77 varnish which color suits. How to match the color of your nail polish

Often, when choosing a color for a decorative coating, women are guided by a feeling of sympathy for certain tones, a desire to repeat their favorite manicure from a friend or a casual acquaintance. Few people think that there are also trend directions in the color solutions of varnishes, which are periodically supplemented with new products.

Do not give up their positions and classic shades used mainly for.
Even through fashionable manicure, women strive to declare their individuality and modernity. By the chosen color of nails, you can determine the character and mood, or just secret desires.

What varnish colors are currently relevant

The current season largely repeats the trend directions of the last year. A variety of colors, techniques and creative designs are offered. New products include multicomponent varnish, custom decoration and fashion accessories.

Trendy colors

Dance Legend:

  • collection Chameleon, no. 95 Wazowski - green with a pearlescent tint;
  • collection Legend, Red Show № 07 - dark red;
  • collection Legend, mini No. 1 - beige velvet.

Masura: collection “Precious stones”, color No. 904-121 - violet.

Color Club:

  • collection Beyond the Mistletoe, No. 5257 - blue;
  • FRENCH TIP collection, no. 024 - white without mother-of-pearl and glitter;
  • WHAT A DRAG collection, no. 811 - silver, mother-of-pearl metallic.

  • Basic Collection, no. 0066 - brown;
  • Nail Polish, # 251 - red;
  • gel polish, No. 638 - turquoise;
  • Matte Allure, # 351 - blue;
  • Ceramic Collection, no. 0048 - cherry.

The best color combinations

Inspirational nail art options include multiple tones that differ in hue or contrast. Even simple ideas with the right combination of colors can impress others.

This can be attributed to the trendy direction of the ombre technique. It takes only 2 tones to create an interesting manicure, but its success depends only on the successful selection of the color combination. Manicure with a hole, classic, painting and other types will look different in a two-tone design.

In order to bring novelty and refresh the usual design of nails, you need to familiarize yourself with the win-win combinations of tones of decorative coatings:

One of the new trends of the last season, which has retained its relevance today, is the coloring of each marigold in different colors, but repeating the sequence on the fingers of the other hand

The choice of the color of varnish for the color type of appearance

The appearance of every woman belongs to a certain color type. Modern people, when choosing a decorative coating for nails, began to be guided by other criteria than the selection of color for clothes. Manicure is a single whole, first of all, with the appearance, so it is logical to paint the nails in colors that match the skin type.

For a spring woman, varnish tones are more suitable:

A summer woman will be comfortable with nails of color:

  • lilac;
  • turquoise;
  • red tomato;
  • purple shades;
  • purple.

For representatives of the autumn color type, shades will be appropriate:

  • copper;
  • Bordeaux;
  • gold;
  • green;
  • cherry.

The winter woman has the largest selection of tones from the spectrum on offer. These are both pastel and translucent and saturated structures. Recommended colors include light and dark shades. Glitter will come in handy even for everyday manicure. With this type, you can not be afraid of any experiments.

Varnish color and character

Rarely girls and women can afford to wear a manicure that is unacceptable for themselves, because in everything they do, they are used to investing a part of themselves, their mood and character. It is not for nothing that experienced psychologists argue that it is possible to describe human nature by its appearance and the accessories used.

Each person notes their loyalty to certain colors. Scientists have even put forward whole theories on this matter. You can treat them in different ways, but there is still a meaning in color perceptions. Especially if the tones are selected not from the trend directions, but at the behest of the heart and their own will.

Interpretations of color preferences can only be made by specialists who, in addition to nails, assess physiognomic factors, behavioral signs and a semantic reaction. An assessment purely by the color of the varnish used will be erroneous.

For example, it has long been believed that lovers of red are passionate and domineering. But many timid women use scarlet to give inner confidence, virtual desires, and confidence.

One thing can be confirmed that by painting the marigolds in bright colors, women attract attention to themselves to fill in the missing communication and even love. Or they want to express themselves by this, to flaunt natural beauty and prosperity.

No matter how the colors and shades are assessed, there are no obstacles for those who, at least through a manicure, want to change, become more confident and courageous.

  1. A benchmark for fashion. One of the easiest ways to find a varnish is to study the new items of the season. It can be fashion shows or a new line of varnishes from a popular company (, Dior, Chanel, OPI, etc.). You can also find information about fashion trends in magazines.
  2. Landmark for the season. Winter is a time of deep dark shades (for example, dark blue, burgundy, dark green, eggplant). In spring, pastel colors become popular, delicate shades add romance and femininity to the image of girls. In the summer they like to experiment with bright neon colors, multi-colored nails, and unusual designs. Autumn is the time of gold, bronze, red-brown shades. Note that nude colors are relevant at all seasons.

  3. Color of nails according to makeup. The color of the varnish is matched to the color of the eyeshadow or lipstick. It looks very nice. Suitable for an evening look or a special occasion.
  4. Varnish to match the color of the clothes. The color of the varnish is the same or close to the color of the clothes. Moreover, it can be the color of any element / pattern on the clothes. The color of the varnish can be matched to a purse, and to a scarf, and to the frame of glasses.
  5. Perhaps the most important point is that the color of the varnish matches the skin tone. Now they have become popular, which last for about 2 weeks and choosing a color for clothes is no longer relevant. But if the color matches the skin tone, then it will look much better. So, for example, cold shades are suitable for pale handles, warm tones are suitable for slightly tanned handles (there is a yellowish tint). Any colors are suitable for dark-haired women.
  6. It is worth paying attention to

    For short nails, red, blue, asphalt gray and burgundy varnishes, nude shades are suitable. A timeless classic, namely French manicure, will also be a good choice for the owner of short nails.

    I paint short nails in dark burgundy, I really like it. I tried to paint it with mint, not really.

    From my own experience, I can say - any bright color (unless there is no dress code at work). I love burgundy, red, purple, pastel shades, too, I do according to my mood. The only thing is that now I categorically do not use pearlescent shades, they seem to me tasteless and cheap, purely my opinion.

    It seems to me that you shouldn't draw special attention to short nails, so the most suitable are pastel shades of varnish: light beige, pale pink, light peach, etc. Moreover, it should not be varnish, but enamel, with a dense shiny coating - nails in this case will look well-groomed and beautiful regardless of the shape, which is not always successful.

    Best of all, this classic French manicure is especially good for short nails, because the hands are blown away neatly and well-groomed and under any clothes, it is especially good that the nails are always clean and beautiful.

    For short nails, absolutely any varnish will suit your taste. Natural nude (nude, light pink, beige, dusty rose) shades and classic French are good on nails of any length and are relevant at any time. But bright juicy colors and thick dark ones are acceptable only on short nails: in cold weather, wine shades, burgundy, plum or blueberry are very good, for an amateur smoky shades of brown, gray, lilac. In summer, coral, watermelon, mint, pink will cheer you up. Classic red is always relevant. But I would advise avoiding mother-of-pearl in varnishes.

    Applying a red shade of varnish on long nails is a sign of bad taste. Red shades only for short nails. Any shade of varnish will look beautiful on short nails, the main thing is that the nails are processed.

    My opinion is that short nails look much nicer and neater than long, short nails and guys like them better. Therefore, any monochromatic varnish (especially red shades) will look 100%.

    On short marigolds, beige varnish and all its shades look good. A soft pink varnish looks good.

The selection of the color of the varnish is not an easy task, because its shade should not only be combined with the makeup, but also match your wardrobe for the next few days, if you do not plan to repaint your nails every day. In addition, the choice of varnish color depends on the length of the nails.

How to choose a varnish to match the color of your clothes?

The easiest way to choose a varnish for your wardrobe is in the salon, where the master will help you with advice. Also in the salon "Manicure" there is a huge assortment of varnishes. Among them, it is easy to find the one that will most easily match your clothes. You can order the service of choosing a varnish in our salon, but you should know some of the nuances:

1. Pastel colors in natural shades can be used with any style and color of clothing. These colors include beige, flesh, coffee, pinkish and pearlescent shades. White is a separate topic, but in classic French manicure it is also appropriate for any outfit.
2. Various shades of pink are a rather active accent color. Before choosing such a color of varnish, make sure that in your wardrobe there are accessories and details in this color. Delicate shades of pink are perfect for a romantic outfit, floral print or a light spring / summer look. But for a small black dress or a solid business suit, it definitely will not fit, even if it is combined with lipstick.
3. Bright red - a symbol of a vamp woman. He is very active and aggressive, therefore he has always been considered a symbol of confidence and strength. These varnish colors are suitable for a black and white, brown or gray wardrobe, and it will also be appropriate in any set where there are parts or accessories of the same color. When choosing a red varnish, it is important that it is in harmony with the tone and shade of red in clothes, and also does not differ from it in warmth.
4. Dark saturated colors of varnishes (black, wine, brown, gray, plum, etc.) have long ceased to be a shocking attribute. If this varnish suits your clothes or accessories, then you can even use it for everyday manicure. Sometimes these shades of varnish can be matched to the color of the bag, belt or other accessories.
5. The bright fluorescent colors of nail polishes are appropriate for a youthful style, provided that they are in harmony with the colors of the clothes. These colors include lemon, acrid pink, orange or light green. By themselves, such nails look bad, but provided that the color in clothes or details is repeated, they give a rather harmonious youth or teenage image.
6. Glitter varnishes are usually used for special occasions and parties. They are in good harmony with evening dresses and nail decor in the form of rhinestones, stones and foil. A discreet varnish of light colors with small sequins can be used in everyday life, but not with a business suit.

The length of the manicure and the choice of varnish

Previously, the rule was that the shorter the nails, the lighter the shade of the varnish. This was necessary in order to hide such a length of manicure, which is considered unacceptable. One more piece of advice can be given: if the nails are not only short, but also round in shape, then varnishes with mother-of-pearl will help to visually lengthen the nail plate.
In fact, today, even on short nails, you can apply dark varnish in rich colors. For example, a black or wine-colored varnish looks much better on short nails than on a long manicure, which with such a coating will seem vulgar.
Makeup and nail polish color
Quite recently, when asked what color of varnish to choose, stylists would answer: to match the color of lipstick. But today this rule does not apply, because varnishes are available in a wide variety of colors, the range of which is much larger than the palette of lipstick colors. But still, small recommendations can be given:

A varnish of any color is suitable for makeup in natural tones.
When performing makeup in a certain color scheme, it is better to choose the color of gel polishes in the same color palette.
If the makeup is made in gentle light colors, then it is better to choose the same light pastel varnish, but its color can be any: peach, purple, mint, azure or lemon.
The rich burgundy lacquer color, which was fashionable last year, is more appropriate for the same rich make-up. At the same time, its color does not have to repeat exactly any color used when creating makeup, but it is important to take into account the overall thermal range.
If you decide to use red lipstick and red varnish, then the tone and heat range of the two products should exactly repeat each other. A manicure with the color of varnish for eye makeup looks very unusual and interesting.

Skin color and varnish selection

Not many of us thought about choosing the color of the varnish, taking into account the color of the skin on the hands, but this factor also needs to be taken into account. Even if the varnish is correctly matched to makeup or wardrobe, it can look completely unexpected on our hands:

1. Owners of light skin can choose a varnish of any color. Moreover, the saturation of varnishes can also be any.
2. Girls with transparent thin pale skin should do a manicure using cold colors of varnishes. It is these varnishes that can enhance the beauty of porcelain leather. But it is not excluded that the use of colors from warm colors, if required by the wardrobe or makeup.
3. Dark-colored women are ideally suited for bright saturated colors, as well as varnishes of dark colors. But it is better not to use cool muted shades, otherwise they will seem too dull and faded.
4. If your fingertips have a slightly pinkish tint, then it is better to refuse cold pale tones. It is better to use saturated colors from a warm range.

Today, the fair sex wants to be perfect in everything: from the ends of the hair to the tips of the nails, because when creating a fashionable stylish image, every little thing, every nuance is important. The beauty of the hands is also very important, and without beautiful, well-groomed nails, the image will be incomplete. To avoid this, you need to remember to do a manicure. After all, it doesn't matter where you are going to go: to work, to a date, to a cafe, your hands will be in plain sight. And so that their appearance attracts and pleases, choose the current fashionable colors of varnishes. Consider what varnishes will be in trend this year.

Fashion trends

  • Surely the classics will never go out of style.... French and red manicure are considered classics in this area. Agree that such nails look neat and cute. But the world does not stand still, and every year and every season new fashion trends appear.

If earlier French manicure was performed only in one style - the tips of the nails stood out with white varnish, then on this moment he already had varieties:

    "Millennium"- manicure, in which the tips of the nail plates are covered with glitter;

    Color- there are two main options for its execution: the nail is covered with a colorless base, and the tip is highlighted in any color, or the nail is covered with a colored base, and the tip is highlighted in one or different contrasting shades;

    "Fan"- in addition to manicure varnish, additional decorations are used: rhinestones, foil, etc.;

    Non-standard- its distinctive feature is the unusual shape of the outline of the tip of the nail. If in the usual version it is a crescent, then in a non-standard one the tip may have the shape of a triangle, rhombus, circle, etc., it all depends only on your imagination.

  • The opposite of French is "moon" manicure. Its peculiarity is that the color accent is placed not on the tip of the nail, but on its base. The shades and types of products used can be any - it all depends on your taste preferences.

  • Another topical direction this year is considered geometry, moreover, combining several shades of varnish. They can be combined as you like, without the risk of making a mistake in your choice. The execution technology can also be different - a transparent or colored varnish is used for the base, the drawing is done by any means - plain, holographic, neon and any other to your taste.

  • Monochromatic manicure can also be called, in a sense, a classic... The nails can be given any color, and varnishes of any shade and type are allowed to be used: matte, glossy, luminous.

  • Gradient manicure is becoming more and more fashionable.,it is also called ombre... It can be assumed that the idea of ​​its creation was inspired by the hair coloring technique of the same name. Such a manicure is performed with several varnishes in such a way that a smooth, or, conversely, a sharp transition is created between them.

  • The most fashionable trend in manicure today is stamping (stamping)... A distinctive feature of its application is that the drawing is not created by hand by a master, but is imprinted using a special stamp directly onto the nail plate.

Using this technology, you can create a pattern of absolutely any complexity, even if you are not a very good artist.

  • Mirror manicure gradually gains the attention of women... Thanks to him, the nails really sparkle. This effect is achieved using a special technique: the nail plate is rubbed with special pigments, powders and foil.

  • The novelty of this season is the frame manicure. It is not yet as famous and popular as all the previous ones, but this makes it no less effective and beautiful. Its peculiarity is that the nail plate is, as it were, framed by one shade, and the rest of it is covered with a contrasting color. This manicure looks unusual and attractive.

  • Patterned manicure preferred by many women. The technique of its application is very diverse. For the basis of such a manicure, you can take several shades of varnish, and make the patterns whatever you want: geometric lines, smooth abstract patterns, or even draw flowers and animals.

No one forbids fashionistas to experiment and combine various types and techniques in their manicure. For example, you can combine French with moon manicure, or manicure frame with gradient... Do not limit your imagination and desire to look beautiful.

In addition to covering the nail plate, its shape plays an important role. Today, the trend is naturalness and naturalness, so the shape of the nail should be oval or similar to it. As for the length, the long claws gradually fade into the background, giving way to short ones.

Palette of shades

A manicure should always be elegant and fashionable. With its views, everything is more or less clear. Now let's turn our attention to an equally important question: what colors are the most relevant today.

  • Matt varnishes have long been popular... It is worth remembering that they are very picky and the nail plate for their application must be carefully prepared, since any unevenness will only be emphasized when applying such a product. The most demanded colors are navy blue, black, classic red, purple, emerald and marsala. They will look great both with a monochromatic manicure, and if used as a base.

Despite the dark shades, they are perfect for any time of the year and will look good in combination with other colors.

  • Magnetic varnishes are a novelty among nail polishes... They contain special metal microparticles that attract the pattern from the magnetic stripes. The palette of such products is very diverse. Nails with dark varnish or with the effect of "cat's eye"- the feeling of velvet on the nails is created.

  • Metallic effect special gel polishes will be created on your nails. A manicure with a silver finish will sparkle interestingly and attract attention. An alternative to metallic shades will be glitter varnishes... They look no less impressive, and if your manicure accidentally suffers, it will not be so noticeable.

Design ideas

  • For those who are not used to being in the shade and want to stand out always and in everything, it is worth paying attention to the varnish, which glows in the dark... In normal daylight, their secret is not visible - they look like ordinary coatings. But one has only to be in the dark, as they sparkle with their colors. But it should be remembered that there are some differences between such varnishes. If you purchased a tool with the inscription " neon”, Then your manicure will be visible in ultraviolet light. " Phosphoric»The varnish shimmers in a greenish-blue color. " Luminescent"- lights up in any room with dimmed or switched off light.

It should be remembered that the glow of the manicure will be short-lived, so the nails will have to be “recharged” from time to time near any light source.

  • Fuchsia definitely worth a try this season. Pink with a lilac tint- this is how this varnish can be characterized. It will look great on nails of any length and shape.
  • Nude opaque shades from light milky to pale pink are still relevant. They go with any look and style and can be paired with almost any other shade. But they look especially impressive among the owners of fair skin and lovers of romantic images.
  • Do not rush to discount the delicate white color. A classic jacket is simply impossible without it. And light pearl shades will look great with a monochromatic manicure.

Women's pens have always been distinguished by their subtlety and grace. A manicure makes them neat and completes the style.... In addition, hands can tell many secrets about a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, and some of them should not be voiced, and a high-quality manicure will help hide them. Interesting ways of decorating marigolds will not leave indifferent any woman and everyone will be able to choose an option for themselves.

To please yourself with beautiful nails, you can go to the salon, where the master will listen to all your wishes and make you a manicure. And you just have to choose a design, varnish shades and enjoy the process. If you don't want to go to a specialist, you can do your own manicure. You can sign up for courses where experienced craftsmen will tell the secrets of a particular design, share their experience and teach everything they know in practice.

You can sign up for manicure lessons. Thanks to the training, you will be able to design your own nails according to your wishes. But the result obtained can differ significantly from the salon one.

French manicure used to see with the usual transparent varnish at the base and white edging on the edge. Can i dilute by adding bright shades in the base or with an unusual shape of the tip of the nail, or apply all at once and you will not recognize your pens!

For summer, a good manicure idea would be light pastel shade of varnish combined with gold. Perhaps it will be a pattern made with a golden hue, or perhaps just gold sparkles or rhinestones - the result will be simply magnificent. Such a manicure will look great on unburned skin, and tanned ladies will add tenderness to their image.

Drawings will refresh any manicure, even with the simplest varnish. If you do not know what to depict on your nails, then use one of the following options:

  • abstract smooth lines;
  • zigzags;
  • lines and stripes;
  • flowers or animals;
  • letters or inscriptions.

Creative nail designs can be created using splashes, spots and blots made with a bright color shade. To top it off, you can add small rhinestones and beads. But don't confuse it with a pinpoint manicure. To create it, points of different sizes are carefully applied to the nail plate. Geometric drawings, like mosaic details scattered on the nail will add extravagance to the image.

You can draw them yourself, or you can use stencils, which are sold in a large assortment in stores.

  • For those who love to bewitch with their mystery, it is worth paying attention to the design "Cat's eye effect"- he is able to charm and fall in love with himself at a glance. An interesting solution would be a manicure with voluminous varnish, which creates the so-called 3D effect.
  • Try to choose several tones of polish and get a manicure with a transition from one tone to another.: if you want from dark to light, you want, on the contrary, from light to dark. This design can be supplemented with a small rhinestone on one or more nails, or alternate the transitions of the varnish.

  • Stylish, catchy and noticeable will look metal nails. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to cover the whole with such varnish, you can make metal patterns in the form of stripes, or tint part of the nail plate with a metallic shade, and make the other part matte or glossy.

  • Manicure with "negative space" means that some part of the nail plate remains unpainted with varnish, empty. Moreover, it does not matter at all what size this part is, where it is located on the nail and what shades of varnish are chosen for the painted part. Quite a bold and interesting solution that will clearly attract attention.

  • Glass nails, or as they are also called, "broken glass"... The secret of this design is that special stickers are applied to the nail, cut into random pieces. You can glue the whole nail or part of it with them. Rhinestones or beads will help to accentuate the shine of the stickers.

If you want everything at once, then feel free to experiment and create your own unique design to give your hands maximum grace and beauty.

  • Stamping, or stamping, has become a new trend in nail design. A stamping kit can be purchased at the store and follow the instructions. Apply a base shade to the nail plate, and then use a stamp to translate the desired pattern. In this case, you can choose absolutely any drawing in terms of complexity. At the end of the manicure, apply a protective coating to the nail.

  • At first glance, an absolutely insane design is the nail-balls manicure.... It is suitable for girls with short nails. It is not difficult to make it, it is enough to apply a large amount of gel to the nail plate to give it the shape of a ball, and then apply varnish. If you love everything new, then feel free to try to make yourself such a manicure.

  • Another very peculiar type of manicure is fur... Its essence lies in the fact that pieces of natural or artificial fur are glued to the nail plate. You can paste over the entire nail with them, or you can close a certain area.

If you are not afraid of experimenting with extravagance, then decide on such a design.

Which to choose

There are so many different options on how to decorate your hands with a manicure that it is rather difficult to choose something specific. To choose exactly your manicure, indicate those parameters that are most important to you.

  • Shape and length of nails. Today, the trend is oval and medium length. But if you are an ardent fan of pointed ones and are not ready to change their shape, then try to visually smooth the sharp corners with the help of French manicure. The rectangular shape looks great on long, slender fingers and should not be reshaped if this is the case. Oval visually lengthens, which will be a big plus for those who cannot or do not want to grow nails.

  • Colour. It should match your look. You should not choose bright flashy shades if you adhere to a strict classic look. However, monotony is no longer as relevant as before, so more and more often two or more matching colors are chosen for a manicure.

But don't overwhelm your manicure with too many colors. The correct shade of varnish will complete the look.

  • Decorations. Decide what you would like to see on your hands as decorative elements. Perhaps you want to decorate them with rhinestones or beads, or perhaps you are only interested in patterns and designs. The main thing is that the jewelry should be in moderation so that the fingers do not look overloaded, otherwise the nails will immediately lose their natural and natural look.

To avoid this, you can focus on only one finger, most often the ring finger is chosen for this. By the way, the vertical pattern visually lengthens even the shortest nails.

  • Execution technique. Choose the design you like: French, Moon, Metallic, etc. Keep in mind that the design will be different for each season. This is because our images change with the onset of the warm or cold season.
  • Care. Do not forget to properly care for your hands: remove overgrown cuticles, use hand cream.

It should be noted that a good and well-chosen manicure will accentuate your style. Plus, men like the neat design. They are unlikely to remember its color, but they will definitely remember their impression. By the way, the opinion that the stronger sex prefers ladies with long nails is erroneous. Most men consider long "claws" too vulgar and sharp, but the average length of the nail plate, in their opinion, is the most optimal.

There are practically no difficulties in this:
  • Initially, you need to prepare everything that you may need: manicure set, essential oil (ylang-ylang or lemon), vitamin oil, sea salt, container, orange sticks, towel or napkins, cotton pads, warm water, nail polish remover, hydrogen peroxide or other antibacterial agent (in case if a wound occurs in the process).
  • Remove any remaining nail polish using cotton pads soaked in a special liquid. Pour lukewarm water into a container, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of sea salt and a few drops of oil. Dip your hands in water for a few minutes to steam up the skin a little. Dry your hands lightly with a tissue or towel. Using an orange stick or a special spatula from the manicure set gently push the cuticle away from the base of the nail plate... Perform this procedure on the fingers of both hands.
    • With the same tweezers that removed the cuticle, gently remove the rough skin around the nail. Using a nail file and special nippers give your nails the shape you want. The nail plate should be filed in one specific direction, because if you saw them from side to side, you can easily disrupt the structure of the nails, which can lead to their delamination, and eventually make them thin and brittle.
    • After the cuticles and rough skin are removed, it is necessary to lightly massage the area around the nail plate with vitamin oil, and then remove the remaining oil from the surface with a nail polish remover. This completes the process of preparing hands for applying varnish, but home manicure continues. It remains to apply varnish to make the desired design.

    We offer you the simplest and most beautiful options that are easy to make at home.

    • Matte manicure. It is very expensive and looks impressive on oval nails. To make it, you can buy a finished matte product in a special store, or a matte finish for any other varnish. Then it remains only to apply it evenly on your nails, wait until it dries completely and finish the whole procedure on this. Or you can cheat and do a matte manicure at home without using such store products. To do this, you need a regular solid color nail polish without glitters and other additives and pairs. In this case, the process of creating dullness on the nails will look like this:

      Boil the water in a saucepan or other open container;

      Apply a solid color varnish on nails;

      Keep your nails over steam for a couple of minutes at a distance of about 15 centimeters.

      The manicure is ready. You can decorate your nails with rhinestones or a beautiful pattern with a contrasting glossy varnish.

    If you are doing a manicure using gel polish, then the next video contains some more ways to create a matte surface.

    • Lace manicure. A salon-like manicure is performed using thermal stickers. But at home, this procedure can be carried out with improvised means, which are lace trimming. You will need: pieces of lace, scissors, base varnish, clear varnish, toothpicks. The process for creating a lace design will be as follows:

      Prepare lace for each nail plate taking into account the length and shape;

      Apply varnish evenly on the nail for the base of the manicure;

      In a couple of seconds place lace on the entire nail with toothpicks;

      Apply on nail with lace clear nail polish for fastening;

      Repeat all the same procedures on the remaining nails;

    The manicure is ready. Professional masters advise not to rush and do such a manicure on each nail in turn, but see the master class for creating such a manicure below.

    Hands were, are and will be the hallmark of any woman. Indeed, when meeting the lady, she holds out her pen to the gentleman and must be sure that everything is perfect on her: the skin, jewelry, and nail design. A neat and beautiful manicure on the nails suggests that the lady pays a lot of attention to her appearance and cares about her beauty.