What you need to know about maternity hospitals in Russia. Maternity hospital

The design of a maternity hospital can vary significantly depending on the time of construction, the degree of isolation from other medical institutions and the availability of specialization.

Maternity hospital can be independent medical institution... In this case, it is located in a separate building (not on the territory of any hospital).

Another option, when the obstetric hospital is a division of a large multidisciplinary hospital and is located directly on its territory. In this case, the doctors of the maternity ward work closely with colleagues from other departments of the hospital. Specialists - urologists, cardiologists, hematologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons - advise pregnant women and women who have already given birth in the obstetric department, if necessary, helping maternity hospital doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

2. I have a chronic illness: which maternity hospital should I choose?

Some diseases of the expectant mother can significantly change the course of pregnancy and childbirth. These include Rh-conflict, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, some neurological and infectious diseases. For such cases, there are maternity hospitals specializing in specific diseases... In such a maternity hospital, in addition to the usual staff of doctors, specialized specialists are usually provided. For example, an endocrinologist works in a maternity hospital specializing in diabetes mellitus, and a cardiologist works in a hospital where pregnant women with heart defects are observed. In addition, the obstetricians-gynecologists themselves, who have been working in specialized maternity hospitals for many years, are well aware of the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and childbirth in women with certain pathologies and, if necessary, will be able to provide more qualified assistance. Another, special variant of the maternity hospital's specialization is premature birth. Such a hospital differs from other maternity hospitals by an additional department of intensive care and intensive care for newborns, equipped with modern equipment for nursing babies born prematurely.

3. What is an admission ward in a maternity hospital?

The emergency room is the first department that one gets into by opening the door of the maternity hospital. There is necessarily a hall in which expectant mothers, accompanied by loved ones, await a call to the doctor. The admission department itself usually consists of three rooms: an obstetric post, an examination room and a sanitary room. If partner childbirth is practiced in the maternity hospital, the admission department is also equipped with a dressing room for the birth partners. In the first room there is a table, a couch, a scale and a height meter; a midwife (nurse) of the admission department works here. Her responsibilities include paperwork for admission to the hospital, measuring weight, height, blood pressure, pulse and body temperature of the expectant mother. Upon completion of these manipulations, the midwife escorts the pregnant woman to the next room - the examination room, where she is met by a doctor - obstetrician-gynecologist.

The examination room of the admission ward is no different from the usual gynecological office in the antenatal clinic: a couch, a gynecological chair, a stethoscope (a tube for listening to the fetal heartbeat), a portable ultrasound sensor and a CTG apparatus. The doctor of the emergency room asks the expectant mother about her state of health, the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, about the reasons for applying and how she feels at the time of admission to the hospital. The doctor records the data obtained in the history of childbirth - this is the name of the woman's medical record in the maternity hospital. Then the expectant mother is offered to undress and lie down on the couch located here for an external examination, during which the dimensions of the abdomen and pelvis are measured, the location of the baby in the uterine cavity is determined, and his heartbeat is heard. After completing the external examination, the doctor conducts a vaginal examination on a gynecological chair.

The next room is intended for sanitary and hygienic preparation for childbirth. This concept includes a cleansing enema, shaving of the perineum and douche - procedures that are offered to patients who come directly with signs of labor. In the sanitary room there is a couch on which the perineum and enema are treated, a toilet and a shower.

4. When is a woman in labor admitted to the pathology department?

Women with complications of pregnancy that require constant monitoring are admitted to the Department of Pathology of Pregnant Women. Such complications include, for example, severe forms of toxicosis, the threat of termination of pregnancy, impaired placental blood flow. In the department, expectant mothers are monitored and receive the necessary therapy. It differs from the usual department by the presence of an examination room, as well as rooms for auxiliary diagnostics - ultrasound and CTG. In addition, pregnant women are hospitalized in the department of pathology of pregnant women before a planned operation of a caesarean section and with a tendency to prolong pregnancy.

5. How is the delivery unit arranged?

The obstetric department, or maternity ward, is undoubtedly the most important department of the maternity hospital: after all, this is where childbirth takes place. In modern maternity hospitals, the delivery unit can have two different layouts. Let's talk about each of them separately.

The so-called "box" layout assumes the division of the rod block into separate rooms-boxes, designed for one woman in labor and fully equipped with everything necessary to help mother and baby at every stage of childbirth. With a boxed layout of the maternity ward, all stages of childbirth are carried out only in one room - a box, the patient is not transferred from the ward to the ward, and the child is not carried away after birth. It is with this variant of the planning of the rod block that partner childbirth can be carried out. Boxing is a single ward, in which there is an ordinary bed, bedside table, table, chair, changing table, scales for crumbs, CTG apparatus and, of course, a special device for childbirth - Rakhmanov's bed. In some maternity wards, Rakhmanov's beds are being replaced by more modern obstetric chairs or comfortable transforming beds, which, at the right time, with the help of a remote control, are “converted” from an ordinary bed into a device for childbirth. The expectant mother is in boxing for all three stages of labor and 2 hours of intensive postpartum follow-up. Examination of the birth canal and, if necessary, the restoration of damaged tissues is also carried out in the box, here the initial examination and treatment of the newborn takes place.

Another, older version of the layout involves dividing the delivery unit into prenatal wards, delivery rooms and examination rooms (or small operating rooms), as well as children's rooms. In this case, the wards are designed for the simultaneous observation of several women in labor at once. In the prenatal ward, women are most of the process - before the onset of attempts. Several couches are installed here, the equipment necessary to monitor the state of the woman in labor and the fetus (for example, cardiotocographs - devices that allow you to register the baby's heartbeat and the contractile activity of the uterus).

With the onset of attempts, the expectant mother is transferred to the delivery room located nearby, in which one or even several of Rakhmanov's beds are located. The baby and the placenta (placenta and fetal membranes) are already accepted here.

6. What happens after childbirth?

After the completion of childbirth, the newborn is taken to a separate ward for examination, and the mother is moved on a gurney to a small operating room or examination room. There is a gynecological chair in the examination room, on which the doctor examines the birth canal and, if necessary, repairs damaged tissues. The postpartum woman is then placed back on a gurney next to the midwife's station for intensive observation.

7. How is the postpartum department organized?

The layout of the postpartum department depends on the mode of stay of the mother and baby practiced in this hospital. When the mother and child are together in the postpartum ward, in addition to the mother's bed, table, chair and bedside table, a changing place for the baby is provided. Mom and newborn are together all the time. In this case, the nurse and the neonatologist examine the baby in the ward, with the mother. On the first day, the children's sister teaches the mother to take care of the baby, wash and change his clothes. The postpartum midwife's responsibilities include, among other things, helping with breastfeeding. When staying together in many maternity hospitals, it is allowed to use your own clothes for the baby.

Separate stay presupposes the presence of a children's department in the maternity hospital, where the newborns are located. In this case, mother and baby meet only during feeding - 7 times a day every three hours. The first feed is usually at 6 am, the last at midnight. From 00 to 6 o'clock in the morning - a break for sleep. Examination and other manipulations with the baby are carried out in the children's department, and then the neonatologist bypasses the mothers and tells them about the well-being of the children.

8. What is the observation department and where is the caesarean section performed?

In addition to these departments, any maternity hospital has an operating unit, which includes two operating and auxiliary rooms. Cesarean section operations are performed here. There is an intensive care unit next to the operating unit, where the puerperas are observed during the first days after the operation. If, after giving birth, the mother or baby has complications, they are transferred to the observational, or II obstetric department. In the same department, expectant mothers give birth, who at the time of admission have residual acute respiratory infections or do not have the necessary documents. There are prenatal wards, delivery room, postnatal and children's wards in the observation.

Some maternity hospitals have a neonatal intensive care unit. The staff of this department has all the necessary knowledge, skills and equipment for caring for children born in a serious condition. Usually, such maternity hospitals specialize in preterm birth: premature babies often need intensive care.

9. Can you choose a maternity hospital?

Nowadays, a woman herself can choose a maternity hospital in which she would like to give birth. Modern maternity hospitals differ significantly from each other - in specialization, equipment, conditions of stay, level of comfort and the possibility of providing additional services. A mother-to-be can opt for any maternity hospital in her city, based on personal preferences, reviews, recommendations of a doctor leading a pregnancy. Not so long ago there was no such opportunity - during pregnancy, a woman could only be observed in a consultation at the place of registration, from which she was sent for childbirth to a district maternity hospital. The choice of a maternity hospital today is available for every expectant mother, regardless of the financial capabilities of a young family, thanks to the compulsory health insurance system (CHI).

The expectant mother will be accepted for childbirth in any state maternity hospital, regardless of whether she was brought there by an ambulance team called or brought by relatives. The only reason for refusing hospitalization in this case may be the lack of space in the hospital.

10. What documents are needed for a maternity hospital?

For planned hospitalization in the department of pathology of pregnant women ("prenatal"), the expectant mother will need a referral from the antenatal clinic doctor, as well as her personal documents: passport, compulsory medical insurance policy and exchange card, which is issued in the ZhK after 30 weeks or earlier - at the request of the patient. If we are not talking about early hospitalization, but directly about the appearance of signs of the onset of labor (regular contractions or leakage of amniotic fluid), referral from the JK is not required.

11. What is the difference between paid and free hospital stay?

Obstetrics belongs to the category of emergency medical care. This means that any woman, regardless of her citizenship, registration and compulsory medical insurance policy, has the right to provide medical care directly during childbirth in any state maternity hospital. Expectant mothers, served under the compulsory medical insurance system, have the opportunity to use the medical services of the maternity hospital not only at the stage of childbirth, but also during pregnancy (for examination, medical supervision, treatment for the development of complications), as well as in the postpartum period. It turns out that maternity hospital services are available for every expectant mother - why are commercial services in the field of obstetrics created?

One of the most important selection criteria for parents-to-be is to ensure that the birth will take place exactly in the chosen maternity hospital. The compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance) policy and the birth certificate give the expectant mother the opportunity to choose a maternity hospital, but the likelihood of giving birth in this hospital will depend on the availability of places. Another type of health insurance - VHI (voluntary health insurance), or "contract for childbirth", which involves paid obstetric services, gives a 100% guarantee of childbirth in the selected maternity hospital.

The next most important criterion is the possibility of individual management of childbirth by a pre-selected doctor. Usually in the maternity ward, there is a team on duty of several doctors who monitor the course of labor at the same time for all patients in the maternity unit. With such a system of obstetrics, there is no one specific doctor who leads the entire process from start to finish - if an examination is necessary, the doctor who is currently free comes up to the woman; at the same time, every 24, 12 or 8 hours a day (depending on the rules of the given maternity hospital) the composition of the team on duty changes. The contract allows future parents to choose a doctor in advance, to be monitored by him in the last weeks of pregnancy and to call him to the hospital when labor begins.

Another difference between "contract delivery" is the conditions for increased comfort of stay in the maternity hospital: a completely isolated individual delivery box and a separate ward in the postpartum department. The environment in the wards is also different: a commercial delivery room can be equipped with a modern transforming bed for childbirth, a hydromassage bath or shower, comfortable devices for self-anesthesia during childbirth (balls, sling ropes, etc.), in the postnatal room - a refrigerator, TV, additional sleeping place for the spouse.

The specific list of additional services provided on a contract basis varies significantly in individual maternity hospitals. Differences in the "service" of paid childbirth depend on the technical capabilities and traditions of the chosen hospital.

Detailed information about the internal structure of the hospital, which will help expectant mothers to feel calmer and more confident when moving from department to department.
As you know: "He who is informed is armed!" The more the expectant mother knows about the place where she is going to give birth, the better she will be prepared for the upcoming birth and the more calm and confident she will be able to feel.

All maternity hospitals in our country are arranged differently, depending on the time when they were built, and their profile of work, but, nevertheless, there is a certain general arrangement for all such medical institutions. The maternity hospital usually has:

  • admission department,
  • physiological maternity ward,
  • observational maternity ward,
  • postpartum department,
  • Department of pregnancy pathology,
  • department of anesthesiology and resuscitation,
  • children's department,
  • children's resuscitation.

Admission department

Any patient who crosses the threshold of the maternity hospital gets here. Here a woman is met at any time of the day or night by a midwife, who listens to complaints and calls a doctor. The doctor examines the pregnant woman, listens to the baby's heartbeat and decides which department she will go to.

If contractions have begun or the amniotic fluid has departed, the patient will be admitted immediately to the maternity ward.

If the contractions are not yet real (so far these are only harbingers of childbirth), the woman is hospitalized in the pregnancy pathology department, and if she wants to wait for the onset of labor at home, she can be released after a written refusal of hospitalization. But in case of any problems - a tendency to prolongation of pregnancy, too large or, on the contrary, small size of the fetus, high or low water, pelvic or oblique position of the fetus, gestosis, the doctor will insist that the patient stay in the hospital, where treatment will be prescribed and the condition of the mother and child will be monitored.

The midwife of the admission department will take the documents of the incoming patient. For childbirth, you must have an exchange card, an OMS insurance policy and a passport. The midwife examines the patient's skin (there should be no pustules, scratches), nails, measures the body temperature, the height and weight of the pregnant woman, as well as the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus. In the admission department, attention is paid to the presence of a cough, a runny nose and other signs of infection, and depending on this, they decide in which department the woman will give birth: physiological or observational. To resolve the same issue, the midwife carefully examines the exchange card, checking the availability of all analyzes and their results. Further sanitization is carried out: if a pregnant woman arrives for childbirth, she is given an enema and the suprapubic area is shaved (for obvious reasons, it is better to do this at home).

Maternity ward

This is probably the main place in the hospital, because babies are born here. It consists of a prenatal and delivery room. Prenatal can be designed for 2–6 women in labor. In the delivery room, as a rule, there are 2-3 delivery chairs. (In maternity hospitals with a boxed system, there is no such division: the pregnant woman is in a separate box during contractions and gives birth to a child there.)

In the maternity ward, the doctor talks with the patient and examines her. The midwife is constantly with the women in labor, and the doctor, if everything is going well, comes in periodically, since at the same time patients enter other departments of the maternity hospital, emergency operations are underway, etc. breathe correctly, if the contractions are very painful, anesthesia is performed. During childbirth, cardiotocography is performed - monitoring the baby's heartbeat, the strength and frequency of contractions, at this moment the woman in labor should lie down.

At the end of the first stage of labor, the patient will be guided to the delivery room. At this time, a doctor, a midwife and a neonatologist are with her. After the birth of the child, they show it to the mother, spread it on the stomach, where it lies while the umbilical cord pulsates. After that, it is crossed, and the child is examined by a neonatologist and assessed on the Apgar scale. While the child is being processed, the placenta is born and the birth canal is examined, the tears are sutured.

They put a heating pad with ice on the mother's stomach, cover her with a blanket, teach her to put the baby to her breast. Here she spends 2 hours with her baby under the supervision of medical personnel. After 2 hours, together with the baby, the mother is transported on a gurney to the postpartum ward.

If you give birth under a contract, then you will be provided with a separate prenatal room in which you and your husband (if you wish) will carry out the entire birth and two hours after it. Usually there is everything you need for a married couple: a bed, which is then transformed into a delivery chair, a chair for a husband, a large bathroom, a fitball, a table, cups, a kettle, a tape recorder, etc. singed an agreement.

Observational department

Patients with acute respiratory infections, various inflammatory diseases (for example, kidneys), colpitis (for example, thrush), fungal infections of the nails, as well as carriers of the hepatitis B and C virus, patients with "positive" RW, unexamined and under-examined (if not there are enough test results in the exchange card).

A woman can get here from the physiological postpartum department if there are infectious complications after childbirth, such as endometritis, mastitis, suture divergence, acute respiratory infections, etc.

The structure of this department is the same as that of a regular maternity ward. There are prenatal, delivery and postnatal rooms.

Postpartum department

Depending on the selected maternity hospital, it is possible to stay with the child together or separately (when he is brought on schedule only for feeding). When staying together in the “mother and child” ward, the newborn is constantly with the mother, which certainly helps to establish breastfeeding, the mother learns to take care of the baby (bathe, dress, treat the umbilical wound).

Such wards are usually designed for 3-4 mothers with children, they have adult and children's beds, bedside tables and a changing table, there is a sink and everything you need to treat the baby's skin. If you gave birth under a contract, then the postpartum ward is designed for 1-2 people, it is possible for the dad to stay in the family ward permanently. The paid wards additionally have a table, dishes, a microwave oven, as well as a shower and toilet. Food will be brought to the ward, the rest of the puerperas eat in a special buffet. In the postpartum department, doctors monitor the condition of the mother and baby, the obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist make daily rounds and examinations, take tests. The midwife fulfills the doctor's prescriptions, helps to establish breastfeeding, straighten the breasts. Before discharge, as a rule, the woman undergoes an ultrasound scan. After natural childbirth, they are discharged for 4–5 days, if there are no problems.

Department of Pathology

In the Department of Pregnancy Pathology, as the name suggests, there are patients with different stages of pregnancy who have problems requiring hospital treatment: the threat of premature birth, placental insufficiency, gestosis, exacerbation of pyelonephritis (inflammatory kidney disease) and many others. There are also patients here who are preparing for childbirth and elective caesarean section.

Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation

In any maternity hospital there are several operating rooms and an intensive care unit (ICU), where patients are transferred after a caesarean section. Also, in the ICU, patients who are admitted to the hospital in a serious condition, for example, with severe gestosis (high blood pressure, protein in the urine), are observed and prepared for delivery. An anesthesiologist joins the management of such patients. He also provides pain relief during childbirth and operations, monitors patients for the first day after surgery and, if all goes well, transfers them to the postpartum department.

Children's department

Presented by children's wards. Now, when many maternity hospitals are switching to a system of joint stay with a child, children are in children's wards only on the first night after childbirth, if the mother is tired and cannot take care of the baby on her own. Children born by cesarean section are also monitored on the first day while their mother is in the ICU.

Children's resuscitation

There are many, but not all, maternity hospitals. This department is specially equipped for nursing premature babies, children after difficult childbirth or with various pathologies. Newborns from intensive care can be transferred to a regular pediatric unit after a few days, if all is well; if problems persist or the baby is deeply premature, then after stabilization of the condition, he is transferred to the children's hospital.


Here you can get information about the condition of the mother, find out who was born, and donate the necessary things and products for the mother and baby.

Discharge room

This is the last place you will visit at the hospital. Here they will help to change the baby's clothes, wrap them in a beautiful "envelope", the mother will have the opportunity to change clothes and do make-up. A professional photographer often offers his services in the discharge room.

Maternity hospital I Maternity hospital

a medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide inpatient and outpatient care to women during pregnancy, childbirth and gynecological diseases, as well as medical care for newborns until they are discharged from the maternity hospital.

The main tasks of the maternity hospital are to provide women with inpatient obstetric care during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth; ensuring proper nursing of newborns and qualified medical and diagnostic assistance to sick and premature babies; provision of medical and diagnostic assistance to gynecological patients; work on hygienic education, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; transfer of patients according to indications to other medical and preventive institutions; implementation of rehabilitation measures and the issuance of recommendations for their implementation after discharge from the obstetric hospital.

II Maternity hospital

a medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide medical care to women and their treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and in the postpartum period; R. is a part of the hospital and.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M .: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.


See what "Maternity Hospital" is in other dictionaries:

    A medical institution providing assistance to pregnant women, women in labor and parturient women. Usually maternity hospitals have antenatal clinics, large maternity hospitals have gynecological departments ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A medical institution providing assistance to pregnant women, women in labor and parturient women. Usually, maternity hospitals have antenatal clinics, in large maternity hospitals, gynecological departments. * * * MATERNITY HOSE MATERNITY HOSPITAL, medical ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The very first maternity hospital in Severodvinsk, now the Severodvinsk City Museum of Local Lore Maternity hospitals provide qualified medical care to women during ... Wikipedia

    A medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide medical care to women and their treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period; R. d. includes a hospital and a women's consultation ... Comprehensive Medical Dictionary

    In the USSR, a medical and prophylactic institution that provides qualified medical care to women during pregnancy (See Pregnancy), childbirth (See Childbirth), the postpartum period (See Postpartum period) and gynecological ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    A medical and prophylactic institution providing medical care to pregnant women, women in labor and parturient women. (

A maternity hospital is a medical institution where a pregnant woman can receive qualified medical care from the moment of conception to childbirth, including the process of childbirth itself and the early postpartum period. For a newborn baby, the maternity hospital is the first medical institution where they will be helped not only to be born, but also to adapt to life in the environment.

The rules in the maternity hospital are very different from the rules of other medical institutions, because an infection is especially terrible for a sterile body of a baby. Therefore, every maternity hospital has a strict regime that must not be violated.

Delivery room

The delivery room is the main place in the maternity hospital, where the baby is born. From the moment of the establishment of regular labor activity, the woman in labor is transferred to the delivery room, where she stays with the medical staff, and, if desired, with a partner (husband, mother, sister).

Modern delivery rooms are made in warm colors and equipped with all the necessary equipment. The most important attribute of every delivery room is the Rachmaninov chair-bed, on which a child is often born. The well-equipped delivery room also includes a bed, a gymnastic wall, a fitball, a dedicated chair for vertical labor, a heated changing table and a newborn resuscitation kit in the delivery room.

How do women give birth in a maternity hospital?

Currently, the active behavior of women in the first stage of labor is practiced. A woman in labor can freely move around the delivery room, perform exercises on a gymnastic wall and an inflatable ball, which helps to reduce pain, quickly open the cervix and lower the fetal head. The woman herself can choose where and how she wants to give birth. Currently, childbirth is practiced while sitting on a special chair, childbirth in the knee-elbow position.

Caring for a child in a maternity hospital begins from the moment he is born. The condition of the newborn is assessed on the Apgar scale at 1 and 5 minutes after birth, the maximum score is 10 points. It consists of 5 criteria, each of which is evaluated from 0 to 2 points: heart rate, skin color, respiration, muscle tone and reflex excitability.

The primary toilet of the newborn in the delivery room begins to be carried out as soon as the head has erupted. The neonatologist removes mucus from the baby's oral cavity using suction, then the baby is placed on the mother's stomach and applied to the breast, if the child does not need additional medical care. Early attachment of a newborn baby to the breast is very important, as it helps to establish close contact between mother and baby, the skin and intestines are colonized by a protective microflora, and also stimulates the production of oxytocin in the woman in labor, which helps the uterus to contract.

Then the child is taken to the changing table, where they wipe the generic lubricant from his skin, carry out the prevention of conjunctivitis, weigh, measure, dress and tie a bracelet on the handle, which indicates the number of the birth history, surname, name, patronymic of the mother, day and time of birth.

Many pregnant women are interested in how to dress a child in a maternity hospital? There is one peculiarity: the newborn's thermoregulation center is not yet mature and, under the influence of the room temperature, the child may become hypothermic, so the baby needs to be dressed a little warmer than the mother is wearing, especially in the early days.

Vaccinations for children in the maternity hospital are done by a children's nurse after examination by a neonatologist, the absence of contraindications and the signing of special documents by the mother.

Maternity hospital care

After giving birth, the doctor on duty in the maternity hospital examines the woman in labor, checks the condition of the seams, the size of the uterus, and the condition of the mammary glands. Examination in the maternity hospital is carried out in special examination rooms under sterile conditions after a woman has performed hygiene procedures.

Recently, there is a lot of information about childbirth outside the hospital (at home, in the pool), and there are couples who decide on such risky actions. It must be remembered that the process of childbirth cannot be predicted, and there is always a risk of a situation when the life of a woman and a child depends on qualified medical care provided on time, so you should not endanger yourself and your child.

A maternity hospital is a medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide polyclinic and inpatient care to a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and gynecological diseases, as well as medical care for newborns from the moment of birth to discharge from the maternity hospital. The maternity hospital includes a women's consultation (see Consultation) and inpatient departments, laboratories, treatment and diagnostic rooms and administrative and utility rooms.

The stationary part of the maternity hospital consists of the following mandatory departments and premises.
1. The admission and examination department, which receives pregnant women and women in labor, consists of a reception, a filter, an examination room and a shower. In the admission and examination department, the midwife conducts a survey and examination of pregnant women and women in labor (measuring the pelvis, weighing, measuring growth, determining the position of the fetus, listening to it, etc.), as well as them. From this department, healthy women in labor are sent to the physiological maternity department, and pregnant women and women in childbirth with an infectious disease and suspected of an infectious disease - to the observational obstetric department. From the admission and examination department to the department of pregnancy pathology, pregnant women who need inpatient treatment or hospital stay for preventive purposes, or to clarify the diagnosis, are sent.

2. The Department of Pregnancy Pathology is intended for hospitalization of pregnant women with a burdened obstetric history, abnormal fetal position, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, patients, cardiovascular and other non-infectious diseases. In large cities, some maternity hospitals specialize in providing medical care for any particular type of obstetric and extragenital pathology (for example, miscarriage, cardiovascular diseases, etc.). In the research institutes of obstetrics, specialized assistance is provided to pregnant women and women in labor for many types of pathology.

In addition to the wards, the department has manipulation rooms, treatment rooms, bathrooms, rooms for staff, etc.

3. Physiological maternity ward consists of prenatal wards, birth wards (for 1-2 beds), a room for the first toilet, a small and large operating room with a preoperative and sterilization room; rooms with light and sound insulation for patients or preeclampsia; bathrooms and other premises. The presence of two delivery chambers allows for their cyclical functioning: while one delivery room is full, the second one is cleaned and disinfected. The number of beds in the prenatal wards is approximately 12% of the total number of beds in the physiological postpartum department, and in the birth wards - 8%.

4. Physiological postpartum department consists of chambers for 1-4 beds, manipulation; rooms for expressing and storing breast milk; bathrooms, staff rooms, etc. The total number of beds in the wards of this department is 50-55% of all beds in obstetric departments of the maternity hospital. In addition, 10% of beds (in excess of the standard) are provided for observing the cyclicity of filling and emptying the wards and for fulfilling the sanitary and hygienic regime. This requirement also applies to the observational unit and the neonatal unit. Such a system allows, upon discharge of puerperas, to completely empty certain wards and perform thorough cleaning (washing, irradiation, ventilation, etc.) of both maternal and children's wards. The postpartum woman is in the maternity hospital during the normal course of childbirth and the postpartum period of 7-8 days; her discharge from the maternity hospital with the child is carried out through the discharge room. At discharge, the postpartum woman is given a certificate of the birth of the child, on the basis of which the antenatal clinic gives the woman a certificate of temporary disability for the whole. The maternity hospital informs about each discharged child to the nursery at the mother's place of residence.

5. The obstetric obstetric department is intended for admitting pregnant women, women in childbirth, childbirth and treatment of women in childbirth and newborns who are or may be a source of infection (women in labor with fever, dead fetus, postpartum women with, dead fetus, with skin pustular diseases, etc. .); here, puerperas are transferred from the physiological postpartum department in the event of their illness or the illness of the child. Women are also admitted to the department after giving birth at home or on the road. The department is strictly isolated from other departments and premises of the maternity hospital. It includes: a maternity ward, postnatal wards for 1-2 beds, a maternity ward with a separate external entrance for especially strict isolation of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor or a postpartum woman with a newborn. The total number of beds in the department is approximately 20-25% of all obstetric beds in the maternity hospital.

6. The department for newborns consists of two parts. One is intended for children whose mothers are in the physiological postnatal ward, and the second is for children whose mothers are in the observational ward. Each part is strictly isolated from each other and from the mother's wards and other premises. Separate wards are provided for and children with. It is recommended to have locks in front of the chambers (as a rule, for a group of chambers).

7. The gynecological department consists of a surgical department and a department in which conservative methods of treatment are applied. The gynecological department is completely isolated from the obstetric department, has its own admission and examination section, discharge room and other premises.

The medical staff of the physiological department, the department of pathology of pregnancy, the department of newborn children does not come into contact with the staff of the observational department. All employees of the maternity hospital take a shower, put on a light (not woolen) dress, a clean robe, a hat, and slippers upon entering the shift. In addition to medical work, the staff of the maternity hospital conducts extensive sanitary and educational work among women - they conduct lectures and talks on issues of nutrition for a nursing mother, breast care, sexual hygiene, etc.