How to remove super glue from clothes. How and how to remove super glue from various surfaces and not damage their textures? We use chemical solutions

Super glue is a wonderful, useful thing, but only as long as you don't use it to stain your clothes or your favorite tablecloth. Then such a positive quality of super glue as quick drying will become its negative quality. Superglue sets almost instantly, so even if you act quickly and without delay, it will most likely have time to dry before you remove it. If super glue gets on your clothes or other fabric, try the following tips to clean them up:

To remove superglue stains, you will need:

  • Paper towel or cotton swabs (discs);
  • Acetone-based nail polish remover;
  • Toothbrush;
  • Very fine sandpaper or nail file;
  • Liquid detergent for washing clothes;
  • Washing machine;
  • Lighter fluid (optional).

Removing superglue from clothes and fabrics

  1. Wait until the super glue is completely dry before attempting to remove the super glue.
  2. Soak a piece of paper tissue or a cotton swab in acetone-based nail polish remover (make sure the nail polish remover is acetone-based, otherwise it won't work).
  3. To make sure that the nail polish remover will not damage the structure of the material or its color, test it on the fabric of the clothing in a small inconspicuous area.
  4. Place a tissue or cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover on the superglue stain. Let the glue soak for a minute or two.
  5. Scrub the stain vigorously with a toothbrush until the adhesive begins to peel off.
  6. Depending on the amount of glue on the fabric, steps 4 and 5 may need to be repeated until the super glue is completely clean.
  7. If the adhesive has penetrated the fabric to the opposite side, you may need to repeat steps 4 and 5 for both sides of the fabric.
  8. If a stain of glue remains after several iterations of the soaking and scrubbing procedure, try gently rubbing the stain with very fine sandpaper or a nail file. Be careful not to rub too hard or you could damage or tear the fabric and ruin your clothes.
  9. Apply a few drops of detergent directly to the area where the adhesive remains. Rub the detergent into the fabric of your clothes using your thumb and forefinger.
  10. Wash the fabric or clothing in the washing machine according to the instructions on the product label.
  11. When the wash is complete, check the fabric carefully for any remaining traces of the glue stain. If the stain remains, do not put the clothes in the dryer - the heat of the dryer will only set the stain and make it almost impossible to remove.
  12. If the stain remains, try moistening it with lighter fluid and scrub again with a toothbrush as described in steps 4 and 5 above. Then rinse as usual. Remember To make sure that lighter fluid does not damage the structure of the material or its color, test it on the fabric of the clothing in a small inconspicuous area. ALSO, be careful when using lighter fluid, as it is highly flammable and quite toxic. Do not use it near open flames or on any material that is prone to static electricity.
  • Unlike most stains, it's best to wait until the superglue is completely dry before attempting to remove it. Otherwise, the material you use to remove it (paper tissue or cotton swab) will stick to the stain, making the situation even worse.
  • NEVER use any of the above cleaning methods on clothes or fabrics that are dry clean only. Such products should only be cleaned by a professional dry cleaner.
  • If the fabric with the super glue stain is extremely delicate (such as silk), even if it can be washed, it is best to seek the advice of a professional dry cleaner before attempting to remove the stain yourself.
  • Many hardware stores and supermarkets sell superglue remover that can be used to remove glue from fabric. However, keep in mind that these solvents are quite strong and may not be used on some types of materials. Before treating a stain, read all warnings on the solvent label first and always test the solvent on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.
  • If these tips for removing superglue from clothing or fabric don't work for you, take a look at the packaging of the glue. It should contain information about the glue manufacturer - a website or phone number should be indicated. You can try contacting the manufacturer for more help and advice.
  • The best way to remove a super glue stain from clothing fabric is to not get it at all. Always read and follow all warnings and instructions before using superglue or any other adhesive. Make sure your workspace is well organized. Wear old clothes or work apron when working with glue.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without superglue: its versatility makes it possible to glue almost anything in a few seconds and often helps out in difficult situations. Accidentally hitting the surface, it will instantly and firmly fix itself there, and then our selection of tips on how to wipe super glue from glass and other materials will be very useful to you.

What can not be used to clean glass?

Carefully study the list of these tools and never use to remove glue:

  • Abrasives (skins, powders and sponges) after treatment will damage the surface and worsen its appearance, leaving scratches. If suddenly this still happened, find out.
  • Any hard, especially metal, objects will also damage the glass.
  • Acetone, along with solvent 646, will spread the adhesive base over a larger area rather than remove it. Although if you apply them correctly and there was nothing else at hand - act. Below we will tell you exactly how.

Important! Do not resort to heating: if the heating is uneven, the glass or mirror will crack.

How to remove glue from glass and other surfaces?

We present to your attention several effective ways to clean super glue from glass and more. Some tools that are usually at hand will be of invaluable help:

  1. dishwashing liquid;
  2. vegetable oil;
  3. liquid soap;
  4. White Spirit;
  5. kerosene;
  6. solvent;
  7. kerosene;
  8. petrol;
  9. ammonia.

The following tools are useful:

  • sponge;
  • clean rag;
  • microfiber cloth;
  • cotton pad;
  • razor blade;
  • eraser;
  • stationery knife;
  • plastic spatula.

Important! The sooner you start removing unnecessary glue, the easier it will be to do it. Removing dried glue is already more difficult.

Remove super glue - 8 best ways

To choose how to clean glass from superglue, read about the following options.

Important! In our review you will find all the useful tips on how.


To remove traces of glue and adhesive tape, there are special tools that can be purchased at car dealerships, household chemicals departments and hardware stores. By following the instructions on the packaging, you can easily remove unnecessary glue. This tool allows you to clean fingers, plastic and other surfaces from it.

Important! Be aware of the toxicity of Anticlea. It is used only in ventilated areas. Protect eyes and hands, avoid contact with skin unless necessary.

Universal wiper

A modern glass cleaner can easily cope with glue:

  1. Apply the product to the contaminated areas, leave for a few minutes.
  2. Using a utility knife, scrape off the adhesive.

Important! The glass cleaner will soften the sticky substance, and the knife will remove it from the glass without damage - this is the most gentle method of removing glue from a glass or mirror.

Important! If you decide to clean plastic windows, our special article will help you with the most useful tips. Follow the link. To help clean the glue moment from the windshield of your car, a wash can.

ammonia solution

When deciding how to remove super glue from glass, prepare a solution of 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and 1 tbsp. spoons of ammonia.

Important! Do not forget to ventilate the room from the specific smell of ammonia.

We act:

  1. Soak a sponge in the product obtained as a result of mixing, treat the stain.
  2. Do this for an hour.
  3. Remove dirt with a knife.
  4. In 0.5 liters of clean water and dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia, mix thoroughly.
  5. Soak a soft sponge in the solution and carefully wipe the treated area.
  6. Use a microfiber cloth to polish.

Important! If you don't have a utility knife, attach a razor blade to an eraser to help you clean just as efficiently and prevent injury.

White Spirit

If a universal cleaner is not at hand, white spirit can successfully replace it:

  1. Apply generously on a cotton pad, place on the contaminated surface. It is also better to pre-moisten it with white spirit.
  2. Leave on for 15 minutes, then repeat the procedure.
  3. Now you can use a knife to remove sticky stains.

Important! To replace white spirit, a solvent, kerosene, acetone, refined gasoline, as well as a nail polish remover are suitable.

Vegetable oil

Such a tool can definitely be found in every home and will help out if the question arises, how to wash the glue from the glass:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with oil and carefully wipe any glue stains.
  2. Leave for an hour.
  3. The sticky mass will get wet and can be easily removed with a plastic spatula.
  4. At the final stage, wash the surface.

Liquid soap

To make the glass or mirror shine clean again, carry out the following procedure:

  1. Fill a bucket with water and dilute the liquid soap.
  2. Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the surface.
  3. Next, rub the contamination with a bottle brush.
  4. Until traces of glue are completely removed, alternate sponge and brush.

Nail polish remover

To solve an urgent problem than cleaning super glue from glass, an acetone product is best if the glue is fresh. For a dried one, it will do without acetone.

Apply the product to a cotton swab, a piece of cloth or a cotton swab and wipe the stain. Reapply liquid as needed until all adhesive has been removed.

Household solvents

In addition to those already mentioned, vinegar and 95% medical alcohol are among the effective means. The technology is the same: generously apply the solution to the stain, wait and remove the residue.

Important! BR-1 "Galosha" will help to cope with the remnants of glue. You can buy this solvent gasoline at a building materials store.

Removing traces of PVA

The main assistants in this matter are gasoline and ammonia. By soaking a cotton pad in gasoline or ammonia, you will effortlessly cope with traces of glue and make sure that these substances solve the problem perfectly.

Removing adhesive from masking tape

Fresh traces are removed with oil or drying oil: it is enough to soak the stains for 15 minutes, and remove the residues with an oily rag.

Important! In case the glue has been on the surface for a long time and has had time to dry, it will be enough to moisten it with hot water and let it get wet, then remove the residue with a rag. If not all stains can be removed, use a regular eraser.

As you know, super glue is an unpredictable thing and can stick everything - both what is needed and what is not. It can harm in a matter of seconds, but it will take a long time to correct errors. But if a problem has arisen, then you need to solve it and think about how to wipe off the super glue so that there is no trace left.

Glue can get on any surface: both on glass, plastic, metal, wood, and on skin and clothes. If, nevertheless, such a situation has occurred, then there is no need to sound the alarm and panic, because this problem is being solved, and the glue can be wiped off absolutely without harm to the surface or material on which it has fallen. Let's figure out how to remove super glue from all possible surfaces. Let's start with the most common - plastic.

How to remove super glue from plastic?

Removing super glue from plastic is one of the most difficult tasks. And the problem is that the structure of the dried glue is as similar as possible to the structure of the plastic, which is what makes the process difficult. Solvents, which are often used, dissolve not only the glue, but also the plastic itself. Therefore, in this situation, you need to do without chemicals. Here are examples of exactly those methods that will be useful to you.


This method has both its advantages and disadvantages. Water is the longest but safest method:

  1. Take a small cloth and soak it in water (the water should not drip off the cloth, it should be slightly damp).
  2. This cloth will need to rub the place of contamination with glue until it completely disappears.
  3. The rag should be kept damp all the time, that is, it must be moistened periodically.

If you want to make things easier for yourself, you can:

  • apply a wet piece of cloth to the contaminated area;
  • cover it all with plastic wrap.

Such a compress will need to be left for a day. Due to the moisture, the solution will soak and it will be easier to rub the super glue off the plastic.

Important! This method of cleaning with water is only suitable for fresh stains that are no more than a week old. For long-lasting stains, water is not an option, you'll just be wasting your time.

soap solution

It is they who can wipe off super glue, which has been on the surface for more than a day:

  1. Prepare a strong enough solution of laundry soap and water.
  2. Wipe the place of contamination with glue.

You can also prepare a compress. The procedure is similar to using water, but you will need to change the fabric a little more often.

Important! When removing adhesive from plastic, the geophysical features of these materials must be taken into account. The composition of any super glue includes the substance "cyanoacrylate". It is thanks to him that the glue is able to dry so quickly. But even this can be prevented. Glue will never dry quickly in a slightly damp environment, but excessive moisture also contributes to drying - the solution will become viscous and easy to remove.


In general, alcohol is not able to dissolve the glue, but it can peel off the top layer of it. Just moisten a cotton ball with ethanol and rub it well over the place where the glue has dripped. This will need to be done in several passes. After that, you will need to remove the glue.


How to remove super glue from plastic without the use of liquid solvents? For this:

  1. Take the knife.
  2. With the blunt side of it, begin to tear off the dried glue.

Important! It won't be easy to do this, but it's worth the effort. If you are afraid of damaging the plastic with a knife, you can use the hard side of the sponge.


This tool can be found in a pharmacy. And if there is a question about dried glue, then “Dimexide” is exactly what you need, it will easily dissolve cytanoacrylates. However, the following must be taken into account:

  1. "Dimexide" is very dangerous for plastic, it dissolves it along with the glue.
  2. It is not recommended to use such a product in its pure form.
  3. It is best to do compresses. But you need to keep them not for an hour, but for several minutes. After that, the glue will become thick and viscous. In this form, it is easy to roll it into balls.

Important! Take a close look at the plastic. If there are damages on its surface, then it is better to refuse the use of Dimexide.


In its pure form, this tool is used very rarely. In everyday life, acetone-based nail polish remover is most often used.

Important! If you need to wipe off super glue, the composition of which is unknown, then acetone is the best option. It is less aggressive than Dimexide, but can also cause trouble. Therefore, one must be extremely careful when using it.

Such a tool is used as follows:

  1. First you need to conduct an experiment and check whether acetone is suitable for your plastic. Apply quite a bit of this product to an inconspicuous place, after 15 minutes look at the results. If everything went well, then you can safely use acetone.
  2. Apply a good amount of acetone or nail polish remover to the place where the glue has got, using a cotton pad.
  3. Wait about an hour.
  4. Start peeling off the glue with the hard side of the sponge.
  5. After a few visits, you will achieve the desired result.


The problem with stains from such a solution is quite serious, so we came up with a special tool that will help you quickly and easily remove super glue from plastic.

Important! Not every Anti-Clay is suitable for every super glue. Some he may respond to, and some he may not. Therefore, if “Anticley” does not work, there is no need to be upset. You can just try a different composition.

The principle of your actions will be as follows:

  1. Apply a small amount of "Anticlea" to the place of contamination.
  2. After a couple of hours, start peeling off the glue, it will clump.

We figured out how to wash super glue from plastic. But it can get not only on a plastic surface, wood often also suffers. It is about her that we will now talk.

How to remove super glue from wood?

It will be much easier to remove super glue from wood than from plastic. Here, too, there are several methods that will be useful to you.


This method is the simplest and least expensive. Just try to peel off the glue with your fingernail or knife. If the glue stain is fresh, then it is very easy and quick to remove. In the event that you did not manage to achieve a result with this method, proceed to the next one.


We already used it when it was necessary to remove super glue from plastic. But if the wood has a finish, then acetone can also be used. You need to act according to clear instructions. If you do not follow it, then you risk losing not only glue, but also the top layer of the tree.

  1. Take a small cloth and dip it in acetone.
  2. Use gentle circular motions to rub the area where the glue dripped. It will take a long time to do this, but do not rush.
  3. Take a rubber or silicone spatula. She will need to gently peel off the glue, which will become viscous and thick. You will need to act carefully so as not to damage the surface of the tree.
  4. Rinse the surface of the wood that you treated with acetone with warm water, then wipe it with a dry cloth.

Mineral oil

When using this tool, there is one condition - the surface of the tree should not be painted. Take a soft cloth and soak it in mineral oil, then rub it on the stained area with glue. Thanks to the tool, the edges of the glue will rise up and you can easily remove it.


In so many cases, sanding is the quickest and best solution to get super glue off:

  1. Apply adhesive tape around the area that is contaminated with varnish.
  2. Start sanding the glue little by little.
  3. Do this until it completely disappears.
  4. After finishing the work, apply oil, varnish or paint to the sanding area.

But what to do when the glue got on the glass? Let's talk about this further.

How to remove super glue from glass?

But removing super glue from glass can be difficult, because glass is a very sensitive material and damaging it is easy. Therefore, when removing super glue from glass, be especially careful and attentive. Here are the ways that can help you:

  1. Blade. You can use both a razor blade and a knife blade. The main thing is to be very careful not to damage the glass. Carefully peel off the top layer of glue and try not to cling to the surface itself. If there are few traces left, then it is better not to tear them with a knife, but wash them off with warm soapy water.
  2. Soap solution. Prepare a fairly strong solution of laundry soap and warm water. Further:
    • If the damaged glass object is small, then place it in a container with soapy water.
    • If this is not possible, then moisten a cloth with it and attach it to the place of contamination.
    • Secure it all with plastic wrap.
    • Wait a few hours and remove the glass from the solution.
    • The glue will become softer, so try to get it off with the blunt side of the knife or the hard part of the sponge.

Important! If there are small stain residues, they can be removed with alcohol or eucalyptus oil.

So, with solid materials, we figured it out. But glue can also get on clothes. Now we will figure out what to do in such cases.

How to get super glue out of clothes?

In principle, it all depends on the fabric on which the super glue got. But most materials aren't particularly picky, so you can safely follow these tips:

  • Any solvent. "Dimexide", acetone, "Anticley" - all this can be used absolutely without harm to clothes. The application rules are quite simple. Apply the product to the stain and wait a while. Then, with a spatula or the blunt side of a knife, remove the remaining glue from the clothes.

Important! If the fabric is thin and delicate, then it is better not to risk it and first try the solvent in an inconspicuous place.

  • battery acid. It is suitable only for such rough materials as jeans or burlap. Just be as vigilant as possible, because the thing that you cleaned will need to be washed no later than an hour after treatment. Otherwise, no one will save the clothes.
  • Freezing. It won't damage the fabric in any way. But when frozen, the glue will crack and fall off on its own. Oddly enough, but quite an effective method.

No matter how they say it, but the skin remains the most sensitive and tender. But sometimes glue also gets on it, what to do in such cases?

How to remove super glue from skin?

The skin often suffers from super glue, especially when we glue something. Therefore, in manual work with super glue, always wear gloves. But if such an unpleasant situation has occurred, then it needs to be addressed. How exactly - read on:

  1. Warm soapy water with vinegar. It will save from all fresh dirt with glue. The way to remove the stain is known: if the glue has hardened a few minutes ago, then apply a strong solution to the place of contamination and wait a few minutes. If necessary, then remove the adhesive with a silicone spatula.
  2. Nail polish remover is a universal tool. Apply acetone or nail polish remover to the stain for a few minutes and then wash off with warm soapy water. Remains of super glue can be removed with your hands or with a spatula.
  3. Nail file or pumice stone. Before you start doing anything, dry your skin thoroughly with a hair dryer, and then start cutting off a layer of glue from it. Very easy, fast and harmless way.
  4. Margarine. Not the most effective remedy, but still helps. It saves those who have very thin, sensitive skin or allergies. The principle of action is as follows: margarine is rubbed into the place of contamination with circular smooth movements, leave everything like that for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with soapy water. Remove the remaining adhesive yourself.
  5. Washing powder. It will need to be mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Apply this concentrated mixture to the place where the stain has formed and rub into the skin for 15 minutes. After that, rinse your hands well and apply a softening cream on them.
  6. Salt or lemon solution. You will need to prepare the mixture. Mix 2 teaspoons of salt or lemon juice with water. Moreover, if you use salt, then it should not completely dissolve. Apply this mixture to the adhesive and rub the desired area for 1-2 minutes. During this time, the super glue should fall behind and clump.
  7. Vodka. If you have a finger dirty in the glue, it will be much easier to remove it with this tool. Dip it in vodka for 15-20 minutes and then clean your finger with salt or ground coffee. The glue should roll into lumps.

All types of cleaning of various materials and even skin from super glue were listed above. It remains only to learn about the warnings that must be observed.

How to get super glue out of clothes? You have to remove glue from clothes every time you inadvertently use it for its intended purpose.

And often, for some reason, just the most beloved and beautiful clothes are influenced by this ungrateful substance. And all why? Yes, because we notice some flaws in our appearance, we most often just before leaving for a party or for a romantic dinner.

Trying to fix it in a hurry, we apply glue to a torn brooch or some other gizmos. But the haste and our carelessness leads to the fact that we have to completely change clothes.

If you ruined your favorite dress or trousers in this way, do not despair and throw the thing away. It is quite possible that with the help of simple manipulations it will be possible to save your favorite part of your wardrobe.

1. Most importantly, remember that they perfectly remove super glue from clothes, as well as from hands, products that contain fat. The more fat, the better for you and the faster the remedy will work.

2. If the stain is fresh, then even ordinary soapy water heated to a sufficiently high temperature.

3. If you do not want to wash the whole thing in the name of getting rid of the glue stain, you can simply wet the place of contamination and lather well. After a few rinses, you will notice a significant improvement in your deplorable initial state of affairs.

4. If ordinary soap does not give the desired result, you can enhance its effect with vinegar or lemon. Lemon acid would be an even better option than just a slice of fresh citrus fruit.

5. Separately, you can use a tablespoon vinegar as a means of getting rid of unpleasant dirt caused by super glue.

6. Grease preparations are great for getting rid of super glue stains. In particular, an excellent tool is glycerol, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

7. Petrolatum- an effective remedy for removing glue stains on your clothes.

8. If the first phase of cleaning did not give the expected result, then you can apply dishwashing liquid or a special stain remover for all types of clothing.

9. If the presented methods did not help, you need to move on to more compelling arguments. One of these arguments is acetone. True, it can eat away the color of the fabric, if this color is very delicate and can be influenced from the outside. So first you should check the degree of impact of the product on the material near the seams in an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the wardrobe product.

10. Also, as a serious means for getting rid of glue on clothes, nail polish remover. But it can leave marks on snow-white fabrics, which is not always justified.

11. Regular bleach with a chlorine content can very effectively counteract the formation of adhesive stains. For example, "Whiteness" is quite an effective tool.

12. Woolen and silk parts of clothing are best cleaned of glue with a gasoline.

Indeed, if the method you use does not bring the expected effect, along with the glue on the clothes, there will also be a pile of cotton wool, which will definitely mean the end of all hopes to save your favorite blouse or blouse.

14. A separate line should describe the technology of getting rid of glue on clothes in case it has dried up. First of all, you need put clothes in the freezer and wait until the glue freezes and starts to crack. After that, it will not be difficult to separate it from the texture of the fabric with a knife, pumice stone or nail file. But this must be done as carefully as possible.

15. Temperature changes have a destructive effect on any illegitimate formations on your clothes, including glue.

16. In case you are not dealing with a delicate fabric, you can use it to remove dried glue iron. First, you need to cover the fabric with cardboard or thick paper on both sides and, by heating on both sides, force the glue to “climb” onto the paper from the fabric. This method is quite effective.

17. When a large and stretched stain has formed from the glue on the clothes, you can use a banal, but very effective hammer to eliminate it. With gentle tapping, we will cause the formation of cracks, and then we will act according to the above instructions.

18. And finally, if you still don’t quite trust folk methods, you can simply buy a tool called “ Anticle". With it, you can remove super glue from almost any fabric.

Good luck removing glue stains!

Superglue stains on clothes are considered difficult to remove. This substance can easily ruin any thing. But do not despair if such glue accidentally gets on your clothes, there are methods proven over the years that will help you quickly remove the glue and return things to their former attractiveness. Not all hostesses know how to remove superglue from clothes at home, so often things are simply sent to the scrap. But if you approach the removal of glue stains wisely, then your favorite things will be like new, and they can be worn further.

How to prevent glue from spreading

Dried adhesive stains are very difficult to remove. In addition, when it gets on clothes, superglue spreads very quickly and can stick together various parts of clothing and even seep onto the body. To avoid this trouble, you need to follow these rules:

    Soiled clothes are quickly removed from themselves and laid out on a flat surface, for example, in the bathroom. This must be done so that the glue does not spread further on the clothes, because a large stain will be harder to remove.

    It is desirable to put some kind of solid base under the stain. It can be a metal cap, a plate or a thick piece of cardboard. Such actions will help prevent deep seepage of glue into the fibers and deformation of the thing.

When the thing has been practically saved from spreading superglue, you can proceed toremoving dried superglue from clothes. Use the blunt side of a knife to remove glue stains from clothing. It is often enough to carefully scrape off the speck to restore the original look to the clothes. But if this method does not fit - it does not matter, es be a few more ways to get rid of a corrosive stain.

Extreme care must be taken when working with superglue. This substance, when it comes into contact with the skin, corrodes and sticks them together.

How to remove a stain with cold

Connections formed second glue , very durable, this explains the popularity of this tool, which can glue almost any material. You need to understand what happens to the fabric on which such an adhesive has fallen. Fibers and villi are completely saturated, and some fabrics simply melt under the influence of superglue. These fibers include nylon, natural elastane and some varieties of silk.

Remove superglue from clothes at homepossibly at very low temperatures. The thing that was stained with adhesive is folded in such a way that the speck is open on both sides. Next, the clothes are placed in a plastic bag and placed in a regular freezer for about an hour, after which the bag is removed from the freezer and the superglue is removed.

Under the action of the low temperature regime, the fibers begin to detach, and the adhesive itself becomes more brittle, so it can be removed without difficulty.

Take any blunt object, d To do this, a spoon, the blunt side of a knife, or a regular nail file can be used, and begin to carefully remove the stain. In the event that a drop of glue did not completely spread, but froze, as it fell on the fabric, it must be broken with something heavy. To do this, you can use a small stone or a hammer. If the glue has spread, then its layer is very thin, therefore it is removed from the fabric without much difficulty. After removing the adhesive contaminant, the thing must be washed, as whitish stains may remain.

It is advisable to remove superglue stains as soon as they get on the fabric fibers. Otherwise, they strongly eat into the fibers, and the thing in such places may tear.

Removing adhesive stains with water

Remove superglue from clothesreally and with the help of boiling water. However, this is only acceptable for natural fabrics that can withstand high temperatures well, such as cotton or linen. In this case, the soiled clothes are soaked for a while in water that is heated almost to a boil. This method of removing superglue from the fabric is only suitable for fresh spots, so you need to act immediately.

    If the adhesive accidentally got on clothes, then it is quickly removed and laid so that it does not stick together.

    Heat up water quickly. It is best to do this in an electric kettle, the water that flows in the tap is not very hot, so it will not work. It is permissible to heat a little water in a metal bowl.

    Boiling water is poured into the wash basin, while extreme care must be taken so as not to burn yourself.

    Soiled clothes are dipped in boiling water and kept in it for about 5 minutes. At the moment when the stain becomes softened, the item is removed from the water.

Under the action of boiling water, the glue becomes viscous and soft, at this moment it can be easily removed. In this case, it is worth acting quickly, as the substance can solidify again. Remove the adhesive with a blunt object, gently scraping it off. It is convenient to do this with a nail file from a standard manicure set. But the handle of a tablespoon is also quite suitable.

Can an iron help?

Remove driedSuperglue can also be used with a household iron. This adhesive is afraid of elevated temperatures and already at a temperature of more than 80 degrees melts and easily moves away from the fabric. To remove the glue spot, you need to act according to the following algorithm:

    A blanket is spread on a table or ironing board, and a clean cotton cloth is placed on top. On the resulting surface, the soiled thing is laid out so that the stain does not come into contact with other parts of the thing.

    A piece of white cotton fabric or a light handkerchief is placed on the soiled place, and then this place is ironed with an iron that is heated to the maximum temperature.

    Iron the problem area for 2-3 minutes, while periodically checking the state of the glue. At the moment when the glue becomes soft, they try to remove it with the blunt side of a knife or other similar object.

After the thing has been cleaned of the adhesive, it should be soaked for an hour in a concentrated powder solution, and then washed by hand or in a typewriter.

You can only remove stains from clothes with a hot iron if the fabric can withstand high temperatures. Clothes made of synthetic fabrics can be hopelessly damaged by a hot iron.


There are soo corrosive superglue stains that simply cannot be removed with a hot iron, water or a blunt object. In such a case, various chemicals will come to the rescue.

    Acetone. To remove the stain, you need to take acetone and a few cotton pads. I put a thick cardboard on the table, on which the soiled thing is spread so that the stain is open on both sides. Wet two cotton pads with acetone at once and put them on the stain from above and below. Hold for about 10 minutes and carefully remove the remaining adhesive. This method is not suitable for colored clothes, as the colors may bleed.

    White alcohol. This substance can also help in removing glue stains. To do this, cotton pads, previously moistened with a solvent, are applied on both sides to the speck and wait 5 minutes. This substance evaporates almost instantly, so the stained area is periodically moistened with a solvent. After the glue is soaked, it is removed with any blunt object. This method of removing glue stains is not entirely suitable for a number of synthetic fabrics, as they will simply melt from white alcohol.

    Pharmacy dimexide. An interesting method of removing stains from second glue is to wet the contaminated areas with Dimexide. A piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad is applied to the speck, which is abundantly moistened with this drug, and kept for about 15 minutes. Then they scrape off the glue particles with any non-sharp improvised tool and wash the thing in warm water.

Remains of superglue are very difficult to remove. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of fabric that was soiled.

For fabrics made of coarse fibers - linen, cotton, terry or jeans - it will be enough to apply low or high temperatures to clean the item. While items made of fine fibers or colored clothes require extreme care when removing any stains. Such things are easy to spoil with a hot iron, as well as aggressive chemicals.