How to stark things with starch potato. How to starch clothes, linen and other things at home: it is useful to know the hostess. What things can not stumble


The accumulated things attach the solemnity of the setting. In addition, they have an excellent appearance and retains longer, it is less impaired and polluted. Naturally, not all underwear should stumble. For example, it is not necessary to do this with a blank liner or bedding, as they cease to pass the air. But the tablecloths, napkins, collars and cuffs blouses, and also tulle without starch will not cost.

There are several ways to stuff: soft, medium and rigid. For soft cubs Take 1 tsp. Starch on a liter of water. In this way, starch dresses and. With an average cushion, it is enough for 2 tsp. Starch on a liter of water. First, stir starch in a small amount of cold water, then pour boiling water into it. Do not forget to stir the solution all the time so that there are no clots. A little more - about 2 tbsp., It will take for hard starch. The starchy things must be squeezed and wrapped into the fabric. When ironing, they must be wet. But before, spreading things on the table and wipe them with a cloth. Thus, you can evenly distribute starch and remove it over.

Tulle usually starch gently. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a solution in the form of alee. So, take 2 tbsp. Starch and stir in a small amount of cold water. Add hot water to this solution and warm it up until the transparent starchy holter is obtained. At the same time, it is necessary to continuously stir the Clauster so that you do not have any lumps. If this could not be avoided, resolved the obtained Clayster through the siete or gauze. After that, the desired amount of cold water and thoroughly stirred into the solution. Lower things to it for about half an hour. Then press the tulle, dried slightly and turn the wet one more.

There are two basic methods to starch the fabric: rigid starch and usual. As a rule, a rigid method is used for cuffs, collar and other elements. The usual method starch all the other things, the amount of starch will depend on the type of your fabric.

With a simple way you will need starch. The most common starch is potato, which can be found in any store. Also wheat and corn. It can also be used with starching products. For a thin type, such as chiffon, tulle, batter, gauze, enough from six to nine grams of starch for one liter of water, for dense enough ten or twelve grams. In order to achieve the greatest density, you should add a little more starch.

  1. For bed linen, blouses and (soft fabric), one or half of a teaspoon of starch for one liter of water should be diluted.

  2. Napkins, tablecloths and shirts starch with solution (semi-rigid fabric) - one tablespoon starch for one liter of water.

  3. For cuffs and collar (rigid fabric), you must dilute two tablespoons per liter of water.

Now you need a hubber - starch is divorced in cold water, then add hot water and move carefully to get rid of the clots. By consistency, the Clauster should be transparent and drum. If the solution is like, it is necessary to boil it for five minutes. A little more water is added to the ready-made and put the product to be starch. After processing, the clothes are neatly pressed and dried. Sew the stancy fabric, it should be slightly sprayed with water. Then the product must be seen within a few hours and will be divided. This method for podolov skirts and bulk products.

In order to starch the cloth with hard stuffing method, you will need additional components. Additives are rice or maize starch, boric sodium salt. Starch (50 gr.) Divorce on one liter of cold water. The solution must resemble starch milk. Sodium salt (15 gr.) It is dissolved separately in hot water in a glass, then cooled and added to the solution with starch. It insists for one or two hours. When the mixture is ready, it can be omitted with a product. Then clothes are pressed and straighted on clean white fabric. Wet product must be smoothed.

The mistress has long been taking care of the beauty, cleanliness of their home and the cheriology, practiced starch in linen and some types of clothing. This simple procedure and today gives products a more neat look, protects against rapid pollution. In addition, starchy things are smaller.

You will need

  • On store shelves, you can see many ready-made effective agents for appression (for example, drugs, including polyvinyl acetate emulsion). However, an ordinary starch remains a respected and unsalurating agent to give tissues at home: potato, corn, rice.
  • Depending on the desired stiffness of starch, a solution for impregnation of textiles is prepared in different density.
  • Very soft cuddling:
  • 5 g starch (floor of a teaspoon) - on 2 liters of water.
  • Soft cushion:
  • 15-20 g starch (two teaspoons) - on 2 liters of water.
  • Middle cubs:
  • 25-30 g of starch (three teaspoon) - on 2 liters of water.
  • For a tough proportion, it is selected adjusted to the necessary degree of rigidity of the web (starching of collars and cuffs, fabrics for crafts, etc.).


Strain the resulting mass through gauze or fine sieve (lumps and clots should not be). Add a room temperature to it to it, observing the selected liquid ratio and starch. Stir hitch.

Helpful advice

Cleaster is considered high quality if it is transparent and sticky. If it turned out to be muddy and "non-linked", boil it within 5 minutes.

Corn starch requires compulsory boiling.
For the "frosty freshness" of the colors of the cube linen, water for the tire can be fastened.

Glitter linen will give added to the starch pinch of salt or sugar.

Put the material density and improve the appearance using conventional starch. Things after starching are manding less and contaminated, since the material begins to repel the dirt and moisture. To give clothes shape, you can use any way convenient for you.


To linen It turned out only slightly cranked, divert in the liter of water only 2.5 g of starch. Mix thoroughly and immerse the thing for several minutes into the solution, squeeze and dry. So treated: the bottom linen, pajamas and a native shirts.

The laundry will be slightly tougher if you add 8 g starch in a liter of water. This concentration for starching the blouses, dresses, tulles and bed linen sets. Do not forget to observe the dosage of starch, then things will be pleasant to the touch.

For starching men's shirts (cuffs and collar), use a solution of high concentration, about 5 hours per liter of cold water. Carefully stirre and add a boor to the starch solution. Before entering the boor, it needs to be divorced in a glass of hot water (1 hour. A spoon on a glass of boiling water), then cool and with constant stirring into diluted starch. Wait about 60 minutes, the solution must be broken, after the expiration of time, mix it again and thoroughly impregnate the sleeves and cuffs. After processing in starch, be sure to mark the product.

There is a way for lazy. Divide starch in water (5g or 16 g per 30-40 ml of water). Add the resulting solution to the compartment when it will take water, starch is solved into the drum. In this way, things will only slightly cranched. To enhance the rigidity, you can add a little more starch, but do not stop. It is impossible to choose an accurate dosage from the first time, because all the machines take different amounts of water, and, accordingly, the starch concentration can differ significantly.

To give a dress more beautiful appearance, try it to starch it, it will sweat less and get slower. Typically starch dresses of linen and cotton fabrics, as well as naughters of wedding and evening dresses.


You can apply ready-made submissive products of industrial production subject to all these proportions and recommendations set forth in the instructions. Or apply for poaching rice, potato or corn starch.

Remember, if you have gathered to stark the thing, you need to see if it is yellow spots on it, and if they are available, delete. To do this, apply hydrogen peroxide, spread it with a stain and remove it on the sunlight, after a while the spot will disappear.

Now you can proceed to the starch process. Products can be stamped in three ways, but for dresses And the blouses use only a soft solution. To do this, take 1 tsp. Starch on 1 liter of water.

The solution prepare in the following way: Put starch in enameled or glassware, add some cold water and disperse as it should. As a result, you will get a mass like a thick sour cream, then add steep boiling water, constantly stirring, before getting the desired substance.

For starching, use only warm solution. Dress Lower into the solution, carefully press to remove the surplus of starch. After that, dry the product. If you wish, add a pinch of salt into starch, it will give a special glitter, and a pair of turpentine drops will facilitate the ironing process, it will not stick to the iron.

Do not dry the stancys in the cold. And yellow stains with a starchy output with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, process the stain, then rinse under the jet. Peroxide needs to take 2 h. Spoons per 1 cup of clean water.

So, you decided, what fabric do you need to starch? Depending on the material now, choose the most appropriate method:

  1. Soft way suitable for soft tissues. They are treated with bed linen, dresses and blouses. To prepare one liter of the solution, you will need one or gender of a teaspoon of starch.
  2. Semi-rigid - for men's shirts, tablecloths and napkins. In this case, you use a tablespoon of the tool.
  3. Hard way Use for cuffs and collar. Here you spend on the preparation of one liter of the solution two tablespoons of starch.

Methods for making a solution

To prepare a hubber for the soft and semi-rigid method, use the same recipe. Only brew a different amount of starch. In cold water, divert starch. Add the resulting mass in hot water, mix thoroughly, try to argue all lumps. The hub must be transparent. Did you get muddy? Nothing wrong! Boil it a few minutes. Add a little water, stir and cool. For better effect, the product is lowered into a warm solution.

For a rigid method, you will also need a boric salt of sodium (Bura), and add rice to potato starch. Divide the teaspoon of the borants in a small amount of hot water separately from Clays. Warm solution Add to the finished hub and let it brew several hours.

How to starch Male

Do you need to give a puff skirt for a carnival costume? Choose a hard way. Immerse the gauze into a warm hub. The liquid should be completely covered. Pull and carefully straighten to not be on the material bends and fesoms. You can not fix them with an iron! Let the cloth dries a little bit in a spaced form. Wet gauge.

How to starch fatin

Decorative bows and other fatewood products stancy look just gorgeous! Fatin, Kisey, Guipure, Chiffon, Muslin and other light fabric starch gently. Pure product immerse 15 minutes into a cooked solution. So that the material is evenly impregnated, it is distilled from time to time. Squeeze without twisting, straighten and dry. Before ironing, sprinkle the product with water from the sprayer, wait a little that the fabric "moved". I am not too hot iron.

How to starch knitted products and embroidery

Lace-related lace will look more effectively, if it is placed in a semi-rigid way. If you want lace or napkin to be tougher, do not press them strongly. Flooded lace. Swill through a thin fabric: So you will not spoil such a beauty.

Welcome a weak starch solution, make a cotton swab into it. Wipe your embroidery from the wrong side, join the iron.

How to starch Cotton bedding, tablecloths and shirts

Brew the holter in a soft way. Clean things lower in a warm solution, stir so that the mixture is evenly distributed between the folds of the fabric. Spit very carefully, hang to dry on the rope, carefully placing. Lingerie and tablecloths moisturize before ironing. To do this, sprinkle tissue with water and leave for a couple of hours so that it is evenly soaked in moisture.

  • Add a pinch pin to starch: it will give the white fabric a special shine.
  • So that the lingerie sticks to the iron when ironing, add a few drops of the turpidar to the box.
  • Knitted things (lace, napkins) dry on a horizontal surface, stretching them with needles. So they will not lose their shape.
  • Do not dry the stancys in the cold.
  • Do not use corn starch for dark fabrics: they can appear with inclusion and light stripes.
  • Do not starch embroidery, made Moulin: The threads will lose the shine and glue together.
  • If, when brewing brewing, lumps appeared, definitely strain the solution!

Never starch underwear and things that are very tightly adjacent to the body.

How to starch the knitted thing or collar not only with starch, but also sugar, gelatin, PVA glue.

How to make a solution

To give the desired form of volumetric subject, for example, a vase, a box, etc., starch is not suitable, as it gives insufficient rigidity, and for such things as a collar or a napkin it can be used. In addition, after a certain time, the starch is slightly yellow, as well as gelatin and PVA glue, so it is better to use sugar to work from white and bright yarn.

The components for the starch solution are taken in the following proportions: 1 cup of water 1 tbsp. Spoon starch. Accordingly, 1 liter of water will need 5 tablespoons of starch.

To prepare a sugar solution, it is necessary to take on 1 cup of water 3 tbsp. Sugar spoons (per 1 liter of water - 15 tablespoons of sugar).

Method of cooking the same in both cases. You need to pour the required volume of water into the pan, add sugar or starch and mix thoroughly. Then put the saucepan on the fire of average intensity and bring to a boil. After that, carefully remove from the fire and wait for the cooling of the solution to the temperature at which it will not burn hands. Next, omit into it a knitted subject, for example, a collar. Water should cover it entirely.

It is necessary to leave a product under water for 5-10 minutes, then get it and gently squeeze. After that, lay out the collar on a flat surface on a pre-sublated dry towel. This is done in order for drying the work did not curl and retained its form.

The edges of the openwork item must be attached to a towel using English pins, pre-giving them the form.

"Cold" way

Close the knitted collar can be "cold" way. This will require 2 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of starch. With such proportions, the collar will not be too tough, but its form will be preserved for a long time.

It is necessary to dissolve starch in cold water, put in the mixture of the product and leave for 20-30 minutes. After this time, the collar should be reached, squeeze and decompose on a flat surface, pre-laying a towel. Then cover with a thin scarf or cloth, smooth and give the shape of openwork edges. After that, the work should be rejuvenated, and do not overwork, but leave a slightly wet. Then to postpone until the subject does not dry during a clock pair.

If the thing is rejuvenated to complete drying, she will soon acquire a yellowish color.

Do not forget that the starchy things are "afraid" water. This means that after washing it will have to pursue this procedure again.

How to give stiffness to volume knitted things

To give stiffness to bulk knitted objects, you can use gelatin or PVA glue. You need to dry such things, pulling them on the volumetric subject of the suitable form: a glass, a cup, a bowl, a dish.

You can use for this purpose a tube or a box of cardboard. It must be installed by polyethylene, otherwise the knitted product will stick to the cardboard when drying.


The thing treated with the gelatin will be more rigid than starchy.

There are two recipes for the preparation of the gelatin solution.

  1. You need to pour 1 teaspoon gelatin 1 cup of water. Let it swell for 1 hour, then the mixture must be heated, without bringing to a boil. Immerse the knitted thing in hot gelatin, then tighten on the shape.
  2. Mix the gelatin bag, 1 tablespoon of salt and half a cup of cold water in a half-liter bank. Put on a steam bath and stir for a fork or a wedge, while gelatin does not completely dissolve. Lower the product in hot gelatin, then tighten into the form, without pressing.

Gelatin forms a transparent film on the fibers, not leaving traces.

PVA glue

Instead of gelatin, you can use PVA glue. It must be divorced by water in the ratio of 1: 1 and impregnate the wet object.

Some fifty years ago, no self-respecting woman would have come out of the house if her blouse or lace collar did not have a dense form and, of course, did not let her husband, not starching the cuff and collar his shirt.

Our grandmothers knew how to starch the cloth, and used it. The starch attached great importance, and it was used almost for all textile things.

Mandatory starch collars and cuffs of shirts, blouses and school uniforms, aprons, bed linen and tablecloths with napkins.

About twenty years ago, starch ceased to attach importance, and today the hostesses return to this type of courtship for things. On how to starch the cloth or the product of the house, and let's talk in this material.

The stancy thing has a clearer shape, looks fresh and less exposed to pollution. If you are roaringly follow the appearance of your loved ones and your own image, then you must know how to starch things and use these knowledge.

So, the way to care for things, proven over the years, is the use of starch.

There are several types of this product on sale: potato starch, corn, wheat, rice.

Depending on the basis of production, they have differences in taste qualities and price, but, from the point of view of things, their properties are the same, so you can apply the one that is at home, or buy more accessible.

Depending on the processing density, the starch can be tougher and softer.

  • Soft Suitable for thin tissues. Starch milk is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
  • Middle You can handle bed linen, tablecloth, beloved blouse. In this case, 1 liter of water should be taken 1 tablespoon of starch.
  • Hard Used for collars, caps and different decor elements. To create a solution, 2 or 3 tablespoons of starch will be required.

The principle of processing for these species is the same. For a start, it's very good to extend linen in a washing machine, because the applied solution will create a slight crust on things.

It will prevent the penetration of dirt into the fiber, but the existing dirt is used in the fabric. After washing, lower things into the solution for five minutes and decompose seeking.

Then swallow the iron without using steam in order to fix the applied crust.

Without the use of starch

There are also other types of processing to give things greater tale. Although they are called starch, based on other products.

It is better to use this way to impart density with a decorative product, not linen.

You can climb without starch:

  • using gelatin - To begin with, make the gelatin base at the rate of 1 tablespoon on a glass of water, stirring, heating and after the gelatin is dissolved, omit into the solution. Dry the thing is necessary in collapsed form;
  • sugar Sand - To do this, in a liter of water dissolve 7 tablespoons of sugar sand and heated it to a boil. In the hot solution, lower the processed things and leave up to cooling. Then dried also in the collected form;
  • pVA glue - This method allows things to become more dense, it is ideal for interior things. Dissolve 1 part of the glue in 2 parts of the water and you can immediately lower the product into the solution. After it is soaked, straighten and dry it in the lying position.

Thanks to the latest technologies, clothing care has become much easier than in the days of our grandmothers.

Washing linen in the automatic washing machine does not take away strength and even a lot of time. But besides washing in it you can immediately close the lingerie.

How to starch tissue with washing? There are several species of powdered compositions and gel solutions, which already have substances that create an effect of starching, they are sold in stores selling household chemicals.

To obtain the desired effect in the rinse compartment, add the bought the composition and take the impregnated thing. After drying, it will only try to try it and ready.

This method is effective I, if you need to handle a large fabric fabric, bed linen, or a whole thing. And how to starch separate parts from clothes, not resorting to the manufacture of the solution?

For this, there are also assistants on sale, and they can also be bought in household chemicals. They are sold in the form of a sprayer. When ironing, apply a remedy for linen, and under the action of a hot iron it is fixed on clothes. Everything is very simple.

Now you know how to starch at home bed linen, cuffs and collars, tablecloths and napkins. It also became known how to starch with washing machine, modern means and grandma methods.

Try, you will definitely succeed, and, moreover, you will notice that your clothing absorbs dirt less and facilitates her care.

Beautiful clothing is simple, it is worth only to try.

Mother two children. We have been holding a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.

Many dry-cleaners provide a starch service of clothing, so that it retains aesthetics and shape. Of course, this procedure can be carried out at home. After reading this article to the end, you will read the most effective methods, thanks to which you will understand how to starch things at home yourself.

Initially, the starching was applied towards knitted clothes, but over time began to use to other products, for example, to:

  • hats of cooks and doctors;
  • medical coats;
  • male shirts.

After processing and ironing, clothes look beautiful and perfect. About how with the help of starching to maintain the right form of clothing and will be discussed in this article.

To starch things you need to prepare a special solution. To make it, take the capacity of this size so that the thing completely can fit into it. Fill 3 liters of water into the container, add 15 tablespoons of starch and mix thoroughly. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil. Mix the resulting mass, remove the saucepan from the stove. Enter the solution to a temperature of about 60 degrees, that is, such at which you will not burn your fingers.

In order to close the knitted clothes, it is necessary to dip it into the solution for 10 minutes. At the same time, it must be completely immersed in the solution. Then it should be completely squeezed, straighten and put on a flat surface covered with a clean dry bedspread. If we are talking about a headdress, it is necessary to install it for example on a mannequin that corresponds to the shape of the head. After drying, starchy clothes are stroked through the fabric.

Method number 2: "Cold"

Also, give the shape and volume of knitted clothes and other things using the use of starch and cold water solution. How to do it? Everything is very simple. Type 2 liters of water into the saucepan from under the crane, add 2 tablespoons of starch and stirred thoroughly. Pulle in the resulting solution of clothing for half an hour. After that, it must be squeezed, straighten and give the shape, especially the collar and napkins.

It should be stroking clothes in a slightly wet state, but in no case should not wait for a complete drying - otherwise the fabric will acquire a yellowish tint when ironing. After ironing, the clothes should lean naturally.

Note! The methods above are applicable not only to knitted clothes but also sewn from ordinary tissue. Therefore, if you are looking for information on how to starch the shirt, skirt or bathrobe, you can safely apply the presented methods.

Ways to starch dresses and napkins. Reviews for starching.

Many hostesses have long been overwhelmed from hard covers, bed linen. Already not in fashion stash cuffs and a collar. Since there is no old school uniform with aprons, they also do not need to starch. But still it is sometimes necessary to give additional stiffness things, in this case, use the starch.

There are plenty of means to give hardness tissues. Moreover, you can use potato, corn and wheat starch. But now the sale has products in solutions and sprayers, which help to save time. At the same time, there is no need to soak and brew starch.

Reviews for starching:

  • Luxus superform. The remedy is realized in a spray bottle. It is easy to simply shake the bottle and apply a means to dry and clean underwear. Move the iron. The substance helps to give laundry stiffness and promotes long-term preservation of the form. Linen does not mind.
  • Chirton Starch. The remedy is implemented in a spray canter. It is necessary to apply dry underwear and ironing the iron. After such processing, the stroke will not stand, but the process of ironing shirts and linen is greatly simplified.
  • Ocean starch. This is a means implemented in the bottle. It is a solution that is entered into the washing machine during the rinsing process. Entered into the scene of the rinse.
  • Selena starch. This is also a fluid that is entered into the washing machine in the air conditioner compartment. After that, the underwear is easier than it.

There are several ways:

  • Soft starch. Ideal for tulle, light blouses and bed linen. Gives a small rigidity. You need a teaspoon of potato flour to dissolve in 220 ml of cold water. We boil on the plate 800 ml of water and a thin flowing with a constant stirring, enter the cooked solution. Let cool and immerse things for 1-2 minutes. Squeeze them and dry.
  • Hard starch. This option is used if you need to close the collar or a gallinet of gauze. This option allows you to make things hard. 2 tablespoons of potato flour can be dissolved in 200 ml of cold water and pour a solution of 800 ml of boiling water with constantly stirring. The fabric dipped into a viscous solution and is pressed.


  • Instruct a spoon of potato flour in 210 ml of cold water
  • Boil 210 ml of water and pour the prepared solution
  • The resulting Clauster is inserted into the dispenser of the washing machine and turn on the rinse mode
  • Dry things as usual

The easiest way to use sprays, is applied during ironing. But if you want to close the old way, follow the instructions.


  • Dissolve the starch spoon in 200 ml of cold water
  • Pour a solution of 200 ml of boiling water and stir
  • Immerse a dress in slippery mass and let it completely soak
  • Squeeze a bit, remove excess moisture
  • Hang on the hanger and dry at room temperature, placing all folds

How to starch the knitted crochet products?

Basically, a concentrated starch solution is used, that is, a hard version. Products are well holding the shape and smooth perfectly.

Video: starch napkins

Often, a bandage is needed for laboratory work. In this case, you have to try a little.


  • Spoon starch dilute in 250 ml of water
  • Pour the solution into a glass of boiling water and keep on fire with constant stirring
  • The resulting Kissel cool and immerse the bandage
  • Press the bandage and cheese to dry
  • Move the dried bandage and roll into a roll

For these purposes, rigid starch is used, that is, a concentrated solution. How to perform rigid starching, described above.

The tutu skirt is made of a fate, which is so good for shape. By itself, this fabric is quite elastic. But sometimes it is required to starch to give greater stiffness. In this case, use rigid starch. The process is described above.

Fata and dress are made of synthetic material. At the same time, after sewing the dress, its starch and smoothed. During the careful wash in cool water, this layer is not washed away, and the dress holds the shape. But if the dress was at rolling several times, it is possible to starch it. To do this, use the means in aerosols. They are applied directly to the fabric before ironing. The most effective can be considered such funds: Luxus Superform and Chirton Starch.

These products are made of cotton fabric. The accumulation in these cases is applied to improve the product shape and make the folds and referee not formed. For this purpose, there is a sufficiently soft starch. That is, clothes or underwear are flashed in a weak starch solution. Read more soft starch method is described above.

For starching such a tissue will require soft starch. It is enough half a teaspoon on a liter of water for organza (bows) and a teaspoon for starching of satin ribbons. Read more about the preparation of the solution is above.

It is worth noting that after using starch on dark or colored things, stains or white divorces can remain. In this case, it is better to use gelatin instead of starch.


  • Hold the gelatin bag in cold water (100 ml) for 5 minutes so that it is soften, drain the water and bring 0.5 l of water to boil
  • Add softening gelatin and boil, stirring, until complete dissolution. Before use, cool the solution to a warm state.
  • Traces will not remain, gelatin covers the fibers with a transparent film

For dark, black and colored starch starch should not be used. To this end, use the gelatin. Instructions for the use of gelatin above.

For starching, you can use not only starch and gelatin, but also sugar. To this end, you need to prepare sugar syrup.


  • Dissolve 8 spoons of sugar in a liter of water and bring a solution to a boil
  • Cool the syrup slightly, it is necessary that it becomes warm
  • Immerse in a napkin solution for 15 minutes
  • Dry products at room temperature
  • Pusto as usual

How to cover the dress for puff solid silence?

There are special funds for starching clothes. One of them is a selenium tool. It is necessary to dissolve the amount specified on the bottle in the water liter and immerse in the solution of clothing. It is necessary for the dress to stay in a solution of 15 minutes. After that, the clothes are pressed and dried at room temperature. All folds must be pre-dissolved.

This is a partial cushion, which is used for the purpose of weighing the hen. At the same time, the skirt becomes quite heavy, it is perfectly smoothed. Such starching is suitable for dresses and skirts Croy Sun-Clash or "Beauty". It is used hard starching, which is described above. In this case, it is not completely all the product to dip in the solution, but only the lower part. It must be squeezed and welded the dress on the hanger.

As you can see, with the help of starching, you can give things a neat and beautiful view. This will make clothes tidy.

Video: Starch dresses