Montessori classes from 1 to 3. Do-it-yourself Montessori method: we organize a developing environment at home. Zones for developing activities

This technique can be combined with any other and this makes it unique. Children, regardless of gender, love Montessori-style activities. Even if the parent did not specifically study the basics of the technique, they will be able to appreciate its charm, ease of use at home after reading this article.

  1. Development of taste, smell and hearing

We beat when Alexander was 2 years 9 months old. At the same time, I was going to take a short break and start playing games in 2 parts, but my attention switched to 100+ things of interest to the child and .... here we come to this only now at 3 years 6 months.

What prompted me to do this right now? I re-read the book Early Development: Best Practices and Games, and when I got to the topic, I was horrified to find that some of these periods were about to end. But as you know, they can neither be stopped, nor artificially extended or pushed back. I took out our assistant "The Montessori Home School Dream Book for Those 2 to 4" and began to prepare for classes.

You can buy it at labyrinth

Montessori materials are quite expensive, in my opinion it makes sense to buy them if you open your own center according to the method, or at least have three children and you know that they will all use them. Of course, at home it is not so easy to make materials similar to purchased ones, nevertheless, you can still come up with something.

The book offers 3 activities to introduce the child to color. Alexander and I went through a set of 100 flowers 10 times, and started studying it when the child was 3.5 months old. Children store information on a subconscious level, and if this very information is not repeated, then it successfully remains there - in the subconscious. I do not consider the time spent on these games wasted, on the contrary, I advise mothers of children of our age to get colored cards and play with them more than once.

The Montessori method assumes that the mother lays out the colors, then shows how to match them with pairs. We did not do this part, it would really be superfluous for Alexander. In order not to buy colored paper, not to paste over the signs, I decided to purchase multi-colored materials that can be laid out in pairs. The store had matching flowers. Having laid out the flowers on the table, she mixed it up and admired what a beautiful multi-colored clearing we had. But after all, every flower has a twin, and I suggested that Alexander find flowers-pairs. He coped with this task quite easily.

Now let's make it harder. Without explaining the names of the cards from the set of 100 colors, I lay them out on the table, and I myself sit down at a distance. I tell the child that all the flowers have houses that are the same color as themselves, but the flowers are lost and you need to help them return home. I give Alexander 1 color and he assigns them to the right card. These are the so-called "games at a distance" according to the Montessori method. Alexander also coped well with this task.

After that, I drew the child's attention that we have shades of red, yellow, blue, green and asked if he remembers what all these colors are called? The difficulty caused 3 cards, but the child himself was pleased and proud of himself that he named the rest correctly.

After the end of the games throughout the week, I put the materials on the shelf at the level of Alexander's eyes. He could take materials and, as it should be in the Montessori method, play and develop independently. Some materials made a greater impression on my son, some less, but it is absolutely certain that they were in demand by him. With flowers, Alexander made a clearing, picking flowers at his discretion, and then gave them to me

Vocabulary expansion (with color tablets)

The purpose of the lesson is to consolidate the comparative degree of adjectives (dark, darker, the darkest, as well as the darkest, medium, lightest).

Here we went in a very simple way, except for a set of 100 colors, we didn’t need anything at all. I chose the main colors and their shades in advance and showed in 1 example how the colors are distributed from dark to light. From the rest of the cards, I chose the main colors and suggested that Alexander choose shades for each of them. My boy got everything right, he needed a little help in pronunciation of the concepts "dark, lighter and lightest" at the first stage.

First, the cards were laid out on the table:

And then the child noticed that there were not enough shades of orange, purple, white and black. It was possible to dissuade white and black, but with the rest of the colors ... ... who said that there should only be dark, lighter and the lightest? . We had a lot of shades from dark to very light!

Alexander did this himself, I just sat and watched. At the same time, he chose cards, called them, reasoned aloud which of them is darker or lighter, how they need to be moved so that everyone fits. In general, such activities are not boring for my child, he and his mother do not need them.

What games do we play with developing cards.

The purpose of the lesson is to develop tactile sensations. Acquaintance of the child with the concepts of "smooth", "rough" and with the comparative degree of adjectives. Preparing the hand for writing.

I needed to make 3 boards. The first of them is half smooth, sandpaper is pasted on the second half. At first, I myself ran my fingers over the plank and said where the surface was smooth and where the surface was rough. Then she asked Alexander to do the same.

The second plank alternates between a smooth and rough surface. In this case, the sandpaper here should be the same. In this case, as well as in the first, I first run my fingers over the plank and tell where it is smooth, where it is rough. Then I ask the child to do the same.

On the third board, rough paper is pasted from rougher to less rough. Alexander ran his fingers along each of the strips and pronounced smooth, rough, even rougher, the roughest.

Here is a set for the development of tactile sensations, I was able to make myself at home.

I would say that these boards aroused the least interest in my child. During the lesson, he fully participated, but after Alexander did not take them for the game.

One morning I saw teeth marks on one of the boards and asked who was biting it? To which I received an answer:

- Mom, but the tree is solid!

Well, it's also a learning experience.

Materials. Pairs of rectangular pieces of fabric of arbitrary but the same size, differing in texture and thickness.

But this material occupied my son for a long time. I tried to buy fabrics of slightly different colors, it didn’t quite work out, I had to proceed from the assortment available in the store. First, we sorted the fabrics into pairs, that is, we found patches of the same texture. We felt each of them, tried to remember the name. To do this, on the reverse side, I glued a paper tag with an inscription.

Then, according to the Montessori method, it is proposed to conduct a lesson with a blindfold. It was the first time I closed my child's eyes and he just started to panic, right up to tears. For two more days after that, he recalled what had happened and asked never to do this again .... So we only played with our eyes open.

Alexander took pieces of fabric for independent play within 3 days after meeting them. Most of all, the child was impressed by lycra and costume fabric. This is what it looked like (mother crept up with a camera):

As it should be in the Montessori methodology, we included things from everyday life in the classes. I took out clothes from my, dad's and children's wardrobes. Here are my mother's trousers in linen, denim and polyester. Alexander touched, determined the name of the fabric and selected a pair of our patches:

Development of stereognostic sense

The purpose of the lesson is the development of tactile sensations and a sense of volume. Acquaintance with the principle of separation (sorting) into categories depending on the properties. Vocabulary expansion.

To be honest, I don’t know how much we managed to complete the first lesson according to the Montessori method. First, the nuts had to be in their shells. But it’s very difficult to buy these from us, except for almonds, I didn’t find anything in the shell. Secondly, it is proposed to take nuts of different sizes: walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, ground nuts, and so on. With us, due to the fact that the nuts were cleaned, they are almost the same size. And thirdly, the child should sort the nuts with his eyes closed, and Alexander categorically refused this. Therefore, having thought everything over in advance, I changed the course of the lesson.

  • Nuts are laid out in a box, each type in its own compartment. I suggest Alexander to read the book I prepared about nuts. The child reads the book and determines “by eye”, or rather by comparing with the information in the book, the name of the nuts in front of him.

I am happy to share this book with my followers. It describes only the nuts that we have: walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios. I photographed several of its pages before assembly, so you can understand if it will suit your children in terms of perception.

So, we take each nut identified by the child, touch it, talk about its shape and taste it. Alexander refused to test walnuts, he tried all the rest in more than one copy.

Then I took a bowl and put the contents of the bowl into it, mixing well. The task of the child was to take the nuts one by one with three fingers, name each one and sort it into compartments. To be honest, when I prepared the nuts, I was sure that Alexander would count them, so I put them all in 30 pieces. But I was mistaken, his interest was occupied by the material itself and the matter did not come to a count. However, the child had to say each name 30 times, which naturally led to memorizing the names of each type of nut.

Then I asked Alexander if he wants to see the nuts in the shell? Interest was at its peak and, of course, he wanted to not only see them, touch them, but also split them! I gave him such an opportunity, he did not get tired of stabbing them!

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If you are interested in the child developing harmoniously and quickly, learning independence and playing not only with ordinary toys, but also with didactic games, cleaning up after himself and learning new things every day, then you should create at home an environment in which the development of the baby will occur naturally. The method of Maria Montessori will be an ideal system for the upbringing and early development of the baby, his speech and perception.

Classes in the Montessori system introduce the baby to objects that are located in the world around him. For the proper development of children using this technique, it is imperative to saturate the space around the crumbs with objects that will arouse his interest. In the system of Maria Montessori, the process of development of children is reduced to the fact that the child will develop muscles, vision, hearing, smell and other senses.

There are a huge number of didactic games in the system aimed at developing thermal sensations, touch, taste, and hearing. The use of such games and activities with the child will help to distinguish heavy from light, hot from cold, soft from hard.

Perception and ordering

In order to teach young children independence and participate in their development completely imperceptibly, you must establish a certain daily routine. It might look something like this:

  1. At eight in the morning the whole family wakes up. The first thing everyone in the family does is get dressed. The baby should have his own high chair or children's locker, on which his clothes for changing clothes lie. Next up are morning routines. He has his own potty, he has his own shelf in the bathroom with toothbrush and toothpaste, he also has a high chair that helps him reach the sink.
  2. At half past eight the whole family gathers in the kitchen and prepares breakfast together. The kid also helps to the best of his ability.
  3. At half past nine, breakfast is over and the table must be cleared. A baby, even of a very young age, must know what to clean up after themselves. Maria Montessori's parenting system implies that you involve the children in the cleaning process, for example, give them a towel to wipe the dishes or ask the baby to brush the crumbs off the table.
  4. After breakfast, you will probably want to go about your business, play with a toy that was chosen by him on his own. Give the crumbs such an opportunity, do not force him to do something else. But remember that if the children's games are over, then you must definitely use the main principle in the method of raising children of Maria Montessori - play, then clean up after yourself.
  5. When it's time for dinner, you should not stop working with your child. Let him become your assistant - get food from the refrigerator, help set the table.
  6. After dinner, you will probably put the children to bed, as they need to gain strength for new games.
  7. After lunch, before going for a walk or starting speech development classes or before learning letters, you will need to eat properly. Give your child the opportunity to fill his own food, pour juice or yogurt. Even if something is scattered or spilled by a child, do not worry, but just show the baby how to clean it up. The development system of Maria Montessori implies that gradually a child of any age will perform simple household manipulations on his own and he will absolutely not need the help of his mother.
  8. When you start getting ready for a walk, the child should be able to independently get outerwear. Let the baby have a hook at the level of his hands, shoes should also be visible. On the street, the baby should do what he loves, but be sure to keep an eye on the child, especially at an early age.
  9. After the walk, he should undress himself and put his things in their place. If you need to dry something, explain how and where he can do it, help the baby if necessary.
  10. For the development of children according to the Montessori method, it is very useful if the baby helps you cook dinner. Such classes will help the baby learn to be independent, these are the basic principles of raising children according to the Montessori method.
  11. After dinner, you need to play with the baby, but do not be the main one in these games. Let the kid lead the game himself, this is how the process of his development and the creation of new games for him, the development of his speech in the process of explaining one or another of his activities takes place.
  12. When it's time to get ready for bed, check that the baby put away his toys. Let the little one sort out his bed, go to wash and change into pajamas. The clothes in which the baby was during the day, he must put on a chair or in his locker. You can read a fairy tale to your baby before going to bed and leave a night light in his room, so the baby will not wake you up if he needs to get up to go to the toilet at night.

The essence of this order according to the Montessori system is that with the baby, classes are completely unnoticeable, and learning is gradual and calm. In this method of early education of children, you can safely teach children the development of speech, the baby can learn letters and learn the rules of different games with absolutely no pressure and no tension, since the baby chooses what to do.

Maria Montessori Method


Math classes should also be very enjoyable for the baby and the task of the mother is to make them interesting. Find fun toys for your little one, like counting sticks, cubes, and cones. When the child shows interest in them, start teaching him simple mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The Montessori system makes it easy to learn a variety of mathematical operations at home as games.


If you see that the baby is interested in the alphabet, he can be encouraged to start your speech development classes. First you need to start studying the letters, this can be done using a cut out alphabet, you can place the letters on magnets or buy a special rug that contains all the letters of the Russian alphabet.

Such activities will contribute to the gradual development of speech, but at the same time they will be part of the games that the child will want to play on his own, which means that you will not force the child and he will learn the letters in a simple and easy way. In teaching speech and learning the alphabet and a particular letter, you need to use the essence and principles that permeate the entire teaching system - this is the independence and invisible participation of an adult in the choice of educational games.

group lesson

In kindergarten, by teaching children and contributing to their development, including speech, group classes can also be held, the education system allows this. In kindergarten, you can practice different types of games, here are some of them:

  • Children sit in a circle on the floor, listen to the murmur of a stream, the sound of a downpour, the ticking of a clock in the recording.
  • The kids sit in a circle and play finger games, communicate, develop speech, sing songs, guess the letters on the cards.
  • Toddlers walk in a circle, square, triangle drawn on the floor, trying not to get off in a line.
  • The crumbs are given a melophone in their hands, and each in turn composes his own melody. If there is only one melophone, it must be passed in a circle.

Such simple game options contribute to the communication and development of speech for children 1-3 years old, you can also just learn letters. Non-intrusive communication will help children become independent, learn to speak easily and distinguish between letters.

Maria Montessori Method. Our developers.

For 2.5 years now, my daughter and I have been adherents of the Montessori methodology - a wonderful system of early development that has conquered the whole world, a system based on the idea of ​​free education and deep respect for the interests of the child. I will not repeat myself and talk about the basic principles of the methodology, which were previously written about. In this article, I would like to dwell on how to implement the Montessori method at home. After all, going to a developing Montessori club is one thing, but maintaining the spirit of free upbringing at home is quite another, perhaps, this is an even more important component.

Perhaps you have already read my article on the site about the implementation of the Montessori method at home. Now you have before you a revised version of the article, written taking into account the experience we have accumulated in applying the methodology.

So, if you want your child to develop harmoniously, learn to play independently, and at the same time play with pleasure not only with flying fairies and cars, but also with educational didactic toys, so that he learns to clean up after himself, then you just need, firstly, create for baby at home developing environment and secondly, to give the child complete freedom of action in this environment.

And here's what you need for this:

1. Age-appropriate educational materials

The experience of Maria Montessori showed that children are most interested in those actions and objects that are connected with the real life of adults. Therefore, the children's environment should repeat the adult one: let all kinds of dishes appear in the children's room, provide the child with everything necessary so that he can wipe the dust, etc. Very great importance is attached to the Montessori system, so do not forget about buttons, etc.

About what games the child will be interested in at each stage of development, I write in detail in the sections "" and " Ready-made training programs».

2. Proper storage space for toys

Very often, in children's rooms, all toys are stored in containers or deep toy baskets. In fact, this is such a dump of toys, where it is almost impossible to find something specific. Yes, a small child will never do this, he simply forgets about those toys that are lying at the bottom of the basket.

In a properly organized play space, all materials are placed on racks and shelves. At the same time, all the shelves are located at the level of the child so that he can independently take any benefit that interests him. Each material has its own specific place here, which means that the child always knows where to get what he needs and where to put it away afterwards.

In Montessori development centers, the play space usually looks something like this:

However, it is very difficult to do something like this in an ordinary city apartment, because all these shelves require a lot of space, but you also need to put a closet somewhere, and a bed ... Therefore, at home, you can make a more simplified version with fewer shelves. In addition, you do not need to post all the manuals at once, as in the development center, you can post a limited number of toys and rotate them regularly. This approach will not only save space in the room, but also help maintain the child's interest in toys, they will not "get bored". More on this below.

Thus, to organize a Montessori environment at home, one 2-3-tier rack is enough. It can be made to order or use ready-made solutions. We bought our rack in the Ikea store, this is how it looked at the age of 2:

When such a rack appeared in our nursery, it immediately became clear that this is a great boon! I'm not talking about my daughter's delight at all. Previously, insert frames, knockers and other household items were lying on the windowsill, where everyone always forgot about them, now everything was in sight, both for my daughter and for me. When Taisiya took up the game, it was immediately clear what to take on

There are a few important things to know in order to organize a competent Montessori environment in which the child will always be interested.

1. There should not be too many toys on the rack. !

Firstly, a limited set of toys makes it easier for a child to choose, helps to concentrate on something specific. Secondly, if the shelves are crammed with educational materials, then getting to a specific one becomes not so easy. Well, if the child experiences difficulties associated with pulling out and cleaning the material, then with a high degree of probability he will prefer not to play with it at all.

2. It is necessary to constantly change the toys displayed on the rack .

When I first organized a rack for my daughter, I focused on the layout of the developing club - absolutely all the developing materials available were laid out there. I wanted Taisiya to have a full selection of materials at home, so I stuffed into the rack all the educational toys we had, which at the moment were suitable for my daughter by age. It took some time before I realized that the daughter was just stopped noticing toys that were always in the rack! They became so familiar to her that they seemed completely uninteresting.

Then I did what should have been done from the very beginning: I put all the toys in a closed cabinet, and put only a limited set of materials on the shelves so that everyone could be clearly seen. Every week I began to conduct a small revision: I removed from my field of view those toys that were not of interest to me, and replaced them with others. And here the second life of our Montessori rack began! Materials that no one had looked at before sparkled with new colors.

Regular rotation of toys is really very important, it helps to keep the child's interest in developmental aids. It also allows you to get by with a small set of toys, because, disappearing from the field of view of the child, they are soon perceived as a new thing.

Naturally, in order to meet the changing interests of the baby and contribute to its further development, completely new materials must be exhibited from time to time.

3. Toys must be at a height accessible to the child

(not above eye level), so that he can take from the shelf and put back any manual that interests him without the help of an adult.

4. Every thing on the rack should have its own place. .

If possible, arrange the toys so that they are visually separated from each other (at a short distance from each other).

5. The rack must be open .

Avoid everything that blocks the child's view of the contents of the shelves: a large number of drawers, doors, etc.

Maria Montessori recommends distributing all materials into zones. In your shelving, you can also group games by meaning. For example, in one compartment you can always lay out frames-liners, in another - cubes and designers, in the third - laces, fasteners,

in the fourth - puzzles,

in the fifth - musical instruments, etc.

Despite the fact that Maria Montessori paid little attention to role-playing, I am convinced that role-playing toys are also necessary on the shelf. We have these sections have always been one of the most used.

3. Furniture and play equipment according to the height of the child

So that the baby does not feel like a midget in the country of giants, it is advisable to purchase furniture for him according to his height. Children's table and chair first of all, they are needed so that the baby sits in the correct position during creative activities, and also so that the child has the opportunity to independently prepare a workplace for himself (bring paints, brushes). Children will also be very useful easel, magnetic board.

4. Personal cleaning products for the baby

An integral part of the Montessori system is giving the baby the opportunity to clean up after themselves. Give your child a rag, sponge, small mop, brush, and dustpan to use individually so they can clean up grits or spilled water while playing. Let the cleaning products always stand in a place specially designated for them. Be sure to have a trash basket in the baby's room.

5. Creative corner

Very often, paints, plasticine, glue are stored in boxes and other places not accessible to children. A child draws only when his mother offers him, and not when he wants to. However, it is very important to give the child the opportunity for spontaneous creativity.

Try to organize a creative corner for the kid so that all the same rules about the availability, limitedness and regular updating of materials are observed.

It can be a creative table in a place convenient for the child or a shelf on your shelf reserved for creative materials. Do not post a lot of different materials there at once, let them be updated regularly.

Naturally, if the child is still too small, tastes almost everything and still does not know the rules for working with certain materials, you should not put glue, sharp scissors or liquid paints in the public domain. But a stack of paper and a few wax crayons can already be put down.

6. Accessible and open bookshelves

To be honest, in the literature on Montessori pedagogy, I have not seen recommendations on how to store books. But gradually we ourselves came to the conclusion that books, like any other materials, need to be accessible and visible to the child.

We are used to seeing books standing spine to spine on a shelf, but with such a layout, it is not easy to choose literature for reading, not only for a child, but also for an adult. Agree, because of the inconvenience of choice, as a rule, the same books are read. And some copies, after one reading on the shelf, are generally forgotten.

If you organize a bookshelf so that the books on it face the child with a cover, then he will be able to independently choose books for joint reading, expressing his preferences in literature. Naturally, the shelf should be at a height accessible to the child, and the books on the shelf should be updated periodically. It is enough to make a shelf for 3-5 books.

We hung our bookshelves over our daughter's bed. (We read the books on the shelves in the photo at the age of 3.5. You can find our complete selection of books by age)

Still in the rack we have a small section and benefits. This is how he looked at 2.5 years old:

In fact, creating a developing environment at home is much easier than it might seem at first glance. One has only to start and “get hooked” on the ideas of Montessori upbringing and you will see for yourself what a great blessing it is for a child. Just remember that the correct organization of the playing space is not everything. It is necessary, together with the baby, to observe several, and most importantly, adhere to the fundamental principle of the Montessori system -. Only then can you really teach your baby to play independently, clean up after themselves, and most importantly, encourage the child to self-learning and self-development. Always remember that by adhering to the principles of the methodology, you bring up a free and independent personality!

Thanks for attention! I will be glad to make friends with you in social networks, go: Instagram, In contact with, Facebook.


Expecting the birth of their baby, many modern parents think in advance about how to properly raise a child. There are many methods, systems for raising children. One of the most sought-after methods is the system developed by Maria Montessori, who proposed a new approach to raising children.

Parents want their baby to grow up to be a smart, intellectually developed and confident person, able to set goals and achieve them. The purpose of the Montessori method is the upbringing, development of an independent, free person who is not only able to make a decision, but is also ready to take responsibility for his choice.

Many adults are sure that their children are brilliant and talented. In order for the genius of the crumbs to show itself, parents enroll their children in various circles and sections. Children, like a sponge, absorb new knowledge and skills, which makes their loved ones happy.

However, often parents are faced with a clear unwillingness of the little man to learn. Mom has been trying to get the baby to do it for a long time, but to no avail. The reason is that adults do not take into account the main principle of raising a child as a person.

This principle was singled out and substantiated not only by theoretical calculations, but also proved in practice by one of the most famous women teachers, Maria Montessori. Although this method is more than 100 years old, the main provisions of the system, the principles developed by Maria, are still relevant. Many modern techniques take the Montessori method as a basis and adapt it to modern requirements.

This method is widely used in many preschool institutions, in addition, special groups are created where children develop according to the Montessori method. If desired and possible, parents can use this technique at home. The optimal age when a little man is able to actively learn according to the system is considered to be the age of 3 years.

The basis of the Montessori method

"Help me do it myself!" This is the principle on which the Montessori method is based. Watching young children, Maria Montessori came to the conclusion that the crumbs do not need to be actively imposed on them by adults with ready-made ideas about the world around them.

The little man himself strives for knowledge. Nature has instilled in children the desire to work, as well as to develop. Children should be helped to express themselves, their desires, and not to impose ready-made solutions. The child does not need to be taught, you can only tell if the baby asks for help.

Do not use punishment, coercion or encouragement for children. Each baby is individual, so it is unacceptable to compare fidgets, arrange competitions between children, who is better. Comparing a crumb with another baby can injure the psyche of an insecure toddler, and form a sense of inferiority.

Kids are inquisitive, they want to touch everything with their hands, assemble a tower of cubes, break the car to see what's inside. Curiosity, activity of little fidgets testifies to their desire to learn about the world around them, to gain new knowledge.

Any toddler dreams of becoming an adult soon, this desire serves as an incentive to study, as well as to gain new life experience. Adults should act as observers. Help children only when necessary. Don't force your judgment on kids.

You can't rush the little one. The little man himself has the right to decide what business to do, how much time to spend. Children establish the rhythm of classes, which is the most optimal, effective pace of classes for them. The baby chooses the direction of its development. Independently organizes the workplace, can change the situation without the help of adults.

The Montessori method of early child development is used for the development of healthy children, as well as for babies with developmental delays. The Montessori system allows special children to develop intellectually, catch up with healthy children in development.

System principles

The Montessori system is based on the following principles:

  • creation of a special, developing environment that will provide the crumbs with conditions for development;
  • providing complete independence to the crumbs;
  • help from adults, only at the request of the kids.

The principles of methodology do not mean anarchy and permissiveness. Fidgets are required to follow some rules:

  • the baby independently does everything in his power without the help of adults. For example, move a chair, get a picture book from a shelf. This gives the baby confidence, forms independence .;
  • little men are obliged to behave quietly, not to interfere with other kids to study. If the little one wants to jump, run - there are zones for relaxation for this;
  • the workplace must be put in order: wash, fold the toys that were played with. Put away all exercise equipment. Thus, respect for other people is brought up;
  • whoever first took a doll, a typewriter, paints or other aid, he is engaged. You cannot take away an item that another fool has chosen. The baby begins to understand what personal boundaries and the boundaries of another person are.

Compliance with the rules is not coercion, it is the creation of stability in the life of the baby. The child needs to feel confident, which is facilitated by the rules and their observance.

Development environment

In order for the principles of the system to work with full efficiency, it is necessary to create a specially prepared development environment. The development environment is usually divided into several main zones, each of which performs its own function.

For a developing environment, a spacious, well-lit room is selected. The main requirement is as much sunlight as possible. Furniture, equipment should be appropriate for the height and age of the children. Children of different ages are engaged in groups, which means that there should be chairs and tables that are comfortable for everyone.

Any kid in the group should be able to choose a place where to study, bring a chair on their own, move the table, take the necessary supplies from the shelf.

When working with children, using the principles of the methodology, it is necessary to surround the baby with objects that he encounters every day: glass vases, a ceramic cup, a plate, fragile things. The fool must himself learn to handle objects that can easily break. Be sure to have flowers and plants in flowerpots, which are in an accessible place for children and at an accessible height.

Furniture, interior items should be made from natural materials. The color solution is calm tones, not annoying, not distracting silly people from their studies.

Each item presented in the development environment must be in a single copy. This is one of the conditions for the success of the system. Children will learn to value the opinions and choices of others, they will be able to understand the importance of the needs of other people. The guys will have to negotiate with each other, make compromises. To learn patience - to wait for the toy to be released to play.

Children should be able to freely use water. Collect water in a cup on your own for drawing. Fill the watering can to water the flowers. After completing classes, wash auxiliary materials: toys, balls, cubes. To do this, shells must be placed in the room at a height accessible to the fool.

Division of the development environment into zones

Another important detail of the developmental environment is the division of space into special zones: practical, sensory, linguistic, mathematical, and space. To splash out emotions, release accumulated energy, relaxation zones or gymnastic zones are allocated.

Practical or domestic area

The child receives in this zone skills, skills useful in practical life. This zone contains materials that will help the baby learn the simplest household skills. Kids can take a scoop, a brush to sweep the floor. With the help of special frames made of wood, where there are a lot of buttons, laces, Velcro, lacing, bows, straps, the little man learns to fasten, unfasten buttons on clothes, lace up shoes.

In the zone there is a grater for vegetables, a knife - a fidget can wash fruits or vegetables on their own, and then chop the salad. Children learn to take care of flowers, animals. There are several types of vessels on the shelves so that you can draw water and water the flowers. For the care of shoes, its cleaning, the presence of a sponge, a suede napkin is provided.

Various floor stickers are used in the domestic area. The peanut carries a glass of water in his hand, while trying to go exactly along the pasted line. Such an exercise develops coordination, the baby learns to walk carefully, calmly. In the practical zone, children develop communication skills: say hello, help each other. For example, you hold the scoop, I will sweep the garbage with a brush.

Benefits in the practical zone can be any household items used in everyday life. Tablecloth, napkin, vase, mug, knife, even the cord from the iron or TV. The requirements for items from the household area are size, appearance, convenience for use by little people on their own, without the involvement of adults.


Objects presented in the sensory zone contribute to the development of fine motor skills of fidgets. Certain types of materials help develop the senses. Using materials from the sensory zone, classes with them prepare little men for mastering the school curriculum.

All items on the shelves differ in color, size, smell, weight. These items are made of different materials, so that when using things, the baby develops tactile sensations, and the motor skills of the fingers develop. When using objects in the sensory zone, the features of the materials used will be memorized, the attention and memory will improve in the silly child.

To create conditions for the development of crumbs, the following materials are used:

When creating such a zone at home, parents can use improvised means: cereals, jars, shoe boxes, various scraps of fabric.


Sensory and language areas complement each other. The development of fine motor skills helps intellectual development. Almost all materials used in the sensory zone can also be used in the language development zone. In addition, silly people are offered textured letters, made either on rough paper, or the letters themselves are distinguished by other material.

In order to arouse the interest of the fidget, to attract his attention - there are many children's picture books on the shelves. Cubes with images, colorful cards for children's loto, frames for drawing and shading, figurines that contribute to the first reading - all these materials can be easily chosen by the baby for classes.

Under any drawn object or animal, its name is written in large letters. The children are offered a box office of letters, syllables, alphabet, copybook with drawings and letters. Printed, uppercase letters. Adults, at the request of little men, read fairy tales, organize games for describing, recognizing objects. Control the correct pronunciation of words.


Playing in the sensory zone with boxes, balls, cylinders, the baby already gets an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes. In the mathematical zone, those materials are presented that concretize the knowledge of the silly child, allow the crumbs to more easily master mathematics.

Chains of beads, numerical bars, abacus, numbers, as well as letters made of rough material, towers of multi-colored parts, mathematical tables - all this helps the baby to get acquainted with the world of mathematics, introduces numbers and mathematical operations.

Studying with a geometric chest of drawers, or using constructive triangles, the baby masters the beginnings of geometry. Perseverance is formed, abstract thinking develops.

space zone

Preschool children can get acquainted with the world around here. A lot of reference literature is presented: maps, children's colorful encyclopedias. Animal figurines, photographs, images of various natural phenomena, other climatic zones. Calendars, three-dimensional image of the solar system.

All the materials presented make the restless desire to learn as much as possible about the surrounding reality. Stimulate curiosity, unobtrusively push to acquire new knowledge.

Place for active activities

Such a place was not provided for in the system itself, but pedagogical science does not stand still. Little men should not sit quietly all the time, the fidget should have the opportunity to jump, run, have fun. Usually such a zone is allocated in the center of the room. When the fool is tired of drawing, building towers, he can throw out his energy with a ball or a skipping rope.

Advantages, disadvantages of the Montessori system

The advantage of the Montessori method is the essence of the system itself - stimulating children to self-development of the individual, creating incentives for self-learning. The kid develops at the pace that is convenient for him, he is not forced to study. This attitude develops a sense of responsibility and independence. Fidgets are able to make their own choice, they know how to be responsible for their actions.

The disadvantages of this method modern experts include the following:

  • The emotional development of the baby is practically not affected. The creative abilities of children are not brought up.
  • There are no mobile, team games. There are no role-playing games loved by kids. It has been proven that it is through games, through their participation in play activities, that kids learn to communicate, communication is formed. The little man learns the rules and norms of behavior in society.
  • For hyperactive fidgets, classes according to the system will be beneficial, accustomed to perseverance, respect for others, and patience is developed. However, quiet, timid crumbs or kids prone to autism will never learn to be active, because such fools do not like to ask for help, talk about their failures.
  • The democratic, free atmosphere in Montessori classes and groups does not teach the discipline that is required for classes at school. Preschool children begin to face great difficulties, getting used to the new order.

Teachers and educators do not currently use the classical Montessori system. Time has made its demands, amendments. Modern developments are now being added to the positively recommended advantages of the method.

Maria Montessori (08/31/1870 - 05/06/1952) - the first female doctor in Italy, scientist, teacher and psychologist.

To date, the system of Maria Montessori is one of the most popular methods of child development. The development of children according to the Montessori method is freedom and discipline, an exciting game and serious work at the same time.

Maria Montessori called her pedagogical methodology a system of independent development of a child in a didactically prepared environment.

The essence of the method

In a unique system of self-education and self-development of young children, the main attention is paid to the education of independence, the development of feelings (vision, hearing, smell, taste, etc.) and fine motor skills. There are no uniform requirements and training programs in this system. Each child works at their own pace and does only what interests them. "Competing" only with himself, the child gains self-confidence and fully assimilates what he has learned.

The main ideas for the development of children according to the M. Montessori system

The methodology is based on the following provisions:

The environment has precise building logic. Books on o emphasize that in a specially prepared environment, absolutely everything is a learning tool.
To minimize the intervention of adults in the development of children, Montessori materials are designed in such a way that the child can see his own mistake and eliminate it. Thus, the child learns not only to eliminate, but also to prevent errors.
Basic rules for using Montessori materials
The main principle of the Montessori system is "Help me do it myself!". This means that an adult must understand what the child is interested in at the moment, create an optimal environment for him to practice and unobtrusively teach him how to use this environment. Thus, an adult helps each child find their own individual path of development and reveal their natural abilities.

In Montessori books it is noted that all these rules do not apply to collective games based on communication and the ability to cooperate.
The development of children according to the Montessori system implies that the child learns, first of all, by playing with objects. Montessori games are not necessarily some special toys. Any thing can be the subject of the game: a bowl, a sieve, a glass, a spoon, a napkin, a sponge, cereals, water, etc. But there are also special classic Montessori materials - the famous Pink Tower, the Brown Staircase, insert molds, etc.

Compliance with 5 stages when working with the material:

Children involved grow inquisitive and open to gaining deep and versatile knowledge. They manifest themselves as free, independent individuals who know how to find their place in society.
Children have a huge inner need to explore and learn about the world around them. Every kid has a natural desire to feel, smell, taste everything, because the path to his intellect leads not through abstraction, but through the senses. Feeling and knowing become one.

- The child is active. The role of the adult directly in the action of learning is secondary. He is a helper, not a mentor.

The child is his own teacher. He has complete freedom of choice and action.

Children teach children. Since children of different ages are engaged in groups, older children become teachers, while they learn to take care of others, and the younger ones are drawn to the older ones.

Children make their own decisions.

Classes are held in a specially prepared environment.

The child needs to be interested, and he will develop himself.

Full-fledged self-development is a consequence of freedom in actions, thinking, feelings.

The child becomes himself when we follow the directions of nature, and do not go against them.

Respect for children - the absence of prohibitions, criticism and instructions.

The child has the right to make mistakes and reach everything on his own.

Thus, everything and everything in the Montessori system stimulates the child to self-education, self-education, self-development of the potential inherent in it.

The role of the adult in the Montessori method.

Development environment.

Development environment - the most important element of the Montessori system. Without it, it cannot function as a system. A prepared environment gives the child the opportunity to develop step by step without adult supervision and become independent.

Exercise zone in everyday life - materials with the help of which the child learns to take care of himself and his things, i.e. what you need in everyday life.

The zone of sensory education is intended for the development and refinement of the perception of the sense organs, the study of magnitudes, sizes, shapes, etc.

Math Zone - to understand the ordinal count, numbers, composition of numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

The native language zone is designed to expand vocabulary, get acquainted with letters, phonetics, understand the composition of words and their spelling.

The Space Zone is designed to get acquainted with the surrounding world and the significance of the role of man in it, to master the basics of botany, zoology, anatomy, geography, physics, and astronomy.

didactic material.

The material in the Montessori system is freely available, at the level of the child's eyes (no higher than 1 m from the floor). This is a call to action for the child.

Treating materials with care and working with them only after their use is understood.

The child brings the selected material and carefully lays it out on a rug or table in a certain order.

In group classes, you can not pass the material and hand to hand.

When working with the material, the child can act not only as the teacher showed, but also applying the accumulated knowledge.

Work with materials should occur with a gradual complication in design and use.

When the child has finished the exercise, he must return the material to its place, and only after that he can take the next manual.

One material - one child to be able to focus. If the material chosen by the child is now occupied, he waits, watching the work of another child (observation is one of the most important ways of learning) or chooses some other material.

1. choice of material;

2. preparation of material and workplace;

3. performing actions;

4. error control;

5. completion of work, return of the material to its original place.

Disadvantages of the M. Montessori system:

1. The Montessori method focuses only on the development of intelligence and practical skills.

2. There are no role-playing and outdoor games in the system.

3. Denial of creativity as an obstacle to the mental development of children (while research by psychologists suggests otherwise). It should be noted that the last two shortcomings are compensated by the fact that ordinary playrooms are necessarily created in Montessori gardens, and the child does not spend all his time in the kindergarten.

4. After the democratic Montessori system, it is difficult for children to get used to discipline in ordinary kindergartens and schools.

The Montessori system is more than 100 years old, but Montessori books were not available in our country for a very long time. The Montessori pedagogical system became known to us only in the 90s. At present, many different centers and kindergartens have been opened in Russia that teach children according to the Montessori method.

Basically, the technique "covers" the age from 3 to 6 years.

In 1896, while working as a pediatrician in a clinic, Maria drew attention to mentally retarded children who wandered aimlessly along the corridors of the institution and nothing could occupy them. Watching the unfortunate, Maria came to the conclusion that these children had no incentives to develop at one time and that each child, first of all, needs a special developmental environment in which he could find something interesting for himself.

Montessori took up the study of pedagogy and psychology and tried to create her own methods for the development and upbringing of children.

For the first time, the system created by Montessori was used in the "Children's Home", opened by her on January 6, 1907 in Rome. By observing the children, Maria, through trial and error, gradually developed sensory materials that arouse and stimulate children's interest in knowledge.

Since 1909, Montessori pedagogy and its books began to spread in many countries of the world. In 1913, the system became known in Russia as well. And since 1914 Montessori kindergartens have been opened in many Russian cities. But 10 years later, the Bolsheviks closed these kindergartens. Only in 1992 did the Montessori system return to Russia.

The task of the educator in the Montessori system is the development of children, assistance in organizing their activities to realize their potential. The adult offers only as much help as necessary to keep the child interested.

Graphically, this system can be represented as shown in Figure 1.

So, the main components of the Montessori system, which make it possible to realize the individual path of development of the child: adults, the developing environment, didactic material. Below we will try to briefly describe each of them.

Despite the fact that in M. Montessori's system, adults should help children exactly to the extent specified above, the true role of the teacher is enormous. An adult, using his own experience, wisdom and natural instinct, needs to be imbued with the methodology, carry out preparatory work in order to create a truly developing environment for classes and select effective didactic material.

The main task of an adult in relation to the child directly in the process of studying is not to interfere with him to master the world around him, not to transfer his knowledge, but to help collect, analyze and systematize his own. The Montessori system implies that an adult observes the actions of the child, determines his inclinations and provides the child with simpler or more complex tasks with didactic material chosen by the child himself.

Even the position in space is not left without attention. To be level with the child, the adult must squat or sit on the floor.

What does the work of an adult look like in the classroom?

First, the teacher carefully observes the child, what kind of material he chooses. If the baby turned to the selected benefit for the first time, then the adult tries to interest the child in it. He shows the kid how to cope with the task. At the same time, the adult is laconic and speaks only on business. Then the child already plays on his own, and not only as he was shown, but by trial and error he comes up with new ways to use the material. The development of children according to the Montessori system implies that in the course of such creative activity a great discovery is made! An adult should be able to give the child the opportunity to create on his own! After all, even a small remark can confuse a child, prevent him from taking a step in the right direction.

In this regard, the environment must meet the needs of the child. According to the Montessori system, the development of children should not be accelerated, but it is also important not to miss the right moment so that the child does not lose interest in this activity.

A feature of the classes in which classes are held is the absence of desks that restrict children. There are only small tables and chairs that can be rearranged as you wish. And rugs that children spread on the floor wherever they feel comfortable.

Maria Montessori very carefully developed manuals that would carry a teaching task and help children develop in various directions.

Any exercise with Montessori didactic material has two goals: direct and indirect. The first contributes to the actual movement of the child (opening and fastening buttons, finding the same sounding cylinders), and the second is aimed at the future (development of independence, coordination of movements, refinement of hearing).

In addition to the above, the very environment and the availability of absolutely all benefits encourage children to look for keys to the world around them.

As with any system, it also has its drawbacks:

It is difficult to fit the vast life experience of Maria Montessori, embodied in her system, within the framework of a small review. Therefore, in this article there is only the most basic. If you are interested in learning more about the system of Maria Montessori, it is advisable to get acquainted with the original sources. Moreover, the books of Montessori and her followers are now widely available.

It should be remembered that today we have access to many methods and systems, and it is in our power to choose the best for our children.