The influence of bad habits of parents on the embryonic development of the child. The impact of bad habits on fetal development

But the ladies try to keep up with anything. In the last ten years alone, the number of women who smoke and drink has increased by more than 30 percent. Moreover, some of the fair sex can “boast” of a much greater tolerance for alcohol than men.

Unfortunately, girls who drink excessively do not fully understand how dangerous it is. Worst of all, an excuse is quickly found for your habit, for example, “to keep warm”, “to recover”, “relax”, and so on.

Harm of alcohol for women

Alcohol has a very negative effect on the development of the reproductive system of the fair sex. According to statistics, alcohol consumption is 2.5 times more likely to lead to pathological changes in the genital organs. In women who drink, the menstrual cycle can stop much earlier - by 35-38 years.

In addition, surgical practice has proven that alcohol helps to reduce the size of the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself. This seriously disrupts the formation of eggs, which, in turn, can lead to infertility.

fetal alcohol syndrome

Even worse is the situation with children who appeared in heavily drinking women in labor. Such children are most often born with serious disorders. There is even a special definition - fetal alcohol syndrome. The consequence of such a “negligent” attitude of the mother is the low weight of the newborn, serious growth retardation in the child, strabismus, lengthening of the face, poorly developed lower jaw, “hare lip”, anomalies of the feet, shortening of the fingers, heart defects, and so on. Such a terrible list can be continued endlessly.

Intrauterine development of the child

As for the intrauterine development of a child under the influence of alcohol, everything here is also very sad. As already mentioned, alcohol can have an extremely negative effect on important systems and organs of the female body. In this case, the heart, liver, and nervous system suffer. Naturally, such changes cannot but affect the health of the fetus.

Alcohol penetrates the bloodstream and disrupts the normal functioning of the placenta, which leads to a serious disruption of its work. The child begins to lose all the substances necessary for normal development. The woman's liver is working at full capacity, but it cannot cope with the complete breakdown of alcohol, which leads to the appearance in the body of such an intermediate product as acetaldehyde. This element is in many ways even worse than ethanol. caused precisely by an excessive amount of acetaldehyde in the blood.

The body of the child is still very weak and he can not cope with such a dangerous substance. As a result, the baby's body is gradually destroyed. Statistics show that only a third of drinking women have normal children. For the rest, babies come into this world with serious disabilities.

born alcoholic

Often there are situations when the child himself is born in a state of a hangover. At the same time, the child calmed down only after receiving a few drops of alcohol. In fact, the child is already born an alcoholic and becomes one in the womb.

Is it possible to drink at least occasionally during pregnancy? The answer will be categorical - no. It is highly undesirable to do this, and what is the need for this. Moreover, it is desirable to give up alcohol long before fertilization.

The use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco smoking by his parents has a harmful effect on the development of the human embryo. Alcohol and nicotine inhibit cellular respiration. Insufficient supply of oxygen leads to the fact that a smaller number of cells are formed in the forming organs, the organs are underdeveloped. The nervous tissue is especially sensitive to the lack of oxygen. The future mother's use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco smoking, drug abuse often lead to irreversible damage to the embryo and the subsequent development of children with mental retardation and or congenital deformities.

3.1 Influence of alcohol

Women, who are the successors of the human race, lay the foundation for the health of future generations. The state of health of a child, a teenager to some extent determines the future opportunities of an adult.

Alcohol, negatively affecting the health of a woman, also disrupts the normal functioning of her genitals.

The state of intoxication at the time of conception can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the unborn child, since alcohol is dangerous not only for maturing germ cells, but can also play its fatal role at the time of fertilization of completely full-fledged (normal) germ cells. Moreover, the strength of the damaging effects of alcohol at the time of conception is unpredictable: there can be both mild disorders and severe organic lesions of various organs and tissues of the unborn child.

Doctors call the period from the moment of conception to 3 months of pregnancy critical in the development of the fetus, since at this time there is an intensive laying of organs and the formation of tissues. The use of alcohol can lead to a disfiguring effect on the fetus, and the damage will be the stronger, the earlier in the critical period alcohol was affected.

A special term has appeared in the medical literature, denoting a complex of malformations in children caused by the damaging effects of alcohol during fetal development - fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). ASP is characterized by congenital anomalies in the development of the heart, external genital organs, dysfunction of the central nervous system, low birth weight, and a child's lag in growth and development. Children with alcoholic fetopathy syndrome have characteristic facial features: a small head, especially the face, narrow eyes, a specific fold of the eyelids, and a thin upper lip.

Drinking alcohol is dangerous throughout pregnancy, as alcohol easily passes from the mother through the placenta through the blood vessels that nourish the fetus. The effect of alcohol on the fetus in the subsequent months of pregnancy leads to prematurity, weight loss, birth of children, stillbirth.

A nursing mother should remember that alcohol has an extremely harmful effect on the body of an infant and, first of all, on its nervous system. Even insignificant doses of alcohol that enter the baby's body with mother's milk can cause serious disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system, and in some cases even have irreversible consequences. A child under the influence of alcohol becomes restless, sleeps badly, he may experience convulsions, and subsequently a mental retardation. If the nursing mother suffers from chronic alcoholism, and alcohol regularly enters the baby's body, then, in addition to the above complications, the child may experience "alcohol addiction syndrome of infancy." Similar cases are described by scientists of the past and modern researchers.

Scientists all over the world for almost forty years have been louder and more alarming about the danger that lies in wait for the younger generation - children, adolescents, youth. Once in the body, alcohol is slowly broken down in the liver. And only 10 percent of the total amount of alcohol taken is excreted unchanged from the body. The remaining alcohol circulates with the blood throughout the body until all is broken down. The high permeability of "young" tissues, their saturation with water allows alcohol to quickly spread throughout the growing body. The toxic effect of alcohol primarily affects the activity of the nervous system. Even small doses of alcohol affect the metabolism in the nervous tissue, the transmission of nerve impulses. In adolescence, the brain tissue is poorer in phosphorus, richer in water, is in the stage of structural and functional improvement, so alcohol is especially dangerous for it. Repeated or frequent use of alcohol has a literally devastating effect on the psyche of a teenager.

Thus, alcohol weakens the body, inhibits the formation and maturation of its organs and systems, and in some cases, for example, when abused, it completely stops the development of some functions of the higher nervous system. The younger the body, the more detrimental effect on him alcohol. In addition, the use of alcoholic beverages by adolescents is much faster than in adults, leading to the formation of alcoholism in them.

mother child childbirth health

Smoking can lead to defective fetal development. After smoking a cigarette, a spasm of the blood vessels of the placenta occurs, which causes oxygen starvation in the fetus for several minutes. Toxic substances in cigarettes go straight to the placenta, bypassing the mother's blood. This leads to a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus, complications during childbirth, premature birth, which is very dangerous for the life of the child and mother. In rare cases, a pregnant woman who smokes can give birth to a perfectly healthy baby, but with signs of lack of attention or hyperactivity. Such a child will become very irritable in the future, intellectual development will be noticeably lower than that of peers. The child will be prone to respiratory diseases, obesity, diabetes.

Secondhand smoke, in the form of smoke you breathe in when other people are smoking, seriously harms your unborn baby and leads to:

premature birth;

Prematurity of the child;

Premature rupture of the placenta;

Problems with the placenta;


The birth of a dead child.

Children whose mothers smoked or inhaled cigarette smoke are often born with congenital asthma and developmental problems, and such children are more susceptible to infections.

Father's smoking - rewards the child with weak lungs and bronchi.

Maternal smoking - fetal growth retardation, low weight, low immunity, high allergenicity.


Alcohol is considered detrimental to the fetus, because when a woman consumes it, it immediately enters the placenta. Drinking alcoholic beverages can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

In severe cases, drinking alcohol can lead to the development of fetal alcohol dependence. Fetal alcohol dependence is a disease of the fetus that develops due to alcohol in the placenta. This leads to slow intellectual development in the child. Outwardly, this disease is very noticeable, the child has narrow eyes, strabismus, and a lag in physical development. The child is weak, irritable; has weak reflexes and lack of coordination; speech defects and defects in the development of the nervous system are observed.

Drinking alcohol is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is laying and forming internal organs. This can affect his mental development, lead to the development of heart disease, abnormal development of the genitals, internal organs and joints.

In our life we ​​come across alcohol quite often. We celebrate any holidays traditionally with champagne or wine, or even stronger drinks. Advertising in the media did its job, and drinking beer became a common thing. Young people walking down the street with a bottle of beer is a familiar sight. Many young mothers do not fully understand how bad habits, one of which is alcohol consumption, affect their future children. The influence of alcoholism is great on the unborn child. And when the studies were carried out, it turned out that the placenta is not a barrier, that is, the alcohol that a woman consumes passes through the utero-placental barrier to the fetus and performs its detrimental effect.

Therefore, in our country it is forbidden to take any alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. The main effect of alcohol on the fetus occurs on the central nervous system. It's related to that. That under the influence of alcohol red blood cells stick together, and the capillaries that supply the central nervous system are clogged. After each intake of alcohol, a large number of neurons die. Those. a cemetery of neurons is formed in the CNS. In an adult who systematically consumes alcohol, personality degradation occurs over time.

The effect on the fetus is even greater. This is due to the fact that the fetus inside the womb does not have an enzyme that inactivates alcohol. If a person has such an enzyme that helps to partially temporarily inactivate alcohol, then the fetus and children do not have it. If we take the concentration of alcohol in the blood as 1, then the concentration in the liver is 1.4, and in the brain - almost 1.8. this proves that the predominant effect is on the central nervous system.

In the first generation of alcoholics, morally corrupt people with alcoholic excesses are born. The second generation - drunkenness and alcoholism is in full swing, is inherited. In the third generation, hypochondriacs, melancholics, suicides, murderers and maniacs are born. In the fourth generation, the family closes - stupidity, idiocy, barrenness. That is, nature tries to protect itself from the appearance of handicapped children.

The influence of alcohol of ethyl alcohol begins far before conception In men, anatomical changes even occur in the genital organs and there is an effect on spermatozoa. If you look at the 20th century, the drinker, we will see. At the beginning of the century - 200 million, the end of the 20th century - 70 million. and "Hurrah!" as they say. Now - 5-7 million, or even a complete absence. And if there is, then they are inactive, with deviations and viability is reduced. If such a spermatozoon fertilizes the egg, then the child will be defective, with diseases. If alcohol affects men in this way, then the effect of alcohol on women is even more profound.

The problem is that a woman is born with a full set of eggs. And in the course of her life she only loses them. Diseases during pregnancy - and the girl will be born with a loss of 40% of the eggs. If she was born weakened, she will only lose eggs during her life. Now we are seeing girls at 12-13 years old do not have eggs. There is no sexual development, growth of the mammary gland, hair growth. In the future, such a girl will never be able to become a mother. This is all the more scary because the habit of drinking alcohol is getting younger. If teenagers begin to drink during puberty, then this leads to the birth of obviously unhealthy children in the future. A very large detrimental effect of alcohol occurs at the time of conception.

If a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the child develops fetal alcohol syndrome. This is an effect on the central nervous system, microcephaly, agitation, convulsive syndrome, which is noticeable for a long time ... growth retardation in utero. Growth retardation continues after childbirth. Those. typical child. Typical manifestations are in the structure of the facial skull: a decrease in the eyeball, strabismus, an unformed chin, a low forehead, implasia of the auricles. The appearance of the child is typical for drinking mothers.

Pathology from other organs is also characteristic. The most common are heart disease, hemongioma, impaired function of the upper and lower extremities. It is these children who often die before childbirth, during childbirth and immediately after childbirth. All of the above suggests that alcohol in any form is harmful, especially during pregnancy, to future offspring and the younger generation. The statistics are disappointing. The birth rate has fallen sharply, and it is very difficult to find healthy children in maternity hospitals.

The World Health Organization has provided frightening figures: 12% of the fairer sex suffer from smoking. There is a category of women who, even during the period of bearing a child, cannot part with a cigarette, and this is detrimental to the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, today we will talk about how dangerous are bad habits that affect the fetus.

I will say right away, so as not to pull - the influence of bad habits on the fetus is always detrimental. Any bad habits will certainly affect the health and development of the child. Take for example the effect of smoking on the fetus. It has long been known that cigarette smoke contains about 2,500 chemicals. There is an opinion that among them, nicotine and carbon monoxide (or carbon monoxide) have the worst effect on the development of the embryo.

Smoking has a negative impact on the weight of the baby, increases the likelihood of developing various diseases, including cerebral palsy, mental retardation, can cause premature birth and even death of the fetus. It is also known that smoking reduces the rate of fetal development. The greatest danger is the use of tobacco products in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Passive smokers, when, for example, a woman does not smoke, but her husband smokes in front of her, harm their health no less. Regular inhalation of tobacco smoke by a pregnant woman can lead to the same negative consequences. Recent studies have added to the increased likelihood of low birth weight the risk of having a baby with certain birth defects, especially in those women who live in constant stress and in a poor environmental environment.

Smoking can cause a large number of complications in the early stages of pregnancy. This bad habit increases the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy, that is, the development of an embryo not in the uterus, as it should be, but, for example, in the fallopian tubes.

This problem can only be solved with the help of surgery. Thus, habits affecting the fetus can cause female infertility.

In addition, smoking increases the chance of miscarriage and increases the risk of malpresentation or placental abruption. These complications, in any case affecting the fetus, can also lead to the death of the mother. Problems with the placenta are also associated with the birth of dead children.

In addition to the appearance of intrauterine complications, smoking also worsens the well-being of a woman during the period of bearing a child. Expectant mothers who suffer from smoking are more likely to develop and more difficult to tolerate toxicosis of different trimesters. The liver of a smoking pregnant woman, exposed to the constant toxic effects of tobacco smoke, works much worse.

In addition, there is an opinion that those women who smoke during pregnancy, children are born more restless. In general, the products of cigarette combustion affect the entire body of the embryo, which negatively affects the health of the baby.

Now let's talk about the effect of alcohol on the fetus.

Many expectant mothers do not fully understand how this bad habit affects the future of her children. Some are confident that the placenta will definitely protect the fetus from vodka, but no - scientists' studies have refuted these "hopes".

How does it affect the unborn child? The main effect of alcohols on the fetus is on its nervous system. It turns out that under the influence of alcohols, red blood cells stick together, which leads to blockage of the capillaries, which supply his nervous system with blood. Also, after drinking alcohol, some of the neurons die. Those. in the CNS, a neuronal burial ground is already being formed. Everyone knows that because of this, the personality of an adult is degrading, what can we say about the effect on the fetus ... Moreover, the fetus cannot excrete alcohol, as the body of an adult does.

Also, over many years of observation, it was noticed that the first generation of alcoholics gives birth to morally corrupted people who are addicted to vodka, the second - to full alcoholics, transmitting affection at the DNA level, the third - the birth of melancholics, hypochondriacs, murderers, suicides and maniacs. The fourth generation produces idiots, stupid and sterile children. That is, nature itself is trying to rid itself of such children!

Statistics show that during the Brezhnev years (until 1982) 10% of children were born handicapped, from 1991 to 2000 during the Yeltsin era - 66% of such children were born ...

A woman's early alcohol consumption can cause her to give birth to a daughter with only half of her eggs. As a result, by the age of 13 she will not be able to be a mother. The harmful effect of alcohols on the body is especially terrible during conception.

Just one glass of alcohol can close a child's full life in the future. This will not be expressed immediately - at first he will study normally, and then he will “roll down” and will not be able to master the school curriculum. That is, this is no longer a person, but a biorobot in the shell of a person ...

If a woman takes alcohol while pregnant, then the child will definitely develop fetal alcohol syndrome. Typical manifestations of this syndrome are in the structure of the skull: strabismus, a decrease in the apple of the eye, a low forehead, an unformed chin.

Here are the data of scientists, such disappointing statistics confirming the impact of bad habits on the fetus. The birth rate has fallen, it is very difficult to find healthy children in maternity hospitals. But there is a way out! This is a healthy lifestyle and a complete rejection of all bad habits.

I chose this topic because I think it is relevant. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that, unfortunately, most of the female half are dependent on psychoactive substances.

Everyone wants to give birth to a healthy child, but not always do everything possible for this. First of all, this applies to our bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, excessive coffee consumption. If you do not get rid of these bad habits in time, this can lead to anomalies in the development of the unborn child. Activities that harm the development of the fetus include the use of psychoactive substances (SAS) - any substance that, when introduced into the human body, can change perceptions, mood, cognition, behavior and motor functions.

Classification of factors affecting the development of the fetus:

  • 1. physical;
  • 2. biological;
  • 3. chemical.

Physical factors affecting the body of the mother and fetus:

These include mechanical stress, vibration, physical activity. It is harmful for pregnant women to lift weights, wear squeezing clothes, often use different types of public transport, especially in the last months of fetal development. Some types of movements are not recommended, therefore, there are restrictions provided by law for the work of expectant mothers. But this does not mean that the movements are contraindicated for pregnant women. Low mobility limits the physical impact on the fetus, which inhibits the maturation of the nervous system and the development of reflexes.

Biological factors imply the impact of other organisms (viruses, bacteria, etc.) on the fetus. Microorganisms entering the body of a woman can cause various infectious and viral diseases. The most dangerous are rubella and herpes (fever on the lips). Pathogens disrupt the development of the fetal nervous system. Mental insufficiency, epilepsy, deafness, convulsions, paralysis may appear.

Chemicals are the third group of factors. These include nutrients from food, drugs, nicotine, alcohol, etc. If a woman is malnourished during pregnancy, she lacks proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and the child is born weakened. Such children often get sick, among them the mortality rate is higher. With insufficient intake of calcium and phosphorus into the mother's body, the development of the skeleton is disturbed, with a lack of iron - a violation of the formation of blood cells, with a lack of vitamins - a slowdown in fetal growth. Excess nutrition can make the birth process difficult. Therefore, a moderate and balanced diet is necessary. For pregnancy and childbirth, both starvation and excessive weight gain are harmful. A special category of factors is psychoactive substances. Let's take a closer look at this category of factors.