Day of the medical worker: the history and traditions of the holiday. Medic's Day - the history of the holiday When do we have Medic's Day

The medical profession is one of the oldest in the world (Photo: Dmitry Kalinovsky, Shutterstock)

Eternal feat - he is on your shoulder,
Your hands are sleepless and holy.
I want to bow low to you
People in white coats.

Music by E. Kolmanovsky,
words by L. Oshanin
"People in white coats"

Every year on the third Sunday in June


Kazakhstan, Moldova and

According to a long tradition, they celebrate

Medical Worker's Day

(Medic's Day).

The basis for celebrating this professional holiday is the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days", as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 9724-XI of November 1, 1988 "On amendments to Legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorable days. And this tradition continues today.

The profession of a doctor is one of the oldest in the world, and at present it is in demand literally everywhere. Each of us at least once in our lives turned to the doctor for help and treatment. Indeed, even at the very beginning of a person's life - at the birth of a baby - doctors are directly involved. And modern healthcare and the efforts of doctors are aimed not only at treating diseases and maintaining human health, but also at its development.

The editorial board of the "Calendar of Events" project sincerely congratulates medical workers and veterans on their professional holiday. We are grateful to you that in the most difficult moments you come to the rescue and save our lives. We wish you even greater responsibility, cordiality and indifference to patients.

Other holidays in the "International Holidays" section

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Day of the medical worker in numbers

Day of the medical worker in other calendars

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Russia

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Ukraine

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Belarus

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Armenia

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays of Kazakhstan

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See all related holidays from the section "Medical holidays" The holiday is represented by:

There is no more honorable work in the world,
Nobler and more important!
A life saver is a paramedic
He heals ordinary people.

I wish you good health,

Strong nerves, a lot of strength,
personal happiness, good luck,
Faith, courage, love!

Diagnoses - accurate, anamnesis - quick,
Actions of confident, correct thoughts,
More patients are very grateful,
Colleagues to experienced, not mediocre.

And the cardiograms are not straight, but in a zigzag,

Go through life so that you have a victorious step,
High salaries, career growth,
To achieve everything with inspiration and simply,
Without tachycardia up to climb,
And donors of happiness so that you do not need.

Work with a smile, with normal pressure.

And be in excellent physical shape.
Thank you for your work, thank you for being!
Happy Medic Day! Medicus medico amicus est!

Happy Medical Day, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of my own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude of people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

People in white coats ... bow to you,
For sleepless nights, works.
For the lives saved once,
For saving someone's dreams!

Your work is important and very much needed by everyone,

After all, without you, a person is nowhere.
May earthly blessings come to you,
Trouble is on the side!

Health workers, angels of God,

Many lives are in your hands.
May the Lord grant you health
Happiness, joy, all the best!

On Medic's Day, we sincerely wish:
Let gratitude flow like a river to you,
And even for many more years
This work remains the best.

We wish to cope once or twice

With any problem, no matter what happens,
So that in your life more than 10 times
Goodness, love and happiness appeared.

There are many doctors in the world
But I confess - you are from God!
To you, a good doctor,
I will take care of all ailments.

Taking the Hippocratic Oath

And faithful to her very holy,
Feel free to treat diseases
There is no better profession.

I want to wish you

Avoid all diseases
And good health, strong
All of us to please steadily.

Your hands are golden

A lot of people were healed.
My bow to the ground to you.
Happy Professional Day!

Who proudly bears the title of "medic",
He deserved respect.
Let the sun shine brighter in life
There is enough strength for everything.

Let the profession bring

Prosperity, joy and success.
Let all questions be resolved
Bosses appreciate it the most!

When you hear "Be healthy!",
You immediately remember the doctors.
Those who rush to help us,
Whose advice is always ready.

Wearing white coats

Nice guys.
Anatomy - on the "five"!
We will congratulate them.

In general, magicians of medicine,

Like an injection of penicillin
We will write a prescription for you.
And it is not more wonderful:

Ten drops of kindness

twenty drops of beauty
For a glass of happy life.
Stir until thick.

So that everything is fine -

Out of luck powder,
A spoonful of good health
We add with love.

A spoonful of sweet love

To seethe in the blood.
Mix everything well.
Take daily.

Good for health.

What else have we forgotten?
They took a spoonful of medicine -
We start the procedure.

Bitter, small

medical salary.
So that she grows faster
We add yeast.
It will be fluffy, it will be sweet.
You will be all right!

Your work is not more important in the world!
Profession - from ancient times and forever.

After all, everyone knows, both adults and children,

That the doctor is the most important person!

Sincere congratulations on the Day of the Medic.

We want you to always be lucky in everything.
We wish you warmth and prosperity
Go forward, to spite everyone's illnesses!

Happiness, peace to your families,
Good, sincere friends,
unlimited luck,
Bright and good days.

Grateful patients

And health to you,
Lots of happy moments
And all the best. Hooray for doctors!

Wish you good health
Very important and honorable.
For all the doctors myself
Ten grams will accept willingly.
For such a holiday
And Doctor's Day - once a year,
Here is what I wish again:
You are very lucky!
Who about what - I'm talking about one thing:
Joy, good luck in everything,
You will have everything in a bundle!

The Day of the Medical Worker (Day of the Medic) in Russia is traditionally celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. In 2019, it fell on June 16th. The editors of the site will talk about what kind of holiday it is, about its traditions and signs.

About the holiday

The day of the medical worker was established by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days” (approved by the Law of the USSR of October 23, 1980, as amended on November 1, 1988 with amendments and additions). Since then, it has been celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June. In addition to the Russian Federation, on the same day it is celebrated in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Medical workers include: a doctor, a paramedic, a nurse, a nurse, a medical officer, a nurse.

The holiday has several variants of the name: Doctor's Day, Doctor's Day, Doctor's Day, Medical Worker's Day.

Holiday traditions

On the day of the medical worker, it is customary to gather at the festive table. As a rule, on this day, the first persons of the state, officials of the Ministry of Health, and the administration of medical institutions come out with congratulations. On the Day of the Medical Worker, the best employees are awarded certificates and valuable gifts. In addition, patients also give various gifts on this day. Medical students have a tradition of filling glasses with alcohol.

Conferences, seminars, congresses of scientific communities are held on the holiday, where the latest achievements in the field of medicine are shared.

Signs of medical workers

  • Change shifts or replace someone - to a difficult working day.
  • A bird beating through the window of the ward is a harbinger of the death of one of the patients.
  • Shifting from one bed to another - for long-term treatment.
  • A chair overturned in the ward - to a new patient.
  • A fallen medical history is a complication.
  • The last night shift before a vacation is usually the most difficult.
  • You can not sleep in socks on duty, otherwise they will wake you up.

The art of healing has been known since time immemorial. Healers, healers, chiropractors, healers, doctors, doctors - they all helped a person in the fight against ailments. No wonder the medical profession is recognized as one of the oldest, and, no doubt, the most useful. The whole life of a person is closely connected with a good doctor. Even in this world we come under the supervision of a doctor, and if trouble happens, a disease comes, a person in a white coat sometimes becomes the main support.

The profession of a doctor is necessary, it is in demand literally everywhere: both in work and in sports, even the skilled hands of doctors work on our appearance. Medical science has achieved undoubted success: diseases that have claimed thousands of lives have been defeated. But, alas, nature presents new surprises: new viruses appear, new types of diseases appear. And again, doctors and medical scientists come to the rescue: they investigate the disease, look for new vaccines, analyze new methods of treatment.

But here's what's interesting: the profession is ancient, and doctors have found their professional holiday quite recently (especially in comparison with the experience of healing itself).

history of the holiday

In 1971, at the initiative of the World Health Organization and the International Organization "Doctors Without Borders", the International Day of the Doctor was established. And only after 10 years in the Soviet Union, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On holidays and memorable dates", the doctors of our country finally received their professional holiday. By the way, this day, both then and in modern Russia, is celebrated more widely than International Doctor's Day.

When fifteen sovereign states appeared on the map of the Soviet Union, the Day of the Medical Worker, established in 1980, did not lose its relevance. In Russia, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia, people in white coats still accept congratulations on the third Sunday of June.

In 2018 Medical Worker's Day Russia notes June 17. Unlike many professional holidays, this day is remembered not only by those to whom it is addressed. Even the healthiest person cannot say that he has never seen a doctor. What to say about those for whom the doctor is the only hope? People in white coats help us cope with the problems that we mindlessly give to ourselves.

Medical Worker's Day, like many professional holidays in our country, does not yet have special traditions. Of course, on the eve of the holiday, ceremonial debriefing, concerts are held in medical teams, and government awards are presented at a higher, state level. Grateful patients also do not forget to congratulate their kind medical angels on this day. Warm words and flowers of former patients probably mean no less to doctors than certificates of honor.

Well, the holiday itself - Sunday - is most often celebrated in the circle of relatives and friends, because those who face pain every day need to replenish their spiritual strength and receive their portion of love, respect, gratitude.

Our friendly team with pleasure and endless respect for the upcoming holiday - the Day of Medical Workers! The medical profession is without a doubt the most humane. This title requires not only the deepest professionalism, but also self-denial. To these wonderful, selfless people, our sincere warm wishes of all the best.

There is one special profession that accompanies every person throughout his life - this is the profession of a medical worker. Doctors and doctors are nearby when we are born, when we get sick in childhood, adolescence and during the rest of the time allotted to us, when our grandchildren ... We trust them with the most valuable thing that every person has - life and health, therefore it is not surprising that one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in Russia is the Day of the Medical Worker.

What date is Medical Day in 2018

This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, for example, in Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Kazakhstan, etc. But in each country, the date of the celebration varies. In Russia, Medical Worker Day is traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of June. In 2018, the holiday falls on June 17.

history of the holiday

For the first time in our country, the Day of the Medical Worker was celebrated in 1980. Then, back in the existing Soviet Union, they approached the problems of the health of the nation responsibly and, of course, respected and honored those who help maintain this health. After the collapse of the USSR, Medic's Day migrated to, emphasizing that the importance of the profession has not fallen, and society still treats workers in this area with great reverence.

Traditions of celebrating the Day of the medical worker

Perhaps, this holiday in the Russian Federation has gained a very impressive fame, which can only be compared with Teacher's Day, for example. It is not surprising that it has acquired a considerable number of traditions, which we are in a hurry to tell you about.

1. Traditionally, on the Day of the Medical Worker, the results of the work of hospitals, teams and individuals working in this field are summed up. As a result, the most conscientious, professional and responsible medical workers are identified, who receive encouragement and gratitude marks from respected people.

2. Doctors on their holiday accept well-deserved congratulations and courtesies from colleagues, patients and family members.

3. Everywhere there are conferences, meetings and meetings aimed at highlighting the problems of medicine in society. As a result of such events, there are patrons who want to help some medical institutions, volunteers and other people who can be useful in this area.

4. The Government of the Russian Federation also encourages individual employees and even entire teams on this holiday with prizes, thanks, diplomas, etc.

Congratulations on Medic's Day - video

In June, Russians celebrate Medical Worker Day, which falls on the third Sunday. This year, the holiday will be celebrated on June 17.

But, not only Russia celebrates this day, but also other CIS countries: Belarus, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan. However, not all countries have this holiday on the 17th.

This holiday is common and is dedicated to all workers in this field, from the paramedic to the surgeon, from the head physician to the nurse. Doctor's Day is celebrated by everyone who is related to medicine, we will not list the full list of professions, since it is very wide.

On this day, it will not be enough to say thank you to the professionals in white coats. It expresses respect and recognition of the merits of those who daily save lives, protect against diseases, help restore the joy of life and self-confidence and their own strengths.

The history of the holiday

This holiday has been included in the list of professional holidays in modern Russia since Soviet times. The first time the Medical Worker's Day was celebrated in 1980, when a special holiday was actually established for medical workers, the Therussiantimes website reports.

After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday migrated from the Soviet past to the present. In 1991, the President signed a decree on the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days.

Traditions of the Medical Worker's Day

This holiday can be called the most formalized professional holiday in the country. It is dedicated to summing up the results in the field of medical care, encouraging distinguished doctors, and voicing the main problem of medicine. By this day, they always try to coincide with various meetings, conferences, meetings and round tables where doctors gather.

As a rule, on this day, the Regional Administration holds solemn awards for outstanding physicians. This list may include not only heads of departments, but also ordinary ordinary doctors and nurses. The most distinguished representatives of this profession are awarded with certificates, diplomas, memorable prizes. The heads of each medical institution are trying to write out monetary incentives and bonuses to their employees.

On this holiday, everyone tries to congratulate each other and say a lot of pleasant and warm words. If it is not possible to do this in person, then you can use the phone or leave your congratulations on the website of the medical institution.