Hairstyle ideas for drawing. How to draw a hairstyle with a pencil step by step. Drawing hatching on paper

Step 1
Drawing hair can be one of the most difficult tasks in drawing anime/manga characters, as it can actually change their look and personality. Although with a little practice it should work without problems. This guide is a bit like a "guidebook" as there are so many styles out there and I could spend a year learning different styles and types!

Step 2
When I draw the hair, I first start by drawing it around the face. Such a beginning gives an idea of ​​​​what the hairstyle itself will be like. And this is very important, because it frames the character's face, makes it complete to some extent. Here are different styles - with bangs, without bangs, loose or slicked back. It is very important to observe the direction of hair growth (in one direction), I almost always start drawing from the roots and draw in a downward direction. On the left, you can see the main variations on the Hairstyle theme and, based on them, you can come up with hundreds of different options (for men and women).

Step 3
For this tutorial, I decided to stick with the first option with bangs and help you with hairstyles for women. After you have drawn the bangs, you can proceed to further drawing the hair. You can choose any hairstyle you like, but I prefer the hairstyle in which the top part of the hair is pulled back in a ponytail and the bottom part is loose. I start by drawing the hair back in a ponytail, right behind the bangs line and drawing it out past the head line. Since the hair is pulled tight in the ponytail, I draw additional lines to show the "pull" of the hair. Next, I start drawing a volumetric "top" of the tail. I add small details like short strands to make the tail look more lively and believable, it also shows the length of the hair. At the end, I add loose hair that falls over her shoulders.

Hint: Remember, hair isn't heavy, but it's still subject to gravity.)

Step 4
The hairstyle of a young man can tell a lot about his character. Long flowing hair makes it more feminine, emotional or nonchalant. In contrast, short or combed back hair gives him more courage, seriousness, or, perhaps, irritability. Here you see an example of medium length loose hair. If you are drawing long or short hair, follow the above rules: start drawing from the forehead and follow the direction of hair growth. If you have problems, learn on your own - draw the hairstyles of your girlfriends or from magazines (no apologies, no one canceled homework ^_^).

Step 5
Now, having familiarized myself with simple drawing techniques, I will explain to you in detail how to draw a chic hairstyle!

1. This is wavy hair, which is quite common. Often, when the hair is short, it is very frizzy, but as the hair grows, its weight becomes more, and the curl straightens out, turning into a wavy strand. Add some small details inside our "waves" to make them look more realistic!

2. Curly hair is perhaps one of the most difficult details to draw. Drawing curls, such as those shown in the picture, will require a lot of practice from you, but it's worth it. Add some curls at the bottom for a pretty curl.

3. Wavy but more tousled hair. Draw strands flying in different directions and create a trendy mess on your character's head.

4. Straight hair is very common among Asians, but can also be found among other peoples. The strands look like blades with a rounded end or cut obliquely. Both types are drawn according to the same principle, but they look completely different.

5. Here you see designs for short hair. By combining these styles, you will get different haircuts. And here are short curls.

Step 6
Drawing collected hair is another really difficult thing, so in this tutorial I decided to show a few tricks.

1. Here, the most common braid, in which there are only 3 strands. We start as usual at the top and slowly move down, drawing the left half of the braid first, partially overlapping it with the right half. Hint: draw an auxiliary line along which the braid goes. This will make the braid look more natural, since when you draw a braid, you're just following the line. Easy, right?

2. Twisted hair. Most people have no problems with drawing, but on most illustrations they do not look spectacular at all. Draw the main direction lines (thick red line), then go back and connect them (dashed red line). This is much easier than drawing a regular braid, feel free to use this technique.

3. Bundles. They can look like a tail that is not completely stretched through the elastic band, or completely taken away and fastened with a tape. Remember, hair has its own structure, and you should not draw an even ball. Try to draw more realistically!

4. Ponytails! The first tail is for wavy hair cut with a "ladder". The hair at the base of the tail cannot reach the hair at the bottom. Next, we have long and straight hair, you can also divide the strands into levels, but they will not look the same as on wavy hair. Next - this is what a braid looks like, limited by two hair ties. And finally, a short ponytail. Looks great in guys hair! On a note: when the hair is loose, it is long, when it is tucked into a ponytail at the crown, it becomes shorter, and in a braid it is even shorter. Don't forget that ^_^

Step 7
Here are some good examples of how to draw different hairstyles. I also depicted several examples of hair fluttering in the wind - wavy and straight. Curly hair looks more messy than straight hair, but in both cases there are strands that stand out from the general "mass". ^_^
Now it's up to you! Remember, the more you practice, the better you get! You can come up with absolutely breathtaking hairstyles! It will be much easier for you to plan your hairstyle, do not quit if something goes wrong at the beginning. If you are short of ideas, experiment with your hair or friends hair, look for hairstyles in magazines or on the Internet, get inspired right away!

The ability to draw can always help out. But in order to learn how to draw beautifully, you just need to develop some skills in yourself, since there are quite clear algorithms for the phased drawing of people, objects, landscapes. Such tips are very useful for those who do not have a particularly developed visual memory. An important detail in the depiction of people, fairy-tale characters or fantastic creatures is how to draw hairstyles.

Basic Rules

  • First of all, you need to remember that a hairstyle is to a large extent an expression of a person's personality. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this process. This is very clearly manifested in the drawing of cartoon characters, where the hairstyle is often a hint of the character's character.
  • When creating such hairstyles, drawing them should be as close to reality as possible in order to avoid artificiality. Hairstyles drawn with a pencil will look quite natural. The main thing to consider is that separately traced strands of hair and their bundles will give naturalness to the image.
  • The contour of the hair can be slightly curled towards the bottom with a curved line. This technique, when the lower border is more sinuous than the upper one, is very popular in the technique of creating anime hairstyles, which we will now understand. To get a beautiful hairstyle in this style, you need to master the correct drawing of strands and their associations. In the future, this will become the basis for creating the forms of hairstyles of the characters you need.

Hair drawing methods

There are various ways to draw individual strands, everything will depend on the nature and characteristics of your character. After that, you yourself will be able to collect the hair of an anime character in the style most suitable for this genre. You can re-watch your favorite anime and get some ideas from there. To make the hair more voluminous, it is worth drawing one of the lines in each individual strand more sinuous in relation to the previous one.

Drawing hairstyles with a pencil in this case will be quite convenient, since you can draw the hair in as much detail as your character requires with a well-sharpened pencil. In this case, it is only necessary to add additional strands. Pay attention to small details, because the thickness of the strands, their curves, length, tousle - in general, any of these characteristics - are key to conveying the individual characteristics of your character. And do not forget that a large number of individual strands give the hair a more natural look. So this process needs to spend a sufficient amount of time.

It will be interesting to experiment with twisting curls, or try hairstyles with the effect of flying hair. This will give life to the character. If you are wondering how to draw a beautiful hairstyle, then you should definitely remember that hair grows on the entire back of the scalp, as well as from the forehead to the back of the neck. This fact must be adhered to when drawing, so that the hairstyle turns out to be realistic.

It is believed that drawing is a natural talent, and if a person cannot portray a beautiful cat from childhood, then further success in this field is not to be expected. However, such skills can be honed, which will allow you to sculpt anything, quickly and effectively. Thus, in this article we will learn not only the techniques of drawing hair, but also the basics of pencil art.


In order to plunge headlong into the world of art and understand how to draw hair, arms, legs, landscapes, animals, in a word, everything, you will need to learn the basics of hatching. Why does it matter?

The fact is that the process of applying something original to paper will become much more accessible if you learn how to play with shades. Tones are set by the intensity of pressure on the pencil: the stronger the pressure, the more contrasting the color, and vice versa. In addition, the density of hatching lines plays a big role, because the farther they are from each other, the brighter the pattern. So, the answer to the question “how to learn how to draw hair, people, animals and birds” lies on the surface: you need to carefully study the basics of this genre of fine art.

Various types of hatching

Each type will require a certain skill and skill that can only be achieved with constant practice. So, hatching happens:

  • Diagonal. This type is distinguished by dynamism and lightness. By superimposing one stroke on another, you can depict space, open space, for example, the sky.
  • cruciform. If you want to give your picture depth and contrast, then there is nothing better than this option. Applying such shading, you can achieve a clear shadow on the image, and the light areas of the picture will become even more expressive.
  • Creative. When you want to portray a cute and fluffy little animal, then there is nothing more worthy than the chaotic touches of a sheet with a lead. They will give the animal volume, create a bizarre play of shadow with light, in other words, enliven the picture.
  • Horizontal. This shading brings style and movement to the image. In addition, with the help of this type, glossy highlights and fur of representatives of the fauna are often depicted.
  • Dotted. Everything is simple here: light touches of the paper with a pencil gives unusualness to the drawing.

Knowing stroke variations will help you better understand how to draw hair, people and everything else, as well as give the image the right depth or lightness.

Drawing hatching on paper

In order to feel the pencil and learn how to accurately transform thoughts into a picture, some practice will be required. So here's a little workout:

  • First of all, you should indulge in shading. First try to draw horizontal lines spaced a short distance apart.
  • Then, in another place, do the same operation, but bringing the strokes closer. Thus, a slight darkening of the image will be noticeable.
  • A further decrease in the distance between the lines will create a shade that is slightly darker than the previous one.
  • It is necessary to continue until it is possible not to touch one stroke with another.

Will these operations help you understand how to draw hair, trees or children? Of course, since by playing with tones, you can achieve greater depth of the image or give it lightness.

Pencil selection

The main character in the visual arts requires careful attention to his person. Pencils do not have the same softness, so in order to correctly display what you want, you should know what color it gives out.

For example, the harder the lead, the lighter the stroke. So, a 2H pencil is very dense, and its opposite, 2H, on the contrary, is soft. The first one will give out a light hatching with a slight pressure on the lead, and the second - a dark one. In addition, it is worth using HB for the borderline color scheme. So, before you draw hair or anything easier, you should study the difference in the softness of pencils to get the desired color range.

What is the best way to draw?

If pencils are different, then sheets of paper must be different, right?

It's true. To make drawing easier and more convenient, you should pay attention to thick paper, which will be slightly rough, but without texture. Why should the last characteristic be excluded? It's simple: textured paper has small hollows into which the stylus will fall, which will lead to an uneven distribution of color. On the other hand, if the artist's goal is to create something very original, then such a sheet will be just right, as it will add randomness to the drawing.

How to draw hair

Having studied some of the features of graphic art, it is worth moving on to an urgent topic - the image of hair. Putting them on a drawing is not easy, since this is not a constant, because in people they grow in different directions, sometimes. Therefore, having studied the base, you will have to practice for some time so that you can sculpt various hairstyles.

In order to understand how to draw hair with a pencil, let's define human physiology and the following steps:

  • So, the natural cap on the head does not grow from one bunch, but over the entire area of ​​​​the head. Thus, it is worth starting with the definition of the hairline area, which will pass on the head from above. Her front line will be the location of the roots of the bangs, they are not the ends of the last! It can be raised or lowered, depending on the height of the object's forehead. In addition, it should be remembered that the outline of the head is drawn first, and only then the hair zone.
  • It must be remembered that the forehead should not limit the cap. The hair rises slightly above the crown, giving volume. Thus, if the hairstyle is saturated, then you can raise the line above your head, or vice versa.
  • When depicting the head from the side, a line of roots is maintained, passing immediately behind the ear and touching the forehead.
  • The second part of the hairline starts from the forehead and follows to the back of the head or the beginning of the neck.
  • If the head is slightly turned, it is worth drawing a curved segment from the ear to the place where the second would be, but due to the position of the brow, it is outside the drawing.
  • A curved line is drawn above the crown, which will indicate the volume of the hairline.

detailed instructions

This algorithm will help answer the question of how to draw hair with a pencil in stages.

  • With the help of a pencil, the contour of the future hairstyle is outlined. In the presence of roughness, it is worth using an eraser.
  • Next, a soft pencil comes into play, as you will need to shade the places where the hair has the darkest shades. It is necessary to act in the direction of the growth of the latter in order to ensure the accuracy of the image.
  • You should act carefully and gently so that you do not get a straw copy of the hair. The areas of darkening are still shaded.

  • The application of dotted lines continues, but already with a return to the previously dyed hair to enhance the depth of the picture.
  • If it is inconvenient to apply strokes, then you can rotate the sheet of paper so that it is more convenient. The darkening of the hair continues, but with very careful movements to avoid unnecessary highlights.
  • After the end of the coloring of the entire contour, you should take the shading and walk it in the direction of hair growth, but so that one stroke does not fall on the second, as this will lead to a fuzzy picture.
  • Having finished the previous stage, you should again carefully go over the curls of the hair with a pencil, darkening them a little more.

Thus, this approximate instruction sheds a little light on how to draw hair in stages. It is worth noting that this is a lot of work, since each hair is individual and you need to display everything in order to get the most realistic image.

How to Draw Hair in Photoshop

If you want to draw a beautiful hairstyle in this graphic editor, then these instructions can help you take steps in the right direction:


I hope this article shed some light on how to draw hair in Photoshop or with a pencil. In addition, knowing the types and possibilities of hatching, you can try to experiment and derive your own unique formula for beautiful strands.

A mermaid is an amazing creature, a character in many films and our favorite TV series Mako Island Mysteries and H2O: Just Add Water. She is very similar to us, with people, but instead of legs she has an amazing fish tail. Let's try to figure out how to draw a mermaid tail and create our own personal arts.

To get started, choose what you want to draw:

Draw the upper body

The mermaid has thick and long hair, so we will outline a slight oval of the face and draw a lot of hair that falls on her face, chest and shoulders. Make them undulating and "alive".

Finish the top of the swimsuit, as well as the face of the fairy-tale heroine with a smile, kind big eyes, because she is a positive character with us.

Draw a mermaid's tail

How to draw a mermaid tail like in H2O is well known to fans of the series who often watched it.

The most natural mermaid in the picture looks when her tail has a bend to the side, and not just standing like a pillar.

In the direction that is convenient for you, continue the already drawn upper part of the mermaid with her tail, taking into account the hips and gradually narrowing it towards the feet. At the end, draw a fin, like a fish, making it of any kind.


Show your imagination in a combination of colors and make your little mermaid bright.

The color of the scales and fin can be chosen a darker shade than the tail itself.

The most popular combination of colors, how to draw a mermaid tail, can be considered green hair and a blue tail, and in H2O and Mako mermaids it is light or dark hair, as well as a brown-golden tail.

A mermaid is an amazing creature, a character in many films and our favorite TV series Mako Island Mysteries and H2O: Just Add Water. She is very similar to us, with people, but instead of legs she has an amazing fish tail. Let's try to figure out how to draw a mermaid tail and create our own personal arts. To begin with, choose what you will draw with: - a pencil; - marker; - pen; - brush. We recommend starting with a simple pencil, and after finishing, color the resulting sketch with multi-colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Draw the upper part of the body The mermaid has thick and long hair, so we will outline a slight oval of the face and draw a lot of hair that…

Do you feel insecure when drawing hair? Perhaps you feel this way because you don't know where to start? Probably, the task does not seem easier from the variety of hairstyles? There are several main factors that you should pay attention to when creating a realistic portrait.


Pay attention to the general direction of hair growth and how it frames the face. The hair lies on the head almost like a hat. Do not forget about this already at the stage of drawing the head - the general division of the head into two halves (when eye level is considered the center of the face) does not affect the volume of hair, which can be different for different people. The thicker and curlier the hair, the more volume a person can have.

The sketches above convey different features of hairstyles; the arrows indicate the directions in which hair grows and how it interacts with faces.

Note that I have completely darkened only the darkest areas, and left the highlights unpainted. This technique helps to add volume to the hair.


When you draw the shape, direction and volume of the hair, don't forget that it is also made up of individual strands.

The figure below shows the very essence of structuring and darkening the strands.

For straight hair

On the left, you see a curl that technically consists of two lines. Then I drew the deepest shadows with directional strokes of a soft graphite pencil (4B). Look at the direction of the curl. Do not apply shadows in flat, straight lines around the face - the whole drawing will instantly become flat.

To draw out the highlight from the center of the strand, use a kneaded eraser. I finished the intermediate shadows with a hard pencil (B).

For curly hair

On the right in the picture, I drew a curly curl. To begin with, I defined the contours of the bend and the direction of the hair with one line. Then I added a second line that adds curves in a logical progression as it appears on one side and disappears on the other. The arrows show their general direction.

In the last picture you see a completely filled curly curl. He must necessarily repeat the formula for darkening straight hair, where the darkest parts are located on the sides, and the highlight is in the center of each of the bends.

In reality, the hair overlaps each other, which seems like an impossible task for a beginner. However, if you break them down into larger strands and fill in each one, you will be able to draw more detailed strands in each section.


Now that you are familiar with the basic principles of drawing hair, you can apply them to the image of any hairstyle. First, let's take a look at five common hairstyles.

How to draw long hair

This picture checks your understanding of the previous paragraph. On the left, you can see that I sketched with an emphasis on large forms, without giving a role to details and small elements, in order to convey an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hairstyle - its direction, volume and degree of waviness. In the second picture, I added details with a hard pencil.


For this illustration, I followed the same steps as before. First, I determined the direction and level of hair volume. The arrows indicate the direction of the shadows, moving into the darkest parts.

In the second picture, I've filled in the shadows with broad strokes with a soft pencil to give volume to the pointer arrows.

In the third picture, I worked with the transitions between the tones and marked the highlights with an eraser. Here I make sure that the transitions are smooth and do not divide the head into stripes.


The illustration above contains the same steps for men's hair. I drew the contours, darkened the darkest areas, which are usually located on the temples, parting and back of the head, and then pulled out the highlights.


The boho or gothic hairstyle style usually consists of two parts. The first - the "cap" - is at the very top, it has its own angle of rotation and direction. The second part is wavy curls that fall freely.


bangs drawing- a fairly simple process, if you depict the hair as an integral shaping, enveloping the forehead like a dome. The light in this arrangement is always in the center.

Translation of an article from