For the tone of the face that you need. An even complexion without foundation! folk recipes. Video: Whitening Facial Scrub Mask

It is clear that healthy skin will always look beautiful. But perfect face only rare lucky women can boast. However, don't despair if your skin has some imperfections. Knowing some secrets, you can make the tone of your

Skin cleansing

Before you know how to do even tone the person you need to pay attention to This stage is very important to eliminate deficiencies. Dry and flaky skin will not be hidden by any, even professional makeup... Therefore, you need to take care of the removal of dead cells and hydration.

Secrets of a flawless make-up

Facial alignment involves right choice suitable shade cosmetics. After all, if the tone is chosen incorrectly and imposed inaccurately, then the makeup will not be perfect. The main thing is that you look as if there is no makeup on your face - this is the secret of natural female beauty.

The importance of regular exfoliation

If you do not take care of daily or at least weekly cleansing of the skin surface, then there is nothing to think about how to even out your complexion. Skin without this procedure will look unhealthy and dull. And unhealthy with a yellowish tinge makes you several years older.

If you do not remove dead cells, then the tone will go unevenly, the moisturizer will not be absorbed as needed, and the makeup will look sloppy. Before you need to use scrubs. V beauty salon for this purpose, they make beta-alpha hydroxy acids or cleanse the skin surface with other special means.

Face preparation

As already noted, before applying a foundation, it is imperative to take care of moisturizing, since foundation lies better on properly prepared skin. Experts recommend using moisturizers with an SPF filter of at least 15.

After cleansing and moisturizing the skin surface, you can proceed to the next step - distribution tonal basis... The product must be applied to problem areas that need adjustment. Basically, this is required by the T-zone - nose, forehead and chin. Next, you need to hide redness, defects and For this, a creamy concealer is used. The corrector is applied to the skin under the eyes or to any problem areas to hide. Remember, the concealer does not smudge, but is easily hammered into the skin with your fingertips.

Professional advice

Even if you don’t plan to use eyeshadow on your eyelids, do not forget to apply foundation to their surface. This must be taken into account before even out the tone of the face. Many women have noticeable bluish streaks on their eyelids, which are easily hidden with the help of a tonal foundation.

After applying a special toning agent to the surface of your face, it may seem to you that the skin has acquired a slightly painful pallor. If so, then give the face more natural look you can use cream blush, bronzing powder. You can use these two tools at the same time.

Powder is needed to fix the result, but it is not necessary. If you prefer wet makeup, then this step can be omitted. As a result of these rather simple procedures, your complexion will be fresh and natural, and in order to look attractive, it will be enough to do minimal makeup... WITH perfect color on the face, it is enough to tint the eyelashes a little and apply gloss on the lips, and you will look fantastic.

Uneven skin color, pigmentation and other spots on the face, acne marks and small scars always spoil appearance, and I want to quickly give the face a beautiful, even tone, and the skin - radiance. In the publication, we will talk about how to even out the complexion at home and in a beauty salon, consider cosmetics and makeup techniques to create a perfectly even complexion. And let's start with the issue of skin health, because, first of all, the appearance depends on it. skin.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for a perfect complexion

The perfect complexion is an attainable goal. Today there is big variety folk recipes for an even complexion, salon procedures, and also as an express method, you can use decorative cosmetics and, with the help of makeup, achieve an ideal even complexion. However, all these procedures will have a temporary effect if the cause of skin irregularities is not eliminated. various spots and rashes. Often reasons uneven tone faces are commonplace: bad habits, unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, neglect of rest and excessive stay in the sun. By changing your lifestyle, you can achieve a healthy, even complexion without resorting to additional procedures to level the tone.

The first condition for beautiful skinabsence bad habits ... As long as there is a regular poisoning of the body with nicotine or alcohol, the skin will not be able to look healthy. In addition, it is worth remembering that there is no instant restoration of the skin immediately after or exclusion from life. alcoholic beverages... It will take time for the body to cleanse itself of accumulated harmful substances and began to work fully again. The sooner the intoxication of the body stops, the faster the restoration of the epidermis will begin.

You need to pay special attention to your nutrition... The condition of the skin depends on the products that we eat. Complexion is no exception. Improper nutrition affects gastrointestinal tract, and diseases associated with, affect the complexion. As for specific food products, the tone of the face is negatively affected by the use of smoked meats, sausages, canned food, fatty mayonnaise, hot spices, chips and other fast food, fried food, carbonated drinks. .png "alt =" (! LANG: Junk food" width="450" height="450" data-srcset=" 150w, 504w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

In pursuit of a perfect complexion, consume as little sugar and salt as possible, and drink at least one and a half liters per day. pure water... Have more vegetables and fruits on the table. Best helper in achieving an even complexion - watermelon. For a healthy smooth skin vitamins are also needed, especially A and E. They are found in eggs, pork liver, nuts and oatmeal. Drink natural juices instead of soda. .png "alt =" (! LANG: Natural juices" width="450" height="244" data-srcset=" 768w, 1017w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Another enemy of an even complexion is over-influence. ultraviolet. Sun rays dry the skin, make it thinner, and in the case of sensitive skin ultraviolet light penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and leads to the formation dark spots, which are not easy to get rid of. When sunbathing on the beach or in a solarium, always use quality and carefully selected for your skin type.

For a healthy complexion, you must also sleep at least 8 hours a day, regularly visit fresh air, move and protect your nerves from overload. Very beneficial effect on the skin tone of the face physical exercises... During active movement of the body, blood circulation in the body improves, tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients, as a result, the skin acquires a healthy, radiant appearance.

Proper skin care for an even skin tone

To keep your skin healthy and even, you need to take proper care of it. The stage of full-fledged cleansing skin, otherwise you will not be able to get the perfect complexion. Cleansing should be done every day, regardless of the use of cosmetics.

One to two times a week are needed additional procedures for a more thorough cleansing of the skin: exfoliation or deep cleaning s to completely remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Home peeling can be performed with all kinds of scrubs with a whitening effect, so you get a double effect at once: cleanse the skin and even out the complexion.

In addition to cleansing, do not forget about moisturizing and nutrition the skin of the face. This should be done regularly. You can use purchased cosmetics, or you can independently prepare formulations for masks, tonics, lotions, creams from natural ingredients... Both finished products and funds homemade should include components for leveling the tone of the face. We'll talk about them a little later.

Do not leave makeup on your face overnight. High-quality make-up remover will allow the skin to rest during sleep and start own processes restoration of a healthy complexion.

It is worth taking seriously the choice of decorative cosmetics, they should suit your skin type and not contain harmful components, which in themselves can spoil the tone of the face. If you cannot choose cosmetics on your own and your face tone continues to upset, visit a beautician who will diagnose the skin and advise on what to look for when buying.

Folk remedies for leveling skin color

Folk remedies are the cheapest, but very effective option achieve an even complexion. The choice of home remedies for smoothing complexion is wide enough, it remains only to choose the right option:

  1. Among effective ways improve complexion takes pride of place badyagi mask... This remedy is sold in any pharmacy and is great for cleansing the face and getting an even skin tone. It is recommended to do masks with a badyag before going to bed. They are especially relevant in spring and summer, as they help to eliminate traces uneven tanning and increased pigmentation caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The recipe for the mask is simple: badyagi powder should be mixed with boiling water until you get a mass of thick sour cream consistency. Next, apply the mass to the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. The mask improves blood circulation in the epidermis; on sensitive skin, the composition can cause tingling sensations. After the mask, the epidermis will turn red, this effect will disappear after a few hours. After the mask, a moisturizer is applied. Remember to do an allergy test before using new products. .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Badyaga" width="450" height="335" data-srcset=" 573w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  2. Cucumber mask brightens the skin and evens out the complexion. To prepare it, you need to grate a cucumber (if the seeds are large, they must be removed), add potato starch and stir until smooth. Apply the composition to problem areas or the entire face, keep for at least 20 minutes. Then you should remove the mass from the face with a napkin, wash with cool water., And apply nutritious cream.
  3. The perfect complexion can be obtained with carrot mask ... From grated carrots (1 pc.), 1 yolk (preferably quail) and oatmeal (1 tsp), you need to prepare a homogeneous mass, hold it on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cool water.
  4. Toning mask for the face from a mix of watermelon, melon and honey is able to give the skin an even tone. You need to take all 3 ingredients in equal proportions (pre-knead the watermelon and melon and drain the liquid), mix well and apply on your face. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse.
  5. Banana and strawberry mask will refresh the complexion and strengthen the capillaries (suitable for rosacea). Mash half a ripe banana with a fork, add 1 tbsp. l. natural yoghurt no dyes, 1 drop lemon juice and 3 strawberries (mash or rub on a fine grater). Mix the resulting mass and apply on the face. Rinse off after 20 minutes.
  6. Effective celery mask with a brightening effect. 100 g of leaf celery must be chopped to a puree, add a quarter teaspoon. lemon juice, mix and keep on the face for no more than 15 minutes.
  7. Do not lose popularity and flax seed masks... A gruel of flaxseed broth and a spoonful of oatmeal is applied to the face for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm (not hot!) Water.
  8. For oily skin can be cooked tincture of pharmaceutical herbs on alcohol. You need to take in equal proportions sage, parsley, linden and oak bark (5 g of each herb in dried form), pour alcohol or vodka (250 ml), place in glass containers and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. The resulting composition can be used to wipe your face every day. As a result, inflammation and acne will go away, the complexion will become even, and the color will be fresh.
  9. Well proven use case decoction ice medicinal herbs - calendula, sage, yarrow - to wipe the face. The procedure not only helps to return healthy color face, but also invigorates and tones the skin. .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Herb Ice Cubes" width="450" height="304" data-srcset=" 768w, 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  10. Lighten and even out the tone of the face will help whitening scrub... To prepare it, you will need 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. bran, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice and a few drops essential oil lemon. All ingredients are mixed, the mass is applied to the face and the skin of the face is massaged with light movements of the fingers. The composition should be held on the skin for a few more minutes and washed off.

Make-up and perfect complexion

You can temporarily even out the complexion with the help of decorative cosmetics. This method will not solve the main problem, but it will allow you to mask defects and look perfect.

Recall that to create perfect tone face with the help of makeup, the skin should be well cleaned of dead particles that are formed during natural process renewal of skin cells. As a result, the epidermis grows dull and looks painful and tired. Regular exfoliation will remove the layer of keratinized particles from the face and prepare the skin for a complexion-smoothing make-up.

Before starting to apply the foundation, it is recommended to moisturize the skin of the face and wait 10-20 minutes for the cream to be well absorbed.

If there are defects on the face in the form age spots, traces of acne, scars and small scars, red spots, dark circles under the eyes, as well as manifestations of rosacea ( vascular network), you need to mask them with a corrector or concealer, depending on the purpose.

Corrector has a dense structure, sometimes different colors(green, orange, purple, etc.), is used to mask redness, rosacea, dark circles under the eyes, age spots and acne. Currently released for problem skin, with their help, you can also achieve therapeutic effect... You need to apply the corrector before the foundation, pointwise, only on problem areas, gently driving it in with your fingertips or a sponge. You cannot rub in the corrector.

If salicylic acid is present in the corrector, it is undesirable to apply it to the area around the eyes.

Concealer apply after applying the foundation. It only happens flesh tones and allows you to hide the unevenness of the skin, as well as give the desired shade and radiance to the face. It smoothes out wrinkled areas, making them less visible as a result. Use concealer to lighten or darken separate zones face or even out the complexion as a whole.

As tonal basis can be used different means: creams, mousses, powder, etc. For dry skin, creamy products are suitable, for oily skin it is better to use powder. When choosing a foundation, you need to carefully select the tone, it should ideally match the tone of your face.

You should also apply a thin layer of foundation over your eyelids, even if you don't plan on using eyeshadow. As a result, the blue streaks on the eyelids will disappear and the tone will be the same as on the rest of the face.

After applying the foundation, the complexion becomes uniform, but "flat". To give the face volume and healthy look, then apply cream blush or some bronzing powder. You can use regular blush as well, but only if you know how to shade it correctly. To apply powder, use a fluffy brush, which you need to go over the forehead, nose and cheeks.

You can fix makeup powdery applying it all over the face thin layer... However, this is not required. Further, if you wish, you can start with eye makeup or simply tint your eyelashes.

To learn how to create a perfectly even complexion with cosmetics famous brands, watch the video:

There are also special creams to even out complexion. They not only moisturize and nourish the skin, but also fight against different kinds spots: freckles, age spots, redness. Among the most popular products are GreenMama and Lumene Arctic Aqua creams.

Salon procedures: aligning the color with a beautician

If you decide to seek professional help and go to a beauty salon, you will be offered the following hardware procedures to even out your complexion:

  1. hardware method cosmetology, which allows you to get rid of age spots, small scars, scars, post-acne. The old cells are destroyed by the laser, the division of new ones is activated. As a result, the complexion becomes more even and natural. The advantage of the procedure is that it is almost completely painless.
  2. Cryomassage will help eliminate the problem of post-acne, traces of acne, normalize work sebaceous glands and reduce the oiliness of the skin, narrow the pores on the face. The procedure is carried out liquid nitrogen, in one session, the skin is affected several times.
  3. will free the skin from keratinized particles, improve blood circulation in the cells, as a result, the dull complexion will revive, the skin will become more elastic.
  4. Microdermabrasion is a kind mechanical peeling... To eliminate age spots and blackheads, 2-3 sessions are enough. If the tone of the face is spoiled by scars, the course will be about 10 procedures.
  5. Oxygen treatment is carried out by introducing a substance into the skin cells that replenishes the lack of oxygen in the tissues. Injections improve metabolic processes in the epidermis, dissolve small scars, enhance tissue regeneration, as a result, the face tone is evened out and acne rashes disappear.

The advantage of hardware salon procedures for smoothing the complexion is a deeper effect on the epidermis, as a result of which the very causes of uneven facial tone are eliminated. However, one procedure cannot achieve the result; you will need to go through a whole course.


Thus, achieving a beautiful, even complexion is not so difficult, there is a wide variety and folk methods, and salon treatments to even out skin tone. In addition, for a temporary effect, you can use high-quality makeup that can give the face perfect shade... But it is always worth remembering that the diet and many habits often lead to irregularities on the face, dull color, acne and other skin problems, so you need to start with a lifestyle correction, then the rest of the remedies may not be needed.

It has long been noted that an even complexion and smooth skin look much more attractive than a layer of makeup. So long ago that this masculine remark gradually began to find a response in the feminine sense, and the fair sex seriously thought about how to make the perfect face tone. Without makeup, to look flawless and fresh at any time of the day and in any circumstances. Or using makeup when you need to make especially vivid impression... But a perfectly even complexion, one way or another, became one cornerstone, on which the quality of all makeup and the image as a whole depends.

Professional make-up artists can make the perfect tone of any face, even if the skin has noticeable imperfections without makeup. But how often do we find ourselves in the hands of such experienced specialist? Most of the time, day after day, women have to do their own makeup. Let this not be an evening and not an idle visage - daytime look requires even more attention in tone. Therefore, we suggest that you make the perfect complexion in two steps: first, tidy up the skin ("prepare the canvas"), and then learn how to select and apply tonal means and makeup ("paint the perfect face").

Problem skin: why is it so difficult to achieve the perfect complexion?
A perfectly even complexion is the goal of all girls without exception. But in reality, we are all more or less far from this ideal. For some, it is enough to even out the complexion, others are more worried serious problems with skin. The most common causes of uneven facial skin tone are:
In the first four of these cases, you can improve your complexion on your own, even at home. But if there is even the slightest suspicion that a bad complexion is caused by an illness, give up amateur performance and immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist, and then doctors with narrow specialties, to whom he will refer for a detailed examination.

How to make the perfect complexion without makeup?
After carefully reading the above reasons for a bad complexion, you probably have already found the answers to most of the questions yourself. Indeed, it will not be possible to create the perfect complexion until you solve these problems. You need to start as soon as possible, and here are the steps:
This information should become your immutable rules for life. Or at least as long as you want to keep perfectly level and beautiful colour faces.

How to make a perfectly even complexion?
Let's assume that you follow the rules of skin care in a disciplined manner. But even the most diligent woman is not able to completely change her lifestyle, especially if it includes the need to live in a large dusty city, enjoy by public transport and eat groceries from the supermarket. It is not at all necessary to urgently move to the farm and take sunbathing after 9 o'clock good sleep in the hayloft. It is enough to take regular care of your face:
How to get the perfect complexion: makeup
Make-up is the easiest way to achieve a perfect complexion. Her main drawback- temporary effect, not decisive the real problem uneven skin tone. But to create impeccable image you should be able to create the perfect tone with makeup:
To make the perfect complexion is possible only with solid, basic products. Decorative cosmetics can only create the illusion of an even skin tone, and even then not for long. A well-groomed girl should be able to do everything: both maintain a healthy complexion and mask cosmetic imperfections. Love yourself and take care of the freshness of your skin, then you can make the perfect complexion with just a few strokes of the brush.

Perfect face makeup and even skin tone are every girl's dream. Agree, this is even more important than eye makeup! Disguising imperfections correctly and discreetly helps to draw attention to your merits, for example, great deep eyes or beautiful form lips. So what should you do?

Step 1: moisturize your skin

In no case should you neglect this stage! Only on well-hydrated and nourished skin will the tone lie evenly. Otherwise, there is a chance that decorative cosmetics will emphasize the slightest peeling and will be poorly distributed.

Apply a suitable, not too greasy moisturizer and wait a little while it is absorbed.

Step 2: Degrease your skin

Even if your moisturizer is light enough and you've waited long enough after applying it, it's best to play it safe and degrease your skin. This can be done by wiping your face with a tonic or thermal water... This step is necessary so that the decorative cosmetics do not roll off.

Step 3: apply primer

A make-up base is what will ensure the durability and flawless application of the foundation, especially for problem skin! The base helps the tone "adhere" to the skin, fills in pores and unevenness. If you need additional hydration, then you can choose a primer with this property, and if you need skin color correction, choose a colored primer (green against redness, lavender against age spots, pinkish against dull color faces). In addition, the make-up base performs protective function, creates a barrier between pores and makeup, and often has SPF filters.

Use your fingertips or brush to spread the primer all over your face.

Step 4: apply foundation

How to apply foundation correctly? It all depends on desired result and the characteristics of your skin.

  1. If the skin is flaky, apply the tone with a flat brush.
  2. If you have enlarged pores, apply the tone with a flat brush, sanding.
  3. For a light and invisible finish, use a duofiber brush or damp sponge.
And one more secret: to always get the perfect tone, buy two shades of your favorite product - lighter and darker. They can be mixed and matched to your skin color, which changes throughout the year.

Step 5: apply concealer

An under-eye mower has a lighter texture and does not dry out, while a concealer specially designed to mask imperfections on the face, on the contrary, is denser. This is why you need to use different products - one to mask pimples and redness, and another to hide the bruises under the eyes.

If the local problems are serious enough and the tone with the concealer does not cope, try using color correctors. Peach or salmon will perfectly cover the bruise, and green will neutralize the redness from the pimple. Concealer must be applied before tone or concealer.

Step 6: use powder

Face powder doesn't have to be coated. If the density that the foundation gives you is enough, use simply transparent powder(it is also called transparent or colorless). You need it to set your makeup and keep it all day long.

Love yourself and everything will work out! And in order not to forget useful tips, you can download instructions on how to achieve the perfect face tone in PDF format.

Hello dear blog readers. We'll talk today about how to even out your skin tone. Gray, earthy skin, age spots, pimples and circles under the eyes do not add charm and charm to any girl at all.

But what to do if the long-awaited date is ahead, important meeting or a job interview where you need to make a lasting impression?

The answer is simple - to urgently get rid of imperfections and minor defects. Effective methods a lot, so read on and choose the one that suits you best.

Cosmetical tools

If you need to become irresistible in just a few hours, decorative cosmetics will be the best helper. Only the effect of its use is short-lived, and it is not able to thoroughly solve the problem.

The first and most important rule is to prepare your face before applying makeup.

Study the main stages carefully and enjoy the magnificent transformation:

  • wash, cleanse your face with foam, milk or scrub;
  • blot the skin, apply a moisturizer, wait 5 minutes until completely absorbed. You can use a base matched with an ultraviolet filter, which is 15;
  • use a primer. It visually smoothes the skin, hides minor imperfections and wrinkles. There are nuances here too. For example, a matting agent will help prevent oily sheen, a shining primer will make the face more rested and well-groomed. A moisturizer will remove peeling, green will mask red spots, and lilac will normalize the shade earthy face... Therefore, choose a primer depending on the problem you need to solve. After using the product, wait 2-3 minutes;
  • apply. It will make the skin monotonous, hide enlarged pores and dryness. You can go for a little trick and correct the oval. For this light shade the funds must be applied to the central part of the face, and dark tone distribute pointwise to the sides and under the cheekbones. Blend the borders with a brush;
  • use a concealer to mask age spots and acne. The product requires a point, dosed application, so be very careful;
  • apply highlighter to the most high points cheekbones, above the contour upper lip, with a thin stripe on the nasal bridge and dotted in inner corners eye.

Now you have an even, radiant, but rather pale tone. Finish off with a bronzing powder across the cheeks, forehead and nose, and then apply a little blush from the center of the cheeks to the cheekbones. Fix perfect result powder. Admire own beauty and try not to ruin everything with an inept make-up. With such perfect skin it is enough to apply a little mascara, a light eye shadow and lip gloss on the eyelashes.

Tip: If you want to even out your complexion without using foundation, just skip this step.

Use a color-correcting primer, a long-lasting concealer, or a blur effect. They smooth the skin, mask enlarged pores and reflect light, hiding all imperfections.

Remember the main thing: all good things should be in moderation. Use a minimum of masking agents, otherwise turn your face into an unnatural and tasteless mask. But this is absolutely not what we need.

It will be useful to purchase special serums. The action of the concentrate is aimed at removing toxins, stimulating cell renewal, improving blood circulation and smoothing the skin tone. They effectively lighten the pigmented areas, smooth out the microrelief, get rid of the “senile” complexion, and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Cosmetology procedures

Professional cosmetologists also offer a lot effective methods how to even out skin tone. If you are used to trusting specialists, feel free to contact a beauty salon or private clinic... Here will pick up effective procedure, which will eliminate exactly your defects.

And before that, you can prepare and carefully study what services are offered by qualified cosmetologists:

  • chemical peeling... Removes dead cells through various acids. It allows you to get rid of age-related pigmentation, freckles, acne scars, and shrink pores. The procedure stimulates cell division, increases the production of its own collagen, improves tone;

  • diamond peeling. Removes age spots, acne and acne, old scar tissue, fine wrinkles and tightens pores;

  • cryotherapy. Allows you to get rid of papillomas, warts, acne, allergic rashes, wrinkles. Brightens the skin of the face, eliminates laxity, improves blood circulation and improves skin tone;

  • biorevitalization. Eliminates wrinkles dull skin, dryness, rosacea and age spots. Slows down the aging process, restores tone, elasticity and normal moisture balance in cells.

Important: you do not need to choose the procedure yourself. The cosmetologist will do it for you. Having determined the type of skin, its condition and the main problems that need to be solved, he will select the correct and most effective method.

Grandma's recipes

If a beauty salon cannot afford it, the complexion can be evened out at home.

Carefully study how to even out the skin tone of your face and what products you need to use so that the skin shines from the inside, is perfectly smooth and delights with its natural shade:

  • pour ice into one vessel, add lavender or mint broth... Pour hot water into the second bowl, drip a small amount of citrus ester or grate lemon zest. Wet cloth napkin v icy water and apply to your face for a minute. Then moisten another cloth in hot water and cover your face. Repeat the steps for 10-15 minutes. Contrasting baths will even out the complexion and smooth out fine wrinkles;
  • combine 5 grams of chopped parsley, linden blossom, oak and sage bark. Add a glass of vodka, close the container, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Wipe your face with the resulting tincture;
  • grind the cucumber on a grater (remove the seeds beforehand), add 5 grams of starch. Spread the mask over the skin and let it sit for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water, apply a nourishing cream;
  • combine the same amount of watermelon and lemon juice, add half a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face, let stand for a third of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Homemade recipes can even out your complexion without the use of cosmetics.

Remember: folk remedies can cause allergic reaction so be sure to test it by applying it to the inside of your wrist.

If within 15 minutes did not appear discomfort, itching, burning and small pimples, you can begin to improve your skin. Do not forget that for healthy and beautiful skin, you need to drink more than 2 liters of water per day. It is not superfluous to add lemon or cucumber juice to it. Learn to eat the right foods. Seafood and dairy products, tomatoes, carrots, plums, spinach, pumpkin and papaya have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

And you definitely need a deep, seven-hour sleep. Without it, the skin will sag, lose freshness, and under the eyes they will fall dark circles.

Take good care of your skin, glow and enjoy life.

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