Christmas tree on the wall of tinsel and garlands. New Year's wall decor in the form of a festive tree. Christmas tree made of wood, branches and boards with your own hands

In 1700, by decree of Peter the Great, the celebration of the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1. Since then, a decorated spruce has become an invariable attribute of this holiday. In addition to a beautiful New Year's tree, hand-made Christmas trees can become an interior decoration. This article will look at several master classes on how to make a Christmas tree from tinsel with your own hands.

wall decoration

The holiday is just around the corner, and the dimensions of your home do not allow you to put a forest beauty at home. What to do? Dont be upset! The tree can be hung on the wall. It will give you a festive mood and will not take up much space.

To create a wall composition, you will need:

  • green tinsel;
  • power buttons;
  • various decorations according to your taste.

The process of making a Christmas tree from tinsel is quite simple. At the intended location of the composition, you need to make a sketch in the form of a Christmas tree with a simple pencil. Then paste over the outline of the sketch with tinsel.

In order not to spoil the wall, it is better to do this with the help of power buttons.

Decorate the Christmas tree as you wish.

If you want to make such a composition more fluffy, then it is better to use a frame. The second Christmas tree will be made of tinsel and drawing paper. To make it, take:

  • Whatman;
  • Tinsel;
  • Glue gun;
  • Decorations;
  • Scissors;
  • Simple pencil.

Here everything is also quite simple. On a piece of drawing paper, draw the outline of the future Christmas tree. Cut it out. Using a glue gun, fill the entire space of the painted Christmas tree with tinsel, starting from the outline. Decorate the finished Christmas tree to your liking. The advantage of such a Christmas tree is the possibility of its reusable use. You can fix it on the wall with the help of buttons.

outdoor herringbone

If you suffer from allergies and can't afford to put a live Christmas tree at home, use the following workshop to create an unusual artificial Christmas tree.

For work you will need:

  • Several sheets of whatman paper (their number depends on the desired size of the product);
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • A simple pencil and rope;
  • A lot of tinsel of the desired color;
  • Hot glue;
  • Decorations.

First of all, you need to make a base in the form of a cone. Glue the sheets of paper with adhesive tape or glue. Use a pencil and string to draw a large circle on them. Using the diagram below, make a conical base.

When the base is ready, you can start decorating it with tinsel. It must be glued to the paper base using hot glue or PVA glue.

The finished Christmas tree needs to be decorated with Christmas toys. A small Christmas tree made of tinsel and paper can decorate a window or a New Year's table, and a large one can be used as a full-fledged artificial Christmas tree.

creative solution

If you want something unusual, try making a Christmas tree out of tinsel and wire. Guests will look at such a Christmas tree for a long time and be interested in your creative idea. To make a Christmas tree you will need:

  • About a meter of thick wire;
  • Hot glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Thin tinsel;
  • Styrofoam cone of the desired size;
  • Decorations.

The most convenient way to make such a Christmas tree is with a foam cone. Take a cone and wrap it with wire. Make coils of the size you need. Using hot glue, secure the tinsel to the wire frame and start winding it onto the wire blank. Follow this operation to the very tip of the wire, gluing if necessary. Decorate the finished Christmas tree as you wish. Such an unusual solution can serve as an excellent decoration for a table or a festive corner, as well as a very creative gift.

And you can bring even more creativity into the house and make a floor composition in the form of a wire Christmas tree.

Gift for a sweet tooth

What's a holiday without sweets? Please your favorite sweet tooth with an unusual gift - a Christmas tree made of tinsel and sweets.

At the heart of such an unusual craft is a conical base. It can be purchased at art and craft stores. These cones are made of foam, they are very light and stable. And you can do it yourself. Just fold a sheet of cardboard into a bag, secure with a stapler and cut off the excess at the base of the cone.

The foundation is done, you can get to work. For crafts you will need:

  • The base of the conical shape;
  • Scissors;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Candies.

Start the work from the bottom of the cone. Lay double-sided tape in a circle and fix the tinsel on it.

Glue the second row of tape and fix the candy on it. Then again a row of tinsel. Fill the cone to the very top.

A sweet Christmas tree made of tinsel and sweets is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

A small selection of videos will help you create even more beautiful Christmas trees from tinsel. Enjoy your creativity!

An interesting and unusual design solution for the New Year is a Christmas tree on the wall. It rightfully leads the list of the most creative Christmas trees, because it has a lot of advantages: it does not take up much space (which is especially important for small apartments), it does not require daily cleaning of needles, it can be hung even in every room!

The easiest and most effective way to make a Christmas tree on the wall is to hang a garland in the shape of a green beauty. In addition to the garland, such a Christmas tree can be decorated with bows, stars and toys. By the same principle, instead of a Christmas tree from a garland, you can make a Christmas tree from tinsel.


A Christmas tree made of branches is a great option for extraordinary personalities who do not want to go beyond tradition. It is very easy to make such a Christmas tree. To do this, you just need to find spruce branches that are suitable in size and carefully fix them on the wall of the room in the shape of a Christmas tree. For such a Christmas tree, both branches from a real tree and artificial ones are perfect.

You can decorate the resulting Christmas tree with tinsel, bows, Christmas decorations and garlands. It is best if the Christmas decorations are made of lightweight, unbreakable materials.

A Christmas tree made of paper looks very creative on the wall. It can be done both at home and in the office.

First, make a base out of a sheet of cardboard. Then cut the sheets of corrugated paper with a fringe. You should have enough fringe paper so that you can cover the entire Christmas tree. Glue the paper to the base from the bottom up. You can use double-sided tape by gluing it around the perimeter of the base. For the barrel, also use cardboard or foam. It also needs to be pasted over with brown corrugated paper. Use adhesive tape to glue the trunk to the Christmas tree and fix the entire structure to the wall.


For a Provence-style interior, a wall-mounted Christmas tree made of wood is perfect. If you find one long enough plank and several short ones, then it will not be difficult to build such a Christmas tree. Well-chosen decorations for the Christmas tree will make it stylish and beautiful.


You can use special stickers in the form of a Christmas tree. These stickers can be found in supermarkets or specialty decor stores. A variety of stickers will help you choose a Christmas tree for any interior.

An original Christmas tree made from children's hands - what could be sweeter to a parent's heart?

In fact, making such a Christmas tree is very simple. To do this, you just need to cut out a stencil from thick paper in the shape of a palm and use this stencil to start cutting out palms from colored paper.

The tree can be made plain or multi-colored. In addition, you can write a wish on each palm, or rather, under it. You can make hand shapes of various sizes and arrange them in layers - a layer of small, a layer of large palms.

A Christmas tree on the wall is a worthy alternative to the traditional approach to Christmas decorations. Create a Christmas tree with your own hands, and let it create a festive magical mood for you and your loved ones!

The Christmas tree is the most important and favorite attribute of the New Year. A beautifully decorated tree fills the apartment with a magical atmosphere of celebration and comfort. But what to do if there is simply no place in the house for this New Year's decoration?

In this case, the "House of Dreams" advises not to be upset, but simply hang the Christmas tree on the wall. Moreover, given that the coming year of the Horse is especially favorable for creative and creative individuals, the wall-mounted Christmas tree can be made from the most unusual materials.

Wall Christmas tree made of fir branches

For those who love innovation, but do not want to go beyond the traditional canons, the best solution would be to hang a Christmas tree made of fir branches on the wall. Such a New Year's miracle is made very simply - just pick up the right amount of small spruce branches and fix them on the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree. In this case, you can use both live branches and branches of an artificial tree.

You can decorate this New Year's symbol in the same way as a traditional Christmas tree - using your favorite toys, bows, tinsel and. The most important thing is that Christmas decorations are light and preferably not breakable.

In addition to homemade compositions, today there are ready-made analogues of such jewelry. An artificial wall-mounted Christmas tree will be an excellent attribute of the holiday for several years in a row.

Artificial Christmas tree wall

Christmas tree from a garland on the wall

We all remember from childhood how, on the eve of the New Year holidays, assembly halls in kindergartens and schools, in addition to the most evergreen beauty, were decorated with wall-mounted garland Christmas trees. A Christmas tree on the wall, made of a garland, will become a real symbol of the upcoming holiday for the child. In addition to the garland itself, the wall can be decorated with Christmas toys, beads or bows. To add even more entourage to the decor, you can pre-draw the outline of the Christmas tree with chalk, and then hang the garland itself on it.

If a Christmas tree on the wall from a garland seems to you not the safest decoration for a child, try to make an analogue of the New Year's beauty from tinsel. A tinsel Christmas tree can also be decorated with various toys, beads, pictures, etc.

Christmas tree painted on the wall

What child doesn't love to draw? There is no doubt, allowing the kid to draw a Christmas tree right on the wall, this New Year's decoration will be remembered by him for the rest of his life. Of course, the creation of such a decor is possible only if someone in the family has good artistic abilities. But you can simplify the work, for example, by drawing only the outline of the Christmas tree, and then decorating it with a garland or beads. Or use special ones for drawing.

Christmas Tree Wall Stickers

If staining the walls with paint seems unacceptable to you, a good alternative to a hand-drawn Christmas tree will be various New Year's stickers in the form of a Christmas tree, which today you can easily buy at any decor store, stationery store or in special New Year's departments of supermarkets. These stickers do not leave marks on the surface of the walls at all, since they are attached using a special safe adhesive. It is noteworthy that a huge assortment of New Year's stickers will help you choose a decoration for absolutely any interior.

Christmas tree on a wooden wall: an original solution

In principle, a do-it-yourself Christmas tree for placement on the wall can be created from almost any material. It all depends on personal preferences and, of course, on the interior of the room. For example, or a wooden wall Christmas tree will perfectly complement. If the house has one long wooden plank and several small ones, it will not be difficult to build a Christmas tree from them. Having picked up suitable decorations for such a composition, the Christmas tree will become not only original, but also stylish.

Christmas tree from boards and garlands on the wall photo

It's even easier to make a Christmas tree with a few pieces of wood. It is enough to attach them to the wall horizontally, creating an outline of the Christmas tree, and then decorate with a bright garland and toys.

Christmas tree from a garland and dry branches photo

You can also make a wooden Christmas tree from large chips or from circles from logs, laying them out in the desired shape.

In addition to the fact that such decorations look original and unusual, they will surely bring happiness in the New Year, because the element of the next year is a tree.

Christmas tree on the wall made of unusual materials

A few years ago, Sydney-based designer Briar Stanley presented his unusual creation to the world - a canvas on which a variety of objects (keys, photographs, wooden spoons, drawings, etc.) are laid out in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Based on his work, you can create your own wish tree. The most important thing is to decide what you most want in the New Year - meet your love, get a new job, have a baby, etc. - and choose the appropriate characters.

A similar magic Christmas tree can be created from existing toys. It is only necessary to correctly combine them in size and shape, so that, in general, the composition resembles a Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree cut out of colored paper or looks very beautiful on the wall, and in order for it to acquire its own special decor, it is enough to decorate it with beautiful toys or appliqué.

And lovers of unusual solutions will surely like a Christmas tree made from disposable paper cupcake tins.

In addition to paper, it is quite possible to use fabric, such as felt or organza, to create such an ornament. Unusual fabric Christmas trees will look great in the bedroom or in the children's room.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest ... And let it grow further. In order to celebrate the New Year, it is not necessary to cut down a living tree. It is much more reasonable to create a symbol of the new year on your own from improvised means. Moreover, for the Christmas tree you need to free up a separate corner in the room, constantly sweep out crumbling thorns. For a wall model, all this is not required. Only a little imagination, improvised means and desire.

In the first case, the Christmas tree is simply painted with oil paint on a pallet. A few nails, toys, an asterisk on top, and an unpainted wooden lattice turn into a symbol of the New Year.

Nails come in handy here too. You need to drive them directly into the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree, and then pull the knitting threads onto the resulting metal frame. Then you can decorate with toys to taste or give an impromptu Christmas tree to the children. Let them hang Kinder toys and candy wrappers on it.

A few wooden slats, nails, a luminous garland, and quite a pretty Christmas tree looms on the wall.

For those who have no time to bother with the design of the wall, you can lay out books in the closet in the form of a Christmas tree.

And again a ball of thread. This time it is taped to the wall and decorated with New Year's cards and paper figurines.

If children's toys are lying around the house, you can attach them to the wall in the form of the same Christmas tree.

Every housewife will surely find paper molds for cupcakes. But a Christmas tree from these molds will not be found in every home.

The same Christmas tree, only laid out from cash tapes. Looks truly impressive. Worth a penny.

Very often in garages or closets you can find fragments of wooden rulers that have failed.
If you nail them on the door in the shape of a Christmas tree, you can get a good New Year's decoration.

The shelf in the shape of a Christmas tree looks quite original. You can put together (however, as well as decorate) it yourself.

In the children's room, you can stick paper decorative balls in the shape of a Christmas tree on the wall. And you don't need to decorate. Wall application will look bright.

Probably, this is what the wall tree looks like for the most patient people. Indeed, in order to cut out so many fragments from paper, one desire is not enough. It takes a lot of time, effort and patience.

It is much easier to draw the outline of a Christmas tree on the wall and glue a paper garland to it. Moreover, this design looks no worse than the previous one.

What could be more original than a Christmas tree from the rulers? Only a Christmas tree made of wooden clothespins, on which you can hang both New Year's gifts and glass balls.

Or you can just lay out a Christmas tree on the wall from a luminous garland. Both bright and beautiful.

It's hard to surprise us these days. So the tree on the wall is no longer news to anyone. And most importantly, this original idea is a great opportunity to place the main symbol of the new year in your apartment, even for those who have a small apartment. In general, the original Christmas tree on the wall is beautiful and comfortable.

From what and how to make a winter beauty on the wall with your own hands, see below.

Wooden Christmas tree on the wall

In fact, everyone can make a Christmas tree on the wall, there is nothing difficult about it. And most importantly, depending on your preferences, you can make an unusual Christmas tree on the wall that will delight you!

For those who love natural textures, I advise you to make a Christmas tree on the wall from wooden sticks. Wooden sticks can be tied together with a bright dense thread close to each other (and, of course, decorated with a garland and toys).

Or tie them at a greater distance and with a fishing line that will be practically invisible. Or stick wooden sticks (branches) to the wall, for example with double-sided tape.

And by the way, you can move away from the traditional decoration of the Christmas tree with a garland and toys, and take and, for example, paint the branches, as shown in the photo below.

And you can make a no less original Christmas tree on the wall from even rails. And as it should be with the trunk - it also turns out quite nice and beautiful. And another good idea is to make it from round saw cuts of branches, logs.

Wall Christmas tree in the style of minimalism

A Christmas tree made from one thing looks quite impressive: purely from a garland, painted or from toys. Such stylish minimalism.

You can even use boxes with cute mini gifts (it will turn out almost like an advent calendar).

In addition, Christmas balls are more suitable for this idea than anything else. See for yourself in the photo below. It turns out a spectacular wall tree. Which is sure to surprise your loved ones. Make such a Christmas tree from Christmas balls over some locker or chest of drawers and it will be convenient to put gifts on a shelf.

Speaking of shelves, you can make a Christmas tree from shelves, put photo frames on them, put mini gifts, etc.

In general, shelves are a godsend, you can make a Christmas tree from shelves in the corner, or you can put a Christmas tree out of books on a rack, etc. - let your imagination run wild.

In addition, you can combine the above methods: drawing + garland + toys = a very beautiful and unusual Christmas tree.

I also like using regular yarn. We glue a woolen thread (or any other dense thread - so that it can be seen) to the wall with colored tape, glue toys with the same tape - a mega simple and original way to make a Christmas tree on the wall.

Another easy way is to stick regular stickers. By the way, such a Christmas tree can be made not as the main hero of the occasion, but as a reminder board, so as not to forget anything when preparing for the new year.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of fabric

If you have children, you simply must take advantage of the following idea. True, for its implementation will have to work a little. You will need felt or some other fabric. It will be necessary to cut a Christmas tree from green fabric, sew toys. You can attach finished toys with double tape or French pins. Of course, you can use ordinary toys too.

Of course, this kind of “toys” for children can be easily bought in the store, and there are not only fabric ones, but also cool fridge magnets: a Christmas tree and toys for it, or wooden ones: lace-up Christmas trees or puzzles.

Continuing the theme of creating a Christmas tree from fabric, we can advise you to order photo printing on canvas. Stretch the fabric with the image of the Christmas tree on the frame, hang it on the wall and decorate. It turns out almost a living Christmas tree, but so compact.

The previous option will require money, in addition, you will need to find a company that will print. Therefore, I hasten to show you another wall-mounted Christmas tree made of fabric. To create it, you will need cardboard and lycra. From cardboard, you need to make “lenticular” ribs, which are then wrapped with lycra, and a garland is placed inside.

At the top, build a star out of wire and also cover it with lycra. By the way, the body of the Christmas tree itself can be made of thick wire.

If you find such a wall-mounted Christmas tree too simple / dull, decorate it with light, translucent snowflakes.

Well, for those who do not want to mess around for a long time, the next Christmas tree made of fabric will do. You need a piece of green fabric (the more you take, the bigger the tree will be), attach it to the wall and form a triangle. Then just decorate to your liking.

Wall Christmas tree from improvised materials

In general, of course, a Christmas tree on the wall can be made from any materials at hand: toys, keys, brooches, gift boxes, photographs and even mugs. Anything your heart desires! The main thing is to do it in a good mood. It will turn out homely, “cozy” - a New Year's beauty saturated with your spiritual warmth, and not a single store tree can be compared with this.

If the walls allow, you can carefully stick strips of electrical tape or adhesive tape on them - you get a nice neat Christmas tree. Below is a version of the "desktop" Christmas tree, which, moreover, does not take up even a centimeter of workspace. What you will notice is very convenient.

In a similar way, you can make an unusual Christmas tree in the entire wall. In addition to strips of electrical tape, add tinsel to it, and attach a thread with clothespins or paper clips, on which you can later attach family photos.

If your walls are covered with wallpaper, then, of course, it is sacrilege to glue adhesive tape or electrical tape on them, of course, if you do not plan repairs after the new year. And so you can make a similar wall Christmas tree with photos from a garland, which you can attach to the wall using stationery studs for fastening. Then you can attach photos to clothespins for your pleasure.

And you can make a beautiful wall Christmas tree from slats and wire. From the rails, you need to make an elongated triangle (contour) from the wrong side, attach the wire to the brackets as shown in the photo. And again, you can cling photographs to the wire on clothespins. It turns out a beautiful wall tree.

By the way, this idea is cool in itself, but you can transform it a little and you will be able to make just a magical hero of the occasion with your own hands! You will need boards, again you need to make a triangle out of them, but this time (as you can see in the photo below), it will be “voluminous”. Carnations need to be driven into the front surface, on which you can then hang an electric garland or any other, toys, photographs, etc. whatever your heart desires. It turns out unusual and very beautiful.

Of course, now you can even buy a Christmas tree on the wall in the store - ordinary stickers or some more interesting options.

Nevertheless, to be honest, in my opinion, as I wrote above: not a single store-bought beauty can be compared with a Christmas tree made with love.

However, as they say, there are no comrades for taste and color! Choose what you like and have a happy new year!