How the cat sees the world around. How to see cats: Real and other worlds with their eyes

To see the world around the world is different - this is an adventure! Therefore, let's try to be in the cat's head and understand how our pets perceive what is happening.

Ready? Once, two, started!

Opening first: everything is color!

Look, it's not so bored here as some might think!

For some reason, everything for some reason believed that cats see only shades of gray. But recent studies argue that our grinds are perfectly distinguished by many colors! They are simply not so bright what our eyesight reproduces them.

Using the difference will help us with photos made by American photographer Nikolai Lamm. After consulting with zoologists, he with the help of the editor reproduced on the pictures of the peculiarities of the domestic cat.

On the top photo shows a landscape visible by the eyes of a person, and on the second - his pet. Significant difference, right?

Now look at the edges of these pictures. Immediately we can make a second discovery - it turns out ...

Opening Second: Cats have a wide viewing angle!

And it is wider than a person, for as many as 20 degrees. This ability to distinguish the details without turning the head, helps our home predators to hunt and notice enemies. On the top photo, the human review angle is reduced on sides on the size of black rectangles.

And now look right - how far do you see? Not three eyes - will not help! Becauseā€¦

Opening Third: Cats are poorly distinguished distant items!

All that is from them at a distance of 6 meters and more becomes vague, as if in the fog. Approximately so these animals see the panorama of the city:

This little drawback is compensated by a thin scent and acute hearing. And then, the domestic cat lives in the jungle to calculate the prey for dozens of meters from the place of residence!

Opening Fourth: Cats are clearly seen in incomplete darkness!

It is in incomplete, since without scattered light, their eyes are also helpless, like human. However, when there is at least a small source of lighting - they will distinguish the items 7-8 times better than we! Like this:

Yes, dark, but the cats have another very beautiful feature, namely ...

Opening Fifth: their eyes glow in the dark!

The whole secret of this miracle in the so-called tapettum - The layer of the eye shell, which captures the light and directs it to the retina. That is why the cat's view seems so mysterious and even magical! Interestingly, the color of the glow can be calculated the color of the eyes: the blue pupils are light, and green - yellow.

And now it's time to do ...

Opening Sixth: Pupil changes the form!

It can become a vertical alkaline or a complete circle, in size almost from the eyeball. Such ability protects the sensitive eyes of cats from sunlight.

But the last discovery indicates the general features of a cat and human device. And it says ...

Opening seventh: in cats, like people, binocular vision!

And it means that the brain of fluffy processes images obtained from each eye, and adds them into one thing! Unlike other animals with monocular vision, which see 2 different images.

Well, looking at this video, you fully realize all the advantages of cat vision - and will help you in this wonderful cat actor named mango!

By the way, have you already read our second study?

Vision of a homemade cat

Cat, despite the fact that it accompanies a person more than 10,000 years old, remains a mystical and mysterious creature, to which Molva, whether the science is attributed to unique abilities: and see in the dark, and to have at least nine lives, and feel the other world And all its inhabitants.

About nine lives and communication with otherworldly argue, but about how the cats see our world, we can tell in detail. Moreover, not only scientists are now available information on how the cats see our world, but also a large audience of connoisseurs of these elegant animals.

The American photographer Nikolai Lamm (himself, apparently, the big fan of representatives of the Faby family) created a whole series of photos, as they see the cats our world. The master worked not just from himself, and consulted in detail with specialists: ophthalmologists, fellinologists and zoopsychologists. As a result, the world saw himself through the eyes of a domestic cat.

Cat "point of view" in photos

Master's photographs are widely represented on the Internet, they can be found on thematic sites and on request in the search engine.

Cat vision is not able to fix the details

What is the world from the point of view of a domestic cat? How right are those who claim that the cat is unable to distinguish between colors, and in this find its similarity with the dog?

Blurred photos are not a photographer marriage, but the most accurate illustration of the vision of cat objects and people. Cat vision is not able to fix the details, but the animal perfectly recognizes moving objects. And this is one of the ingenious ideas of nature - to improve each body for the purpose of a living being. If the cat has a hunting instinct, it is important for it to notice the movement of production, and not the length of its tail or the quality of the fur.

Many surprises the fact that some colors are present in the photo lame. The skeptics immediately arises the question: why did the photographer embellish reality? How does cats see our world in color, if it's long known that the spectrum is unavailable?

On a note! A small amendment: scientists have proven that cats do not perceive only some colors, namely: orange, red, brown, green.

But blue, purple, gray, yellow is quite accessible to a feline eye. True, the cats see our world mainly like gray-blue, since yellow and purple color their long-wave "columns" in their eyes are slightly worse. But nevertheless, the picture of the world around the cat, although not full, but not faceless.

The world through the eyes of cats

Photo again and again visually demonstrate how cats see our world, which color is the whole spectrum and shades for cats are limited, but also the "black and white TV" is not exactly what these animals see.

Can the cat see in the pitch darkness

The hoax about the cat went so far that even those abilities that she did not have an animal are attributed to the animal. For example, that the animal is able to see perfectly perfectly in the pitch darkness. Such conviction is not quite fiction, but from the truth it is far away.

Cat does not see anything in complete darkness

Scientists found out that for visual perception of objects in the dark "athounds" cat, it is necessary to at least a small part of the light flux in which it distinguishes the items of a person. To be more specific - the sixth part. With such a poor lighting, a person will be helpless, but the animal so much light is enough to feel confident - and while driving, and in the ambush.

By the ability to see in the twilight, the cat exceeds the person eight times - the groove is huge, but it cannot be seen in complete darkness.

Ferris Sector

How perfectly cats see our world if they even notice those objects for which, it would seem, and not pay attention to! Each owner of a home cat knows that his pet can catch a bird or a small rodent in a sharp jump, whose dislocation "It seems to be not interested," and she "as if he dreamed," when the mouse went around the cat to the tenth road.

Cats have the ability to move through the eyes relative to the visual axis.

With such maneuvers, the cat is impossible - an angle of view of the animal is 270 degrees, she notices everything. Everything! And if you still connect the smell and rumor, then the mice are generally better not to stick out - it caught.

Scientists have identified a cat vision as a stereoscopic binocular - an animal can move through the eye of the visual axis. The few living beings are capable of such.

Why the cat is the third century

Oh, this is the necessary adaptation for an animal eye, which hunts "in the lower tiers of being" on small rodents and is forced to raise through thick herbal thickets, shrubs, and in Chulans enough dust and trash, which "steal" the cat's useful space required for the cat Comfortable hunting.

The presence of the third century in the cat

Another third century serves as protection against dust, barns and whiskers, and also it moisturizes the cornea.

Cats and "unclean power"

What does say about , how cats see our world, traditional science, we found out. But the curtain of the mystery remains another, even more exciting and interesting - can, according to the old legends, legends and modern posts on the forums, the cats see otherworldly and even join him into a fight.

Cat is an excellent security guard home from evil forces

Both in the ancient foliants, and on the current web resources of full-chirling soul stories about how the little cat "all the forces of their aura" fought for the happiness and health of the owners with something black and terrible. There are other, funny, about how the young cat with home-lit "ignited the days and nights.

Believe or not believe in such semi-pages - it depends on whether there is generally faith in mystical in the soul of each individual reader. But the fact that the Cat Aura is so huge that the animal and the hosts are covered, and the whole territory that the cat considers their home, and so strong that it is capable of making the release of negative vibrations beyond the territory that the cat marked him, - confirm the esotericists of everyone levels.

On a note! That the cat sees the otherworldly world - is not proven by anyone, rather, it feels some subtle matter, beyond the human perception.

Also, the animal can finely feel the emotional state of a person, so to flirt and deceive it - it is useless.

If the cat does not break down looks into the void, pupils are expanded and leads himself calmly, the owners should not be alarming either. There is no need for anything unclean speech, simple and vision, and the rumor has a cat is much more developed, so she sees, and hears quite ordinary for her, but inaccessible to man things - not from somewhere from space, but maybe under plinth.

Cat - Magical Animal

If the cat is watching the walls, the ceiling, furniture subjects, perhaps she noticed the house that visited the room with revisions and is a busily walking around the perimeter. But this option from the category of grandmother's fairy tales is most likely.

Cats, unlike the rest of the pet, calmly and even feel comfortable in the unfavorable energy zones of the house, they are able to transform negative energy.

Cat in the fight against astral guests

Note! If your cute and fluffy animal begins to behave inadequately and it can not be explained by a disease nor a fright from something visually tangible, then maybe you should think about inviting the priest and sprinkle the rooms.

Esoterics describe the contact of the domestic cat and astral entity as follows: noticing on its territory an externally otherworldly body, a cat freezes for a while and watches him - defines his intentions. And if the animal seems to be that the alien from the astral is too dangerous for her owners, it begins to outstand the essence of its energy.

If the essence came across too strong or too dumbbed, the cat "pulls" her in itself and leaves the house - the danger from its territory. Often, bold little fighters are not returned home after such a "travel".

The cat is capable of concentrating over the house positive space energy and bring prosperity, wealth, well-being

It seems that the world through the eyes of cats, such as they see him, is even more populated and dangerous than we could imagine.

And the most pleasant thing from what is attributed to cats is their ability to concentrate over the house (its territory) positive space energy and enlist the hosts prosperity, wealth, well-being. But here, as they say, they hope on the cat, and not bad. Cats in boots not everyone goes into inheritance, and hopelessly lazy man all cat energy efforts are unlikely to help. But if your own achievements back up the cat's energy suitable suit, then everything can be.

Feline "Kiss Eyes"

Feline eyes perform another most important feature for an animal - they serve to communicate with a person. Actually, it is important not how the cat sees the world, but how she perceives one of the inhabitants of this world is its owner.

Hypnotizing view of a cat

When the cat is pacified and satisfied with the surrounding atmosphere and people, her eyes are squandered, and pupils are narrowed to the state of the gaps.

If the cat is frightened - she looks at the owner widely open eyes, pupils are expanded.

If the cat intends, in order not to recall the taste, she looks at the man in the eyes, trying to intercept his eyes.

Cat creates food

And if the animal is long, without tearing off the eye, looks at the owner, and then slowly closes his eyes - such a glance is akin to the human kiss, with his help the cat demonstrates his love.

True on how cats see our world Was Last Modified: September 15th, 2016 by Maxim Bartsev

How do cats cats? This question is interesting to many inquisitive people. Let's try to reveal this little mystery. Cats lead a nightlife, so they are well developed rumor, smelling and vision. Cats are focused not only by sight, but also with the help of their magnificent mustache, which are the conname authorities. At close range, they are their "eyes". If the animal loses his eyesight, other senses compensate for this loss.

How do cats see the world? Is it true that in 3D?

The eyes of our pets are close to each other and are directed forward. Thus, the left and right eyes sector overlap, and the cat sees the same thing with both eyes, and at the same time (rodents, by the way, are seen two separate images). Due to this, it can easily determine the size and shape of the object, as well as the distance to it. Note that the viewing angle of the purr - 200 degrees. Thanks to this opportunity, it can accurately determine the location of its production.

How do cats in the horizontal plane?

When the purr is going to jump, she shakes her head up and down. Have you noticed such a phenomenon? So the cat changes the angle of view. It can very accurately determine the distance from one object to another. Experts have proven that the cat reacts better to move horizontally, and then the mouse also runs in this way. Playing with his pet, be sure to consider this fact.

How do cats near?

The hosts of many cats were noticed: if you put your pet food right under the nose, then she begins to study it with the help of touches and mustache. Everything happens because at a distance less than 50 cm cat sees badly. For this reason, playing with your favorite, keep your toy away.

How do cats see the world? Is it true that in gray tones?

The organs of vision in such animals are arranged in the same way as in humans. But there is one important difference - pigments that are in Kolzkok (photo seventors). The person has three types of their kind, for this reason we have three-color eyesight, and there are two of them in cats, therefore their vision is a daily double-color. In addition, they poorly distinguish tones.

How do cats see in the dark?

In complete darkness, cats can not see. Their vision is configured on the twilight hunt when mice get out of the holes. To see well, cats must be ten times less than the world than people. And with good lighting, they see worse, poorly distinguish the details. For the vision of cats at twilight, tipetum is answered (this is a special education, vascular layer of the eye shell). His person has no. It is thanks to tipetuum the eyes of cats in the dark "burn", since the light reflects from its greenish-yellow surface. For the same reason, the light from the colums and wands is reflected twice. This contributes to improved vision at twilight time. It is because of this cat that the bright light does not like. Nature provides that, with bright lighting, the torments are narrowing to a very narrow slot. Note that during the hunt, the cats can simultaneously observe several mink mice, they instantly react to barely catchy movements, and the distance to the object can reach 900 meters.

To see the world around the world is different - this is an adventure! Therefore, let's try to be in the cat's head and understand how our pets perceive what is happening.

Ready? Once, two, started!

Opening first: everything is color!

Look, it's not so bored here as some might think!

For some reason, everything for some reason believed that cats see only shades of gray. But recent studies argue that our grinds are perfectly distinguished by many colors! They are simply not so bright what our eyesight reproduces them.

Using the difference will help us with photos made by American photographer Nikolai Lamm. After consulting with zoologists, he with the help of the editor reproduced on the pictures of the peculiarities of the domestic cat.

On the top photo shows a landscape visible by the eyes of a person, and on the second - his pet. Significant difference, right?

Now look at the edges of these pictures. Immediately we can make a second discovery - it turns out ...

Opening Second: Cats have a wide viewing angle!

And it is wider than a person, for as many as 20 degrees. This ability to distinguish the details without turning the head, helps our home predators to hunt and notice enemies. On the top photo, the human review angle is reduced on sides on the size of black rectangles.

And now look right - how far do you see? Not three eyes - will not help! Becauseā€¦

Opening Third: Cats are poorly distinguished distant items!

All that is from them at a distance of 6 meters and more becomes vague, as if in the fog. Approximately so these animals see the panorama of the city:

This little drawback is compensated by a thin scent and acute hearing. And then, the domestic cat lives in the jungle to calculate the prey for dozens of meters from the place of residence!

Opening Fourth: Cats are clearly seen in incomplete darkness!

It is in incomplete, since without scattered light, their eyes are also helpless, like human. However, when there is at least a small source of lighting - they will distinguish the items 7-8 times better than we! Like this:

Yes, dark, but the cats have another very beautiful feature, namely ...

Opening Fifth: their eyes glow in the dark!

The whole secret of this miracle in the so-called tapettum - The layer of the eye shell, which captures the light and directs it to the retina. That is why the cat's view seems so mysterious and even magical! Interestingly, the color of the glow can be calculated the color of the eyes: the blue pupils are light, and green - yellow.

And now it's time to do ...

Opening Sixth: Pupil changes the form!

It can become a vertical alkaline or a complete circle, in size almost from the eyeball. Such ability protects the sensitive eyes of cats from sunlight.

But the last discovery indicates the general features of a cat and human device. And it says ...

Opening seventh: in cats, like people, binocular vision!

And it means that the brain of fluffy processes images obtained from each eye, and adds them into one thing! Unlike other animals with monocular vision, which see 2 different images.

Well, looking at this video, you fully realize all the advantages of cat vision - and will help you in this wonderful cat actor named mango!

By the way, have you already read our second study?

Attractive cat eyes seem awesome. Bright green, blue, yellow, they are slyly looking at us, and many are simply confident that cats see ghosts and houses, and the Egyptians believed that these amazing animals communicate with the gods. the world? Is it sees in absolute dark and distinguishes only shades of gray? How does a cat react to bright items? And is it capable of seeing colors? This is an amazing animal is shrouded in many myths. Consider the main physiological indicators of cats and cats and try to find out how these animals see.

Feline pupils

The first thing we pay attention to, looking in cat eyes, are pupils. In the evening they are big and round, and in a sunny day turn into thin threads. This is due to the fact that cats do not tolerate bright small predators prefer to go hunting at night. In order to see prey, they are enough light moon.

But at the light of the day, the cat sees much worse: bright sunlight will be blinded. In order to skip as little light as possible, cat in the sun is often pushed and prefers just to rise, because at sunny noon she sees everything blurry and unclear.

During hunting or in a state of excitation, a small predator to better look at the prey or danger, and the angry animal, on the contrary, narrows them to focus on the opponent.

Will cats see in the dark

In the dark, mysteriously glow, so before people believed that these animals perceive what is not available for human eyes. To some extent, it is really true - the saturated hunters see in the dark 10 times better than a person. Why are cat's eyes glow?

The vision of this animal due to the night lifestyle differs significantly from our. On the rear wall of the retina there are special fabrics, a peculiar mirror, capable of reflecting the light on the nerve endings. In the dark, the feline pupil expands to catch as much light as possible. It is the light, reflected from the retina, we see when we look at cat eyes in the dark.

Contrary to popular belief, cats cannot see in absolute darkness. But in a well-known room, thanks to a developed sense of smell, good hearing and musty - vibrist, animals are greatly oriented even without a light source.

How far see cats

Cats actively react to objects that are in motion. Running mouse These small predators can notice at a distance of 800 meters, clearly see objects at a distance of up to 60 meters. But things located right under the nose, closer than half a meter, the cat sees bad. You probably noticed that if we put something right next to the cat, then it will first begin to sniff it, getting information with the help of smelling and touch.

For an effective hunting, an animal does not need to see prey in detail. The main thing is to determine the distance to the victim, the direction of its movement. And the vision of the cat is intended for this.

Cats are located close to each other, which allows you to see the object with the left and right eye at the same time. Due to this, the animal can very accurately determine the form and size of production. The corner of the cat is wider than a person, by 20 degrees, and they see much better in the horizontal plane.

25 shades of gray

Many are interested in how the cat responds to bright items, because in nature the main mining is an inflating gray mouse. It is precisely to distinguish and allocate from the environment a lot of shades of gray, and a cat's vision is calculated. The question remains about whether the animal sees any other colors.

What colors see cats

For a long time it was believed that animals see the world in black and white colors, therefore the question of how the cat responds to bright items, not stood. But modern scientists carefully studied the structure of a cat's eye.

The nerve endings in the organs of the vision are represented by two types - kolodskok and chopsticks. The sticks are responsible for the perception of light, and the columns - color - blue, green and red. The colums responsible for the perception of red in the cat is extremely small in the feline, so it can be understood that the animals distinguish only blue and but a lot of sticks in a feline eye, which allows them to see well with a lack of light.

Cats do not see the difference between red and green, and the shades of blue are perceived in one color, but they still have color eyesight.

Vision and Cat Behavior

Owners are interested not only as an animal reacts to bright items. Cat often shows interest in TV, but can she see the image on the screen? Scientists believe that the cat is capable of seeing only flicker. Nevertheless, researchers note that the animal can see the movement. Indeed, many owners argue that their favorite loves to watch animal transfer, especially with hunting scenes.

You see yourself in the cat mirror perfectly. Many young animals, first seen their reflection, take it for the opponent, and may even sneak and attack.

And how do cats see their owner? They were able to recognize only a fuzzy silhouette, and an approximate face turns into a blurred stain. In close communication with the owner, the cat is guided primarily on the smell.

How does a cat react to bright items and toys? There are owners who claim that their favorites prefer toys of certain colors. Most likely, it is an individual feature, and any patterns have not been identified. Therefore, when buying toys, you can safely be guided by your own taste.

What is the difference in cat vision from human

Yes, you can read that cats are better seeing in the dark, their viewing angle is wider and they perceive the colors otherwise. But it is quite difficult to imagine. Fortunately, the photographer and the retouuscher Nikolai Lamm decided to visually demonstrate how our favorites see the world. Thanks to the series of his photos, we can easily be in a feline skull. He contacted veterinarians and cat experts, and with their help could repeat the features of the animal.

How to understand that the cat has a vision problem

Cats are subject to various diseases of the eyes. The attentive owner must be alened, if the animal rubs the paws in the face, often blinks, avoids bright light, the eyes are cloudy, tears flow, the pus appears in the corners, swollen eyelids. This is a reason to refer to the vet. The most common eye disease in cats is conjunctivitis. Especially often he is striking street animals.

There are really serious problems. The cat may begin to lose sight, they simply get blind, but it is noticeable immediately. Even a completely blind animal can well navigate in the house. How to determine the loss of vision?

First, the cat stops jumping to favorite places - high lockers, shelves, or does it awkward, flushing, falls. Secondly, it rises to new or rearranged furniture. Thirdly, her pupils do not even narrow the sun on a bright. Fourth, she stops responding to favorite toys. Finally, the animal does not look right on you, if you appeal to it, the look is defocused.

If you have noticed from your pet signs of impairment, immediately contact the branch. Even if the cat blinded, this is by no means a reason to abandon it. A pet will be able to live a full-fledged life if you comply with some simple rules: do not release the animal to the street, do not change the place of the bowel location with food and tray without much reason.