What best improves lactation. Methods of alternative medicine. Beer for lactation of milk in nursing women

Breastfeeding is the point responsible. Four a nursing motley must be diverse and balanced, so that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. And so that the question "how to improve lactation" did not disturb my mother.

It happens that the baby lacks breast milk. Before recaling crumbling with mixtures, you will be sure if your baby is really undernourished. And then try to improve lactation. About what products will help improve lactation, read on.

What can not eat nursing mom

Watch your diet and give up those products that harm lactation. In addition to the list of products that improve the lactation, it is worth remembering about those that are prohibited by a nursing mom.

First of all, these are canned food, smoked meat and fish, sharp spices and seasonings. These products detain water in the body and may worsen lactation. Also remember that sage, parsley and mint reduce lactation.

1. Warm tea

The most proven and harmless agent is green tea with honey or faint black tea with milk. Such a warm drink is good for half an hour before feeding. Not that tea would have improved lactation, but a warm drink helps the release of milk.

2. Cumin and black bread with Tmin

In order to improve lactation, you can simply chew cumin, you can eat bread with Tmin. And you can prepare a tmin drink: 1 t. A spoonful of cumin brew a glass of boiling milk and insist 2 hours. You need to take this drink in half a package 15 minutes before feeding.

Excellent tool to increase lactation, - sweetened compote from dried fruit. That is, from dried apples, drain and a small amount of pears. First, for lactation is good, secondly, vitamins there are a lot.

4. Clean water

In addition to milk, juice, kefir, tea, soup, nursing mom is needed ordinary boiled water without gas. Remove at least a half liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. And 30 minutes before feeding the baby, we drink a warm drink with breasts - it can be a glass of milk or a cup of green tea.

Almond nuts (underestimated and not salted) improve lactation. A couple of pieces can be eaten every other day, but it must be remembered that almond causes gas formation in a child and can cause the strongest constipation.

Improve lactation and walnuts, and cedar. But with these nuts, you need to be careful, because it is rather fatty products. You can still cook a cedar cocktail: 1 table. A spoonful of cedar nuts pour the glass of water overnight, in the morning boil, add honey and drink.

6. Durce tea

Tea from dill for lactation is preparing as follows: 1 table. A spoonful of dill seeds pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos 2 hours. Drinking this tea is needed half a cup of 2 times a day. Instead of dill seeds, you can take a cumin or anise.

You can make a real cocktail to improve lactation: 20 g of anise and dill seeds, 30 g seeds of the fenugreek of the hay and fenhel fruit crush and stir. 1 t. A spoonful of collecting a glass of boiling water, insist and take 2 times a day on a glass of infusion 15 minutes before feeding.

You can prepare a dill milk cocktail. For this, crushed seeds of dill mixes with kefir, leaving nutmeg, suggests, pollets and drinks before breakfast.

However, it is necessary to remember that the anise and dill can cause allergies.

7. Herbal tea

Teas from Melissa, souls, nettle, dill, anise, hawthorn improves lactation. It is important to consult such tea to consult a doctor. And at the same time, learn what proportions need to prepare this tea.

8. Walnut milk

To improve lactation, you can cook walnut milk. We do this: 100 g of peeled and ground walnuts can be prepared in 500 ml of milk until the mass begged. Then you need to add sugar to taste. Walnut milk can be drunk on a third of a glass for half an hour before feeding.

9. Lactogenic products

There is no one for two, but it is necessary to make focus on lactogenic products. Among such products: non-fat meat broths and soups, Adygei cheese, cheese, carrots, seeds, nuts, honey, milk, fermented milk products.

Among the juices that improve lactation, currant juice, carrot, juice from a frank berry. But it is important that the juices were fresh, without preservatives, diluted with water.

11. Barley decoction or coffee

These barley drinks can be bought in the store in the dietary dietary department. Barley coffee is an excellent tea substitute, you can drink it with milk and honey, and it improves lactation.

12. Radish with honey

Radish juice with honey, diluted 1 to 1 cooled boiled water (per 100 g of radish - 100 g of water and 1 tbsp. Spoon of honey) - a great product for improving lactation.

13. Dandelions

Improve lactation will help juice from dandelion leaves. We do this: Fresh young leaves of dandelions grind in the meat grinder, press juice, salt, let it breed for 30 minutes, and drink 100 ml 2 times a day with small sips. To improve taste, you can add lemon juice, honey, sugar.

You can make a decoction of dandelions: for 1 t. A spoonful of crushed roots and dandelion leaves add a glass of boiling water and insisted within an hour. Then strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

You can make a milk cocktail from dandelions. Mix a glass of milk with 4 cups of kefir, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of chopped dill leaves, dandelion petals, 10 g of walnut walnuts and a mixer bumps. Use half a cup for breakfast.

14. Ginger tea

Ginger tea can be used to improve lactation. We take 1 medium fresh ginger root, grind, boil 5 minutes in a liter of water. It is necessary to drink 3 times a day in 60 ml, adding honey and lemon to taste.

15. Vitamin Massa

Take one part of the Kuragi, raisin, figs, prunes, cleaned walnuts. Grinding, add honey. Eat a vitamin mixture for half an hour before feeding the baby, drinking with warm tea.

16. Hercules

Proper milk breakfast, which wants to improve lactation: Hercules porridge with dried dried, milk and several walnuts.

17. Gincache

Buckwheat with its own useful product. To improve lactation, buckwheat needs to fry in a pan and eat like seeds.

18. Watermelons

Perfectly increase the lactation of watermelons. However, it is not worth buying these first berries, they can be dangerous due to the large content of nitrates and pesticides. So you have to wait until August.

19. Carrot and onions

Fresh and boiled, welded, carrots and onions positive affect lactation, so try to add them to all dishes.

An ordinary sheet salad with a silent dill, seasoned with olive oil or sour cream, also food to increase lactation.

And, of course, do not forget about teas to raise lactation that are sold in specialized stores. Nursing mom to ensure crumbling milk, you need to remember about recreation mode, not overwork, as you can sleep as much as possible, avoid physical exertion and stress.

You want, so that milk was plenty for the crumbs, do not be nervous and postpone the clarification of relationships for later. And do not be lazy to feed the crumb at night, because to improve lactation they are necessary. Night feedings contribute to the production of prolactin hormone, which improves lactation.

Recently, many forgotten traditions and principles began to return. Now even official medicine is firmly adhered to the rules that it is necessary to raise a child on breast milk and no alternatives will be full. At least to six months, and better - up to 2 years old, the kid should receive this priceless substance, which does not exist in a natural environment, nor even more so among artificially created elements.

The current traditional medicine over the past decades has revised its relationship to breastfeeding - doctors fully agree with what it should last at least to one year old, and even longer

Some young mothers have certain problems with lactation, and they have to apply various methods for increasing the amount of milk in the chest. In which cases it is necessary to take special drugs, which of them are most famous and how they act, we will consider in this article.

Conditions necessary for good lactation

It turns out that truly serious problems with lactation are only 3-4% of women who become mothers. In most cases, breast milk production is reduced or completely terminated due to improper breastfeeding, unsuitable for a nursing mother of the diet and breastfeeding rules. Let's see what they conclude:

  1. The first and most important thing is the desire of the mother to feed the child with breasts. If priorities are arranged differently, some additional measures can hardly help.
  2. Favorable atmosphere in the house and family. Related living under the same roof, must fully support the desire of the young mother to feed the baby's chest. It is also important and its physical health, as well as a full-fledged rest and sleep, so the best thing to make close to nursing mothers - during the formation of lactation to free her from home affairs and even more so from going to work.
  3. During the whole period of feeding, the baby cannot be installed the regulations. It should get breast milk every time it will require, and in unlimited quantities.
  4. Prolactin is a hormone that is responsible for the production of milk is most intensively produced at night, so it is not necessary to ignore feeding in the preliminary time.
  5. The nutrition of the nursing mother should be full and balanced. No diet for weight loss can be speeches.
  6. It is extremely undesirable to start proving a child with mixtures, only when there is no other way out.
  7. Even if there are situations when you have to give a mixture, it is necessary to do it with a spoon or a syringe without a needle. Neither a bottle, nor a pacifier can be given. The baby must suck only the maternal breast.

If the problem has not been solved when all the conditions are fulfilled, something else can be connected. We are talking about special preparations and folk methods - taking them without necessity, there is a risk to worsen the situation.

Not enough milk

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How to determine that the child lacks the maternal milk and it remains hungry even after feeding? Signs obvious to healthy children:

  1. The kid sleeps badly, worried, crying, constantly stretches to his chest.
  2. Little adds in weight (less than 125 g per week).
  3. Less packed diaper. Instead of 6-12 times a day, this happens much less often.

If the child was born prematurely, with a small weight or weakened by any disease, then it can be hungry even when the mother has enough milk. This kid because of the weakness is simply difficult to suck the chest - in this case, the milk constrates and feed the child from the spoon. When he grows up and gains strength, it will gradually become unnecessary.

The kid who was born premature or unauthorized in weight, usually weaker than his peers - even if Milk is a lot of milk, he still can't eat well

The need for special means

There is a category of women who initially have a tendency to reduced breast milk production. There is such a risk of those who had problems with breastfeeding the previous child. In this case, in the second half of pregnancy, the doctor discharges special pills that improve lactation and recommends a special diet (we recommend reading :). If a woman has a bad milk come after childbirth, such an appointment is made immediately as soon as it is detected.

Various folk methods are not rebeling to apply and those who have lactation is established without disorders. However, most of the funds do not contribute to an increase in the amount of milk produced, but only improve its tide. So that milk really become more, you need to give the baby breasts every time he asks, as well as at night (more in the article :). A joint sleep is played. If this is not enough, you can seek the recommendations for the doctor.

Preparations for motion diet

Such medicines prescribe nursing mothers that are included in the risk group. Consider in more detail some of them:

It contains milk protein, enriched with taurin. It has positively affects not only an increase in the number of breast milk, but also on the general state of the mother during pregnancy, as well as the development of the fetus. It does not contribute to the formation of overweight.

"Dumil Mom Plus" Increases the amount of breast milk and prolongs the lactation period. In addition, ensures the prevention of osteoporosis and caries.

"Enfa Mom" \u200b\u200bnormalizes meals. Replenishing the most in the diet of a nursing mother, useful substances, does not contain Taurine.


Among the bars are known apilactin and lactogon. The first is prescribed to predominantly to women from the risk group, in its composition there is a floral pollen and royal milk. Designed to improve lactation. The second also has a royal milk, but still enriched with herbs that improve the formation of breast milk: carrots, dill, ginger, oregano, nettle.

To some extent and "apilatin", and "lactogon" are effective and useful, since they contain a royal milk, but for the same reason they do not suit those who have allergies to beekeeping products or at least predisposition to it. The experience of using these drugs mammies can be viewed on video.

Products with lactogenic additives

Here you can select the drug that was designed for nursing mothers. The gallery extract contained in its composition is very beneficial effect on the production of milk.

It is recommended primarily to women from a risk group, and from the first days of lactation. The rest of moms can also be taken this product, especially when they deteriorate to deteriorate the formation of breast milk for any reason.

Natural drinks do it yourself

Create lactation improvement can various drinks. If you prefer to make such things yourself, to drink them freshly prepared, you can adopt a few simple recipes:

  1. Infusion of Anisa. Prepared from 2 teaspoons of anise seeds, which poured 1 cup boiling water. It insists for 1 hour, after which it is cooled. You need to drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Here everything is simple - the juice squeezes out of carrots and drinks throughout the day in small quantities. You can diversify the drink with milk or honey.
  3. Drink from cumin. The juice is squeezing 1 lemon, 100 g of sugar and 15 g of cumin seeds are added. After that, 800-900 ml of water is added and 5-10 minutes is brewed. Drink 2-3 times a day.
  4. Durce drink. The seeds of dill are crushed, poured kefir, salt and ground nutmeg are added to taste. Drinks during breakfast.

Carrot juice is useful not only for vision - it contains a lot of vitamins needed by the health of a nursing mother, is able to significantly improve lactation, especially in a complex with other drugs (see also :)

There are many ready-made juices, teas and other beverages to enhance lactation (we recommend reading :). Usually they contain in the composition of carrots, radish, nettle, soul, rosehip, licorice, cumin, anise.


Homeopathic preparations are relatively safe. The most famous of them - Malkoin (recommend reading :). Due to it, the amount of milk produced increases, besides, it is a natural means. Additional benefits - the ability to use it during the entire period of lactation and a favorable effect on the veins.

By the way, it is the preparations of homeopathic medicine that are most recommended for mothers during feeding. The number of active substances in them is not so great to cause violations in the baby, but the positive effect is often noticeable.

Myths about lactation and preparations for her

Like other topics, the lactation causes many questions in young mothers and women who are preparing for motherhood. Often you can hear or read completely erroneous things. Some of these myths.

When the baby is born, he becomes the main concern of the young mother. All her thoughts are only about not to harm, but, on the contrary, improve the condition of the newborn. And especially frequent anxiety is the imaginary shortage of milk. There are many and traditional methods, but you can find out how to increase breast milk lactation by folk remedies and make a choice than to use.

Often the shortage of milk is just a contrived, imaginary problem. Usually parents and relatives are focused on the behavior of the baby. If he is plain, often asks the chest and long on it "hanging" is not at all that he is hungry. Perhaps he has something hurts, he does not like the environment surrounding it or just a thread fell into an interheretatic fold and prevents him from him. And his mother's chest uses to calm down, because it is so warm and native smell from it.

According to these features, they understand that the child is undernourished:

  1. Small set in weight. Usually after birth, the child is somewhat losing weight in weight. Finally, he should be fingered to two weeks. But if this does not occur or the set for the month is too small, you do control weighing before and after feeding. Also follow the dynamics within two weeks daily weighing.
  2. Consider the number of pubes. The newborn should write at least 12 times a day. To do this, you should not wear a diaper at least one or two days.
  3. A rare and small chair is also an indicator of underfloor. Another inclusion of green mucus is the indicator of the so-called "hungry" chair.

These are the real criteria for lack of maternal milk. If there are at least 1 - 2, then you should contact the pediatrician or a consultant for breastfeeding so that you advise some kind of treatment.

There are cases when there is no milk at all. This is called hypolactation. It happens primary and secondary. In the first case, this is not the arrival of milk from the first days. And in the second - the sharp disappearance of milk.

There are less than 3% of women with hypolactation, so do not panic. It is necessary to treat it under the supervision of doctors.

Any doctor and consultant when treating a nursing mother with a problem, as will immediately tell you to pay attention to your diet. It must be full and nutritious, but it should not be a huge amount of calories. Since extra calories will remain in the mother on the sides, and not on the cheeks of the baby.

Therefore, forget the old rule "eat for two". It is necessary for a large number of proteins, the right carbohydrates and some fats. In this case, the power will be high-quality, baby and mom is enough. Mandatory in the diet of mothers should be:

  • meat;
  • a fish;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

But it is worth forget about smoked, sweets, products that can cause allergies, fast food.

Be sure to drink clean non-carbonated water. Nursing woman should take at least 2.5 liters of fluid. At the same time, this volume does not include dairy products and juices.

It is necessary to feed the newborn at the request. He himself builds his day of the day, but at first it is necessary to adapt to each other, teach the baby correctly sucking, finding the right and comfortable two feeding poses for you. Night feedings are especially important in the formation of milk lactation. From 3 to 8 am - this is the time of installing the volume of milk for the whole day. Therefore, try to feed during this period at least once.

It is also necessary to hug as often as possible, keep the baby on the hands. All "horror stories" about the fact that it will be hand, only myths. As soon as he learn to walk and crawl, he will not need it. And now he needs the warmth and care of the mother.

No need to worry, because various stress and depression can cause the loss of milk. Mother needs peace.

Her single concern should be a newborn. Therefore, consult my husband, what kind of house responsibilities, he will be able to take over, while the child is still very small.

Folk remedies for lactation

Folk remedies for improving lactation are various herbs, infusions, decoctions, juices and much more. Most often, young mommy learns about them from the older generation. Here in these councils it is worth listening to them. After all, these recipes were not even over the years, and centuries.

Main folk remedies for increasing lactation - decoction and tinkers. The following herbs help well:

  • raspberry leaves;
  • fennel;
  • nettle;
  • lucerne field;
  • thistle;
  • caraway;
  • chamomile;
  • dandelion and others.

In addition to increasing the number of milk, these herbs possess many other positive qualities. In particular, the leaves of raspberries help the uterus to come back after childbirth, the thistle treats the postpartum depression.

To simplify, you can take ready-made lactagon fees in the pharmacy. Currently, they are in a wide range. Russian manufacturers present good competition imports in quality and winning in price.

You can brew any herbs listed above by the instructions attached to them. Usually such herbal teas are bought from 1 to 3 glasses per day.

Cumin can be brewed in milk. To do this, a teaspoon of cumin pour a glass of milk and bring up to boil. Cool and drink 1 cup per day.

For the proper digestion of the baby and to increase the lactation drink the decoction of Fennel. For this, a tablespoon of fennel seeds to pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it stand for 2 hours. Strain and drink 0.5 glasses of Dom twice a day.

The folk remedies for lactation also includes various juices. The most famous is carrot, apple and black-cormoranodine. Especially they are good fresh.

In freshly squeezed carrot juice (1 cup) add a couple of tablespoons of milk and a bit of seeds of cumin. Be a blender. Drink such a cocktail 1 time per day, better in the morning.

In a glass of currant juice, add several spoons of ragger of crimson leaves. Mix well. Drink at 0.5 glasses per day.

You can mix juices: apple-carrot or apple currant.

To increase lactation, nuts are used - walnut, almonds, hazelnuts, cedar. But you do not need to forget that nuts are a very allergenic product. Therefore, at the beginning it is necessary to try one thing and look at the reaction of the child's body. If everything is in order, you can eat 5-6 pieces per day.

Delicious and useful walnut milk. For his cooking in a blender, pour a handful of nuts, grind them. Add two glass of milk and beat up uniformity. The resulting milk cocktail can be drunk no more than 2-3 times a week.

The usual butter (which also has an increasing ability on the amount of milk) can be replaced with a nut paste. For her, 2 glasses of nuts put in a blender and grind to flour. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of butter and beat well until homogeneous. This paste can be simply smeared on bread or add to various dishes.

Very well helps for lactation Drink warm tea with milk 30 minutes before feeding.

Also praise the products of beekeeping, believing that they increase the production of milk. Honey can be eating with tea or add to some dishes. But you should not add it in hot drink, so at high temperature it loses its healing properties.

Medicine for breastfeeding

Medicine also does not stand still and thinks how to improve lactation. To increase milk, quite a few drugs are invented. The most famous are "Apilak", "Femilak" and "Lactogon". Since they are on a vegetable and uterine basis, then harmless to the health of the baby.

You can try homeopathic preparations. Malkoin is one of those drugs that are advised by mothers. But before the choice of any of the drugs requires a consultation with a specialist, as they can cause allergies or food intolerance.

In addition, if nevertheless there was no particular need, these drugs and funds will excessively increase the tides, and then may have to undergo a lactation treatment, which can go to mastitis. The latter can be treated only by surgical path.

It is clear that any mother is worried about her baby was full. But the main thing is that this excitement does not transcend the baby, he needs a calm and confident in his forces of Mom. If you do not once again be nervous and worried, but you will feed the baby on demand, eat well, then the baby is enough food. But herbal teas will not harm. They have a pleasant taste and aroma and possess positive properties. Yes, and the remaining folk remedies practically do not have contraindications. Therefore, use them to enjoy the lactation of milk, and you have nothing to worry about.

Breast milk is an indispensable product for feeding babies with a unique composition, and feeding is the process required to establish contact between mom and newborn.

Statistics says that the child is not able to feed only 1% of women. In other cases, they come up with a problem or organize feeding incorrectly, which needs to be identified and eliminated.

It is important to remember that the products that increase the lactation are not a key point for safe breastfeeding, but can help with a shortage of milk.

Food and increase in lactation

Mom's nutrition, unless it is depleted and does not consist of 1 pieces of bread per day, does not affect the composition of breast milk, its value and intensity of production. The number of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium does not really depend on the consumed products. But for the presence of selenium, vitamins A, D, iodine, the nature of fatty acids is directly affected by the diet of the mother.

The concentration of prolactin is the main factor that determines the amount of milk produced in your breast. Its amount in the body is directly connected with breast stimulation: i.e., or we often apply the child to the chest, or constantly, if direct feeding for some reason is now impossible.

Often the amount of milk is dependent on the fluid consumed. However, a warm drink only helps the production of oxytocin, hormone emitting milk from the chest. Therefore, it is possible for 15-30 minutes to feeding to use warm drinks.

How to check the amount and fattyness of breast milk alone

The most reliable way to check the level of lactation is the test "on wet pelleys". A child receiving natural nutrition in sufficient quantities should write at least 12 times a day.

If urination is less than 10, then you need to understand how breastfeeding is organized, eliminate errors so that the child gets more breast milk.

As for the fatty milk. How to test the fatty breast milk often ask me.

It is not required to check it. The fact is that the fat content of your milk is constantly changing - it depends on the age of the child and its need for more fatty milk, from the time of day, on the intensity of feedings.

For example, in the evening you may notice that milk in the chest seems to be less. This happens. But, while the fat content of milk rises and the child does not remain hungry.

The second moment, which determines the fat content of milk is an increase in the child's weight. If a week, the baby adds from 130 grams and more, then you are fine. If less, then you need to deal with breastfeeding, because Even because of the improper seizure of the chest, the kid can simply not get to the rear, more fatty milk.

And you begin to invent that you have bad milk.

Not. It is necessary to just know how the process of milk generation is occurring and not making mistakes.

Protein products

Your menu should be high-calorie, as even 100 ml of mom milk contains 75 kcal. It is necessary to fill the energy spent not by baking and sweets, but by proteins. They are the building material of the body of any person, the kid, among other things.

Important! The first months of the child's life to use milk in pure form is not worth it.

It relates to a group of strong allergens. Equal milk products, thanks to calcium in its composition, will improve the teeth and nails of the mother.

Thus, protein products are capable of providing the body of women with the necessary nutritional elements and increase the lactation.

Other nutritional features

The following products that increase the lactation of breast milk should be present in the nursing motion menu.

  1. Broths and soup. Prepared from veal, chicken, rabbit, beef. It is necessary to eat daily warm. For the second meat dishes, you need to cook or do a pair.
  2. Cruise porridge. Prepared from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  3. Vegetables, greens, berries. Carrots, radish, onions, pumpkin add to salads, second dishes. Such greens, like dill, Fennel leaves are also added to food. Increase the influx of milk also berries: blackberry, currant, gooseberry, blueberries.
  4. Spice. Lactogon drinks are prepared from cumin and a fenugreek.
  5. Nuts. These lactation products are rich in potassium and magnesium. However, there are often nuts, especially walnuts, should not. This is a bold product and a strong allergen for a rapid child organism. The fatness of the almond is less, but its use increases gas formation. Pine nuts often insist with water and are consumed in a boiled, composed form.

Important! Negatively affect the lactation and mothers of mothers are those products that delay liquid in the body.

These products include:

  • smoked, sharp dishes;
  • some herbs (walnut sheet, parsley, lingonberry, mint, sage, hops).

Condensed milk for lactation: myth or reality

There is an opinion that hot tea with a condensedum must necessarily increase the lactation. It should be remembered that the tide is capable of calling any warm drink, it will be water, tea or compote. Condication itself is not a lactogon product.

  • contains a lot of sugar;
  • may cause allergies in the infant;
  • promotes the development of lactose failure;
  • it is a high-calorie product.

Eating liquid

Daily fluid consumption (non-carbonated) nursing woman should not be less than 2 liters. Below are the drinks that increase the lactation:

  • sustful black or green tea with milk drink 15-30 minutes to feeding;
  • barley drink will replace coffee and increase the lactation;
  • grinding ginger root bring to a boil and drink 3 times a day;
  • rosehip berries are poured boiling water, insist in a thermos and drink the resulting decoction instead of tea;
  • couring carrots are poured with boiled milk, they add honey and immediately drink;
  • we will appreciate the organism with vitamins and increase the lactation of fresh juices, compotes from fruits and vegetables;
  • teas from dill, melissa, souls, nettle, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, Anisa acquire or prepare at home.

To ensure good lactation, given the simple rules:

  1. apply the child to the chest on demand, including at night;
  2. missile daily mother's sleep, full-fledged vacation, outdoor walking;
  3. consult fluid and food products, taking into account the diet favorable to increase lactation;
  4. eliminate stress, excessive physical exertion;
  5. lingerie for feeding should be comfortable, his task is to maintain the chest, and not to squeeze it.

Each nursing mom needs to know how to adjust its diet to increase the lactation. But it is important to remember that food consumed only reaches the production of breast milk. So, the elimination of shortcomings in the menu Women will not rule out the problem if there are gross violations in

The baby is experiencing a difficult period - the transition to life outside the maternal organism. Nature has provided a special mechanism of light and painless adaptation - breastfeeding. WHO states: perfect food for children at an early age is maternal milk. Realizing this, many young moms are asked: how to increase lactation to provide a child with full nutrition without adding artificial blends.

The rate of production and quality of breast milk

Nursing mothers are often tormented by doubts about the number and quality of milk produced by them. In such a situation, the question often arises: is there any norm reflecting the ideal indicators?

Numerous studies confirmed that during the day the speed of milk synthesis is inconvenient and inversely proportional to the patio of the chest: the stronger it is empty, the faster and more milk appears in it. Therefore, it is impractical about the norms of developing this product: it is individual in relation to every woman and her baby.

The same can be noted about the quality of breast milk. Its nutritional value changes not only depending on the age of the child, adjusting to its needs, but also during each feeding: the first portions are designed to make a greater degree of child and therefore watery. Fluid produced further, more fat and nutritious.

Therefore, it is difficult to establish the actual nutritional value of breast milk, it is possible to judge it only, focusing on a baby's set, his behavior during sleep and wakefulness. However, these indicators are indirect and not always directly depend on the quality of milk milk.

Why breast milk disappears: common causes of lactation reduction

The lack of maternal milk from the first days of its production, referred to as the primary hypoglactia, arises due to hormonal failures, postpartum complications and underdevelopment of women's chest glands. Such a phenomenon occurs infrequently.

Usually, young mothers face secondary hypoglactics, when the milk is produced at the initial stage in a full amount, and then lactation decreases.

In the period of breastfeeding, physiological conditions, accompanied by a decrease in milk generation - lactation crises. In medical practice it is believed that they are based on the adaptation of the body of the mother under the growing need of infants, and it cannot happen lightning.

Insufficient milk generation is often becoming the result of misfit mothers:

  • Feeding a baby in strict graphics in compliance with clearly installed intervals.
  • Strict temporary frames for each feeding.
  • Wrong applying technique. Milk glands are not stimulated enough if the child incorrectly captures the nipple.
  • An uncomfortable pose of mom: any of its tension in the feeding process negatively affects the milk separation.
  • Dopping the baby without a serious reason. Water gives a child imaginary satiety, as the centers of saturation and thirst for age anatomical features are located close to each other.
  • Use bottles and pacifiers. Satisfying the natural natural need for sucking during their account, the baby will stimulate the mother's chest less, and this reduces the lactation.
  • Attempts to create a dairy stock. Breasts work on demand: the more milk from the chest came out, the more it will appear again. The left "about the stock" is perceived by the body as unclaimed surplus.
  • Refusal to night feedings most important for lactation.
  • Separate finding a child and mom.
  • Perception of a woman breastfeeding as a heavy test. So she personally complicates the situation, focusing on a possible (often hypothetical) lack of milk. The test of a woman stress does not affect prolactin - a hormone responsible for the production of milk, but affects another hormone, oxytocin, acting on the yield of fluid from the chest. Therefore, in stress, this process finds it difficult: such is a natural protective mechanism that prevents dairy losses in difficult periods of life.
  • Lack of rest and sleep. Days spent in concerns and sleepless nights - the standard situation for mom's mother.
  • Reception of drugs. Some of them are able to disturb the hormonal regulation of lactation.

In most cases, it is possible to increase the lactation by eliminating the listed factors and without accepting additional measures.

Signs of lack of milk

For a nursing mothers, it is important to be able to separate imaginary signs of a shortage of milk from a real decrease in lactation.

Insufficient lactation: Imaginary problem

"The child is not fought" - a popular confusion in young mothers, the result of which becomes silent by milk mixtures, addictive baby to the bottle and is already a real decrease in milk generation.

In many cases, the alarm of mothers about problems with lactation is impossible.

  • Baby often asks the chest. This is not always a sign of hunger: perhaps the baby requires communication with mom or satisfaction of the need for sucking. If an hour has passed after feeding, he could really get hungry: Mom's milk is absorbed faster than an artificial mixture.
  • Anxiety kid. The causes of such behavior can be diverse, and they are not always associated with hunger.
  • The feeling of soft, not filled breasts, the lack of "tides" to feeding. If the baby is fed on demand, milk generation adjusts to this mode, it arrives when applied.
  • The child after feeding does not refuse the bottle. In fact, many babies even with full saturation do not mind to give the will to a sucking reflex, besides, with a bottle or a nipple, it is easier to do so with a breast.
  • No milk when fixing. With the established lactation, it is produced depending on the needs of the kid, so the need for this procedure disappears.

Reliable signs of lactation

Medical practice recognizes only two criteria for assessing lactation adequacy:

  • Counting the quantity of the child's urination during the day. Disposable diapers and dopping for this period should be excluded. 10-12 and more wet diapers in 24 hours - an indicator that milk is grade. If such is less obtained, you can talk about insufficient lactation.
  • Weighing. If the child is healthy, and he has enough maternal milk, the monthly increase in weight will be from 0.6 to 2 kg, and an average of 120 g weekly.

An additional guide to assess the adequacy of lactation can be a chair of infant. On average, the child on breastfeeding is 6-8 feces per day, the carte masses have a castener consistency and a yellowish color. The long absence of the chair sometimes indicates "Hungry constipation", caused by a shortage of breast milk. However, by itself, this sign is not always informative. With its availability, it is recommended to do a test for wet diapers.

Maternal milk or mixture?

With an obvious reduction in lactation, all measures should be taken to restore it, since today all studies confirm: breastfeeding gives weighty benefits for the child and his mom.

The uniqueness of maternal milk - in his ability to change the composition based on the needs of the child at different stages of development, at different times of the day and even in the process of each individual feeding.

This product contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the ratio, optimal for a child of early age. In addition, it has immune cells, immunoglobulins and several types of bifidobacteria. This composition not only contributes to the full development of the baby, but also increases the resistance of its body to alien agents and forms the right microflora in the intestine.

Unlike artificial blends, breast milk has an optimal temperature, does not happen and falsified, always sterile.

Sucking the chest helps the formation of the toddler of the right bite and facilitates the process of teething the first teeth.

None of the highest quality milk mixture will provide a power of nutrition that responds to its needs as Mother's milk.

With an obvious decrease in lactation, it is impractical to immediately translate the kid on artificial nutrition. The optimal option will be the transition to mixed feeding. At the same time, measures should be taken to restore lactation, gradually reducing the volume of detectors.

How to raise lactation

If the lack of milk has become apparent, do not immediately fall into panic. Often simple measures help increase the lactation to the required level.

Stimulating milk production

  • It is necessary to evaluate how properly the child is applied to the chest, if necessary, by changing the technique to the right.
  • Frequent applies are important to stimulate lactation, at least 1.5-2 hours during the daytime, at night - after 4 hours. Very valuable for the production of milk night feedings, so you should not refuse them.
  • You can take a baby from the chest only after he goes her himself.
  • To increase the lactation, close physical contact Mom and infants are important: wearing on hand, joint sleep.
  • Do not fit the infants with water without acute need.
  • Mom should forget about the fears associated with the shortage of milk, and relax - in the literal sense of the word. A woman needs to learn to find the opportunity for recreation and full sleep.
  • Breast massage is useful, which is done between feeding by intimating and stroking movements. Massage manipulations periodically interrupt to see a little milk.
  • If the goal is to increase lactation, you can not use dumbfounders and bottles. Doctors offer a child with a spoon, from a cup, with a syringe without a needle.

In addition to the listed methods, it is worth paying attention to the diet: food used can affect the production of milk in different ways.

Lacking products

The full diet will not only help solve problems with lactation, but also preserves impairment in the body in mom during breastfeeding. It is worth paying attention to the following products:

  • Fish fatty varieties.
  • Non-fat cheese and cottage cheese.
  • Walnuts.
  • Beekeeping products: royal milk, honey, perga, royal milk (use in the absence of allergies in infants).
  • Dried fruits.
  • Restaging meat broths and soups welded on them.
  • Carrot.
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal.