Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the interaction of the family and the pre-school educational institution. Forms of interaction of preschool institution with family

Speech at the Pedagogical Council

"Forms of interaction of kindergarten and family at the present stage"

The pre-school period is when the child is in full dependence on the surrounding adults. In the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the rights and obligations of parents for the upbringing and education of children are established, to the number of which include the upbringing of their children, the obligation to take care of the health, physical, mental, moral development of their children (Article 63).

According to the power, the depth of its specific impact on the child, the family is the most important factor, the necessary condition for the correct development and formation of a kid as a person.

Modern parents are sufficiently educated. They have access to pedagogical information, which "collapses" on them from different sources. However, pedagogical knowledge for parents is not the most important thing. Emotional - the sensual component of children-parent relations remains little in demand in the content and methods of cooperation.

Almost every Russian family, for one reason or another, today can be attributed to the discharge of disadvantaged. This is connected not only with the material wealth of the family. The number of children born out of marriage is growing. The number of divorces is increasing due to alcoholism, drug addiction, unlawful actions of adult family members. Young people do not want to marry.

All this can not not affect the relationship between parents and children. Nearmonic, uncomfortable relations in the family lead to a violation of basic needs for love, pleasant, provoke a child to seek the decision of their inner problem on the side, that is, on the street.

According to the materials of the Institute for the Development of Preschool Education RAO. Ugly education can be mandatory for children, despite the fact that at present many parents are no longer able to create adequate development conditions for their children. It actually can deprive children of childhood by making them "as if disciples" and using the possibility of free - gaming, emotionally rich residence of an extremely important period of human development.

Family for a child is a source of social experience. Here he finds examples to imitate and here is his social birth. And if we want to grow morally a healthy generation, then we must solve this problem "All Mir": kindergarten, family, public (A.S. Makarenko)

Modern family is included in various social interaction mechanisms, and therefore socio-economic cataclysms occurring in our country cannot not affect child-parent relations.

The influence of parents on the development of the child is very large. Children growing in an atmosphere of love and understanding have fewer health problems, school learning difficulties, communicating with peers, and, on the contrary, a violation of child-parent relations leads to the formation of various psychological problems and complexes

To ensure favorable conditions for the life and education of the child, the formation of a full-fledged, harmonious personality is necessary to strengthen and develop the close relationship and the interaction of kindergarten and family.

The formation of cooperation of children, parents and teachers, first of all, depends on how the interaction of adults in this process is. The result of education can be successful in the event that teachers and parents will become equal, as they raise the same children. But not all parents respond to the desire of teachers to cooperate with them and do not show much interest in combining efforts to upbringing and teaching their child.

To build effective interaction with families of pupils, it is necessary to provide some patterns in the development of these relations:

    On the first stagethe content and form of work with parents are thought out. An express survey is conducted to study their needs. This is necessary for further work planning.

    Second phase -establishment between educators and parents of benevolent interpersonal relations with the installation for future business cooperation. It is necessary to interest parents by the work that it is assumed to be carried out with them, to form a positive image of a child.

    Third stage -the formation of the parents of a more complete image of his child and his correct perception through the message of their knowledge that cannot be obtained in the family and which are unexpected and interesting for them. This may be information about some features of the child's communication with peers, its attitude towards work, achievements in productive activities.

    Fourth stage- Familiarization of the teacher with family problems in the child's education. At this stage, caregivers enter the dialogue with their parents who play an active role here, telling the tutor not only about the positiveness of the family, but also about the difficulties, anxiety - negative in the behavior of the child.

    Fifth stage -sharing with adults research and formation of the child's personality. At this stage, it is planned a specific content of the work and the forms of cooperation are selected.

Collaboration with the family requires the educators of the mandatory execution at all stages of the rules necessary for optimal pedagogical communication, to conquer the authority in communication:

    appeal to parents of their pupils only by name;

    manifestation of sincere interest in them;

    ability to listen;

    manifestation of goodwill, smile in communicating with them;

    conversations about what interests parents and that they appreciate above all;

    the ability to give to feel the parents of their significance, the manifestation of respect for their opinion.

Changing the relationship between the teacher with parents, in our opinion, contributes to many factors, such as, for example:

    individual registered invitations made in conjunction with children, parental meetings instead of impersonal ads on the upcoming event;

    organization in a preschool institution Corner for parents, where they can get acquainted with children's literature, children, toys, didactic material, which can be taken home for a while.

It is necessary to abandon formal communication, and give priority to such forms of work as a "round table", evenings of questions and answers, jointly with adults. Holidays and entertainment, discussion clubs, exhibitions of joint works of parents and children, trainings that help parents navigate in various situations , analyze them, find optimal solutions. An important role in establishing relationships with parents is also played by individual forms of work with them. The word supported by visuality, in which conversations with children recorded on the tape recorder, video phrases of the organization of various activities, regime moments, the inclusion of parents in role-playing pedagogical games or trainings, photos of children, exhibitions of their work, micro-drawing parents, their participation in Works of circles, playing games, classes and excursions with children are one of the most effective means of influencing the family.

Complete the lesson with mothers and dads is necessary at the peak of their interest, "putting not a point, but a comma in the discussion" and giving them the opportunity to further reflect.

When discussing pedagogical problems, you should not give adults ready answers, you need to build a discussion in such a way as to promote the development of their "pedagogical reflection" - the ability to analyze their own educational activities, it is critical to evaluate it, to find the reasons for their pedagogical errors.

Preparing for collaboration with family, it is necessary to clearly think through the forms and methods of work and ensure their compliance with the tasks, the peculiarities of the alleged partners in interaction. It is necessary in order to involve parents in an educational process, awaken their interest in the life of children in a preschool institution, to intensify participation in various events.

All forms of work are divided into individual, collective and vividly informational.

Individual forms of work with parents

One of the most important forms of family and kindergarten interaction is individual work with each parent. The property of such a form is that through the study of the specifics of the family, conversations with parents (with each separately), monitoring the communication of parents with children as in the group, so And home teachers outlines specific ways of joint impact on the child.

At the very beginning, the study of family microenvironment is very important. For this, diagnostic and analytical work with adults is carried out. The most common diagnostic method is questioning.It allows you to identify the general family plan, age, educational level, child information, the level of pedagogical culture, the nature of the child's relationship with parents, the level of educational potential of parents, their psychological and pedagogical competence, the nature of the relationship with the preschool institution, etc. However, the questionnaire does not allow the opportunity to learn the individual characteristics of the child, the organization of his life in the family. Therefore, the following important link in individual work is visitfamilies. The main goal of the visit is to get acquainted with the child and his close to the setting for him. In a child with a child, a conversation with parents you can learn a lot of necessary information about the baby, his preferences and interests, favorite games and toys, health, habits, skills and skills in various forms of activity. A visit, on the one hand, benefits parents - they receive an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the teacher communicates with the child, and, on the other hand, allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which a child lives, with a total atmosphere in the house. In addition, this form of work makes it possible to communicate not only with mother, father, a child himself, but also with other family members who take part in its upbringing.

By organizing a home visit, you must comply with some conditions:

    be very tactful in relation to the feelings of parents;

    explain that you come to the family so that the child can learn about the teacher in a familiar atmosphere for him;

    make a memo to organize home visits and try to perform it.

Conversationthe teacher with parents is the most affordable form of establishing a commodity of a teacher with family, its systematic communication with his father and mother, other family members. The purpose of the conversation is the exchange of views on this or that the issue of education and the achievement of a single point of view on these issues, providing parents of timely assistance. The material for conversations to the educator gives observation of the child: the rules of behavior in the collective; attitude to children, adults and their requirements; attitude to activities; Conversations with a pupil, detecting his knowledge, presentation, motives of behavior. Conversations may arise at the initiative of parents and teachers. They must meet certain requirements:

    be concrete and meaningful;

    give parents new knowledge on learning and education;

    awake interest in pedagogical problems;

    improve a sense of responsibility for raising children.

Live character conversation, goodwill, friendly tone, teacher's ability to show sympathy, tolerant attitude to some erroneous ideas and beliefs of parents will cause them a desire to frankly share their impressions, talk about the behavior of the child.

One of the forms of individual differentiated work with parents are consultation. They help, on the one hand, closer to find out the life of the family and to assist where it is most needed, on the other, they encourage parents to seriously look closely towards their children, identify their traits of their character, think about how to better educate them. Consultations in nature are close to conversations. The difference is that the conversation is the dialogue of the teacher and the parent, and by taking a consultation, answering the questions of parents, the teacher seeks to give them a qualified council. The topics of consultation is diverse. It is determined by the needs of adults (what questions they ask, what difficulties are experiencing), observations of the behavior of children in kindergarten, for the relationship between parents and children, the relevance of some issues at this stage.

Consultation also implies the fulfillment of certain requirements:

    each consultation should give parents something new, useful, expand their pedagogical knowledge;

    before you advise to parents, the educator must carefully prepare: read the appropriate literature, choose interesting examples from practice, if necessary - visual material (children's work, crafts, books).

Collective forms of work with parents

Group parent meetings are an effective form of work of educators with the team of parents, organized familiarizing them with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family. Practice shows that if teachers are creatively preparing for the congregation, they actively attract parents in it, there are examples of the organization of life and activities of children in families, then it passes alive, interestingly, efficiently. When preparing for the meeting, you can use the following plan:

    Questioning of parents on the topic of the meeting. Questionnaires are filled at home to the meeting, their results are used during its implementation.

    Production of invitations of each family (in the form of appliqué). It is important that children participate in the manufacture of invitations.

    Making memos with tips on the topic of the meeting. Their content should be brief, the text is printed by a large font.

    Preparation of contests, exhibitions.

    Recording to the tape recorder of children on the topic of the meeting.

    Invitation to the collection of a fabulous hero.

    Preparation of posters on the topic of the meeting.

    Conducting a meeting of the parent committee.

Increases the activity of mothers and dads at meetings. Participation of children. It can be carrying out any entertainment, dramatizing a fairy tale, showing artistic amateur time. During the conversation of the educator with parents at the meeting, some requirements must be followed:

    Do not reproach and teach parents.

    More often, you need to use as examples from the group's life.

    Talking about the unwanted actions of children, should not be called their names.

    The conversation is better to lead with soft lighting.

    Transitions from one situation to another can be separated by a short musical pause.

    Disassembled situations as possible to work better .

If the meetings are held at a convenient time for parents and are organized interesting, then its participants receive not only benefit, but also pleasure from communicating with each other.

An efficient non-traditional form of working with parents can be considered meetings of interest. An interesting family is revealed, her experience is being studied. Further, she invites two or three families to themselves, dividing her position in family upbringing. Such meetings are invited families in finding on the issue to be discussed at mini-meetings. Behind the tea cup there is a calm, trusting communication. The experience of family education is studied and passed.

One of the forms of increasing the pedagogical culture of parents is parent conference. Its value is that not only parents participate in it, but also the public. Topics can discuss the most different: moral education of the child, training for school, the responsibility of the parents for the upbringing of their children, etc. At the conferences are teachers, employees of the district education department, teachers, psychologists - all who works in the education system. There is an exchange of experience of family education, exhibitions of drawings, crafts of parents and children, joint concerts of artistic self-study are organized.

Days of open doors - This is an opportunity for parents to attend any lesson, walk, take part in various events of the pre-school institution.

Purpose of creation clubs Fathers, Grandparents - an increase in the circle of the interaction of the family and kindergarten. They can be carried out in the form of a lecture for young parents to give young dads and mothers not only theoretical knowledge, but also to teach them to apply these knowledge in practice. The topics of such lecturing can be the most diverse, for example: "How to calm the child, if he is capricious?", "How and what to feed the child, how to cook food delicious and rich in vitamins?", "How to instill cultural and hygienic skills?". Contests, exhibitions, lectures, etc. may also be held here. You can involve to participate and grandmothers, which sometimes spend most of the time with their grandchildren and at the same time remain beyond the collaboration of the kindergarten and family.

At joint meetings in the parent club, behind the "round table", during the discussion, parents and teachers have the opportunity to get to know each other better, get new information. Communication in the club allows each of the participants not only to express its opinion, but also be heard, compare its position with the position of other parents and teachers.

Parental trainings (Training game exercises and tasks) help develop an assessment of different ways of influencing the child, choose more successful forms of appeal to it and communicate with it, replace unwanted constructive. The parent, involved in the game training, begins communication with the child, comprehends new truths. For example, it is impossible to experience feelings of anger and anger on a child and at the same time be a happy parent; Say in the soul of a child negative emotions cannot be obtained instead of his smile and love.

One of the forms of working with parents at the present stage is conducting various contests - Questions and answers. Such forms of work allow parents to clarify their pedagogical knowledge, apply them in practice, learn about any new, exchange knowledge with each other, discuss some problems of the development of children. Perhaps nothing else brings the teachers and parents as the joint leisure of children and parents, where the latter perform full participants. In their preparation, parents are involved in almost all events:

    exchange of ideas, practical advice on the upcoming holiday;

    assistance in the development of the script;

    learning poems, songs, dancing, work on the role;

    assistance in the design of the room;

    sewing festive costumes;

    preparation of individual numbers;

    making surprises and gifts;

    preparation of a festive table.

This approach encourages the creative cooperation of parents, children and educators, eliminates the alienation between them, instills confidence in the success of collaboration, solves many problems. Even the holidays allow adults to play, give them the opportunity to become "equal" to the child in the game.

Families are happy to participate in excursions, weekends. Communication of parents with each other shares children, helps communication. The common field of interests, the actions of the parent community in kindergarten and at home is formed. Along with this, there is a closer connection between preschool institutions and families, which has a positive effect on educational and recreational work with children. The participation of parents in competitions contributes to the rapprochement of family members, forms interest in physical culture, and through it - to a healthy lifestyle.

Vite information forms of work with parents

First of all, it is corners for parents with different information:

Exhibitions of children's work of a certain topic.

Information sheets that may contain the following material:

    ads of meetings, events, excursions;

    requests for help;

    information about events in kindergarten;

    discussion of current events in the group;

    thanks to voluntary assistants.

Memo for parents.

Exhibitions of books, articles from newspapers or magazines on family education issues.

Movefold folders, which are formed on the thematic principle: "So that your children do not hurt", "classes with children at home", "The role of the Father in the raising of children", etc.

Shirma folders containing brief tips and recommendations to parents on specific issues. The material must be small in volume, the text is filled with sketches, illustrations, photos.

Parental newspaper, which is issued by the parents themselves. In such a newspaper, they note interesting cases from the life of the family, share the experience of education on certain issues; Describe how the weekend is carried out than loves to engage their child at home, what is his favorite toys, what family holidays they mark; We share the recipes for cooking your favorite dishes. The newspaper may be devoted to a particular topic of education, and it can be framed in the form of photographs, pictures of parents and children. For example: "Family Day", "My Mom", "My Dad", "I am at home", "I help my mother", etc.

The effectiveness of the work carried out with parents is indicated:

    the appearance of the parents of interest in the content of classes;

    the emergence of discussions on their initiative;

    answers to questions of parents themselves; bringing examples from their own experience;

    an increase in the number of questions to the teacher relating to the identity of the child, his inner world;

    the desire of adults to individual contacts with the educator;

    reflections of parents about the correctness of the use of certain methods of education;

    increase their activity in the analysis of pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussion issues .

No, even the best, pedagogical system can not be fully effective if there is no place in it! The child cannot exist outside the family system. If the pre-school institution and family are closed for each other, the child is between two unconcerned systems. Hence conflicts, misunderstanding, uncertainty. In order to avoid this, it is necessary that these two systems become open to each other for interaction. The main in them should be the atmosphere of good, trust and mutual understanding.


    Bashlakova-Lasminskaya L.N., Bryskina S.A.Cooperation of kindergarten and family in the conditions of an open educational system. Methodical recommendations. - Mn., 2001.

    Educator about working with family: a guide for a kindergarten teacher / Undered. N.F. Vinogradova. -M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

    Gromyko N.M., Lapitskaya I.V.Design and thematic approach to training preschoolers. - Mn., 2000.

    Danilina T.Modern problems of interaction of preschool institution with family // Pre-school education. - 2000. - No. 1. - P. 41-48; # 2. - P. 44-49.

    Kindergarten and family / Ed. T.A. Markova.- 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

    Kindergarten and family - hand in hand / Ed. A.P. Khalipova, N.F. Telepieva.From experience. - Mozyr, 2004.

    Dubrova V.P.Theoretical aspects of the interaction of kindergarten and family. - Mn., 1997.

    Eroshenko V.G.First step. Design and thematic planning in kindergarten. - MN: MET, 2002.

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Zimina Irina Petrovna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten №13 "spikes"
Locality: Nizhny Novgorod region, city Kulebaki, S.Murzitsy
Name of material: abstract
Subject: "Family and Dow"
Publication date: 01.04.2017
Section: preschool education


1 concept of interaction and cooperation

2 Principles of Dow and Family Interaction

3. Main directions of work dow with family

4. Forms of interaction of the educator and family of the child




Currently, the interest of teachers and managers noticeably increased

preschool facilities for work with family. According to the concept

modernization of Russian education Family must be active

subject of educational policy. Achieving strategic goals

education modernization is possible only in the process of constant

interaction of the educational system with various representatives in

complace with family as a social institution.

Family education has always played a decisive role in

the formation of the personality of a little baby. At the same time on development

the child affects the environment in which it is located, namely

pre-school educational institution. In kindergarten, the whole life of the child

subordinated to the whole system of rules and requirements: the rules of the organization and

vital activity, behavior in the team of peers, etc. Just like

each family, pre-school institution has a preceding system

values \u200b\u200band traditions. Sometimes they not only do not coincide, but also completely

opposed to them. Educational functions are different, but for

the comprehensive development of the child needs their interaction. In connection with

this occurs the sharp need to establish close contact

between kindergarten and family.

Modern family is one of the main valid

institutions of the formation of the child's personality, the formation of him

moral and positive potential, it is in the family that children acquire

the first experience of social life, get the lessons of morality, in the family

their character is formed, the horizons are expanding, the source is laid

life positions. At the same time, a lot for a child depends on

folding relations between the educator and parents. Interests

child may suffer if the relationship between employees of DOU and

parents did not work out.

The activities of parents and educators in the interests of the child can

be successful only if they become allies that

will allow them to know the child better, see it in different situations, and so

practically help adults in understanding individual features

children, the development of their abilities, forming value vital

landmarks, overcoming negative actions and manifestations in behavior.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of kindergarten, teachers and psychologists

is the establishment of positive relationships between

educators and parents, the development of new forms of working with parents

to promote pedagogical knowledge, attracting parents to parents

child and illumination of the consequences of negative relations in the family

The purpose of the study: reveal the preferred forms of interaction

Dow and parents.

Object of the study: the interaction of the DOU and the family.

Subject of research: Forms of the interaction of DOU and Family.

To solve the set goal, the following tasks are nominated:

- examine the interaction of the DOW and Family;

- Consider the psychological and pedagogical foundations of family interaction

and teacher;

- characterize modern forms of interaction of the educator

Dow with families;

- reveal preferred forms of interaction of the educator

kindergarten and parents.

The theoretical basis was the works of domestic psychologists and

pedagogues on the problems of the interaction of the teacher of the Dow and family of children

preschool age.

1 concept of interaction and cooperation

Today, all experts recognize the importance of attracting parents to

participation in the work of the kindergarten, but in real relationships

educators and parents There are defined disharmony.

Prevent the development of these relationships can both personal and

professional factors that can lead to formation

personal and professional prejudices, and prevent families to become

active participants in the upbringing of their children. Analysis of the prevailing

situations shows that currently there are a number of contradictions:

- Between low level of pedagogical culture and insufficient

knowledge of the foundations of psychology by parents and the lack of a system of studying them

in a preschool institution;

- between the desire of parents to active activities in the DOU and

strictly regulating the nature of the activities of the institution;

- between the rights and obligations of parents and inability them


- Between the need to build work with family based on

interaction and cooperation and inappropriate teachers lead this work.

Recognition of family education priority, novelty of relations

families and pre-school institutions are determined by the concepts of "cooperation"

and "interaction." Interaction is a way

organization of joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of

social perception and by communication.

The result of the interaction is certain

relationships that, being an internal personal basis

interactions depend on the relationship of people, from the situation

interacting. Term "Interaction", in the context of interaction

educational institution and family, was disclosed in the works of T.A. Markova,

where the interaction was considered as the unity of education lines for the purpose

solutions to family education problems and was based on a single

understanding. The interaction of teachers Dow with parents suggests

mutual assistance, mutual respect and mutual actors; Teacher's knowledge and accounting

family education conditions, and parents - the conditions of education in

kindergarten. It also implies the mutual desire of parents and

pedagogues maintain contact with each other.

The basis of the interaction of the DOU and the family is cooperation

teachers and parents, which involves equality of partners' positions,

respectful attitude towards each other

opportunities and abilities. Cooperation implies not only

mutual actions, but also mutual understanding, mutual extension, mutual convimination,

condition, mutual influence. Active joint work of teachers and

parents makes it possible to get to know each other better, contributes to strengthening them

relationship. The highest point of interaction to Dow with the family

is the Commonwealth, which implies the union of anyone

founded on friendship, unity of views, interests, and assumes before

in total, openness towards each other.

Thus, the main moment in the context of "Family - Preschool

institution "- close cooperation and personal interaction of the teacher

Doe and parents in the process of child education. Parental love gives

man "margin of strength", forms a sense of psychological

protection. Educators - the first assistants of the parents, children in their hands

become inquisitive, active, creative.

Updating the system of pre-school education, humanization processes

and democratization in it led to the need to revitalize

the interaction of a pre-school institution with family. Family - unique

primary Society, giving a child a feeling of psychological

security, "emotional rear", support, unconditional

accountable adoption. In this, the incredit value of the family for a person

in general, and for a preschooler especially. This is also said and

modern specialists, and family scientists (TA Markova,

OL Zvereva, E.P. Arnautova, V.P. Dubrova, I.V. Lapitskaya et al.) They are

it is believed that the Family Institute is the Institute of Emotional Relations.

Every child today, as at all times, expects from her relatives and

loved ones to him (mother, father, grandparents, grandparents, sisters, brother)

unconditional love: it is not like good behavior and evaluation, but

just as much as he is, and for the fact that he is just.

Family for a child is also a source of social experience. Here

he finds examples for imitation, here is his social

birth. And if we want to grow morally a healthy generation, then

must solve this problem "All World": kindergarten, family,

public. Therefore, it is not by chance that in recent years began to develop

and introducing a new philosophy of family interaction and preschool

institutions. It is based on the idea that the education of children bear

responsibility parents, and all other social institutions are called

maintain and supplement their educational activities.

The new philosophy of family interaction and DW assumes new

relations. Having their own special functions, they can not replace each other,

therefore, the establishment of contact between them is a prerequisite

successful education of a child of junior preschool age.

The main purpose of the family and any educational institution

- Formation of the child's personality. Parents and teachers are two most powerful

forces whose role in the process of the formation of the personality of each person

it is impossible to exaggerate. To grow out of a little child

a full-fledged person: cultural, highly moral, creative and

socially mature personality, it is necessary for teachers and parents

acted as allies, shared with children with their kindness, experience,

knowledge. Here, mutual understanding is of particular importance.

supplement, coactivity of pre-family and family in upbringing and education

smart generation.

In this context, the family in relation to the Dow appears not only

as a consumer and social customer, but also, which is very important, in the role

partner. The success of cooperation will depend on the mutual facilities of the family

and kindergarten. The most optimal they add up if both sides

aware of the need for a focused impact on the child and

trust each other.

Kindergarten is the first educational institution with which

family comes into contact. But kindergarten can not replace the family, he

complements it by performing its special functions. At the same time, modern

family education is not considered as an autonomous factor

forming personality. On the contrary, the effectiveness of home education

increases if it is complemented by the system of other educational

institutions with whom the family has cooperation relationships,


Practice shows that to establish a dialogue with families

pupils educators It is important to actively use the support language and

measuring, give to understand the parents that they are listening carefully and hear.

This is achieved with a variety of communication methods.

(active listening, eye contact, appropriate compliment, smile, etc.), but not

for the sake of conformity to family expectations to produce a good impression

or approve their rightness, but in order to create emotionally

positive atmosphere of conversation conversation, joint

problem solution.

The awareness of the priority of the family led to a change of social position:

kindergarten for a family, not a family for kindergarten; To the emergence of new

communicative connections, more conscious and interested participation

parents in the pedagogical process. In this case, the transition from

the concepts of "work with parents" to the concept of "interaction"; Search is searching

joint language of contact and mutual understanding, recognition of strong and

weak sides of each other.

Consequently, efficiently organized cooperation between

family and dw gives impetus to building interaction with family on

a qualitatively new basis, involving not just joint participation in

raising a child, and awareness of common goals, trusting attitudes and

the desire for mutual understanding. Creating a Union of Three Social Force:

pedagogues - Children - Parents are one of the current issues of today.

2 Principles of Dow and Family Interaction

The new philosophy of interaction of teachers and parents includes

the following principles.

The principle of transition from cooperation in the exchange of information and

propaganda of pedagogical knowledge to cooperate as interpersonal

communication teacher with dialogic parents. Key

the concept here is the dialogue under which the personality is understood

equal communication, joint acquisition of experience.

The interaction also implies the credibility of the relationship.

Invalidness of the analysis of the identity of the parent in the degree of his pedagogical

"Literacy-illiteracy", "passive activity", "Readiness

no counterproofs.

Confidentiality implies teacher's readiness tolerant

refer to the fact that family members of small pupils in different

reasons can hide substantial information from it.

Relevant today is the orientation in the content of communication on

problems affecting the development of children, accounting for requests and wishes

parents in knowledge. In the good sense, this means that teacher

"There is a lot of parents. This is also the trust of relationships between

teachers and parents, personal interest, emancipation

the latter, involving liberation from old views, appearance

reflexive attitude to its activities. Implementation of this principle

implies a refusal to criticize the interlocutor, the ability to interest him,

aim to analyze their own educational activities.

As already noted, the main moment in the context of "Family -

pre-school institution "- Personal interaction of the teacher and parents

in the process of raising a child. Therefore, it is especially important now

is the implementation of the principle of the openness of the kindergarten for parents. This

the principle assumes that parents may be able to freely

to your discretion, at a convenient time for them to get acquainted with the activities

kid in kindergarten, style of communication with preschoolers,

foundation in the life of the group. As part of a closed kindergarten, go to

it is impossible to new forms of relations between parents and teachers. Involvement

parents in the pedagogical process of institution is called "Openness

kindergarten inside. " ROW cooperation with social institutions,

his openness of the effects of microsocium, i.e. "Openness of kindergarten

outward "is also today one of the activities

preschool institution.

The new principles of interaction include variability

it needs to be learning, both new topics and old in the new sound.

Therefore, educators need to build work with parents using

a variety of forms of enlightenment, forming parents as teachers.

Since the interaction at the present stage is not limited to

pedagogical enlightenment, should be clarified and expand the concept

"Interaction" of this characteristic as the ability of parents to

reflection. The task of forming the parents of one of the components

pedagogical reflection - skills self-critical evaluate yourself as

educator, their educational activities, get up

educated and look at the situation with his eyes. This is especially

relevant for young father and mother, because they only start

to fold the parent position. From the formation of this skill

the nature of the relationship between parents and the baby depends, their success

further educational activities. Formed from parents

the desire to understand the child, the ability to creatively apply the received

pedagogical knowledge will contribute to the emergence of mutual understanding

between them, emotionally positive, conscious, morally

motivated child's relationship to adult requirements.

To new principles of interaction of pre-school educational

institutions and families include the formation of parental competence,

which involves integrating different aspects of personal

parental experience: cognitive; emotional; sensory;

communicative; reflexive, etc.

Competence includes not only the cognitive component, but

and emotional, and behavioral, that is, the ability to apply the received

knowledge in practice, formation of pedagogical reflection. Quality

parent competence will be discovered in the ability of an adult

find in any situation of communication accurate and sincere joint language

contact with a child including the variety of verbal and

non-verbal behavior of communicating subjects, which will allow an adult

stay in relationship with the child. When the choice of response to

the behavior of the preschooler is recognized by the parents, he becomes free from

the usual stereotypical reactions and "automatisms" of behavior.

Thus, the main purpose of interaction is the establishment

combining into one team, the need to share with your other

problems and jointly solve them.

3. Main directions of work dow with family

By the middle of the 20th century, sufficiently stable forms of work

kindergarten with family, which in preschool pedagogy is considered to be

traditional. Conditionally can be divided into the following groups:

individual, collective, visual information (Table 1).

Table 1 - Traditional kindergarten forms of kindergarten with family


1. Parents of the meeting (general, group) - the form of an organized

familiarize parents with tasks, content and methods of education of children

a certain age in the conditions of pre-family and family.

2. Conferences.

3. Round tables.

4. Excursions for Dow to familiarize parents with specialists, profile

and tasks DOU.


1. Pedagogical conversations with parents.

2. Thematic consultations (are held by experts).

3. Correspondence consultation - box (envelope) for parents.

4. A visit to the child's family.

5. Correspondence with parents, individual memos.



1. Records conversations with children.

2. VideoFragments of the organization of various activities, regime

moments and classes.

3. Photos.

4. Exhibitions of children's work.

5. Stands, shirms, mobile folders.

These are the forms of work tested by time. Their classification

structure, content, efficiency are described in many scientific and

methodical sources.

Analysis of traditional forms of working with family shows that the lead

the role in organizing work with the family is given to teachers. For

in good faith, they are useful and need so far. At the same

time should be noted that in modern conditions these forms of work

large results do not give, because It is impossible to see the problems of each

family individually. Conversations, consultations mainly come from

educators and are conducted in the direction that seems necessary

him, the request from parents is rare. Propaganda, most often

it is drawn up by teachers in the form of stands, thematic exhibitions. Parents

they get acquainted with her purely mechanically when they take children home from the group.

Visiting the family as an educator to clarify the general conditions of the family

education Recently causes parental discontent due to

deterioration of the economic situation of families.

All this indicates that the family is perceived by the public

as a pedagogically imperfect factor in the formation of the child's personality.

Unfortunately, some teachers proceed from what exactly they should

"Clarify" parents, how to educate their children, and elect

assembly tone: do not advise and offer, and require; do not suggest

instruct. All this pushes parents. And the result is one - kindergarten and

parents are engaged in raising a child without interacting with each other.

Yes, and the forms of work with the family do not give proper results, since

are aimed at interacting with a wide range of parents, with all

parent team group. Under these conditions, it is impossible to know

the individuality of the family and the child, his problems and success, get close to and

contact, activate and work together.

Currently, as part of the work of the DOW and Family, they began actively

innovative forms and working methods are used.

Modern families, different in composition, cultural traditions and

i look in education, in different ways understand the place of the child in life

societies. Nevertheless, all of them are in the wishes of the best for

your baby, but, unfortunately, not everyone is ready to respond to

various initiatives of kindergarten. Task pedagogical team

interest parents and involve them in the creation of a single cultural

educational space "Kindergarten-Family". Solving this task

teachers are looking for new forms and methods of working with parents. At present

time practice has been accumulated by the variety of non-traditional forms

interaction with families of pupils. They are aimed at establishing

informal contacts with parents, attracting their attention to children's

garden. Parents better learn their child because they see him in another

new for itself at furnishings, come closer to teachers. So, T.V. Krotov

it allocates the following unconventional forms: information

analytical, leisure, cognitive, vividly informational

Table 2. Non-traditional forms of organization of communion of teachers and



For what purpose is this form

Forms of communication



Identifying interests, needs,

parents' requests, their level

pedagogical literacy

Conducting sociological sections

polls, "Mailbox"


Establishing emotional contact

between teachers, parents, children

Joint leisure, holidays, participation

parents and children in exhibitions


Familiarization of parents with age

and psychological features

preschool children.

Formation of parents

practical skills of raising children

Workshops, pedagogical workshops

briefing, pedagogical living room,

consisions consultations in

unconventional form, oral

pedagogical magazines, games with

pedagogical content

pedagogical library for




: information-




Familiarization of parents with work

preschool institution

features of parenting.

Formation of parents of knowledge about

education and development of children

Information prospectuses for

parents, organization of days (weeks)

classes and other activities

children. Newspaper production, organization mini

libraries, mini museums

To implement the content of this work in a preschool institution

also used collective and individual forms of activity.

These forms can be effective only if managed

find an individual relationship style with each parent, important

location to your parents, conquer their trust, call on

doubts. All this will help better understand the child, find optimal

ways to solve the problems of education of a particular person in preschool

institution and home.

New in the practice of the work of kindergarten with his family is the use

written forms of communication with parents. So, the first step to

mutual understanding can be a letter that comes to parents,

standing in line in kindergarten. In this letter, the teacher talks about

how parents can facilitate the upcoming adaptation of the child in

kindergarten, putting the necessary skills, psychologically preparing

to daily parting. So, in familiar parents

children every morning with colored chips celebrate each other's mood. it

serves as the first theme of the tutor's conversation with children at the beginning of the day and teaches

children and parents are attentive to each other.

"Ask - answer" - this is a mailbox for personal questions

parents. In addition, there is a place for a business card on the locker -

the frame in which children insert a picture or drawing and change them in

the course of the day at will. In the evening, parents and educators can

discuss the choice of the child, comment on it.

Together with parents are organized thematic exhibitions,

for example, "things from the grandmother's chest", "How our grandfathers fought",

"Bird Waltz", "Autumn Vernissage", "Merry Vegetables", "Golden Hands

our grandmothers. " Today is very popular with the "Museum

one image. " Such a mini-museum is the result of communication, collaboration

teacher, pupils and their families. A distinctive feature of such a mini

the museum is that it takes a very small space except

togo, here everything can be touched.

One of the forms of interaction is the connection of parents to

life Dow, organizing their joint activities with children. So,

parents of different professions (seamstress, driver, doctor, librarian, artist and

etc.) come to visit preschoolers. For example, a firefighter dad, or dad

militizer, Mom doctor introduces pupils with its peculiarities

professions. Parents take part in different classes with children,

remove events on the camera, provide transport and others. In addition,

parents can be attracted to Saturdays, to participate in landscaping

dow territory, carry preschoolers for submission, excursions to

weekends, jointly visit museums.

One of the most favorite activities of joint activities remains

participation of parents on holidays. Live communication with mom or dad

brings children a special pleasure, and parents, plunging into the world of children's

holiday, better understand your children, their desires and interests. IN

currently, the project method is actively used when parents

connect to the execution of a specific part of the overall task, for example,

according to preschoolers with a native city. They are collecting

information about architecture, street names, squares, make photos

et al. Then present their work at the overall event. This method

promotes rapprochement of parents, children and teachers.

Thanks to the use of active methods, parents turn out to be

research position and however, may feel in

relationships with others are more comfortable and safer, as they start to receive

friendly feedback and emotional support.

One forms of working with parents is currently being

creation of the Board of Trustees at DW. Its members are

head of Dow, parents of children visiting this pre-school

institution, staff Doe, as well as representatives of organizations,

financing the activities of a pre-school educational institution.

Parents are very effective and in the work of pedagogical

advice - it helps to identify common problems, outline their ways

solutions. Posted on the "Health and Safety of Our

children "," learn, playing ", parents expressed their opinion on the discussed

topic, made adjustments and suggestions. Mutually useful is and

participation of parents in workshops "Portrait of Modern

teacher, "where participants exchange opinions about what should be

educator that meets the requirements of high morality and requests

modern society.

Thus, the interaction of teachers and parents in preschool

educational institution is carried out in a variety of forms.

Modern forms of work with families of pupils, in accordance with

the new philosophy of the Dow with the family is undeniable and

cooperation with the child;

child in dough and family;

4. Forms of interaction of the educator and family of the child on the example

d / s spikelet sat Murzitsa Nizhny Novgorod region

The interaction of educators and families is one of

the priority tasks of MBDOU, and is carried out using

the structural and functional model, which consists of three blocks:

informational and analytical, practical and assessment.

Information and analytical block involves the collection and analysis

information about parents and children, learning families, their difficulties and requests,

enlightening parents, transferring them to the necessary information on this or

in a question, the organization of productive communication of all participants

educational space, i.e. Exchange thoughts, ideas, experience

family education. The tasks to be solved in this block

define forms and methods for further work of teachers.

The operation of this unit includes:

- survey, survey, patronage, interviewing, observation,

studying medical staff, information sheets, newspapers, sheets,

library for parents, booklets, photo exhibitions, etc.;

- Creative homework (offered at the first acquaintance

with a child) - fill out the questionnaire "This is me", which will help the teachers closer

learn about the child; Describe the house "Our Family Teremok"

(Proposed blanks for the design of a house in which the child

together with the parents there will be photos of his family members);

draw your palm, where on every finger mom or dad will write,

how at home call a child family members. Creative tasks

contribute to the development of the interest of the child and parents to their new conditions,

help to feel the concerned attitude of educators to their

future pupil. These creative tasks will subsequently become

the pages of the "family album" of the child;

- "Entertaining pages" are issued to inform

parents about the educational process as part of any

thematic week. Of these pages, parents learn about the information,

or other material;

- In the corners of health, parents are offered various information about

childhood diseases and their prevention in the form of information sheets,

various consultations, memo, booklets.

The practical unit involves practical events that

associated with the inclusion of parents in the unified educational process of the DOU, and

related to the development of children. Forms and methods of work are used

dow teachers depend on the information obtained when analyzing the situation

first block, it is:

- Events for the improvement of children, the manufacture of non-traditional

benefits, organization of excursions, campaigns, family exhibitions,

photo exhibitions;

- "Mine (Papin) five-minute" - Moms or dad "tell"

(draw up with pictures, drawings, etc.) Children or about their

professions, or about their hobbies of sports, or about their favorite books

childhood, etc. This form of work contributes to the rapprochement of parents and their

children, contribute to the education of respect for children to parents, develops

the interest of children to the world of adults;

- "The weekend of the whole family" - teachers together with children prepare

invitations for parents for any family event (hike in

theater, library, ski walk, etc.). In addition, parents and children

offered "traveler sheet" where questions are proposed that

can be discussed with children while walking or excursion, some

creative task, etc.

The indicator of its performance is:

- parental satisfaction with the work of DOU;

- parental satisfaction with the nature of their interaction with

teachers and leaders of the DOW.

The assessment block involves an effectiveness analysis

events that are conducted by the specialists of kindergarten (in

quantitative and qualitative indicators), basic data

performance of work done.

To determine the effectiveness of the joint work with parents,

survey or questionnaires are used, which are held immediately after

any event. Parents leave their small reviews about

events that are issued in "Group Portfolio » and

illustrated by photos from the event.

As the analysis of the work showed, such a system of cooperation with the family

effectively contributes to the formation of leadership experience

child activity.

However, there are also problems of interaction, the main one of which is

this is the employment of modern parents, which does not always allow them to be

next to the child in the important moments of his life. Meanwhile, early age -

the period of small achievements, it is at this age stage that

actively develops and knows the world around him, so participation

parents are very important for the development of the kid, and the organization of interaction

with parents of young children is important.

This indicates the need to integrate family

education and pre-school education, transition to a qualitatively new

pre-school institution and family, active inclusion of parents in

interaction with support teachers.


Interaction of teachers and parents in preschool educational

the institution is carried out in a variety of forms.

Modern forms of work with families of pupils, in accordance

with the new philosophy of the Dow with the family, they are indisputable and

numerous advantages, it is:

- Positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents on

joint work on raising children. Parents are confident that

will always help them in solving pedagogical problems and at the same time

does not hurt, as the opinions of the family and suggestions will be taken into account

interaction with the child. Teachers, in turn, are shared

understanding parents in solving pedagogical problems. A B.

the biggest winnings are children for which they are carried out

this is the interaction;

- Accounting for the individuality of the child: teacher, constantly supporting

contact with family, knows the features of the habit of his pupil and

takes into account them when working, which, in turn, leads to an increase

effectiveness of the pedagogical process;

- parents can independently choose and form already in

preschool age is the direction in the development and raising of the child,

which they consider it necessary: \u200b\u200bthus parents take on

responsibility for raising a child;

- strengthening intra-family connections, emotional family

communication, finding common interests and classes;

- the possibility of implementing a unified education and development program

child in dough and family;

- the possibility of taking into account the type of family and style of family relationships, which

it was unrealistic when using traditional forms of work with parents.

Teacher, defining the type of family of the pupil, can find the right

approach for interaction and successfully work with parents.

Basic principles of work in the framework of new forms of cooperation:

- Openness of kindergarten for family (each parent

it is possible to know, to see how child lives and develops);

- cooperation of teachers and parents in raising children;

- Creating an active developing environment, active forms of communication

children and adults providing uniform approaches to the development of a child in

family and dow;

- Diagnosis of general and private problems in education and development

The main directions of work with parents: information

analytical, informative direction, visual information

direction, leisure direction.

The purpose of all forms and types of interaction of the Dow with the family is the establishment

confidence relations between children, parents and teachers,

education of the need to share each other with their problems and

together to decide.


Grigorieva N. How we work with parents / N. Grigoriev,

L. Kozlova // Preschool Education, 2006. - №9. - P. 23-31.

Kindergarten - Family: Aspects of interaction: Pratte. benefit /

Avt. Sost. S.V. Glebova. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2005. - 111 p.

Doronova T.N. Pre-school institution and family - one

space of children's development: Methodical manual / TN Doronov

E.V. Solovyov, A.E. Zhichkina et al. - M.: Linka Press, 2006. - P. 25-26.

Zvereva O.L. Communication of the teacher with parents in Dow:

Methodical aspect / O.L. Zverev, T.V. Krotov. - M.: Sphere, 2005. - 80 s.

Zvereva O.L. Family pedagogy and home education children

early and preschool age: studies. Manual / A.N. Ganichev, T.V. Krotov.

- M.: TC Sphere, 2009. - 249 p.

Zvereva O.L. Modern forms of interaction of the Dow and Family /

OL Zvereva // Educator Dow. - 2009. - №4. - P. 74-83.

Petrischenko N.A. Kindergarten and family - interaction and

collaboration / N.A. Petrischenko, N.E. Zenchenko // Educator Dow. -

Features of organizing the work of the parent club as the forms of interaction of the pre-school educational institution and family.

Introduction 3.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the interaction of the family and pre-school educational institution

1.1. History of the issue of organizing the interaction of DOU and Family 8

2.1. The concept of interaction of the Dow with the family in the psychological -Pedagogical literature 12

3.1. Parent Club as a form of organization of interaction of DOU and Family 22

Chapter II. Experimental work on the organization of the work of the parent club as a form of interaction of the Dow and Family

2.1. Organization of the study on identifying the features of the interaction of DOU and Family 29

2.2. Results of the study on identifying the features of the interaction of DOU and Family 33

Conclusion 48.

References 51

Appendix 54.


Currently, the interest of teachers and heads of pre-school institutions to work with family has noticeably increased. Large-scale transformations in society, the complex socio-economic and environmental conditions of modernity dictate the need to search and develop new approaches to the implementation of the tasks of educational and educational work in DOU. According to the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education, the family must be an active subject of educational policy. Achieving the strategic objectives of the modernization of education is possible only in the process of constant interaction between the educational system with various representatives, including with the family as a social institution.

The beginning of 2013 became rich for events - especially significant for the development of our country and its educational system. The adoption of the law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which entered into force on September 1, 2013, in which the "General Principles and Provisions, regulating relations in the education system". Strengthening the educational and educational function of the preschool institution, as well as changes taking place in society, determine the need to improve the forms and methods of interaction between kindergarten and family, teachers and parents. The continued development of the child depends on the collaboration of parents and teachers. The level of pedagogical culture of parents, and, consequently, the level of family education of children depends on the quality of the preparation of the preschool institution.

In order to be a real propaganda of funds and methods of pre-school education, a kindergarten in its work should serve as a model of such education. Only on this condition, parents with trust will refer to the recommendations of educators, will be more willing to establish contact with them. Educators should constantly improve their demands to their pedagogical knowledge and skills, their own attitude towards children and parents. Today, for most kindergartens, there is a difficult task - to attract parents to pedagogical interaction with the child, while leaving the boring patterns.

Family education has always played a decisive role in the formation of a small child's personality. At the same time, the development of the child is influenced by the medium in which it is located, namely the preschool educational institution. In kindergarten, the whole life of the child is subordinate to the whole system of rules and requirements: the rules of organization and vital activity, behavior in the team of peers, etc. Like every family, the pre-school institution has a preceding system of values \u200b\u200band traditions. Sometimes they not only do not match, but completely opposite to them. Educational functions are different from them, but for the comprehensive development of the child, their interaction needs. In this regard, there is an urgent need to establish close contact between the kindergarten and family.

Modern family is one of the main existing institutions of the formation of the child's personality, the formation of moral and positive potential, it is in the family that children acquire the first experience of social life, they receive moral lessons, their nature is formed, the horizons are expanding, the origin of the life positions are being launched. At the same time, a lot for the child depends on the developing relationship between the educator and parents. The interests of the child may suffer if the relationship between employees of the DOU and parents did not work out. The activities of parents and educators in the interests of the child can be successful only if they become allies, which will allow them to know the child better, see it in different situations, and thus help adults in understanding the individual characteristics of children, the development of their abilities, the formation of value life landmarks, overcoming negative actions and manifestations in behavior. Therefore, one of the main tasks of kindergarten, teachers and psychologists is to establish a positive relationship between educators and parents, the development of new forms of working with parents to promote pedagogical knowledge, attracting the attention of parents to the child and the coverage of the consequences of negative relations in the family

The problem of organizing the interaction of teachers DOU and the family was engaged in E.P. Arnautov, so-called. Doronov, TA Markova, L.V. Vinogradova, A.V. Kozlova, O.V. Solodunkin. In their works, scientists offer forms and methods of fruitful cooperation of preschool institution and family (T.N. Doronov, T.A. Markova, E.P. Arnautov), \u200b\u200breveal the need for self-development of educators and parents (A.V. Kozlova, E.P . Arnautov), \u200b\u200boffer interactive forms of work in the teacher with the family (E.P. Arnautov, so-called. Doronov, O.V. Solodyankina).

In recent years, the term "innovation" was increasingly used in the pedagogical vocabulary. This term means "innovation", "advanced pedagogical experience", "innovation arising from the diversity of initiatives and innovations promising for the development of education." Currently accumulated significant practical experience in interacting with the families of pupils. By cooperation with parents in addressing the tasks of education, development and socialization of preschoolers, Dow teachers seek to create a friendly partnership between a kindergarten and family. As part of the preschool institution, it is possible to note how traditional and reliably consolidated forms of interaction with parents: these are consultations or speeches at parental meetings, stands for parents, and consulting corners in kindergarten groups, as well as non-traditional, one of which is - Parental club.

The need for such an interaction is due to the main task - the physical, mental, intellectual development of the child. Without family participation, it is impossible to do this.

The purpose of the study: to determine the peculiarities of the parent club as the form of organizing the interaction of the DOC and the family.

Object of the study: the interaction of the DOU and the family.

Subject of research: Features of the Organization Parent Club as the forms of the interaction of pre-family and family.

Hypothesis: We assume that the interaction of the DOU and the family is characterized by the low readiness of the parents to the active participation in the life of a kindergarten (group) as well as insufficient readability of the money to interact with parents.

We assume that the use of guidelines for the organization of the parent club will overcome these disadvantages.

To solve the set goal, the following tasks are nominated:

    Theoretically substantiate the problem of the interaction of the family and pre-school educational institution

    Characterize the parent club as the modern form of cooperation of the Dow with the family;

    To study the features of educational requests of the family, family readiness to participate in the educational process of DW.

    Analyze the readiness of teachers to the use of active forms of interaction with parents, the level of their awareness of the forms of working with parents, including the work of the parent club.

The following methods were used during the study: Analysis of literature on the issue of research; study of pedagogical experience; Observation, questioning teachers and parents, quantitative and qualitative analysis of results.

The theoretical basis was the works of domestic psychologists and teachers on the problems of interaction between Dow with families.

The practical significance of the study is to develop guidelines for the organization of the parent club, as the form of the interaction of the DOU and the family.

The study was conducted on the basis of MBDOU DOS 24, Cherepovets from the past 2014 and included the following steps:

ITEP - information and analytical, includes an analysis of the literature on the issue of research, the selection of the questionnaire to identify the level of interaction of the DOW and Family, the study of family requests, family readiness to respond to the requests of the pre-school institution;

IIETAP - conducting a statement experiment;

The study was attended by 10 families and 10 Pedagogues Dow.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, conclusions, the list of the literature used (43), applications on 54-90 pages. The main text is 53 pages.

Building a kindergarten's cooperation with parents, specialists and practical workers rely on the "concept of pre-school education" (1989), which states that the kindergarten and family in the chronological row are related to the form of continuity, which ensures the continuity of education and children's education. Tasks of cooperation teacher preschool institution with parents- establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, unite efforts to develop and raise children; Create an atmosphere of community of interests, interaction: emotional interpretation and interpenetration in each other's problems.

Positive results in raising children are achieved with a skillful combination of different forms of training and education. Currently, individual work with the family continues to be relevant tasks, care that they are not only difficult from the field of view and the influence of specialists, but not quite prosperous in some particular, but important issues of the family.

The main forms of cooperation.

1. A visit to the child's familyit gives a lot to study it, establish contact with the child, his parents, clarify the conditions of education, if not turns into a formal event. The teacher must be coordinated in advance with the parents convenient for them to visit the time, as well as determine the purpose of his visit. Come to the child home - it is to visit. So, it is necessary to be in a good mood, friendly, friendly. It should be forgotten about complaints, comments, prevent criticism in the address of parents, their family economy, lifestyle, tips (single!) Tactically, unobtrusively. Crossing the threshold of the house, the teacher catches the atmosphere of the family: like someone from family members meets, supports the conversation, how directs the raised questions are discussed. The behavior and mood of the child (joyful, discovered, crumbling, embarrassed, friendly) will also help to understand the psychological climate of the family.

2. Open Day,being a fairly common form of work, it makes it possible to introduce parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational and educational work, to interest it and attract to participate. It is held as an excursion to a preschool institution with a visit to the Group, where children who came their parents are brought up. You can show a fragment of the pre-school institution (collective work of children, fees for a walk and others). After the excursion and viewing the head or methodologist talks with their parents, find out their impressions, answer the questions that have arisen.

3. Consultations.Consultations are conducted individually or for the subgroup of parents. For group consultations, you can invite parents from different groups that have the same problems or, on the contrary, success in education (capricious children; children with pronounced abilities for drawing, music). Consultations are assimilated by parents of certain knowledge, skills; Help them in resolving problematic issues.

4. Parental meetings.General meetings (for parents of the entire institution) are organized 2-3 times a year. They discuss the tasks of the new school year, the results of educational work, the issues of physical education and the problems of the summer recreation period, etc. The general meeting can be invited by a doctor, a lawyer, group meetings are held every 2-3 months. There are 2-3 questions to discussion (one question is preparing an educator, on others it is possible to propose to speak to parents or someone from specialists). Every year, one meeting is advisable to devote to the discussion of the family experience of raising children. Provisies of parents.

5. Discussion meetingsare active forms of communication in order to revitalize the educational capabilities of parents. This, for example, "Round Table", "Evening of Questions and Answers"; Workshop and trainings helping parents to correct their own views on the upbringing and methods of communication with the child. Emotionally rich forms of communication with them are also successfully interacting with parents: joint leisure of adults and children, folk family evenings, informative-gaming quizzes, etc.

It is important to consider ways to involve parents in the educational process. So, it gives them the right to get acquainted with the life of a child in kindergarten, his communications with peers. It is important for parents to see the child in different activities: a game, work, at a computer, while eating and walking, in the pool and the gym. Such observations are the source of new, sometimes unexpected knowledge about the son or daughter. Their number during the school year can be determined as requests of parents about the information of children in kindergarten you are interested in about the lives of children in kindergarten and the deficit of these or other childhood activities in the development of a child identified during conversations, observations, surveys, Testing parents, etc.

Inviting parents to kindergarten, it is necessary to create situations for the interaction of children and adults. For example, to offer parents with the child to sculpt, glue, draw, play, perform sports, dance movements, ask each other questions, make riddles, etc. Interacting with the child, parents begin to understand it better and feel, notice changes in its development, rejoice And empathizes and successfulness of the son or daughter.

The educator thinks over the content of communication with parents, taking into account the social factors of family education: housing conditions of the family, age, parental education, marital and parental experience; The types of families pointing to the originality of the social situation of the development of the only child in the family; having a senior or younger brother (sister); living with grandparents; in an incomplete family; upon repeated parent; With guardians and others. Analysis of families of pupils helps the teacher better navigate the pedagogical needs of parents and to carry out differentiated communication with them, combining them into subgroups on similar conditions and rapidness difficulties (for example, having only a son or daughter; experiencing difficulties in establishing relations between two, Three in general or same-sex children; interested in the specifics of raising the younger child in the family, etc.).

Content of communication with parents of children one - threeyears can be: organization of a healthy lifestyle of the family; Creating conditions for the safety of the child's life in the house; hygiene issues; The meaning of the emotional communication of the mother and the child in the development of the baby, the culture of emotional communication with the child and the values \u200b\u200bof gaming communication with him in the family; Features of social development and overcoming the crisis of three years. It is important to teach parents to enrich the sensory, speech experience of the baby in different activities, ensure the engine's motor activity, its instruments and object activities, to acquaint them with the program of development and education of children in kindergarten.

When communicating with parents of children three - fiveyears the educator continues to acquaint them with ways to communicate with the child and adequate methods of pedagogical impact in the family; Teaches you ways to develop speech and speech communication, shows the possibilities of a family for the development of an inquisitiveness, imagination, etc. It reflects along with parents about the manifestations of the individuality of the child, the peculiarities of his behavior, habits and preferences.

With parents of children five - sevenyears the teacher discusses the issues of the psychophysiological maturity of the child and his readiness to school; It draws the attention of parents to the importance of the formation of morally significant motives and arbitrary forms of the child's behavior, the formation of a valid attitude towards adults of their family and enriching his sensual experience.

During the discussions, the tutor is better to send a dialogue, rather than leading it in it, to provide each participant the opportunity to speak freely, listen to others, to form their point of view on the problem under discussion. A discussion question or discussion of several points of view on the problem will configure parents to think. For example: "What do you think is the main key to the well-being of the child - in the outstanding force of will, strong health or in bright mental abilities?"

The solution to the problematic tasks of family education encourages parents to analyze educational techniques, finding a more suitable way of parental behavior, exercises in the logicality and evidence of pedagogical reasoning, develops a sense of pedagogical tact. For example, the parents are invited to: "You have punished a child, but later it turned out that he was not to blame. How do you do and why exactly? " Or: "Child, sitting at the table, spilled milk. How do you usually feel about such misconduct? " How do you like such an adult appeal to the child: "How! You allow no hand, but a glass be the owner? You need to talk to your hand. Let's take a sponge and all extreme. "

Training exercises and role-playing of family situations allows to enrich the arsenal of parental behavior and interaction with the child. For example, the task of parents in the game training: "Listen, please, as you will establish contact with a crying child, offended by peer ..." etc. It may also be tasks to parents to evaluate different ways to influence the child and the forms of handling it, To see between them the difference, choose more successful forms, replace unwanted to more constructive. For example: "I have no doubt that your toys are listening to you" instead of "Why didn't you remove your toys again?"; "How nice to see that you already know how to take care of yourself. With dirty hands, it is indecent to sit at the table! " Instead of "what kind of manner is forever to sit at the table with dirty hands?"

The analysis of parents of child behavior helps them see their pedagogical experience from the part, provides an opportunity to reflect on the motives of the child's actions, teaches to understand them from the point of view of his mental and age needs. Offering parents to express an opinion on the child's actions in a specific situation, the teacher may formulate the question to parents: "What would your child do in such a situation?"

Special delicacy from the teacher requires issues relating to psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in overcoming the difficulties of family education, such as the emotional disadvantage of the child in connection with the divorce, family conflict, the repeated marriage of the parent, etc. In these cases, the teacher works together with a practical psychologist, social teacher, Other specialists of the pre-school institution. So, together with a psychologist or social teacher, it is advisable to introduce parents with the causes of the emergence of various forms of affective behavior of children (anxiety, hyperactivity, uncertainty, aggressiveness, etc.). It is useful to tell parents about the importance of creating conditions in the family for psychological comfort, the safe mental development of the child. It is good to give parents, especially mothers, the skills of the psychological protection of a child in connection with the violations of family relationships, the crisis situations in the family, since for the preschooler, it is the mother in conditions of unstable family relations, and sometimes the only emotional support of the child. Regular individual conversations about the mental health of children will increase the psychological culture of parents, contribute to a gradual understanding and aware of them the causes of emerging psychological problems with the child.

It is important to create conditions for a comfortable confidential communication of parents with specialists: teachers of additional education, a psychologist, medical workers, etc. If the conditions of the preschool institution can be equipped, a consultative room for parents, resembling a home interior, where it is advisable to have a family library. reading.

Kindergarten and school

Galina Smolina
Dow with family

Dow with family.

It is currently becoming increasingly obvious that improving the effectiveness and quality of activities of the DOU is impossible without effective cooperation with the main social customers - parents of pupils.

Throughout the duration of the preschooler in kindergarten, teachers and parents are important to be partners, allies in education and education, understand each other, speak in one language, to go in one direction. Otherwise, it is impossible to harmonious child development, its full socialization. Extremely significant is the creation of a single space. interaction teachers and parents for sharing experiences, knowledge, ideas, discussion and solving specific educational and educational tasks.

"Cooperation" - This is a communication on equals, where no one owns the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate.

« Interaction» - A way to organize joint activities through communication, on the basis of the openness of both parties.

Interaction preschool institutions S. family Pupils are one of the important activities of the Dow.

Work by interaction aims to address the following tasks:

Familiarization of parents with the life and work of the preschool institution;

Pedagogical education of parents;

Establishing unity in raising children;

The study and dissemination of best practices of family education.

Organized cooperation can give an impulse to the construction interactions with family on a qualitatively new basis, involving not just joint participation in the education of a child, but awareness of common goals, the formation of trust relationships and the desire for understanding.

Based on this, the main thing in my work is to create a personal-oriented system interaction adults with children by organizing a single educational space in DOU and family.

In his work on establishing and strengthening interactions with family I use traditional and non-traditional forms of work.

One of the main forms of work on pedagogical enlightenment families is the parent meeting. I left the outdated lecture method of the meeting. I use such techniques that activate the attention of parents, contribute to the easier memorization of the essence of conversations, create a special attitude to a friendly conversation. I use moments from the group's life, I turn on the drawing of fragments from the practice of raising children, we include practical tasks, games, relay, musical design. In some cases, I offer parents with children with children. I spend the meeting in the form of KVN. At each joint event, I am grateful to parents who pay a lot of attention to their children and help in working together.

With parents at meetings I speak not only about the raising of children, but also relationships in the family. I introduce my parents with folk wisdom (proverbs and sayings, I propose practical advice, the statements of great teachers about the upbringing of children. For the event I am preparing an exhibition of children's works or photoshend, where I use photos from family albums, group life.

I also use such forms in your work as group meetings of the form of round tables, discussions, parental living rooms.

A family It is the main source of preschooler support and it is necessary to provide it in a timely manner, thin and unobtrusively. However, parents often do not know about this aspect of interpersonal relationships, do not always understand that the child is often referring to them not at the specific Council, namely, for understanding. In the process of group and individual consultations, I try to explain to the parents that the child usually reacts to a negative assessment of its success, painfully perceives its additions, so it is especially home relations that are often the main means of compensation for insufficient success or underestimation of others families.

Traditional was the conduct shares: "Give the joy to children". Many at home have books and toys from which children "Grown". How many educational moments in themselves this little action! Children learn not only to take gifts, but also to do them - this is a big job, the upbringing of the soul. Sincere and genuine joy in the eyes of our children forced parents to be kinder, more closely, honest to others. And after one, they stretched all the others. After all, my task was to organize it so that adults themselves want to help. Let not a new game, but now, playing in her with friends, the child can introduce them with the options of this game in family. And the favorite book became even more interesting and sounds like a new one in the circle of friends. Now we have a whole library in the group, created by parents. The main goal of such events is to strengthen child-parent relations.

In modern kindergarten conditions, it is difficult to do without parental support. That is why there are many in the group in the group, the plot is made by the hands of the Pap and moms of our children. They helped us make benefits, helped to place a corner of duty, corner of nature, theater corner and much more. With the help of parents, the Group is decorated so that every corner is used for development children: lots of toys, "hospital", "barbershop", "score". There are corners where children can sit and see group or family albums. In a cozy kitchenette, girls simply love to cook. So the atmosphere of the world and warm friendship is being established. relationship Between the educator and parents, because we are striving together, so that our children in kindergarten are as good as at home.

For creative communication I use such a form of work with family as thematic exhibitions. These exhibitions provide parents and children to organize joint activities. Parents noted that in the process of joint preparation of materials for the exhibition, adults and children even better recognize each other; in family Another opportunity appears to talk about the child, about his life in a group and at home.

The visual information direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an affordable form, remind tactfully about parental responsibilities and responsibilities. Kindergarten begins with locker room, it is very important that it was comfortable and beautiful, so our parental corner is drawn up non-season: poem poet - classic, folk signs, tips for parents - "Observe with children". We often decorate the locker room with the collective work of children.

We decorate stands: "What we learned", "Thank you", "Birthday", "Congratulations on the holiday", etc. The form of work through parental corners is traditional, but it is necessary for working with parents. New, beautifully decorated information quickly attracts the attention of parents and gives its positive result.

Special folders have a selection of guidelines for parents compiled by teachers and Dow specialists.

For the preservation and strengthening of children's health, the senior nurse and the head of physical culture under the annual work plan are issued. Decorated special "Corners of health" ("Tips Pillkin"Where parents can get all the information you are interested in the recovery of children.

In our group, information stands are decorated for parents: "What we did", "Secure the house", "Learn with children".

New potential for interaction Parents and us teachers carries the creation of a group of group (kindergarten). Here, parents can get acquainted with the peculiarities of an educational process in Dow, learn the latest news, ask the teacher any question regarding your child to make proposals for organizing the educational process in the group.

Joint events. This direction turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to see from the inside of the problem of their child, compare it with other children, to see difficulties in relationships, see how others do it, i.e. acquire experience interaction Not only with your child, but also with parental public as a whole. We do not hold holidays for parents, but with the involvement of parents, so that they know how much trouble and labor should be investing in the preparation of any celebration. An important principle of our work with parents such: "So that parents help the kindergarten, they must be let in kindergarten.". Meetings with parents at the festive events always mobilize, make our everyday life brighter, our self-esteem is growing, as a teacher, parents have satisfaction from collaboration and, accordingly, the authority of kindergarten. Scenarios of holidays and entertainment develop together: Music director, senior teacher, educators, parents. Parents manufactures costumes, attributes and manuals for theatrical ideas. Try yourself as actors.

Moms are mainly engaged in raising children. In the kindergarten, they also go mostly. A difficult task is to attract dad to pedagogical interaction. Therefore, we pay special attention to our dads, we hold holidays ( "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Dad, Mom, I am sports a family» etc., where our dads and boys participate in various games and competitions, where they demonstrate their courage, dexterity, resourcefulness and exposure.

I would like to note joint excursions (in the museum, to work for dad or mom, to the library, etc., hiking. Parents show great consciousness, responsiveness and responsibility and will be happy to participate in these events, which is very important for comprehensive and harmonious development Children. Parents always beat us warmly for this initiative.

Supporters and specialists Dow are in constant search for new non-standard forms and methods of working with parents, the use of which gives good results that promote interconnection and serving the key to further cooperation and interaction.

I would like to say about one important moment in the system of working with parents. Each person, having done the work, needs to be an assessment of his work. Our parents need this.