DIY shower gel from the basics of recipes. Shower gel at home. Easy recipes. Recipe from the base

There is no need to complain about the insufficient choice of hygiene products nowadays. The gels and soaps, shampoos and lotions that can be found on store shelves will satisfy every whim. similar products are also very extensive. But I'm convinced that the best means hygiene - handmade. I argue my opinion: when choosing components for making a gel or soap, you can take into account the characteristics of your skin. With your own hands you will make natural product, in which there is nothing superfluous. The price of such a gel will be very affordable. In addition, this, in my opinion, wonderful gift"From the heart" for mom, sister or girlfriend. In short, a DIY gel or soap has many benefits.
Many "newbies" in the manufacture of hygiene products immediately take up the preparation of solid soap. But I think it's better to start with a shower gel or liquid soap... It is easier. And if you like it, solid soap will be the next step.

Liquid soap, option one

This option is the easiest. If you are tired of bars of soap "fermented" by children's hands, prepare liquid soap for yourself and your children for every day. This soap will be great for cleansing and moisturizing the skin.
What you need to make liquid soap:
  • baby soap, 1 piece;
  • glycerin, 1 tablespoon (available at the pharmacy);
  • (preferably orange - children will be happy to wash their hands), a few drops;
  • dry chamomile, mint or lemon balm.
Let's start making soap by preparing a herbal decoction. To do this, pour dry grass (8-10 tablespoons) and bring to a boil over low heat. Let the broth simmer for a couple of minutes and leave it to infuse for 30 minutes.

After that, drain the broth through a sieve (to separate only the liquid). Next, dilute the resulting broth with water so that you get 8-10 glasses of liquid.
While the broth is preparing, grate the soap on a coarse grater.

It is better to take soap without any additives, for children, with the smell of “bath soap from childhood”. We need a glass of the resulting soap flakes.
Pour the cooked broth into a suitable sized saucepan, add soap flakes and put everything on fire.

While stirring, we bring the mixture until the soap is completely dissolved. It takes a few minutes. Don't be embarrassed that the mixture looks liquid, it will thicken within an hour or two. Let the mixture cool, remove the foam from the surface and add glycerin.

Mix everything thoroughly. If you use essential oils, add a few drops to the liquid soap.

That's all. Our liquid soap is ready. But my kids asked me to add in ready-made composition Little food coloring... Here's what we got.

Pour the soap into a convenient liquid soap jar or. Pour the remaining soap into a plastic container or glass jar.

Liquid soap, option two

The economy version of liquid soap (from remnants) practically does not require any costs from you.
  • leftover soap (in pieces), 1 glass;
  • glycerin, 1 tablespoon;
  • dry chamomile or mint (can be replaced with vanilla).
The production of this liquid soap is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that we don't use a whole bar of soap. If the remnants are large, it is easier to grate them. If the remnants are small, they need to be folded into a suitable container, pour hot water and leave it for a day or two. Next, you can add a decoction of the herb (see the consistency, how much is required) and heat everything until the soap is completely dissolved. The broth can be replaced with water in which vanillin is diluted. Add glycerin to the cooled soap base. Mix thoroughly and pour the resulting liquid soap into the prepared bottle.

DIY shower gel

In the preparation of shower gel great importance has a base. You can, of course, buy a concentrated foundation from a specialty store. But if you do not have such an opportunity, do not despair, we will learn how to prepare a gel from the available ingredients.
What we need to prepare the shower gel:
  • clear or baby soap (can be replaced with odorless baby shampoo), 100 g;
  • distilled water, 100 ml;
  • glycerin, 1 tablespoon;
  • additives: 10 ml each of lime juice and a few drops of lime oil (or lemon juice and lemon oil);
  • vitamins A + E (3 capsules) - optional.
If you use solid soap for the base, grate it on a coarse grater, fill with water. You can take more water if you want to get a more liquid consistency. On steam bath melt the soap shavings. Stir everything until smooth. If using shampoo, simply dilute it with the given amount of water. When the base has cooled, add the glycerin and selected citrus oil and juice to the base. Mix everything thoroughly. Carefully open the capsules with vitamins and pour the contents into the gel. If you really want, you can add quite a bit of food coloring. yellow color... In this case, your gel will have a more presentable appearance (if you want to donate it). But you can do without it.
After stirring the ingredients, pour this fragrant and refreshing gel into the jars.

Body Scrub

To prepare a scrub, you need to take the proposed shower gel recipe as a basis, just add to the main composition ground coffee... This scrub will cleanse the pores, refresh and moisturize the skin.

Gels and liquid production allow for improvisation when it comes to additives. Essential oils and juices, herbal teas, additives for cleansing pores, - select such ingredients, focusing on your taste and skin characteristics. Just do not forget: everything should be in moderation.

You can use regular supermarket shower gel or make your own homemade product. There are many popular brands gels for washing, which differ in price and product quality. You can not waste money, but try to make a homemade gel and experiment with the composition.

What is shower gel? It is a body hygiene product () that can be compared to liquid soap. Experts say that it has a similar composition to shampoo. It was created specifically for washing the body as a more convenient alternative to soap. Many people like this liquid version, which is easy to apply to a sponge or body washcloth. Gel shape, pleasant aroma, foam makes washing pleasant, or improves mood. Depending on the aroma, the gel can affect our condition, mood, etc., especially if it contains natural essential oils. In addition, the gel can serve as an alternative to bath foam. To do this, pour some gel into a warm bath and create a lather.

Also in the bath you can add your favorite aroma of essential oil, herbs. This will help you relax and enjoy swimming. Many modern gels do not dry out the skin, but moisturize it. contain nutrients, oils. DIY gel should also be prepared using nutrients and favorite essential oils.

Some cheap gels contain aggressive substances that adversely affect the skin, which can cause dryness and tightness. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to make a shower gel at home.

Making homemade shower gel

It is quite possible to make your own personal care product. Plus, homemade gel has many benefits. First, it won't be as expensive as famous brands... Secondly, it will not harm the skin, but, on the contrary, will contribute to its health. Another important point is that you yourself will determine its composition.


  • Aleppo soap - 1 piece;
  • water - 1 l;
  • essential oil of lavender.

To prepare a natural gel, you will need good soap for example, Aleppo soap. Be careful when buying, do not run into a fake. It should only contain natural ingredients such as olive oil, laurel oil (this soap is green).

Preparation: grate the soap, heat 1 liter of water separately, mix the soap with water at a low temperature (the water should not boil) until completely dissolved. Then add 15 drops of lavender oil. After cooling, pour the composition into a bottle.

This gel should be used within 2 to 3 months. For longer storage, you can add a few drops of grapefruit (seed extract) to it.

If you have dry skin, you should add two tablespoons of glycerin to your homemade gel. You can also use any other scent instead of lavender essential oil. V winter season it is recommended to add eucalyptus essential oil, which will protect against colds and flu. It is worth noting that natural gels, especially the one you make at home, do not foam well.

Another homemade gel option: take 0.5 cups coconut milk, 2/3 cup olive liquid soap, 1 teaspoon honey, 2 tablespoons wheat germ oil, the same amount of glycerin, 6 drops of geranium essential oil. Mix all the ingredients in the bottle. Such option will do for dry skin.

For oily skin you can prepare the following option: take a regular shower gel 200 ml, add a few drops of cypress, lemon, sage (10 drops of essential oils).

Prepare this gel for cellulite: mix 200 ml regular gel with 23 drops of juniper oil, 12 rosemary, 10 grapefruit and 6 ginger. For achievement best results use a massage sponge to stimulate blood flow, or a special cellulite brush.

Contraindications: Before using essential oils, test for allergic reaction, sensitivity. Do not use them during pregnancy, allergies.

Special instructions: When preparing a homemade product, make sure the utensils you are using are clean. In addition, the water must be purified. Containers for further storage of the product must be sterile and dry. To do this, rinse it with alcohol, then dry it in the open air. This way, your homemade gel won't go bad. In addition, to extend the shelf life, you can add vitamin E or grapefruit seed extract to your product, which are known natural preservatives.

Here's another recipe: 50 g of olive soap, 1 liter of water, a few drops of lavender oil, 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 10 drops of grapefruit seeds. Mix soap with water, before grating it. It is best to mix over low heat for 15 minutes. Then refrigerate and add the rest of the ingredients. If your gel is too thick, add some purified water to it.

Today in stores presented huge selection a wide variety of shower gels. But, as you know, the more cosmetics accessible, the more difficult it is to stop at any one of them. In one, the price may not suit, in the other, the aroma, in the third volume, etc. And besides, it is difficult to be sure that the composition of the purchased shower gel is of high quality and safe.

But don't worry about this. After all, this hygiene product is very easy to do with your own hands. And for this you don't even need to get out some exotic ingredients. All components are simple and affordable.

At the same time, such a shower gel can be made truly individual, taking into account the type of skin, its characteristics and other parameters and, starting from this, choosing the right ingredients.

Why is homemade shower gel better compared to store-bought shower gel?

Homemade shower gel has great amount advantages over the store. Let's take a look at three main reasons for choosing handmade products.

  1. First of all this is its composition. Having made the discussed tool with your own hands from high-quality, natural ingredients, you can be sure of its harmlessness. This gel is perfect even for a child. Indeed, unlike purchased ones, it will not have dyes, preservatives, fragrances and other similar components that negatively affect the skin. Only a mild detergent base such as baby soap as well as natural essential oils and natural extracts that care for skin, softening and moisturizing it.
  2. Secondly, it is an opportunity to independently choose the ingredients and flavor. You can make almost any shower gel you want. For example, if you need to cheer up with the discussed means in the morning, then you should add a few drops of sweet orange essential oil to it, if you want to start fighting cellulite, then coffee grounds etc. Thanks to the ability to think over an individual composition. Such a gel can become great gift for any occasion.
  3. Thirdly it is worth noting its economy. Even adding high-quality essential oils and other similar ingredients to your home shower gel, you can still make it more budgetary and profitable. At the same time, you do not have to overpay for the big name of the manufacturer or a beautiful bottle.

How to make such a gel yourself at home?

Today there are a huge number of homemade homemade gel recipes. You can simply choose among them the most suitable for yourself. All recipes are simple and affordable.

Recipe from the base

The easiest way to do this is from a special gel base. It is sold in stores with ingredients for home cosmetics.

Would need:

Base - 200 grams (it is best to use Organic Liquid Castile Soap Base, which does not have to be diluted);
Avocado oil - 1 tablespoon
Lemon essential oil, tea tree or any other that you like the smell;
Rock salt.

First, the base is heated to 30 degrees, so that it perfectly reveals its beneficial features all components. Then avocado oil is added to it. Then 4 drops of essential oil are sent to the mixture.

When the cloudiness from oils passes, the liquid is slightly beaten with a mini-mixer. It remains to add salt to it to thicken. This ingredient should be 1.5-2 percent.

It remains to pour the gel into a clean, disinfected bottle. After a couple of hours, it can be used for its intended purpose.

Video tutorial from a popular TV show

Baby soap or cream recipe

You will need to take 1 piece of natural baby soap for him. It is best to opt for the most common and inexpensive with a minimum composition. If there are a lot of baby soap remnants at home, then they will do.

Additional ingredients:

Dry herb suitable for skin type - 10 tablespoons (mint, lemon balm, chamomile, celandine);
Essential oil (for aroma it is better to take citrus - orange, lemon, grapefruit oil);
Glycerin - 1 tablespoon.

First of all, a herbal decoction is prepared. To do this, the selected herb or flowers are poured with purified water and sent to a slow fire. After the broth boils, it should be left for a couple of minutes, and then turned off and let it brew for half an hour.

Now is the time to strain the liquid and top it up with water so that you end up with 10 glasses. Next, you need to grate soap or remnants. You should make a whole glass of cereal. Then we mix the broth with grated soap and send it back to the fire until the flakes are completely dissolved.

Last but not least, the foam is removed, glycerin and essential oil are added. If the mass turned out to be too liquid, do not worry, then it will thicken.

It remains only to pour the resulting shower gel into convenient bottle... If the basis is selected baby cream, then you will also need to add salt to it in order for the product to thicken.

If you are addicted self-cooking cosmetics, it will be interesting for you to learn. Such a balm has its advantages - you will be 100% sure of its composition, since you will control it!

Where and what is the best way to store such a gel?

It is best to store the resulting gel in dark glass bottles in a cool place. Experts recommend that you thoroughly wash the container first, and then disinfect it with alcohol.

If you want to extend the life of your homemade gel for a long time, you can purchase a special preservative. For example, "AminoForce", which is also sold in specialized stores with goods for the production of cosmetics. It will make the shelf life of homemade gel almost as long as that of a purchased one.

Today in stores there is a huge selection of a wide variety of shower gels. But, as you know, the more cosmetic products are available, the more difficult it is to stop at any one of them. In one, the price may not suit, in the other, the aroma, in the third volume, etc. And besides, it is difficult to be sure that the composition of the purchased shower gel is of high quality and safe.

But don't worry about this. After all, this hygiene product is very easy to do with your own hands. And for this you don't even need to get out some exotic ingredients. All components are simple and affordable.

At the same time, such a shower gel can be made truly individual, taking into account the type of skin, its characteristics and other parameters and, starting from this, choosing the right ingredients.

Why is homemade shower gel better compared to store-bought shower gel?

Homemade shower gel has a huge number of advantages over store-bought. Let's take a look at three main reasons for choosing handmade products.

  1. First of all this is its composition. Having made the discussed tool with your own hands from high-quality, natural ingredients, you can be sure of its harmlessness. This gel is perfect even for a child. Indeed, unlike purchased ones, it will not have dyes, preservatives, fragrances and other similar components that negatively affect the skin. Only a mild washing base, for example, from baby soap, as well as natural essential oils and natural extracts that care for the skin, softening and moisturizing it.
  2. Secondly, this is an opportunity to independently choose the ingredients and flavor. You can make almost any shower gel you want. For example, if you need to cheer up with the tool under discussion in the morning, then you should add a few drops of sweet orange essential oil to it, if you want to start fighting cellulite, then coffee grounds, etc. Thanks to the ability to think over an individual composition. This gel can be a great gift for any occasion.
  3. Thirdly it is worth noting its economy. Even adding high-quality essential oils and other similar ingredients to your home shower gel, you can still make it more budgetary and profitable. At the same time, you do not have to overpay for the big name of the manufacturer or a beautiful bottle.

How to make such a gel yourself at home?

Today there are a huge number of homemade homemade gel recipes. You can simply choose among them the most suitable for yourself. All recipes are simple and affordable.

The easiest way to do this is from a special gel base. It is sold in stores with ingredients for home cosmetics.

Base - 200 grams (it is best to use Organic Liquid Castile Soap Base, which does not have to be diluted);

Avocado oil - 1 tablespoon

Essential oil of lemon, tea tree or any other that you like the smell;

First, the base is heated to 30 degrees, so that all the components in it ideally reveal their useful properties. Then avocado oil is added to it. Then 4 drops of essential oil are sent to the mixture.

When the cloudiness from oils passes, the liquid is slightly beaten with a mini-mixer. It remains to add salt to it to thicken. This ingredient should be 1.5-2 percent.

It remains to pour the gel into a clean, disinfected bottle. After a couple of hours, it can be used for its intended purpose.

You will need to take 1 piece of natural baby soap for him. It is best to opt for the most common and inexpensive with a minimum composition. If there are a lot of baby soap remnants at home, then they will do.

Dry herb suitable for skin type - 10 tablespoons (mint, lemon balm, chamomile, celandine);

Essential oil (for aroma it is better to take citrus - orange, lemon, grapefruit oil);

Glycerin - 1 tablespoon.

First of all, a herbal decoction is prepared. To do this, the selected herb or flowers are poured with purified water and sent to a slow fire. After the broth boils, it should be left for a couple of minutes, and then turned off and let it brew for half an hour.

Now is the time to strain the liquid and top it up with water so that you end up with 10 glasses. Next, you need to grate soap or remnants. You should make a whole glass of cereal. Then we mix the broth with grated soap and send it back to the fire until the flakes are completely dissolved.

Last but not least, the foam is removed, glycerin and essential oil are added. If the mass turned out to be too liquid, do not worry, then it will thicken.

All that remains is to pour the resulting shower gel into a convenient bottle. If a baby cream is chosen as the basis, then salt will also need to be added to it in order for the product to thicken.

If you are fond of making your own cosmetics, then it will be interesting for you to learn how to make your own lip balm. Such a balm has its advantages - you will be 100% sure of its composition, since you will control it!

It is best to store the resulting gel in dark glass bottles in a cool place. Experts recommend that you thoroughly wash the container first, and then disinfect it with alcohol.

If you want to extend the life of your homemade gel for a long time, you can purchase a special preservative. For example, "AminoForce", which is also sold in specialized stores with goods for the production of cosmetics. It will make the shelf life of homemade gel almost as long as that of a purchased one.

We are so used to enjoying the benefits of civilization that we cannot imagine our life without many convenient little things - for example, shower gel. Alas, in addition to synthetic dyes and flavors that can cause allergies, in store funds for the shower, an aggressive detergent base is also added. Surfactants of synthetic origin are excellent lather, are inexpensive and keep the skin clean. Alas, such a washing base removes not only dirt from our body, but also a protective film.

But it is she who saves the skin from drying out and disturbing the acid-base balance! This is why natural and organic shower products are so popular. Natural gel can be purchased in a store, or you can do it yourself - and be sure of its absolute safety. In addition, a variety of useful additives can be added to your home shower gel, which will not only effectively cleanse the skin without dissolving protective layer, but also help to solve some problems.

How to prepare shower gel?

First, you need to figure out some of the ingredients in your future shower gel. Insofar as basic set no ingredients detergent properties, it is necessary to add a foaming agent to the product detergent base... Better to opt for baby or hypoallergenic bar soap. For children and allergy sufferers, soap is created according to special technology, using minimum quantity synthetic additives.

In home remedies, it is better to use hypoallergenic baby soap.

Lovers of absolute naturalness are advised to use alkali as a washing base - for example, baking soda... But washing the body with soda is by no means necessary, since the artificial alkalinization of the epidermis quickly disrupts the Ph-balance, after which acne, irritation and chronic dermatitis may appear. Usage apple cider vinegar and lemon juice also very popular, but leads to the same effects as baking soda, only with oxidation, not alkalinization of the skin.

Soap nuts are another option for a detergent base. These are the fruits of an Indian tree, which foam perfectly and can replace not only shower gel, but also shampoo, and even washing powder... Plus, soap nuts are completely hypoallergenic and organic. But they are not so easy to buy, so it is more rational to opt for mild baby soap.
Essential and base oils, decoctions of herbs, cane sugar, liquid vitamins, sea salt and medicinal clay.

Shower gel awakening

It will help you to cheer up in the morning and charge your body with energy for the whole day. To create a gel, you will need:

  • plastic bottle with a convenient dispenser,
  • small piece mild soap without smell,
  • 10 drops of sweet orange essential oil,
  • 1 tbsp sea ​​salt medium grinding,
  • 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil,
  • 1 tsp glycerin.

In a small saucepan, grate the soap on a fine grater, pour 75 ml of mineral or distilled water and heat the mixture in a water bath until the soap is completely dissolved and a jelly-like mass is obtained. This will take about half an hour. Then remove the base from the heat and cool slightly. Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk until smooth. If the gel is too thin, add a little more sea salt; if too thick - dilute warm water... Pour the finished gel into a bottle. Shake the bottle well before each use.

Revitalizing shower gel

Thanks to its soothing and healing ingredients, this gel will help restore skin, heal small wounds and cracks, and eliminate allergic breakouts. You will need:

  • baby bar soap,
  • 1 tbsp brown cane sugar
  • 1 tbsp aloe vera juice or gel,
  • 10 drops of geranium essential oil,
  • 1 tbsp cocoa butter,
  • 10 drops of rosewood oil
  • 1 tsp jojoba oil.

Grate the soap on a coarse grater, pour 65 ml of purified water and send the mixture to water bath... Once the soap is completely dissolved, add the cocoa butter and brown sugar. Stir the mixture until all ingredients are dissolved. Cool the mass and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix the gel thoroughly with a whisk and transfer to a convenient container.

Having cooked homemade gel, you can be completely sure of its naturalness!

Relaxing shower gel

Ideal for people with sleep disorders. Taking a shower using such a tool, you can completely relax and sleep soundly. Prepare the following ingredients to create the gel:

  • lump hypoallergenic soap,
  • 1 tsp oils grape seed,
  • 1 tsp finely ground sea salt,
  • 12 drops of lavender essential oil,
  • 1 tsp dry blue clay,
  • 5 drops of neroli essential oil.

In a water bath, melt the grated soap with 50 ml drinking water, add salt, grape seed oil and blue clay, stir. Remove mixture from heat and cool slightly, then add essential oils. Pour the finished shower gel into a bottle and shake until all ingredients are smooth and smooth. For maximum effect use the gel during your evening shower.

Anti-aging shower gel

If you wish to remove signs of fatigue and fatigue from your skin age-related changes, use this recipe. Daily use of an anti-aging shower gel will help moisturize and renew your skin. You will need:

  • odorless bar soap,
  • 1 tbsp castor oil
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 2 gelatin capsules of vitamins Aevit,
  • 1 tsp wheat germ oils,
  • 1 tsp dry red clay,
  • 5 drops of bergamot essential oil,
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt.

Melt all ingredients, with the exception of essential oils, in a water bath along with a finely grated soap. Stir the mixture thoroughly and cool. Then add essential oils and pour into a bottle. Using this tool rub problem areas body washcloth. For a more noticeable anti-aging effect, leave the gel on the skin for a few minutes.

Baby shower gel

As you know, there are separate cosmetic products, in which there are practically no chemicals and flavors. You can create a soft and safe shower gel for your baby with your own hands. To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • baby soap,
  • 50 ml strong decoction of chamomile,
  • 1 tbsp glycerin,
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil,
  • 1 tsp cane sugar
  • 1 tbsp beetroot juice (natural color),
  • 1 tsp aloe vera juice.

Mix the grated baby soap with chamomile broth, sugar, beet juice and glycerin. Warm up in a water bath until the soap and sugar are completely dissolved. Then add lavender essential oil and aloe juice. Shake the gel bottle thoroughly before each use.

Chocolate shower gel

It can be used by both adults and children. The pleasant chocolate aroma will not only provide a burst of energy, but also improve your mood. Also, chocolate ingredients are good for the skin. You will need:

  • bar soap without fragrance,
  • 1 tbsp cocoa butter,
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil
  • 1 tbsp brown cane sugar.

Combine all ingredients with 50 ml in a small bowl fat milk and place in a water bath to completely dissolve the sugar and cocoa butter. Whisk the mixture occasionally. Cool your finished shower gel and pour it into a convenient dispenser bottle. As you can see, making a shower gel at home is very simple and quick. You can pre-boil the soap base and store it in the jar, adding a different grooming ingredient each time.

Advantages home remedy for the shower are obvious - after all, having carefully selected all the components of the gel, you can be absolutely sure of its safety. Even though high-quality essential oils are not cheap, a self-made gel will cost you much less than a store counterpart. Experiment with the ingredients and you may never go back to purchased funds For shower.