How to avoid betrayal in relationships. Develop yourself and your inner rod. Speaks about lack of attention

It is impossible to say unequivocally, whether to avoid treason, if you make all the efforts to this - the man's soul is multifaceted and nothing can be predicted.

Even a psychologist with experience will not be able to offer his help here. How can I prevent treason? Of course, one hundred percent warranty is not included in the calculation, but somewhat simple ways will help protect your union by removing the probability of treason partner.

How to understand whether the partner changes

1. It shows a taller point

Sometimes in advance, and sometimes too often and frankly partner begins to talk about the meaning of confidence in the life of spouses, which no relationship is impossible without trust, assures in his loyalty, condemns to grant in your presence, from him / her you can hear that he / she could not La would change, focuses on how wonderful open relationships you have, that you always hold a connection by phone. Therefore, if the cheating happens, the suspicions are reduced to a minimum partner.

2. Workingolism as an excuse

The partner in any way demonstrates a serious attitude to work, repeats you how much he has to work out, comments on the causes of such a need - you need to make money on vacation, repair or a new car, or to improve the family budget; Partner all the time avoids detailed conversations on the phone, very often referring to the reception at the bosses, explains this by the fact that the main time is at the boss in the eyes.

Such activity should cause suspicions with you, especially if earnings are not visible, and the details of the work partner saves you. If you ask about the topic of the meeting, he is messed up or can not remember it if you ask to clarify what exactly it was overloaded, it is separated by common phrases, avoid answering questions about new responsibilities and part-time. Such behavior helps him provide the basis for frequent outcomes so that you can remove for a long time without any questions.

3. Special importance began to give friends

He had friends - old or new, but he communicates a lot with them, spends his time on them, goes out of the sake of them from home, devotes themselves to solve important affairs.

4. Giving your name ...

The partner is coming, calling you by name, he confuses events. Calls a specific place and time where, allegedly you were together, Cafe, Kinosreans, a bus flight and other details, and suddenly you understand that such a thing has not exactly. Then maybe it was with someone else? You should be more close: your partner could really visit this film and survive all the details described by them, but not with you.

5. Partner does not notice your absence

He does not bored when you leave for a long time, do not worry, if you can't spend your vacation with you, you have time to spend time with friends or stay alone. If you live not together, he does not seek to meet and is not upset if you can't come. Suddenly, he begins to praise you for professional progress, to help you do not refuse instructions at work and gave career a good share of your health.

6. Puts for any reasons

These reasons were not worried about it before, but now the partner is terribly unhappy with you. He criticizes, annoyed, remembers already forgotten details, pays attention to the details that could not notice - "I bought the wrong product", "spoiled the pan", "you kind of recovered", "I am not delighted with how you are you are doing "," You have cellulite on the stomach "," a friend says, this is not the best hairstyle, "" You can't help me, "you don't give me what I want", "Your friends are still those", " Like the expression of your face, "" why you do not give me flowers, "and other statements.

It may seem that in this way the partner shows care of you, gives advice, as it will be better for both of you. But in reality, this is that hook, which will give him an excuse in case of treason.

7. Complains of attention deficit

The partner requires all your attention as a child. It can be definitively to hump up, and it can grumble, complaining about the lack of attention: "I do everything for you, and you don't even give me a little attention to me," "You do not want to understand what I'm talking about," why don't you react to my call? "," I'm tired, do not see how hard I do the work and the maintenance of the family? "," At least helped, you do not notice how I need support. "

8. Provides visual comparisons "I am well done, and you -" Nikudyskaya "

"You can't understand me anyway," you're too young, "you are not enough education," you are not experienced, it is not able to figure it out "," I look better than you, "" You are a fault. "

9. attaches great importance to its appearance.

If earlier the partner was not so important how his hair was laid or what the folds of the trousers look, now he began to follow his appearance with maniacal diligence. This is especially noticeable for a man. He shakes muscles, buys new things to himself, cares about the impeccability of the underwear, it necessarily uses toilet water.

How to prevent treason

If such behavior is observed after forty years, middle-aged crisis is quite possible, which is considered as a normal phenomenon. If the man is still no forty, there is every reason to think that he is preparing for "adventure."

Determine its activity regarding the Internet. Perhaps he and it goes to dating sites, hangs in ICQ and communicates in social networks. How many friends of the opposite sex do he have? How frankly he communicates with them, referring to the fact that he wants to better understand the psychology of women?

How hidden him is with you? Is his mobile mode configured to a quiet mode? Does the phone disabling often, goes to talk from the room?

Perhaps these manifestations for you have long ceased to be something new. You tend to think that everything is accidental that he is angry with you because he has troubles for his work that he accidentally called you by another name, and the like.

It is important to keep in mind that the partnership is similar to a living organism, and if you do not pay attention to the symptoms of the disease that make themselves felt, then the consequences will not make it wait.

It is useful to be aware of the psychological state of the partner and work in the sphere of your relationship with him. If there is a strange behavior, it's time to proceed to improving relations. How to do this, consider below.

How to behave if treason at doors?

1. Think

If you are not indifferent to how your relationship will be built further, you can ask yourself a few questions: "What does treason mean for me?", "Do I think to betrayal by betrayal, or is it a frivolity that can be forgiven?", "Is it possible to save Union, if the change does not happen on the soil of love? "," How to be, if he is in love? " Think about all this and be extremely frank with yourself.

2. Do not blame yourself

In no case blame yourself, do not reduce self-esteem. The partner allows disregard to you to justify your behavior in the future. Do not panic and do not even give all the sake of urgentization or other changes in your appearance. Previously, all this was more than ok, what happened now? The partner does not know how to present his cooling to you, so it resorts to any ways to show you that you are far from the one before, and you need to match.

3. Love yourself

Increase your significance, love yourself more than before. If you need fitness, sign up for these classes, but only if you really want it. Try to look better partner, arrange yourself communication with the opposite sex, do not reject the compliments, go to the society of pleasant people, laugh, charge everyone around the positive energy.

If your partner sees how you are happy about life, regardless of it, it will definitely think about possible reasons.

4. Romance is important!

Analyze the past: What attracted you to each other? Talk about this with a partner, go to the entertainment event, spend a romantic dinner. Again come up with.

5. Prevent hysterics and accusations to their address

In the process of discontent and statements of negative, we limit the person, so no constructive conversation take place. Find out the necessary questions in calm condition.

6. Be friend

Household problems, duties at work, and a beloved person - only the remnants of themselves. How to be? It is known that common interests and affairs are united by people. Try to do things together: Prepare your favorite dishes together, remove in the room together, go to the store, advise on shopping clothes or products, go together for guests, to school meetings, show interest in each other's hobbies.

Nothing, if you are indifferent to football. Ask a husband about the Olympics or Recordsmen of Russian Sports - you will not regret. Wife goes to advanced training courses? Although you have never been interested in sewing ... you can accompany her on the way there and back, if you can.

Participate in her life, read her manuscripts, ask his opinion, help with the choice of office equipment or dresses. Girls do not have to be interested in computers, it is important to be completely different - to stay with my husband at this moment! If a girl does not have time to buy something, fulfill her request, and in addition to everything - also give the flower.

Do not stay indifferent to matters at work, listen carefully what the partner says. If you can - advise the best. Remind his professional achievements.

7. Become a pleasant interlocutor

Communicate with your second half. In our age of high technologies, people increasingly feel lonely. Choose communication instead of watching a TV or a computer seating.

Anyone is overwhelmed with a pleasant feeling when his knowledge respect, give them importance, are interested. Ask about a person - how he was in childhood, at school, how his relationship with loved ones, what is his plans, how he sees your relationship, what is the abnormality, what would we like to change what can do for this every one of you? Pay more attention to communicating on topics in which your partner is well oriented - stories, philosophy, sports, politics, fashion. While the conversation continues, do not let yourself criticize, give preference to the hearing. And much will open you and it will become clear.

A woman, chatting with a man, can take the initiative to talk him, promote communication. A man, in turn, can build this conversation, ask "Tagged" questions. Women will not be against talking about themselves, so there should be no difficulties. In any case, the partner is guaranteed.

8. Experiments in the sexual sphere

Avoid banalities in sex. Learn a new partner, spend the experiments together.

We hope for reasoning about how to prevent treason will be useful for men, and for women who read our edition. Happiness to you and mutual understanding!

Treason is well known to all women: lipstick on the collar, SMS-ki from unknown women, late returning home, delays at work.

Cheating or how to prevent it

Interestingly, according to the testimony of American detectives, suspicion of women about the treason of their husbands, in the basic cases, are justified. So, female intuition will not spend. But, as a rule, all these signs are already appearing when everything happened when the betrayal has already taken place. But it could be prevented. It is only necessary to catch the moment when a man prepared only to treason, and intervene in time. The main thing is not to miss the time, disturbing signs that begin to slip in the behavior and speech of a man.

1. Preliminary denial.
He says: "I would never do with you."

A man who says, most likely, he wants himself sincerely believes. But, somewhere very deep, at the subconscious level, he seeks to establish himself in your eyes, like a faithful husband, so that the shadow of suspicion does not fall on it, if the betrayal actually happens. In general, a similar statement is one of the more innocuous, and the trust of a similar application opens up opportunities for an open clarification of relations. This is a good chance to give your relationship great intimacy and mental intimacy.

2. Insinations and accusations.
He says: "How much can you repeat that ..."

If earlier he was not a pedant, now he begins to criticize you for everything, starting with your nails and ending with the fridge. He repeats the accusations more than once that, in the end, you begin to blame yourself for his own treason. He wants you to lose weight, finally, or went to any courses. It can remind you like love and care, but most often it means that he is tired of a tedious housewife busy only with household and child. His motives: He shows himself as a caring husband, and if you did not obey - what, the worse for you, the very guilty that he begins to look at other women. He tries to justify his future treason, which means his task is to prove that you deserve it.

3. Complaints for lack of attention.
He says: "What about me?"

A man, as a child, constantly need a lot of attention. He may silently blow the sponge in the corner, if it seems to him that he has little time to give him a little, or to express its complaints in different ways: "You do not appreciate me", "Maybe you even thank you?" etc. The reason is one - he thinks and feels that he is not appreciated, and therefore it is possible that he will soon begin to look for missing attention on the side.

4. Stressing differences between you
He says: "You will not understand me, you are too young (uneducated, you do not know life, grew up in another atmosphere ..."

In fact, emphasizing age or social differences, he spends between you an unreasonable trace, meaning "life breeds us in different directions" or "We are on different sides of the barricades." At the same time, he wants to emphasize, his strengths, comparing them allegedly your shortcomings. A man just shifts some of his guilt on you. And whatever you spoke in your justification, you only aggravate your drawbacks, in it, of course, eyes. In such cases, it is better to calmly listen to him without entering the disputes. Instead of clarifying relationships, try to talk to him calmly. It will help you better understand what is actually going on in his head, and he, maybe make sure that your intentions are chisty and truthful.

5. Attempt to remove.
He says: "I need more time for ..."

As a law, he needs more time to work. Such a splash of thrust to work should alert you, especially if he does not affect the increase of his salary. Most likely, this means that he also has not made treason, it is very close to it. And very soon he will look for a reason for returns at night, ride on business trips and work on weekends. With such phrases, he prepares a bridgehead for long signs and late returns. Another concerning a sign - he does not remember what questions were discussed during conferences and workshops and does not want to talk about their business at all.

6. Caring for your own appearance.
He says: "I have absolutely nothing to wear."

If earlier, your man forgot when leaving home to look into the mirror, now its appearance tolerates coordinate changes, and he spends more and more time from the mirror. He is interested in fashion or put nutritious masks on face, follows the nails and makes the morning exercises. These symptoms may also testify about the middle-aged crisis, but if your partner is still far to 35-40, then most likely you have a threat to the collapse of family relationships, as a rule, a young and pretty, whose attention he wants to attract. During this period, try to tell your male more compliments. Sometimes it helps, especially if it didn't go too far.

Regardless of whether your partner is only on the verge of treason or has already changed, whether you know about it for sure or only guess, the correct behavior in this situation is important for preserving not only your marriage, but also your own spiritual and physical health.

Stop blaming.

Of course, in the event of suspicion it is very difficult to restrain your emotions. But as soon as you begin to blame a man in treason, he will build a deaf wall of protection, while he is more inclined to resort to lies, and the emotional gap between you will become even more. Like it is not difficult for you, you do not need to brand your man as a modest. Instead, you better deal with the reasons for what happened, without mutual accusations. You must understand how it happened, and how to prevent treason in the future.

Complete with the fact of treason.

Many couples consider the best not to notice anxious signs, they do not hear the voice of their intuition, do not want extra problems. It seems to them that, extinguishing from this, they thus retain their family. In fact, an unresolved problem is only increasing, and the time can be used when to save the family will not be possible.

Do not blame yourself and do not let him destroy your self-esteem.

Do not run immediately into the gym or to a plastic surgeon. Treason is almost never a consequence of yours, as you consider insufficient sexuality.

Understand the reasons for treason and try to correct the situation.

Often the family turns out to be so immersed in life and care that alarming signals, which will happen to treason, remain unnoticed. Try to hear and feel what needs and what does your family members want from life, what he feels a flaw. Running each other with his experiences, partners are becoming more close to each other emotionally.

Romance to your relationship.

Remember that you liked it in each other when you first met. Cut more time together, for example, go to the cinema, cafe or visit the gym. Share the dreams and hopes for your future family life.

The reasons for voting a partner are very diverse, but a wise woman can always keep her marriage and avoid a love triangle, and we will tell you everything else how to do it.

Numerology and astrology allow you to clearly define personalities and compatibility of partners in marriage. Only understanding the characteristics of the character and knowing the preferences of their chosen one ,. Each person has certain life cycles that change the worldview and preferences. Most often, treason occurs for the reason that one partner changes, and the other remains on the same spiritual and psychological level. Another reason is the emergence of problems in the sexual sphere. The third reason is constant provocations that cause the partner's disgust and cooling in relationships.

Causes of treason of husband and ways to avoid them

Common goals and interests will be removed from the treason of a partner

First of all, the woman should follow the interests of their chosen one and find common points to stay interesting. If the husband is interested in sports, hunting, fishing or other little interesting things for a woman, do not be protected from its important values. It is necessary to find the possibility of a joint pastime, otherwise it can offer a potential rival. For men who put their jobs and ambitions on the first place, it is important that the wife appreciates their efforts. Often there are service novels and treason because of the removal of the wife from discussing business interests. To prevent this, you need to encourage the social achievements of a man and with understanding to relate to work fatigue and tiredness. Prepare a delicious dinner or a romantic surprise, you can easily achieve the desired result.

Jealousy provokes treason

Jealousy is the best friend of treason. Try to restrain your zealous feelings and do not provoke a treason partner. If a woman is constantly satisfied with the scene of jealousy, a man will find an opportunity for a relationship on the side. In such a situation, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the qualities of the potential rival attracted the attention of your husband. Having studied these qualities and improving them in themselves, you can keep your loved one and prevent treason.

Diversify sexy life

Sexual dissatisfaction - the dominant cause of treason in marriage. Over time, the addiction and desires of men may change. And only a wise woman can correspond to the ever-changing ideal of her husband. Do not be afraid to talk about sex and love fantasies. If your partner is not ready to speak frank topics, consult a sexologist or a specialist in Esoteric to understand his secret desires. Erotic massage courses and knowledge of the erogenous areas of the partner to improve the intimate sphere in the relationship. To avoid treasure, you need to be such as a man wants to see you at the moment. With age, physiological changes and problems with potency can occur. Do not focus on this attention and reproach a man for fast sex. Wise woman will find an approach and will be able to diversify sexual relations to preserve the loyalty of her husband. In marriage, one-time emerging and household difficulties arise. Romance and passion gradually fading. When the feelings are lost, and a temptation appears on the horizon, he cannot resist. Therefore, you always need to maintain your sexual attractiveness to keep the attention of men, and prevent the appearance of the rival.

Give the freedom to your man and he will be near

It must be remembered that the behavior of a man depends on the emotions of his woman. You can not force or force, you need to act gently and systematically. First of all, it is important to understand that it is your chosen one who appreciates in a woman that it attracts, and what excites. All of these quality needs to be improved in order not to give a man for treason. If your chosen one, for example, loves to attract the attention of the opposite sex and flirt to satisfy his male ego, let him do it. But do not treat his aspirations hostile and jealously. Better talk about it, give him the opportunity to get attention from other women in your presence. And when his ego is saturated, the desire of treason will simply dissolve as salt in water. After all, a woman should be a friend, and a sexual partner, and his wife. Another important advice: Pay attention to my husband's behavior. Mother is always a subconscious fetish for a man. And regardless of what they have a relationship, it remains the standard of an ideal woman. Taking on arms the best sides of the mother of your chosen one, you can become a woman of his dream, protecting your marriage from betrayal.

No family is insured against the treason of one of the spouses one hundred percent. After all, loyalty is a phenomenon that is extremely rare. But still you can maximally secure your relationship from the change. It is important to understand a few moments.

In order to protect the family from the treason of his wife, you need:

1. Constantly maintain warm, gentle and love relationships with it. Your relationship should not cause a spouse of feeling offense, irritation, fatigue from everything. Wife should be beloved. If a man be treated with his wife with respect, love, tenderness, care and attention, then with one hundred percent probability it can be said that your wife will never change you.

2. For a woman as a creature of emotional and sensitive, chatting with her husband is extremely important. If the husband is not talking to his wife, he will start looking for someone who will satisfy her need to communicate. And therefore, the likelihood is increasing that she will find a lover.

3. For women, honest and open relationships are very important. Relationships built on trust and openness will always be durable and strong. And therefore, the probability of treason falls to zero. If the husband starts to deceive his wife, it will significantly undermine her level of trust.

4. No matter how cool, and money is an important component for a happy marriage. Especially for a woman. Therefore, if the husband contains a family in prosperity, then the wife has no reason to look for someone on the side.

5. Help your favorite house. At least on trifles. Thus, the wife will see that you help her, and love you from this will be even stronger.

In order to secure a family from treason, you need:

1. Satisfying his sexual needs. After all, sex for a man is the most important component of a happy family life. Satisfy it, manifest activity yourself, at least sometimes surprise it in bed, and then the likelihood of treason of husband will be significantly reduced.

2. Men need rest. Moreover, what they want themselves. Often, the wives are trying to impose their own understanding of the rest and make them rest as they want themselves. Therefore, men and seek to relax away from wives to relax as you want.

3. Men love beautiful women. And if his wife will follow himself and care for his beauty, then the man will admire it, not the other.

4. My house is my fortress. So consider almost all men. Therefore, in your home, a man should only feel warm, care and comfort. If at home there are constantly scandals and quarrels, then in a short time a man begins to look for another house where care will be surrounded.

5. Love and appreciate your husband. Men love when they admire and proud. Therefore, a man just no need to leave or change the one that he loves so much and appreciates.

Remember these important components of a happy family life, and then your relationship will be strong and reliable.

How to avoid treason: do not turn into enemies

Beginning to think that the husband or guy does not change us, we can get into the unpleasant situation when our unjustified suspicions and reproach can push partner. Each couple of time quarrels will quarrel, but in all conflicts it is important to remember that men are primarily a friend, and not an enemy. It concerns not only conversational suspicions, because if you all the time you will configure your partner against yourself, he will want to switch to someone else for discharge. Try not to be offended by him, not to insult, and in any conflict, the situation remember that first of all there are "we", and not "I".

How to avoid treason: distribute your time correctly

You must understand that being 24 hours a day next to your partner is not always correct, and constant control on your part can push him to escape from you. It is important to learn to appreciate the time you spend together by paying it to joint classes. But it is worth remembering that home routine like no one delays and repels partners from each other, so that even the joint viewing of the TV cannot be considered worthy leisure. You must give each other more personal space, then you will learn to appreciate the time spent together.

How to avoid treason: keep careful

Many women allow an unforgivable mistake, stops watching themselves after a while after bonding relationships, because the man is already, and then, in their opinion, it is possible and not strained. But any man who loved the slender and well-groomed girl will come to the despondency, watching how she changes not for the better in his eyes, leaving only a fuzzy appearance in his memory. Remember that the best way to avoid treason is every day to be desirable and interesting for your man. Light makeup even on a Sunday walk with children, a beautiful dress, when you decide to get out into the movies, do not forget how important it is to arrange small holidays in your own and his life.

How to avoid treason: provide support

Try to be for your man a strong support, a reliable woman who can listen and understand it. Now it is so fashionable to go to trainings about self-development, but about how it is important to think about the development of relations of partners almost no one speaks. Show your man that you appreciate, respect him and are ready to divide any sorrows with him, but do not forget about the pleasant emotions that you also have to be able to take. Believe me, a normal man does not want to change such a woman, because you will become not only partner for him, but also a native person.

How to avoid treason: do not forget about sex

It's no secret that thoughts about treason appear when sex does not suit one of the partners, so he is looking for intimate adventures on the side. Do not be afraid to speak before and after it, discuss what I would like to try or change. Sometimes mentality or upbringing prevents us from catching out loud many things relating to intimate life. But remember if you are silent about them, you can immediately miss your loved one. And so that this does not happen, do you have sex, experiment with and do not forget to say that you love each other.

And you want to complete this topic words of a man And the famous public man of Reginald Darnell Hunter, who once said: "Male treason in a relationship is one of the worst problems. This disaster of the world of relations. But it can be solved if you just talk. Treason begins not with physical contact, it begins in mind and heart. And it is secretly a simple human desire can be a full-fantasy. But if you talk about it, shedding light on it, it will crush like rats along the nora. "

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