What is a girl's front end. Weak to the front

Actually, this is not a work or even an attempt to create one. Just thinking out loud and a desire to hear the thoughts of those who have certainly encountered this topic before.
It was a good company, balanced in its different vibes, and the conversations matched and the speech touched women. How long can it be an hour or two, and suddenly the name of our good friend, and not just an acquaintance, but the wife of our comrade, and, importantly, a very difficult comrade, sounded! The most interesting thing is that it sounded in front of him. Sergei, an ordinary guy, Andrey's driver, suddenly uttered to himself: Yes, of course, she is good, but she is a bitch and weak on the front, not even the right word! Silence was filled with inquisitive glances, everyone looked at Sergei, I could not resist the first: In what sense? Andrei paused stoically. It was evident that Sergei himself was stunned by his words. About two minutes later, Yurok saved the situation, he hunted down some funny and moderately obscene anecdote and translated everyone into a hunting theme. During a smoke break, I asked Sergei without a poster for others: Where does such knowledge come from and why such confessions? He began to deny, they say, he had nothing to do with her and could not be because you don’t fuck where you live! And when he drove her to the shops, she behaved very strange: she put on a mini, I didn't want to, she sat in the back seat in the middle and spread her legs, while her eyes became foggy and oily, and once he caught her in a forest park with a young guard with whom she had sex in the car. Now I didn't know what to say because I had something to remember, but I was puzzled that I was not the only one in this story. Then Yurok came up to me and quietly said in his own way: Honestly, I fucked her too, a first-class bitch, and it turned out simply. I caught her with Kostya and decided to talk to her while Andrei was on a business trip, well, he started up himself and gave her so much that she lay down, and then I got carried away and when I had to, I just strictly reminded her of what could become public and got everything he wanted. There is so much fucking information, but I did not support the recognition of my comrades as my story, we had it moderately romantic and very pleasant ...
And actually all this is a completely ordinary life and not any obscenity. I don't quite understand this expression. So talking about a woman you don't really know? Weak on the front end, how is it for you? Suppose that Seryozha cuts the truth of the uterus being principled and of the type very clever!
And apparently it's kind of bad. So it’s good when it’s strong on the front end or not weak on the front end)! And a certain question is in the air about us dear ones, I can’t even imagine that I have no reaction to a good woman and I don’t need to discuss the concept of a good one, because this is a separate issue that is definitely worth thinking about.
And what, am I weak on the front? Or strong :)? And how is Seryozha? It's funny ... Herds of pretty good and even just wonderful girls, girls, women like him huddle this way and that, and he is flint as at the post number 1! The question comrade Seryozha arises by itself :)! Weak on the front end? Or like: We don't need the sun - the party is shining for us! We don’t need bread - let's work! The late Ahmed also said: Sperm must be protected, it contains all our strength and health and longevity :)! Yes Ahmed, God rest his soul, sperm must be protected, but it is simply necessary to be friends with the head! To be continued

For several centuries, many historians, writers and filmmakers have been savoring and savoring the lack of Catherine II - formally it turns out that the empress was, as the people say, "weak on the forefront." Lovers, or, as they were then respectfully called, favorites, she had for twenty, and, the last, Platon Zubov, became Catherine's lover when the empress was already 67, and he was 22. What can I say? Alla Pugacheva still has room to grow creatively.

I am not an expert in sexopathology, I can only give simple, peasant characteristics in this matter, however, in the sexual life of Catherine II, I am confused by some details incomprehensible to me. Firstly, a number of favorites were not just a number of males for her, but she really loved them, especially in her relative youth. And with the same Grigory Orlov, she lived for 12 years, had a son with him and, continuing to love him, forgave Grigory for numerous betrayals. Potemkin is a separate story altogether, but, let's say, her love for Lansky, who was 29 years younger than Catherine. When Lanskoy died, the empress was so worried that she herself was close to death. Having locked herself in her rooms, she stopped going out and meeting with anyone, and fell into such a deep depression that her comrades-in-arms panicked and summoned Potemkin from the south, who for several months patiently showed miracles of ingenuity to stir up the empress, return her interest in life, and by this force to return to government affairs. Only two months after the death of Lanskoy, Catherine first left her rooms for mass in the church, and only six months later, Potemkin's handsome adjutant Ermolov, attracted by Potemkin for treatment, managed to draw Catherine II's attention to himself as a man.
With this case, it’s still understandable - if ancient old people fall in love with young girls, then why shouldn't the grannies fall in love with young boys? Maybe so it can be.
However, it is completely incomprehensible to me that the favorites also sincerely loved Catherine, as a mistress, moreover, and far from at her young age. Yes, there were favorites who sought money, participated in intrigues, but, for example, the same Lanskoy did not ask for anything from Catherine and did not engage in any politics - he simply loved Catherine, suffering from her betrayals. Or take Zavadovsky, Potemkin's adjutant, whom Potemkin left behind for Catherine in connection with the need to be present in Novorossiya himself. Catherine was 47 years old, Zavodovsky was 10 years younger, but when they parted, Zavadovsky, according to contemporaries, was extremely worried about this separation and did not marry for another 10 years.
The behavior of the actual secret husbands of Catherine II is also amazed. When Catherine, after 12 years of living together with Grigory Orlov and many of his betrayals, eventually lost interest in this husband, it was Orlov who found her a worthy replacement for himself - Grigory Potemkin. Further more. Potemkin, in turn, began to supply lovers to this secret wife of his - all of Catherine's favorites after Potemkin were from his retinue (except for the last - Platon Zubov).
How to understand this?
Be that as it may, but such an abundance of favorites - some of whom simply coveted money, some climbed into state affairs - this, of course, was a drawback of the empress, since the state treasury and public offices are not intended for such purposes.
However, as I once wrote about this, Catherine was a woman with a capital letter (as Suvorov was a warrior with a capital letter). Now such women are very rare, but before there were more of them.
How is this to be understood - who is a woman with a capital letter? This is the one near which a man feels like a Man. And for a man, this feeling is the highest satisfaction, in connection with which, a Woman can inspire a Man to any, even the most difficult and dangerous affairs, and he will be happy that the Woman has entrusted him with these affairs, and that he does these affairs because, that the Woman wanted them. After all, in fact, Catherine's favorites (except for the two Grigorievs - Olov and Potemkin) are, nevertheless, lovers and nothing more. But other men who were not her lovers and did not pretend to do so, for example, all the other brothers Orlov, Bezborodko, Rumyantsev, Betskoy and many others, stood up next to Catherine and were happy to serve her. And these are only Men near Catherine at the throne. And how many people like Suvorov, who occasionally met with Catherine?
I am especially impressed by the Russian fleet of those times. After all, starting from the second half of the 19th century to our time, it is impossible to look at the "exploits" of the Russian fleet (even on its shores) without tears. And then! Alexey Orlov crushes the Turks in the Mediterranean Sea, Admiral Chichagov crushes the Swedes in the Baltic, Admiral Ushakov crushes the Turks in the Black Sea. Where did it come from, if the sailors and officers for the most part were still not sea wolves, but the infantry, of necessity put on ships and had never seen the sea before? Yes, and Admiral Senyavin, who first routed the French on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and then defeated the Turkish fleet in the Aegean Sea, was also from the Catherine era.
It just so happened that it was Catherine who had to do great things, but no matter how strong she was, like a Woman, she was still nothing more than a woman. And for this she was weak, and therefore she needed a man for whom she could hide. This is not about her life as such - she always had enough personal defenders. This woman had to hide behind a man when solving difficult state issues - she needed someone who would take responsibility for finding ways to solve them and would find them. Grigory Orlov, her long-term true love, was a reliable protector of her life, but he was not attracted to a statesman - he was not carried away by state affairs. But Grigory Potemkin turned out to be the one who was needed - he was able to lead Russia and remove from Catherine the headache of the severity of state decisions.

A source:

Now evaluate what this woman has befallen as the head of state.
For centuries, people in our country have been taught that the Turks are a very weak adversary. Yes, this is correct propaganda, it is needed in order not to be afraid of this enemy, but this is propaganda. In fact, this is not the case. And at that time, the Ottoman Empire was a huge and powerful state, occupying almost all the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Peninsula, and the territory in the east up to the Caspian Sea. In the west, the borders of the Ottoman Empire passed at Vienna. Already at the beginning of the 18th century, the population of the Ottoman Empire was estimated at 30 million people, while in Russia, according to the 1719 census, it was only 15.7 million. When Catherine came to the kingdom, the population of Russia (within the boundaries of 1720 according to the 1763 census) was only 21.4 million people.
Prior to that, the Ottoman Empire coped with Russia without problems - in 1711, the Russian army of waters under the leadership of Peter I was defeated by the Turks on the Prut River, the Russian-Turkish war, which Russia waged in alliance with Austria in 1735-1739, Turkey won, depriving Austria Serbia and Wallachia, and Russia had to tear down the fortress of Azov.
And now, during the reign of Catherine, a very successful situation developed in the world - all the then large countries of Europe had unresolved military problems. England, on the one hand, was stuck in a war with the newly formed USA, on the other hand, taking advantage of this opportunity, France and Spain stormed Gibraltar, trying to take it away from England and acquire it into their possession.
Turkey was left without allies, but it was possible to attract Austria to an alliance with Russia. Autonomous Crimea rebelled against its khan - the people of Crimea were tired of strife and turmoil and agreed to become part of Russia, Georgia, having suffered from the power of the Turks, once again asked to join the empire. Well, how it was to miss such an opportunity!
However, how could the woman herself decide to exacerbate relations with the formidable Ottoman Empire, to exacerbate, inevitably leading to war?
But this woman already had a man who was no less a fanatic of Great Russia than the empress herself. Catherine II already had Potemkin, and one could rely on him in this matter - behind his broad back (behind his mind and will) and the woman who managed to become an empress could be calm.
From Samoilov, a participant in the secret wedding of Catherine with Potemkin, information has been preserved - when Samoilov, who read the Apostle at the wedding, came to the words: "May the wife of her husband be afraid," Samoilov did not dare to pronounce them and looked at the empress. She resolutely nodded her head: "Yes, he will be afraid!" She was tired of being a lonely ruler of a huge empire, she wanted to have someone whom she could "fear".
And this touch of Catherine's wedding is hardly a legend.
For many years in a row, Catherine corresponded with the German publicist Baron Friedrich Grimm. In 1785, Catherine wrote to Grimm: “I am deeply convinced that I have many true friends. The most powerful, the most active, the most perceptive is undoubtedly Field Marshal Prince Potemkin. ... and we must give him justice that he is smarter than me, and everything he did was deeply thought out. "
No less interesting is the assessment of Catherine's attitude to Potemkin by his enemy - the last lover of Catherine, Platon Zubov, who thought only about personal wealth and complained that in the place of the favorite only because of Potemkin he did not become twice as rich: “Although I defeated him by half, but I could not completely eliminate from my path. And it was necessary to eliminate it, because the empress herself always went to meet his desires and was simply afraid of him, as if she were a discerning spouse. She only loved me and often pointed to Potemkin so that I could take an example from him. " When Potemkin died, Catherine sadly informed Grimm: "Now the whole burden of government lies with me."
This does not mean at all that under Potemkin, Catherine skimmed her duties as an empress and did not rule herself, leaving Russia to Potemkin. No, she was the empress, and since this Woman was also just a woman, Potemkin was not always easy with her.
Lopatin reports that the memories of Fyodor Sekretarev, the son of Potemkin's valet, have been preserved, made already in adulthood. Ten-year-old Fedya was an involuntary witness to the dispute between Potemkin and Catherine: “The prince struck the table with his hand and slammed the door so hard as he left the chambers that the windows trembled. The Empress burst into tears. Noticing the frightened Fedya, she smiled at him through her tears and said: "Go and see how he is?" And Fyodor goes to the half of Potemkin, who is sitting at the table in gloomy thought. The boy manages to get his attention. “Did she send you?” Potemkin asks. The innocent childish denial, Fedya's words that "she is crying, lamenting that she ought to go to comfort her," at first provoke a harsh remark: "Let her cry!" But soon the prince softens and goes to make up. "
It is also interesting what caused this particular quarrel.
Catherine, herself a German, after Prussia began to mischief Russia in the hardest war with Turkey, hated the Prussians and went with them to aggravate relations, which could end in war. Such behavior of a German woman on the Russian throne is a common thing for Russia, in the history of which there are many cases when foreigners or foreigners became more Russian than the Russians themselves. So, in the case cited, Potemkin demanded from Catherine that she write a conciliatory letter to the King of Prussia and thereby prevent Russia from provoking a war with the Prussians. Catherine, as you can see, refused, and Potemkin insisted like that - until her tears.
And on October 18, 1789, Catherine II wearily wrote to Potemkin: “Try, my friend, to create a useful peace with the Turks, then many troubles will disappear, and we will be respectful: after your current campaign we can expect this. ... I am sending to Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov an order, a star, an epaulette and a very rich diamond sword. Having showered him with diamonds, I think that there will be a kazist. And that there are many parasites, it is true. I have this opinion for a long time. I regret that you are tortured: take care of your health, you know that I and the State need it ... Christ is with you. Be healthy and happy ... We caress the Prussians, what is it like in our hearts to endure their rudeness and curses filled with words and deeds, God alone knows ... ".
And in another letter: "My whole life was devoted to maintaining the brilliance of Russia and therefore it is not surprising that the insults and insults inflicted on it, I cannot endure silently and hide them ...".
Her whole life was devoted to the splendor of Russia ...
And can this be disputed?
Yes, Catherine II had the above disadvantages. But she accepted Russia with 21.4 million people, and before the death of Catherine II in 1796, an audit showed that the population, even within the old borders of 1720, had grown to 29.2 million people, and in general, 37.5 million people already lived in the entire empire of Catherine. million people. That is, over 43 years from 1719, the population grew by 27%, and over 34 years of Catherine's reign, the population of Russia grew by 75% - it almost doubled, and Russia became the largest state in Europe in all respects. And Russia became such not only because of the accession of other peoples to the empire. Despite continuous wars, the number of Orthodox Christians in the empire grew from 20.0 million in 1762 to 30.9 million in 1795. By the end of the empress's reign, even within the old borders of 1720, the number of Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians almost doubled:
- Great Russians - from 11.1 million to 20.1 million;
- Little Russians - from 2.0 to 4.7 million, and taking into account the liberated on the annexed lands - up to 8.2 million;
- Belarusians - from 0.38 to 0.66 million.
Here's a German woman, here's a weak front for you.

in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
, -dka, m. 1. Front part of the crew, sleigh. Sit on p. 2. usually pl. Two-wheeled vehicle for shells and towing ...
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    m. 1) decomp. The same as: forward. 2) a) outdated. The front of the carriage, carts, etc. b) Front wheels with ...
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  • surely in good demand. Only one thing is strange that at the age of 35 he was not married and there is no serious relationship. He explained it this way: supposedly we are strange women, it is not clear what we need, and still the poor handsome man will not meet that one, decent companion of life. He began to show me signs of attention and invited me to dinner. Naturally, I was pleased, I liked him right away and I really wanted everything to work out for us. A decent car drove in for me in the evening, and in the conversation it turned out that he has a large house and an apartment in the center. Well, I think I was so lucky not in terms of being mercenary, but still I was glad that at least one worthy man was found, besides, without bad habits. Invited to the cheapest sushi bar, we usually have youngsters sitting there drinking beer. Well, I didn’t twist my nose, I’m wondering if there’s a problem with finances, the car is not an indicator of it, and you can take it on credit. Okay, we sat and ate the rolls. Then we walked a little and I asked to take me home. Every now and then he strove to hug him tighter, accidentally touch his thigh or put his hand on his knee. Well, a normal healthy man, what did I think so? When they arrived at my house, he hugged me and began to kiss me greedily. Of course he is charming and kisses well and I haven’t had a man for a long time, but still I pulled back, found the strength in myself and went home. Although I wanted to continue, I didn't want to seem available. I had plans for him. The next day he invited me for a walk. I didn't ask where are we going? After all, and so it is clear that the candy-bouquet period should be courtship, flowers, cinema, restaurants, and it all depends on the guy, I won't lead him. In the end, I got ready to put on makeup, dressed nicely and put on good high-heeled shoes. He came to pick me up and drove me around the city, talking about nothing, then he drove me to some wilderness, he says, we'll just talk, hug you so nicely and well. Of course he fucked me right in the car. I am writing and only now I understand what a fool! Never agree to have sex in the car / stairwell, and even worse somewhere on the bench. Never! Don't repeat my mistakes. They will not appreciate and strive for such, know your worth! Know how to say no !! Okay, that was it, I myself got hold of sex and was glad that he was good with him. The next day he invited me over for tea. When I went into the house, I saw women's shoes quite stylish and asked whose? Mom speaks. But his mother is about 60 years old, he has a healthy forehead and, logically, she will not flaunt such heels. She did not wind herself up, although inside something that skipped a beat, it was not pleasant. I began to frantically inspect everything around to see if there were any other women's cosmetics. Found nothing else. The house was not clean. Manly scattered things are not difficult to guess that there are no "women" in the house. But these shoes! When it came to sex, we were in his bedroom on the nightstand, I found the tube of lubricant, it was already empty, but it was still there. So it ended not so long ago. All these moments did their job, I began to suspect that something was wrong. After that night, he no longer invited me to visit. We met for two months, here and there, there really was no courtship and I am ashamed to hint that I am such a person and he was glad. In the end, I got tired of such an attitude, I realized that it was pointless to wait for changes, he just spends pleasant time with me about some kind of relationship and there could be no question. And did not call home because someone was there? I began to dynamite him. He waited a week, another and then wrote that yesterday he had a good rest with beautiful girls. I was so offended. On the one hand, you cannot envy those girls, but on the other, I still expected that he would change his attitude towards me. I didn’t answer anything. He wrote that I was the best, that he had never felt so good with anyone that I was ideal (and I really am quite beautiful, slender, but bad for a trip) called me to the cinema. I think, well, something has changed at least, but I was not drawn to him in a childish way. Waiting for him for a long time arrived late already at the cinema too late says let's go to me. And everything is as usual. Oh yes I forgot gave me a bouquet without tears you will not look at such a laughing stock. Cheaper is not easy to come up with. Well, he doesn’t look like a penniless man, but why are such savings on me? So I am nothing more to him than bedding. I decided that this was the last thing he did and put an end to it until it was finally delayed. He called, wrote, I did not answer for a week exactly and then word for word and I burst through, I told him everything. She said that with him I feel like a bedding that I am not satisfied with such a relationship and he bent his line that if you feel that way, then there are inclinations and that I see, and most likely mercantile. I put him in emergency, there was no strength to read this. In VKontakte, he wrote a status that "a real hunter for wounded game does not chase." It turns out that I am still a wounded game? Well, figs with you. I went to the page with a friend of the questionnaire, they are not familiar, they hid themselves in friends. And I specially liked the photo. He became more active and began to write himself for this questionnaire. He offered to meet me and, what was most surprising, he said that he had recently broken up with a girl and was now looking for a new relationship (I didn’t count on this status) with such an attitude towards me and from my behavior it was clear that everything that moves was fucking. I scored on him completely, but all the time I was waiting for him to call from another number or write at least in VK, he knew my page. None of this happened. I made a new acquaintance to distract myself, this time I did not sleep with him, I was already afraid to jump into the bed. Just walking, going to good places, it was fun with him and he did not insist on sex. And I still remembered my asshole and I was drawn to him all the same and it was enraged that he did not write, but I myself was not going to humiliate myself. As a result, I put a photo on the ava with a new gentleman. And then it began! He announced. Oh, where are you with him? In such a diner? That he has no money for normal business? What is he wearing? Well, she was a sucker. I understood that whatever one may say, it just hurts him and wrote nasty things about him before. And from that moment on, he began to write every minute that I was so cool and that he remembered about me all this time and gave me different advice. But more sarcastically about the boyfriend. Began to call in the cinema (yeah, I think they already went like that) began to call in a cafe. I refused referring to being busy and supposedly there was no need for a new boyfriend fight. And he started up and started up like a drowning man grabbing at straws. It amused me so much decided to take revenge on him even so)) will write what you are doing? I am writing having sex. What have you tried? I say no. I still have a couple)) and he ooo yes you are weak on the front like everyone else.) I write free I do what I want. He wrote a lot and tried to sarcast and offend, as if everyone was using you and it’s not difficult to fuck you at all. And why did I go over the ears about the s / o? And I am writing this has been cute for a long time! Now what does it matter? He tells you, as children, to make allowances for the lack of logic .... (I didn’t write to him anymore. I like him. But I don’t want to be his bedding anymore. Judge for yourself, nothing good will come of it. I’ll endure better, but I’ll never be so low behave brrrr: (((I wrote here the delirium of a madman, but maybe someone reading it will not run into such an asshole, or having the skill and head on his shoulders will put him on his knees and make him look after and love ... But I could not ...