How to quickly iron a T-shirt without an iron: tips and tricks. How to iron complex things without suffering

People began to use irons, which in appearance resemble modern ones, in the 17th century. In particular, at this time, a compact device for removing folds from fabrics appeared on the territory of Russia. In 1636, a note was made to the book of records of the wife of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov that the blacksmith had made an iron iron for the queen.

But people invented the first smoothing devices long before that. Stones and metal rods were used. A set that was popular in the old days is a ruble and a rolling pin, with the help of which the clothes were literally rolled out. The things were tightly wound on a rolling pin, and from above, mechanical pressure was applied to the "bundle" with the embossed side of the ruble. The process required good physical fitness, patience and time.

The advent of metal devices was a breakthrough. It was an unprecedented luxury. Steel ironing devices existed in two versions: hollow, which were filled with coals or a piece of red-hot metal. And solid, heated in the oven. Irons were a significant part of the dowry. They were made to order and decorated with ornaments.

How to iron things without an iron at home

The modern electric iron was patented by the American inventor Henry Seeley in 1882. The device is practical, convenient, compact and, in comparison with most previous versions, is safe to use. There are even battery-powered portable versions available. However, sometimes we still have to refer to ironing experiences from the past. What methods are applicable at home?

Steam treatment

Peculiarities . This method allows you to iron clothes without an iron and a steamer at home and remove all creases by straightening the surface as much as possible. However, this will take time. Therefore, the procedure is best done in the evening. Over steam, if there is no iron, you can straighten things made from natural fabrics, which are especially easy to wrinkle. The method is also suitable in the case when you have to iron thin linen or, for example, tulle.


  1. Fill a large basin with hot, steaming water. Manipulations are convenient to carry out in the bathroom.
  2. Stretch a clothesline over your basin and hang a T-shirt, T-shirt, or other wardrobe items that you want to straighten.
  3. After 20 minutes, the surface will have smoothed, but still contains moisture.
  4. Remove clothes from the rope, hang them on a hanger and dry.

In the case when it is necessary to smooth not the entire wardrobe item as a whole, but small areas (sleeve, pant leg), you can do it with steam from the nose of a boiling kettle. Stretch the desired area with both hands and carefully place under steam. Run from side to side to steam the entire surface.

Instead of an iron - a Turk

Peculiarities . Here is another life hack that people knew about in the old days in Russia. You can iron things without an iron using a metal container filled with hot water. A mug is recommended. But in practice it turns out that it is inconvenient to hold it. It is better to take a stainless steel Turk, a ladle or a small saucepan, where there are long, heat-resistant handles.


  1. Lay out the wardrobe item on the ironing board.
  2. Boil water in a kettle, fill an iron container with it and iron the product like an iron. If using a mug, hold it with an oven mitt to avoid scalding.
  3. Change the water to hotter periodically. This way you can even iron heavy fabrics such as jeans or a jacket.

Press force

Peculiarities . To smooth things out if there is no iron, you can use tension and pressure. As a press, it is advised to use volumetric water cylinders installed on a wooden board that is suitable in size.


  1. Spread the fabric out on the floor with a clean sheet or blanket.
  2. Sprinkle with water from a spray bottle.
  3. Straighten and stretch the edges of the product as much as possible.
  4. Press down on the product with a bulky, heavy object with a flat, flat bottom. Or cover the thing with a wooden board, and set the weight on top.
  5. Keep the item under pressure from 30 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the density of the material. For example, if it is a jacket or blouse made of light, elastic fabric, then the fabric will straighten very quickly - 20 minutes will be enough.
  6. If creases remain in some places, moisten them a little and repeat the procedure.

Interestingly, trousers with arrows also owe their appearance to the press. Fashionable on them appeared by pure chance. The pants, packed lengthwise, were fixed in this position under the pressure of other loads during transport in the hold of the ship.

Special solution

Peculiarities . You can quickly iron clothes without an iron using a special vinegar-based solution. It must be mixed in equal proportions with water and fabric softener.


  1. Spread the clothing out on a flat surface.
  2. Using a spray bottle, spray the prepared solution evenly onto the fabric.
  3. Straighten the fabric with your fingers where necessary.
  4. Hang the item on a hanger and dry.

This solution does not leave stains on the fabric. You can speed up the drying process with a hairdryer or under a stream of warm air from an air conditioner.

Ways to come in handy on the road

Ironing things without using an iron can also be done with a damp hand. Wash your hands thoroughly. Pour clean water into a small container and, wetting your palm in it, walk over the surface of the fabric. You do not need to rub too hard, straighten the clothes with light, brushing movements. On vacation, this method of ironing clothes without an iron will be the most acceptable, since it does not require any special devices.

On the road, it is convenient to use another simple method, how to iron clothes without using an iron. On the train or at the hotel, put the things you plan to wear in the morning under the mattress. Just be sure to use a cover. While you sleep - clothes are smoothed out.

You won't have to resort to such tricks if your clothes are folded correctly in the suitcase. Carefully roll up your pants, shirt, dress or skirt and place them tightly together.

"Right" things for travel

The most wrinkled fabrics are natural. This is linen, silk, cotton. If you are preparing for the trip in advance and planning to update your wardrobe, choose clothes made from mixed, semi-synthetic fabrics (except for staple, which also quickly folds). For example, a blouse can be made of linen with the addition of viscose and elastane. Cotton blended fabric may contain nylon and spandex. The ideal option is artificial silk, which is as flying, smooth and durable as natural, but absolutely not wrinkling.

Clothes made from non-iron fabrics (no ironing) are practical for travel. These are natural materials, but processed using a special technology. Such products "breathe", dry quickly and practically do not wrinkle.

To avoid ironing - wash

How to iron things after washing without an iron? First, it makes sense to use the “No Crease” function of the washing machine. And secondly, for lightweight fabrics, such as tulle, just wash with a minimum spin. Then, after pulling it out of the drum, immediately hang it on hangers (in the case of curtains, on a baguette), straighten the folds and let the remaining liquid drain. As they dry, these items will straighten by themselves. This is the easiest way to iron your clothes without using an iron.

The iron has become an indispensable household appliance. With its help, we can quickly smooth out the rumpled thing, spending no more than three minutes on it. Most of these devices are powered by electricity, so when the lights are turned off, for many, the ironing process becomes impossible. But what if you urgently need to return the crumpled item to its normal form? We will just talk about this in the article. After reading the text, you will know about some ways to iron clothes without an iron.

We use steam

You can iron things without an iron with steam. It's fast enough: it will take you about 20 minutes. To do this, take a bathtub with the hottest water possible and hang crumpled clothes over it. After the mentioned time, the products will be smoothed out, but they will need to be dried a little.

If you have an electric boiler, the lack of electricity will prevent you from drawing hot water. In this case, you can use a regular kettle. If the item is compact, hang it over a boiling kettle: after a while the steam will smooth it out, and all you have to do is dry it slightly.

Life hack! Some clothes can be ironed at home without an iron using a hair tong. They are suitable for trousers, skirts, ties and other things where dents are concentrated in a certain place. Heat the tongs to the desired temperature and pinch the dented areas of the fabric. Pre-clean the plates from dirt and grease so as not to stain the thing.

Hot water mug

When there were no irons in Russia yet, people ironed things with mugs into which they poured hot water. Do the same: heat the water to the hottest possible temperature, put it in a mug and run it over your crumpled clothes. Use a towel or gloves to avoid scalding.

Life hack! A plain T-shirt can be ironed out with a simple shake. To do this, you need to sprinkle water on it and shake it for two minutes. This method also works with skirts, shirts, sweaters and dresses. It will only help if the product is slightly wrinkled.

Pressure on a thing

If you need to iron something without an iron, you can press down on the item with something hard. For example, place the item under the mattress. This method takes a lot of time: it is better to use it if you have a whole night in stock. The next morning, the clothes should be smoothed out, as they were under strong pressure for a long time.

Life hack! A wrinkled item can be smoothed out without an iron on yourself. To do this, moisten it abundantly with water and put it on yourself. The product will fit your body and dry slowly. Your warmth will help remove the dents, so it will take on the correct shape after it dries.

Ironing with a damp towel

This method of ironing without an iron is suitable for knitted items. You need to take a terry towel, dip it in a bowl of water and squeeze it out well. Next, place the towel on a table or other hard surface, place the wrinkled clothing on top and begin to smooth out the existing folds. After a while, they will disappear, after which it will only be necessary to dry the thing.

Life hack! You can smooth out small irregularities just with your palms. To do this, soak them in water and start hand-smoothing the wrinkled areas of the fabric. Wash your hands with soap and water beforehand: if they are dirty, you risk leaving greasy stains on your clothes.

Special solution

To iron a garment without an iron, prepare a solution. This can be done with the help of improvised means that every housewife has in the house. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Mix 50-50 water and vinegar.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle (spray bottle) and start sprinkling on the crumpled product.
  3. Dry the garment after removing any unevenness.

This method is good because it requires minimal effort and time. If a thing needs to be ironed urgently without an iron, feel free to use it.

Life hack! This method can be improved to give better results. To do this, you need to prepare the same solution of water and vinegar, but also add liquid fabric softener and fabric softener to it. After that, you should thoroughly shake up all the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained from them.

Now you know how to iron things without an iron. So that you no longer have to look for ways to iron without this appliance, read our tips to help you avoid wrinkling your clothes:

  1. Do the wash correctly. Many washing machines have an “Easy Care” function that allows you to wash your garments without wrinkles. Use it from time to time.
  2. Learn to fold things neatly. When going on a trip, fold your clothes correctly, otherwise you will take them out of the suitcases already crumpled. It is unlikely that you will want to iron during your rest, so pack everything as carefully as possible.
  3. Dry things properly. There is no need to wring out the garments immediately after washing. Better hang them on a hanger and let the water drain on its own. As a result, uneven surfaces will not form on the clothes.

We wish that your iron always works, and you will never again look for ways to iron things without it. Good luck!

The iron is an irreplaceable thing in our daily life. Any item will look neat if ironed, while even the best item will look sloppy when not ironed. The iron was invented back in the 18th century and at that time it was completely iron. In the oven, a metal plate was heated, which was then inserted into the iron and heated it, thus allowing it to iron things. Moreover, there was this miracle of technology only in wealthy well-to-do houses. Currently, it is a necessary and affordable electrical appliance in every family.

Do all things need to be ironed?

For those who don't like ironing, there is great news. Individual items of clothing that have a large amount of synthetics in their composition do not need to be ironed when they are hung on a hanger after washing. Stores are full of trendy synthetic items that are relatively inexpensive and require minimal maintenance. But not all synthetic items are nice and pleasant to wear. Therefore, a large number of things are now made with a special processing of cotton, after which the thing practically does not wrinkle. This technology is called "Without an iron". Still, there are fabrics that need ironing and care. Natural fabrics wrinkle more, take time to care for, but to this day they are more appreciated.

Options for ironing clothes without an iron

It's good when we are at home, where we can iron any thing without any problems and thus solve all the questions about clothes. But what are we going to do if the iron breaks down or, for example, we have a business trip, and the iron is too heavy to take with us? We live in the age of the Internet and can use the proven advice of travelers or just resourceful and quick-witted people.

Tips for smoothing fabrics without an iron will come to the rescue. Depending on the type of fabric, the leveling time and the amount of time you have, you can choose the most suitable way to iron the garment.

If your iron breaks down at home or you are traveling on a business trip, but you have a garment steamer, you can stop reading further. It is more compact, lightweight, and evens out fabrics under the influence of steam, sometimes even better than an iron. Feel free to take it with you and use it! In terms of prices, there are both fairly budget options and more expensive ones, but with various additions. He will easily smooth a shirt, a blouse, a jacket, a dress, trousers, a T-shirt and even a medical gown. A steamer at home can replace the iron in everything with a huge advantage, with the exception, probably, of smoothing the arrows.

If time permits and you are preparing clothes in the evening, then, having put the thing on a hanger, take it with you to the bathroom. You will be taking a warm or hot shower, and the garment will flatten out on the hanger under the influence of steam. This method works flawlessly. Of course, you are unlikely to achieve a perfectly ironed thing, but you will definitely get rid of creases. If the thing, moreover, has been previously washed in the washing machine in the correct mode, well shaken and correctly hung, then the effect will be just excellent. If the garment is slightly damp after steaming, and you need to put it on now, just dry it for a few minutes with a hairdryer.

In much the same way, that is, with the help of steam, you can smooth out creases by turning the thing over the boiling spout of the kettle. Hot steam will moisturize and even out the threads of the fabric; all that remains is to hang it on a hanger to dry. This way you can "iron" cotton clothes, jeans, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, underwear, pants. The method is very delicate, it is suitable even for woolen things, but in this case the distance from the teapot spout should be increased so that the wool does not shrink. If you don't have a kettle, you can use a pot of water by placing the boiling water on the smallest fire and holding the item over the steam. As in the previous case, the hair dryer will then help to dry the item quickly.

In the evening, you can also use the following method. On the table, lay out a hand-wrung out wet hot towel and put clothes on top of it, smooth it well and let it lie for about an hour and a half. And then just hang it on your hangers until the morning. And that's all - the clothes will look ironed and well-groomed! If the thing is made of very dense fabric, you can use the following method. It is necessary to mix water, vinegar and fabric softener in equal proportions and use a spray bottle to apply to the item laid out on the table or hung on a hanger. And just let it dry. It will definitely work.

In the same way, you can “smooth” and freshen the tulle a little right on the window. This will keep it fresh and remove unwanted odors such as cigarette, fried food and dust. Of course, this is not washing the thing, but only giving it a slight freshness.

You can also use this method after washing the tulle. After washing, rinse it in water with rinse aid and a little vinegar, hang it on a dryer so that the glass will have excess water. And then immediately hang it on the window. It is advisable to straighten it well. After 2-3 hours, the tulle looks smoothed and fresh. A great way to save time. And you no longer need to spend long hours smoothing a multi-meter tulle.

These are the easiest and fastest ways to iron fabric without ironing. But many others are also known. For example, you can use a metal mug or a pot of boiling water as an iron. It is quite possible to iron with them, only carefully, the thing laid out on the table. In fact, this is an analogue of an iron, it is only necessary to periodically warm it up and wipe the bottom so as not to spoil the thing if the pan or mug gets dirty from the fire. This method was used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

For women, it is suggested to use a curling iron or iron to smooth out the creases. It is also metal or Teflon and hot, so this advice can also come in handy. You can try to iron cotton and synthetics, but not wool.

For thrill-seekers, there is a way to iron the item with a hot light bulb wrapped in a thin cloth. It is proposed to warm up the lamp in the lamp and, after carefully twisting it, wrap it with a cloth and iron the thing. An extreme way, but if there is nothing else at hand, then you can try. But just do not try to screw the light bulb into the carrier holder and iron it with a constantly burning lighting fixture. It is life threatening!

Students can iron their T-shirts and shirts by first steam-steam them in the shower on a hanger. And then, having laid them out on the table, attach with a press from the books. Leave it like this overnight. You can spray a little on the fabric with a "magic" solution of vinegar, water and rinse aid and put the thing under the mattress overnight. It is necessary to stretch the thing a little. Under the influence of gravity and after very little wetting, the thing will be smoothed out. When using different methods, the composition and color of the fabric must be taken into account. For wool, the method of laying out the thing on a warm damp towel and further drying it on a hanger is perfect.

Such things as a medical gown, T-shirts, skirts are perfectly smoothed under the influence of steam in the shower or over the kettle.

In general, so that various fabrics are easy to iron, it is necessary to follow some rules of their washing, transportation and storage.

No housewife can imagine life without an iron. The device is simply irreplaceable in everyday life. Modern models meet the requirements of even the most capricious housewife, and facilitate her work. The variety of fabrics in the wardrobe from different structures obliges the development of irons with a large number of functions. Ironing without an iron seems to be something from the realm of fantasy. However, there are force majeure circumstances when there is no smart home appliance or the lights are turned off.

Each modern iron is equipped with different functions based on steam ironing. It is quite possible to take advantage of this effect without a household appliance. You can iron a shirt without an iron using steam from boiling water. Pour very hot water into the bathroom, it is recommended to heat it at least 80 degrees, from which strong water vapor escapes.

Hang shirts on a hanger for 30 minutes, this is enough time. Leave to dry in an upright position on a hanger.

This method can be used with an iron. Delicate blouses, skirts or dresses can be easily damaged by improper ironing. It is more difficult to iron trousers without an iron, however, if you manage to hang them so that the arrows are fixed, then the method can be considered quite effective.

The steam generator is an irreplaceable thing; it can be used to iron linen, curtains and delicate items. The device is not cheap, replace if you have a shower. Place linen, clothes inside the cabin, turn on boiling water so that the pressure from the watering can does not hit the fabric. The method guarantees a stable high temperature - water is supplied constantly, the cabin protects from outside air. Things take on a presentable look.

Iron with a vinegar solution

You can iron clothes without an iron using the tools at hand. Table vinegar is found in every kitchen. A solution of water and vinegar is effective in removing jams. To prepare the solution, mix equal amounts of vinegar, warm water, fabric softener. Pour into a container with a spray bottle, shake well several times.

Work the entire fabric evenly. After the clothing should dry in an upright position. To improve the smoothing effect, treat the item directly on you. It is allowed to go out in clothes treated with vinegar almost immediately if it is sewn from thin materials. For thick, coarse fabrics, more liquid will be needed for processing, correspondingly more time to dry the fabric.

Ironing with our own weight

Clothes wrinkle while wearing, By the end of the day, the skirt from regular sitting is heavily crushed, creases appear. The effect is applied in the opposite direction when it is necessary to break up. Without an iron, you can get rid of creases by using your own weight. This requires:

  • choose a perfectly flat, smooth surface;
  • lay out a thing on it;
  • sit on it.

For light jams, 15 minutes is enough. At the same time, it is necessary to observe calmness, any movement leads to the formation of new lanes.

Wet towel

A proven and effective way is a terry towel. We lay out the clothes on a flat surface and place a moistened towel on top. Before putting things in order, three hours are enough. Dry clothes on a hanger in an upright position. A damp towel is effective for knitted items.

Under the mattress

Applicable if clothes are not required urgently, but the next day. The thing that needs to be ironed is straightened on the surface of the bed and carefully covered with a mattress. It is important to do everything as evenly as possible in order to exclude the movement of clothes. In the morning, you just need to lift the mattress and put on the ironed thing. The method is ideal for ironing the arrows on the trousers.

Dry properly

If you dry your clothes properly after washing, you may not need an iron. It is important to squeeze the product correctly, twist things as loosely as possible. If the item is made of lightweight fabric, you can hang it wet on the rope. When placing clothes on ropes or dryers, carefully flatten the product, and also pay attention to which parts of the clothes it is better to fasten it with clothespins.

If you do not have time for constant ironing, then you need to choose the right wardrobe. Give preference to clothes that contain more synthetic fibers, natural ones, for example, cotton wrinkles very much. However, the disadvantages of this approach include the fact that the leather does not breathe in synthetic things. Synthetics dries faster, loosens on the rope when drying on their own.

Washing machine settings

During washing in the machine, the machine needs to set the correct mode. We squeeze things out only at the maximum number of revolutions and heating. Unfortunately, this technique leads to rapid deterioration of things, but it is quite effective. It is important to hang the laundry on a string after washing.

Modern automatic washing machines have functions that provide ironing of clothes. There are washing machines that have a built-in “wrinkle-free” function. You can use it if the unit is equipped with this function.

We add it correctly

After drying, most of the wrinkles, creases will disappear, but it is necessary to properly pack things when storage is required. When transporting clothes in a suitcase, we put things in a roll. Curling this way will save space and prevent creases.

Thanks to the development of technology, ironing things has become easier than ever. However, it is important not only to mindlessly iron, but also to do it correctly, in order to save not only time and effort, but also not to ruin your clothes. In addition, there are many tricks with which you can extend the lifespan of things and even return a decent look to clothes that are not new.

Where to begin?

First, you should consider the tag on things and find out the required temperature regime, which depends on the composition of the fabric. Linen products are ironed at a temperature of 190-230 ° C; cotton - 165-190 ° С; woolen - 140-165 ° C; from natural silk - 115-140 ° С; viscose - 85-115 ° C.

It is important to position the ironing board conveniently so that it falls on the left side (if you are right-handed), and the cord does not get in the way. If there is no special board, then you can use the table by covering it with a blanket.

Correct ironing technology

Iron from right to left, starting from the widest part of the thing towards the narrower one. You should run the iron in a straight thread along and across the fabric, otherwise it may be pulled unevenly. Oblique garments are also ironed on a shared thread.

Do not pull on the fabric when ironing. The thing must be laid out evenly, as it should look in finished form. First of all, small details are ironed: sleeves, collars, cuffs, pockets, embroidery, lace. Dark fabrics are always ironed from the inside out.

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Dresses and skirts

At the skirt or first iron the upper part (neckline, collar, shoulders) and only then the hem. Iron at first across, and then along the product, straightening the formed folds with the tip of the iron. In all ladies' garments, the vertical darts are ironed to the middle and the chest darts are pressed down.

Iron at first across, and then along the product, straightening the formed folds with the tip of the iron.

To prevent seams and darts from printing on the fabric when ironing a dress, you must first iron the entire dress, and then bring the iron under the allowance and carefully smooth out the remaining marks. For thick fabrics, the hem should be ironed carefully, without stretching the fabric, ironing the fold line and only slightly steaming the hem.

So that skirts and dresses with pleats and pleats do not lose their shape, before washing with a thin thread, the edges of all folds are swept with large free stitches, things are dried on a hanger, well straightening and pulling the folds in the right direction. With this preparation, ironing the folds is not difficult.

Classic suits

Blazers and jackets begin to iron from the sleeves, and first iron their lining, for which they use an additional small board. After that, the top of the jacket and the floors are ironed round from side to side, then the collar, back and, finally, the lining. Last of all, the sides are ironed out. However, the jacket does not need to be ironed if you hang it over a basin of steam and let it hang down.

Trousers need to be ironed quite often, since they quickly lose the line of the forward arrow from wear. Ironing starts from the wrong side - from the seams and pockets. Each leg iron separately - from bottom to top, firmly pressing the edges with an iron, first from the side of the step, and then the side seams. After that, the belt is ironed from the face and the wrong side. To keep the arrows longer, you need to rub them with soap from the inside, and from the outside, iron them through cheesecloth dipped in vinegar.

Men's shirts

It should be moderately damp and the iron is well heated for ironing to be as effective as possible.

When ironing the cuffs, be sure to unfasten them, straighten them on an ironing board and iron them on both sides.

Ironing begins from the collar, straightening it well and ironing it first from the inside, and then from the outside. When ironing the cuffs, be sure to unfasten them, straighten them on an ironing board and iron them on both sides.

Then you can go to the sleeves using a special small board. In conclusion, the shirt floors and back are ironed, paying special attention to the buttons and openings, ironing them carefully.


After washing and ironing, knitwear may lose its shape, so such clothes are ironed from the inside out, while they are slightly damp. You should not actively drive the iron over the clothes - it is better to just gently consistently apply it to the fabric. It is advised to lay the ironed item on the ironing board and give it time to dry and cool.

Cotton linens, tablecloths and towels

It is also better to iron cotton linen damp, spraying it with hot water: overdried laundry absorbs cold water worse. The damp laundry is rolled up and left to rest for a short time for even moisture and only then ironed.

To return things to their original shape, broken by washing, they are aligned by pulling on the ends. Large items (duvet covers, sheets, tablecloths) are folded in four and ironed each part separately. Bed linen is ironed from the front side and only embroidered areas - from the wrong side. When ironing handkerchiefs, napkins, towels, tablecloths, first smooth the edges, and then the middle.

Silk and wool products

After washing, it is recommended not to hang silk products on a rope, but to wrap them in a dry terry towel. Silk items are ironed slightly damp, but you should not splash on them, otherwise water stains will appear. It is best to wrap the garment briefly in a wet cloth. Silk is best ironed on the wrong side with a moderately heated iron through a thin fabric. However, light-colored silks are best ironed from the front side.

Silk is best ironed on the wrong side with a moderately heated iron through a thin fabric.

Wool shrinks easily, so iron it only through a damp cloth from the wrong side at a temperature of 150-165 ° C. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to iron from the front side, then in order to avoid the appearance of shine, make sure that the fabric is sufficiently damp and the iron is hot. Wool products are ironed, rearranging it from place to place. This method saves the thing from deformation.

Some woolen items do not need to be ironed. It is enough to hang them on a hanger above a bathtub filled with hot water. If woolen things shrink during washing, they are moistened by spraying with water, allowed to lie down and ironed through a rag, stretching to the desired size. But after ironing, you cannot leave such a thing wet, otherwise it may sit down again.

Fleecy fabrics

Long-pile fabrics, camel wool, velor, soft drapes should be ironed from the inside out and done on a soft surface without strong pressure. It is best to iron such products with steam and without final ironing through a dry cloth.

You should never iron velvet, otherwise you may damage its surface. It is better to hold the item over a boiling kettle and straighten it so that the creases disappear.

Especially delicate products

Before ironing the lace should be starch and ironed with the tip of the iron, being careful not to wrinkle the edges. Often, before washing, lace products are sewn with large stitches to a piece of white fabric and then ironed along with it. This makes the work easier and allows the pattern to appear more prominently.

When ironing lace, it is important to know what threads are in the fabric. Openwork items made of cotton threads are ironed from the seamy side through a wet fabric. Do not forget that synthetic lace is afraid of a hot iron. Keep fine silk linen washed but not ironed.

Synthetic things

When ironing synthetic items, it is important to follow the temperature regime indicated on the product label and not keep the iron in one place for a long time. Otherwise, flashes may appear, which are invisible at first, but then appear in the form of spots.

Shaping the product

To make pockets and edges of products denser and more collected, they should be ironed with pressing - align their edges, cover with a damp cloth and leave the iron on them for two to three seconds. Then cover with a dry cloth and press until completely dry.

If the seam needs to be pulled out, then it is covered with a damp cloth, carefully pulled and straightened with the left hand, and the iron is carried out with the right hand.

If it is necessary, on the contrary, to shorten the elongated seam, it is ironed at a very high temperature through a damp cloth, pressing the iron from time to time and letting the steam soak all the fabric. Continue this until the fabric is completely dry.

Take care of your iron and ironing board

The soiled iron soleplate can be cleaned with vinegar diluted in water or special products, but cannot be scraped with a knife.

To prevent the appearance of limescale, the iron should be poured not with tap water, but with distilled or filtered water.

If you put a sheet of foil under the upholstery of your ironing board, it will reflect and save heat.

To clean the steam iron, pour in the steam chamber in equal proportions of vinegar and water, evaporate the mixture and leave for 5 minutes. After cooling, as soon as the water is poured out, the scale particles will get wet and fall off.

You can extend the life of your ironing board by spraying it with a starch spray and ironing it with a hot iron. And if you put a sheet of foil under the upholstery of the ironing board, it will reflect and save heat.

Little tricks

If things are neatly dried and folded, then ironing will be much easier.

In no case should you iron stained clothes, otherwise it will be very difficult or even impossible to remove them.

Metallic threads in fabrics withstand only very slight heat and do not tolerate moisture: they lose their luster and become dull. You also need to be careful with the buttons, because touching them with an iron can melt the fastener and ruin the whole thing.

If at ironing shiny stripes have appeared on the fabric, they are moistened with water and the glazed area is ironed through a dry cloth.

You can add luxury to your clothes by using a scented spray.

Ironed things should not be put on or put in the closet right away, but it is better to let them cool for about a couple of hours - this will save them from deformation and jamming.