Topic: “Improvement of motor abilities in preschool children through the system of game stretching. Game stretching - increasing children's interest in physical education. Game stretching for preschoolers

Preschool age is considered the most important for the physical, mental and mental development of the child. During this period, the foundations of his health are laid. Therefore, the main task of physical culture and health work is to promote health, improve physical development preschooler.

In the charter World Organization health care (WHO) says "Health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being" .

Everyone knows that getting a child to exercise is very difficult. But this is necessary, because our children constantly experience a lack of movement. The incidence is increasing every year and "getting younger" . Many children of our institution suffer from chronic diseases and have a pathological posture.

Many interesting and varied

forms of physical culture and health-improving work and health-saving

technologies. My attention was drawn to the technique of game stretching.

Game stretching- it creative activity, in which the children

live in a world of images, often no less real to them than surrounding reality. Implementation gaming opportunities in order to improve and develop the child and is the essence of stretching. Moreover, all exercises and classes are conducted in the form of a role-playing or themed game, consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises. The technique of game stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which helps to prevent postural disorders and correct it, which has a deep healing effect on the entire body. Exercises are performed without outside influence, because. the human body is its own coach. Manipulating your body in a slow and therefore safe rhythm is most effective. In children, the complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it disappear. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, and create a sense of inner freedom.

Stretching exercises not only develop the body, but also expand the limits of a person's mental capabilities. The main difference between stretching exercises and regular physical exercises is that the latter require a lot of tension to perform, while stretching exercises, on the contrary, refuse movements that require tension. Not intensity, but systematic exercise - this is the key to success when doing stretching.

The game stretching technique does not have age restrictions, you can start with children 4 summer age. Exercises that cover all muscle groups are close and understandable to children by the names of animals or imitative actions and are performed along the way. role-playing game scenario-based fabulous material. In every class I give new story game in which the children "turn" in various animals, insects and perform in interesting form difficult exercises.

The main principles of organizing classes are:

  • visibility - display exercise, figurative story.
  • Accessibility - Teaching exercises from simple to complex, from known to unknown, taking into account the degree of preparedness of children.
  • Systematic - The regularity of classes, increasing the load, increasing the number of exercises, complicating the technique of their implementation.
  • Consolidation of skills - repeated performance of exercises. Ability to perform them independently, outside of class.
  • Individual-differential approach - Taking into account the characteristics of the age, health status of each child.
  • Consciousness - Understanding the benefits of doing the exercise, the need to perform them.

During the training sessions on game stretching, the following tasks are solved:

  • Teaching children various types of imitative movements of game stretching.
  • Draw children's attention to the accuracy of movements, transmission characteristic features images.
  • Development of physical qualities: muscle strength, agility, endurance, flexibility; development of mental qualities: attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.
  • Upbringing moral qualities, sociability.
  • Keep children interested in activities.
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, increasing the functional activity of organs and systems of the body.
  • Creation of conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children.

Elements of game stretching can be included in any form of physical culture and health work in a preschool educational institution. Morning gymnastics with elements of game stretching creates an organized beginning, an even, cheerful mood among those involved.

The combination of dynamic and static physical exercises is the most

corresponds to the nature of the human musculoskeletal system and is, best method training for the development of strength, endurance, coordination of movements.

Exercises of the game stretching technique arose mainly on the basis of exercises physiotherapy exercises, but differ in greater statics of their implementation, and more playful character, the introduction of elementary, child-friendly skills of concentration and relaxation, breathing exercises. These exercises are available to everyone who is not forbidden by doctors to engage in general physical training. They do not require sports equipment, large halls, material costs. They can be performed in children's institutions and at home, in groups and individually.

Stretching liberates children, making them open and cheerful. During these classes, children receive emotional release, physical pleasure, which in turn involves children in the process of physical education. Children are eagerly waiting for the next lessons.

1. Game stretching can be done individually or in a group.

At group lessons be sure to take into account the age

2. The time of the classes also depends on the age of the children: 3-4 years old - 25-30

minutes; 5-6 years - 40 minutes; 6-7 years old.

3. It is best to exercise in a well-ventilated area. Carpet for

classes should be comfortable and have a pleasant color for the child.

4. Try to get children to follow the principle of gradualness. Not worth it

rush during class.

5. Remember that all exercises are based on alternating tension and

muscle relaxation.

6. Make sure that you do not perform several exercises in a row.

similar muscle groups.

7. In each lesson, a combination of dynamic and static is required.

forms of muscle action.

Observe the principle of regularity in classes.

8. You can not force a child to study. If the child is forced. That's good

there won't be any from this class. This is evidenced by studies of American physiologists. Physical exercise is good for health

only if performed voluntarily.

9. The teacher needs to respect his children.

Stretching game exercises contribute to the training of all body functions. This is tension - relaxation - stretching, the absence of injuries; - static stretching, greatly improves our flexibility; improves joint mobility; by stretching the muscles, we increase our flexibility and dexterity; removes muscle tension; during static stretching, harmonious and natural development and strengthening the systems and functions of the body; promotes better coordination of movements, increases the ability to move; plasticity improves; artistry appears - improves well-being and cheers up; back muscles are strengthened, thereby a beautiful posture appears.

Senior educator MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 26"

Galdaeva Yulia Olegovna,

Kemerovo region, Anzhero-Sudzhensk

Andreeva Elena Viktorovna,

instructor for physical culture

work experience 30 years

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1", Nefteyugansk

Protection and strengthening of children's health is a priority task of the educational process. V Lately children are more likely to suffer from diseases associated with a violation of the musculoskeletal system.

Physical education classes are the main organizational form of physical education and health work with children attending kindergartens, therefore, they should become the main means of improving children and preventing various diseases. Currently, there are many new methods aimed at updating the content of physical education classes. One of the techniques I use is game stretching. The author of the technique is E. V. Sulim.

What is gaming stretching for and what is it aimed at?

Game stretching - these are specially selected muscle stretching exercises carried out with children in game form.

Thanks to stretching, the mobility of the joints increases, the muscles become more elastic and flexible, and they retain their efficiency longer. Stretching increases the overall motor activity. Stretching exercises are aimed at forming the correct posture. In addition, muscle elasticity develops, endurance and diligence are brought up.

In the course of the lesson, I decide the following tasks:

  1. Development of physical qualities: muscle strength, agility, endurance, flexibility.
  2. Development of mental qualities: attention, imagination, mental abilities.
  3. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, increasing the functional activity of organs and systems of the body.
  4. Creating conditions for positive psycho-emotional state children, emancipation and creativity in motion.

The value of game stretching

Increases joint mobility

Muscles become more elastic and flexible

Increased overall physical activity

Exercises are aimed at the formation of correct posture

Build endurance and perseverance

Stretching exercises are imitative in nature and are performed during physical education classes. Exercises are performed in a slow, and therefore safe rhythm. It is best to start playing stretching with children from the elder preschool age. By the age of 5, the child develops visual-figurative thinking, which allows you to perform imitative movements with the greatest efficiency, most accurately and emotionally expressive. The child is able to control his actions on the verbal instructions of an adult. Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times. Classes with children of senior preschool age are held up to 35 minutes.

Warming up the muscles, preparing the body for work takes place in the first introductory part classes. Children perform exercises in various types walking, running, jumping, to strengthen the arch of the foot, coordination of movements, orientation in space, development of attention.

In the second (main) part Let's move on to gaming. In the lesson, I used 6 game stretching exercises. Exercises are selected to strengthen and stretch all muscle groups.

For example, exercise "Sun"

The exercise "Airplane takes off"

"Boat"- strengthens the muscles of the back, abdominals.


All stretching exercises are performed to music.

Teaching children the basic types of movements should not be left without attention. I used circuit training as it is the most effective form organization of classes at the senior preschool age. I chose the ATS so that all muscle groups worked.

On the gymnastic ladder, the abdominal muscles are strengthened.

On a gymnastic bench with a ball, the muscles of the arms and legs are strengthened.

Jumping over the bench develops jumping ability.

Children with high level physical development was performed with complication: more times on the gymnastic bench; jumping over the gymnastic bench sideways; walking in a squat on a bench with a medicine ball on outstretched arms

The mobile game "Tails" is also a component of the main part of the lesson. In the game, children develop speed, dexterity, coordination of movements.

At the end of the lesson the task of restoring the body after physical activity I used the snowman relaxation exercise for the whole body.

Relaxation exercise is performed under musical accompaniment.

You should also remember the basic principles of performing game stretching exercises:

  1. visibility. Demonstration of physical exercises, figurative story. I show the exercise or the child I prepared.
  2. Availability. Teaching exercises from simple to complex, from known to unknown. Many exercises are familiar to children, but under different names and are performed at a slower pace. For example: "Tree", "Plucked flower", "Star". In class, I used the simplest exercises.
  3. Systematic. Regularity, gradual increase in load, increase in the number of exercises.
  4. Consolidation of skills. Repeated performance of exercises, the ability to perform them independently, outside of class. We begin to perform the exercise with 4 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  5. Individual-differential approach. Taking into account the characteristics of the age, health status of each child. I have been working with children for four years. I know their capabilities. Therefore, the requirements for children are individual.
  6. Consciousness. Understanding the benefits of doing exercises, the need to perform them. To do this, before learning the exercise, I explain to the children to strengthen which muscles this exercise is.

Basic rules of stretching, which I did throughout the course:

Warming up before exercise;

Slow and smooth exercise;

- “the rule of a flat back” - watch your posture, because hunchback reduces flexibility;

Calm breathing;

Stretching should be done systematically and symmetrically on both sides of the body.

Elements of game stretching can also be used in morning exercises.

Playful stretching classes with children show that images of the fairy-tale world that are close and understandable to children make it easy to perform difficult physical exercises.

Synopsis of physical education

"Circular strength training with elements of stretching"

Senior preschool age (6-7 years)

Target: comprehensive development of the physical and mental qualities of the child in accordance with age and individual characteristics; formation of the need for movement.


Develop muscle strength, promote stretching and strengthening of muscles and ligaments, agility, endurance, the ability to correlate movements with music;

Consolidate and improve strength exercises on the gymnastic ladder and gymnastic bench;

Cultivate attention, perseverance, self-confidence, discipline;

Continue to develop the ability to evaluate your actions and the actions of your comrades;

To form interest in the exercises of game stretching.

Location: gym.

Inventory: gymnastic bench - 2 pcs, gymnastic ladder; stuffed ball /weight 1kg/; gymnastic rugs, pigtails - according to the number of children; self-adhesive paper medals - gold, silver, bronze.

Music material: AI Burenina Rhythmic mosaic "Blue Water".

Dance rhythm for children "Sports training".

Relax - music "Dreams of Summer".

Used Books: E.V. Sulim "Physical education classes in kindergarten: game stretching."

Lesson progress

Instructor: Guys, it's over. Olympic Games. Russia took 1st place. What qualities do you think an athlete should have in order to win in competitions? /children's answers/

Instructor: Do you want to be strong, fast, enduring? What is needed for this? / to train / Now we will go to the stadium and have a training session there. Are we leaving?

/music accompaniment "Sports training"/

I.Introductory part

Instructor: Group, equalize! Attention! For the guiding step march!

Walking in a column 1.

In order not to waste time, let's start the warm-up! We strengthen the muscles of the back, the muscles of the foot!

Hands up, on toes - palms look at each other, pulled up knees, stomachs.

Hands behind the head, on the heels - elbows to the sides, the back is straight, pull the socks towards you.

Hands on the belt, elbows slightly back, back straight, we roll from heel to toe.

And now we strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Full squat, hands on knees, deep squat walking

Walking with high knees, hands on the belt - the back is straight.

Let's shorten the path, let's run to the stadium!

Slow run 1 min, do not hold your breath.

Breathing exercise "Humpty - chat"

We ran to the stadium. Let's continue the workout.

Children take mats along the way.

Instructor: Group, attention! In 3 columns march through the middle of the hall!

The children put down the rugs.

Instructor: We continue the warm-up with elements of game stretching.

II. Main part

A set of stretching exercises is performed to the musical accompaniment "Blue Water".

1. "Warrior Pose"- strengthens the back muscles, hip and shoulder joints.

I.P. - wide stance, feet parallel, turn the right foot to the right.

1-2-3 - slowly raise your arms to the sides;

4 - without lowering your hands, turn your head to the right, look at the tips of your fingers;

5-8 - hold the pose.

2 times in each direction.

2. "Sun"- helps to stretch the lateral muscles of the body, maintains the flexibility of the spine, the mobility of the hip joints.

I.P. - wide stance, right foot turned outward, arms to the sides.

1-4 - as you exhale, lean to the right until right hand won't touch the floor left hand pulled up;

5-8- stand in a slope;

9-12 - slowly straighten up.

The same on the other side.

2 times in each direction.

3. "Oak"- strengthen the muscles of the back, legs.

I.P. - wide stance, feet parallel, arms lowered along the body.

1-2 - raise your hands up with palms to each other;

3-4 - semi-squat, legs firmly rest on the floor;

5-8- stand in a semi-squat;

Repeat 4 times.

4. "The plane takes off" - strengthens the back muscles, develops the mobility of the hip and shoulder joints.

I.P. - sitting on your knees, arms along the body.

1- straighten the right leg back, sit on the left heel / inhale /;

2- raise your arms to the sides, stretch the spine up / exhale /;

3-4 - raise arms up, back straight, spine stretch up / inhale /;

Do the same with the other leg, 2 times on each leg.

6. "Plucked flower" - stretching the muscles of the legs and back.

I.P. - sitting on the floor right leg straight, stretched forward, bend the left leg back, take the knee to the side.

1- slowly raise your hands up, stretch the spine;

2–4 - bend over to the straight leg, touch the knee with the forehead, reach out with the hands to the toes, the leg is straight;

5- 6- straighten up, stretching the spine up. stretch;

The same for the other leg. 3-4 times for each leg.

7. " Starfish» - stretching the muscles of the thighs.

I.P. - on your knees, arms lowered along the torso.

1- sit on the floor between the feet, hands in support behind;

2- moving your hands back to lie on your back;

3-4 - knees apart to the sides, arms to the sides.

Lie down 10 sec. Slowly stand up, straighten one leg, then the other, relax.

Instructor: Well done boys! We've warmed up and now we're going to practice.

We conduct a circuit training on the stations.

The main types of movements

1 station - on the gymnastic bench. Walking in a squat position with a medicine ball in hand. /complication: hold the ball on outstretched arms/. Children complete the task on their own.

Station 2 - on the gymnastic stairs. Hanging with straight leg raises to a 90 degree angle.

6 times / complication - 10 times /.

3rd station - jumping over the bench on 2 legs, standing facing the bench / complication: jumping, standing sideways to the bench /.

Instructor: We've trained and we can play.

Mobile game "Tails".

Instructor: Guys, remember the basic rules of the game /do not hold tails with your hands, dodge, do not bump into each other./

Children with the help of a counting rhyme choose a driver.

Breathing exercise between games: Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth,

Breathe in through your nose again

Let's breathe out again with our mouths.

III. Final part

Exercise to relax the whole body "Snow Woman" is performed to the relaxation - the music "Dreams of Summer".

Instructor: Guys, imagine that each of you turned into a snowman. A huge beautiful one, which was fashioned from the snow. She has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the sides, and she stands on strong legs. beautiful morning, the sun shines. Here it begins to bake, and the snowman begins to melt. / Next, the children depict how the snowman melts /. First the head melts, then one hand, then the other. Gradually, little by little, the body begins to melt. The snowman turns into a puddle that spreads on the ground.

Children lie on the floor, rest, relax.

Formation in 1 line.

Instructor: Guys, we spent strength training. Do you think we have something to praise ourselves for?

Was it easy for you? Have you succeeded? What was the most difficult exercise in today's workout? What needs to be done to make it easy?

Instructor: Well done! You all trained well, strengthened your muscles, played. They were fast and agile. I have prepared medals for you. Think about what medal you deserve today. Each of you will evaluate your work in training and take the medal he deserves.

Children take medals, stick them on a T-shirt.

Instructor: Get in line 1! Training is over! Let's go to Kindergarten!

Used Books:

  1. E.V. Sulim "Physical education classes in kindergarten: game stretching", Moscow, 2012.
  2. N. Moskvitina "Circuit training" / / "Sport at school" No. 18 (325), September 2003
  3. N. Zamotaeva "Organization of physical education classes//" preschool education» №5, 2005
  4. Photos from the archive of physical education instructor E.V. Andreeva (Appendix No. 1).

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Abstract "Game stretching as a way to increase flexibility in preschool children" 2012. “Stretching is flexibility, flexibility is youth, youth is health, activity, good mood, emancipation, self-confidence” The kindergarten is currently facing the issue of ways to improve the work to improve the health and physical development of children. It is known that only 7-8% of health depends on health care and more than half - on a person's lifestyle. Inextricably linked with this is the ability to assess your health and your knowledge about yourself. And self-assessment of health is possible only if children are able to comprehend this concept. Research conducted by V.G. Alyamovsky and N.V. Kedyarkina showed that four- and five-year-old children regard not only physical, but also the following signs as health criteria: emotional - 41% (for example, healthy person always cheerful) mental balance - 19% (for example, someone who is healthy, that is calm, does not fight, does not swear); intellectual - 4% (for example, who is healthy, he quickly solves all sorts of problems); moral - 5% (a healthy person feels good everywhere). Preschool age in the development of the child is the period when the foundation of health is laid, the basis for physical improvement and mastering the culture of movements.. In his works, Dr. medical sciences, Professor P.A. Shorin notes that among the functional deviations, the largest specific gravity constitute violations of the musculoskeletal system - posture defects, flat feet. Therefore, the preschool educational institution is designed to create the necessary conditions for the organization of sports and recreational work. The results of the survey in our preschool show that the number of weakened children is increasing every year. Analysis previous work, the results of surveys and observations led to the conclusion that it is necessary to model a new type of physical education classes. Physical education classes are the main organizational form of physical culture and health work. They should become the main means of improving children and preventing various diseases. Currently, there are many new methods of conducting physical education. Our attention was drawn to the technique of game stretching, because. it promotes health, increases the functionality of the body, harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system, the formation of correct posture, as well as the need for physical improvement. What is stretching? - we asked ourselves this question. Stretching is good posture; - reduction of traumatism; - body mobility; - healthy body and good spirits; - excellent mood. WHAT IS GAME STRETCHING? Game stretching is a creative activity in which children live in a world of images, often no less real to them than the surrounding reality. The technique of game stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which helps to prevent and correct posture disorders, which have a deep healing effect on the entire body. Exercises are performed without outside influence, because. the human body is its own coach. Self-manipulation of the body in a slow, and therefore safe rhythm is most effective. In children, the complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it disappear. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, and create a sense of inner freedom. So, to summarize: stretching is stretching, a special posture designed to increase and maintain muscle length; game stretching - specially selected muscle stretching exercises carried out with children in a playful way. Stretching exercises are designed to involve the whole body, including the psyche, and are aimed at relaxing, tuning and restoring muscle functions. These exercises are available to everyone who is not forbidden by doctors to engage in general physical training. Their implementation does not require sports equipment, large halls, material costs. And the combination of dynamic and static physical exercises most closely matches the nature of the human musculoskeletal system and is the best training method for developing strength, endurance, and coordination of movements. Static stretching exercises not only affect the deep muscles of the body, but also normalize and enhance the protective functions of the body, including blood clotting, white blood cell count, gastric acidity, bowel function, etc. All this is connected with a change in cortical processes due to the emergence of a focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex of the motor analyzer area, supported, on the one hand, by the formation of volitional impulses, and on the other hand, by excitations coming from working muscles. The transition from muscle exercises to relaxation is possible in a short time. normalize all body functions, acquire an active working mood. The form and sequence of exercises are such that if this muscle group is not sufficiently developed, the exercises simply cannot be performed, i.e. The body itself regulates the level of stress. Mastering stretching exercises develops a muscular sense, the ability to determine the tension in your body, and relax. And autogenic training, isometric gymnastics, and all types of psychoregulation are entirely based on the methods of concentration of attention and muscle relaxation. In children, the complexes of experiences associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it, arise, according to the definition of I.P. Pavlov, "muscular joy", the consciousness of which is helped by the elements of rhythm, game and modern dances introduced into classes, which allow teaching children the culture of movement , uninhibited possession of one's body, plasticity of gesture. In addition to general health effect the ability to control their body, the stock of purposeful motor skills allows children to feel strong, self-confident, beautiful, relieves them of various complexes, creates a sense of inner freedom. The system of stretching exercises, by the nature of its approach to improving a person, is closer to oriental healing methods than to traditional physical education. The stretching system does not negate various sports, but complements them. Game stretching is one of the most important directions in my work. In my work, I show how to turn physical education into an exciting fairy tale game where children become characters. This game can be played by an adult with one child or with a group of children. Classes according to this technique will help the child strengthen muscles, align posture, and remove complexes. . Exercises covering all muscle groups are close and understandable to children by the names of animals or imitative actions and are performed in the course of a role-playing game based on a scenario based on fairy tale material. At each lesson, a new fairy tale game is given, in which children turn into various animals, insects, etc., performing complex exercises in such an interesting form. After practicing game stretching, children's mood and mutual understanding improve. Having learned the exercises, children independently act out a fairy tale and come up with their own fairy tales with movements, thereby developing their creative abilities. Organization of classes according to the method of game stretching These exercises can be started already with a child of four years old, since at this age visual-figurative thinking is formed, which allows you to perform imitative movements with the greatest efficiency, most accurately and emotionally expressive. Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times (depending on age). Instrumental music with a pronounced rhythm is selected. The lesson consists of several fragments, which include exercises for static muscle stretching, jumping, relaxation to restore breathing, and lasts 25-30 minutes. The form of organization of the educational process is group. The process of teaching game stretching is divided into 6 stages: - acquaintance with the concept of stretching (value for the body, acquaintance with the rules of stretching) - personal orientation (involves the teacher's help to the pupil in identifying his abilities, realizing his interests); - creating ideas about the exercise (the sequence of the exercise, setting the breath); - continuity (after studying elementary exercises, the transition to the complication of simple exercises and the development of more complex ones); - learning - creativity (the use of the studied exercises in playing out the proposed plot, for example, the fairy tale "Teremok", "In the circus") Consciousness - Understanding the benefits of performing the exercise, the need to perform them. This can be achieved by solving the following tasks: - to teach children various types of imitation movements of game stretching. - improve physical abilities: develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance; - increase interest in doing exercises; - to cultivate the ability of emotional expression, emancipation and creativity in motion; - create conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children. The lesson is structured in three parts. In the introductory part, the initial organization of those involved is carried out, focusing their attention, setting them on the emotional and mental attitude. This is achieved using special exercises in various types of walking, running, jumping to adopt the correct posture, develop attention, dance and rhythmic compositions. In the main part, we go directly to the game stretching. Each story material is divided into two lessons. On the first acquaintance and consolidation of already known. On the second - the improvement and accuracy of the exercises. The classes include 6-8 stretching exercises for various muscle groups. All exercises are performed to the appropriate music, but preferably in a class to consolidate movements, because. when learning new movements, there are many verbal explanations. Teaching children the basic types of movements should not be left without attention. Therefore, they should be included in the content of the lessons. At the end of the second part of the lesson, children are offered an outdoor game. The selection of p / and is carried out depending on the complexity and interest of the previous actions. The game can be more or less active. In senior and preparatory age it is expedient to organize outdoor games for development mental abilities children. In the final part, the problem of restoring the body after physical exertion and the transition to other activities is solved. This breathing exercises, relaxation. When introducing game stretching exercises into physical culture and health-improving work, the following results are expected: - reduction in the number of children with incorrect posture - improvement of body flexibility; - increased interest in doing physical exercises; To improve the quality of work with children in this area, work is carried out with parents. Modern moms and dads should act not only as spectators, but also be active participants in the physical culture and health work carried out at the preschool educational institution. For this, developed the following forms interactions with parents. As a result of the survey, the following information was revealed: 180 parents of senior and preparatory groups were interviewed Go in for sports - 50% of the respondents Have sports equipment at home - 20% Attend sport sections– 12% Do morning exercises – 15% Set the regimen – 46% Follow the regimen – 18% Know the methods of hardening – 20% Conduct hardening – 16% The diagnostic results for the last three years of work in this direction showed the following results: % Flexibility scores - 9% increase Change in posture - 37% improvement Cold incidence - 1.5% decrease

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution
"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2"

I approve

Head________ Mubarakshina G.N.



Every child, regardless of their background or living conditions, must:

    to be healthy;

    be in a safe environment;

    enjoy life and achieve your goals.

The health problem of the younger generation of preschool children is one of the most important in life. modern society. How to ensure that the child is healthy, what needs to be done for this, what measures to take?

In addressing this issue, educators must consensus: attracting children to active image life, their participation in outdoor games and sports competitions helps them develop a positive attitude towards a healthy life.

Modern educational programs and the requirements for the content and methods of work carried out in the preschool educational institution, aim teachers at the formation of a wideth motor culture preschoolers, use in physical education classes and in Everyday life a variety of physical exercises, educating preschoolers of interest in motor activity.

The main conditions for such formation are as follows:

- development of imagination in the process of mastering motor actions;

    creating conditions for creativity and dominance positive emotions in physical education;

    performance by children of movements with the installation of lightness - and beauty in the classroom;

    creation of optimal conditions for each child in the process of mastering motor experience.


What is stretching for and is it needed at all today?

Stretching - a set of exercises for stretching certain muscles, ligaments and tendons. Thanks to him, the mobility of the joints increases, the muscles become more elastic and flexible, less prone to injury and retain their efficiency longer. Stretching reduces muscle tension, increases their elasticity, which, in turn, reduces trauma and pain.

Stretching also has a psychological effect: it improves mood, raises self-esteem, creates a feeling of comfort and calmness in general. It increases the overall motor activity, which has a beneficial effect on the joints and the prevention of bone fragility. Stretches are useful during the development of relaxation techniques, they reduce pain. Good flexibility allows you to perform exercises with a greater range of motion, and also provides good posture and reduces the risk of back pain.

Playing stretching classes will help the child develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen muscles, straighten posture, and relieve complexes.

Stretching classes are held in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, which includes 89 exercises for different muscle groups. Children imitate various animals and perform exercises accompanied by certain passages of music from classical and folk music. .

Stretching exercises are imitative in nature and are performed in the course of a role-playing game, consisting of interrelated game situations, tasks, exercises, selected in such a way as to contribute to the solution of health-improving and developmental tasks. With imitation of the image, the child begins to learn the technique of movements of sports and dance exercises, games, theatrical activities, etc.

Figurative-imitative movements develop creative, motor activity, creative thinking, motor memory, speed of reaction, orientation in movement and space, attention, etc. The effectiveness of imitative movements also lies in the fact that through images it is possible to carry out frequent shift motor activity from various starting positions with a wide variety of types of movements, which gives a good physical load on all muscle groups.

Starting to tell a fairy tale game, you can simultaneously play it. The game consists of several fragments, in which exercises are woven intostaticmuscle stretching, jumping, stimulation of points on the foot, relaxation to restore breathing, and lasts 20 minutes with the elders, and with the kids for as long as they themselves want. After practicing game stretching, children improve their mood and mutual understanding. Having learned the exercises, children independently act out a fairy tale and come up with their own fairy tales with movements, thereby developing their creative abilities.


There are nine basic principles of game stretching.

    Scientific principle involves the construction of classes in accordance with the laws of socialization, mental and physical development of the child.

    The principle of systematic determines the need for consistency, continuity and regularity in the formation of knowledge, motor skills, and skills in children that are adequate to the characteristics of their development during preschool age. It consists in the continuity, regularity of the use of funds, in all possible forms their manifestations throughout the course of studies.

    The principle of gradualness determines the need to build physical exercises in accordance with the rules: "from known to unknown", "from simple to complex", "from less attractive to more attractive" .

    The principle of individuality involves such a construction of the process of practicing game stretching and the use of its means, methods and organizational forms, in which an individual approach is carried out to children of different ages, gender, motor training and physical development, where conditions are created for greatest development motor abilities and improving the health of those involved. At individual approach the physiological and mental aspects of the development of the child are necessarily taken into account.

    The principle of accessibility means that the material being studied should be easy, guaranteeing freedom in learning and at the same time difficult, in order to stimulate the mobilization of the forces of those involved. Skillful observance of the principle of accessibility is the key to the health-improving effect of physical education.

    Accounting principle age development movements provides for the degree of development of the child's basic movements, his motor skills.

    The principle of load alternation important for preventing fatigue in children and for the healing effect of exercise. Here, such a combination is provided so that the work of some muscles that carry out movement or contribute to the adoption of a certain posture is replaced by the work of others, leaving an opportunity for recovery processes, i.e. would provide alternation of load and rest.

    The principle of visibility - one of the main general methodological principles when working with children of preschool age. visibility plays important role in teaching movements and is an essential condition for improving motor activity. The processes of classes are built with the wide use of all types of visualization: visual, sound and motor. Visualization is a demonstration of movements. Showing is very important here.Pteacher's opinions. It must be clear, literate, in a mirror image. Sound clarity is carried out in the form of various sound signals. Special meaning in classes with children has a connection of a sensual image to the image of a word. Motor visualization is specific, its importance is important in mastering complex movements.

9. The principle of consciousness and activity involves the formation in children of a steady interest in mastering new movements, instilling the skills of self-control and self-correction of actions in the process of classes, the development of consciousness, initiative and creativity.

The tasks of gaming stretching are as follows.

    Optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system (formation of correct posture, prevention of flat feet).

    Improve physical abilities: develop muscle strength, mobility in various joints (flexibility), endurance, speed, strength and coordination abilities.

    Develop mental qualities: attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.

    Develop and functionally improve the respiratory organs, circulation, cardiovascular and nervous system organism.

    To create conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children.

    To cultivate the ability of emotional expression, emancipation and creativity in movements.

    To create conditions for the beneficial influence of music on the psychosomatic sphere of the child.


The structure of any physical culture lesson includes three parts: introductory, main and final, the duration of the lesson can last from 20 to 35 minutes, depending on age and physical fitness children.

Inintroductory oftenandthe initial organization of those involved is carried out, their attention is focused, and their attitude to the emotional and psychological mood is set. This is achieved with the help of special exercises in various types of walking, running, jumping to adopt the correct posture and strengthen the arch of the foot, coordination of movements, orientation in space, development of attention. Musical-rhythmic compositions are used as general developmental exercises (hereinafter referred to as ORU). Dance exercises can increase interest in the lesson, emotional mood child.

Vmain part Let's move on to game stretching. Each story material is divided into two lessons. On the first - acquaintance of children with new movements, consolidation of already known ones. On the second - the improvement and accuracy of the exercises, the transfer of the characteristic features of the images. All exercises are performed with appropriate music. Musical accompaniment when performing game stretching exercises is more appropriate to perform in the second lesson.

At the first training lesson, you have to give a lot of instructions, wishes, take into account the individuality of the exercise by each child. As the exercises are mastered, certain skills, quality and speed of their implementation are achieved, the child is able to correlate his actions with a certain musical rhythm, and then musical accompaniment becomes necessary. Teaching children basic movements should not go unnoticed. Therefore, they should be included in the content of the lessons. The most effective form of organizing this part of the lesson is circuit training, but the forms may be different. It is important to make the right choice of exercises for all muscle groups, to change activities variably.

An outdoor game is also a component of the main part of the lesson. Their selection is carried out depending on the complexity and interest of the previous actions. The game can be more or less active. At older and preparatory ages, it is advisable to organize outdoor games to develop the mental abilities of children.

Vfinal part the task of restoring the body after physical exertion and the transition to other types of activities is being solved. Breathing exercises help quick recovery body and have a healing character. It is important to teach the child to breathe through the nose and to correlate inhalation and exhalation with movements. Relaxation exercises in a playful way should be included in every session; it is necessary that the child learns to relieve muscle tension after physical exertion, to relax. It is desirable to use a piece of music that reflects the nature of the actions performed.

Elements of game stretching can also be used in other types of physical education classes, both to relieve tension in the muscles and to increase physical performance. To maintain interest, a variety of exercises, you can use poems, riddles, chants.

The selection of equipment and materials for the lesson is carried out in accordance with the content of each of them.

Pay due attention physical education your children. It is important to know that during preschool childhood, thanks to competent organization pedagogical process, good health of the child is laid, correct coordination of movements is established. This aspect has […]

Pay due attention to the physical education of your children. It is important to know that in the period of preschool childhood, thanks to the competent organization of the pedagogical process, the child’s good health is laid, the correct coordination of movements is established.

This aspect is of great importance for the harmonious formation of the human personality and its comprehensive development. This article discusses for you the impact of game stretching on the motor activity of preschoolers, and also provides a number of valuable recommendations for the successful organization of classes.

Game stretching for preschoolers

The role of stretching in the educational process

The leaders of the upbringing and educational system of children, parents or employees of children's institutions, must be aware that the main task of their activity is the protection and strengthening of the health of growing members of society. Today this is especially true, since, according to statistics, the number chronic diseases in the children's environment is steadily growing.

A large number of children suffer from disabilities musculoskeletal system or have an incorrect posture, which will definitely make itself felt and cause other malfunctions in the body. Thus, regular and competently organized classes stretching the whole body in a playful way important role v educational process modern children.

What is game stretching?

Experts understand gaming stretching as special complex children's exercises designed to safely and beneficially stretch certain muscle groups, stretch tendons and ligaments.

If with children in conditions children's institution or at home constantly stretching, then this will certainly give positive results that exceed all expectations. Namely, the joints become super-mobile, muscle tissue acquires extraordinary elasticity and amazing flexibility.

Body tissues are minimally prone to injury and remain in working condition for the longest possible time.

The benefits of play stretching for preschoolers

Benefits of stretching for children

Firstly, in the classroom, preschoolers develop and strengthen joints, protecting them from dangerous salt deposits.

Secondly, stretching helps to qualitatively develop the flexibility of the spine.

Thirdly, it should be noted that fans of stretching have a higher quality of life, their vitality does not leave them, they are always cheerful, cheerful and in a great mood.

Fourthly, the flexibility of the whole body is increased, which provides not only physical strength and endurance, but also the aesthetic appeal of the human body, which will definitely be useful when growing up.

Fifth, the state of the immune system improves.

Sixthly, children acquire artistry, acquire adequate self-esteem and move more relaxed and at ease.

Game stretching and physical activity of children

Undoubtedly, there is a significant influence of game stretching on the motor activity of preschoolers, let's consider what it is. Beneficial effect body stretches in childhood due to a decrease in tension and an increase in the elasticity of muscle tissue.

Stretching has a positive effect on the motor activity of children, as they improve coordination of movements, acquire highest degree stamina, speed of reactions is achieved. Physical activity, coupled with proper muscle stretching, helps activate increased blood circulation, speed up metabolic processes and contribute to the production of healthy deep breathing. Stretching is often combined with breathing training. Simple breathing exercises ensure the work of a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren's lungs, which entails the flow of sufficient portions of oxygen into the blood.

It is proved that for constantly stretching on game lessons children have a much higher concentration of attention, they get tired less and more slowly, are more dexterous, and also quickly recover from physical exertion. Relaxation gymnastics is useful for children, helping to maintain a normal muscle tone, neutralization of overstrain of the psyche, alignment emotional background and improve well-being, and hence the creation of a good mood.

Game stretching: gymnastics-stretching for children

What you need to know about children's stretching?

Rules for stretching children

Leaders of activities with children should be encouraged correct execution all movements. According to generally accepted recommendations, a set of exercises should be performed only with relaxed muscles, without dangerous overstrain. It should also be borne in mind that all children are different and each child should work according to their abilities. When performing manipulations, one must adhere to even breathing, in no case should it be delayed. Encourage children to breathe deeply. It is optimal to arrange classes with a certain regularity, for example, it is useful to organize them at least twice a week. We recommend starting body stretching with children after three or four years.

The undeniable advantages of gaming stretching

Do not hesitate to start playing stretching classes, as this will not require special sports equipment, which are not cheap today. Stretching does not require spacious gyms. Any material investments are excluded, only a talented and artistic leader is needed, who will skillfully captivate children by telling fairy tales and performing interesting body movements with the kids. It is permissible to perform stretching in a children's preschool, at home, you can practice in groups or individually.

A playful approach to children's stretching

Adult able to compose on the go fascinating stories, where imaginary fairy-tale heroes and happen interesting events. Children perfectly perceive such gymnastics and willingly perform stretching exercises, without thinking that they are already working hard on their own bodies.

It is not necessary to apply certain fairy tales, you can develop a set of exercises yourself, then supplement them suitable story. Trust me, the kids will love it. The leader must constantly tell the children how to properly hold the body in certain complex postures, focusing on free breathing and turning all exercises into a fun game.

So, we examined the effect of game stretching on the motor activity of preschoolers, now it remains to work a little for the sake of successful life and good health children.