What does the baby do at 23 weeks of pregnancy. Travel and travel. Mood and psychological state

Maybe not all pregnant women are aware of this, but more than half are left behind and now every day expectant mothers are getting closer to meeting their child, already well felt inside. The 23rd week can be called a completely “quiet” time, since no particularly important incidents are now observed, although it is still going on at full speed. Let's find out what to prepare for the expectant mother and what changes are taking place in the small body of her child at this stage.

Mom's signs and symptoms

Of course, all this is not fatal, but discomfort cannot be avoided, so it will be useful to learn about reducing discomfort in each case (a gynecologist, as always, will help to figure this out).

If a pregnant woman has not encountered age spots before, then it is likely that at the 23rd week of pregnancy she will have to get to know this phenomenon more closely, in addition to which the appearance of excess vegetation on the body is often attached. From a psychological point of view, this can be very unpleasant, but you should not panic too much, because after the appearance of the baby, everything will go away by itself.

As a comforting moment of this week, it is worth noting the improved condition. This is due to increased blood flow to the scalp, as a result of which the hair follicles begin to be better fed and can get stronger enough.

Important! All hair that should fall out at this time, but due to physiological characteristics, remained in place, most likely, will leave the head in the first months, and all together. Do not be afraid of such a phenomenon.

At the same time, the joy of thick and lush hair at the 23rd week of pregnancy can be overshadowed by problems with and, since the growing fetus takes away a large dose of other nutrients from the mother. It is not worth ignoring the problem with the teeth, since in the neglected state it will be much more difficult to cure them in the future.
Some expectant mothers at this time increase sweating, which is why you have to shower more often and change. As in all previous cases, you need to be patient and wait until it passes by itself.

When caring for your body, do not forget to pay due attention and prevention, because a rapidly growing one can provoke their appearance in the lower part and on the hips. You can use natural or specially designed creams for this, but no anti-cellulite gels and scrubs.

Remember! No matter how much you experience discomfort from these phenomena, you can resort to drug therapy only in extreme cases, and then after consulting a doctor.


It's no secret that the color, texture, or even smell of vaginal discharge is an indicator of the health of a woman's genitourinary system, so they should even be controlled. If at the 23rd week a woman is observed, you can not worry about the development and well-being of the fetus, since they are considered the norm.
Nevertheless, if along with them a woman notices the appearance of an unpleasant odor, redness and swelling of the genital organs, as well as difficult or painful urination, do not hesitate to contact a gynecologist, because it is likely that we are talking about the development of an infectious disease that requires immediate treatment .

Important! The possibility should not be ruled out. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them from abundant normal discharge, so it is better to purchase a pharmacy test to diagnose this problem or immediately contact a gynecologist.

The risk at this time is significantly reduced, therefore, when mucous membranes with blood impurities appear, you should not be scared right away, especially if you have recently been on or had sexual intercourse the day before.

Stomach ache

After the twentieth week, many women successfully forget about the unpleasant ones, because the body gradually gets used to constant growth.

However, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, the former discomfort may return in the form of all the same pulling sensations on the sides of the abdomen, which is especially noticeable with a sudden change in body position or even sneezing. They do not pose any danger and simply indicate too much stretching of the increasing muscles (this happens especially often in women who are pregnant with a large fetus or).
Another possible cause of abdominal pain is often that they do not allow the bowels to be emptied normally. In this case, the pregnant woman should once again carefully review her menu and include food rich in fiber and having a laxative effect in her daily diet.

In the event that abdominal pain increases or is supplemented by any other abnormal phenomena (for example, an increase, bloody discharge from the genital tract or), you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Back pain

To reduce discomfort, all the same rules apply as in previous weeks: the rejection of heels, wearing and the correct position in the process of lying and sitting.
At the same time, if you feel sharp pains that are sometimes simply impossible to endure, you should immediately inform your gynecologist about them, especially if they give back from. In some cases, back problems are the cause.

Breston-Hicks contractions

Women who already have children, during a second pregnancy, should definitely notice in themselves the so-called, manifesting themselves on and even later.

They are expressed in irregular contractions of the uterus, accompanied by petrification of the entire abdomen. Normally, these are completely painless sensations that do not cause serious discomfort.

If the “petrification” of the abdomen becomes a frequent occurrence, and in addition to it, a woman begins to notice leakage, you should contact the doctors as soon as possible for help so that you can still stop the onset of labor.
Breston-Hicks contractions can be distinguished by the following features:

  • there is a feeling of constriction in the upper part of the uterus, in the groin or in the lower abdomen;
  • irregularity of manifestation (no more than six per hour);
  • lack of predictability and irregularity;
  • concentration in only one area (do not give back);
  • do not cause serious pain, only slight discomfort;
  • gradually decrease and soon disappear altogether.
The appearance of such can provoke excessive physical activity of the mother, the high activity of the baby in the womb, excitement and anxiety, dehydration and even orgasm during sex. In any case, do not worry, because soon everything will pass by itself.

Did you know?The level of salt in the amniotic fluid is the same as in the waters of the ocean.

How does the baby feel

While the expectant mother gets used to the increasing dimensions of her body, her baby continues to develop, becoming more and more like. Let's find out what features of this period are worth knowing about.

Fruit size

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the size of the unborn child reaches 30 cm with a weight of about 520 g. The biparietal size of the fetus is now 52-64 mm, the fronto-occipital is about 67-81 mm, the head circumference is 190-224 mm, and the tummy is 160 -201. The length of the femur is approximately 41 mm, and the humerus is 38 mm. Of course, the more accurate dimensions of her pregnant baby will be reported at the next.

Development features

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, the face of the unborn baby is even more clearly formed. Fully formed eyelids appear on it, the eyes begin to open, and eyebrows can already be distinguished above them. The nose of the fetus becomes more and more distinct, and the ears rise from the neck up and practically reach the place intended for them. Despite the fact that there is still quite a lot of time, the fetus is already taking on the outlines of one of its parents.

The improvement of the child's respiratory system is in full swing and the frequency of constant respiratory movements by this moment reaches 50-60 per minute. The sense organs become more complex and develop, due to which the fetus is able to recognize gentle handling and stroking

The heart is heard more and more clearly, the beating of which can be heard not only on, but also with the help of a conventional stethoscope applied to the stomach.
Bone tissue at the 23rd week becomes significantly denser, as calcium salts accumulate in it more and more. Fat mass is gaining at an active pace, and although the future newborn looks wrinkled and red for now, he will soon grow to his “extra” skin.

Almost ready for vigorous activity and the digestive system of the fetus. Every day, he swallows at least 500 ml of amniotic fluid, after which he removes it from the body in the form of urine.

If you perform an analysis of such biological material, it will be easy to detect particles of vellus hair, epidermis and protective lubricant, which, together with the liquid, enter the stomach of the unborn child. The liquid part of all this enters the bloodstream, and the remaining particles settle in the intestines, where they gradually accumulate and turn into the original calmeconium.

Also, do not forget about the importance of vitamin A, which contributes to the development of the organs of the future.

Taking medication

Although the already formed placenta allows you to somewhat expand the list of those allowed for their choice at the 23rd week of pregnancy, it is still worth approaching with all responsibility and making a purchase only after a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist.

The list of medicines now allowed includes some means to improve blood circulation and reduce its viscosity, as well as formulations used to reduce high blood pressure, although even here it is worth choosing very carefully.
Most are still prohibited, as they disrupt the formation of a healthy microflora of the fetus. The safest anti-inflammatory compounds include "Paracetamol" Important! Passive smoking also brings a lot of harm, so any doctor will advise the expectant mother to avoid places where smokers gather.

No better effect on the fetus and contained in alcoholic beverages ethyl and other chemical compounds. All of them very quickly penetrate the placenta and, together with the baby's bloodstream, disperse throughout his small body, affecting the liver, cardiovascular system and central nervous system.
The constant use of alcohol is a direct path to the development of fetal alcohol syndrome, as a result of which the newborn already has an addiction to this addiction. In the future, such babies are stunted and development from their peers and often have hearing and vision problems.

The most terrible and difficult dependence of a pregnant woman is drug addiction. Here it is already difficult to advise quitting the use of narcotic substances, since a woman, most likely, simply cannot physically do this. Absolutely any narcotic substance can pass through and enter the child's body, then disrupting the metabolic processes in it.

Children of mothers who are drug addicts are born with drug addiction and may experience a feeling of "withdrawal", but its strength depends on the substance taken. In addition, usually such newborns have a number of abnormalities in physical and mental terms.

Sports activities

So it's time to reduce any physical activity, and up to the exclusion of squats and tilts. An enlarged belly makes a woman clumsy, which is why even the usual exercises for pregnant women are difficult.
One of the most successful ideas for keeping your body in shape would be, but only at the same time you should carefully choose a pool, taking into account such important factors as the method and frequency of cleaning (it is better that it is not bleach), as well as the average number of visitors. You should not exclude special classes and - of course, if they do not cause discomfort.

Did you know? Despite the contraindications of doctors, some pregnant women even ventured to compete at the Olympics. For example, at the London Olympics, which was held in 2012, an athlete from Malaysia, who was 9 months pregnant at that time, took part in the “bullet shooting” category.

Therapeutic procedures and massage

It is no secret that it is better to exclude any medical procedures during pregnancy, however, in the second trimester, the list of permitted activities is somewhat expanded.

So, if absolutely necessary, a visit to the dentist and the passage of other procedures that use local anesthesia are allowed. The list of acceptable physiotherapeutic effects includes electrophoresis, phonophoresis, acupuncture and even barotherapy if the baby is stunted.
back in the second and third trimesters is prohibited, therefore, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, only light massaging of the legs, arms, head and shoulder section is allowed.

intimate life

Starting from the 22nd week, many women notice an increase in their sexual desire, and in some cases, literally the entire body becomes a continuous erogenous zone. If doctors do not forbid for medical reasons, then there are no obstacles even at the 23rd week, unless you should not forget about safety. Too complex experiments in bed are best postponed, but in general this is an ideal time to get closer to your husband.

Possible Complications

The twenty-third week is characterized as one of the easiest periods in the entire pregnancy, as we have already mentioned earlier. However, you need to understand that no pregnant woman is immune from possible complications, so you should know in advance what you may encounter at this stage.
The list of the most common problems includes:

  • the appearance of pain and heaviness in the legs, as well as the development of temporary;
  • development, due to calcium leaching and weakening of the venous walls;
  • constipation;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, due to which prolonged exposure to the sun can result in extensive age spots;
  • the appearance of heartburn and nausea, which is associated with squeezing the bile ducts by the uterus and creating obstacles to normal digestion (fractional meals and taking a comfortable position during meals help to cope with the problem);
  • increased urge to urinate, which is also due to the increase in the child and the pressure of the uterus on the bladder (before going to bed, it is worth limiting fluid intake).
In addition, it is necessary to remember about more serious complications, among which are

The movements of the baby, and how often you will feel them at the 23rd week of pregnancy, will help to overcome all minor troubles, and attention to your body will make it possible to exclude more serious problems. Try to enjoy your pregnancy, because the positive emotions of the expectant mother are fully transmitted to her child.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the mother's body and the fetus continue to interact and change intensively. At this gestation period, the hormonal background of a woman normalizes, which favorably affects her appearance and mood. All the internal and external organs of the unborn child have already been formed and will only improve until the birth.

23 weeks of pregnancy - refers to the second trimester, and according to obstetric calculations, it is marked as 21 weeks. This is 5 and a half obstetric months. More than half of the entire period of waiting for a meeting with a baby has already passed.

Changes in the mother's body

The 23rd week of pregnancy is characterized by an improvement in the woman's well-being. Early toxicosis recedes, appetite and skin color improve, hair becomes soft and silky. There are new, unfamiliar until now, sensations.

Signs, symptoms, sensations

Fetal movements become more noticeable at this time. The expectant mother no longer confuses them with flatulence or intestinal work. Listening to the baby in her stomach, she can already determine exactly what he is doing - sleeping, playing, turning over.

This is the time to start singing lullabies, teaching your baby to be less active in the evening and at night.

Many pregnant women are not yet accustomed to their "interesting" position. They are also active, continue to work and engage in light physical activity.

Sometimes the expectant mother is visited by causeless fears and worries. To cope with a bad mood, it is recommended to listen to calm music, walk more and relax. For the crumbs in the tummy, any stress and outbursts of emotions are now harmful. If you can’t cope with the problem on your own, you can visit a psychologist, with the help of which all thoughts will be “arranged on the shelves”.

At week 23, a pregnant woman is accompanied by sensations:

1. Pain all over the body. The kid grew up enough and began to be constantly active. During his coups, the expectant mother may feel pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant feelings disappear immediately after changing the position of the body. Already now there are periodic pains in the area of ​​the sacrum, the pubic joint. They are associated with the divergence of bones.

2. Braxton-Hicks contractions. False contractions of the uterus can scare a pregnant woman at such an early stage. Although in fact you should not worry about this - this is just preparing the body for the upcoming birth.

3. Heaviness in the legs. The increased weight puts pressure on the legs, the usual shoes do not fit on them due to the stretched ligaments of the foot. A contrast shower, special insoles for pregnant women and comfortable, stable shoes can relieve stress. Due to the deterioration of blood circulation and under the influence of hormones, the walls of the veins in the legs relax, which leads to varicose veins.

In the middle of the fifth month of gestation, there is no escape from heartburn, increased pigmentation and a frantic appetite.

Changes during pregnancy occur not only in appearance, but also in the internal organs of the expectant mother.


By the 23rd week of pregnancy, the uterus has risen 4 cm or 2 fingers above the navel. Its walls periodically contract, straining without pain for a few seconds and again returning to a relaxed state. This is an infrequent occurrence and should not be accompanied by pain.

At this time, due to intensive growth, the first stretch marks appear. The skin does not have time to stretch evenly and ugly stripes and scars remain on it. At 23 weeks pregnant, you should start using creams and lotions to prevent stretch marks.


Normal at the 23rd week of pregnancy are colorless discharges with a slightly sour milky smell without clots of mucus and streaks of blood. They can be plentiful, but they should not cause concern - this is a natural process due to the hormonal changes in the female body.

During this period, a woman is attacked by a thrush. Vaginal candidiasis is manifested by curdled discharge with an unpleasant, strongly pronounced sour smell. The disease is accompanied by a tooth and a burning sensation in the perineum.

At this time, many remedies for the treatment of a fungal disease are contraindicated, only a doctor can prescribe drugs for gentle therapy or advise other methods of treating thrush.

Of particular danger are pink, brown, or mucous discharges with blood streaks or clots.

They talk about the danger: spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, placental abruption and other negative processes in organisms from the mother or fetus. This condition requires immediate medical attention. Noticing such discharge, you should immediately call for emergency help.

Changes in the body of the fetus

Not only the mother's body changes - the fetus inside the womb grows and develops intensively. His weight is already 500 grams, height - about 30 centimeters. The size of the baby is like a large eggplant.


The movements of the unborn child are felt more and more strongly - he still has enough space for coups, during their implementation he touches the walls of the uterus with different parts of the body and the mother feels light tremors. Movements should be at least 10 during the day.

A sharp decrease or increase in the activity of the baby may indicate trouble with his condition.

Internal and external changes

What happens to the unborn child at 23 weeks of gestation?

1. Fingers and toes lengthen, nail plates appear on them. A primordial fluff grows on the head.

2. At week 23, the spleen joins the process of hematopoiesis, which produces leukocytes and monocytes and sorts red blood cells.

3. Eyes open, the baby learns to distinguish between darkness and light. The organs of hearing are already functioning, the child hears sounds and reacts to them.

4. The central nervous system continues to develop. The brain from the second to the fifth month increased in volume by 10 times and weighs almost 100 grams. It is already showing activity similar to that of newborns. From 23 weeks, the baby can dream.

5. At 5.5 months of intrauterine development, the respiratory system begins to work actively. Trying to make an entrance, the baby swallows water, which provokes hiccups, which the mother feels in the form of light internal rhythmic shocks.

6. The liver and thymus gland begin to work more actively,

7. The formation of the digestive system ends. Opening the mouth, the child swallows up to 500 ml of amniotic fluid, which is then excreted by the excretory system. Fluff particles, mucus, epidermal flakes enter the children's intestines with amniotic fluid and are processed there into meconium, which is excreted after birth.

8. Brown fat accumulates under the skin layer. When there is enough of it, the baby's skin will become smooth. At 23 weeks, the skin is wrinkled, red. The fat layer is important for heat transfer, it will not allow the baby to freeze.

9. The genitals are formed and future parents can find out the sex of the child by visiting an ultrasound. The boy has a developed scrotum, the girl has the ovaries, in which more than a million eggs have already been laid.

The diet of the expectant mother

The pregnant woman continues to gain weight. Normally, the increase is from 5 to 7 kilograms. Excessive weight gain does not bode well in the last months of pregnancy, so the expectant mother should reconsider the principles of her diet.

  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • increase the consumption of foods containing calcium - cottage cheese, milk, cheeses;
  • replace salt with soy sauce;
  • eat boiled and steamed foods, refusing fried, spicy and salty foods;
  • do not refuse boiled fish - it contains a lot of substances necessary for brain development.

Particular attention should be paid to foods containing a sufficient amount of iron - liver, buckwheat, apples, beef, quail eggs. They should be consumed daily.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, you should refrain from strict diets. If you can't figure out how to plan a healthy diet on your own, ask a nutritionist for help. The specialist will write a daily balanced menu in accordance with your taste preferences.

Fluid intake should be strictly controlled, excessive drinking can provoke the appearance of edema. Drink purified or mineral water without gas, fresh juices and fruit drinks, compotes. Avoid carbonated sweet water. Coffee and herbal teas should be drunk with caution and in limited quantities. 3D ultrasound at 23 weeks of pregnancy Ultrasound - 23 weeks of pregnancy

During an ultrasound examination, the specialist notes the size and parameters of the fetus, compares them with the norm. Data on the place of attachment of the placenta, the degree of its maturity, the length of the cervix are entered into the protocol.

At 5.5 months, the doctor can, at the request of the parents, name the sex of the child they are expecting. The future mom and dad will see all the movements and movements of the crumbs on the monitor.


At the 23rd week of pregnancy, apart from ultrasound, the mandatory tests are general urine and blood tests. The results of a blood test are especially important, as they inform about a possible iron deficiency anemia, a low level of hemoglobin. At this time, they are tested for sugar. If the data obtained deviate from the norm, the doctor prescribes a special diet, after which the indicators will change.

Medical recommendations and advice on the lifestyle of the expectant mother at this time

1. If you have frequent urination, limit your fluid intake at night. You should not endure the urge for a long time - visit the toilet at least 1 time in 3 hours. In case of discomfort and pain in the bladder area, seek medical advice.

2. At week 23, in the evening, heaviness in the legs may be felt and the first swelling will appear. To relieve the condition, lie down and raise your legs. A pillow or soft cushion can be placed in the knee area. Periodically do special exercises for the legs, which will improve the outflow of blood.

3. Beware of infectious diseases. Even a regular flu can harm a child and delay the development of organs and systems of his body. Try to be less in crowded places, eat right and spend more time in the fresh air.

4. Regularly visit a gynecologist, take the necessary tests and pass the examinations recommended by the doctor.

5. It's time to choose a name for the future baby. Read special books, magazines, consult with your husband.

6. Move more. Serious training will have to be abandoned, but light physical exercises cannot be canceled.

Video - 23 weeks pregnant

23 weeks of pregnancy (5 months and 3 weeks) is the second trimester of gestation. The physical capabilities of a woman gradually become less due to weight gain, the growth of the child, the pressure of the bottom of the uterus on the internal organs. Habitual daily activity causes rapid fatigue, which forces the pregnant woman to reconsider her daily routine. The child continues to gain weight, actively moves in the uterine cavity, pushes and reacts to external stimuli. The feeling of a child in the womb forms a maternal instinct in a woman.

What is happening with the baby?

At week 23, the fetus gains in height and weight. Especially intensively increases the body weight of the child due to the formation of subcutaneous fat and internal fat. Brown fat maintains body temperature well and prevents hypothermia or overheating of the fetus in case of insufficient function of the thermoregulatory center. The height of the child reaches 25-27 cm, body weight - 400-450 grams. As a result of the formation of a sufficient amount of fatty tissue, the appearance of the child becomes more attractive and resembles the appearance of a newborn. Skin turgor normalizes, wrinkles on the face and body straighten out. Now the child does not look like a little old man.

Hair has already grown on the head, there are eyebrows and eyelashes on the face. Hair acquires a dark color due to the deposition of melanin pigment. Nails continue to grow on the nails. The eyes of the fetus are open during wakefulness and closed during sleep, as in an adult. Doctors say that at a period of 23 weeks the child can dream. The baby blinks and reacts to a bright light source directed at the stomach. The fetus has a well-developed hearing.

He distinguishes the voice of the mother from other people, evaluates the emotional intonation of speech and can respond to it with active pushes. At this stage, it is necessary to talk with the baby, read fairy tales to him, listen to calm music.

The digestive system continues to improve. A child daily captures up to half a liter of amniotic fluid and distinguishes their taste thanks to taste buds. During this period, a woman needs to monitor her diet - do not eat too spicy, spicy, bitter food. Sometimes you can pamper your child with sweets. In the intestines, the original feces (meconium) are formed, which departs after birth. The child's urinary system filters urine and releases it in small amounts into the uterine cavity.

By this time, neurons have already been laid in the brain and spinal cord, which will be responsible for the interaction of all organs and systems, as well as the contact of the child with the outside world. At week 23, interneuronal connections and white matter develop intensively. This is reflected in the motor activity and development of sensitive receptors of the fetus. There is still enough room in the uterus for limb movement and somersaults. The child clenches and unclenches his fists, with the dominant hand more often. Now you can determine whether the baby will be right-handed or left-handed after birth. The child pulls the umbilical cord, sucks his finger, plays with his arms and legs.

The biological rhythms of the fetus are sufficiently formed. Periods of sleep and wakefulness alternate successively. During the day, the baby sleeps more often, which is associated with the physical activity of the mother, who cradles the child. At night, when a woman is resting, the baby develops violent activity - pushes, rolls over, hiccups. To regulate the biorhythms of the fetus, a pregnant woman is recommended to rest during the day.

What's going on with mom

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, changes continue to occur in the woman's body that contribute to intrauterine and prepare her for childbirth. The belly is constantly growing, the waist is smoothed out. The bottom of the uterus rises 3 cm above the navel. The uterus presses on the diaphragm, bowel loops, bladder. While walking, shortness of breath appears, heartburn and a tendency to constipation occur, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. The woman's weight increases to 8 kg. With a significant set of body weight, it is necessary to normalize the diet and drink more water.

The physical activity of a woman becomes less due to weight gain, fetal growth, uterine pressure on internal organs. Hiking is possible over short distances.

Rest periods are required throughout the day. At week 23, a woman can work, do daily chores, and solve household issues.

However, already at this time, she may need lighter work and the help of relatives.

The increase in the volume of circulating blood occurs due to the plasma, so the relative number of formed elements becomes smaller. First of all, it concerns erythrocytes and hemoglobin. Physiological iron deficiency anemia develops. With the progression of the condition against the background of the pathology of pregnancy or malnutrition, moderate and severe anemia may occur, which leads to the body of the mother and fetus.

The cardiovascular system and kidneys work in an enhanced mode. The heart pumps more blood per minute, and the kidneys filter more fluid and form urine. This leads to a protective decrease in blood pressure (hypotension) and increased urination. Edema of the legs and fingers is often observed. The endocrine and reproductive systems are rebuilt. For early diagnosis of violations of the internal organs, it is necessary to regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, according to the schedule.

Hormonal changes lead to swelling of the mammary glands. A small amount of the precursor of breast milk, colostrum, is secreted from the nipples. During this period, a woman may notice reddening of the skin of her hands, which is also associated with hormonal changes and is considered a normal variant. More blood flows to the genitals of a pregnant woman, which increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

The libido of a woman in the 2nd trimester is usually higher than before the conception of a child.

Symptoms and sensations at 23 weeks pregnant

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, many women notice a decrease in resistance to physical activity. An enlarged belly makes it difficult to move - it becomes harder to sit down and roll over in bed. When walking, there is a slight shortness of breath. With every day of bearing a fetus, a pregnant woman strengthens her maternal instinct. There is an interest in the literature about childbirth and the upbringing of the baby. Many women begin to equip the nursery, buy clothes and toys for the newborn.

Symptoms and sensations of the 23rd week of pregnancy.

  1. Abdominal enlargement - volume 73-79 cm.
  2. Increased appetite.
  3. Increase in body weight up to 8 kg.
  4. Distinct fetal movement.
  5. Swelling of the mammary glands, discharge of a small amount of colostrum from the nipples.
  6. Change in gait.
  7. Pain in the symphysis due to the expansion of the pelvic bones.
  8. Discomfort in the lumbar region due to a shift in the center of gravity.
  9. Swelling of the feet and fingers.
  10. Symptoms of lowering blood pressure (dizziness, blackout in the eyes with a change in body position).
  11. Symptoms of physiological anemia (weakness, fatigue).
  12. The appearance of stretch marks on the hips, chest, abdomen with individual skin characteristics.
  13. Heartburn.
  14. Shortness of breath when walking vigorously.
  15. Tendency to constipation.
  16. Frequent urination.
  17. Signs of hemorrhoids (pain and burning in the rectum, blood in the stool).

The symptoms of pregnancy go away after the baby is born. At week 23, a woman's libido increases. This is due to the rush of blood to the genitals. Sexual life improves the emotional background of a woman and cannot harm a child. The fetus is reliably protected by amniotic fluid and the walls of the uterus.

Postures that squeeze the abdomen should be avoided.

Contraindications to intimate life - and the threat of miscarriage.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, planned studies are not carried out. An obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe additional diagnostic methods if the condition of the woman and the fetus requires it. At the doctor's appointment, you must have results and urine. The specialist measures the weight of a woman, the volume of the abdomen, the height of the uterine fundus, controls the level of blood pressure. The doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat, the increase of which is above 180 beats / minute indicates development.

On the recommendation of a doctor, an unscheduled ultrasound examination is performed to detect a violation of the course of pregnancy. Diagnosis determines the degree of maturity of the placenta (at this time it should be zero), the biometric parameters of the child, the size of the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid. Ultrasound reveals malformations of internal organs (heart, kidneys, liver). At week 23, you can find out the sex of the unborn child.

Possible dangers at 23 weeks pregnant

There may also be a risk of spontaneous abortion. Subject to the schedule of visits to the doctor, these conditions are detected and corrected in a timely manner, which reduces the risk of abortion and the birth of a sick child. accompanied by increased activity in the womb and increased heart rate of the fetus. The threat of miscarriage is characterized by leakage of amniotic fluid and bloody discharge from the vagina.

Complications at 23 weeks of gestation:

  • frozen fetus (lack of fetal movement);
  • placental abruption (manifested by abundant bloody discharge from the vagina);
  • increased tone of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • Varicose veins.

Normal vaginal discharge is clear, mucous, with a sour smell. If whites change color and smell, blood or pus appears in the discharge, you should consult a gynecologist.

At week 23, the organs and systems of the fetus are sufficiently formed for life outside the womb. Premature babies at this stage of pregnancy are born weak and require special care in modern neonatology departments. Fetal mortality at birth at 23 weeks of fetal development remains high.

In a woman's appetite increases, which often leads to a set of extra pounds. To prevent weight gain, it is important to properly compose a diet. Food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day to improve metabolic processes in the body. The calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 2700-3000 kcal.

The diet includes fruits, vegetables, greens, cereals, dairy products, lean meat, fish. Red meat contains heme iron, which prevents anemia. Drinking regimen is no less important than nutrition. It is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day, if there is no tendency to edema. It is recommended to drink water without gas before each meal, which reduces the amount of food eaten and reduces appetite.

Regular physical activity is essential for normal functioning. Doctors advise water aerobics, fitness for pregnant women, walking at a leisurely pace. It is important to choose comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, and low-heeled shoes 1-3 cm. Special clothes for pregnant women meet all hygiene requirements at this gestation period.

To unload the lumbar spine and reduce the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs, you can wear a prenatal bandage. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the body, it is recommended to use special creams and gels. For the comfort of the mammary glands, it is necessary to wear a bodice made of natural fabric. When leaking colostrum, use pads on the nipples.

The 23rd week of pregnancy is another step that brings a woman closer to childbirth, and prepares the child for life outside the womb. Compliance with the daily regimen and nutrition, a scheduled visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, wearing a prenatal bandage help to go through this period without the development of complications.

When the pregnancy proceeds without problems, and the baby has been living in the mother’s tummy for as long as 23 weeks, the woman begins to fully enjoy the benefits of her “interesting” position. She walks every day, gets enough sleep, eats healthy food and learns not to rush anywhere!

Meanwhile, at the obstetric gestational age of 5.5 months (23 weeks), the baby continues to actively grow and develop. He informs his mother about this with provocative thrusts in the stomach! Let's find out what happens at 23 weeks pregnant with a woman and her baby.

fetus at 23 weeks pregnant

Although by generally accepted standards 29 - 30 cm and 0.5 kg are small indicators, for a little man growing inside a woman, this is another achievement. That's how much he managed to grow and get heavier. Moreover, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, the brain size also increases: it is no longer a modest 2 g, as in the second month, thanks to the mother’s regular stay in the fresh air, the baby’s brain mass reaches 100 g!

By the way, a full-fledged oxygen “nutrition” has been and remains the most important factor in the development of a child. If the mother prefers spending time in front of the TV to walks, the baby will certainly show her dissatisfaction with active pushes in the stomach. Yes, yes, now a woman does not need to freeze and listen sensitively in order to feel her child - a child at the 23rd week of pregnancy behaves very mobile and emotionally. Communication with the baby during this period brings a pregnant woman a pleasure, because the movements are still not strong enough to bring her discomfort, as is often the case in the last weeks of a special situation. However, you can’t do without pampering, when, for example, a baby does not allow mom to rest at night, pushing her legs every now and then. In this case, each woman has her own methods of “education”: someone calms the prankster with a lullaby, and someone with gentle stroking of the stomach.

Daily movements are a kind of indicator of the well-being of the "bubbler": the expectant mother has about 10 - 15 shocks per day. Do not forget that by the 23rd week of pregnancy, the child is already living in his rest and wakefulness regime, so it is not surprising that after active movements he can calm down for 1 to 2 hours. Remember that the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor is the complete absence of shocks and movements of the baby during the day.

What else happens to the baby at 23 weeks pregnant? The functions of all organs and systems of the little man continue to improve. By this time, the gastrointestinal tract of the fetus is already completely “built”: everything is ready for independent work of the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, liver and pancreas. The baby swallows a certain amount of amniotic fluid containing sugar, which subsequently transforms into the original infant feces - meconium.

The formation of male and female genital organs has ended - more than a girl and a boy can not be confused, as sometimes happens at 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. The child's chest is increasing in size: the lungs will take the first full breath at the time of the birth of the crumbs, but now the fetus is "breathing", making an average of 55 - 60 respiratory movements per minute.

The endocrine system becomes more and more independent in its work: the baby's spleen begins to function. It produces new blood cells, strictly testing them for "professional suitability" - all abnormal lymphocytes are immediately destroyed.

Under the skin of the baby, the fat layer continues to increase. Despite this, the skin of the fetus is still wrinkled. The hair of a child at the 23rd week of pregnancy is saturated with pigment and darkens.

How the expectant mother changes at the 23rd week of pregnancy

When the development of the baby is in full swing at the 23rd week of pregnancy, his mother also does not sit idly by: by this time she already knows how to get rid of the unpleasant side effects of an “interesting” situation. Heartburn, constipation, calf cramps, hemorrhoids – every problem has a solution.

It cannot be said that at the 23rd week of pregnancy the appearance of a woman changes dramatically, but some metamorphoses are still present.

The skin of many mothers is covered with dark pigment spots, which are mainly localized on the face, neck and armpits. The appearance of excess hair on the body is also possible. Fortunately, after childbirth, these unaesthetic signs of preparation for motherhood will disappear, so the best thing to do is simply not pay attention to them.

But the future mother cannot get enough of her hair, which has become noticeably thicker and healthier. Hair follicles are washed with excess blood, so they are not deficient in beneficial nutrients. True, there is a downside to the “ideal hairstyle”: the hair that has not left the pregnant woman’s head now will definitely do so in the first month after childbirth. But this is more of a pattern than an unfortunate misunderstanding.

The teeth and skin of the expectant mother need especially careful care at the 23rd week of pregnancy. Dental health is threatened by an acute shortage of calcium, most of which is now spent by the body to meet the needs of a growing life. Problems that relate to the condition of the teeth cannot be ignored in any case, since a sick tooth automatically becomes a gateway through which an infection dangerous for a child can enter the mother's body.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, sweating increases significantly, which can cause irritation and acne on the face. During the day, the expectant mother needs to wipe the most problematic places on the skin with antiseptics several times. The question of the appearance of stretch marks on the body is becoming increasingly important. In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, or at least reduce their number, a greasy moisturizer should become the No. 1 remedy in a future mother's cosmetic bag.

Pain at 23 weeks pregnant

The baby is actively growing, which means that the tummy of the expectant mother is also increasing. This process is associated with a shift in the center of gravity, as a result of which a woman begins to increasingly overcome pain in the back, lower back and hip joints. Sometimes there may be a pulling, and even shooting pain in the pelvic area, however, this cannot be called a pathology. A woman does not notice how her body is preparing for the upcoming birth, and meanwhile, the hip bones are softened in advance so that the fetus can easily overcome the birth canal. Pain in the abdomen is not excluded - they are caused by the pressure of the child, the size of which is increasing all the time.

Of course, all discomfort can be reduced if you wear a prenatal bandage, refuse high-heeled shoes, take a 5-minute rest for your legs more often, sleep on a comfortable bed, avoiding emphasis on the stomach in the prone position.

After a tiring day at work, tired legs need to be pampered with a massage and a nourishing cream with a relaxing effect. This will allow the expectant mother to face painful cramps of the calf muscles in the middle of the night as little as possible. Do not forget that your body must certainly be supplied with calcium.

But about the headache, which was a tireless companion of the first trimester of pregnancy, many women at the 23rd week of bearing a baby, fortunately, forget. At this stage, waiting for the crumbs of the attack of hormones on the unfortunate female body pass, thoughts clear up, and the head no longer hurts!

Belly at 23 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother can still be disturbed by pulling and at the same time painful sensations on the sides of the abdomen, especially noticeable at the time of coughing, sneezing or rising from a sitting position. There is discomfort due to excessive stretching of the muscles that fix the uterus that is constantly growing in volume.

Another notable feature of the second stage of pregnancy is the so-called false Braxton-Hicks contractions. In fact, these are training contractions of the uterus, with the help of which a large muscular organ is preparing for the upcoming birth process. From time to time, a woman feels uterine cramps, which, during the normal course of pregnancy, should not cause any pain.

Another thing is if suddenly begun contractions become regular in a short period of time, accompanied by pain and outpouring of amniotic fluid - these are harbingers of premature birth. Needless to say, the expectant mother should not waste a minute and call an ambulance as soon as possible?

Constipation can also cause unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations in the abdomen of a pregnant woman. Systematic difficulties with bowel movements at the 23rd week of pregnancy are not the norm, but quite common. Unfortunately, the expectant mother does not always manage to balance her diet in such a way as to avoid digestive problems. However, this does not mean that you need to give up and suffer in silence! Nobody forbade experimenting with food, which includes fiber, the main thing is that food is easily digested and benefits the mother and her baby.

Vaginal discharge at 23 weeks pregnant

The nature of the secretions (their color, smell) must be treated with due attention: they can tell a lot about the course of pregnancy. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the discharge rate indicators are as follows: a transparent or light milky secret of an odorless liquid consistency, not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.

Vaginal discharge of an unnatural color is considered a deviation from the norm: dirty yellow, gray, green, mixed with pus or blood streaks. Curdled or strongly bubbling discharge with a repulsive odor should also be alarming - this is a sure sign of an infectious infection of the genital tract. If, in addition, a pregnant woman is tormented by itching, severe burning and inflamed irritation of the genitals, she needs to see a doctor as soon as possible! An infection of any origin threatens the baby with intrauterine infection.

Note that unknowingly, natural vaginal discharge can be confused with leaking amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid may be released in small portions and be not very noticeable. However, it would be better if the woman nevertheless notices this complication and informs her doctor about it in time. Pharmacies sell special tests to help determine which discharge bothers a pregnant woman.

Despite the reduced risk of miscarriage at 23 weeks, many women continue to experience uterine hypertonicity. These are pulling and dull pains encircling the abdomen, which are cramping in nature. Sometimes hypertonicity is accompanied by spotting spotting. The great danger lies in the fact that the discharge may suddenly increase, and bleeding is the first sign of placental abruption. In this case, you need to seek medical help without delay.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks pregnant

Of course, future parents, first of all, are concerned about the gender of their baby, because there are already heated debates in the family about choosing a name for the future heir. But the main task of an ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman at this time is to diagnose the condition of the fetus.

During the procedure, the doctor will determine the size of the baby, correlate them with the current gestational age, and make sure that the child develops without pathologies. In addition, he will listen to how a small heart beats and evaluate the quality of the fetal motor activity. The ultrasound procedure makes it possible to examine the internal organs of the child, determine the size of parts of his body and correlate them with each other - all this is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of developing a pathology. And mom will get such a cute photo as a keepsake of the 23rd week of pregnancy:

Also, the specialist will pay attention to the size of the uterus and the condition of the placenta. If it suddenly turns out that the placenta is located lower than normal, the expectant mother should not worry! As a rule, after a while, the volume of the uterus will become even larger, and the placenta will take its rightful place.

23 weeks pregnant. Video

By the end of the second trimester, the expectant mother is so used to her condition that the growing tummy does not cause her any discomfort. What happens to the baby at 23 weeks of gestation, how does it develop, and what should mom know about the features of this week?

fetus at 23 weeks pregnant

Intensive growth of the fetus and an increase in its body weight - this is what characterizes the development of the baby now.

Size and weight

The little man already weighs about 450 grams, and is approximately 27-29 centimeters long from head to toe. Of course, the baby still seems very thin, but gradually he will gain weight and become more proportional in appearance.

What organs develop in the twenty-third week?

All the organs of the child by twenty-three weeks have already been formed, they are being improved. Now the baby's body works for itself: the heart pumps blood, the kidneys produce urine, and even the hormonal and immune systems are running. From the mother, the child receives nutrition and oxygen.

The fatty layer under the skin grows, but the skin itself is still translucent due to its thinness. Now layers are being formed in it: the upper one is the epidermis, the deep one is the dermis. It is the epidermis that is responsible for the determined genetic patterns on fingertips, palms and feet. The skin is covered with a special lubricant that protects the body from the effects of amniotic waters.

The baby releases urine directly into the water, but this is not scary, because the amniotic fluid is regularly updated. The baby swallows water, most of which is converted into urine, and what is not excreted by the kidneys (solid particles - skin flakes, hairs, bile) is deposited in the intestines and will be released after birth. The original feces are called "meconium", which is released into the amniotic fluid, which is dangerous for the baby. Fortunately, such cases are quite rare, and occur with post-term babies almost before childbirth. But sometimes meconium gets into the water during hypoxia. Vasospasm with a lack of oxygen causes an increase in intestinal motility, and the contents of the intestine come out. Hypoxia causes the baby to make more active respiratory movements. Meconium, swallowed with liquid, can clog your baby's lungs. Such babies are born with a yellow-green skin tone or, on the contrary, pale, with a high risk of CNS disorders, and at birth they need emergency help from an experienced neonatologist.

At 23 weeks, the baby's bones become denser, the brain and sensory organs continue to develop.

What does a child look like?

There is still plenty of time before the birth, but the baby already now looks like mom and dad. The nose acquires its unique shape, eyebrow threads are visible on the face, and cilia on the eyelids. Now the baby looks almost like a real baby, only very small and thin, which is why the head still seems disproportionately larger than the body.

Baby movements

By 23 weeks, every mother should feel the movements of the crumbs, if this does not happen, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.

The kid is already very active, he is such a fidget! On average, per day at 23 weeks, the child should in total remind himself of himself with a series of movements 10-12 times, and the baby is especially active at night. There may be calm days when it seems to the mother that the baby does not give any signals at all - this is normal, but should not last more than a couple of days. However, the excessive activity of the child should be alarming: children experiencing hypoxia move very strongly!

Fetometry of the fetus. Norm

Fetometry is a diagnostic method using ultrasound, which allows you to determine the gestational age by assessing the growth and development of the fetus. If the doctor prescribed fetometry, most likely, he needs to track the growth dynamics of the baby or exclude pathologies, and maybe clarify the gestational age.

The norm at 23 weeks of pregnancy are the following fetometric indicators, reflected in the table.

Position. Breech presentation of the fetus

If at 23 weeks the baby is in a breech presentation, is it worth sounding the alarm? No and no again! 23 obstetric week of pregnancy is not a critical period for the fetus to occupy the correct position. The child can roll over, moreover, it is anatomically more convenient for him to sit with his head up, and not down, as required by the position in childbirth.


Each week brings new sensations to the expectant mother, among them - pleasant, long-awaited, such as, for example, baby's tremors, and unpleasant (heartburn, for example), and even painful (pain in the lower back, legs, stomach). What is characteristic in this regard of the 23rd week of pregnancy?

Physiological changes in a woman

Most mothers believe that the second trimester of pregnancy is the calmest, they feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm. The weight of the woman has increased significantly (an increase of 5-7 kilograms is normal), but this is not an error in nutrition, but the result of the growth of the baby. Weight gain consists of the weight of the crumbs, uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid, and also of the volume of fluid circulating in the mother's body.

The most common complaints during this period are an increase in vaginal discharge, itching of the abdominal skin, swelling at the end of the day. All of this is the norm.

Belly at 23 weeks pregnant and mother's condition

Mom's tummy has grown significantly. Its circumference is measured by the doctor at each visit to the antenatal clinic. This indicator is individual and depends on many factors, including:

  • mother's constitution before pregnancy;
  • the number of children born (with multiple pregnancy, the belly grows faster);
  • mother's nutrition and weight gain rate and so on.

Outwardly, the tummy does not always look attractive: the skin can stretch, the veins show through, and the dark strip from the navel to the pubis becomes even more noticeable. Due to stretching of the skin, the expectant mother may feel her stomach itch. In addition, sometimes the baby himself delivers discomfort in the abdomen at the 23rd week of pregnancy, behaving excessively actively, pushing the mother into the internal organs.

Breast at 23 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy makes the female breast attractive. And this is a fact. The bust becomes more luxurious, it increases in volume, becomes elastic. All this happens due to the preparation of the body for the true purpose of the breast, for feeding the unborn baby. Under the influence of progesterone and estrogen (pregnancy hormones), changes occur in the breast: adipose tissue is replaced by milk ducts and alveoli. In the alveoli there are special cells of the secretory tissue - lactocytes, which are responsible for the production of milk. At 23 weeks pregnant, lactocytes are already functioning, producing colostrum, the precursor to milk. It is impossible to specifically stimulate the release of colostrum - this activates oxytocin, the hormone responsible for lactation, which can cause uterine contractions, which is completely undesirable for such a period.

The breasts of the expectant mother need care and attention. To avoid stretch marks and sagging, it is important to take care of good underwear: a bra should be comfortable, made of natural cotton. It must be kept clean. It's time to prepare the breast for feeding the crumbs - "harden" with water at room temperature and rub the nipples with a waffle towel. This will make them less sensitive to when the baby is born.

Discharge at 23 weeks pregnant

Has there been more allocations? This is normal, because the fluid in the mother's body also increased. What is the nature of the discharge? If light and mucous consistency, without an unusual pungent odor, are not accompanied by itching, then everything is in order.

But not all pregnant women do this. In the middle of the term, the vaginal microflora becomes vulnerable, and any slightest negative factor, up to a change in diet or a change in climatic conditions, can provoke the growth of “harmful” microflora, which makes up about 10% of the total vaginal flora of a healthy woman. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms suppress the normal part of the microflora, represented by lactobacilli.

Depending on which type of bacteria begins to prevail, the following diseases can develop:

  • thrush (it is caused by Candida fungi);
  • trichomoniasis (causative agent - trichomonas vaginalis);
  • chlamydia (this disease is caused by chlamydia);
  • bacterial vaginosis (most often caused by gardnerella).

All these diseases are manifested by nonspecific secretions:

  • white cheesy with thrush;
  • yellow - with trichomoniasis;
  • mucopurulent yellowish with chlamydia;
  • gray - with vaginosis.

In addition, often these diseases give themselves the smell (of rotten fish), itching, burning, pain during or after sexual vaginal contact.

Complications for the fetus during the disease in this period of pregnancy are rare, but the danger is the premature rupture of the membranes, and then the risk of infection of the child increases. In addition, chlamydia, trichomoniasis can cause premature birth.

Treatment in the second trimester of pregnancy usually does not cause problems, but the sooner it is started, the better. Therefore, with any changes in the nature of vaginal discharge, it is worth informing the doctor.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At 23 weeks, pregnancy as a result of IVF develops in the same way as a normal one. Since the embryo is attached to the uterus, everything goes according to a natural scenario. In some cases, the maintenance of pregnancy is carried out with the help of hormone therapy. A mother carrying an IVF baby should be prepared for closer attention from the medical staff, visit antenatal clinics more often, and beware of premature birth.

Features of multiple pregnancy

When carrying twins (or more children), the expectant mother at this time may already be difficult. There is a 23rd week of pregnancy, 20-21 weeks have passed from conception, but the stomach can look like all 9 months, it grows so intensively. It is very useful now to support him with a bandage - this will relieve the back a little.

Mom's ailments can be more acute than with a singleton pregnancy. Heartburn, constipation, swelling, pressure surges - most mothers of twins / triplets experience all this.

What complications for the fetus and mother can a period of 23 weeks carry? The most common:

  • anomalies in the development of one or both babies at once;
  • feto-fetal syndrome, in which one baby gets much less nutrition and oxygen than the second, which is more common for monochorionic twins;
  • preeclampsia;
  • the threat of premature birth and so on.

If the pregnancy proceeds favorably and without pathologies, the weight and height of the babies may only slightly differ from the indicators normal for a singleton pregnancy, more often down.

Uterine size at 23 weeks pregnant

The height of the bottom of the uterus reaches 23-25 ​​centimeters. These indicators are important for the doctor: this is how he determines the dynamics of the development of the fetus, its compliance with the terms of pregnancy.

Problems in the twenty-third week of pregnancy

Despite the well-established opinion about the stability of the well-being of the expectant mother in the second trimester, unpleasant "surprises" may well lie in wait for her.

Nausea at 23 weeks pregnant

Nausea during pregnancy is most often characteristic of the first trimester, but if it worries up to 23 weeks, this may indicate pathologies. In addition, it sometimes feels sick not because the woman is pregnant, but because of the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Short-term intermittent nausea can be caused by:

  • food poisoning;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • long exposure to the sun.

If the causes of nausea are not clear, you should consult a doctor.


Often, the toxicosis of the first trimester is replaced by late toxicosis - preeclampsia. It is more typical for the third trimester, but at the end of the second it is quite capable of manifesting itself. What is it?

In the international classification of diseases ICD 10, preeclampsia is designated as a complication of a normal pregnancy and is classified as follows:

  • Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the period after them.
  • Hypertension with proteinuria (detection of protein in the urine).
  • Edema and proteinuria without increased pressure.
  • Eclampsia is a significant increase in pressure that threatens the life of the mother and fetus.

All these symptoms can manifest themselves to varying degrees, and this is the basis for the classification of gestosis according to the severity of the manifestation. The severity is calculated based on the data in the table. To do this, based on the clinical picture, points are calculated, and based on the results of their total number, the patient's condition is assessed.

Symptoms Points
0 1 2 3
Edema missing in the area of ​​the legs shins, belly throughout the body
Protein in the urine absent or slightly exceeded 0,03-0,13 0,12-1,0 above 0.1
Systolic blood pressure (millimeters of mercury) up to 130 130-150 150-170 from 170
Diastolic blood pressure (millimeters of mercury) up to 85 85-95 90-110 from 110
Timing of symptoms no symptoms after 36 weeks after 30 to 35 weeks after 20 weeks
Retardation of intrauterine development of the fetus missing missing for 1-2 weeks more than 3 weeks
Accompanying illnesses missing were before pregnancy appeared during pregnancy were before pregnancy and eat during it


  • 0-7 points - mild degree of preeclampsia;
  • from 8 to 11 - the average degree of preeclampsia;
  • 12-21 points - severe preeclampsia.

In any case, regardless of the number of points, for any manifestations of preeclampsia, you should consult a doctor.

Diarrhea and constipation

Any changes in the stool during pregnancy is a reason to reconsider your diet. Diarrhea occurs against the background of the use of low-quality, expired food, as well as a large number of “weak” foods (prunes, sour-milk products, fresh vegetables, and so on). Diarrhea can signal both food poisoning and an intestinal infection. At the same time, they will be disturbed by: abdominal pain, dizziness, vomiting, nausea.

Constipation, on the other hand, is most often caused by physiological, pregnancy-specific causes: exposure to hormones, squeezing the intestines by the uterus. Constipation can cause the development of hemorrhoids, which is why it should not be allowed to flow into a chronic form. Prevention of constipation is a proper diet rich in dietary fiber and adequate fluid intake. If prevention does not help, you can use approved drugs: rectal suppositories (glycerin and others), microclysters (such as Microlax), a remedy (for example, Duphalac).


During pregnancy, an increase in the uterus inevitably leads to the fact that the position of the stomach changes somewhat: it rises slightly and flattens. The esophagus also undergoes similar metamorphoses: the lower esophageal sphincter is stretched, and its valve, which acts as a damper from the food eaten and gastric juice, begins to work intermittently. This is how heartburn occurs: stomach acid and food from the stomach is thrown back into the esophagus.

The situation can be aggravated by the extra pounds that many future mothers gain, following the grandmother's saying: "You need to eat for two." And also food, which is conditionally classified as “harmful”, provokes heartburn: smoked meats, marinades, spicy and salty foods.

Flatulence, which many pregnant women experience from time to time, also contributes to the manifestation of heartburn. Gases from the intestines and stomach push gastric juice into the esophagus, hence the feeling of burning and bitterness. Malfunctions also occur in the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for coordinating the work of the digestive organs, and disturbances occur in the process of moving food through the esophagus.

Heartburn also serves as a marker of some diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Normalization of nutrition and eating often, but in small portions, significantly improve the condition of the pregnant woman. If the state of health does not change for the better, the doctor may prescribe prokinetic drugs (Duspatalin, Trimedat - only for strict indications) or antacids (Renny, Gastal, Maalox and the like), as well as drugs that activate the digestive tract (Motilium, Motilac and some analogues) .

It hurts and pulls the stomach

When the stomach hurts at 23 weeks of gestation, it is important to identify the cause of the pain. It could be:

  • eating disorder;
  • constipation;
  • physiological pain caused by changes in the body (uterine pressure, sprains, baby movements, and so on);
  • abdominal trauma;
  • risk of preterm birth.

If the first two reasons can be corrected by nutritional adjustment, and the third can be put up with, then the last two require immediate medical attention.

Bleeding at 23 weeks pregnant

Blood from the vagina during pregnancy is not the norm, but it is not always dangerous. It is worth distinguishing spotting from bleeding. "Smear" may well be due to erosion or polyps. The doctor should warn about this when identifying such problems. But heavy bleeding is a dangerous symptom, it is a direct threat to the life of the baby and mother. Bleeding may be the beginning of premature birth or a manifestation of diseases of the internal genital organs.

preterm birth

If labor begins this week, it will be considered premature, not using the term "miscarriage". They talk about premature birth from 22 weeks, and the baby is considered viable, but he has a chance to survive only with medical help. Doctors are obliged to make efforts to save the crumbs if its weight exceeds half a kilogram, and the newborn shows signs of life.

Preterm birth is divided into:

  • threatening;
  • beginning;
  • started.

In the first two cases, if timely measures are taken, childbirth can be stopped and the pregnancy can be continued.

Why does preterm birth occur? There are many factors, these are:

1. maternal:

  • abortions or premature births in the past;
  • surgery on the uterus and its neck;

2. due to this pregnancy:

  • low socio-economic standard of living of the mother (poor nutrition, living conditions, and so on);
  • bad habits;
  • maternal age up to 18 and after 35 years;
  • infections;
  • placenta previa;
  • premature opening (rupture) of the amniotic sac;
  • other pathologies.

It is almost impossible to predict preterm birth, since the mechanism of their occurrence has not yet been studied. There is a special test that determines the content of fibronectin - a special substance found in vaginal secretions. Normally, fibronectin is released only before childbirth. But such a test is not available in our country.

In addition, there is also an ultrasound method (transvaginal) to measure the length of the cervix. So far, this is the only available method for diagnosing preterm labor.

Frozen pregnancy at 23 weeks

A missed pregnancy can be encountered at any time, including at 23 weeks of pregnancy. The main reasons for the termination of development are genetic pathologies or infection of the fetus. With such a diagnosis, an urgent removal of the deceased fetus from the uterine cavity is necessary, delay can cost the mother her life.

In most cases, the prognosis of future pregnancies is favorable. However, a woman and her partner should undergo a detailed examination, and proceed with the next attempt at conception no earlier than six months later.

Colds. SARS, fever, flu. Whether it is possible or probable antibiotics?

Getting a cold at 23 weeks is less dangerous than in the first trimester. The formation of the embryo is completed, and antibiotics are not so scary for the baby. However, their use is justified only with strict indications, and the choice of antibiotic should belong to the doctor. Not all antibiotic drugs are allowed during pregnancy.

When the temperature rises, it is allowed to take paracetamol or ibuprofen without consulting a doctor. Nasal congestion can be treated with inhalations and saline solutions. The doctor can pick up vasoconstrictor drops, which can be taken only when absolutely necessary.

Under no circumstances should you be vaccinated against influenza during pregnancy!

Food poisoning - what to do?

Food poisoning is caused by poison that enters the body through food. The poison may contain bacteria, toxins in poor quality food, and the foods themselves (such as mushrooms or vegetables with pesticides). Symptoms of food poisoning are obvious: vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. If the poisoning is caused by food, symptoms may not appear immediately, but within 48 hours.

You should immediately seek medical help, as such intoxication threatens the life of the mother and child. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to wash the stomach, if possible, provide the victim with bed rest.

Toxoplasmosis at 23 weeks pregnant

Many expectant mothers are afraid of toxoplasmosis, and with the onset of pregnancy they seek to get rid of pets, cats, since these animals are considered the main carriers of toxoplasmosis. However, infection can also occur through meat products, soil, and water.

Most people are unaware that Toxoplasma has already been in their body. If a person has everything in order with immunity, the disease proceeds, masquerading as SARS. Therefore, not all mothers become infected during pregnancy, since they already have antibodies to toxoplasmosis.

To determine whether a pregnant woman is at risk, a blood test for toxoplasmosis is prescribed. And only if antibodies are not detected, it is worth worrying. And there is cause for concern. If in the 1st trimester toxoplasmosis can lead to a miscarriage, in the second trimester the infection is milder, because intrauterine infection occurs in 1/3 of cases of mothers. There are also drugs against toxoplasmosis that are allowed during pregnancy from the second trimester. But negative consequences for the fetus are still possible. They manifest themselves in malformations of the brain and nervous system, organs of vision and digestion.

Low placentation (low placenta)

One of the causes of pregnancy complications may be low placentation. This diagnosis is made when the distance from the lower edge of the placenta to the internal os of the uterus is less than 5 centimeters. Normally, the higher the placenta is attached to the bottom of the uterus, the better.

The danger of a low placenta is that the baby is supplied with less nutrition and oxygen. This can cause IUGR or hypoxia.

In practice, more than 90% of women with low placentation give birth to healthy children at term, but increased attention from doctors in this case will not hurt.

Short cervix

A short cervix is ​​a potentially dangerous condition during pregnancy. If its length is less than 2 centimeters, as the fetus grows, it is difficult for the cervix to withstand pressure from the uterus, it begins to open, which leads to premature birth.

Cervical shortening can be caused by external interventions (surgeries, abortions), hormonal changes, or the anatomical features of the woman herself.

With a short neck, a pessary or suturing is often practiced to preserve pregnancy. At the same time, a woman should avoid physical overload, give up sports, sex.

Thickening of the placenta

As the baby grows, so does the placenta. In order to withstand the fetus and the pressure of amniotic fluid, the placenta also thickens, and from about 34 weeks the thickening stops, it begins to prepare for childbirth, or “grow old”, in the language of physicians.

However, it happens that thickening occurs more intensely, and at 23 weeks the thickness exceeds the norm (more than 32-33 millimeters). And this is very dangerous, because such a placenta will begin to age earlier, which means that childbirth will come faster.

With a thick placenta, the baby receives less oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to promote uteroplacental blood flow, and for these purposes, the preparations "Actovegin" and "Kurantil" have been developed.

Analyzes and examinations

What examinations await a pregnant woman at 23 weeks? As a rule, only a urine test. However, other indications may be prescribed.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother had to undergo a planned second trimester ultrasound when the second screening was carried out (from the 19th week). However, if for some reason the study was skipped, it must be done. This is necessary for the timely detection of pathologies in the development of the baby.

In the case when the screening was carried out in a timely manner, there is no need for an ultrasound at this time.

Norm of progesterone

Usually, a progesterone test is not taken at 23 weeks, but it may be required for:

  • carrying an IVF baby;
  • the threat of premature birth;
  • fetal pathologies;
  • the need to measure the hormonal background of the expectant mother.

Normally, this indicator is from 59 to 78 nanograms per liter.

Mom's beauty and health: skin, hair, nails care

If a mother eats fully, consumes a lot of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, her hair, nails and teeth are strong. If minerals and vitamins are not enough, then both beauty and health suffer, because the baby takes its toll from maternal resources. Therefore, an important rule: good nutrition is the key to the beauty and health of a pregnant woman.

Nutrition alone is not enough to look great, and many women who are expecting a baby actively apply makeup. Is decorative cosmetics harmful to the fetus? No, provided that it is of high quality, and my mother is not allergic to it. But with the procedures provided by beauty salons, you should be more careful: mesotherapy, botox and other “beauty shots” are prohibited! The same list includes deep peeling and skin resurfacing, hardware procedures. It is better to wait with nail extensions, but there will be no harm from a regular manicure.

What about going to the hairdresser? It is not prohibited if the expectant mother wants to get a haircut or styling, but the perm will have to be postponed at least until the baby is born. What about coloring? To dye or not to dye is an individual matter, but experts advise avoiding aggressive dyes and, if necessary, replacing them with soft dyes, preferably with natural plant ingredients.

Sex at 23 weeks pregnant

Intimacy should be postponed if:

  • there is a threat of premature birth;
  • diagnosed with ICI of the cervix;
  • partners are being treated for STDs, or the woman is being treated for vaginosis, candidiasis and other diseases of the vaginal flora;
  • there are serious pathologies.

In the case when the pregnancy is going well, sex is not prohibited, and the love games of parents, in principle, cannot affect the state of the baby (if you do not get involved in acrobatics).

Sports at 23 weeks pregnant

Sports at the twenty-third week of pregnancy should be treated with caution. No power and traumatic sports are welcome.

It is worth giving preference to calm, adapted for pregnant sports:

  • Pilates
  • fitness for expectant mothers;
  • water aerobics;
  • swimming and the like.

Every day at home, you can perform a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles and spine - this will greatly facilitate childbirth and shorten the recovery period after them.

Travel: travel and flights

Going on a trip at 23 weeks is a good way to relax and get positive emotions. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor if there are any contraindications. The condition of the expectant mother can be negatively affected by pressure drops during flights or changes in climatic conditions.

Going on a journey, you should take with you the entire set of documents for a pregnant woman: an exchange card and a medical policy, as well as a first aid kit (put in it - activated charcoal, heartburn remedy, paracetamol, vitamins and other drugs, if they are prescribed by a doctor).

Diet at the twenty-third week of pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is necessary to eat fully and correctly, both doctors and authors of books for expectant mothers say so. But what does it mean - fully and correctly? How to eat at 23 weeks pregnant?

What can't be eaten

A number of products that are undesirable to eat are fast food, semi-finished products, all kinds of crackers and chips stuffed with harmful additives. They will not benefit either mother or baby.

While waiting for the crumbs, it is worth giving up, perhaps, your mother’s favorite foods and drinks:

  • coffee and strong tea, as they destabilize the pressure;
  • sushi and uncooked meat products are potential causative agents of intestinal infections and toxoplasmosis;
  • moldy cheeses - they affect the intestinal and vaginal microflora;
  • citrus fruits are potential allergens;
  • whole milk - it can cause constipation.

Do not abuse muffins and sweets, carbonated drinks, salty and spicy foods.

What can you eat

What does an approximate daily diet of a future mother look like at 23 weeks of pregnancy?

The calorie content of the daily diet should be about 3000 kilocalories, and when carrying twins and triplets - another 200-500 kilocalories more. The basis of nutrition at 23 weeks is complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, pasta), preferably vegetable fats, proteins (lean meat, legumes, nuts), as well as dairy products, sources of protein and calcium. Do not forget about water: you need to drink about 1.5-2 liters per day, it is no longer worth it, it is dangerous for swelling.

Supplements, vitamins

Whether to use pharmaceutical vitamins for a future mother, a doctor can advise. If a woman's nutrition is complete, it is quite possible that her body is not deficient in vitamins and minerals. However, often, most pregnant women lack:

  • gland;
  • iodine;
  • calcium.

The problem can be solved by taking vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women. Each pharmacy is ready to offer such supplements for every taste and budget.

Is alcohol allowed?

If suddenly at 23 weeks the expectant mother drank a glass of wine, it will not cause much harm to the baby. However, this is true when alcohol is not a systemic phenomenon. With regular use of alcohol-containing drinks, a woman runs the risk of giving birth to a child with serious pathologies of internal organs, external deformities, disruption of the central nervous system and brain (up to mental retardation).

Drinking even a small dose of alcohol, it is worth remembering: a single blood flow of the mother and fetus will bring "degrees" to the baby!

In general, the 23rd week of pregnancy does not bring a woman much concern. The baby is growing, actively reminding of itself with jerks, and the mother herself is still full of strength and energy. Good nutrition, sufficient sleep, moderate physical activity and an abundance of positive emotions - all this will help make the waiting period for the baby unforgettable and joyful.

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