Teaching a child to read: rules, methods, instructions. How to teach a child to read quickly? Speed ​​Reading Technique

What to pay attention to?

You have to constantly work with your child. Pay attention to the following areas:

The development of anticipation (or divination). When an adult reads, he anticipates the following words, phrases, meaning, sees the structure and he has a general vision of the text. The child does not know how to read to such an extent, he recognizes what is printed at the level of syllables and the next word. He has all his strength directed towards this, so he does not understand what he is reading, but you still need to see the subtext, the semantic meaning of each word individually and the entire phrase ...

Development of memory, attention, perception, acceleration of mental operations. Half of the time for learning fast and high-quality reading should be spent precisely on the formation of an intellectual base, and then start working with the text. The point is not to teach the child speed reading, but to speed up mental operations, those very cognitive skills that are cognitive. It is thanks to them that the baby develops in reading, writing, counting, and so on. Keep in mind that these skills do not develop on their own. You can find the corresponding exercises in the articles and.

Formation of interest in reading. To do this, you need to try to read on your child's favorite topics. Lack of interest is the result of improper learning, which can kill the desire to go to school and learn something new.

Development of fine motor skills and physical training. Every parent should know. This prepares your baby's hand for writing, forming beautiful handwriting. Exercise for a huge amount. These include all types of creativity, for example, origami, applications, quilling, sewing, modeling, puzzles and so on - the main thing is to find what your baby likes and provide him with all the conditions and opportunities.

It may surprise you, but sports sections, dances, hikes, outdoor games, exercises, walks, and so on are also very important for the development of reading skills.

What can not be done?

How to teach a child to read quickly? Many parents think that for this they need to be forced to read many pages at a time. But in the end, you run the risk of running into resistance, which can lead to isolation and aggravated by a reluctance to study further. No need to suppress the will of the child!

  • short words for those who have just learned (3 and 5 letters) and as many as they can;
  • short texts for those who read 30 words, gradually increasing the volume;
  • 1-2 pages for those who read 60-80 words, starting from one page and, if the child is not tired, you can give a second one; allow these children to read silently;
  • 2-8 pages for those who read more than 120 words, starting with two pages and gradually adding them.

If the school set 10 pages, and for your child this is too much, you can change with him - he reads one page, you read the next, and so on. Thus, you will give him the opportunity to rest, and the process will not cause dislike in him.

How to train a child?

We offer several effective exercises for children of all ages who read at different speeds:

1. Practicing passages

The bottom line is this: we add 30 words to the actual reading speed. That is, if a child reads 30 words, we add 30 more to him, in the end he will work out 60. For those who can overcome 60 words in a minute, we give a text of 90 words and so on. The passage must be read three times in a row. For the first time, the baby is likely to be insecure and slow, in one minute he will not cope with the entire number of words: he will read either half or more, but not to the end. The task is to learn how to overcome this passage to the end in exactly 1 minute. That is, every day you need to read the selected text three times until you manage to hit one minute. Practicing the passage should go aloud, because our goal is to reach 180 words per minute.

2. Reading "Wave"

This exercise is suitable for children who, without straining, read at least 50-60 words per minute or more. First let the child read the text in the normal position, then turn the book 90 degrees - let him read the passage like this, then upside down and finally 180 degrees in relation to it. Start with a few sentences and work your way up to a full page. There is such an interesting indicator - if you let a child read the text upside down, then you can find out his real speed.

3. Reading tables of sounds, syllables, words

This is a very effective exercise for those who read 30-60 words. It helps to move from syllable reading to word by word, speed up the recognition of letters and syllables. Tables need to be read correctly: only in columns, for a while (30 seconds - one table), the results should be written down (in order to track the dynamics), you need to start with one and strive to read three at a time. Make sure that the child pronounces the floor of the column in one breath - this will help work out intonation in the future. You can write the tables yourself or find them in the book by S. G. Zotov “Increasing Reading Speed”.

4. Reading with retelling - 1-2 pages, 4-8 pages

This exercise must be done every day. If the child reads very badly, then you can do it yourself, and let the baby retell. First, try to learn to retell in a paragraph, to find its essence. Then go to the full text. At the same time, it is not necessary to force the child to speak in detail from third parties - let him tell in general what the events were, who participated and how it ended.

5. Reasoning text - 12 sentences on a given topic

Usually this exercise is carried out with children in grades 3-4. They are given a certain thought, problem, some statement or question, and the child must discuss in detail on a given topic. Make sure that his sentences are logical, follow each other in a single connection and there are at least 12 of them. Therefore, be sure to give time for reflection - somewhere around 5-10 minutes. In fact, this is a psychological preparation for the oral exam in the future.

Daily Workouts

Let's decide what exercises can be included in daily workouts with a child to teach him to read quickly and efficiently:

  1. Tasks for the development of memory, attention, logic, anticipation (mandatory).
  2. Work with a passage of 60-80, 120-180 words (required, can be combined with school homework).
  3. Reading upside down, sideways (optional).
  4. Reading three tables 1-2 times a day (optional).
  5. Retelling of small texts (required, can be combined with school homework).
  6. Development of fine motor skills (mandatory).

Keep in mind that you should not force your child to exercise if he is tired or sick. You will not get the result, since all the forces of his body will be spent on recovery.

If your schedule allows, then you can do two workouts a day: in the morning and in the evening. And remember: one lesson - operating time, the second - consolidation. Even if you work with your child once a day, the next day there should be a consolidation of the material covered “yesterday”. Do not spend more than 30 minutes in the morning training, and 10-15 minutes in the evening. In the first lesson, try to do everything that is listed above. Secondly, let the child read the passage only once and only one table, and if there is time left, then you can do a retelling or complete a couple of tasks for the development of memory, attention or motor skills.

Be sure to try this technique with your child and share the results in the comments to the article.

To date, the child in the first grade must be led already prepared. He must know not only letters, but also be able to read. Not all children go to preschool institutions, and kindergartens do not teach literacy and letters everywhere. Therefore, very often parents face the question of how to teach a child to read by syllables at home.

Many questions immediately arise: where to start, what method to choose, so that it is fast and efficient. The ways of learning to read by syllables are so diverse that many moms and dads are simply lost. Let's try to understand these issues in order.

Is the child ready to learn

Before starting the process itself, it is necessary to take into account the psychological and physical readiness of the baby for learning. There are a few basic criteria by which you can determine in which vein to start so that learning does not subsequently turn your preschooler away from reading for life.

  1. If your child speaks fluently in sentences and logically connects phrases, then it's time. Check if the son or daughter understands what you read.
  2. An important criterion is the ability to distinguish sounds. Speech therapists call this phonemic hearing. For example, a mushroom is a flu, a soup is a tooth, a mouth is a genus. Does the child understand that these words have different meanings?
  3. A big problem on the way to learning can be speech delay or incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds: if a child pronounces sounds incorrectly, then the help of a speech therapist teacher is required. Don't wait for the problem to resolve itself. Take your child to a specialist for classes and regularly attend them, and be sure to complete the tasks that the teacher gives you to consolidate the educational material on your own. Speech delay, stuttering - it is necessary to show the child to a neurologist and a psychiatrist. In any case, there is a reason, and it must be found out.
  1. It is imperative to teach the baby where left and right, top and bottom. This will help him navigate the text: which side to start reading the word, where is the top line, and where is the bottom.

When to start learning to read

Many parents are so worried that their child will not have time to learn to read before school that they begin to literally pester the baby at almost 2 years old.

  • At 3-4 years old, it may not be interesting for a baby to sit over a book. And that's okay. There are challenges for every age.
  • If a child of acquaintances reads almost from the age of 2 and knows Fet and Tyutchev by heart, this does not mean that it’s time for you too. All children are so individual that general recommendations remain in any case only general. Learn to feel your child.
  • At 5 or 6 years old, it's a different matter. But if the kid does not go to kindergarten or to some classes for a certain reason, then start teaching him yourself. In an unobtrusive form, teach to write in capital letters the main words "MAMA", "DAD", "HOUSE", "CAT", your name. With minimal preparation, the child will be much easier to endure adaptation in the first grade.

8 basic rules for teaching a child to read by syllables at home

They will help you to correctly orient yourself and understand what is main and what is secondary. Now more.

  1. Start small: gradually learn the letters and sounds as you walk. Draw a letter in the sand with a stick, then a syllable. The same can be done from twigs or pebbles. It will be interesting to learn to read to the baby, guessing the familiar letters, and then the syllables on the signs. Show that letters and words surround us everywhere.
  2. A little later, the educational process can be transferred to the house. Set up a chair and table for writing and reading. Make sure there is proper lighting. Teach your child to gradually put the notebook, pen or pencil away. Books need a small shelf. Teach your toddler to clean up after themselves and be organized. All this must be done in a relaxed manner. At first, 10 minutes a day is enough for the baby.
  3. Read with pleasure yourself. Develop a culture of reading in your family. Discuss what you read with your child. For a smaller one, ask questions: who is in the picture? Who is the story about? When the baby grows up, you can ask more complex questions: why did the hero of the fairy tale do exactly that? What would you do in his place?
  4. It would be more correct to start from simple words to more complex ones. Start with words where the syllables are repeated: ma-ma, pa-pa, ba-ba, dya-dya. Then move on to the complex ones: kosh - ka, de - re - in, de - ti, ve - ter.
  5. Get several sensible textbooks: primer (author N. S. Zhukova), Favorite alphabet (Irina Solnyshko), primers authored by N. Betenkova, V. Goretsky, d. Fonin, N. Pavlova, magnetic alphabet, cubes with letters. Draw vowels on cards and place them throughout the apartment. Gradually, the child will remember them all. Then swap them. Do the same with the consonants.
  6. ABCs and primers require more perseverance, but they gradually teach the child not only letters, but also syllables. Associative thinking will help you master the alphabet faster: the letter “A” is an album, “B” is a squirrel, “C” is a bicycle, and bright pictures will help you memorize it faster.
  7. Repeat what you have already learned. If you have begun to study, then do it systematically. Otherwise, there will be no result. While in line or on the road, read a short book with your child. Time will pass faster, and even with benefit.
  8. Most importantly, don't force, don't get nervous, and don't use violence. Childhood is a golden time, do not forget about it. It is not necessary at all: if you need and want it, then your child wants the same.

game video Luntik teaches letters and helps to prepare for school. Together with him, after completing several interesting and varied lessons, the child will learn letters and alphabetical order.

Main popular methods

There are many different schools, individual and author's methods. Let's focus on some that are really capable of producing results.

Zaitsev Cubes

  • Unlike traditional primers, this method allows you to master not only individual letters, but also combinations of consonants and vowels, individual letters, as well as the use of soft and hard signs. There are 52 cubes in total.
  • During the game, the baby can not only compose different words, but also understand what deaf and voiced consonants are. Cubes with images of consonant sounds are filled with pieces of wood, and those with images of voiced sounds are filled with metal parts.
  • As an application, there are tables that also have syllables. The main rule is not to read, but to sing.
  • The cubes vary in size: large ones with the image of hard combinations and consonants, and smaller cubes with soft consonants.
  • The downside of this technique, judging by the reviews, is that already at school the child may have difficulty parsing the word by composition, and also, some children subsequently simply “swallow” the endings. Well, a plus: children quickly and in a playful way master the alphabet and reading by syllables.

Learning to read Montessori

The whole process is not quite traditional: first we write, and then we learn the letter, and then the syllable. The advantage of the method is that everything is presented in the form of a game. First, the letters are shaded and outlined, and then their pronunciation is learned. The letters are cut out of rough paper. The same letter can be drawn, for example, on a semolina. The downside of this technique is that you have to prepare a lot of material for training.

Dynamic Chaplygin Cubes

The set includes 10 cubes and 10 blocks that move. The task of the child is to make a pair of vowel and consonant. They are depicted on each side of the cube. Each dynamic block includes a consonant and a vowel.

Still popular are "Skladushki" and "Teremki" by V. Voskobovich, as well as Doman's Cards.


I hope that after reading the article, the question of how to teach a child to read by syllables at home will not cause you confusion. And you will determine for yourself exactly how to organize the learning process for your son or daughter. To make it easier for you to make a plan of action, here are a few more recommendations:

  • Before you start learning, make sure that the child is really ready for it. Do not force, try to conduct training, especially at the initial stage, in a playful way.
  • Despite the many methods, first of all, a child needs happy and loving parents. If you have established contact with the baby, then any method of learning will bring results.
  • Start small, gradually move on to more difficult. If you have started learning, then do not be lazy and do not stop, only then you can learn to read. Even if everything goes well, don't forget that your favorite student is just a child and sometimes just wants to play or run.

Good luck and be patient!

Your Tatiana Kemishis

04/20/2017 at 10:02 am

Let's make a conscious and meaningful choice.

You will be able to instill a love of reading that a teacher is unlikely to succeed if you have regular reading and discussion in your home.

Be prepared that at school they will tell you that you don’t have to teach anything, we will teach you everything at school ourselves.

Here, there are usually 30-35 people in the class, the lesson lasts 30 minutes, i.e. less than a minute per student.

We invite you to discuss this issue and weigh the pros and cons of teaching reading at home, as well as learn the secrets and avoid mistakes.

Do you read to your child at night? A simple question, but it is this habit that allows you to instill a love of reading from a young age. Which is better to choose, we will analyze in detail with the names and names of fairy tales.

The pros and cons of reading bedtime stories are posted, as well as various aspects of this teaching methodology.

An excellent ally in games is any material that is at home. Let's disassemble and apply for learning to read.

And it may happen that the child will not be in time, then the teacher will tell you to study at home, because. the child does not read.

Reading technique will be tested to determine how many words per minute he reads. And the requirements are quite specific and measurable 1 class - 30 words per minute, 2 - 36, 4 - 100 to 120.

From here, choose whether or not to teach a child to read at home, but remember, you can’t instill in your child a love of reading if you don’t read yourself.

The child learns what he sees in his home!

Let's take a look at how to teach a preschooler to read quickly, correctly and easily in syllables, as well as to read whole words fluently at home.

When can you start teaching your child to read?

  1. The child clearly and correctly pronounces letters and words without errors and cleanly, i.e. without defects.
  2. When he already knows a few letters. You started learning them when he showed interest in them himself, and not at 3 or 2 years old, when a friend said that they were already learning letters.
  3. When he easily recognizes them in any spelling.
  4. He does not confuse them and clearly distinguishes O from A and K from G.
  5. With pleasure sculpts them, draws or plays with them.
  6. Learn letters exclusively starting with vowels and then moving to the study of consonants.
  7. Be careful when pronouncing letters and sounds. Pronounce consonants without vowel overtones.

Video tutorials on how to properly prepare for parenting education:

Important hidden difficulties

The desire of parents to teach usually results in a copy of the school, when the child sits motionless at the table, and you, as a teacher, explain, but this is fundamentally not the right idea.
It is better when learning comes in the form of a game, let the child be a teacher, so he will learn many times more.

Play when you have free time, and 5 minutes is enough for the child to learn many times more in practice than in 30 minutes of training in the usual sense for us.

  • incorrectly memorized letters with the help of audio primers or books, for example, often weighing tables do not pronounce M and ME, not P, but PE.
  • the child does not understand how to connect them;
  • special difficulty is caused by om, mind, av when vowels go ahead of consonants;
  • starting to read words of 5-6 letters, the child forgets the beginning of the word.

What to do with this nightmare, and most importantly how?

  1. Start to understand what the child does not understand.
  2. Reading exclusively in 2-3 letters, roschitka (table of syllables) is the best helper. It is on our website, and it can also be purchased in the book version.
  3. Do no more than 15 minutes a day, in the game and with joy.
  4. Praise for the smallest successes.
  5. Show the kid why he needs this skill. For example, ask to read the name of the store, street, etc.
  6. Criticize using a schema PDA - compliment, program, compliment. What a good fellow you read everything correctly, made a little mistake, but then you managed, I'm proud of you!
  7. Move from simple to complex, until the child can easily read syllables of 2-3 letters, you can’t move on to reading words!
  8. A list of games to play with letters so that the child understands that it is easy and simple.

Pros and cons of teaching a child to read at home:



  • if you overdo it and the child learns more than just reading, then he will not be interested in the lessons;
  • it is necessary to teach correct reading, from here it is correct to name the letters not BE, but B, etc.

Why do you need to know all this?

In order to avoid mistakes and abandon the idea of ​​a child learning on his own using talking books, telephones or primers, in these cases there are many more disadvantages.

How to teach a child to read at 6 years old at home quickly and in a playful way?

The fastest method always has a lot of disadvantages, and among them, the fact that the child also quickly begins to forget all this.

Therefore, start today, because even a very busy mom or dad can find 15 minutes a day. The child will learn in a playful way much easier and without coercion and tears.

Always start any activity with the words: Let's play a game ...

Games that will develop your child's reading skill constantly:

  • what letters are hidden in the picture;
  • draw a letter and decorate it, a letter with eyes, arms, legs;
  • mold a letter from plasticine, clay, dough;
  • put the learned letters out of the mosaic;
  • cut out of paper and cardboard play role-playing games, for example, M is mom, and P is dad, and they also have D for daughter and C for son or by name. You play a familiar game, you just call it by name P, M or D, S. (These can be such games: fire station, construction, car repair, school, kindergarten, concert, travel ...)
  • we play letter loto;
  • while walking down the street, name 5 words starting with the letter A or any other that you learn.
  • make a word of no more than 3-4 letters from letters;
  • from a big word we add small words;
  • words on the contrary, you say the word on the contrary, and the child rearranges and calls correctly Ohu - Ear, Thor - Mouth.
  • draw letters on semolina or any other croup and, without finishing, ask to guess what the letter is.

Video about learning to read in the game:

For boys

You can come across the following wording: how to teach a child - a dunce boy to read at 6 years old at home?

Sticking labels to a child is fundamentally wrong, so let's call him a quickie or passionate about anything other than reading.

The task is to captivate him, ask what he is interested in?

Do not give up immediately, reducing everything to the fact that he is not interested in anything other than a computer and a tablet. Take a closer look at what games he plays, what is especially exciting and what he is ready to do from morning to evening.

In the cartoon about Luntik there was a series where a small bug was led to the river and to the clearing, and he just wanted to draw. Ask your child too.

Make a list of topics:

  1. Games.
  2. Cartoons.
  3. Favorite characters (robots, dinosaurs, cars).
  4. Sections where the child goes, for example, judo, football, swimming.
  5. Space or other interesting.
  6. Stories or legends about warriors.

And do everything with the use of any related topics.

For example, we take words related to the theme of our favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons, and it can also be about space. Then the child will begin to play close and exciting games, and not read, in general, reading becomes an auxiliary tool.

For example, a child who is interested in space is given an encyclopedia or a book about it, then even just looking at the pictures, he will want to find out what is written there.

Let `s together!

The most magical phrase that works wonders. Don't expect your child to pick up a book and read on his own. Invite him to read and look at pictures together, everything that you do together very soon he will be able to do it himself, without your help.

Video on the implementation of the advice come on together:
Find in various coloring pages with your favorite characters, where the words are signed in block letters and try to read, stopping at the most interesting place.

What would it look like for a boy?

Hobby: fishing.

We write words related to fishing for reading and riddles: fishing, fish, fisherman, fishing rod, river, sea, river, perch, crayfish, bait, worm, float, hook, bite, bite, tackle.

Books about fishing for children: Borrow from the library or buy from the store.

We prepare puzzles from the words written above + rearrangement of letters.

Tongue twisters and sayings about fishing:

  • You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • I didn’t get up at dawn - I lost fishing.
  • Who is not lazy to fish, he catches fish.
  • To the one who gets up early, the fish goes into his hands.
  • You can see the chatterbox by the word, the fisherman by the catch.
  • Talk about the ear when the fish is in the hand.
  • An avid fisherman is not pushed in the sides in the morning.
  • I fished until the evening, but there was nothing to eat.
  • And in fishing, luck is hard work and patience.

May also collect advice or recommendations and observations.

For girl

For a girl, an example: hobbies for Winx fairies and domestic rodents.
We are looking for a magazine about Winx fairies or an encyclopedia about rodents, a library for books or a store, but there is an additional option - this is the Internet, we recommend choosing high-quality articles and printing them while reading with your daughter.

Word choice: Fairy names, witchcraft, fairy, magic, girlfriend, wings, fly, nature, bright sun, dragon flame, waves, technology, music.
We make puzzles and words.
We play words, pronounce the word, she spells it.

We talk about the hero, you need to guess him and put his name out of sticks or matches, any sticks are possible, for example, for makeup removal or counting sticks.

Compose the names of Winx fairies or favorite princesses from letters.

Reading in syllables

Let's take a look at how to quickly and well teach a child to read by syllables?
When you and your child have already overcome vowels and started to study consonants, then it's time to start learning to read by syllables.
To make the learning process as easy as possible for parents, we suggest that you make a version of the calculation table in Russian and a calculation in Ukrainian.

Such tables are very convenient to use, especially when acquaintance with syllables has just begun. If you want to play syllables, then print 2 copies of the tables at once, try to add simple words from letters, no more than 3-4 letters.

The best options are when the words are simple, for example, Mom, Masha, Dad, Sasha, Petya, Vasya, baba. When the child is not confused with the new consonant learned, then it's time to offer different syllables, for example, MA, MO, MU, but also AM, OM, UM, i.e. you make sure that syllables begin with both consonants and vowels.

Do not get irritated again and again explaining to the child how the letters are read together and how they sound separately. Sometimes it may be required several times, in other cases it is necessary to repeat several dozen times.

Always say everything is ok! Well done! Everything works out for you! Look, last time you did not name this letter, but now you have already said it right away, and in a week, you will be able to read it in syllables!

If the baby did not succeed, you say: Come on together!

Video help to parents, how to make sure that the child learns everything easily:

Do not forget to repeat these 2 phrases and point with your fingers: Everything is in order! Well done!
Try to sing syllables, just call pointing together with a pointer. When a child begins to easily recognize them, then it's time to try to put simple words into syllables or from individual letters and read.

How to fold?

It is important not to rush to read until the syllables from the table are easily read by him, he will recognize them right on the fly. Practice syllables to automatism in different games.

1. Familiar books or poems are perfect, choose familiar verses with simple words and try to read them, laying out from the syllables that your baby reads. Mom washed the frame. Masha drank juice. Sasha ate porridge.

2. Try to show syllables in tables and individual letters. So that the child guesses such words: cancer, poppy, mouth, nose, ear, car, steam, woof, heat, thief.

Working with the table in turn, first you, then the baby, and you add up the words. Ma-Ma, CHA-SH-KA, RE-P-KA, PA-PA, MA-SHA, MU-HA, LI-ZA, SA-SHA, FI-LA, i.e. you are working with a table. You show a syllable, then 1 letter, then another syllable, for example, the word cup, if there are 3 letters, then a syllable and 1 letter ra-k.

Why is a table better than the alphabet of letters and syllables?

Parents often purchase them at the request of the teacher, but then they turn out to be of little demand. Their disadvantages are that they need to be cut out, especially if it is on cardboard, letters and syllables do not always fit into the connectors and stay there.

Poorly organized for use and storage, require envelopes or other containers for storage and end up crumbling and getting lost altogether. It is very inconvenient to store cut letters, as well as to use them.

In these cases, it is better to use cubes with letters, they are more practical for clarity and storage, but with poor-quality printing and stickers, they will quickly peel off, and there are often very few of them for words with 5 or more letters.
We practice all these games as the child masters new letters. It's great for relaxation, then build a tower out of cubes and break it down, so that any training goes through the game.

How to read in syllables?

If you succumbed to the temptation and bought your child “My primer” a wall table or a poster with letters, by clicking on them he sounds the letters, there are also tablets and books.

So this is the main mistake of such devices, that they call letters, not sounds, i.e. instead of - R -ER, V - BE, B-Be, etc.

And the worst thing is, when unsuspecting parents start teaching their child to read, a real brain explosion begins instead of Mom we get WE A WE A.

In mom, well, it doesn’t add up. Therefore, we do not recommend following the lead of such devices, if you still decide to use them, listen to what such a poster or book says, if it’s wrong, then it’s better not to take it.

But what to do?

We hang a similar poster, or a printed table, and every time the child asks, the sound is CORRECT, because now it is known why it is extremely important to immediately teach the child to name the sounds correctly.

What is the fastest way to learn to read?

Definitely gaming, if your ideas run out, then use our recommendations. We play a game, first mom shows you are reading, then we change roles.

  1. We solve puzzles, draw pictures and through them we think of a word, for example, the word milk. Masha Olya Luna Window Porridge Lunch
  2. Find all the syllables in Ma in a small text.
  3. From syllables, add words invented by the child and come up with your own gibberish language.
  4. Video about what gibberish is:

  5. Spread words vertically, read words from top to bottom and vice versa.
  6. Syllables or words may lose letters. Such guesses.
  7. We add words with a sock or mitten, the child teaches them what letters are and how to read. We close 1 letter and you have to guess the word.

Variant of the game with a sock in the video:

Now you have a whole range of games for learning to read correctly and without mistakes, it is important that this happens in a fun way and gives parents the opportunity to adjust the learning process for each child individually.

Changing the theme according to the hobbies of the baby.

If you find it difficult to come up with or implement any game, we recommend that you do not be upset. The site site offers you detailed descriptions from materials to implementation.

We choose puzzles for the child correctly, to avoid mistakes, read the article.

We make a game plan for children easily and competently, and also take into account secret aspects that help the child develop and not get tired of the link.

What book to choose for learning?

  1. With large letters and colorful pictures.
  2. Letters appear one at a time, and after studying 2-3 they already go in syllables.
  3. Different reading options for syllables, for example, MA - AM, MO - OM.
  4. Remember about the time 15 minutes is the maximum amount for the lesson.

Video from a speech therapist on teaching reading:

When a child has started to read, it will be a big mistake to calm down and give up learning. there are requirements for speed and this is not only a test of reading technique.

The slower your child reads, the more time it will take him to complete homework and extract information from what he has already read.

It is no coincidence that the requirements for reading speed are growing: grade 1 is 20 words per minute, 2-40, but a child can read with pleasure at a speed of 60 words per minute.

How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly in grade 1: exercises

When the child has mastered the letters, he calmly recognizes them, now it is only the time to engage in reading speed. Before you start working with it, record how many words per minute your child is currently reading - this will help track progress.

Set aside no more than 15 minutes a day for these classes so that he does not have time to get tired and come up with motivating moments that will record his progress and development.

For example: a table where a child writes at what speed he read and indicates the day, such a mini diary, if the speed increases, then he receives a gift - this is a game with parents or a story from them, going to the zoo together or go rollerblading, skiing, skating , take a walk in the park, play bowling or other games.

Motivation in the form of money or gifts can backfire.

Choose texts according to the age of the child, it is extremely important.

You can make in a playful way the method by which you will learn speed reading, for this, write the names on the cards and let the child choose which method you will read today.


  1. We attach a sheet of paper to the text so that all unread lines are closed. As we read with the help of the curtain, we open all the following lines, but it is important to move a little faster than the child reads.
  2. We apply a sheet of paper to the top of the line and close the words, a little faster than the child reads.
  3. Noisy texts, when words not related to it are inserted into the text. It is easy to add to the finished text in Word and print.
  4. Tops - roots. We close the bottom of the line with a ruler or a cut-out strip, a bookmark. Do the same with the top.
  5. Cut the text in the form of a lattice and push it apart. It's easy to do this if the text is a picture, then just put empty bars.
  6. Lattice or frame. We cut out a grid from paper in shape with rather wide cut-out columns, where thin stripes left from the paper will cover pieces of text. Its size is equal to the size of a sheet of paper - 29 * 27 cm. The width of a thin column is 0.5 cm, a wide column is 2-3 cm, we put it on the text and read it.
    When this method is mastered, make the strips wider - 2-3 cm, let there be 2-3 of them on the sheet.
  7. Wise trees are a pyramid. When the text is arranged in a trapezoid shape, expanding from the middle to the edges.

Video with examples of exercises for quick reading: Lesson in video format classes with a slowly reading child:

Physical exercises

Give this physical exercise 5-10 minutes daily and you will notice how much faster your brain began to work. Such gymnastics helps the 2 hemispheres to work synchronously, which allows the brain to work in a state of over efficiency.

  1. I am a student.
  2. Ear - nose or Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.
  3. Winnie the Pooh.
  4. Captain's.
  5. I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles.
  6. I am a winner.
  7. We complicate when everything began to work out: we add claps, we march, we move our feet.

Schulte tables

The video will teach you how to use the tables correctly and expand the angle of view:

Where can I get more speed reading materials?

  1. Tatyana Djalo - it is for children from simple learning to quick reading that she has an excellent course.
  2. Books, videos Andreev.
  3. Online games on the Internet with Schulte tables and not only, but how much time the child will spend at the computer, phone or tablet is up to you.
  4. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about speed reading.

It is important to understand that speed reading is a skill that is recommended to be taught at the age of over 10 years, while we begin to train fast reading with the help of games and exercises at the age of 6-7.

What is a reading technique?

To understand the issues of fluent reading or quick reading, let's look at what it is by definition? They check the reading technique in the classroom, in parallel with the beginning of the child’s reading, the stopwatch is turned on, when the minute is over, the student is stopped and the number of words read is counted. Which words count and which do not? Is the child's understanding of the text checked? If the child did not read the word correctly, will it be taken into account? In fact, the technique of reading consists of several skills:

  1. Ways of reading (by letters, syllables or whole words);
  2. The pace of reading, the speed at which a new text will be read in 1 minute.
  3. Awareness. When the child understands what is read and can answer questions.
  4. Expression, but this skill is worth discussing with your teacher separately. Since for fluent reading, pauses are minimal, unlike regular checking. And if you require a child to read quickly, then it is quite logical that the entire reading process be fast.

Accelerating reading technique from 40 to 74 in 10 lessons in the second grade

Video with a ready-made selection of games to speed up reading from 40 to 74 in 10 lessons:

Now you know how to teach a child to read quickly and the reading technique is not terrible for your family!

Try different methods and options, we wish you an easy, fast and fun learning to read. Let your kid easily master reading and enjoy it constantly mastering new books and knowledge!

Development of fluent reading skills of younger students

Primary school subjects (literary reading)
Reading is an inexhaustible source of enrichment with knowledge, a universal way to develop a child's cognitive and speech abilities, his creative powers, a powerful means of educating moral qualities and developing aesthetic feelings.
Reading is also something that is taught to younger students, through which they are brought up and developed; it is also what children use to learn most academic subjects.
Modern parents understand how much the ability to read is necessary for a child in our time. A complete reading skill is the basis for further learning in all other school subjects, the main source of information and even a way to communicate. From a scientific point of view, the significance of the process of reading is no less great. Successful mastery of the skill of reading is one of the indicators of the general level of development of the child's cognitive activity, just as difficulties in the process of learning to read indicate individual problems in the development of a particular mental process (attention, memory, thinking, speech).
There are four qualities of reading skill: correctness, fluency, consciousness, expressiveness. The main task of teaching reading is to develop these skills in children.
The topic I was working on is called "Developing Fluency Reading Skills in Elementary School Students". Reading fluency is one of the basic aspects of reading skill, interconnected with the others. In fact, the very process of learning to read begins with the formation of fluency, the ability to read in syllables, then reading in whole words follows. Observation of the dynamics of the reading process allows us to conclude that the higher the fluency, the better the understanding of what is being read, that is, the consciousness of reading, which determines the correctness. In the formation of this skill, it is necessary to rely on the development of such important mental processes as perception, memory, and thinking.
The whole learning process must be built in such a way that the child develops an interest in classes, in reading and in a book in general.
In my work, I foresee these features and build with them in mind.


The ability to master the skills of reading and writing is directly related to the general speech development of children. At preschool age, the child actively develops oral speech, and in elementary school he masters the visual images of letters. Reading and writing are closely related, and from the very beginning they influence each other's development.

Learning to read goes through several stages before the skill of fluent, meaningful reading is formed.


Successful and rapid assimilation of letters is possible only with sufficient formation of the following functions: phonemic perception (differentiation, discrimination of phonemes); phonemic analysis (possibility of extracting sounds from speech); visual analysis and synthesis (the ability to determine the similarity and difference of letters); spatial representations; visual perception (the ability to memorize the visual image of a letter).
It should be borne in mind that for a child starting to read, a letter is not the simplest graphic element. It is complex in its graphical composition, consists of several elements located differently in space in relation to each other. In order to distinguish the studied letter from all other letters, including similar ones, it is necessary to carry out an optical analysis of each letter into its constituent elements. Since the differences of many letters consist only in the different spatial arrangement of the same letter elements, the assimilation of the optical image of the letter is possible only with sufficient development of the child's spatial representations.

Having mastered the letter, the child reads the syllables and words with it. However, at this stage, the unit of visual perception in the process of reading is a letter. The child first perceives the first letter of the syllable, correlates it with the sound, then the second letter, and then synthesizes them into a single syllable. Thus, he does not visually perceive the whole word or syllable, but only individual letters; his visual perception is letter-by-letter.
The pace of reading at this stage is very slow and is determined by the nature of the syllables being read. Simple syllables (ma, ra) are read faster than consonant syllables (sta, kra). Understanding of what is read is remote from the visual perception of the word, it is carried out only after the word being read is spoken aloud. But the word read is not always immediately comprehensible. Therefore, the child, in order to learn the word he read, often repeats it. There are also features when reading a sentence. Each word of the sentence is read in isolation, so the understanding of the sentence and the connection between the words that make it up is carried out with great difficulty.


At this stage, the recognition of letters and the merging of sounds into syllables occur without difficulty. The syllable becomes the unit of reading, and syllables in the process of reading quickly correlate with the corresponding sound complexes.

The pace of reading at this stage is rather slow: the child reads the word syllable by syllable, then combines the syllables into a word, and only then comprehends what he has read. Difficulties persist in combining syllables into a word, especially when reading long and complex words.

In the course of reading, a semantic guess appears, especially when reading the end of a word. Often children repeat the word they read, especially if it refers to long and difficult words. A word divided into parts during reading is not immediately recognized and comprehended. In addition, the repetition of words while reading may be due to the fact that the child is trying to restore the lost semantic connection. The understanding of the text does not yet merge with the process of visual perception, but follows it.


This step is a transition from analytical to synthetic reading techniques. Simple and familiar words are read holistically, and words that are unfamiliar and difficult in terms of sound-syllabic structure are still read syllable by syllable.
The semantic guess begins to play a significant role. But the child is not yet able to quickly and accurately control the guess with the help of visual perception, and therefore he often replaces words with word endings, that is, he has a guessing reading. The result of guessing is a discrepancy between what is read and what is printed, a large number of errors. The inaccuracy of reading leads to frequent regressions, returning to previously read for correction, clarification or control. If the child makes a large number of mistakes, it is necessary to reduce the pace of reading.


The child masters holistic reading techniques: words, groups of words. The main thing for him is not the technical side of the reading process, associated with visual perception, but the comprehension of the content of what is being read. A semantic guess is built both on the content of the sentence read, and taking into account the meaning of the entire text. Reading errors become rare as guesses are well controlled.
The pace of reading is quite fast. A complete understanding of what is read is carried out only when the child knows the meaning of each word well and understands the connections between the words in the sentence. Thus, reading comprehension is possible only with a sufficient level of development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.
The initial stage of learning to read begins with the recognition of letters. Letters must be taught not by their full alphabetic names (for example, “ka”, “em”, “cha”), but by sound designation: “k”, “m”, “h”, etc. The alphabetical name of the letters makes it difficult to read. Such a mistake most often causes the child to have difficulty adding letters into syllables. Children instead of "ma" read "mea" or "ema". In this case, it seems to the child that he is doing everything right, and it is difficult for him to understand the meaning of adding letters into a syllable. As a result of my practice, I came to the following work option: first learn vowels, and then learn consonants and immediately compose syllables. For example, we learn the letter “B”: we drew it, painted it, wrote it with a finger in the air, on the table, molded it from plasticine, laid it out from sticks, buttons, etc. Then we compose syllables: BA, BO, BU, BY, BE, BYA, BYO, BYU, BI, BE. They can also be drawn, laid out from sticks, etc. In this form, the child quickly understands the principle of adding letters into syllables. Further, according to the same scheme, we proceed to the study of the following consonants.
In my lessons, I often play with children, for example, you can play “syllables”: we randomly write any syllables with learned consonants (bo, ga, zy, du), and the child’s task is to read them. Gradually, this stock increases; then the children make up simple words from the letters and syllables already covered: moon, dream, house, forest, world, porridge, etc. I ask the child to try to write down these words (first by copying, and then by himself). It is important to note that the characteristics of children are very individual, so I am not in a hurry, I do not push the child. Let the development process take place at its normal pace. The main thing is that regular classes make the little student want to return to them again. In my work, at the initial stages of teaching reading, I apply elements of N.A. Zaitsev, which is based on the syllabic principle of teaching reading and makes this process easy and fun. At the next, more difficult stages, when the child has mastered reading with words, I use the methods of developing reading fluency (frequency of training exercises, buzzing reading, five-minute readings every lesson, reading repetition, reading at the pace of a tongue twister, etc.), and also apply exercises aimed at developing the speech apparatus, attention and memory, expanding the operational field of reading, developing semantic guesses at various levels.
1. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus. Reading skill largely depends on the correct pronunciation and discrimination of speech sounds. Such exercises are especially recommended for children with impaired sound pronunciation.
Articulation of vowels, consonants, their combinations. Singing vowels.
AO, UA, AY, IO, EA, AU ...
Z-S-F, W-F-S, S-W-S...
B-C-D-D-F-Z, P-F-K-T-W-S...
Ba-bya bo-bye boo-bye ba-be by-by
Za-za zo-za zu-ziu ze-ze zy-zi
Tra-tro-tro-three; bra-bro-bro-bri

Reading speeches.
Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles.
Zhu-zhu-zhu - let's give milk to a hedgehog.
Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside.
Mu-mu-mu - milk to whom?
Ko-ko-ko - drink, children, milk.

Reading and clear pronunciation of tongue twisters.
In the morning, sitting on a hillock,
Magpies learn tongue twisters.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Egor walked through the yard with an ax to repair the fence.
The raven raven crowed.
It should be noted here that if the child does not pronounce a certain sound or pronounces it incorrectly, he does not need to pronounce tongue twisters saturated with this sound. If the child has significant speech disorders (for example, the child does not pronounce several sounds) or other speech disorders, classes with a speech therapist are required.

Reading tongue twisters at a pace.
The tongue twisters are read clearly at a high pace.

2. Work on the development of visual memory. In the process of learning to read, a child must memorize letters, syllables, words and their sequence in order to reproduce a word and a sentence. Reading fluency depends on the level of development of visual memory.
The method of comparing paired pictures that differ in several ways: the children are given the installation - to look at and remember the first picture. Then the second picture is presented. The student's task is to determine what has changed.

Game "What is missing?".
A row of pictures is laid out on the table or a row of toys is put up. Students memorize them, after which one picture (toy) is removed. Children must name what is missing.
The second option: the pictures are not removed, but their sequence is changed. The task of the children is to restore the changed sequence of objects.
Further, the option becomes more complicated: instead of toys and pictures, cards (or cubes) with familiar letters are laid out. Work continues in the same way.
The technique of "photographing" pictures consists in showing children subject pictures. A few seconds are given for memorization, after which the pictures are removed, and the students must list the items that they remember.

Reception of photographing cards with speech material. We start by memorizing four letters.
To memorize one letter, 1.5 seconds are given.
At the end of the work, we increase the number of letters, and reduce the memorization time for one letter to 0.5 seconds. Thus, we give 3 seconds to memorize 6 letters.
Then we move on to memorizing syllables.
Mo-ro-li-so; tu-no-mu-du...
Here we give 1 second to memorize one letter. Total for 8 letters - 8 seconds.
Reception photographing words.
Lion, poppy, elephant, tiger.
We give 0.5 seconds to memorize one letter. Total 7 seconds to memorize these four words. We ask the child to exclude one word in meaning and explain.

Exercises that develop attention to the word.
Reading words on a card in a short time.
Children are offered a card with a written word and are given one second to have time to “learn” the word. It is advisable to take simple words (water, cotton wool, sea, summer, cow, dog, milk), then short words with a confluence of consonants (faucet, morning, tiger), and then more complex words (boat, flower, pyramid, butterfly, purity , girl, briefcase). We present the word and quickly remove. If it doesn't work out, you can present it again at the same time.
It helps to read tongue twisters for speed, in turn. Reading the text through the word. The word teacher, the word child. Children involuntarily begin to read faster, it is easier for them to read one word, and while the teacher is reading, the child can rest a little.
It is interesting to put emphasis in different places.
Younger students often “lose” endings when reading, most of them start to invent instead of reading, so I use exercises such as training in reading the same-root words of different parts of speech. (N-r: water, water, water, waterfall, plumbing, watery, flood.
Motherland, native, darling, parent, give birth.
Ask, asked, asked, ask, ask, asked, asked, ask around, ask again, ask).
When reading these words, the multi-reading technique is used. For the first time, the words are read smoothly, in chorus, together with the teacher. The second time the child trains to read the words in an undertone slowly and at a normal pace. The third time the children read aloud.
In this case, it is necessary to find out the meanings of words. This technique is necessary to develop attentiveness to the words being read.

Reading words written in a pyramid.
For example:
snow storm
winds of spring
hurricane streams
run wild
freeze turned green

According to this principle, I make up a new pyramid every time. Such pyramids need to be read pyramids of words at different paces: slowly, at a normal pace, quickly. Sometimes I ask children to read the pyramids for a certain time. The task is to read the words correctly and remember the memorable ones.
At the beginning of work, students may make mistakes in reading words. With everyday training, by the end of training, children read words almost without error.

3. Development of semantic conjecture.
A semantic guess is a mental process of focusing on a foreseeable future. When using this technique, children develop logic and significantly speed up the reading process.

In my work, I use the following exercises that are fascinating and loved by children:
Reading words with missing letters.
K. Sh. A S. B. KA
K. O. O. IL K. R. WA
S. L. V. Y. S. ON

The child is given words from a certain lexical topic. Having solved them, the children should say how it is all called in one word. In some cases, the topic is set immediately: these are furniture, dishes, birds, etc.

Reading words with jumbled letters.
At the beginning of work, children guess words with mixed letters based on numbers:
3 5 1 4 2 3 6 5 2 1 4 3 2 4 1 5
Further, I complicate the task without relying on numbers.
Here the lexical theme was set in advance.

Reading stories with missing letters in the endings.
An approaching thunderstorm .... A huge purple one ... slowly sailing ... from behind the forest ....
A strong wind whistled... up in the air.... Dere... zabusheva.... Large caps... doge... sharply pounding... on the leaves... but now the sun... shines again. ... How everything is flashing ... around. How earthlings smell... and mushrooms...
Reading texts with missing words.
Snow clouds hung over the city.... In the evening it began.... Big snow fell.... The cold wind howled like a wild one.... At the end of the deserted and deaf... a girl suddenly appeared. She was thin and poor .... She moved slowly forward, felt boots fell off her feet and ... she had to go.

In my work, I use exercises such as visual dictations.
Visual dictations contribute to the development of working memory, improve the skill of fluent reading and spelling literacy. With systematic use, they give tangible results. When conducting, the children are given the installation that they need to remember not only the phrase verbatim, but also how the words are spelled correctly. The child is given an offer and at the same time a certain time for memorization. Then the sentence is closed, and the children name this sentence or write it down in a notebook. (Examples of visual dictations used: Snow is melting. The sky is gloomy. Frosts are cracking. Autumn has come. There are many birches in the forest. The sun is shining brightly. A hot summer has flown by. The sun is shining and warming.) As a result of work, children make fewer mistakes, they become interested in completing the task improves attention.
The most important role in the successful mastery of the reading skill is played by motivation, that is, the presence of interest, desire and desire to read. The presence of motivation for any type of activity is the key to the successful implementation of this activity.

Techniques that stimulate interest in reading:
A) Reception of gentle reading.
It consists in the fact that the children read a few lines, after which they are given a rest. To do this, we use illustrated encyclopedias, educational children's books with pictures and brief explanations for them. What the children read - we discuss. Children share their impressions, answer questions about the text.

B) Daily self-measurement of reading speed. This technique greatly enhances the child's motivation to read and stimulates interest in achieving a better result. The bottom line is that the child maintains a table of results achieved. After a variety of training in developing the skill of fluent reading, he is offered a text to read. One minute is recorded, after which the child marks the place where he stopped, counts the number of words read and writes the total in the table. In the learning process, in no case should you force the child. Learning should be fun.

While working on this topic, I came to the conclusion that only regular entertaining classes help to achieve the desired result.

Today, parents of children of four to five years old are seriously concerned about the question of how to teach a child to read by syllables at home? There are several reasons for this. Many want to start teaching kids as early as possible, hoping that it will be easier for him at school. In addition, modern educational programs in many educational institutions assume that when they come to school, children will already be able to read in syllables.

Of course, you can entrust teaching to teachers of a special preparatory group in kindergarten, or seek help from private teachers if there is no such group in the kindergarten. However, as we understand, there are too many children per teacher in a preschool institution, so it is not a fact that the child will learn the material well. As for private teachers, here you will have to spend a considerable amount of money on training. There is a way out of this situation - to teach the baby to read independently.

It is impossible to say exactly what the smallest age is suitable for starting learning to read. It all depends on the child himself and his moral and physiological readiness.

If the baby is not interested in the letters in the book, he does not want to sit behind them for five minutes, actively resists, then you should not force him. Thus, not only will you not be able to teach him anything, but you will also cause irreparable harm, having discouraged the child from any desire to learn and explore the world.

There are several signs by which you can determine whether the baby is ready for learning or not:

Preparing to Read

Preparing a child for reading begins long before learning letters. In addition to the above points, the baby must have a sense of rhythm and phonemic hearing.

Listening to music and dancing to it will help develop the first. Have fun with the music with your child, over time, the baby will begin to try to imitate you in the dance, capturing the given rhythm. Thus, you will not only have a good time with your child, but also lay the foundation for preparing for reading. Playing to music also has a beneficial effect on the development of rhythmic hearing.

As for phonemic hearing, a number of gaming exercises will help the baby's ability to recognize and pronounce sounds correctly:

How to teach a child to read in syllables at home?

After you are convinced that the child is ready not only physically, but also mentally to start learning, proceed to follow a few rules that will help solve the question of how to teach a child to read by syllables at home ?.

  • First of all, decide on the choice of a textbook, according to which you will conduct classes with your child.

Remember that simply memorizing sounds without immediate application will not give any results. Your child will just know the sounds, but will have no idea how they can be put into syllables and then into words.

The most suitable textbooks for home teaching reading are those in which, after the first learned vowels “A” and “U”, they are added to the first word, more or less understandable for the baby, “Ay!”. Further, you will notice that knowing 8 letters the child will already read in whole sentences. This technique allows you to capture the interest of the child and after the first lesson, he will be able to successfully apply the knowledge gained. N.S. Primer showed successful practice in home schooling. Zhukova.

  • As a rule, the first letters that a child should learn are vowels, but not all in a row (follow the chosen method). Then a couple of voiced consonants and a few voiceless ones.

An important point at the beginning of learning is that you will learn exactly the sounds, not the letters. No Ne or En, only "N".

  • An important aspect of fast learning is to review the letters learned in each lesson before learning a new one.
  • After the baby has already learned a few letters, you must immediately proceed to reading by syllables. It is not at all difficult to explain to a child exactly how the letters merge into a syllable. Let's take an example: write on a piece of paper on the left side a consonant letter, for example "C", and on the right side - the vowel "A". Invite the child to “run” from the consonant to the vowel, simultaneously drawing the distance from “C” to “A” with a pencil, as if connecting them: “S-s-s-s-s-s-a-a-a-a-a -a".
  • Having learned the first vowels and voiced consonants, make simple syllables out of them, the constant reading of which will allow the baby to understand exactly how syllables are composed. After understanding the algorithm, it will be very easy for him to read more complex syllables with hissing consonants.
  • Once there are no problems with connecting consonant-vowel syllables, move on to more difficult vowel-consonant syllables.
  • Having overcome this barrier, we begin to compose short words from the recognized letters: “Ma-ma”, “Ro-ma”, “Sa-ma”.
  • Turning to reading simple sentences (Ma-ma we-la ra-mu.), Pay attention to the child that it is necessary to pause between words, and not pronounce the entire sentence in one breath. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds. If necessary, repeat the word you just read, syllable by syllable, in its entirety.
  • Be patient and turn reading into a game. Nothing is given immediately. Try not to scold the child for mistakes or too long "remembering" the letter. It is better to go through the same material again the next day until the baby remembers it well.

Based on what you read above, you probably already understood that the question of how to teach a child to read by syllables at home is not so terrible. It is important to be patient, attentive, loving, praise for the results and try to practice every day. Only under such conditions will your child be able to quickly learn to read by syllables.

How to teach a child to read - video

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