How to be beautiful if the nose is a potato. What to do if the nose is a potato. When is rhinoplasty necessary? Photo examples

Outer beauty any person, like the inner one, is completely different. Many are very skeptical about the flaws in their bodies, even if they are not very noticeable. Others do not have any complexes about their appearance at all. Many people are of the opinion that a person's face should be perfect, since others evaluate a person by appearance. And what about those who do not have quite correct features faces? For example, small eyes, a crooked nose, wide cheekbones etc. Those who consider themselves to be just such people are very critical of their shortcomings and try to fix it in every possible way.

Here's an example - you have a potato nose. What to do in this case? First, you need to clearly understand that your nose is just your nose, and it looks harmonious on your face. If, after all, you are unhappy with this facial feature, then there are a couple of ways that can divert attention from your nose.

A woman who has got it into her head that she does not have a beautiful nose in the shape of a potato thinks that everyone passing by is looking at this very nose. Although in reality this is not at all the case. This is just self-hypnosis, which forces yourself to wind up and think that you are the ugliest. At such moments, you just want to change your nose shape once and for all. But it’s not so easy. You can't just take something from yourself and change it for something else. After all, it is not so easy to decide on such a step.

How to live with such an appearance? This is the question hundreds of women ask themselves. They believe that nothing bright awaits them in the future. They stop smiling, look at everyone else, seeing only positive points... What to do with this ugly potato nose? In this case, you can choose the right hairstyle... Of course short haircut not very suitable, as the nose will protrude. Walking down the street, covering your nose with your hand, is also not the case. This will only draw more attention to you, but it will not be able to change the situation. It will even be funny to some extent. Sunglasses will also not save you from the disadvantage of a large nose. No matter what stylish glasses you buy, it is simply not possible to wear them around the clock. And in winter such glasses are useless.
Beautiful and stylish clothes also will not hide your flaw on your face. Of course, everyone will appreciate your new product, but then everyone will also notice what you were so eager to hide.

Various accessories will also not help much in your position. Yes they will create more female image, one might even say they will refresh you, but again they will not help much to change the shape of the nose and hide it.

But there must be at least some way out of this situation?

Probably the most chief assistant for the problem of a large nose, this is makeup. But you can't just take a brush and completely make up your face. With such important detail face, you just need to correctly apply cosmetics to the area of ​​the nose, which will visually have to reduce it. The trick is to apply light powder from the beginning of the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. Also, with the help of cosmetics, you can add another touch. Make up lips more bright color, it will take everyone's attention away from your nose and focus on your lips. Of course, you should not be very zealous in such a situation and paint your lips black. It is better to do makeup in such a way that the eyes and lips are emphasized, but not too bright.

Hairstyle plays too important role in the general image of a person. She can hide some flaws. You can style your hair in such a way that some strands of hair will fall off your face and distract attention from the wrong nose. It will even create some kind of romantic atmosphere for the woman. You can also style your hair with bangs. But only the bangs should be such that it does not fall on the nose, because this will only draw the attention of others to the nose even more.

When it comes to potato-shaped nose fixes, plastic surgeons don't really like to tinker with such material. This is due to the fact that such a nose is difficult to fix, there is, so to speak, no material to work with. There is also big risk the fact that the operation can take place with complications. Any plastic surgery is accompanied by complications, and even more so with such a nose. With this shape of the nose, a plastic surgeon simply needs jewelry work.

At plastic surgery there are many risks that the operation will not go as it should, there may be not very pleasant consequences of such an intervention. Having thought well, and having weighed all the pros and cons, it is better not to risk it and not to change your nose at all with the help of plastics. Since, by changing part of your face, it may be such a situation that then it will be even more difficult for you to live in a new image. Even world movie stars, who have a lot of money and opportunities, cannot alter their appearance and remove all the flaws with the help of one operation.
As a result of this article, we can say that flaws have always been and will be in any appearance. Every person is not perfect in some way. The main thing is not to look in yourself for something that actually does not exist and not to try to be completely similar to the ideal person. After all, it is your appearance details that make you unique.

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What if the nose is potato? Photo. How to hide?- Makeup?

WITH I tell you that you need to love yourself - you will start screaming and disagreeing, because there is always something in yourself that does not suit you terribly. Either narrow lips, small eyes, chubby cheeks, awkward hairstyle, a potato nose ....

Potato nose. More about the latter. Interesting name for the spout. But only…. You can't judge by name. If you only knew how many problems and complexes a part of a face of this shape can create. This article uses -. I hope that you are familiar with them and do not require presentation.

F For a woman with such a nose shape, walking down the street, it seems that everyone, literally, is "staring" at her "problem" part of the body, and does not admire her as a woman. At such moments of life, you really want to just even "fall into the ground", evaporate, dissolve in the air. But suddenly I remember that air and earth are elements, and they also "see" everything. It means that one is ashamed in front of them. So much so that the paint of shame "spreads" over the face, like Sun rays on the windowsill. Lucky that woman who does not blush when she is ashamed of something. Although, the nose, all the same, the shape and appearance will not change from this.

TO How a woman wants to unscrew such a nose and put on a new one. But he, for some reason, does not twist: he “likes” to live where he lives from the very birth of his “owner”. What are not mutual desires…. On the one hand, the woman is used to her nose. On the other hand, she cannot come to terms with the fact that she is so unlucky. Tearing off a nose also does not work: it has grown firmly, with its roots, in the "depths" of the face, and it seems that he is not going to yield to another nose, a place heated by himself, for any awards.

A what will happen to those women who just go crazy with dissatisfaction with themselves? Poor things, it's so hard for them that life passes through them, and time flies by without stopping. Smiles are hidden, eyes are extinguished, hope is lost. How to "collect" a broken dream, which, for a very long time, has been living in the one with a "potato" nose?

What if the nose is potato? How to hide, hide a nose with a potato on your face?

Potato nose. - Hairstyle. There is no way to hide it behind a small bang. He, one way or another, will "strive" to stick out, through the hair, because, as you remember, the nose is an organ into which curiosity is "absorbed". And without him, as you know, it is impossible to live.

M You can walk and cover your nose with your hand. But this is not the most best idea, as they may think that the woman, on the nose, has some kind of bruise, pimple or wart. And this is even more unpleasant than “natural failures”. In addition, the hand cannot, for a long time, be in this position. All this, of course, is comical. But for those who are lucky with a nose, laughing with this method will not be difficult. But those who have "potatoes" are not at all laughing. From the nose, as well as from itself, one cannot run away, do not fly away, do not jump and do not leave.

This option, how Sunglasses, also does not "fit" into the number effective ways... Firstly, such glasses will have to be removed indoors and in winter season of the year. Secondly, the bridge of the nose will hurt: the glasses, although very light, still squeeze some of the nose. Comedians would most likely be joking now: "Long-term wearing of such glasses, on the nose, can appear a huge and ugly callus." Even if not huge, then it does not look at all on the face (neither for women, nor for men).

You can't hide your nose with clothes either... You can wear anything you want, even a dress from the latest collection, famous fashion designer... It will be appreciated, but the views, getting used to it, will gradually "move" on.

A accessories. Well, everything is simple here: they will decorate, but they will not help. Accessories do not care if someone "suffers" from the size or shape of their nose. Their vocation is to please the eye. This, in fact, is what they are doing.

How to hide? How to visually reduce big nose potatoes? - Makeup?

All hopes are on him. However, not everything is so smooth here. You can't just take a cosmetic bag, make one - single touch, and fix everything with it. The "trick" is this: you need, from the very beginning of the bridge of the nose, to the very tip of the nose, to draw a few stripes of powder ( light shades). Easy, but what you need. And no special cunning was required.

To distract people's attention from your nose, you need to paint your lips with an "interesting" color that will not go unnoticed. Gothic black is not the best way... He will only darken and spoil everything. Eyes must be entrusted with bright and catchy makeup, such as on the cover of magazines. Admiration will "applaud" and the nose will go completely unnoticed.

Hairstyle. Here, too, there is work to do. It is possible to let your hair down, or to lower a strand of hair over your face. This will "give" the appearance of romance. You can also make a bang. The main thing is that its "particles" do not fall on the nose: this circumstance will attract the attention of people, which is not in any way included in the plans of "naso-potato" ladies. High hairstyles are also not suitable, no matter how unusual and non-standard they are.

Rhinoplasty and plastic surgeons do not like to work with such noses. They like to perform surgeries on large noses that need to be tinkered with. In the case of such a nose, which was nicknamed “potato,” everything is more complicated. There is always a risk that the operation will fail. Such a nose "increases" the risk. Such a feeling arises that such a nose is "waiting" jewelry work where every micro movement is honed.

Maybe you really shouldn't play experimenting with plastic surgery? After all, with your nose, it's easier to stay than to redo it hundreds of times, the nose that “didn't work out”? It's not that you have to give a lot of money. The thing is that the "stars", who, it would seem, should not have any problems, redo the plastic even more than five times. And all this says that rhinoplasty is not an overly reliable "system".

There are drawbacks in absolutely everything and everyone. But it is very offensive when they, perceptibly, spoil the lives of people who do not deserve it at all. And generally speaking…. No one deserves to be irritated or unhappy with their own part of the body, in any way. Therefore, for those who are unlucky, there is good advice: fight and win, but carefully and slowly. Caution will serve you well.


what if the nose is potatoes? Of course, appearance is not the most important thing. First of all, a woman should have beautiful soul, kind eyes... If we talk about appearance, then the so-called defects do not spoil, but on the contrary give a zest to the image, which becomes business card and a trick. Such irregularities create an image of a person who is not like the rest.

Julia Roberts is a stellar example. With a very large mouth, she won the love of the whole world with her charm. By the way, her nose is long with wide wings, which does not prevent her from being naturally beautiful and attractive. Usually, a big nose causes problems for girls, since the eyes and lips can be “painted” with the correct makeup. So what if the nose is a potato?

One of the ways to correct a potato nose is rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery aimed not only at beauty, but also at correcting and restoring the nose after injuries to this organ of varying severity... According to the law, rhinoplasty begins at the age of eighteen, although the cartilage tissue continues to develop for another two years.

Doctors consider the period from twenty to thirty-five to be the most acceptable age for surgery. Finding a surgical clinic dealing with rhinoplasty is not a difficult problem in our time. But finding a professional is not so easy. It's not even about the correctness of the operation, most doctors are excellent surgeons, but not everyone can advise the patient about the shape of the nose that fits the face or simply dissuade him from the operation.

Another disadvantage of rhinoplasty can be obvious disapproval from relatives and friends. People counting the face loved one beautiful, despite the shortcomings, they cannot immediately accept an essentially new face, to which one should get used to. Not in all cases, plastic surgery brings beauty and tranquility. There are a lot of complications.

Allergies, swelling not only in the nose, but also in other areas of the facial part, hematomas, scars, shortness of breath, cartilage atrophy are just a few of the problems that rhinoplasty can bring to a person. The rehabilitation period is also quite difficult. Usually pain no, but no comfort either. For example, the plaster cast is removed after a week, the swelling disappears after a month, but the result itself can be observed partially after six months, and the final one after a year.

During rehabilitation period the patient breathes through the mouth, and does not eat hot and cold food, so as not to provoke bleeding. There is a risk of unsuccessful rhinoplasty and incorrect stitching of the nasal cartilage. In such cases, a second rhinoplasty is performed, such a procedure can be performed only after six to eight months after the first.

When deciding on an operation, you need to read and find out all the details, disadvantages and advantages. Mostly on forums on the Internet, they write enthusiastic and happy reviews or describe the results of revision rhinoplasty. Nowadays, you can contact people who leave such messages and talk, decide whether you need plastic surgery or not, and which doctor is better to consult.

In general, if the procedure is carried out successfully, then the result exceeds all expectations and pleases the owner of the nose. The world famous film actress Angelina Jolie can be a stellar example. Despite rumors that her lips have been plasticized, they are in fact natural, unlike her noses. V early age the actress underwent rhinoplasty surgery. Now hers she has a graceful and thin nose, further emphasizing the fullness of the lips.

Plastic surgery on the nose cannot be performed before the age of 18-20 in any case. It is by the age of 20 that the nose stops changing and forming. Interference with the growth of bone and cartilage tissue can lead to repeated operations and irreversible consequences.

There is another category of women. They love their nose. Take, for example, the mentioned Julia Roberts... Ophthalmologists, dentists worked on her, her lips were corrected, but she did not let her nose be touched. Loving your defect and flaw is a rewarding thing. No wasted nerves, no long makeup... Such women treat their appearance simply and wisely. This is not the main thing.

When a feminine, gentle person appears in front of a person who dresses tastefully, speaks competently and captivates interest, then the nose, no matter how big or small, a potato or a button, will seem cute, charming and beautiful. Make your nose a business card, not a flaw. First of all, it depends on the perception of the woman herself. As she relates to the potato nose, so will others around her perceive her.

For example, Vanessa Paradis without her flaw (a gap between her teeth) would be ordinary attractive woman, whereas now she gives the impression of a mysterious, charming girl. First you need to choose an image that a woman will set herself as a goal: perky, mysterious, cutesy or strict. Then you should choose suits, dresses and other things with a style, the mood of which will emphasize the chosen image.

The hairstyle is one of the fundamental elements that create the mood of the appearance. Romantically loose or shortly disheveled, or maybe licked in a bun. The developed style always attracts attention and makes a person special.

A large, wide nose is a sign of poise, calmness, and openness. There is an Indian tribe in which a big nose with a potato is considered a symbol of beauty, and women with an outstanding part are ideals.

Rhinoplasty is a procedure for women who are poisoned by the reflection in the mirror. It seems to them that a potato nose spoils life and affects all spheres of life. The work is not glued, and the personal line is completely black. And it also seems to such women that if someone looks in their face, then it is necessary to look at their nose, from which she becomes confused and blushes. There are girls who are not so categorical about this body. But they also dislike him.

Or they are forced to endure a poor nose due to fear of pain and surgery, as well as lack of money. How to hide this defect? In this case, you need the right makeup, hairstyle and image. As for the hairstyle, it will not hide the size of the nose. If the nose is a potato, then it is not recommended to wear thick straight bangs. From under her nose seems to peek out, showing in all its glory.

But an oblique bang with a straight or side parting will not draw so much attention to the nose. If the girl is tall and beautiful cheekbones, then short hair can harmonize pleasantly with this part of the face, creating stylish image or giving a woman a charm. Neither clothing nor other accessories can hide a small flaw. There are, of course, also sunglasses.

But the disadvantage is that you can't wear them in winter, and you will have to take them off in the building. How to visually reduce a large nose with a potato? Here the only answer suggests itself. Correct makeup... Women should pay attention to celebrities with this nose shape. Let's look at makeup and look using the example of Scarlett Johansson. Having big nose resembling certain kind vegetable, this beauty did not even think about rhinoplasty. Regarding the makeup of the actress, it is worth noting that the lips are always brightly painted.

The scarlet color is catchy, so it will attract attention to itself, distracting from the nose. Holders of plump, sensual lips need to do bright makeup this part of the face. Scarlet's hair is parted, falling soft waves... And also one of the tricky tricks of the female arsenal is to put on display and attract attention with a completely different part of the body.

In the case of this actress, the distraction is the chest. A banal but effective gimmick. If the lips are thin and with bright makeup will only cause ridicule, then you need to highlight the eyes. Every eye shape and color is beautiful on its own. And if you highlight them with makeup, then no one can take their eyes off, not to mention attention to the big nose.

You should paint your eyes not with bright shadows, but rather like rockers. Black and gray shadows, mascara, eyeliner and eyes will be the main focus. by the way right choice hair color also affects the visual reduction of the nose. For example, fair girls should usually dye their hair blonde or chestnut.

It should be remembered that appearance is not the main thing. If you compare the photos of teenagers and young stars with their current state, you realize that few of them are perfectly beautiful. The main feature lies in the creation correct image and a competent stylist.

Many idols and idols have congenital mutations and defects, which they are not shy about, which is probably the most important thing. After setting themselves up against their appearance, women are programming the same attitude of others towards themselves. Under such circumstances, a woman who considers herself completely ugly will become the most beautiful.

Correction of the shape and even the size of the nose is a prerogative not only of plastic surgery. It is believed that in the event of a non-critical situation, some measures can be taken without involving official medicine... Naturally change anatomical structure"Outstanding" part of the face will not work, but it is quite possible to visually hide the flaws.

Read in this article

Is it possible to reduce the tip of the nose at home

Without the help of surgeons, it is possible to solve the problem of a too large nose tip at home - this is what cosmetologists say. But! It is about a long process, certain exercises and no guarantee. It is believed that a regular, competent load on the facial muscles of the face automatically leads to strengthening skin, increasing its tone - the problematic part rises slightly and visually looks smaller.

The most simple exercise What you need to do daily to reduce the tip of the nose will be the following:

  • to stand up straight, to draw in the stomach as much as possible - this is the initial exercise for any exercise aimed at correcting defects in the structure of the "prominent" part of the face;
  • "Take" the nose in hands - this is done with the middle fingers, which are connected at the bridge of the nose;
  • make a soft, no jerk upward movement with your fingers and hold as much as possible high point for 10 seconds.

This exercise serves to prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the middle part of the face, so it can be performed not only for those who have problems with the shape / size of the nose. Some otolaryngologists recommend doing such exercises 2 times a day in case of exacerbation of chronic ENT diseases (sinusitis, rhinitis, and so on).

During this exercise, you need to breathe calmly, slowly. After 2-3 sessions, the nose may swell a little - this is normal reaction organism, appearance will recover within 24 hours. If the swelling persists, then you should stop gymnastics and seek medical help.

What exercises can you do

If there is a problem of non-perception of one's own nose, and there is no opportunity to seek help from plastic surgeons (or this operating method is categorically inappropriate), then you can perform various exercises... They have been designed with the anatomical features the considered part of the face and can be performed separately or in combination.

If the nose is a potato

The wide nostrils of the nose, the flattened tip do not add attractiveness and sophistication to general image... You can solve these problems, slightly adjust the width and volume of the "prominent" part of the face, by regularly performing the exercise in a clear sequence:

  • take a standard starting position (described above);
  • forefinger raise the nose, resting on its tip (without applying force);
  • the mouth after the previous "step" will slightly open, so you need upper lip press it against the teeth and direct it downward as much as possible.

This exercise is performed daily, within a day you need to do within 30 - 40 repetitions.... The main nuance: you need to open your mouth as wide as possible during exercise, because this is what provides a deep "study" of the muscles. Cosmetologists claim that such regular exercises can make the nose more "intelligent", significantly rejuvenate, refresh the overall look.

If you need to reduce the size

An effective nose correction technique was independently developed by Carol Maggio. Gymnastic exercises make the problematic part of the face less prominent. Regular training of the descending nasal muscle increases its tone - the tip of the nose will certainly be shortened and tightened.

What do we have to do:

  • take the starting position - stand up straight, tighten the muscles of the buttocks and draw in the stomach;
  • the fingers of one hand are placed on the bridge of the nose, there is slow but strong pressure - it is convenient to use the thumb and index;
  • the same fingers of the second hand, simultaneously with pressure, lift the tip of the nose, but slowly and without applying any effort;
  • the little finger of the second hand rests slightly on the lower lip and lowers it down.

All actions are performed simultaneously, you need to perform 30 approaches or more daily, and each such approach lasts 1 minute. That is, all fingers occupy the specified position and hold it for the specified time.

Watch a video about nose correction with exercises:

How to fix the tip, wings, crooked nose

If the tip of the nose is crooked, then a simple exercise will help fix it. To perform it, you need to take it with your fingers and pull / tilt it in opposite side from the existing curvature. Exercise is performed at least 40 times a day, this number can be divided into several "approaches", when each pull-up lasts 30 seconds. The starting position is standard, breathing is through the mouth, it should be deep and slow.

It is impossible to get rid of the hump without plastic surgery, but it is quite possible to make it less pronounced. To do this, do the following:

  • with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, clasp the bridge of the nose;
  • exert pressure - gradual, but with increasing effort.

The result will be relaxation of the facial muscles, underlip protrudes slightly forward and downward - this will be an indicator of the correctness of the exercise. At the moment of maximum pressure, you need to hold the movement for 20 seconds and slowly loosen the "grip". Such alternations need to be done 40 times a day, but they can be divided into equal amounts.

At the moment of maximum pressure, you need to hold the movement for 20 seconds and slowly loosen the "grip"

The second exercise against the severity of the hump: the tip of the nose is squeezed with the index finger so that it rises up. 10 seconds of fixation in this position and subsequent relaxation should be alternated.

Cosmetics for resizing the nose

If something does not suit the size of the nose, but the dissatisfaction is not critical, then you can use decorative cosmetics... With its help, masking makeup is applied, which visually solves the problem.

The main assistant will be the foundation. You need to buy three different kinds such a tool, of which one will be optimally suitable in shade, the other two are lighter and darker in tone. To obtain desired result, you need to remember the following:

  • will make parts of the face more convex, voluminous and noticeable with a light tone;
  • dark shades help to make certain areas less "prominent" or completely invisible;
  • if you want to make the nose shorter or more miniature (suitable for those who have it in the shape of a potato), then apply a dark foundation with light strokes and a thin layer on the base (bridge of the nose), tip and wings;
  • if the nose is "potato", but its length suits, then the cream of a dark tone is applied only to its nostrils ("wings") and the tip;
  • accentuate foundation you only need eyes and lips, all other parts of the face should be invisible, covered with the most natural tone.

The scheme of darkening areas of the nose, depending on the shape

A prerequisite for successful masking of the nose is the correct application of decorative cosmetic product... It needs to be done thin layer, carefully shaded, the border of the transition from dark to lighter tone should be "blurred", imperceptible.

Hairstyle and other tricks

Great value in visual correction the shape and size of the nose have a hairstyle and eyebrows. Here's what the experts recommend:

  • In case of any flaws (hump, too wide wings, crooked tip), it is forbidden to make the eyebrows too light, thin ("strings"). Optimally the form is suitable curved and semicircular.
  • Too "prominent" nose can be visually made less noticeable by using voluminous hairstyles- curls, large curls, high hairstyles, bouffants.
  • Bangs - it is this part of the hairstyle that has a great influence on the perception of even the most problematic nose. Ideal option its shape will become asymmetric, but a straight, strict bang is contraindicated.

Makeup artists argue that you can distract attention from an imperfect nose with a bright hair color - red, cherry, red curls will become good decision Problems.

Cosmetologists say that you can only radically change the shape and size of the nose plastic surgery... But you can always apply these exercises, use decorative cosmetics, because surgical intervention can seriously affect both the appearance and general state health.

Useful video

Look at the video about correcting the shape of the nose with makeup and hairstyles:

Elimination of defects in appearance with the help of an operation that involves exposure to the nose is today considered one of the most effective and for most available. Minimal amount possible side effects during this operation, many positive feedback and relatively affordable cost- important for the correction of the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty of the nose with potatoes has become a demanded operation today, which provides an increase in the degree of aesthetic attractiveness of a person's face.

What is rhinoplasty of the nose with potatoes

A potato nose is a nose whose tip is thickened and bears some resemblance to a potato. And although this shape of the nose is considered one of the most common and at the same time looks harmonious with other parts of the face, many of its owners seek to get rid of such a nose, giving it greater sophistication and elegance.

The process of correcting a potato-shaped nose using rhinoplasty requires the surgeon performing this operation to practical experience in performing manipulations: even a slight unevenness in the distribution of the cartilage tissue of the nose can lead to its pronounced asymmetry, which will negatively affect the final result. When performing rhinoplasty, it also affects soft tissue nose, in some cases on, which should also be considered by the doctor to obtain the desired result. A longer recovery after carrying out this is required in the case of application, in which there is a dissection of the external tissues of the nose and correction from the outside.

A feature of rhinoplasty of the nose should be considered that the result obtained remains for the rest of your life, therefore, it is the highest in terms of carrying out it. Quality assurance can be obtained from a practitioner who has already achieved multiple positive results when correcting the nose with rhinoplasty. To make a decision on the conduct by the doctor, an external examination is first carried out, the patient's complaints about his form are analyzed.

The video below will tell you about the problems of the shape of the nose:

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for the use of rhinoplasty, if any wide nose in the form of a potato, a low aesthetic value of the nose should be considered, low self-esteem its owner due to the inelegant shape of the nose. Also, indications for rhinoplasty with a wide nose with a potato are the following conditions:

  • difficulty breathing due to the shape of the nose;
  • congenital defects in the shape of the nose, which reduce the aesthetic value of a person's appearance;
  • acquired injuries that spoil the nose;
  • underdevelopment of the cartilaginous shape of the nose.

Also, indications for the use of the rhinoplasty method with a nose in the form of a potato can be considered constant dryness of the nasal mucosa, pronounced deformation of the nose.

Conditions in which it is impossible to carry out any surgical intervention, including rhinoplasty of the nose in the form of a potato, include:

  • defeat endocrine system- for example, ;
  • any ongoing organic disease at its peak;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasal passages;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

The period of gestation and breastfeeding baby is also not the right time for nose surgery. Mental illness and a tendency to allergic reactions should also be considered as contraindications for rhinoplasty of the nose.

Rhinoplasty of the nose with potatoes (before and after photos)

How is

When deciding on rhinoplasty of the nose to correct its shape (with a wide nose), it is carried out after certain studies and analyzes, with the help of which the doctor creates the clearest picture of this lesion. To identify the presence or absence inflammatory processes in the body is taken and.

Special preparatory work consists in taking certain tests that will help the doctor get the most complete picture of the patient's health.


The preparation process consists in conducting a series of analyzes, with the help of which a decision is made on the timeliness of this type of intervention. Surgeon on preparatory stage X-rays of the nasal and maxillary sinuses can be prescribed, taking a blood test to detect the hepatitis and AIDS virus in the body. Also, urine and blood tests are taken, which provide a large amount of information about the processes ongoing in this moment in the patient's body.

Directly for the correction of the tip of the nose, a thorough cleansing and disinfection of the skin in the treated area is carried out. Local or general anesthesia is introduced into the nasal area to minimize the pain of this manipulation. The duration of the operation for the correction of the tip of the nose is 1-3 hours, after which it follows.

The doctor will carefully study the patient's wishes about the expected shape of the nose after its correction, for which a computer study of the final result of the operation can be carried out.

Carrying out

The correction process is carried out after the introduction of anesthesia. General anesthesia when carrying out rhinoplasty of the nose, a potato is a prerequisite, insofar as painful sensations will be significant and full anesthesia is suitable for their elimination. Next, the tissues are detached from the bone structures, and then the soft and cartilaginous tissues are corrected, depending on the goal: to reduce the volume of the tip of the nose, they are excised to required size, in case of curvature - moving in a certain direction.

It is mainly cartilaginous tissue that is affected, but the soft tissues of the nose, as well as the distance between the nostrils, can be involved. At the end of the exposure, stitches are applied, which are removed after the rehabilitation time has elapsed.

In this video you will see how such rhinoplasty is performed:


The recovery process can take different time, much depends on the speed of healing of injured tissues. The presence of concurrent diseases complicates the rehabilitation process, therefore, their initial complete cure can shorten the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty.

On average, the recovery time is 4-8 weeks, during which the resulting bruises and hematomas resolve. Throughout this period, it is necessary to wear a special plaster cast, which will firmly hold the tissues of the nose and retain its shape obtained during exposure.

It is also mandatory to take antibacterial drugs, which will eliminate possible inflammation of damaged tissues and cartilage of the nose.

Possible complications

The most serious consequences of potato nose rhinoplasty are large and long-lasting bruises and hematomas. In this case, it is imperative to inform the doctor about the complications that have arisen, and with his help draw up a scheme of exposure. This can be the use of absorbable agents that will eliminate the most obvious manifestations in the treated area. Also, the action of which also has a directional effect and allows you to quickly eliminate the most obvious Negative consequences this type of intervention.

With a full recovery, some defects may be found that should not have appeared after this type of intervention: an irregular or asymmetric shape of the nose, overly wide wings of the nose. In this case, you may need to.

Prices and clinics

  • The cost of rhinoplasty of a wide nose in the shape of a potato can range from 30,000 to 48,000 rubles, much in the cost indicator depends on the level of the clinic and the pricing policy.
  • The choice of the clinic should be carried out consciously, factors such as the reputation of the medical center and the plastic surgeon, reviews of those who are already conducting here should be taken into account. given view interference.
  • To the most popular medical centers in which this operation is carried out to correct the nose in the form of a potato, are in Moscow PlastikLyuks, MedicaLyukh, in St. Petersburg - Odeal-Plastika, LuxKlinik.