If a child has a big temperature what to do. High temperature in a child and cold limbs: what to do? What is dangerous high temperature? When and why reduce temperature

High temperatures in a child often causing parents by surprise. When the baby becomes weak and hot, climbs to mom on his knees and pressed against the chest, all the receptions of first aid weathered from the head. Mom begins to stupidly rush around the apartment, call "knowledgeable people" and convulsively rummage in medical directories about the health of children.

Memo to first-aid to a child with high temperatures.

  • If the temperature does not exceed 38 ° C, and the child normally tolerates it, then the antipyretic means do not need to give. The fact is that at elevated temperatures the body is more effectively fighting with infection, therefore, without much need, it should not knock it down. The exceptions are those cases when the child suffers from a neurological disease (consists in accounting from a neuropathologist) or it just heavily tolerates the temperature - then it is necessary to give the antipyretic means, starting from 37.5 ° FROM.
  • If the temperature rose above 38 ° C - It is necessary to give a child to the antipyretic, recommended by the doctor (children's Panadol, Effergangan, Nurofen). For completely small children, it is better to use a cure for candles, older kids can be given a drug in the form of a syrup. In no case do not use aspirin! Aspirin in viral infection (in children up to 12 years) can cause a dangerous complication - Reia syndrome.
  • Be sure to call the doctor to determine the cause of the temperature lift. Mark the symptoms that are accompanied by an increase in temperature - runny nose, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the head, in the abdomen, rash, etc.

For cramps

  • If the child has seizures or temperatures exceed 40 ° C, urgently call "ambulance", and then give it to the child the antipyretic.
  • Try to lay a baby in bed. Read the interesting book to him, look at the cartoons, play quiet games. Although it is best that the baby has slept, rested, gained strength.

Child Care with Temperature

  • Feed the sick babe is recommended easily digestible food. Temporarily eliminate meat (especially roasted), oily, sweet and canned food.
  • Child a lot - then the toxins formed in the process of viruses in the process of viruses are "washed out" from the body. It is best - warm tea with lemon, raspberry, warm milk with honey (if there is no allergies). It is very helpful to the fruit, compotes, juices containing vitamin C. Also mineral water, grain ragners, fruit teas.
  • Regularly ventilate the room and, if possible, moisturize the air. To this end, you can put a 3-liter jar with water and hang a wet towel. The air temperature should not exceed 20-21 degrees.

How to wear a child

  • No need to wear a "one hundred clothes" baby and overjoy it. These measures can lead to a thermal impact if the temperature rises to a dangerous level. Dress the sick child is easy, cover with a diaper or a light blanket so that the warmth goes unhindered.
  • You should not wipe the child with vinegar, alcohol, or fold cold heels. Alcohol absorbed very well through the skin and can cause poisoning of a children's body.
  • If the elevated temperature holds more than 3-4 days after the start of treatment, it is necessary to repeat the doctor to correct the treatment.

Accompanied by increasing temperature. In turn, it causes panic from parents. Especially if the child is still very small. Temperature may increase even in case of changes in weather, fatigue or stress. Before giving him antipyretic drugs or apply other ways to knocking down degrees, it is necessary to determine the cause of the heat. In some cases, you need to immediately call a doctor.

What is the normal temperature of the child

In adults, the body temperature is considered to be 36.6 ° C. Unlike, they have a normal temperature in children ranging from 36-37 ° C. Breast children have an increased temperature by an average of 0.3-0.4 ° C. During the first three months of life, the body temperature of the kid depends on the external environment, from sleeping a child. Daily oscillation within 0.6 ° C is considered optimal. For older children, there should not be exceeded 1 ° C for a day. Up to 5 years, a child can increase the temperature to 37 ° C. In the absence of cough and cold, this is not considered a deviation from the norm. Emerriate it in the morning after the child woke up, a little half a bed. Most likely everything will be normal.

Temperature measurement is carried out using thermometers. They are mercury, electronic and infrared.

Mercual thermometers are more accurate. The measurement error is 0.1 degrees. The measurement is made in the axillary depression for 7 minutes or the rectum for 5 minutes. This thermometer is dangerous in that it contains mercury and can be broken or crushed.

Electronic are easy to handle. The temperature is measured in the mouth, armpit or rectum. After 3 minutes, the degrees will show the result. After the measurement, a beep sounds. For infants for sale electronic thermometers in the form of nipples. After 4 minutes, such a thermometer will show the body temperature of the kid. The error of such a thermometer is much larger than mercury: up to 1 degree.

The infrared thermometer is non-contact and ear. An ear thermometer is easy to measure the temperature. Measurement time 5 seconds. But it has a fairly high price. The contactless shows the temperature when it is applied to the skin. Do not have high accuracy. With it, it is easy to control the temperature fluctuations.

Causes of high temperature in a child

In the human brain, there is a center responsible for thermoregulation. With its irritation, heat transfer decreases. An increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body.

In case of infections, bacteria fall into the body, which multiply and distinguish toxic substances. Blood cells - leukocytes - struggle with harmful bacteria. When the temperature jumps up to 39.5 ° C slows down the reproduction of microorganisms. With enhanced breeding of the virus, a child holds a high temperature.

If there is no infection in the body, immune reactions may be by the occasion caused by fever. For example: injuries, burns, allergic diseases, psychological disorders.

Children easily overheat in hot weather, which can provoke an increase in temperature. In the infants, overheating often happens because of the wondering when she is placed to sleep. When overheating, the baby becomes a capricious or becomes sluggish. With hot weather, the child should be moved to the shadow. Sit and give more drinking. Watch with water. Within an hour, the temperature should decrease without the use of drugs.

The cause of fever can come. At the same time, the testimony of the thermometer does not exceed 38 ° C. The child is all dragging in the mouth, the gums are inflamed. 1-3 days after the appearance of the tooth, the temperature falls.

Breasts have parents to explore his throat. He himself can not explain what he worries him. Therefore, heat without expressed symptoms can be observed with several diseases.

Is it possible to shoot down the child's temperature

In fever, the protective forces of the body are activated. The process of restoring tissues is accelerated. At temperatures above 37 ° C, the body struggles with infection and knocking it down. The heat is good. In this case, the organism produces interferon. He kills microbes. On the second or third day of the disease, the amount of interferon in the blood is maximum. If even with a small heat, the parents gave the baby to the antipyretic, the disease lasts longer. Recovery occurs somewhere on the seventh day.

The organisms in children are different. In some cases, the kids do not even tolerate a small temperature increase. If at high temperatures the child is calmly played, then it is not worth a particularly worried. When changing the behavior of the baby when he is discomfort during a fever, capricious, it is worth consulting a doctor. Some children may arise cramps. With heart disease, kidneys, lung fever can provoke deterioration in these organs. In this case, one should not be guided by the general recommendations, but to listen to the advice of the doctor.

What temperature to shoot down in a child

Some parents sufficiently touch the lips to the babe of the babe to understand that the child has a fever. A slight temperature increase does not mean a light cold. With inflammation of the lungs, the temperature may not exceed 38 ° C, and with ORVI rise to 40 ° C. In any case, you should call the doctor to clarify the diagnosis. If there is more than 38.5 ° C on the thermometer, start shooting down the heat, without waiting for the doctor. In the infants to three months, the temperature is knocked up to 38 ° C.

Do not bother your child. He must have heat transfer. The room should not be too hot. It is better to ventilate the room. The child should give abundant drink to avoid blood thickening and cause sweating.

Dry mouth, rejection of food, strong crying means that the antipyretic.

How to bring down the temperature of the child

When a child has a fever, baby needs to be filled with fluid loss. Along with urine, pathogenic microbes come out. Warm water should be given every half hour by half a cup. If the kid refuses to drink water, then it can be replaced with a decoction of rosehip, cranberry mesom.

  • Pour your child with raspberry tea. It has an antipyretic effect.
  • Dress down light clothes. If there is chills, then cover with a thin blanket. It follows in time to change the baby if it sweats.
  • Dog batteries so that the air becomes cooler. At the same time, the extra heat during inhalation will be spent on air warming.
  • Give a child medicine or take advantage of folk methods.

Temperature preparations for children

To knock down the temperature, the doctors advise apply candles, suspensions or pills. The choice of the drug depends on the age of the baby. The smallest candles are prescribed. They are convenient to use. Since 3 months of age, candles "Cefekon" or "Efferoralgan" are used. Older children are advised to use suspensions. They possess a sweet taste. Most effective "Ibufen", Panadol, Paracetamol and Efferoralgangan. Before buying in a pharmacy, be sure to tell the age of the baby.

It should be remembered that until the age of 12-year-old, the use of acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated. When applied to the specified age, the development of the Reia syndrome may be provoked. At the same time, the lesion of the liver and the brain occurs.

Antipyretic give 2-3 times a day and no more than 3 days in a row. Before accepting the medicine, you should read the instructions. Get acquainted with the composition and side effects. It is impossible to use several drugs at the same time.

With the development of fever with spasm of skin vessels (pale, cold brushes and feet, skin marble) After taking the antipyretic, it is necessary to rub the skin before reddening and urgently cause a doctor.

Bring down the temperature in the child by folk remedies

When the antipyretic action has not yet come, other methods should be used to knock down the heat. In this case, wiping well helps. It should be remembered that children under the year of wiping are contraindicated.

When using vodka, it is bred by water in proportion 1: 1. Wrapped in a solution with a cloth wipe the skin of the skin. Special attention should be paid to the axillary pots, footsteps, palms and the opposite side of the knee.

Washing with vinegar also helps reduce the heat of the crumbs. Water with vinegar should have a slightly sour taste. Do not apply acetic essence for the preparation of the solution.

With the pallor of the skin, cold wiping limbs only worsen the situation.

Extreme measure at a very high temperature - the use of a lithic mixture. In this case, an injection is done intramuscularly. The mixture includes analgin, "DIMEDROL" and "PAPAVERIN" in proportions 1: 1: 1.

To reduce intoxication at high temperature, the cleaning enema of 1 teaspoon of soda, divorced in a glass of water, can be introduced to 50 ml of soda solution with semi-annual babies, after half a year to one and a half years to 100 ml, after 2 years - up to 200 ml.

In no case cannot be used steam inhalation, hot compresses. From this temperature will only increase.

If the temperature is not shot down in any ways, urgently call ambulance.

It happens that the body temperature of the child rose and became high (38-39 degrees or even higher). This article will consider the possible reasons for this, as well as the recommendations of what should be done in such cases.

The high temperature of the child without symptoms is often a consequence of an infection that has fallen into the body's body. If a viral infection is hit, the body temperature may rise very quickly and there are no other symptoms. But it happens so that you first make yourself known the harbingers of the disease - sneezing, unpleasant feeling in the nose, sore throat, swallowing, tear, headache, and then the temperature rises.

Causes of high temperatures by the child.
ARVI (acute respiratory viral disease) and influenza are the most frequent causes of high temperature in children and adults.

Why is the body temperature rises when entering the body of infection? The organism launches mechanisms to combat this infection. The higher the temperature, the greater there is a need. Due to the increase in temperature, the mobilization of leukocytes is activated, their bactericidality is enhanced, interferon, which has antiviral action is produced. Yes, and on itself a high temperature adversely acts on viruses.
Iron, which is contained in the blood, serves as a feed for bacteria. With increasing temperature, it begins to concentrate in the liver, without giving bacteria to multiply. Thus, another protection mechanism is triggered.

If the body does not interfere, then it usually wins a viral infection for no more than 3 days. How can we interfere with the body in this fight? When we accept the antipyretic funds, thereby complicating this work to him.

    Why parents give antipyretic means to children, and they themselves take them when they are ill. Three factors have the greatest impact on this action:
  • parents see how their child suffers;
  • parents themselves know what unpleasant feelings are tested in such a situation;
  • parents are afraid that high temperature represents a threat to the body.

High temperature at the child (38-39 or more) This is absolutely no reason to panic and start shooting down with antipyretic means. According to statistics, with a viral infection, the body temperature does not rise above 41 degrees. The temperature below this level does not cause long-term harm. Violations in the body begin at temperatures above 41 degrees.
If the child has no neurological diseases, congenital heart defects, arrhythmias, encephalopathy, epilepsy, convulsive states, then there is no need to shoot down the temperature, and do not give in to the desire to do it.

Some children, with an increase in temperature, the seizures (febrile convulsions) begin, but the convulsions themselves do not occur due to the high temperature, but due to its sharp increase.
In the study of children suffering from febrile convulsions, there were no cases of violation of their motility, as well as deadly outcomes. As a rule, the reception of the antipyretic drugs occurs by these children after the convulsions began, therefore, such actions are belated, and therefore useless. Febral convulsions are usually among children aged 1 to 5 years.

Some parents have high temperature fear associated with the idea that it can cause irreversible lesions of the brain or other organs. It should be properly understood that the high temperature itself (up to 41 degrees) does not lead to a brain impact and other negative consequences (Dr. R. S. Messelson).

What may be the consequences of a high temperature knocking.
When we knock down the temperature (especially by taking the antipyretic means), thereby interfering with the process of the body aimed at combating viral infection. The temperature will be shot down, the patient will feel better, but after a short period of time, one or more of the following diseases can develop: sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. These are the so-called complications after influenza or ac. These complications are precisely due to temperature cutting, through the reception of antipyretic agents.

Medical ways to lower the temperature.
Pediatrics use the safest drugs designed to reduce high temperatures in children. First of all, these are preparations based on paracetamol (Efferoralgang, Panadol, Calpol, Tylenol, etc.).
Preparations are available in the form of rectal candles, syrup, effervescent tablets, capsules. Also, children can produce drugs based on ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen).
The risk of developing a side reaction, applying ibuprofen somewhat higher than when using paracetamol. If paracetamol can be given to children up to 1 year, then ibuprofen is shown to children over 1 year old. Nevertheless, paracetamol should be taken no more than 3 days.

It is impossible to give children as the antipyretic agents aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), analgin, amidopyrin, antipirin, fenacetin. The reception of these drugs may cause serious consequences.
For example, if you shoot down a high temperature by a child when it is sick with a flu or windmill, it can lead to the development of the Sinter of Reia, and the death of a child.

What else is important when the child has a high temperature.

When the child has a high temperature, it is very important to air the patient often often. At high body temperature, the main exchange is very intensified, and the need for tissues in oxygen increases. For this reason, the work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems is enhanced. When the baby's room is often ventilated, it is filled with oxygen and it facilitates the work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
The next important point is sufficient air humidity. Since the children are more often sick in the cold season (heating season), the air in the apartment because of heating radiators becomes dry. Dry air in the room of the child stops the respiratory tract, and their protective function is reduced. Therefore, the air in the room must be moisturized. For this, heating radiators hang wet sheets. Water evaporating, moisturizes air.
When the child is sick, do not persuade him to eat itEspecially protein food that is long and hardly processed. This food in this period is absolutely not needed. She will only interfere with recovery.
When a child starts to recover, he himself will begin to ask what he wants. Here drinking should be in sufficient quantity. For drinking can be given dining water or not very saturated compote from ice cream or dried fruit and berries.

What else can be the cause of high temperature.

Viral meningitis does not pose a threat to the health of the child. If the child does not shoot down the temperature, then the body wins viruses no more than 3 days. Bacterial meningitis can be posed. If the high temperature lasts more than 3 days, it may indicate the bacterial nature of the disease. But in this case, the temperature to churn the antipyretic means is not necessary.

Alarm symptoms - These are the rigidity of the cervical muscles and muscles of the limbs. If, when lowering the head of the head, the child cannot reach the chin to the sternum, then this is a sign of the rigidity of the cervical muscles. If the child put on the back, raise the leg, bent in the hip joint, and then straighten it in the knee, and at the same time the foot is not straightened - this is a sign of the muscles of the limbs. If the child, lying on his back, will try to raise his head (even with the help of an adult) and at the same time his leg reflexively bends, is also a sign of meningitis.
In case of bacterial meningitis, urgent medical care needs. It should be said that the treatment of meningitis (viral or bacterial) can be very effective with homeopathic agents.

Heatstroke. The high temperature of the child may occur as a result of overheating (thermal impact). This can happen with dense bearing of a newborn in hot weather, or if the child dress is overlooking, without corresponding to the weather. The thermoregulation mechanisms in this case are violated, and the body temperature rises to high values. Older children can get a heat blow, staying in a hot room or in the sun in hot weather.
With thermal impact, the temperature is reduced only by wiping the body with cool water. It is impossible to give antipyretic funds in this case!

Increased body temperature is possible with different diseases in childhood. At the same time, the question, whether to confuse it, causes many contradictory opinions.

Someone from the parents heard that in feverish the body is more active with the disease, and if the temperature to be knocked down, the duration of the disease will increase. Others heard that its elevated values \u200b\u200band medications against it are very dangerous and threaten serious health problems.

As a result, some parents are afraid to bring down the temperature even in cases where it is required, others already with a minor increase give a crude medication. Let's figure it out that it really needs to be done in these cases, and whether this symptom is a sign of the disease.

How to measure the temperature correctly?

The measurement in the armpit area is the most affordable and simple, so it is most common.

Nevertheless, there are other methods of measurement:

  1. In the mouth (determined oral temperature). For measurement, a special thermometer is usually used in the form of a pacifier.
  2. In the rectum (determine the rectal temperature). In this way, at least 5 months use at the age of the child, as children over six months will resist the procedure. The thermometer (necessarily electronic) is processed by cream and is introduced into the anal hole of the baby about two centimeters.
  3. In the groin fold. The baby is laid on its side, the tip of the thermometer is placed in the folds of the skin, after which they hold the child's leg in pressed to the body.

It is important that the child has a separate thermometer, and before use it should be treated with alcohol or washed with soap water.

Measure in infants now simply with a bevel-thermometer

Also, when measuring, you need to be guided by such rules:

  • The ill-friendly measurement needs to be carried out at least three times during the day.
  • Do not determine the temperature if the kid is very active, crying, accepted the bath, heat is ukutane, as well as in the case of high air temperature in the room.
  • If you determine the oral temperature, it should be done 1 hour before meals and drink or 1 hour after, as the drinks and food contribute to the increase in the values \u200b\u200bin the oral cavity.

Normal values

The peculiarities of the temperatures in the kids of the chest are inconvenience and rapid increase in any disease. In addition, the babies under the year is normal, it is a little higher than the older children.

The normal temperature for the child under 12 months is less than + 37.4 ° C, and for a child older than 12 months - less + 37 ° C. These are indicators of temperature measurement in the axillary region, as well as in the groin fold. For rectal measurements, the norm is considered less than + 38 ° C, and for oral - less + 37.6 ° C.

The most reliable indicators gives the use of a mercury thermometer, and electronic thermometers have a significant error. To find out how different an indicator of an electronic and mercury thermometer is different, measure the temperature at once with two thermometers from any healthy family member.


Depending on the indicators, the temperature is called:

  • Subfebrile. The indicator is up to +38 degrees. Usually, this temperature is not shot down, allowing the body to produce substances that protect it from viruses.
  • Febrile. The increase is greater than + 38 ° C, but less than + 39 ° C. Such a fever indicates the active struggle of the child's body with infection, so the tactics of parents should take into account the condition of the child. If it is strongly degraded, the antipyretic drugs are shown, and the drugs and a calm child can not give medication.
  • Pythetic.Indicators on the thermometer from + 39 ° C to + 41 ° C. This temperature certainly is recommended to reduce drugs, as the risk of seizures appear is increasing.
  • Hyperpiratory.The most dangerous - the temperature is over + 41 ° C. Seeing such an indicator on the thermometer, it should be immediately called an ambulance.


  • Allows you to quickly diagnose many diseases in the early period and begin timely treatment.
  • When the influenza virus, the high temperature is important for a large level of interferon, which allows successfully overcome infection.
  • At elevated body temperature, microorganisms cease to multiply and become less resistant to the effects of antibacterial agents.
  • Fever activates the baby's immune system, enhancing phagocytosis and antibody production.
  • A child with fever stays in bed, thanks to which his forces are completely aimed at fighting the disease.


  • One complication is the appearance of convulsion.
  • With a fever, the load on the heart of the child rises, which is especially dangerous if the crumbs have rhythm disorders or heart defects.
  • With increasing temperature, the work of the brain, as well as the liver, stomach, kidneys and other internal organs suffer.


To launch the mechanism of lifting the body temperature, it is usually necessary for alien substances that fall into the child's body - pyrogens. They can be different infectious agents represented by unicellular, viruses, simplest, fungi, bacteria. When entering the body, the pathogens are absorbed by white blood cells (leukocytes). At the same time, these cells begin to develop interleukins falling with blood in the brain.

Reaching the center of the regulation of body temperature placed in the hypothalamus, these compounds change the perception of normal temperature. The brain kid begins to determine the temperature of 36.6-37 degrees as too low. He gives a team to the body to produce more heat and at the same time spiring the vessels to reduce heat transfer.

In this process, stages are allocated:

  1. Heat is produced in the body of a baby in more quantities, but the heat transfer is not increased. Body temperature rises.
  2. The return of heat increases and the balance between heat generation and its removal from the body is established. The temperature decreases, but not to the indicators of the norm.
  3. Heat generation is reduced due to the death of infectious agents and reduce the production of interleukins. The return of heat remains high, the child sweats, and the temperature is normalized.

It should be noted that the temperature may be lithuanically (gradually) or critically (sharply). The second option is very dangerous by the expansion of blood vessels and a decrease in blood pressure.

Is immunity really produced?

Numerous studies confirmed that in some infections, elevated temperatures contribute to a faster recovery. It was also found that the use of antipyretic for some time extends both the time of the disease itself and the period of contrast. But, since these effects do not apply to all infections leaking with high temperatures, it is impossible to talk about the unequivocal benefits of fever.

Scientific studies have shown that active compounds produced at high temperatures (among them and interferon) in some cases helps to recover faster, and in some diseases affect their course negatively. In addition, for many children, this is a very dangerous state.

What will happen if you do not shoot down a high temperature?

For a long time, high temperatures were considered a factor capable of disrupting blood clotting and cause brain overheating. Therefore, she was afraid and tried to reduce all sorts of ways. However, modern scientific research has shown that health problems are not high in itself, but a disease that is manifested by such a symptom.

At the same time, doctors note that fever is a danger to children who have chronic pathologies of internal organs, symptoms of dehydration, disorders of physical development or the disease of the nervous system.

The danger of hyperthermia is large spending of energy and nutrients to maintain high temperature. Because of this, the internal organs overheat and their function is broken.

Maximum allowable values

It is determined primarily by the age of the kid:

If you see the digits on the thermometer above the specified in the table, this indicates a high probability of a serious illness, so it is extremely important with such results of temperature measurement urgently cause a doctor.

When are the antipyretic?

Usually it is recommended to bring down a febrile temperature if the child does not tolerate this state, but there are situations when it is worthwhile to give an antipyretic agent and under subfebral indicators:

  • If a child is less than 2 months old.
  • When the baby has diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • In the past, the child had seizures at high temperature.
  • If the child has diseases of the nervous system.
  • When a child has a hyperthermia caused by overheating.

Additional symptoms

High temperature rarely happens the only manifestation of child health violations. It is joined by other signs of disease.

Red throat

Redness of the throat on the background of fever is characteristic of viral and bacterial infections affecting the nasopharynk. Such symptoms often appear in angina, scarletin and other children's infections. The child complains about pain when swallowing, begins to cough, refuses food.


The combination of high temperature and cold is most often when viral infections, when viruses affect the nasal mucous membrane. The child may also have such symptoms as weakness, rejection of food, difficulty breathing through the nose, lethargy, a throat, cough.

Cold legs and hands

The state when at elevated temperatures in the child's pale leather and its vessels are spzulated, called white fever. To the touch of the finiteness of the kid with such a fever will be cold. The child usually has chills. This condition requires immediate appeal for medical care. The body of the child should be confused by hand, but use wipe wiping and other methods of physical cooling is prohibited. To remove the spasm of the skin vessels, the doctor will recommend to take an antispasmodic, for example, but-shu.


Increased body temperature can cause seizures. For their connection with elevated temperature, such convulsions are called febrile. They are diagnosed in the children under 6 years of age with indicators above + 38 ° C, as well as kids with the pathologies of the nervous system with any numbers.

In febrile convulsions, the child is beginning to twitch their muscles, legs can straighten up and bending hands, the baby pale, does not respond to the surrounding situation, the breathing retention and skin planning is possible. It is important to immediately put the baby on a flat surface with the head turned on the side, causing ambulance and not leave the crumb for a minute.

Frebel convulsions are very dangerous. Need to immediately call a doctor!

Vomiting and diarrhea

Such symptoms against the background of elevated temperatures usually indicate the development of intestinal infection, but they can also be caused by a small child of some products. In the kids under 3 years old, the intestine has not yet completely ripe, so those products that are normally transferred to older children can cause dyspepsia and fever.

In addition, the combination of fever with vomiting can signal not only about the lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Such symptoms are characteristic of meningitis and acetional syndrome. In children under 7 years old vomiting can appear at elevated body temperature and without brain lesions or digestive system. It happens at the peak of increasing the temperature, usually once.

Abdominal pain

The emergence of complaints of pain in the abdomen area against the background of fever should alert parents and cause the emergency to be called. This may also appear serious diseases that require operations (for example, appendicitis), and kidney disease, and diseases of the digestive tract. To clarify the cause of the child, analyzes and additional surveys will be prescribed.

Without additional symptoms

The absence of other signs of the disease is often when teething teeth, as well as in situations where the disease is just beginning (other symptoms appear later). High temperature, as the only symptom, is often noted in kidney infections. Confirm the disease can be analyzing urine and ultrasound research.

The reasons

Increased temperature acts as a protective reaction of the child's body to enter it the causative agents of infection, but can also be due and non-infectious causes.


The very frequent cause of fever is infectious diseases:


How is it manifested in addition to high temperatures?

What to do?

The appearance of a runny nose, dry cough, sore throat complaints, lobs in the body, pain in the muscles, nose, sneezing.

Call a pediatrician, give a lot of drink, if necessary to give an antipyretic agent.

Chickenpox or other children's infection

Raw, pain in the throat, an increase in lymph nodes in the neck.

Be sure to call the doctor so that it definitely determined the diagnosis and recommended proper treatment.

The appearance of pain in the ear, as well as highlights from the ear, cough, a runny nose.

Contact pediatrician to inspect the child and appointing a corresponding treatment situation.

Infectious mononucleosis or angina

Pronounced pain in the throat, appearance of plaque on almonds, an increase in lymph nodes in the neck.

Urgently call a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and immediate origin.

Urinary tract infections

Poles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt or abdomen, painful and frequent urination, changes in the smell and appearance of urine.

Contact your pediatrician to pass tests, reveal the disease and begin treatment.

Intestinal infections

Attairs of vomiting and nausea, spasmatic pain in the stomach, chair disorder.

Giving a child to drink more, stop feeding, cause pediatrician.

An increase in body temperature is possible in case of non-infectious genesis, for example, with problems with hormones, pathologies of the nervous system and other health disorders. It may indicate acute surgical diseases that require immediate medical care.


This reason is very common in children of younger, but the indicators are usually up to + 38.5 ° C. In rare cases, fever can be very strong, and the child refuses meals and sluggish.

Additional features indicating precisely on the connection of teething and high temperatures will be reinforced saliva, redness of the gum, restless capricious kid behavior. The child will gnaw different objects and hands.


In the case of overheating, parents notice the connection of increasing the temperature and exposure to the child to the child, for example, the fever appeared after a long stay under sunshine. In infants to overheating can be used overly warm clothes. Parents can also provoke overheating, when the baby is wrapped with a slight increase.

The danger of overheating is associated with the risk of thermal impact. It is manifested not only by high temperature, but also a violation of consciousness, convulsions, impaired heart and breathing. The thermal impact is a reason to immediately cause ambulance.


Preventive vaccination can act as a temperature lift for several days after the procedure. At the same time, the child may appear swelling and pain in the place of introducing the vaccine. These symptoms indicate the development of immunity and are considered permissible side effects of vaccinations. At the same time, the antipyretic means can be given even with a slight rise in indicators.

When to call a doctor?

The doctor should be called in each case of fever, since only a specialist can determine what caused and how to treat the baby.

The doctor will prescribe effective methods of treatment and will control the course of the disease

Indications for the immediate call of the doctor are such situations:

  • The temperature rose above indicators considered to be maximum for a certain age of the child.
  • Fever provoked the appearance of convulsion.
  • Kid disoriented, he had hallucinations.
  • If there are other dangerous symptoms - vomiting, abdominal pain, hard breath, ear pain, rash, diarrhea and others.
  • The child's temperature is raised longer than 24 hours and during this time the condition has not improved.
  • The kid has serious chronic diseases.
  • You doubt that you are able to correctly appreciate the condition of the baby and help him.
  • The child went on amendment, but the temperature rose again.
  • The kid refuses to drink and parents note the symptoms of dehydration.

What to do?

As soon as the reason was revealed, it is necessary to determine which way to deal with such a symptom. Taking into account the state of the kid, its age, the numbers of temperature and related facts, parents and the doctor make a decision, whether antipyretic drugs are needed.

Antipyretic means

In most cases, such medicines allow for a short time, but to improve the condition of the child, allow it to sleep and eat. With an angina, otitis, teething, stomatitis these drugs reduce pain.

Will wiping help?

Used in the past rubbing with vinegar, alcohol or vodka today are considered to be pediatrics with harmful procedures. Doctors do not advise to wipe the child even with a cool towel, because such actions provoke a spasm of vessels in the skin of the child, and this will in turn reduce the heat transfer. In addition, the alcohol-containing fluids during rubbing will actively fall inside the child's body, which is fraught with the poisoning of the baby.

Washes are permissible only after the use of drugs appointed by the doctor, removing the spasm of peripheral vessels. For the procedure, only water temperature is applied. In addition, it is possible to wipe the child under the condition that the kid is not against, as with resistance and shouts, the temperature will increase even more. After wiping the child should not be wondering, otherwise his condition will deteriorate.

You can do wipes with cool water only after receiving drugs that remove the spasms of the peripheral vessels

Food and liquid

Drinking a child with fever must often and a lot. Let's kid tea, compote, water, morse, or any other liquid that he agrees to drink. It is extremely important for heat transfer through greater evaporation of sweat from the skin, as well as for a faster removal of toxins with urine.

Food kid should be given in small quantities. Let the child eats an appetite, but a little, because when digesting food, the body temperature will increase. Both the dishes and drinks offered by the child should be about 37-38 degrees.

Folk remedies

Recommend to drink tea with the addition of cranberry berries: it stimulates active sweating. At the same time, such a drink should be carefully - in kids up to year, it can cause allergies, and older children cannot be used with cranberries with any stomach diseases.

Another wonderful folk agent with an antiseptic and antipyretic effect is the raspberry that the child can be given in the form of jam, juice or tea. But in cases where there is a risk of allergies, the use of raspberries is better to avoid.

Cranberry Morse is an excellent tool at ORVI for both adults and children

How safe is the treatment?

How many days is the high temperature of the child holds?

No fever is dangerous for the kid, but the reason for the appearance of this symptom. If the parents are unknown, which provoked the rise of temperature at the baby and the day after increasing the indicators, the condition has not improved, and additional alarming symptoms have appeared, you should immediately seek medical attention. So you set the cause of the child's illness and can affect it, and not only on the symptom.

If the parents are known for the cause of hyperthermia, and it does not represent a danger, the child examined the doctor and prescribed therapy, then the temperature can be shot down for several (3-5) days, watching the child. If over the past three days there is no positive change in the course of the disease, despite the treatment, you should call the doctor again and pass the additional examination.


  • By choosing a specific drug to reduce the temperature, determine the desired one-time dose according to the instructions.
  • Take the antipyretic follows only if necessary.
  • Until the next dose, it must take at least 4 hours after the previous consumption for paracetamol or 6 hours for ibuprofen.
  • During the day you can take a maximum of 4 doses of the drug.
  • The medicine taken through the mouth is powered by water or milk. It can also be drunk during meals - so the irritant effect of medicines on the gastric mucous membrane will be reduced.

What medicines to choose?

Preparations that are recommended in childhood at high temperatures are paracetamol, as well as ibuprofen. Both means equally reduce pain, but ibuprofen has a more pronounced and long-term antipyretic effect. At the same time, paracetamol is called safer and recommended as a drug for infants in the first months of their lives.

Thoracic kids often give such drugs in the form of rectal candles or syrups. This is due to the convenience of applying these forms - they are easy to dose and give the child. For more older children, preference should be given to tablets, syrup and soluble powders.

The effect of drugs accepted through the mouth begins for 20-30 minutes after their use, and rectal candles 30-40 minutes after administration. Candles will also be the most preferred option in the presence of attacks of vomiting in the child. In addition, syrups, powders and tablets often include additives for taste and odor, which can cause allergies.

You can hear recommendations to take paracetamol and ibuprofen together or with alternating these drugs. Doctors believe that it is safe, but is not a necessity. The combination of these drugs acts with the same efficiency as the reception of only one ibuprofen. And if you gave this medicine, and the temperature is not reduced, you should not additionally give paracetamol, it is better to immediately call ambulance.

Why is aspirin not to give children?

Even in adulthood, it is advised to avoid the use of aspirin at temperatures, and it is completely contraindicated to children under 18 years of age.

In childhood, aspirin has a pronounced toxic effect on the liver and is the cause of the development of serious complications, which doctors are called "Reia Syndrome". With this syndrome, internal organs are affected, in particular the liver and brain. Also, the reception of aspirin may affect platelets, cause bleeding and allergies.

Aspirin has many side effects and its use for children is not permissible.

  • In the room reduce the air temperature to 18-20 degrees to increase the heat transfer (if the baby has no chill). You should also take care of sufficient humidity (60% consider the optimal level), since the dryness of the air will contribute to the losses of the orphanage of the fluid and the drying of the mucous membranes.
  • Choosing clothes for a child, take care that the baby is not cold, but also to overheat the crumb is unnecessarily warm clothes, too. Dress up the child just as you are dressed or a little easier, and when the baby starts sweating and wants to undress, let him highlight more heat.
  • Limit the activity of the child, because some kids even at temperatures over 39 degrees run and jump. Since the movement increases heat generation in the body, distract the child from active games. However, do it so that the baby does not cry, because because of the hysterical and crying it will also rise. Offer the child reading books, watching cartoons or some other calm occupation. Make a child constantly lying.

To begin with, we will understand that the temperature has each of us and in normal it is not necessarily 36.6 ° C. It is the "middle hospital" value, because a healthy person can hesitate from 36.1 to 37.2 ° C and even change during the day. For example, rise after eating or large loads.

When we say "the child's temperature", then we mean a fever - a condition at which the body temperature is increased, that is, a thermometer under the arm shows more than 37.2 ° C.

If you put the thermometer rectally (in the rectum) or measure the temperature in the ear, then the values \u200b\u200bare usually higher Fever: First Aid. Then fever - indicators more than 38 ° C. With oral (mouth) measurement - above 37.8 ° C.

Why the temperature rises

Fever is a protective reaction of the body, as a rule, for different infections. At high temperatures, bacteria and viruses are difficult to survive, here is the body and launches the process that destroys hazardous microorganisms, and at the same time activates the immune system Fever.

Temperature in children rises more often due to respiratory viral infections, those that we call the cold. But this is not necessary: \u200b\u200bthe fever is manifested with a variety of other diseases. In addition to infections, injuries, overheating, oncological, hormonal and autoimmune diseases can be to blame, and even some drugs that have side effects.

Adults notice a high temperature according to special symptoms:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Headache.
  3. The feeling of chills and trembling.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Pain in muscles.
  6. Sweating.

Children who are already able to talk may complain about unpleasant feelings. But the temperature rises in babies who do not know how to describe their state.

The reason to measure the temperature is the unusual behavior of the child:

  1. Failure to eat or chest.
  2. Floodiness, irritability.
  3. Drowsiness, fatigue, passivity.

It is impossible to talk about the fever on the basis of a kiss in the forehead. The high temperature shows only the thermometer.

When and why reduce temperature

Increased temperature - a sign of proper immune response, if we are talking about infections. So it should not be reduced not to postpone recovery Advice for Managing CHILD FEVER. Usually giving the antipyretic makes sense after the temperature has risen On the safe use of antipyretic drugs in children Up to 39 ° C is a rectal measurement data. When the temperature is checked under the arm, doctors recommend to reduce it after 38.5 ° C, but not before. Do not worry, the fever itself is not so scary.

Many are afraid that the high temperature will damage the brain cell. But, according to WHO, it is safe for children until it reaches The Management of Fever in Young Children with Acute Respiratory Infections in Developing Countries 42 ° C.

Fever is not an independent disease, but only his symptom. When the temperature reduces drugs, remove the external manifestations of the disease, but do not treat it.

In rare cases, too high temperature in children leads to febrile seizures - involuntary cuts of muscle. It looks terribly and brings to fainting, but mostly attacks stop themselves and have no consequences Fever. Call the doctors and watch the child to hurt yourself: Put it on the side, hold, swinging off tight clothing. It is not necessary to poop anything in your mouth, it only increases the risk of injury.

But the fever is all transferred differently: someone and at 39 ° C can read and play on the thermometer, someone at 37.5 ° C lies and can not move. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature for the convenience and improvement of the child's well-being.

If the child feels normally, it is not necessary to do anything with high temperatures.

The easiest, fast and efficient way is to give an egg-based antipyretic based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. They are released in forms that are convenient to apply children: sweet syrups or candles. Be careful if you give a baby syrup: taste additives and dyes can cause allergies.

In no case do not exceed the dosage of medication. It is usually calculated based on the weight of the child. Children, especially preschoolers, can be very different in weight even at one age, so focus on the number of kilograms, and not years.

Remember that for the action of drugs you need time: from 0.5 to 1.5 hours. So do not rush to move the temperature in 10 minutes after the reception of the tablet.

Use measuring cups, spoons and syringes that come complete with a medicine. Do not gain medicine in the dark or in a teaspoon on the eyes: you should always know how many and what medicines you gave the child.

In order not to bring to overdose, do not let the kids combined medicines from cold symptoms. Their composition already has a paracetamol or another antipyretic agent, so it's easy to not notice that you have moved with a dose if you simultaneously give a few drugs.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be used in one day Paracetamol for Children.But do not get drunk and do not let the child immediately. If, for example, you gave paracetamol, and it did not help too much, then when the time of the new dose of the antipyretic, give ibuprofen (or vice versa).

Do not let aspirin and analgin: children can develop serious side effects from children.

There are still physical methods, however, ineffective: wipe the child Palm and feet with a wet towel, put a cool compress on the forehead. Just do not take ice, it is enough to impregnate with a towel water to room temperature.

When to call a doctor

Experienced parents know that with light ORVIs you can cope on your own, in home mode. The doctor in such cases is needed only in order to write a certificate or hospital for parents. But still the pediatrician should seem if:

  1. You need to get a doctor's advice, calm down. Or you just think that the child requires medical care.
  2. The temperature of the child is less than three months.
  3. The child is less than half a year, and the temperature above 38 ° C holds more than 1 day.
  4. The child is less than a year, and the temperature above 39 ° C holds more than 1 day.
  5. A rash appeared at the child.
  6. Together with the temperature there are heavy symptoms: unrestrained cough, vomiting, severe pain, light-wide.

When you need to call to ambulance

Urgently apply for help. It is necessary if:

  1. The temperature reached high values \u200b\u200b(more than 39 ° C) and after receiving the antipyretic continues to rise.
  2. A child has a confusion: he is too drone, he does not appear to him, he reacts poorly to the surrounding environment.
  3. There were difficulties with breathing or swallowing.
  4. Vodoma was added to the temperature.
  5. A rash appeared in the form of small bruises, which does not disappear when pressed on the skin.
  6. A convulsions began.
  7. Signs of dehydration appeared: the child rarely goes to the toilet, he has a dry mouth with a red language, he cries without tears. Breasts can add the spring.

How to help a child with a temperature

The main thing is how we can help when dealing with the temperature, to eliminate its cause. If the case is in bacterial infection, we need (only by appointment of a doctor). If other diseases are to blame, they must be treated. And only viruses pass by themselves, just need to support the body that these viruses will destroy.

Let's warm drinking

At high moisture temperatures, which is in the human body, evaporates faster, therefore there is a risk of dehydration. This is especially relevant for children: they are small and to lose 10% of the fluid, they need quite a bit. With a shortage of water, the mucous dry, it becomes harder, it becomes harder, there is nothing to sweat, that is, he cannot drop warm. Therefore, warm drink at a temperature is very, very important.

More often, let's give the baby juices, compotes, tea, water, persuade to drink at least a few sips. Breasts need to be more likely to offer breasts, but if the child refuses, it is better to give it a water or a special drink than to wait for it when he returns to breast milk.

Buy humidifier

In order not to strengthen the loss of fluid with breathing (and we exhale couples, in which there is a lot of moisture from the mucous membranes), moisturize the air in the room. To hold relative humidity at the level of 40-60%, it is best to buy a special air humidifier. But you can try and.


Every day spend wet cleaning in the room: Wash the floors and collect dust. This is necessary again to relieve breathing. Do not be afraid to open the windows and ventilate. Fresh air is especially necessary for a person who has a disease that fights the disease, because ventilation is one of the ways of disinfection of the room. From the open window will not be worse, but from hot, dry and complete air microbes - will be.

By the way, the child can be bathed, if he rose the temperature.

Of course, when the baby wants to sleep and lie, do not drag it into the bathroom. But if the general state is normal, the child moves and plays, you can wash.

Observe the diet

Cut the child of healthy food: Do not let the kilograms of sweets just because he is sick. If the baby has no appetite, no need to force. Dinner eaten through force will not help cope with infection. It is better to weld a chicken broth and pour them a child: this is a liquid, and food, and help in the fight against inflammation.

What can not be done at a temperature of the child

The best way without problems and losses to relive the unpleasant period of the disease is to provide a good care for the child. For some reason (according to the tradition, on the tip of grandmothers, on the advice from the forums), many harmful activities are considered mandatory in the treatment of temperature. How not to make mistakes:

  1. Do not eat baby. If the temperature is high, then warm clothes and two blankets will only exacerbate the process. It is better to persuade drinking a cup of warm compote.
  2. Do not put a heater next to the child. In general, if the temperature in the room is above 22 ° C, it is necessary to reduce it. For a child with a fever, it will be better if 18-20 ° C will be in the room: inhalation of such air does not overpand the mucous membranes.
  3. Do not go to the legs, do not force to breathe above the pots with something hot, do not put mustard: These procedures do not have proven effectiveness, and the risk burns and overheat higher than any possible benefit. In addition, these are unpleasant classes, and the child is without that bad. If you really want to help the baby, better come up with how to entertain him when he is hard.
  4. Do not rub the child with vinegar and vodka. These methods help little, but they are very toxic for children.
  5. Do not lay a child in bed if he does not want there. The patient will write a bed mode itself. If he has the strength to play, then it is good.

What to do if the temperature rose after vaccination

Some vaccines cause temporary reactions of the body - redness at the injection site, irritability, a slight increase in temperature. This is not complications, everything goes by itself for 1-3 days.

You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms as in the case of any other temperature: antipyretic means and a suitable mode.

Usually temperatures after vaccination not higher than 37.5 ° C. But if the heat is growing, consult a doctor.