Stomach pain during early pregnancy. How long does the stomach hurt at the beginning of pregnancy. Gynecological diseases and pathologies of the urinary tract

It's no secret that the time when a woman is expecting a baby is the most beautiful in her life. During this period, the body of the fair sex is undergoing tremendous changes. That is why the sensations in the stomach in the early days can be completely diverse. Some ladies have no signs of conception at all and no complaints about a special condition.

Conception and pregnancy

To begin with, it is worth saying how conception occurs. Around the middle of the female cycle, the lady releases cells from the follicle. After that, the egg, born and ready for fertilization, begins to move through the fallopian tubes towards the reproductive organ. This is where she can meet with the sperm. After the fusion of these two components, continuous cell division begins.

When new organism reaches the uterine muscle, cells are introduced into its inner layer. From this moment, the conception can be considered completed.

How is the period of pregnancy divided?

There are different stages of pregnancy. There are three in total. These time periods are called trimesters and on average last from 8 to 12 weeks.

At each stage of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes appropriate studies for the woman. They may include conducting ultrasound examination taking a smear from the vagina, a blood test for possible pathologies fetus. Also in the third trimester, the gynecologist examines pregnancy with the help of CTG apparatus. During the procedure, the baby's heart rate is measured.

The third period of bearing a baby ends with childbirth. After that, the fetus becomes a person and can already breathe, hear and see on its own, but it still needs a mother.

Feelings in the abdomen in early pregnancy

Many women experience new sensations during this period. To begin with, it is worth saying which terms of pregnancy are early and which are late. Short term pregnancy is diagnosed up to 8 weeks, which is approximately the first two months from the day last menstrual period. It is during this period of time that the expectant mother can notice new sensations in the stomach. a woman's well-being can change dramatically. Consider the most frequent sensations experienced by a woman.

During ovulation

In this period of time, the fair sex can talk about what she feels bursting or pressing pains left or right. This is due to the growth of the follicle and, of course, pregnancy has not yet occurred at this time, but with a positive result this time period will be included in the childbearing period.

Directly during the rupture of the follicle, the lady may notice a sharp cutting pain one side. After that, some women note the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract.

During the period of fertilization

Some representatives of the fair sex claim that the sensations in the stomach are on early dates Their pregnancies began from the moment of fertilization of the egg. Most likely, this is just self-hypnosis, since no one can say exactly for a fraction of a second exactly when the merger of two cells occurred.

Usually this process is not accompanied by any special feelings. Human cells are so small that their initial division produces no symptoms or signs.

Implantation period

After the male cell has met with the female, pregnancy begins to develop and progress day by day. Colossal changes and transformations take place every day with a new organism.

When it reaches the genital organ, it is introduced into the endometrium and remains in its place for all subsequent periods of its development. At this moment, a woman can feel that something is happening in her body. Also, this process can go completely unnoticed.

Statistics claim that the special sensations during this period are noted by those women who planned to conceive and waited for it. Such representatives of the fair sex say that they feel slight pulling pain. Other women admit that they felt. Similar to the period of ovulation, at this moment a lady may notice slight spotting bloody discharge from the vagina. They are explained by the fact that during the introduction of cells into the wall of the uterus, damage to the smallest blood vessels and capillaries occurs.

Lower pain during pregnancy

Many women around the world complain of various pain during pregnancy. Most of them are early. As the embryo grows day by day, the uterus stretches. This is one of the reasons for such complaints. However, you need to know all the reasons why the stomach pulls during pregnancy (early terms). Similar complaints may also be in the middle of fetal development or before childbirth.

The threat of interruption of embryo development

It's no secret that most miscarriages and fading of the embryo occur in the early stages. This is due to the fact that so-called natural selection takes place in this time period. If the fetus has any abnormalities in genetics or the wrong set of chromosomes is obtained, then it simply stops its development.

This condition can be accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations that jeopardize pregnancy. The back during this period can also remind of itself. During the contraction of the genital organ, a woman feels heaviness in the lower back.

Deficiency or excess of certain hormones

The pregnancy table (hormones) indicates how much of a particular substance should be contained in the blood of a woman in different periods bearing a baby. With some deviations from the norm, the fair sex may experience pain in the lower abdomen and back.

In most cases, expectant mothers are faced with a lack of progesterone. This hormone is produced by the corpus luteum, which is formed in the ovary after the rupture of the follicle. The excreted substance supports normal tone reproductive organ and does not allow it to contract and reject the fetal egg. At small amount of such a hormone, involuntary contraction of the uterine muscle and detachment gestational sac.

If action is not taken in time and necessary treatment, then spontaneous abortion may occur. That is why, when such symptoms appear, it is necessary to pass necessary tests and find out the content in the blood expectant mother certain hormones.

The table of pregnancy and hormone levels will tell you how much the substance should be in the blood of a woman in certain period pregnancy.

The growth of the reproductive organ

Sometimes pain in the lower segment abdominal cavity may be caused by uterine growth. It is worth saying that during fertilization, she is quite small. Pregnancy causes this organ to grow and stretch, changing its usual position.

With an increase in the uterine muscle, they shift neighboring organs: ovaries, fallopian tubes and intestines. At later dates, there is a shift of some more structures human body: kidneys, stomach, liver and spleen.

Such a process may be accompanied pulling pains. It is worth noting that this condition is not a pathology and does not require any treatment.

Also, women who have undergone inflammatory diseases pelvic organs or any surgical intervention. In most cases, such pathologies do not pass without a trace and cause the formation of an adhesive process. As the uterus grows, the thin films stretch and tear. This leads to quite strong and sharp pains. They can be pulling, pressing or cutting. In this case, the woman is not prescribed any treatment, except for keeping calm and taking sedatives.

Ectopic pregnancy

In the early stages (about 4 weeks), pregnancy with the help of ultrasound is almost impossible to diagnose. However, during this period, a woman may complain of pulling pains on one or the other side of the abdomen. In some cases, this may indicate the development ectopic pregnancy. If such a pathology is detected, it must be eliminated as soon as possible, since the consequences can be irreparable and lead to death.

How to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage? Quite often, a blood test helps to find out about such a pathology. hCG hormone. Also, in the absence of severe pain in a woman, the doctor may choose expectant tactics. With an increase in sensations and a deterioration in well-being, a woman undergoes an emergency operation, during which the abnormal pregnancy trying to keep everything reproductive organs. An ectopic pregnancy can develop in the ovary, fallopian tubes, or in the abdomen.

Pathological processes

In some cases, unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be a symptom of various pathologies that have nothing to do with the woman's stay in interesting position.

bowel problems

During the bearing of a baby, a woman relaxes all the muscles of the abdominal cavity. This is necessary in order to avoid spontaneous interruption pregnancy. Since the intestine is also a muscle, its peristalsis can be significantly reduced. This leads to constipation and gas accumulation. This condition gives a woman not only discomfort, but also pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

This condition is easily corrected. A woman is prescribed a suitable diet and a mild laxative, which is allowed during pregnancy.

Inflammatory diseases

During the bearing of a child, the fair sex decreases immunity. This happens mostly in the early stages. Nature did this so that the woman's body does not perceive the fetus as a foreign body and does not reject it.

During this period, the lady may feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which are a symptom of the development of inflammation of the bladder, ovaries or uterus. Such a pathology must be cured, as it can have Negative influence on the growth and development of the embryo.

pathology requiring surgical intervention

Sometimes during pregnancy, a woman may develop diseases that require surgery. They can also give symptoms such as pulling or aching pain in the back and lower abdomen.

May encounter the formation of a large cyst or torsion of its legs. Also, a lady can be struck by appendicitis or peritonitis. All these pathologies are quite rare, especially in early pregnancy, but they are not excluded.

If a decision is made to perform a surgical intervention, then the most sparing method is chosen. In most cases, the Doctor performs the operation as carefully as possible, trying not to touch reproductive organ and keep the pregnancy.

Pain in late pregnancy

If you are quite close to the due date, then pulling pain in the lower abdomen may indicate that you will soon become a mother. If the fetus is already full-term, then there is no reason to worry, but it is worth calling your doctor and letting him know how you feel.

If the child is not yet full-term, then it is urgent to call ambulance and go to the hospital. Especially if the pain intensifies and acquires a cramping character. You may need to stay in the hospital for a while until you feel better. All this is necessary in order to keep the pregnancy and carry the baby to the due date.


If you are in an interesting position and experience pain in the lower abdomen, then you need to visit a specialist leading your pregnancy as soon as possible. It may turn out that pregnancy and your health are at risk. It may also turn out that your pains are physiological and do not have any threat to you and your unborn baby.

Take special care of your health during pregnancy. Regularly visit a specialist and discuss with him all the questions that concern you. Feel free to ask the doctor about anything that interests you. Stay healthy and have an easy delivery!

Most women experience abdominal pain during pregnancy. Usually expectant mothers are very afraid of this phenomenon.

Physiological pain

Mostly, abdominal pain in early pregnancy is physiological in nature and does not indicate a danger to either the mother or the baby.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen may indicate changes in your body. Firstly, the tone of the uterus increases, that is, the muscles begin to contract, which can cause discomfort. Secondly, blood circulation in the uterus increases, which can also be a source of discomfort. Thirdly, in the first weeks of the period, sensations similar to menstrual pain simply indicate pregnancy: the ligaments are stretched, the hormonal background And so on.

Physiological pain in early pregnancy should not be present all the time. They occur periodically, and most often you can get rid of them simply by relaxing, taking a lying position.

If the pain does not stop and bother you constantly, you should urgently be examined by a doctor.

Pathological pain

Sometimes abdominal pain in early pregnancy can signal serious problems.
  • Risk of miscarriage. In this case, the pain will not stop, on the contrary, they will intensify. In addition, it is possible bleeding. You need to see a doctor urgently. But do not worry in advance, if the threat of miscarriage is determined in time, the child can be saved in most cases.
  • Cyst corpus luteum. During pregnancy, a so-called temporary organ is formed in the woman's body, which appears in place of the follicle. It is called the corpus luteum and is needed to generate the hormone progesterone. Sometimes this auxiliary organ increases due to excessive accumulation of fluid, as a result of which a corpus luteum cyst develops. If the doctor gives you this particular diagnosis, do not worry - this most often does not threaten the baby. You will need to monitor the load on your body, do not lift heavy objects, do not strain. Stress can cause the cyst to rupture, which will cause internal bleeding.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If you feel pain constantly, while it is localized to the right or left of the lower abdomen, this may signal an ectopic pregnancy. Similar phenomenon observed when the embryo is attached in the fallopian tube. Its growth will lead to a break fallopian tube, the symptoms of which are strong pain, profuse bleeding, dizziness, vomiting. The best time to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy is early stages, since a rupture of the fallopian tube can have serious consequences for a woman.
  • Frozen pregnancy. Many factors that cannot be foreseen can cause the cessation of fetal life. In other words, the baby dies. In this case, you may feel sharp pain, bleeding is possible. A missed pregnancy usually ends in a miscarriage.

Abdominal pain in early pregnancy, not associated with gynecological diseases

In the end, the stomach in the early stages can hurt for reasons that have nothing to do with pregnancy. Such pain may be a symptom of, for example, appendicitis or cystitis.

Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, women may experience various malfunctions in the work of the intestines, such as an upset. It can also cause discomfort. In this case, you just need to reconsider your diet.

In any case, when periodic sensation pain in the abdomen during pregnancy should be examined by a doctor.

The condition of a woman during pregnancy changes in an unpredictable way. Girls in position can experience a lot of unusual sensations, and quite often the lower abdomen hurts in pregnant women. Do not be afraid and panic, this will only aggravate the condition of the expectant mother and baby.

It is worth remembering that in most cases this condition is physiological in nature and does not pose a danger. But sometimes such pain can warn of the development of pathologies during pregnancy, so a young mother should know all the subtleties of this unpleasant sensation. And it is very important not to hide this condition from the specialist who leads the pregnancy, since it can indicate very serious violations and even indicate the possibility of losing a child.

First, there are different types pain, secondly, the week of pregnancy in which the girl encountered this sensation is important. This is what the doctor evaluates during consultation in cases of such complaints.

When pain in the lower abdomen is a safe symptom

Since from the very beginning of the conception of a baby in the body of a woman there are many changes that are imperceptible at first glance, pain can be observed, which should not be considered a pathology at all.

Thus, the body simply signals an unusual state.

Harmless causes of pain may include:

  1. In the early stages this feeling may be a sign that a fertilized egg is implanting in the tissues of the uterus. This process is called implantation of the fetal egg, and after a few days the pain disappears.
  2. Unstable operation digestive system arising from pregnancy. In this case, the girl often experiences a feeling of bloating in the abdomen and difficulty defecation (constipation). The consistency and color of the stool also change. These symptoms also go away without treatment after the body gets used to the presence of the embryo.
  3. At the end of the first trimester, the uterus becomes larger and changes its position. This is what causes pain. Stretching of the muscle tissue can cause this condition.
  4. Increased production of the hormone progesterone, which helps form the birth canal during pregnancy, can also cause abdominal pain because it makes the ligaments and joints more elastic. The action of the hormone extends to the uterus, which causes characteristic pain.
  5. For more late term pregnancy, somewhere in the third trimester, the cause of this phenomenon may be the baby's kicks with legs or arms. When the baby has grown up, his movements can cause pain if he sharply pressed on any internal organ. This happens especially often when mom is full bladder.

Only a specialist after examination and examinations can affirmatively say that the cause is harmless. A woman should not wait and hope that everything will pass by itself. If you remain silent at the first sign of violations, you can provoke a lot of complications that are unsafe for the health of the mother and child. Therefore, it is better to immediately tell the doctor about the discomfort than to ignore the problems and bring the situation to a critical one.

Abdominal pain as a signal of the development of pathologies during pregnancy

Carrying a baby is a rather long and difficult process for the body of any woman. And, unfortunately, not everyone goes through it without pain and various deviations. If a pregnant woman has a pain in the lower abdomen, then you should immediately assess the possibility of the presence of such disorders as:

  1. Uterine hypertonicity is the most common cause. This condition is quite dangerous, it requires monitoring by doctors and treatment. The uterus becomes inelastic, which makes it difficult for the baby to fit properly in the womb and can lead to miscarriage. Pain in the abdomen in this case is also accompanied by a pulling pain in the lumbar region.
  2. Frozen pregnancy, when the baby loses viability in the womb. Often in this case, there is an increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, and the symptoms that accompany pregnancy disappear.
  3. An ectopic pregnancy is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This means that the embryo does not develop within the uterus and in the tubes. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, this can lead to rupture of the tubes, which has quite serious consequences for the woman's body and can greatly complicate further attempts to become pregnant.

Such conditions are often accompanied by spotting. various colors and consistency, it is sure sign that you need to contact a specialist immediately. Similar states can lead to irreversible consequences, so you can not hesitate, you must immediately fix the problem under the strict supervision of doctors.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

In the first stages of pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases so that the body does not reject the embryo. This can aggravate chronic diseases. Also this phenomenon can occur as a result of an increased load on all organs and systems, since during this period a woman needs to cope with ensuring the vital activity of two organisms.

In this case, the intensity and type of pain can be very diverse. Despite the fact that these conditions do not directly affect the girl’s ability to bear a child, they can indirectly cause a violation of the development of the baby or a sharp deterioration in the mother’s condition and her inability to fully spend the period of pregnancy and childbirth.

Conditions that can cause abdominal pain include:

  1. Cholecystitis is a disease of the gallbladder that is accompanied by sharp pains in the right side of the abdomen. Also, the girl's body temperature rises sharply and vomiting appears. In addition, bitterness in the mouth may occur.
  2. Gastritis can also worsen during pregnancy, since squeezing the stomach during the birth of a new life in the uterus can make it difficult to remove gastric juice, which provokes a relapse of the disease. In this case, in most situations, the pain spreads to the upper abdomen, and only sometimes it is transferred to its lower part.
  3. Pyelonephritis, inflammation in the kidneys, often occurs due to the fact that the excretion of metabolic products from the organs is difficult. The condition is characterized by aching pains, as during menstruation, which are given to the lower back. Inflammation can pass without an increase in temperature, but holding simple tests will immediately show the presence of this pathology.
  4. Cystitis is a disease of the bladder, dangerous for the spread of infection through the reproductive tract, which can lead harmful microorganisms directly to the child. This disease is accompanied by painful and frequent urination. Blood impurities in the urine may also be observed.
  5. Acute appendicitis. The situation occurs when the organ is inflamed, and it requires urgent care doctors, often surgery. In a woman, such an ailment is accompanied by a prolonged attack of pain, which changes intensity, while the temperature rises and vomiting begins.

All these diseases are considered severe and dangerous for both the mother and the baby. They need serious attentive therapy, which is mainly carried out in a hospital. Often doctors have to use drugs that are strong enough to keep a woman's ability to bear a baby. But it is not worth hoping that it will be possible to recover from these diseases on your own.

Without the attention of a doctor, ailments will develop and provoke new deviations.

At the time of bearing a baby, the proper functioning of each organ is important, so it is necessary to monitor the general state of health. In preparation for pregnancy, a woman needs to be examined qualitatively and, if possible, solve health problems.

These tips can only be used after consultation with a doctor and a clear understanding that there are no pathologies and chronic diseases, since if there are any, the doctor prescribes a certain treatment and gives specific recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle. In some cases, for example, it is necessary to minimize movements throughout the pregnancy and follow a strict diet in order not to provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

But if the pain in the abdomen appeared due to benign physiological reasons Here are a few important tips to keep in mind:

  1. You shouldn't overeat.
  2. You need to spend at least 4 hours a day outside.
  3. It is important not to forget about measured hiking in the morning and in the evening.
  4. It is necessary to eat light foods that reduce the burden on the digestive organs, kidneys and liver.
  5. You don't even need to take any drugs vitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription.

All this will help strengthen the body and give it the resources to cope with such a difficult task as bearing a child. If there is no underlying pain pathological factors it will pass within a few weeks.

After giving birth, a woman can completely forget about these unpleasant sensations. The main thing is to carefully monitor your health and changes in the body. It is worth listening to your body, and it will tell you what violations it has. Modern gynecology and obstetrics, in turn, have a large arsenal of tools to make pregnancy as comfortable and painless as possible.

Confirmation of planned and desired pregnancy causes a storm of various emotions in the expectant mother - joy, delight, excitement, pride and the desire to do everything according to the rules. The baby should be born healthy, strong and the most intelligent - it should not be otherwise.

But joy is overshadowed by incomprehensible sensations that cause anxiety and bewilderment. Do pains in the lower abdomen threaten in early pregnancy with troubles? And should I consult with my doctor?

Stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation - when you should not sound the alarm

The first harbinger of the expected event - the stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation. All women are well aware of these sensations, the difference can only be in their intensity. Therefore, at first, many take painful hardships as a harbinger of monthly troubles. In fact, something else happens - a successfully fertilized egg is looking for cubby, penetrating into the uterine mucosa. This process is important, intensive and quite lengthy - after all, you will have to stay in a new place for a long nine months. The arrangement of the future crumbs is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, many potential mothers take them for premenstrual.

Sometimes the struggle of the egg for a comfortable and reliable living space is accompanied by meager spotting, the appearance of which is mistaken for the beginning of menstruation. At this stage, there is often an abortion, which the failed mother does not even know about. This happens when a fertilized cell fails to implant in the uterus, the body rejects it, and the process spontaneous abortion passes like a normal menstruation.

Non-dangerous pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy can cause concern for other reasons. inevitable hormonal changes, an increase in the level of progesterone is also accompanied by pulling painful sensations. The frequency of occurrence, short duration and quite tolerable intensity of pain should not cause concern, this is quite natural process.

Swelling and stretching uterine ligaments, a change in diet, a rush of blood to the uterus - any of these reasons can cause an aching feeling in the lower back and lower abdomen. Usually, it is not so difficult to deal with emerging troubles - you just need to lie down, and after a short rest everything will return to normal. In a situation where the recommended method did not help, the intensity of the pain is gaining momentum, spotting has appeared - an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

When pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy signal danger

Unfortunately, there are plenty of reasons for an urgent appeal to a gynecologist when the stomach hurts during pregnancy. All of them have characteristic symptoms, which is better to familiarize yourself with in advance. After all, sometimes the life of a long-awaited baby, and the health of his future mother, depend on the timely help of doctors.

1. Frozen pregnancy

The cessation of fetal development and its non-viability in the early stages is considered a missed pregnancy. The tragic event most often occurs on the 8-16th week, when the vital organs of the baby are laid and formed. The disappearance of nausea and the return of the former appetite do not cause the woman due fear and are perceived by her as a happy deliverance from early toxicosis. The breasts that have become habitually soft and the pains in the lower abdomen that are usual for this period during pregnancy are also not alarming. However, the body is strenuously trying to get rid of the nonviable fetal egg, spotting is added to the pulling and intensifying pains. Inattention and ignoring the appeal to the doctor on this stage fraught with dangerous consequences- severe intoxication and sepsis. It is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor if there are the following signs:

- pallor skin and weakness, nausea;

- temperature rise;

- quite severe pain in the lower back, groin, lower abdomen.

At a later date, the reason for contacting the doctor should also be the lack of active movement of the crumbs for four to six hours. Diagnosis of a missed pregnancy at any time is carried out using a blood test for hCG and ultrasound. When establishing the diagnosis, the uterus is cleansed of the remnants of the fetal egg.

2. Miscarriage and pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy

Viruses and infections hormonal disorders, previous abortions and frequent stress can cause an unexpected termination of pregnancy. Knowing the main symptoms of a threat and taking action necessary actions, it is possible to save the baby and safely bring it to birth on time. Experts divide the process into three stages - when there is real threat miscarriage, its onset and expulsion of the fetus - in whole or in part. In the first two stages, it is still possible to help the expectant mother and baby, with obligatory condition timely treatment to a medical institution. Heralds of danger:

- pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, in case of a threat of miscarriage, spread to the lumbar region and are accompanied by heaviness in the lower abdomen. Already at this stage, the help of a doctor is needed, since the process can develop quite rapidly;

- increasing pain is accompanied by the appearance of discharge - from spotting to copious and scarlet. It's time to call an ambulance, and lie down before her arrival. All is not lost yet, most likely, the baby can be saved;

- severe deterioration general condition and the appearance of pieces of tissue in the discharge, alas, indicate a miscarriage. Confirmation is severe pain, possibly also heavy bleeding. But even the disappearance of the pain symptom cannot guarantee a successful outcome. In such cases, doctors most often perform a curettage of the uterus in order to prevent inflammation and sepsis.

The stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation - is it possible for an ectopic development of the fetus

It happens that pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy signal the presence of an unpleasant diagnosis - an ectopic pregnancy. This is possible when the fertilized cell is mistaken with the choice of a permanent location, does not reach the uterus and has chosen not at all. appropriate place for habitation - on the ovary, in the tube or cervix. Explanations of the future mother, how exactly the stomach hurts during pregnancy, help to suspect a sad process. The presence of spotting discharge and the absence of a fetal egg with ultrasound examination confirm it. Usually the doctor advises to remove the fallopian tube and recommends to refrain from conception. next child during three months.

However, with an ectopic pregnancy, more unpredictable developments are possible. If you ignore the pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy in conjunction with the bloody discharge that has appeared and do not consult a doctor, you can get a formidable complication - rupture of the fallopian tube. Initially, the pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are dull and pulling, but, as the fetal egg gradually grows, they intensify and spread to the region of the appendages. With a rupture of the pipe, formidable confirmation of the diagnosis appears:

- profuse bleeding;

- unbearably sharp pain, sometimes giving in the hypochondrium, anus, leg;

- dizziness, possible fainting;

- Severe nausea, vomiting.

An ambulance must be called immediately. It will be impossible to do without surgical intervention.

The stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation, but the reasons are not gynecological

It is not at all necessary that pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy indicates gynecological problems. Banal reason - you want salty or sweet. Peculiar taste preferences in an interesting position can cause bloating and various intestinal disorders. Normalization of digestion, planning useful menu, inclusion in the diet necessary products relieve flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy.

Frequent companion pregnancy is cystitis, due to which future mommy may experience discomfort. In this case, not only pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is disturbing, but urination becomes frequent and painful. The presence of an infection threatens the health of the crumbs, so it is necessary complex treatment at the urologist and gynecologist.

At first, appendicitis does not manifest itself too aggressively, and the complaints of the expectant mother come down to the fact that the stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation. However, very soon fever, nausea, weakness are added to this symptom, and painful manifestations become more and more intense. If the doctor confirms the diagnosis, you should not be afraid of surgical intervention - the operation is not dangerous for either the baby or the mother.

If the stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation, but in addition to this, discomfort is also observed in the kidney area, swelling appears - the cause may be kidney disease, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. A visit to the doctor is necessary, it is impossible to cope with the problem on your own. An exacerbation of cholecystitis can also serve as a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Normally, pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy should not cause much concern to the expectant mother. She can continue to do what she loves, go to work, do household chores and travel. Of course, dosing loads and not lifting weights. Pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy testifies only to pleasant and long-awaited changes in the body and unobtrusively reminds of the upcoming replenishment in the family. Uncomfortable sensations are easily eliminated during a short rest in horizontal position.

But this is true only in one case - the future mother is under the constant supervision of a doctor who does not find her pathological problems. Any unusual manifestations, misunderstood pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, discharge or other frightening symptoms should be a mandatory and compelling reason to visit a gynecologist. Mom is now responsible not only for herself, but also for life. little man, so following the advice of girlfriends, neighbors and grandmothers at the entrance is not welcome. It is not at all necessary that pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy indicates trouble, but only a specialist can judge this and make the required decisions if necessary. So that the best way learn more about the causes of pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy and successfully cope with it - entrust your health and well-being of the baby to the doctor.

If the stomach does not hurt in early pregnancy, is this normal?

For every woman, the period of pregnancy has its own differences and predilections. The reasons can be both in age, and in the nature of the course of pregnancy, and in complications. Many expectant mothers are interested in the question - should the stomach hurt in the early stages of pregnancy and is it bad for the unborn child or not? Give a clear answer to this question impossible, because this process There are many factors involved, let's take a look at some of them.

Causes of abdominal pain in early pregnancy

Hormonal changes in the body

For any woman, the first pregnancy is a stress for the body and a novelty, to which it can react in different ways. Someone develops toxicosis, someone endures a baby without any deterioration in health at all. The very first stage that reacts to the process of fertilization of the egg is an increase in the blood of the expectant mother, the hormone progesterone. That is why the stomach can hurt, because the body is quite difficult to rebuild.

Bowel disorders

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman can dramatically change her gastronomic habits. Constantly want something new and in uneven doses. It can cause diarrhea, indigestion and many other ailments. gastrointestinal tract, after which - the stomach hurts.

Active stretching of the abdominal muscles

With each week, the size of the fetus increases, respectively - the uterus in size too. This contributes to the gradual stretching of the muscles, but sometimes, this process causes discomfort in the future woman in labor.

Urinary inflammation

This process occurs after any external factors, but during pregnancy, the pressure of the fetus on the urinary system is also sufficient. When the child begins to actively develop, he puts pressure on internal organs and bladder. That is why inflammation can also occur, which causes aching pain in a stomach.

Surgical pathology

Pain can also be caused by diseases that existed before pregnancy, their exacerbation. It can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pelvic organs. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination to exclude the occurrence of pathologies.

Obstetric causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy

To this list all diseases and complications affecting the pregnancy process should be attributed:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy;
  2. Detachment of the placenta;
  3. The threat of miscarriage and many other diseases.

This type of causes of abdominal pain in a pregnant woman can be complicated by bleeding, dizziness, loss of consciousness. AT this case, it is better to carefully monitor the course of pregnancy and regularly visit a gynecologist who will tell you if there are problems and how to get around them.

Pain during pregnancy can be. If they are not - do not consider this a disadvantage. But don't feel uncomfortable at all. given state just impossible. There are a few women who do not complain of pain, rather it is a consequence of the pathology associated with the fetus.
