Modern traditional wedding in Russia. Scenario of a modern wedding: ideas, tips and examples. Please congratulate the young family and raise glasses in her honor

What is a modern wedding like? If earlier all weddings were similar to each other, now almost every celebration is a surprise for guests. And sometimes (if the wedding is turnkey) - for the newlyweds. What are the newlyweds now refusing and what innovations attract them? Why are old traditions obsolete? Time runs. Life is changing, it is becoming more and more active the latest technology, and the young themselves are increasingly wanting something new, unusual. Now there are many companies involved in organizing weddings. In order to be competitive, they constantly involve creative and talented photographers, cameramen, hosts in cooperation ... This is how new ideas are born, and therefore new traditions of celebration.

What new traditions are replacing the old ones?
  • Bride and groom. New traditions.
  • Organization of a wedding in a new way. Unusual places and themes.
  • Innovations for guests and parents.

It's no secret that for modern youth parents' wedding traditions are just boring. I want something original, and the organizers are ready to provide it. What are the new wedding traditions exist today? The tradition of celebrating a bachelor and bachelorette party before the wedding as the end of a bachelor's and girl's life came to us from Western countries and took root perfectly. They are celebrated cheerfully, with competitions and entertainment. The bride usually makes small veils of colored tulle for herself and her friends.

Now more and more newlyweds are abandoning the traditional ransom, replacing it with a quest for the groom. Many motivate this by the fact that the ransom of the bride is similar to buying and selling, and the quest is like the trials that the knight goes through in order to win the heart beautiful lady. The bride often waits for the arrival of the groom not at home, but in a hotel room. In the same place, as a rule, the shooting of the girl's training camp takes place.

In addition, now the bride and groom rarely just sit at the table, kissing at the cries of “Bitter!”. They professionally dance, sing, sing the wedding hymn, recite wedding vows...

Another innovation, which is borrowed from Western traditions, - early departure of the young from the wedding. It's like the final chord of the celebration. The newlyweds leave the holiday by car to the applause of the guests. Especially romantic nature can replace the car with a horse-drawn carriage or a motorcycle. The holiday can be completed in a different way, but also brightly: with fireworks, a fire show, launching balloons, sky lanterns or a flash mob for guests.

Previously, the scenario of any wedding was standard: the ransom of the bride, the celebration with the host in the restaurant, the second day. A modern celebration is almost always a surprise. If desired, newlyweds can turn the celebration into a real magical act by choosing a theme to their liking. Preparation for the wedding can be entrusted to the wedding registrar.

A thematic modern wedding is a real masquerade, sometimes with a theatrical performance and active participation guests in everything that happens.

But even a classic wedding can be turned into something very special by choosing unusual place for the celebration. New traditions at the wedding are solemn painting and pronouncing oaths not within the walls of the registry office, but in other places. Romantics choose places to register in parks, gardens, in nature or in ancient castles. You can make guests a surprise by inviting everyone on a ship or a ride on hot-air balloon. You can arrange a collective equestrian or bike ride with a picnic sports wedding With fun games, you can have fun in the trampoline park or on the beach. In general, ideas - the sea.

What did the preparation for the wedding look like before? Parents got together, measured financial opportunities ... Modern traditions at the wedding, it is the future spouses who are prescribed to take on the role of organizers.

Whom to call, today, too, more often decide the young. If earlier most of those present at the celebration were distant relatives, friends and colleagues of their parents, now it is close relatives and friends of the bride and groom, which is much more convenient. A small wedding is easier to organize and pay for. In addition, if most of the guests are already familiar, it is easier for them to communicate.

The role of guests has also changed. If earlier they often had to sit at the table with refreshments and say toasts, having fun only by dancing and participating in competitions, now they are the most active participants in the celebration. Guests on modern wedding participate in photo shoots, arrange a whole performance out of presenting a gift, sing and dance, have fun with photo and video booths ...

wedding is significant event, and the newlyweds should embody their most cherished dreams. So it really doesn't matter if it's an old fashioned celebration or something completely new. The main thing is that this day should be remembered for its happy moments.

“I want a modern wedding in European style”, “We dream of a modern wedding” - in the last couple of years, these phrases have been heard from the lips of newlyweds more and more often.

And it's really great. Being modern is great.

Here is just one question - what is a MODERN wedding?

Personally, I get the impression that under the "modern wedding" most of the newlyweds mean all those fashionable, trendy trends that have come and continue to come to us from abroad. For example, outside registration. Or sweet table. Or a wedding with a certain style. Moreover, the brides are sure that ANY of these points (even the only one) automatically makes their holiday modern.

Here the bride on the forum writes that she wanted so much, so wanted a modern European (another obsessive word) wedding, she did so much for this. We look at the report: the day begins with a ransom in a shabby entrance, continues with the registry office (witnesses with ribbons in full breasts are a must!), then a banquet with indistinct decor, and the pictures themselves are somehow muddy. Oh yes: the bride chose the wedding palette! She put on a blue belt on her dress and ordered the same bouquet, and tied an indigo tie to the groom. Super. But where is such a coveted modern celebration?.. After all, according to the scenario and implementation, this holiday is almost no different from the wedding that was still with the mother of the bride.

Yes, I also believe that everyone has the right to celebrate the way they want. But I am against the substitution of concepts. If you like a TRADITIONAL wedding - for God's sake! Moms-grandmothers celebrated like that, and it’s not a sin for us. But when a couple of fashion trends are attached to a traditional wedding (which often looks ridiculous) and the resulting porridge is proudly called a “modern wedding” - this does not fit into any gates.

So let's figure it out.

What is a TRADITIONAL wedding?

  1. Keeping traditions (as the name suggests) is an essential part of the celebration. O deep sense or the appropriateness of rituals, no one thinks, the main thing is to carry them out.
  2. The traditional wedding is family event and a reason to get together. Therefore, it is customary to invite all close (and distant) relatives to such a celebration in order to personally demonstrate to them new members of the family.
  3. The registry office is a mandatory and indispensable item wedding day. After all, there passes official registration- what the holiday is for.

At a traditional wedding, the desires of the newlyweds, their capabilities, their tastes are not so important - the main thing is to do everything “like people do”. Therefore, it is often said that a traditional wedding is arranged for parents and guests, and not for the young. Although in reality this is not so: after all, no one thinks about the real needs and desires of guests and parents at such a holiday either. A traditional wedding is set up essentially to feel like everything was “right”: no worse than the rest and the way it has been for many years. The fact that the holiday turns out to be tedious, hectic, and simply ugly does not matter. The standard is met - it means that everything is in order.
Decor, photo-video and in general the aesthetic side of the holiday at a traditional wedding are trifles. Therefore, the bride can gather in a cluttered parental apartment, the ransom is held in the entrance, a cheap dining room decorated with posters is chosen for the banquet, and “friend Vasya with a SLR” is hired to shoot - and this does not bother anyone at all. Delays, many hours of waiting, stupid driving back and forth, turmoil at such a holiday is also the norm, since the concept of "organization" (and even more so the organizer) is virtually absent. The wedding is just someone "engaged" - the bride, the parents of the newlyweds, girlfriends. Also, for a traditional wedding, it is quite natural to organize a holiday for 100 people with a budget of 200,000 rubles - well, we save, so what. After all - see above - traditions have been carried out, relatives have been collected and signatures have been put in the registry office, and this is the main thing.

What is a MODERN wedding?

  1. Individuality. The most important thing in organizing a modern wedding is to reflect the personality of the newlyweds, their tastes, hobbies. Therefore, for such a celebration, they are looking for some of their “chips”, “zest”, which no one else has.
  2. Atmosphere. Key step in creating a modern wedding - the choice of concept, i.e. that mood, style that the newlyweds want to breathe into their holiday. Cheerful or tender, youthful or cozy - each of these words has its own wedding, different from others.
  3. Aesthetics - great value attached to the outside of the celebration. At a modern wedding, everything should be beautiful - inside and out!
  4. Comfort. A modern celebration is organized convenient and enjoyable for everyone: guests, newlyweds, wedding pros. Otherwise, what kind of holiday is it?

A characteristic feature of a modern wedding is the desire to stand out, to make the celebration unique, unlike all the others. It is from this desire that the choice of style, theme and palette of the wedding, thoughtful decor, images of the newlyweds, an individual ceremony, etc. follow. etc. After all, all this is designed to distinguish YOUR holiday, make it special, create the right atmosphere. Since a lot of effort is directed specifically at the outside of the celebration, the key specialists at a modern wedding are the photographer and videographer: beauty must be adequately captured and remain in your memory forever. In addition, maximum attention is paid to the competent organization of the holiday: a convenient day plan, accurate timing, safety net against possible force majeure. This allows guests to have fun and relax, the newlyweds to relax and enjoy their Day, and the wedding pros to quietly do their job.
But the elements “like everyone else” at a modern wedding are not welcome and, if possible, are excluded. Yes, traditions have a place to be - but, as a rule, in a modified form: the newlyweds seek to beat them in their own way, to give them some kind of individuality, or at least aesthetics. The registry office with its standard registration is also not attractive - after all, it cannot be decorated to your taste, and the ceremony can only be held at a strictly allotted time in a place not designated by you.


I think the attentive reader has already seen fundamental difference traditional wedding from modern. If a traditional wedding is a holiday “as everyone does”, “as it should be”, then a modern one is “NOT like everyone else”, “as WE want”.

A modern wedding is not a set of some "fashionable" elements, not "now it's accepted." This is a holiday that you create FOR YOURSELF and FOR YOUR TASTE.

Many brides ask questions like “Do you need gifts for guests? How much should they cost? “What wedding traditions must be carried out?” “Can a bride take a bouquet of flowers other than flowers?” etc. Obviously, they are waiting for some "correct" answer, an authoritative opinion that will judge how to do it and how not to do it. But MODERN concept wedding suggests that the answers to all these questions can only be in one place - in your head. For no REQUIRED ITEMS there is no such wedding, and the only condition for the celebration is the presence of the bride and groom. All other elements can be added, removed and changed to your taste.

To create a modern wedding, you need a certain courage and breadth of thought: after all, it is much easier to focus on “standards” than to come up with your own personal holiday scenario. Therefore, only a few newlyweds are on the way to creating a truly modern wedding. The majority continues to follow the traditions, supplementing them with some details from the present as much as possible. Hence, for example, a huge number of weddings with an outdoor ceremony, but obligatory visit registry office on the same day in the morning, and even in the presence of parents. Why then, one wonders, arrange a second registration in the evening, since one has already taken place today? After all, it is inconvenient and generally strange. Yes, because marriage is "required" in the registry office, and not anywhere else, so we go to the registry office. And visiting is for guests, for beauty, it is so fashionable, but we ourselves do not believe in it. Here me and common sense it remains only to shrug his hands in complete impotence.

Another example: brides allocate truly ridiculous budgets for decorating a wedding, and even that money is a pity to tears - but after all, "now it is customary to make decor." As a result, the hall is “decorated” by the cheapest novice designer, who, to put it mildly, does not create masterpieces. Situations are also common when a bride finds a work she likes in a decorator's portfolio and asks to do "the same thing, only in a different color." But “the same” is like at someone else’s wedding, which means it’s not unique, not for oneself, but “as others do”.

No known bad or good options weddings. There is what you choose! Therefore, the most important thing is to understand what is important for you in the celebration. Do you believe in the registry office? So go to the registry office and do not break yourself! It’s a pity to spend money on decorating a wedding, because, in general, it doesn’t matter to you? Find beautiful hall for a banquet and relax. And stop chasing fashion if all these trends are deeply alien to you, and your soul asks for something familiar, understandable and “ours”.

And if you still want a REAL modern wedding - my respect to you. Read my blog - it's definitely for you. ;))

Many of you have been wedding banquets, starting with a loaf and breaking glasses, followed by long speeches of congratulations, contests, etc. And the entire banquet usually dragged on until late at night, until the guests and newlyweds fell from fatigue or from a large amount of alcohol they had drunk. Modern weddings are moving away from this scenario.

Instead of hosts at weddings, presenters are now working, who only facilitate the course of the evening, and do not load it with events. Great amount competitions can be replaced by free communication of guests and newlyweds. Instead of a traditional feast and banquet, you can limit yourself to a delicious buffet and tables set in a free form.

Weather permitting, dinner can be rescheduled for Fresh air Your guests will only thank you! Part of the evening can be diversified with live music and unusual entertainment for guests. If your celebration does not involve a large number of guests, and is designed only for the closest, then the host can be completely abandoned. Your loved ones will be able to congratulate you and say whatever they want without a special announcement, and the evening will become more relaxed.

wedding dinner

Ahead of the wedding dinner, part of the wedding day has already passed. Most likely, you yourself have already managed to get a little tired, so the program of the evening should not become something tiring and heavy for you. Think it over and make this part of the holiday as comfortable as possible for you and your guests!

Holiday zones

Playground for gala dinner now it is customary to zone. This is a very good tradition! The entertainment area can be completely different depending on the holiday program. These can be tables for board games, a table for a bartender show and a cocktail bar, tables for flower or culinary master classes, an open-air cinema.

There can be many options! The main thing is that this area should be a little away from the main area of ​​the wedding dinner, so as not to create chaos. If possible, take care of the signs on the territory.

Guests will appreciate the photo zone, where they can not only take pictures of you and other guests with their cameras, but also receive, for example, snapshots or professional shots from the photographer. Set aside time for this during the evening.

For sweet and cheese tables, lemonade bars, etc., it is also worth allocating a separate place not far from the main tables so that they are in sight of the guests. And don't forget the wish area! You should think about its location especially carefully, as guests may simply not notice it and miss such an important moment.

Attention to guests

Of course, first of all, a wedding is a celebration of two, but the bride and groom, as a rule, try to pay attention to their guests and thank them for being able to share such a touching and important day with them. It can be done different ways: for example, prepare compliments for guests - sweet or savory souvenirs that guests can take with them.

Be sure to thank your guests at the end of the holiday! Words of gratitude can also be expressed indirectly: carefully consider the serving of a wedding dinner or put a sign “thank you for coming” instead of the menu - guests will certainly appreciate it.


Paying attention to congratulations during the evening is a must, but you should not turn your wedding dinner into a continuous series of speeches and delivery of envelopes. If a host takes part in your wedding evening, discuss with him what options for congratulations you can choose so that the process does not tire either you or your guests.

Do not force mandatory public speeches on those who wish to do so in person. It is best to set aside time during the evening for toasts and ask your host to ask the guests in advance who, when and how would like to congratulate you. Creative congratulations better skip ahead!

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Newlyweds dance

This part of the holiday is usually singled out especially, as couples prepare for it very carefully, thinking through the staging and music. Be sure to prepare a dance floor so that you do not have to constantly look back at the chairs and tables of guests who will interfere with the process.

Relax and enjoy dancing! Usually, for non-professional dancers, this is difficult and very exciting, so you need to remember that only relatives and friends are nearby - they will like the dance anyway!

Author of the photo: |

wedding dinner traditions

A wedding dinner, no matter how you organize it, involves the observance of certain traditions even in modern weddings. This does not mean that you must follow them unquestioningly, but it is still worth considering including them in the program.

First, most touching tradition is a dance with parents. This part wedding evening quite simple to implement, but it will bring a lot of joy to your parents! It doesn't have to be the bride's dance with her father. You can make a surprise to all parents: the bride will be able to dance with her father, the groom with his mother. If you have brothers and sisters, they can keep the mother of the bride and the father of the groom company. Everyone will be happy!

Tossing the bouquet and garter is a fun part of dinner. Instead of traditional throwing, you can arrange a lottery and draw a bouquet or arrange a draw using ribbons - there are many alternatives, you just need to discuss this point with the host in advance. If you want to leave yourself bridal bouquet yourself, then be sure to prepare an understudy.

Don't forget about wedding cake: how to serve it, cut it and distribute it, of course, you choose, but give it Special attention Worth at least for souvenir photos. Be sure to think beautiful presentation, appliances and background!

Author of the photo: |

grand exit

The end of the wedding evening will be the so-called "big departure of the newlyweds." This tradition came to us from European and American weddings. It is not customary for newlyweds to wait for the end of the holiday and see off each guest after the banquet. After the official part and dancing, they get into the wedding transport and leave: to rest in a hotel, home or straight on a honeymoon trip!

If this tradition is not to your liking, consider a different ending to the evening. The end of the holiday should be marked with something beautiful and significant: for example, fireworks, a path from sparklers, fire show or fireworks!

Why is everyone so excited about a retro wedding? From the outside, it looks something like this: a car that is about to fall apart from old age, a great-great-grandmother's dress that sits on you like on a hanger and makes you look like an old maid, no one knows where dug out worn brooches and strings of pearls, a modest bouquet of orange blossom - this is how you see yourself perfect wedding? While your grandmother is shedding tears of happiness, most of the young guests consider your image "bad taste" and "hopeless junk", unless they are embarrassed to tell you about it.

Or another scenario: White dress“cake”, a huge limousine for exorbitant money, the coolest restaurant, for the order of which I had to get into a loan, because it’s necessary, a lot of relatives from the outback, whom you can’t not invite, will be “offended”. What do we end up with? - one tradition and no pleasure, and also costs that are unlikely to pay off.

Don't get me wrong, we have nothing against retro style or classic wedding. Everything has the right to exist. Just organize a real themed wedding- the task is not an easy one, and certainly not for every second bride who imagines herself to be a languid Turgenev young lady. You can’t just limit yourself to a plus or minus choice suitable attire, put on the jewelry found in your grandmother's chest - and boldly declare that your wedding was held in retro style, if the whole holiday is not sustained in all other trifles. If, of course, you are very itchy, and you dream of a wedding surrounded by vintage tzatsek and faded mirrors, then, as they say, the flag is in your hands!

We declare that it is enough to look into the past and cling to traditions and rituals that have lost their relevance. We live in the 21st century and we ourselves must introduce new and relevant wedding trends. Let's dust off our feet and dream up a really modern and trendy wedding.

What is a modern wedding? - this is the maximum rejection of old traditions, which everyone is pretty tired of, in favor of originality and originality.

Modern wedding: scenario, place, guests

Of course, it will not be easy for those couples who are the first to embark on the path of progress and relevance. Indeed, for the most part, people are traditional, for them a wedding is necessarily a loaf, dancing, a feast, and certainly with a fight, dancing until you drop (in the literal sense of the word). So they will definitely not appreciate a party a la Hollywood.

But there is a way out! Break the celebration into two days. The first evening - exclusively family, the second day - with friends and girlfriends - here you can ride bikes, and arrange a foam party and not listen to lectures like "this was not the case in our time." In your time, everyone signed peacefully, after 15 minutes they received a piece of paper in their hands - and quietly and peacefully went home, because there was simply no other alternative! A modern wedding does not limit you in anything!

A wedding is in many ways a feast and, if we are to be original, we should start from the venue of the banquet. We reject the classic banquet halls with balls and inscriptions pasted on the walls like “Happy wedding day!”, “We are waiting for children” and so on, and give preference to halls with a creative or trendy interior. If it doesn’t work, then add a little eco-style to the classic interior. The result will exceed your expectations.

But the most beautiful thing is to hold a ceremony and an outdoor banquet on the banks of a river or lake, in a water park, on a skating rink or even on a tram! More exotic - organize a wedding on the islands or on the beach in Greece or Spain. But here the question is in the finances of the newlyweds and their guests. It's up to you to decide! Yes, instead of a traditional banquet, you can organize a buffet table.

As for the guests. Please forgo the strict dress code. Let the author be stoned, but he would never come in his life in the costume of a Roman patrician or a naked odalisque! Want to stand out and torment your friends? - organize a themed hen or bachelor party, it will be much easier and more economical! And let the guests come in whatever they want! simple wishes: "the form once - the front door!", quite enough.

The image of the bride and groom at a modern wedding

We want to immediately oppose the so-called "royal chic", accompanied by a "cake dress" with a bunch of rings, lace and a long veil, "very comfortable shoes» on a 16 cm hairpin, high hairstyles a la chicken nest. Do you think you are graceful and elegant? - 3 times ha, firstly, it’s simply not fashionable, secondly, it’s uncomfortable, moving around in a pile of tulle and lace will turn into torture by the end of the day, not to mention dancing and competitions, thirdly, do you really think that is it modern? As an option - order another dress in a simpler and more interesting style. Why not show up modern suit or a stylish evening or cocktail dress?

Leading designers are phasing out classic lines wedding dresses and offer brides new forms and images.

Of course, even the most advanced bride may not have the courage to come to the wedding in a dress a la Jean Paul Gaultier, but this is not a reason to abandon the latest trends and turn to a strict Empire or A-silhouette.

Transport. There are a lot of chic limousines and SUVs now, and brides, like crows, flock to ostentatious glitz and glamour. Listen, why such a rush? Even an English princess gets married more modestly! Why not be more original? - The newlyweds come to the place of the banquet on a motorcycle, and on a tandem bike, and on an ATV, and on a golf cart! But it’s fun and with a twinkle, and leave the banality to less creative couples!

Entertainment and "highlights" of a modern wedding

The holiday should bring pleasure not only to the newlyweds, but also to their guests, so about entertainment program need to be taken care of in advance. First of all, keep the guests busy while the couple is at wedding walk. Organize interesting quest like "find the newlyweds", invite a separate photographer for a photo session of guests, organize a lottery, interesting master classes, wish zone, board games(for example, Activity) and much more. And one more thing: many competitions are relics of the past for a long time. Whoever drinks a bottle of vodka faster will wrap himself in toilet paper, will dance an erotic dance, steal the bride- Do you think it is still interesting to someone? - If you want a wedding according to modern canons, find a creative leader! It must be understood that some of them have not changed their repertoire since the 90s, incendiary dances to Verka Serduchka or the Lesopoval group will please only very drunk guests! The real one modern toastmaster will offer you original script and coordinate the musical arrangement with you.

Come up with "chips" for your wedding. For example, a cheerful first dance of newlyweds (you can use not only a waltz or love lyrics, but also children's songs, rock, mixes from compositions - much more interesting than a standard whirl simply because it is necessary). In extreme cases, the first dance of the newlyweds can be replaced by the first song, or you can omit it altogether. The first dance can be done in the form of a flash mob, when most of the guests or the parents of the bride and groom join the dance. True, here you can not do without rehearsals.

As for games and competitions, we firmly forget about dressing up boys in busty “beauties”, we delete from the program “mummies” that have set the teeth on edge, a pencil in a bottle, and so on. We leave at most one or two of our favorites. Try to surprise your guests with a novel approach to entertainment!

Returning to the image of the bride at a modern wedding, we offer you small selection original models wedding dresses: from just unusual to quite exotic.

Increasingly, you can hear from couples in love that they want a stylish modern wedding. But what is hidden under this concept? And are there any significant differences between the classic celebration and the scenario of a modern wedding? The team of the wedding portal will try to answer all your questions.

Wedding in a modern style: what is it?

If you want to spend a really modern wedding celebration, be prepared to face misunderstanding and even resistance from the older generation. After all, such events almost completely reject the traditional scenario.

Modern wedding is:

  • special celebration atmosphere;
  • Comfort for every guest;
  • Individual mood of the celebration;
  • Thought out to the smallest detail decor;
  • Non-standard scenario of the holiday;
  • Unusual decision when choosing a wedding wardrobe for the newlyweds.

The main task of the holiday is to emphasize the individuality of lovers. That is why it is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail and learn from experts how to organize a modern wedding: how to choose a wedding style, color scheme, create impeccable image bride and groom, think over every detail in decorating banquet hall and photo zones.

Wedding wardrobe for the newlyweds

Even on modern holiday the classic outfit of the bride and groom will be relevant. But what else wedding images also worth paying attention?

Choose comfortable outfits that you really like. Are you attracted by the unusual cut and color of wedding dresses? Don't deprive yourself of the pleasure of wearing your dream dress!

Modern wedding organization

The ideal holiday of the present time already has a number of its own modern wedding traditions:

  • Bachelor / bachelorette party;
  • Showering newlyweds with rose petals, rice, or coins;
  • Staged first dance;
  • Launching pigeons;
  • Gifts to parents as a token of gratitude for care, love and support;
  • Original wedding cake.

It is worth noting that today's newlyweds are increasingly abandoning such customs as matchmaking, bride price, auto walks in traditional places, etc. In addition, weddings without toastmasters are gaining popularity.

AT last years all more lovers prefer to entrust the organization and coordination of the holiday to professional agencies. The stewards know exactly how to organize a modern wedding step by step, and also quickly resolve any force majeure on the day of the celebration.

Modern weddings are an opportunity to organize a holiday the way you want! And this is the fundamental difference from the classical celebration, where it is customary to do “everything like everyone else”.

Guests and Venue

The idea of ​​a wedding modern style may be completely rejected by the parents. Do not rush to give up your dreams or swear with loved ones!

The portal site offers to divide the holiday into two days: one for relatives according to the standard scenario, the other for friends, where you yourself decide how to hold a modern wedding.

For holiday in the circle of relatives, choose cafes or restaurants. Here, by the way, the usual menu without frills, calm decor and “standard” music for weddings will come in handy. After all older generation rarely accepts new and unusual ideas on the wedding day.