Shelf life of ready-made infant formula. How to dilute a formula for newborns: proportions, rules for the preparation and storage of ready-made food

How long can you store diluted formula milk?

  1. We eat Nestogen and Nan fermented milk. On the packages it is written to cook just before feeding, which does not imply storage at all.
    But I took the cracked mixture outside in the summer and gave it for 2-3 hours. Further - no. Then I adapted to take warm water separately, and a portion of the mixture separately. When the child wanted to eat, she beat on the street in a bottle (we walked in the summer for 5-6 hours). Now we walk for 3 hours, but we don't eat in the cold.
    At night, I chop the mixture and feed it for 3-4 hours. I keep it so that it does not get cold under the covers at home.
    The mixture remains unfinished. It's a pity to pour it out. I don’t drink so as not to gain weight, so I’ll feed myself for a short time.))) And my husband is not eaten with pleasure and adds coffee to tea
    Health to your baby.)))
  2. Look on the packaging, it says there. There is 1 hour, 2 hours. And there are those that are boiled (very rarely used), stored for several days in the refrigerator.
  3. the mixture should not be stored in any case. I personally pour out if the kid does not finish.
  4. I don’t know for sure, but I didn’t keep it for more than three hours.
  5. It is advisable not to store the diluted milk mixture, but if it still happens that the remainder is stored in the refrigerator, warm it up before giving it to the child.
  6. Can't be stored at all. This is written on the packaging.
  7. In general, the mixture must be prepared just before use and cannot be stored ready-made.
  8. It says on the package. But it’s better not to store it.
  9. Read on the packaging.
  10. I would not experiment, a child may get a tummy ache. the mixture should be consumed immediately. The only thing I diluted the mixture overnight in a thermos, it turns out it was stored for about 6 hours. Well, it didn't take 2-3 days in the refrigerator, as the first respondent says, in 2 days the milk in the jar turns sour.
  11. In the refrigerator for a maximum of a day ...
  12. 1 day ... refrigerated 2-3
  13. It is generally not desirable to store E. Better always make it fresh for your baby 🙂
  14. formula is not breast milk and cannot be stored. it would seem - it's okay, leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and then warm it up ... a child is not an adult, in principle, should not eat heated food (my daughter is 1 year and 2 months old), I make food and immediately give her something to eat. What can then be said about formula milk? if you feel sorry for the money spent, it is better to switch to a cheaper one (after consulting your pediatrician). I fed my daughter first with Nutrilon, and from six months I began to give a baby, which is 4 times cheaper, but never left any leftovers
  15. I say on the package - use within an hour ... then I'm afraid to give it - suddenly it gets poisoned ...
  16. Not at all! For a new feed, you need to prepare a fresh milk mixture!

When transferring a baby to artificial feeding, it is important not only to choose the right mixture for him, but also to familiarize himself with a number of important rules, including food storage.

Proper storage of the mixture largely determines its quality and freshness and, as a result, normal digestion and well-being of the child.

  • Store the mixture according to the expiration date indicated on the package. You cannot use expired food.
  • Do not pour the mixture into another jar or container.

    The packaging has certain properties suitable for storing the mixture.

  • Keep the dry mixture in a cool, dark place.

    Keep it away from direct sunlight and moisture, a refrigerator or cabinet near the stove is completely unsuitable for this purpose.

  • In addition to the mixture itself, it is important to properly store all the accessories necessary for its preparation (bottles, nipples, spoons, towels). Take a special container under them or store in a sterilizer.
  • Remember that you can only dilute the mixture with clean, dry hands. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms can get into dry food, for which it serves as a favorable environment for development and reproduction.

Storage of ready-made infant formula

You need to be even more careful when storing the already diluted mixture.

Of course, any pediatrician will give the right advice: "Do not store ready-made food, dilute the mixture just before feeding."... Warm, nutritious drink can rapidly multiply bacteria that can harm your baby's intestines. However, situations are different, therefore, in exceptional cases, it is allowed to store prepared food for no more than 1-1.5 hours at room temperature (no higher than 25 degrees Celsius).

  • The diluted mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, but only if the bottle is hermetically sealed with a sterile cap. This is permissible only if the baby has not yet eaten from a bottle.
  • If the child has eaten a little, but the mixture still remains, it is not worth storing it - it becomes potentially dangerous for the baby.

Many mothers have a natural question: what to do on the road, in the clinic, on a long walk? What if you know that your baby wants to eat out? In such a situation, take a sterile bottle, pour the amount of the mixture necessary for one feeding into it, and pour warm water into a thermos. When the baby is hungry, fill the powder with water, stir well and feed the baby!

Babies will be able to get a complex of all the necessary micro- and macroelements only if the food is correctly selected and prepared. Baby formula made by Nutricia has established itself as a quality, safe and healthy food for babies.

The condition of the products in the children's diet is affected by the storage conditions of the mixtures. Experts of the Dochki-Sinochki online store will tell you how and how much you can store the diluted Nutrilon mixture.

Shelf life of the Nutrilon mixture

Only a pediatrician can choose the best nutritional option for a child according to his age, weight and state of health. The benefits and safety of feeding depends entirely on the parents.

Newborns and babies up to three years old are the most vulnerable and unprotected, therefore, their diet should be monitored at all stages. When buying a product, be sure to check if its expiration date has expired. An expired formula can worsen a child's health.

The shelf life of all types of Nutrilon mixtures is 18 months from the date of production. The air temperature should be from 0 to + 25 ° С, and the humidity should be no more than 75%. This is if the package is hermetically closed. After opening it, the product can be stored and used for no more than three weeks.

Many mothers are interested in how and how much the prepared Nutrilon mixture can be stored. Before talking about this, you need to know how to properly store an opened jar.

Basic storage requirements:

  • after each use, the lid must be tightly closed;
  • the storage place must be cool and dry;
  • you can use the contents of the jar for no more than three weeks;
  • it is impossible to store the mixture next to flour and cereal products in order to avoid infection by insects;
  • the refrigerator is not a suitable place to store infant formula. There she can damp, absorb microflora and odors of other products.

The manufacturer guarantees the quality and safety of its products only if all requirements for preparation and storage are met.

How long is the prepared Nutrilon mixture stored

The manufacturer informs parents on each package that the shelf life of the ready-mixed Nutrilon is no more than one hour. That is, you need to prepare food immediately before use, and in no case leave the leftovers for the next meal, but throw it away immediately. In this case, the savings are completely irrelevant.

The shelf life of the mixture does not depend on its type and the age of the children for whom it is intended. The answer to the question of how much you can store the diluted Nutrilon mixture 1, 2, 3 or 4 (labeling on the package 1 - for children from birth to 6 months, 2 - from 6 to 12 months, 3 - from 12 to 18 months, 4 - from 18 to 36 months), will be the same - no more than an hour.

Mixing rules

It is very important to know not only how much the diluted Nutrilon infant formula is stored, but also how to prepare it correctly. It is necessary to use clean boiled water cooled to the required temperature (about 40 ° C), a sterile bottle and a nipple. The dishes must be sterilized before each feeding. In order for the mixture to have a homogeneous consistency, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of water and powder indicated in the dosage table.

It is not advisable to use a microwave oven to heat baby food, as there is a risk of hot lumps forming. You can simply put the bottle with the mixture in a container of hot water or in a warmer for a certain period of time.

Mothers who go with their baby for a long walk or visit do not need to prepare the mixture in advance, the period of its use is limited (1 hour). In case the child gets hungry, you can do the following. Pour the amount of powder necessary for one feeding into a clean bottle, and pour boiled warm water into a thermos. If necessary, the components are mixed and fed with fresh food.


When choosing Nutrilon products for feeding a child, mothers often ask the question of how much to store the ready-made mixture. The manufacturer recommends using it within one hour. It is advisable to prepare meals just before feeding.

It is also important to follow the rules for storing an open jar with the mixture - choose the right place, close the lid tightly and make sure that more than three weeks have passed after opening the jar.

There are situations when the baby is not being fed with an artificial formula from a bottle. A positive attitude, as well as maximum efforts on the part of the mother and baby, will help to establish the natural nutrition process. Do not despair if a newborn baby needs to use only artificial nutrition. By following simple recommendations, any mother can easily learn how to choose, prepare and store the mixture for her baby.

Increased attention should be paid to how much infant formula can be stored in a bottle. This is extremely important to keep your child healthy. Indeed, with every drop of food, the newborn receives a valuable source of energy and nutrients, which are essential for its intensive growth and development. Proper nutrition of a child up to six months is a guarantee of his health in the future.

Adapted formula milk - a worthy alternative to breast milk

If the child is completely on artificial feeding, then the mixture should be chosen from one of the types:

  1. Adapted;
  2. Highly adapted.

When choosing a formula, it is important to take into account the age of the child, as well as the state of his health. Currently, manufacturers of infant formula present whole lines of special therapeutic mixtures. They perform not only a therapeutic function, but also a preventive one. What mixture to choose, how to prepare it correctly, whether it is possible to store the prepared milk mixture in a bottle, the pediatrician will definitely tell you. Be sure to ask all the exciting questions at the consultation.

Read more about milk mixtures and cereals "Baby" on the site There you will also find many tips and tricks for feeding your baby.

An important component of formula milk is water

It is necessary to start the preparation of the diluted infant formula in a bottle with the correct choice of water. It must meet the following requirements:

  • Water must be allowed for preparing baby food. This information should be indicated on the bottle or container;
  • Bottled water for infant formula should not be boiled. It must be heated to the required temperature (40 ° C);
  • It is important to boil water from natural sources and cool to 40 ° C before preparing the diluted milk mixture in a bottle;
  • It is forbidden to use tap water, regardless of how it was previously treated!
  • An open container with baby water can be stored for no more than two days.

Shelf life of the finished mixture: are there standards?

Women have a lot of questions about how much formula is stored in a bottle. This is absolutely correct, since babies, especially newborns, often do not eat the entire amount of prepared food. Modern women often try to prepare food for the crumbs for future use in case of their absence or while traveling.

Every mother must remember that diluted milk nutrition is the best environment for the vital activity of microorganisms. In milk, many pathogenic microbes intensively multiply and grow, which are the causative agents of various diseases in children, including especially dangerous ones. From here follow the most important principles of handling baby food:

  1. Prepare infant formula just before feeding your baby;
  2. Use only clean sterile bottles and teats;
  3. Perform all procedures only with clean hands;
  4. Do not offer the baby the milk left over from the previous feeding.

A limited circle of pediatricians and manufacturers indicate the possibility of storing ready-made baby food in the refrigerator, but not more than two hours. For greater confidence in the quality of food that you offer your baby, it is better to exclude such options for handling ready-made infant formula.

If you are going outside the home for a long time, then you need to take prepared water and powder with milk mixture in a separate container or in several bottles. Do not forget about the measuring spoon designed to dispense the selected brand of mixture. With such a set, you can easily cook fresh food for the crumbs in any conditions.

It is important to understand that only freshly prepared milk formula has all the beneficial properties. Its composition meets the requirements, which allows you to meet all the needs of the baby in good nutrition.

The mixture remains - what to do?

It often happens that the baby leaves a part of the diluted milk formula in the bottle. What should mothers do in such situations? Here are some simple guidelines.

The manufacturer indicates the specific period for how long diluted infant formula can be stored on the can. But not everyone takes the warnings seriously. And it is absolutely in vain - non-observance of the instructions can affect the well-being of the baby, lead to poisoning.

There are much more cases of poisoning of babies with a spoiled mixture than with food. Here it is not only about the composition of the food, the higher content of live bacteria in industrial food. It's just that the mixture is more often used to feed premature babies, whose immune system has not yet been formed. Mothers of children with digestive tract problems should be especially attentive to the instructions on the banks.

Shelf life of diluted mixtures

Without exception, all manufacturers of mixtures, both foreign Nan, Nutrilon, Nestogen, Similak, and domestic Malyutka, Nutrilak, Agusha and Bellakt (Belarus), do not recommend using the already prepared product after 1 hour of storage at room temperature. And this is about 22-23 ° C, that is, the conditions under which oxidation begins, the development of bacteria in diluted mixtures and dairy products is observed after 20 minutes.

The negative from long storage does not end there. In the 2000s, through experimental research, it was determined that contact with air not only causes the oxidation of breast milk and ready-made formula of any manufacturer, but also affects the content of useful elements in the product. This is especially negative for vitamin C, which dissolves with each repeated contact with air.

Restrictions affect not only the diluted mixture, but also the one that is stored in an open jar. It all depends on the manufacturer - more often it is recommended to use the jar within 3-4 weeks, after the expiration of the period, discard the opened product.

How to store the mixture correctly

In fact, protecting your child from poisoning is not so difficult. Moms should make it a rule to put the bottles in the refrigerator every time. The diluted mixture can be stored for 4-6 hours at a temperature of 5-6 ° C.

If you have to leave home with your baby for a long time, for example, to see a doctor, then you can take the ingredients with you and prepare meals on the spot. We put the amount of mixture required for one feeding into a sterile container, transfer heated water in a thermos. After all, heating water and diluting the powder at home takes literally a few minutes.

Therefore, the shelf life of diluted infant formula depends on the storage conditions. In the room - no more than 1 hour, in the refrigerator - up to 4-6 hours, and this rule applies, without exception, to all food manufacturers.