The ancient secrets of homemade foot ointment. DIY foot cream. Homemade foot cream recipe

A person's name is an integral part of the culture to which he belongs.

Therefore, it is interesting for us to know by what people this or that name was created, in what way and when it came into Russian culture, who was called by this name ...

Our ancestors believed that each word carries a certain charge of energy, and the naming of a person truly possesses magic power... This is due to the fact that each of us hears his name dozens of times a day, and, therefore, has its meaning a huge impact on our behavior, mood and hobbies.

Name Victoria - female version named Victor, borrowed from Latin and going back to the word "victory" meaning "victory, winner".

Victoria is the name of the Roman goddess of victory; in ancient Greek mythology, Nike corresponded to her. The Romans highly respected the Victor: temples were built in her honor (a temple on the Palatine), an altar in the curia of the Senate, erected under the Emperor Augustus, was dedicated to her. Her image was present on the coins of the empire for several centuries, she was portrayed as the personification of the emperor's victory in hostilities.

V christian calendar there is no name for this pagan goddess. However, the church traditions of Catholics and Protestants do not require the name of a newborn to be linked to a specific saint, as is customary in Orthodoxy. In addition, in Europe, a child is often given several names. Therefore, situations arose when one of them was not a church one, so it was with the name Victoria. It became widespread in the West, however, only in the upper strata of society: among the dukes, barons, royal dynasties. The most famous bearer of this name was Queen Victoria of Great Britain. She had such a significant impact on the country's foreign and domestic policy that not only the era of her reign is called Victorian, but the signs of that era, for example, in architecture and sculpture, are called Victorian style.

Among the famous owners of this "divine" name in the 19th century are Princess Victoria Melite, daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, as well as Victoria, daughter of King Frederick III of Germany.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the name Victoria was very rare, in Russian literature it was found as a name the main character novels by A.V. Amphitheatrova "Victoria Pavlovna". In the post-revolutionary period, the composition of names, especially for women, changed significantly: it included a large number of new, mostly borrowed, names. Then the girls began to be called by the name of Victoria, however, mainly in cities. The form of the name, similar to the form of our original names, made it possible to form diminutives from it, as a result the name became familiar.

Today it has steadily entered the Russian nomenclature and since the 60s of the 20th century has been in the top ten most frequent female names, and parents are happy to call their daughters this ancient noble name. Now the bearers of the name Victoria are warmly and affectionately called by relatives and friends Vika, Vita, Vitochka ...

Sources: Petrovsky N.A., Dictionary of Russian personal names. Selishchev A.M., On the origin of Russian surnames, names and nicknames. Superanskaya A.V., The structure of a proper name. Orthodox calendar.

Patron planet of Victoria: Mars.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Victoria: purple, symbolizing an astute and ironic mind, a penchant for science and art.

Victoria's favorite color: Orange.

Victoria stone- talisman: amber.

History of the name Victoria

The name Victoria, derived from male name Victor, translated from Latin means "victory".

Roman mythology borrowed the image of the goddess of misfortune Victoria from the Greek, where she, the daughter of the titan Pallant and the oceanid Styx, was called Nike and was considered one of the incarnations of the goddess Athena, to whom the temple of Nike on the Athenian Acropolis is dedicated. Her statues in the form of a winged maiden with a laurel wreath descending from heaven were erected in honor of victory in the war, in sports and art competitions. A sculptural image of Nika of Samothrace has survived to this day. In Rome, a temple on the Palatine and an altar in the curia of the senate, erected under Emperor Augustus, were dedicated to Victoria. Victoria was depicted on coins of the times of the empire as the personification of the victory of the sovereign in the war.

The meaning of the name Victoria

As a child, Victoria is sometimes somewhat slow. In games, it can be a ringleader. For a long time she does not want to learn to read, asks her parents to read to her. At the same time, she is calm, balanced, silent, and can sometimes withdraw into herself for no apparent reason. When Victoria is silent, one gets the impression that she is angry about something, while she just watches and listens. She has huge internal reserves. Perhaps sometimes she lacks a little self-confidence.

Victoria has an analytical mind, which gives her the opportunity to patiently delve into the details. Of all the professions, she will most likely choose the one that does not require communication with people and where the final result depends solely on herself. With pleasure, Victoria takes on the role of a housewife, although with appropriate external data she can become a photo model or a fashion model.

In love, Victoria can be sentimental and indecisive. She usually chooses a life partner for a long time, and after marriage she sometimes continues to have doubts about the correctness of her choice. Sensitive, considerate husband will help her gain confidence in her abilities, after which she will literally transform. Victoria just needs someone to rely on, a person who would help her create a reliable and comfortable family hearth... Victoria is worthy true love and happiness. She is caring and honest.

Vika is an earthly person, she does not hang in the clouds. She is sociable and simple. Often she is able to share and approve of your ambitious plans, if they are devoid of material underpinnings. Victoria does not lend and does not ask for it herself. Vika often condemns people, although she herself is not perfect.

Victoria works honestly and diligently. Her profession can be related to medicine, and Victoria can also be a musician.

According to numerology, the name Victoria corresponds to the number 5, indicating spiritual freedom and independence of action. Victoria values ​​the acquired and accumulated experience more than advice from the outside. Loves travel and adventure.

Victoria's symbols are cedar, mimosa and bumblebee... The patronage of the cedar gives Victoria straightforwardness, pride and optimism. Unaware of the danger and being not prudent, Victoria, fortunately, has the gift of easily getting out of unforeseen situations. The mimosa flower that patronizes her is different increased sensitivity... Victoria has a habit of sacrificing herself.

Famous in Victoria history

V modern history famous Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, the last representative of the Hanoverian royal dynasty, she is the brightest representative of the name Victoria. She came to the throne in 1837 at the age of 18. Her reign lasted 64 years, and during this time Queen Victoria deserved sincere respect all his subjects. The years of her reign have been called the Victorian era, although she did not shine with any special talents. The secret of her success was that the queen had learned well the main rule of constitutional rule: to achieve peace in the country, one must "reign, but not rule." Queen Victoria has given control to her ministers. For almost a century, Great Britain did not wage major wars, which allowed all attention to be paid to internal affairs: invent new and improve old machines and mechanisms, erect beautiful buildings, take care of the upbringing and education of the younger generation. Therefore, the British remember with extraordinary warmth about Victorian era as a golden age in the history of England. In honor of Queen Victoria, the land in East Antarctica, discovered by an English expedition in 1841, was named. On the world map, there are many other places bearing this name: the island and city of Victoria in Canada, the world's largest Victoria Falls on the African Zambezi River, Victoria in Australia, Victoria - the capital and port of the Seychelles, Lake Victoria and the Victoria Nile River - in Africa.

Victoria Fedorova - film actress, starred in the film "Crime and Punishment"; daughter of actress Zoya Fedorova.

Victoria Radunskaya is an actress of the Taganka Theater.

Victoria Lepko - actress of the Maly Theater, starred in the film "I'm Going Into a Thunderstorm".

Viktoria Tokareva is a writer, playwright and screenwriter, scriptwriter for the films Gentlemen of Fortune, The Lost One, Mimino, directed by Georgy Danelia, as well as for the film The Dog Walked on the Piano.

It is no secret that all kinds of means are used to maintain beauty - from folk to high-tech. But in addition to being beautiful, I really want to be healthy, and for this, at least, I want to use less of all kinds of chemistry. Including in cosmetics... But now for some reason more and more often it turns out that everything that is natural is immediately very expensive. Therefore, I want to share a recipe for a cream for heels and feet - which is both inexpensive and effective, and there is little chemistry))

To create our cream we need:

Calendula ointment (20g)

Vitamin A oil (10 ml)

Lavender essential oil

Calendula ointment quite viscous, well applied, and also very useful. It has anti-inflammatory, reparative and antiseptic effects. These effects are due to the rich content of substances (flavonoids, saponins, tannins, organic acids, vitamin C and others), which enhance granulation, improve epithelialization, and increase local defense mechanisms. Perfectly promotes the healing of small wounds, cuts, cracks.

Vitamin A (retinol) - promotes the regeneration of the epithelium, regulates metabolic processes in the skin, has a significant effect on tissue respiration. It is also used to activate the processes of healing and tissue regeneration, to treat wounds, ulcers, burns, frostbite.

EO lavender - can be used to treat any skin. It destroys pathogenic microbes, normalizes sebum production, helps tissue regeneration in places of microscopic cracks, abrasions, helps smooth the skin after acne has healed. At inflammatory processes you can treat the affected areas. Helps to strengthen vascular wall... Under the influence essential oil lavender improves blood flow in the capillaries, eliminates inflammation, irritation, flaking.

I use small proportions of the ingredients for the cream so that it does not spoil - since there are no additional additives for storage in it. Such a jar is enough for me for 1.5-2 months of use every evening. Stored in the bedside table.

If your heels are in a very poor condition, then after applying the cream, we put small plastic bags and socks on your feet for 1.5-2 hours. Just to care for the heel legs - we smear them before going to bed small amount cream (it is very greasy and spreads well).

Here is such a cream I make and use for my heel legs - and they are in excellent condition, and I am happy))) Maybe someone else will come in handy