnosis.
Remember, the Great Dream Book contains conflicting meanings of dreams, and only real people can approach the interpretation of your dream individually.

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 2nd day of the month. The dreams that I had on the night of today are empty and mean nothing.

Today is the 26th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true in 24 days.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is the day of strictly Saturn, the planet of fate, fate, trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams on Saturday will tell about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful, pleasant, then no serious restrictions are foreseen, much of what was planned is easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come true only as a result of hard work, that is, in the near future nothing will come easy. On Saturday night, you can find out about your fate or the fate of other people.

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HYPNOSIS - Modern Dream Interpretation

You see a hypnotist in a dream - you show excessive gullibility in life, you tend to idealize people, but people can treat you cruelly. Learn to refuse, otherwise you will constantly be used.

Being in a dream under the influence of hypnosis means that you are under the influence of others. Your will is paralyzed. Such a dream indicates that if you want to achieve something in life, you need to free yourself from this influence, regardless of whether it is good or bad.

To be a hypnotist yourself in a dream - this portends the disclosure of other people's secrets, which will help change your position for the better and at the same time alarm your acquaintances or friends and cause their discontent. If you dream that a huge crowd of people is hypnotized by you, then for a long time you will be able to deceive others and lead them by the nose. But if in a dream the crowd comes out of a state of hypnosis, then you should be wary of scandalous revelations.

A dream in which you saw how a hypnotist skillfully directs other people's actions indicates that you should be vigilant so as not to become a toy in the hands of another person. After such a dream, you should take care of your property, money or a loved one if you are afraid of losing them.

To hypnotize a snake in a dream means that your enemy will be confused and completely neutralized thanks to your psychoanalytic abilities.

Hypnotizing a loved one in a dream is a sign that you can fully count on his devotion. If in a dream he leaves this state, then beware of betrayal or some unexpected actions on his part that will upset you.

If you dream that your loved one is hypnotized by someone, then soon you will find out that he cheated on you and is literally blinded by his other passion.

A young girl sees a hypnotist in a dream - let him real life she fears for her good name, like a fish on a hook, she can fall for the charm of an experienced tempter.

A dream about hypnosis sessions can be caused real reasons- for example, instability in the country, all kinds of cataclysms, etc.

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Many cases are known when brilliant ideas came to great people in a dream, which they then implemented. And it was not only inventors and scientists who created their masterpieces and artists in this way.

The influence of the moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the moon, we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent $26 billion to fly this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect at all?

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Want to always get enough sleep and see good dreams? Meet folk wisdom relating to dreams and passed down from generation to generation.

Sleep and the human subconscious

A dream is a unique magic that captivates the subconscious of a person into the world of the unknown. Creating problems for ourselves in reality, we hope that sleep, the guardian of our peace, will resolve them.

Why dream of Hypnosis

Hypnosis in a modern dream book

I dreamed that someone was conducting a hypnosis session, which means that in reality you will cause trouble for your close friends. It's your fault they're waiting serious problems in personal life. They saw a friend in the role of a hypnotist, which means that harm will be done to this particular person. It seemed that hypnosis was applied to you - such a dream portends large financial losses due to some stranger. For a long time they could not come to their senses after the session - this means that the consequences of losses will ruin your life and will remind you of yourself for quite a long time. It is a dream that you are hypnotizing someone, which means that in reality your life position and beliefs will greatly influence the views of your acquaintances. It is likely that this impact will be far from positive.

Hypnosis in Miller's dream book

If you saw in a dream that you were hypnotizing someone, it means that in reality your opinion is very valued. Apparently, you have a fairly strong gift of suggestion and influence many people. I dreamed that they were hypnotizing you - the meaning of such a dream depends on the model of your behavior in a dream. Succumbed to hypnosis - this means that you have a weak will and because of this, difficulties and problems await you in the future. Managed to resist - this good sign, indicating your independence. It helps you resist ill-wishers. All their attempts to break you will be in vain. If you see any stranger trying to hypnotize someone - similar dream hints: be careful and choose your friends more carefully. There is real danger be in bad company and ruin your life. A hypnotist seen in a dream promises good luck and strength. Hypnotizes you forcibly, which means that some person from your environment is trying to deceive you. Were present at a hypnosis session - this dream portends failure in business

Abstract on biology student Khandozhko T.V., 9th “B” class, general education high school N 1284, Moscow, 1998


Sleep and dreams

Life in a dream

“Unprecedented combination of past experiences”

What is it?

Three phases of life

Dream in hand

Don't jump to conclusions

Dreams and medicine

Dreams to order


In ancient times, dreams were taken as revelations from the gods. People believed that good and evil spirits could inhabit the body of a sleeping person and, through dreams, communicate various information to him, incline him to certain actions, and foreshadow events. But even then it was already noticed that in dreams the gods and spirits prefer to express themselves vaguely, sometimes symbolically, leaving the people themselves to guess secret meaning dreams. This was considered a difficult task, accessible only to priests and professional interpreters of dreams.

Start scientific approach to the study of dreams dates back to the end of the 18th century. One of the first more or less serious writings on this issue - Dr. Nudov's "Experience in Building a Theory of Sleep" - appeared in 1791. The author, by the way, cites a valuable observation that served as a starting point for subsequent research in the same direction: one sleeping man, lying on his back with his mouth open, was poured into his mouth a few drops of water; the sleeper rolled over on his stomach and began to make swimming movements with his arms and legs; he dreamed that he fell into the water and was forced to swim for his life.

Observations of this kind show that dreams can arise from accidental stimulation of certain sense organs during sleep. Thus the way was opened for experimental study dreams. The French scientist Maury and the German scientist Weigand, who devoted their lives to the study of the causes that cause dreams, worked especially hard in this field. In Russia, V. M. Astvatsaturov dealt with this issue; the latter studied the features of the content of dreams in diseases various bodies and one of the first to use this technique to recognize diseases.

There is no doubt that our thoughts and ideas are constantly in big addiction from physical condition our body. From him general condition, the composition of the blood and the condition of the nerves, our inclinations and passions also depend. In a word, our concepts and views on things depend to a large extent on our temperament. Painful condition organism puts a sad and melancholy flavor on our thoughts, and vice versa, excellent health gives rise to playful and funny ideas. We treat the same object and phenomenon differently, depending on the state of our body, stomach and nerves.

Temperament, instincts and inclinations are inextricably linked with a person, and during wakefulness.

During sleep, the mind only weakly counteracts the influence of the physical side of our organization, and then the temperament dominates, the instincts prevail over logic and reason. Therefore, people of high morals, chaste people often have voluptuous dreams, or very kind people dreams of battles, bloodshed and other cruelties.

Sleep brings a person closer to natural state and wakes wild, primal instincts. During sleep, a person moves away from the ideas and beliefs learned by upbringing.

Sleep and dreams.

An interesting fact, common to dreams, is that dreams rich in content, which seem very long to the sleeper, actually proceed very quickly - only a few seconds. Ideas about time and space in a dream are sharply violated. For example, such a case is described. One famous playwright, having appeared at the performance of his play, fell asleep from fatigue and ill health. In a dream, he saw his entire play from beginning to end, followed the development of the action and how the audience accepted his work. Finally, the curtain falls to deafening applause, the playwright wakes up and, to his surprise, hears that only the first lines of the first scene are still being spoken on the stage. All the vicissitudes of the play, which passed before his eyes during sleep, thus took only a few seconds.

The fact that even in the waking state ideas and memories can sometimes rush through with unusual speed is evidenced by the testimonies of people who survived a moment of mortal danger. At such a moment, the memories of almost the entire life lived will allegedly intervene.

An equally frequent source of dreams are excitations that do not come to the brain from outside world, and from internal organs body - stomach, intestines, Bladder, lungs, heart, etc. All these organs are sensitive and connected neural pathways with the "organ of the psyche" - the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. During the day, we usually do not notice the “signals” coming from the internal organs, because the consciousness is filled with stronger impressions of the outside world. At night, the situation changes: the more the activity of the external sense organs freezes, the more clearly the irritations that arise in the internal organs begin to be felt - especially these irritations are caused by some kind of painful processes. Thus arise painful nightmares, frightening superstitious people. Sleep disruption of normal heart activity or breathing is the most common source of such dreams.

Dreams caused by irritation of internal organs may have diagnostic value. According to them, an experienced doctor can sometimes recognize the beginning of a particular internal illness, which in the state of wakefulness will not yet make itself felt, does not manifest itself with typical symptoms for it. Dreams are a partial activity of the cerebral cortex that is depressed during sleep, caused by various irritations of external or internal sense organs. This is the meaning of the above provisions of Dr. Oks, expressed a hundred years ago, but already approaching the modern theory of sleep and dreams, experimentally substantiated by Pavlov and his collaborators. Ox was mistaken only in understanding the reasons leading to the oppression of brain cells in time. He (like almost all of his contemporaries) believed that such a reason was the self-poisoning of brain cells by metabolic products - “sleep poisons”, which accumulate in the blood and cells during wakefulness and act in a soporific way, like drugs. In fact, we fall asleep even before the toxic products of metabolism have time to accumulate. We can take a sweet nap even in the morning, after a long enough night's sleep, when “sleep poisons” are out of the question. And only in exceptional cases, when wakefulness, supported by artificial methods, continues for several days in a row, when the need for sleep becomes painful, irresistible, only then does the self-poisoning factor begin to play a major role.

This is evidenced by interesting observations made in 1939 by Moscow professor P.K. Anokhin on a rare object - two fused human twins. These twins had a common body, one heart and a common circulatory system but two heads, two brains. And it often happened that one head fell asleep, while the other remained awake. This means that it is not the humoral factor (blood composition) that plays the main role in falling asleep. After all, in this case both brains, receiving the same blood composition, could be located in different functional states: one brain - in a state of oppression, the other - wakefulness.

What beneficent factor makes us fall asleep on time and thus protects our brain from overwork, from the danger of self-poisoning? Pavlov with classical experiments, using the method of education conditioned reflexes, proved that the factor that causes sleep is the inhibition of nerve cells that make up the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres.

Rhythmic nerve impulses from the sense organs to the nerve cells of the cortex can different conditions have a twofold effect on them: either lead to an active, excited state, or, on the contrary, inhibit this active state, turn off nerve cells from work. Excitation and inhibition are the main nervous processes. Without them, not a single motor act, not a single mental experience can be realized.

Excitation and inhibition are two sides, two processes that carry out the highest nervous activity. Due to their interaction in the cortex, the analysis and synthesis of external stimuli takes place in accordance with their significance for the life of the organism; the dynamics of excitation also determines the nature of the body's response to the effects of its external and internal environment.

The state of wakefulness corresponds to the so-called dynamic (mobile) "mosaic" of foci of excitation and foci of inhibition in the cerebral cortex. The spatial distribution of these foci is constantly changing depending on the ongoing this moment activities, from the experienced mental state. When a lecture is given, the centers of stable excitation are located in those parts of the cortex that are in charge of the function of speech, carry out the act of thinking; all other parts of the cortex are in a state of more or less deep inhibition. But when they switch to another kind of activity, for example, they start playing the piano, and the cortical “mosaic” immediately changes: the former foci are in other groups of cortical cells. There are 14-15 billion nerve cells (neurons) in the human cerebral cortex. The number of possible spatial combinations of excited and inhibited foci in the cortex is truly immeasurable. But each such combination reflects certain moments of various mental states.

What happens to this cortical “mosaic” of wakefulness when we fall asleep? At some point in the cortex, a particularly stable focus of inhibition arises. Weak, monotonous stimuli - a lullaby, motion sickness, clock ticking, etc. - can contribute to the formation of such a focus. From it, as from the center, inhibition begins to “radiate” - it spreads to neighboring groups of neurons, then farther and farther, extinguishes the foci of excitation encountered on the way, and finally captures the entire cortex, all cortical neurons. There comes a deep sleep without dreams, without any manifestations of mental activity. The cerebral cortex - the "organ of the psyche" - completely rests.

Hypnosis in a dream, which the sleeping person succumbed to, warns of extraneous influence, someone's manipulations in relation to him, dependence on outsiders. If the dreamer hypnotized others - according to the dream book, he will be able to manipulate or lead acquaintances and strangers by the nose. The correct interpretation of what he is dreaming of will be prompted by the details.

you depend on someone

A dreamed vision warns of the possibility of falling under extraneous influence in reality or exerting it yourself.

Have you seen how a hypnotist controlled someone? Care must be taken to avoid exposure to yourself.

Why dream of being under hypnosis? Such a plot symbolizes the dependence of the dreamer in reality on a strong enemy.

Possible failures, big losses

Being under suggestion and observing one's own actions from the outside means: an important shift will take place in the consciousness of the sleeping person and he will understand the meaning of his life.

Dreamed of being under hypnosis? The dream interpretation explains: because of an unfamiliar face, you can suffer big losses.

See that you are present at a suggestion session? Vision promises big failures in entrepreneurship.

We must free ourselves from foreign influence

For a young girl, such a plot is a warning to be careful, because she is in danger from her peers.

To be in a trance in a dream - you are very dependent on someone else's influence. To achieve something, you need to get rid of this influence.

You can lead others by the nose, but beware of being deceived

Had a dream about how they themselves successfully acted with hypnosis on a large crowd? Dream Interpretation says: long time you can deceive others. But if the crowd got out of this state, scandalous revelations are possible.

Why dream that hypnosis was used on children? This is a dangerous omen: you may be deceived in a property transaction. One must be very careful when reading documents before signing.

Did you find yourself in a dream a participant in a group hypnosis session? The dream interpretation indicates: soon, together with a group of acquaintances or like-minded people, you will fall under the power of a manipulator. Or you have to follow the circumstances.

Dream details

For a correct interpretation of sleep, remember its details:

  • fall under hypnosis - loved ones will deceive;
  • influence someone yourself - start flirting, but it will end badly for both;
  • hypnotize a snake - confuse an enemy or take a competitor out of the game;
  • watch a hypnotist - you can become a toy in powerful hands.

Miller's dream book: you can influence others

Why dream of hypnotizing a person? This means: in reality it will be possible to influence your friends or relatives.