Pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy: how dangerous are these pains and ways to alleviate their course. How to get rid of pulling pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy - the doctor advises

Why does the stomach pull in early pregnancy? This question often worries expectant mothers, and at times leads to panic. When is discomfort pathology, and when is it normal?

Pregnancy is a special time for a mother and her baby. After all, the connection between them is inextricable, and every negative influence or stress affects both of them.

Possible causes of pain

Every woman dreams of a pregnancy that is easy and does not cause any cause for alarm. However, a very common complaint among pregnant women is pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling or aching nature.

The complaint is so common that it is necessary to clearly understand when pulling sensations during pregnancy are pathological and require immediate medical intervention, and when they are quite physiological and require only general recommendations.

Of course, pain in the lower abdomen can appear at any stage of pregnancy, however, most often women notice their appearance in the early stages of pregnancy.

Painful sensations in the abdomen during pregnancy are very diverse both in subjective sensations and in their localization, in intensity of occurrence. Pain can appear both at rest and after any physical activity. Unpleasant sensations can manifest themselves in one place, or radiate to other areas.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur for various reasons.

Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen are rarely avoided during pregnancy. These sensations can occur not only in pathology. During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, there is a tension in its ligaments and muscles. In addition, there is a displacement of the pelvic organs. All this leads to the appearance of pulling or aching sensations in the abdomen. All these phenomena are manifestations of physiological changes that occur to a woman during pregnancy.

Of course, this state of fear does not cause and does not require any intervention from the doctor. However, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are not always a physiological process. Most often, this indicates that the pregnancy proceeds with pathology and requires medical adjustment.

That is why, with the appearance of pulling or aching pains in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist in order to accurately determine the cause of the pain.

Never self-medicate. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the little man that you carry under your heart.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be:



Pain associated with obstetric pathology may be associated with the development of:

    physiological changes during pregnancy;

    threatened miscarriage;

    frozen pregnancy;

    ectopic pregnancy.

Pain not associated with pregnancy can occur with:

    inflammatory processes;

    pathology of the digestive system;

    surgical diseases;

    diseases of other organs or organ systems.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy as a variant of the norm

Not all pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a manifestation of pathology. Sometimes they can occur during the normal course of pregnancy.

As a physiological process, pain in the lower abdomen can occur in the following situations:

1 - a sign of the onset of pregnancy;

2 - early termination of pregnancy due to genetic mutations;

3 - displacement of the pelvic organs by the growing uterus;

4 - stretching of the ligaments and muscles associated with the growth of the uterus.

Abdominal pain may be just a sign of pregnancy

Abdominal pain is a sign of pregnancy

Finding out that you are pregnant is not difficult nowadays, because there are pregnancy tests. In addition, evidence of pregnancy is a delay in the onset of menstruation.

All this is good in the case when menstruation is regular, and their delay is at least 14 days. Only in this case, a pregnancy test can be positive. However, do not forget that not all tests are high-indicative, so he can show two coveted strips much later than we would like.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the sensations of your body, because it signals the onset of pregnancy long before the manifestation of a delay in the onset of menstruation.

If you assume that pregnancy is possible, then listen carefully to your body: it can send you a signal in the form of pulling pains in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the pains will differ in their intensity: one woman will say that the pains are unbearable, the other will not notice them at all. Each woman is individual.

If each menstruation is preceded by unpleasant painful sensations in the lower abdomen or lower back, you may not understand that once again they are an indicator of the onset of pregnancy.

In order to understand why pain occurs in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, it is necessary to remember the process of fertilization of an egg by a sperm. After their fusion in the fallopian tubes, the fertilized egg enters the uterus under the action of the movement of cilia in the fallopian tubes. The uterine endometrium is a loose mass where the fetal egg is implanted.

The process of implantation occurs on the eve of the expected menstrual flow and can cause pain, as a precursor to the onset of menstruation. However, menstruation does not come, which means that the resulting pain was a sign of the implantation of the unborn baby.

The process of implantation is the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus. At this time, there is a violation of the integrity of the uterine membrane, which may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. In addition, sometimes slight dark bloody discharge may appear from the genital tract, which can be perceived as the beginning of another menstruation.

Abdominal pain is not always cause for concern

Abdominal pain associated with abortion due to gene mutations

Natural selection is one of the phenomena that helps only full-fledged creatures to be born. Therefore, situations often arise when a woman loses a fetal egg, unaware of the onset of pregnancy.

This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that there is any defect in the fertilized egg at the gene level. In this case, there is no implantation of the fetal egg, and spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

If a woman does not assume that pregnancy has occurred, she may not guess that a miscarriage has occurred. This is due to the fact that menstruation comes on time, or with a slight delay, and proceeds as usual. Sometimes menstruation can be accompanied by slight pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition, there may be weakness, nausea, breast swelling, sipping in the lower abdomen or lower back. However, all this is attributed to premenstrual syndrome, the phenomena of which disappear after the cessation of menstruation.

Obstetric causes of pain in the lower abdomen

threatened miscarriage

One of the most common causes of pain in the lower abdomen is a threatened miscarriage. This condition is individual and does not depend on physical exertion or complete rest, but on the condition of the woman and her unborn child.

Among the reasons that can cause spontaneous miscarriage may be:

sexual contact;

malnutrition of the fetal egg;

placental abruption.

Of course, this is not evidence that with complete rest, a miscarriage does not threaten you. Detachment can occur due to gene anomalies, and due to stress. No woman is immune from the threat of losing a baby.

That is why attention and sensitivity to the state of your body is so necessary, which in every possible way will send signals that the pregnancy is not going the way you want.

Threatening spontaneous miscarriage is accompanied by:

    aching or pulling pains in the lower abdomen;

    aching or pulling pains in the lower back or sacrum.

If you have pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a doctor, since a threatened miscarriage, if medical assistance is not provided, can turn into an abortion that has begun, the treatment of which is much more difficult, if not completely useless.

An ambulance must be called if:

    pain in the lower abdomen intensifies;

    pain begins to radiate to other areas;

    painful sensations are in one place, but do not go away or intensify;

    bloody discharge from the genital tract appeared.

Abdominal pain accompanied by discharge may be a sign of miscarriage

Increased pain

If the pulling pains in the lower abdomen are weak, do not increase and do not radiate to other areas, then you can come to the antenatal clinic in the daytime on your own. This will not threaten serious complications of your condition.

If the pain becomes more intense, does not go away at rest, you need to take an antispasmodic, call an ambulance and go to bed. Of the antispasmodics, pregnant women are allowed to take No-shpa, or Drotaverine, and you can also use candles with Papaverine, which are placed in the rectum.

You can't put anything on your stomach. Both hot and cold application can contribute to the onset of spontaneous miscarriage. In addition, with the threat of abortion, this manipulation will not remove the pain.

localized pain

If a threatening spontaneous miscarriage occurs, the pain of a pulling or aching nature worries the pregnant woman in the lower abdomen.

If the pains have a clear localization in a certain place, most often on the right or left, then a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary, since an ectopic pregnancy or surgical pathology, such as appendicitis, may develop.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract

If bloody discharge from the genital tract has joined the pulling pain in the lower abdomen, urgent medical attention is needed. This phenomenon may indicate the onset of spontaneous miscarriage.

Allocations in this case can be scanty smearing or plentiful, dark or bright. In any case, you can not do without consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist.

There are situations when there are no pain sensations, and there are spotting from the genital tract. This case also requires the intervention of a specialist.

Any bloody discharge from the genital tract may be evidence of detachment of the fetal egg. Only timely treatment can contribute to the preservation and prolongation of pregnancy.

In some cases, the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract may be a manifestation of a missed pregnancy, which requires immediate removal from the uterine cavity.

Frozen pregnancy

A fertilized egg does not always develop correctly. In some cases, its division stops and the embryo dies. Most often, a frozen pregnancy occurs due to any mutations. At the same time, the woman does not suspect that the pregnancy has stopped.

However, the dead fetal egg begins to be rejected on its own. At the same time, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which are soon joined by bloody discharge from the genital tract.

When establishing the diagnosis of a missed pregnancy, curettage of the uterine cavity is indicated in order to get rid of a non-developing fetus.

Frozen pregnancy can cause abdominal pain

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy most often proceeds as a tubal abortion, when the fertilized egg does not reach the uterus, and the implantation process occurs in the fallopian tube. At the same time, the development of the fetal egg can continue for a long time without any manifestations, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. However, most often a tubal miscarriage occurs at 6-8 weeks of gestation.

The fetal egg develops and grows, which causes pain in the right or left side of the lower abdomen. The pains are unilateral, are obsessive, tend to increase.

In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the genital tract appears, and the pain begins to radiate to the leg from the side of the pain. There may be unpleasant sensations of pressure on the rectum. Medical surgery is the only way to save a woman's life. Preservation of pregnancy is impossible.

One of the characteristic signs of tubal pregnancy is the appearance of slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen a few weeks before the strict localization of pain and bloody sensations in the lower abdomen.

Non-obstetric causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Inflammatory processes

Among non-obstetric causes, due to which there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs are most common. If earlier it was believed that there could be no inflammation in pregnant women, now it has been proven that a decrease in the immunity of a pregnant woman awakens all pathological processes in her body.

The stomach may hurt due to problems with the digestive tract

Surgical pathology

Of the surgical pathology, which may be accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, appendicitis is the most common.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the differentiation of obstetric and gynecological diseases with appendicitis is mandatory, since it has similar symptoms with them. There are pains in the lower abdomen, which most often occur in the navel, and then descend to the right iliac region. Nausea, vomiting, fever joins. The only treatment is appendectomy. In this case, the pregnancy is preserved.

Diseases of other organs or systems

In addition to obstetric and surgical causes, which can cause pulling pains in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, other body systems may also be involved in the pathological process. The most common lesion is the urinary tract.


Cystitis, due to the anatomical features of a woman, can occur at any time and in any condition, so pregnant women are also susceptible to it, as are non-pregnant women.

The bladder, located in the lower third of the abdomen, can give false symptoms of threatened miscarriage. In addition, cystitis can occur in a pregnant woman quite often due to compression of the growing uterus of the ureters and the passage of the infection down, especially often in chronic pyelonephritis.

Cystitis, in addition to pulling or aching pains in the lower abdomen, is accompanied by pain during urination, pain at the end of the act of urination. In addition, the phenomena of cystitis may accompany spotting.

In any case, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist, pass a general urine test, and then consult a urologist and treat the infection. Any infection can adversely affect the condition of the fetus, so timely treatment is the key to the normal development of your child.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen is a common occurrence that often accompanies the expectant mother. In no case should you ignore pulling pains, especially in the first trimester, it is better to seek help from a specialist. However, there are times when pain should not cause concern. So in what cases, pulling pains are a clear sign of a threat? We will understand in this article.

When pulling pains do not cause concern for pregnancy?

Among the safe reasons, causing painful pulling sensations, the following are distinguished:

  • As a result of contraction and growth of the uterine muscles. Ligaments and muscles adapt to an interesting position, hence there is a feeling of heaviness and pulling pain. Certain exercises, postures and relaxation will help solve the problem.
  • The pulling pain that occurs after conception may be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Even before the delay, there are sensations similar to the pains accompanying menstruation;
  • Drawing pains can also appear due to a rush of blood in the uterus, as blood circulation begins to increase in it.
  • Intestinal disorder. The hormone progesterone helps to relax not only the muscles of the uterus, but also other smooth muscle organs, including the intestines, food does not have time to be digested in time, which creates stagnation, leading to pulling pains and flatulence, colic, bloating, constipation, etc.

Such pains are called physiological, they do not cause concern for pregnancy if: during pregnancy, the stomach pulls temporarily, and not permanently (if you rest, the pain will stop); the pain has a pulling character, there are no sharp and cramping pains; in addition to a pulling sensation, there is no bleeding; after taking no-shpa, or using suppositories with papaverine, the intensity of pain disappears; pain can be easily tolerated, there is no increase in pain; there is no sharp decrease in blood pressure, increased heart rate and urge to vomit.

However, if even such pulling pains cause you fear and anxiety, you can contact a specialist.

Drawing pains that can threaten the course of pregnancy

The following symptoms should be paid special attention, since we will consider further pathological pains that often threaten pregnancy:

  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, which are accompanied by pain in the lumbar region during physical exertion;
  • Along with this, there are cramping pains in the abdomen and discomfort, which may be accompanied by spotting, which may indicate a miscarriage that has already begun;
  • There is weakness, general malaise and dizziness;
  • Sometimes constantly pulling pains occur due to hypertonicity of the uterus. In no case should they be ignored, as they can also cause a miscarriage. With proper treatment, most similar situations have a favorable outcome;
  • Pulls the lower abdomen, there is pain and pressure in the anus, or difficulty urinating.

With these additional symptoms, medical attention should be sought immediately. Most likely, this will be followed by hospitalization and a course of preservation therapy.

In no case do not refuse hospitalization! After all, the doctor should regularly monitor you, the condition of the child.

Spontaneous miscarriage

We must not forget that in some cases, pain may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage. Depending on the stage of the process, doctors distinguish three types. Threatened miscarriage - the process has not yet begun, but there is a high risk. The woman feels heaviness in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and sacrum there are slight pulling pain sensations. With the onset of a miscarriage, the pain intensifies - the stomach hurts unbearably - and spotting joins them. With a miscarriage, these symptoms intensify even more.

But in these stages, the process is reversible if the woman receives qualified assistance in a timely manner. But if there was a complete miscarriage, the doctors are already powerless, since there is a complete or partial expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity. The pain in such a situation is very strong, and bleeding may also begin. Then the stomach abruptly stops hurting, but this is not a reason to relax. In most cases, the doctor decides to curettage the uterine cavity in order to prevent the development of an inflammatory process or infection.

Ectopic pregnancy

Also, at an early stage of bearing a child, pulling pain appears due to the fact that in some cases the embryo is fixed in the wrong place (in the uterine tube) - this phenomenon is called ectopic pregnancy. Because only one of the pipes is affected in this situation, it will pull in it - to the right or to the left.

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious and dangerous pathology, fraught with complications and recurrence, entailing the loss of childbearing function and even a threat to a woman's life. The first symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy coincide with uterine pregnancy: delay in menstruation, the appearance of general weakness, drowsiness, mammary glands swell. Pathological implantation does not manifest itself in the beginning. A woman can also experience toxicosis, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Later, bleeding from the genitals may appear.

An interrupted tubal pregnancy is accompanied by symptoms: sharp pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus, legs and lower back; after the onset of pain, bleeding or brown spotting from the genitals is noted; there is a decrease in blood pressure; weakness; frequent pulse; loss of consciousness. It is difficult to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, but it is important to determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, perform surgery, and eliminate bleeding.

Modern diagnostic methods allow using ultrasound equipment and tests to determine the level of progesterone to establish the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. All medical efforts are directed toprotection of the fallopian tube.

In order to avoid serious consequences of an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to see a doctor at the first suspicion of pregnancy.

Drawing pain during pregnancy, not related to pregnancy

Sometimes the reasons explaining why the lower abdomen is pulled during a normal pregnancy are not related to gynecology, but at the same time they require no less careful attention, since they are also dangerous for the health of the mother and child. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Problems of the digestive tract - during the bearing of the baby, frequent constipation, chronic dysbacteriosis, flatulence, loose stools and other intestinal disorders may occur. With these complaints, you need to consult a doctor who will help not only adjust the diet, but also, if necessary, choose safe drugs to normalize digestion.
  • Inflammation of appendicitis or an acute condition of pancreatitis. Vomiting and nausea may be present along with it. If the doctor confirms such a diagnosis, then the pregnant woman is operated on, and no harm is done to the health of the mother and child.
  • Violations in the work of the genitourinary system - diseases of the kidneys, bladder. You may experience painful and frequent urination caused by cystitis. Inflammatory damage to the bladder can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus and premature onset of labor. To avoid these problems, you need to contact a urologist. Learn more about cystitis during pregnancy
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the ovaries, urethra, vagina and uterus.

If there is a suspicion of the presence of one or more of these pathologies, the expectant mother should seek the help of specialists, self-medication in this case can only worsen the condition.

Some rules to avoid pulling pain during pregnancy

  • You don't need to stress too much. Work must be alternated with rest. Also, do not do work that requires a long time to raise your hands, as this may affect the condition of the pregnant woman.
  • If any pain occurs, then you should lie down, relax and raise your legs on the pillow.

If the pain still appears, you need to lie down, relax, calm down and raise your legs up. Book an appointment with your doctor. If the pain is severe and you cannot reach the hospital on your own, then call an ambulance.

To summarize what has been written, paying attention to the symptoms in which medical assistance is indispensable:

    • the pains that have arisen in the lower abdomen are not muffled and dull, but sharp and intensifying, not passing after taking a horizontal position;
    • cramping pains of any intensity appeared;
    • there is prolonged nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal upset and lack of appetite;
    • the appearance of any bleeding;
    • after taking no-shpa or using suppositories with papaverine, sensations do not change intensity or do not disappear at all;
    • blood pressure dropped sharply, heart rate increased and urge to vomit appeared;
    • pulls the lower abdomen, pain in the anus, or difficulty urinating;
    • pain is felt in a certain area on the right or left. To dispel fears and anxieties, it is better in this case to do an ultrasound.

Any discomfort that the expectant mother experiences causes fear and anxiety in her, and in fact, as you know, it is extremely undesirable to worry in this position. Therefore, with the appearance of a pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth visiting a gynecologist to identify the cause of such a painful condition.

Women in the last weeks of pregnancy often go to the doctor with complaints of recurrent or persistent pain in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the lumbar region and sacrum. In most cases, pain is associated with the natural physiological processes of preparing the body for childbirth. But there are situations when doctors can diagnose certain pathologies that require immediate action.

Read in this article

Obstetric causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Usually, any pregnant woman begins to experience some discomfort as the fetus develops and the abdomen grows. One of the unpleasant manifestations of this process is the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region and sacral spine.

The task of the gynecologist when referring a patient to abdominal pain is to determine the cause of the occurrence of such phenomena and, depending on this, develop a set of measures to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

Traditionally, in gynecological practice, the causes of pain in the lower abdomen are divided into two broad categories: obstetric or physiological origin and not related to the state of pregnancy, but due to any diseases of the internal organs, the symptoms of which manifested themselves during the childbearing period.

Obstetric factors for the appearance of abdominal pain in late pregnancy include:

  • Change in hormonal balance. During pregnancy, an increased synthesis of progesterone occurs in the female body, which causes increased blood circulation in the organs of the genitourinary system. The appearance of periodic pains of a aching pulsating nature is associated with the growth and increase in the volume of the vessels of the uterus and appendages.

For the same reason, an enlarged uterus can put pressure on the intestines, causing constipation and associated pain. Usually, pains of this etiology are not permanent, they are not pronounced and pass quickly enough. No discharge from the vagina with blood impurities is observed.

  • Stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. With the growth of the embryo, the process of a rapid increase in the uterus begins, it begins to grow especially intensively from the second trimester of pregnancy, which causes pain due to excessive tension of the ligaments. Most often, complaints of pain associated with this phenomenon are presented by women for a period of more than 30 weeks when the embryo is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus.

It is difficult for patients to bend over and generally change the position of the body; in some cases, pain is felt even with the pressure of a rather weak elastic band of underwear.

  • Symphysitis or divergence of the pubic joint. This is a physiological phenomenon associated with softening of the cartilage during pregnancy and an increase in the distance between the bones by more than half a centimeter. This process is aimed at increasing the volume of the pelvis to facilitate labor.
  • The pain is drawing or shooting in nature and is localized in the pubic region, sometimes giving to the back and abdomen. Unpleasant sensations usually increase during sudden movements or physical education.

Externally, the divergence of the pelvic bones is manifested in a characteristic "duck" gait.

  • baby stirring. As the baby grows in the womb, he begins to move more and more actively, especially in late pregnancy, when the fetus reaches a significant size. When changing position, the child can strongly push the expectant mother into the area of ​​​​the bladder or intestines with a pen or leg, causing her a sharp pain, often provoking a desire to go to the toilet.
  • Especially often, pain attacks associated with movement are noted when it is incorrectly presented - gluteal or upside down.
  • Training bouts. Such a phenomenon, known in gynecology under the name of Braxton-Hicks, appears in the last weeks of pregnancy and is associated with the preparation of the female body for childbirth. Women at the same time complain of periodic bouts of severe tension in the uterus, which can be repeated one or more times a day. Painful sensations of a pulling nature appear in the lower abdomen, usually they quickly pass after a short rest.
  • Pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic floor. Immediately before the onset of labor or in the last two to three weeks before their expected period, pain in the lower abdomen may be due to the fact that the child is approaching the birth canal, its grown head begins to put pressure on the pelvic floor. The pain caused by this phenomenon can be significant and stabbing in nature. At the same time, a woman may experience bouts of dizziness and a feeling of loss of balance.

Pain may also be associated with complications during previous pregnancies. So, pain in the lower abdomen may be due to a scar on the uterus, which was formed as a result of a caesarean section.

Anxiety should be caused by bloody discharge from the vagina that appears against the background of abdominal pain, this condition requires immediate contact with the attending physician.

The most serious consequences for a pregnant woman in the later stages can be caused by detachment of a normally located placenta, which is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding of varying intensity. This condition requires urgent hospitalization and emergency measures for delivery.

Why does the stomach still pull during late pregnancy

Complaints of women about pain a few weeks before childbirth are not always explained by obstetric reasons. The factors that caused their appearance may be associated with various pathological processes due to existing systemic diseases. The main causes of such pain include:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Pregnant women are often diagnosed with cystitis, that is, inflammation of the bladder caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. The main symptoms are frequent painful urination and severe pain in the lower abdomen.

This condition requires a mandatory course of antibiotic therapy, but since many antibiotics are not recommended for prescribing during the period of bearing a child, only a gynecologist can prescribe adequate treatment and select the appropriate drugs in consultation with a urologist.

  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnancy is a provoking factor for the exacerbation of many chronic pathologies of the digestive system, but at the same time, the changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother can cause disorders that are characteristic of this particular period.
  • So, a change in the usual vaginal bacterial environment can cause the development of dysbacteriosis, which accompanies intestinal disorders and periodic abdominal pain.

Changes in the hormonal balance also entail excessive gas formation and the appearance of pain. In addition, due to the growing uterus, pregnant women are prone to constipation, which can also cause discomfort in the lower abdomen.

  • Diseases requiring immediate surgical intervention. First of all, it refers to such problems. A woman can take the pain that occurs in this case for manifestations of normal physiological processes that occur in the later stages, and not give them due importance.

The result of this may be peritonitis - the spill of pus into the abdominal cavity. This condition is accompanied by a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and threatens a woman with a fatal outcome if an ambulance is not called in time.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Any pain in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor, since they can be a manifestation of serious pathological processes in the body and require prompt treatment.

What to do for an expectant mother

To prevent pain in the later stages, a woman should carefully monitor her health and follow all medical recommendations.

A special bandage for pregnant women will help prevent stretching of the uterine ligaments and reduce discomfort in the abdomen, in addition, a woman in the later stages should completely abandon high-heeled shoes and significant physical exertion.

Any existing chronic diseases must be identified at the stage of examination in preparation for conception, this will help to avoid significant problems during childbearing.

In late pregnancy, a woman should carefully listen to her feelings and be able to identify the symptoms of obstetric pain and related systemic causes. The main distinguishing features of pain sensations of natural physiological origin are the following:

  • pain occurs periodically and is not acute or cramping;
  • after a short rest, discomfort in the abdomen disappears;
  • pain sensations are not accompanied by the appearance of discharge from the vagina with an admixture of blood or ichor;
  • pain does not force a woman to change her usual way of life and does not cause significant discomfort;
  • the woman does not complain about disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, she does not have attacks of nausea and vomiting, and frequent urination caused by natural causes is not accompanied by pain and burning;
  • blood pressure and pulse are normal, the general condition of the body does not cause concern, there is no dizziness and bouts of weakness.

Usually, to relieve pain of an obstetric nature, it is enough to take one tablet of an antispasmodic drug approved for pregnant women, for example,.

A woman with discomfort in the abdomen needs to lie down and rest for some time. But in any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • with constant swelling, drink plenty of plain water, while excluding sweet carbonated drinks;
  • take a bath with warm water, in which you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • walk more in the fresh air, without overloading the body, for walking you should use comfortable low-heeled shoes and stick to a moderate pace;
  • engage in recreational gymnastics after consulting a doctor, it is recommended to perform some yoga, Pilates, fitness exercises;
  • monitor your emotional state, avoid stressful situations, nervous overload;
  • strictly adhere to a balanced rational diet, monitor weight, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to prevent constipation.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, since they can cause premature birth, and if they are infectious, cause pathologies in the unborn child.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman must pass all mandatory tests, undergo a planned ultrasound examination, and follow all recommendations for the prevention of complications.

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of every woman, and this period requires her to be attentive to the state of her health. You can not ignore any pain, even if they are caused by natural physiological causes. Any ailment should be discussed with the attending gynecologist so as not to miss a serious pathology.

Useful video

About why the stomach hurts during pregnancy, what to do in this situation, see this video:

Drawing pains during pregnancy can be present throughout its entire length and disturb both in the first trimester and in the later stages. This condition cannot but cause concern for the expectant mother. However, sipping in the lower abdomen is not uncommon, especially in the early stages, it does not always indicate pathology and is often the result of physiological changes.


Causes of discomfort

Pain in the lower abdomen should alert any woman and make her listen to her feelings. By intensity and localization, you can determine whether there is a threat to the life of the mother or the unborn baby. Timely measures taken can prevent possible negative consequences, although sometimes it is enough just to calm down and relax.

Physiological causes

Pain in the lower abdomen in the first months of pregnancy is most often a manifestation of normal physiological processes. The body adjusts to pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, which cannot but affect well-being:

  1. Gynecologists refer to the pulling pain in the lower abdomen as the first signs of pregnancy. As a rule, this happens during the period of implantation of the embryo into the walls of the uterus. It resembles the state before menstruation, during the same period the mammary glands begin to swell, malaise, dizziness and weakness appear.
  2. In the early stages of pregnancy, the stomach pulls due to increased blood circulation in the uterus, which provides the embryo with the delivery of oxygen and nutrition. However, an excessive increase in blood circulation can cause uterine tone, which, in turn, leads to the threat of miscarriage. To make sure that the indicators are within the normal range, it is necessary to carry out ultrasound diagnostics and dopplerography, which will be prescribed by the doctor leading the pregnancy.
  3. Unpleasant sensations and pulling pains can cause changes in the uterus of a pregnant woman: the ligaments and tissues surrounding the uterus soften and stretch, she herself increases and shifts. Particularly rapid growth occurs precisely in the first months of pregnancy, which causes sipping in the lower abdomen.
  4. An increase in the amount of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone - can also cause discomfort when, in addition to the abdomen, it pulls the lower back and upper legs.

Dangerous states

Some conditions should alert the expectant mother and force her to immediately consult a doctor. So, if the stomach does not just pull, but the pain intensifies, grows, becomes cramping, and bloody discharge appears, you should immediately call a doctor. The reasons for this condition can be:

  1. Separation of the fetal egg from the wall of the uterus, leading to spontaneous abortion. Such a threat exists throughout the first trimester, but timely measures will help save the unborn baby.
  2. Some infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, worsen during pregnancy and cause discomfort and pain. That is why, when registering in a antenatal clinic, a full examination and tests to identify possible infections are prescribed.
  3. Frozen pregnancy, in which the embryo stops developing, is also the cause of pulling pains. At the same time, the level of hCG in the blood does not increase, and with ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor will not determine the heartbeat of the embryo.

Video: Gynecologist about the causes and symptoms of missed pregnancy.

Sipping in the lower abdomen also occurs with an ectopic pregnancy. Normally, implantation occurs in the uterine cavity, but sometimes various pathologies of the fallopian tubes lead to the fact that the fertilized egg is fixed in the fallopian tube itself or even on one of the abdominal organs. An ectopic pregnancy is characterized by severe pain localized at the site of attachment of the embryo, aggravated by pressure. At the same time, the level of hCG in the blood is underestimated, and the woman is worried about spotting of varying intensity.

An ectopic pregnancy is extremely dangerous to health, as it can lead to organ damage and severe internal bleeding. It is diagnosed with the help of ultrasound, therefore, if there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which intensify or grow in one side, give into the anus when walking or sitting, it is worth visiting the ultrasound room to exclude the possibility of such a condition.

Pain of a non-obstetric nature

Quite often, a woman experiences pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy for reasons not related to the development and vital activity of the embryo. However, conditions that are accompanied by such manifestations can also threaten the health of the expectant mother and baby:

  1. To infection of the kidneys and genitourinary system, the most common of which is cystitis, leads to a decrease in the immunity of the pregnant woman. This gives freedom to the development of all kinds of infections, so the most common form is infectious cystitis. Sipping in the lower abdomen is accompanied by symptoms such as frequent and painful urination, fever, blood and protein in the urine.
  2. Digestive problems: constipation, diarrhea, flatulence are frequent companions of a pregnant woman, leading to discomfort. With the normalization of the intestines, unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  3. Appendicitis is easy to recognize by the accompanying symptoms: headache, nausea and vomiting, fever, a certain localization of pain. It should be remembered that the operation in this case will not affect the development of the embryo.

Video: Why does the stomach hurt in the first months of pregnancy.

When to See a Doctor

Any discomfort that the expectant mother experiences causes fear and anxiety in her, and in fact, as you know, it is extremely undesirable to worry in this position. Therefore, with the appearance of a pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth visiting a gynecologist to identify the cause of this condition. However, there are symptoms in which a woman should immediately consult a doctor, as delay can cost her health and the life of an unborn baby:

  • pains in the lower abdomen are not muffled and dull, but sharp and intensifying, not passing after taking a horizontal position;
  • cramping pains of any intensity;
  • nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders, lack of appetite;
  • any spotting;
  • localization of pain in any part of the abdomen, aggravated by pressure.

Gynecologists advise pregnant women to seek advice at the slightest ailment, even if the alarm turns out to be false. In the case of pathology, timely measures taken often help to save the pregnancy.

In the very early stages of pregnancy, when a girl only finds out that life has arisen in her, she begins to be more attentive to her health and react sharply to any problems.

A woman becomes especially anxious when her stomach pulls during pregnancy. This can happen both at the beginning of bearing a baby, and in the later stages.

In addition, a similar phenomenon in the early weeks may indicate uterine hypertonicity, which is very dangerous for the unborn child.

It is worth talking in more detail about when pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages should not worry a woman, and when they can become a reason for a visit to specialists.

Causes of pulling pain in the abdomen in pregnant women

There are a large number of reasons that can provoke the symptoms in question during pregnancy. They should be considered in more detail.

Physiological reasons

Pulls the stomach in the early stages of pregnancy, often due to the physiological characteristics of the body of the expectant mother.

This is due to the fact that the body is preparing to bear a child and undergoes hormonal changes that negatively affect the well-being of a woman.

There are a number of reasons leading to the fact that a pregnant woman pulls the lower abdomen. They are:

  1. The first symptoms of pregnancy. Most often, such symptoms occur during the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. During this period, a woman may feel pain in the abdomen, swelling of the mammary glands, general malaise, increased weakness and dizziness. Symptoms are similar to the onset of menstruation.
  2. Increased uterine circulation, through which the embryo feeds and breathes. But it is worth considering that increased blood circulation can cause an increase in uterine tone, which leads to unauthorized abortion.
    In order to weed out panic and make sure who is all right, a woman should contact a specialist who will prescribe an ultrasound and dopplerography.
  3. A functional change in the uterus in a pregnant woman very often provokes pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages. Why is this happening? The process is explained by the fact that the ligaments and tissue around the uterus become softer and stretch, and the organ itself expands and shifts to the sides.
  4. An increase in the amount of progesterone can sometimes give an answer to the question of why the stomach pulls during pregnancy. In addition to pain in the abdomen, the lady feels heaviness in the lower back and upper legs.

Such phenomena are considered a variant of the norm and should not frighten the expectant mother.

non-physiological causes

It often happens that a lady pulls her stomach during early pregnancy due to reasons not related to the growth and vital activity of the fetus.

Here you need to be more careful, because such a pathology can be dangerous for both the baby and the woman herself.

  1. Infection in the kidneys or genitourinary system. For example, cystitis, which dramatically lowers the body's immune defenses during pregnancy. This phenomenon allows infections to enter the body and provoke serious illness.
    In such cases, a woman has a fever, unpleasant or painful sensations when urinating, blood and protein in the urine.
  2. Digestive disorders: constipation, diarrhea, gas formation are normal in pregnant women. As soon as the bowel normalizes, all discomfort disappears.
    If in the early stages the lower abdomen hurts on the left, then this indicates an intestinal disorder. There is no tension in the uterus.
  3. Acute appendicitis, which can be life-threatening. Why? Because it can lead to peritonitis, an inflammation in the abdominal cavity. Pathology provokes pulling pains in the lower abdomen, a headache, nausea and vomiting, and an increase in temperature.

It should be clarified that surgery during pregnancy will not affect the vital activity of the fetus in the womb.

Due to the fact that the risk of developing these diseases in a pregnant woman is high, the first alarming symptoms should not be ignored. A visit to the gynecologist never hurts.

Why does my stomach hurt late

Late pregnancy is considered the most important and alarming period for the expectant mother, because labor can begin at any time.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen is an integral symptomatology characteristic of the last weeks of pregnancy.

The fact is that the body is intensively preparing for labor, which provokes excessive production of progesterone. This hormone relaxes the muscles and stretches the uterine fibers, preparing the organ for childbirth.

But, at the same time, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract also relax. Therefore, pregnancy sometimes causes abdominal pain, heaviness, heartburn and belching.

In late pregnancy, the stomach may pull due to the fact that the fetus turns over and lies head down.

The baby develops very quickly, so the uterus increases dramatically, provoking sprain of its ligaments, which also leads to abdominal pain.

Sometimes a lady feels abdominal pain when sneezing or coughing, discomfort while turning the body.

To relieve nervous tension and reduce pain, a woman should perform the exercises recommended for her. For example, devote time to yoga, water aerobics, swimming.

Such physical activity helps to strengthen the muscles and make it much easier to endure childbirth.

What conditions pose a danger to mother and child

There is a list of dangerous conditions, in the event of which a woman should immediately call an ambulance.

In the case when at any time the stomach hurts very much, the pain becomes cramping, and bloody discharge from the vagina is observed, the girl and the fetus are in danger.

The causes of such conditions should be considered in more detail. They are:

  1. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy as a result of separation of the fetus from the uterus. Drawing pains can appear in the first trimester and provoke a miscarriage. But with timely treatment to a medical institution, the child can be saved.
  2. Many infectious diseases are sexually transmitted and are often exacerbated during pregnancy. In order to exclude such pathologies, a pregnant woman is prescribed a test when she is registered in the antenatal clinic.
  3. The abdomen always hurts when the pregnancy fades, characterized by the cessation of the growth of the embryo. This is evidenced by the stop of the increase in the level of hCG in the patient's blood and ultrasound diagnostics, which does not record the fetal heartbeat.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy is the most dangerous pathology that threatens the life of the mother. With the correct course of pregnancy, the fetus attaches to the uterine walls, but if something goes wrong, then the egg attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube or even to one of the abdominal organs.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the lower abdomen is pulled quite strongly, especially during pressure.

In addition, there are vaginal discharges, a decrease in the level of hCG in the tests, pain that radiates to the rectum while sitting or walking.

This condition is very dangerous, because there is a risk of damage to the uterus and the opening of internal bleeding.

Pathology is diagnosed only with the help of ultrasound. Therefore, a woman who is faced with the fact that she is pulling her stomach in the early stages of pregnancy should seek the help of a qualified specialist.

Based on what is written above, we can conclude: during pregnancy, alarming symptoms cannot be ignored. It is better to visit the gynecologist once again and start timely treatment, if necessary.

What is important to consider in late pregnancy

Any woman, being in a position, thinks about why she pulls her lower abdomen during pregnancy. It is worth considering this process at a later date.

Pregnancy at 36 weeks is characterized by the appearance of training contractions that prepare the woman for labor.

Pain, in which the stomach pulls down, appears suddenly and after a while disappears just as quickly. You can stop such attacks by taking No-shpy.

But if the lower abdomen pulls for too long, and the pain becomes cramping, we can talk about placental abruption.

This condition is characterized by vaginal bleeding and is manifested due to physical overstrain or a jump in blood pressure.

With such a pathology, a woman should be immediately taken to the hospital and a caesarean section should be performed.

At a period of 37 weeks, the lower abdomen pulls with increased activity of the uterus. Cramping pains indicate that labor will soon begin.

Sensations are often accompanied by cramps with contraction of the abdomen, which are explained by the fact that there is a slow opening of the cervix.

If convulsions and brown discharge occur, the woman should urgently call an ambulance. For when the uterus fully opens and the waters break, labor will begin.

This should not be allowed, because it is too early for the baby to leave the womb.

At 38 weeks, the pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are caused by the opening of the uterus, because of which the woman feels severe discomfort, which is not present in the early stages.

The duration of the pain depends on the features of the functional structure of the uterus and on the level of hormones of the girl: it lasts from several hours until the very birth.

In which case it is necessary to urgently call a doctor

It is worth summing up and understanding in what situations the help of a physician is required if the stomach is pulled down during pregnancy.

  1. Abdominal pains are growing even after the girl drank No-shpu. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to lie down and not get up unnecessarily.
  2. Pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy, and the pain is permanent. The norm is considered a slight ache, which does not prevent the lady from doing her usual things. If the stomach below regularly aches and distracts, then it is better to consult a specialist.
  3. If in the early stages of pregnancy it is the lower abdomen that pulls, then it is possible to conduct an ultrasound diagnosis to establish the exact cause of this phenomenon.
  4. With the appearance of spotting, pregnancy is often in jeopardy. Why is this happening? There are many reasons for this, only a doctor will name the exact one.
    The discharge may be pink or pale in color, and they also require additional examination.
  5. Pregnancy is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, which are aggravated by pressure or walking.

All women are individual, so their bodies can react differently to conception and pregnancy.

If a lady pulls her lower abdomen, then she should listen more carefully to other symptoms so as not to miss the beginning of a dangerous pathological process.

With a periodic increase in pain, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist.

But this does not mean that you need to call the gynecologist for every imaginary alarming symptom.

It is strictly forbidden for a woman to worry during pregnancy, so you need to control yourself and not dwell on negative thoughts.

Under the influence of hormones, ladies can wind themselves up, provoking various unpleasant situations.

If you turn to a qualified doctor, tell him about all the exciting moments, especially if it pulls in the lower abdomen, then the specialist will definitely diagnose the body, even if the gestational age is still very short.

Such an examination must be carried out throughout the entire period in order to timely recognize the problem and preserve the health of the unborn baby. It is very important to know why not to worry.

In the event that during pregnancy it pulls down for physiological reasons, then the physician will dispel the woman's anxiety and prevent her experiences.

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