How to make up light brown eyes. If the eyes are deep set. Eye makeup rules

Many women are interested in how to make up beautifully at home. Most beauties have a good command of technique, but often they cannot understand the huge variety of colors and tools used to perform eye makeup. At the same time, beautifully accentuated with decorative cosmetics, the eyes can favorably highlight the beauty of form and color, make a woman much more attractive, and her appearance more expressive.

There are some fairly simple makeup rules that can be quickly mastered and put into practice by every woman. The eyes are the window to the soul, but they need the right frame. This role is played by high-quality decorative cosmetics for the eyes.

How to make up - the subtleties of makeup

Beautifully made-up eyes make a woman visually younger, highlight the beautiful color of the iris. Subject to a certain technique, you can visually enlarge the eyes or adjust their shape, make them much more expressive. Simple eye makeup rules will tell you the sequence of actions and will be a guide on how to learn how to paint from scratch.

In order to perform high-quality makeup, every woman must have a certain minimum of decorative cosmetics, which is used to work with the eyes:

  1. Base for shadows.
  2. Shadows in individual packages or in palettes of suitable shades.
  3. A dark and light pencil for eyeliner (a special type of pencil is needed for the mucous membrane - kajal).
  4. A convenient type of eyeliner - cream, gel, liquid, "felt pen".
  5. Mascara of the desired shade.

This is the minimum set that every woman complements with those products that suit her and that she prefers to use.

Selection of the shade of shadows depending on the color of the eyes

For most beautiful ladies, the main difficulty in makeup is how to paint the eyes with shadows. There are a few easy-to-remember rules here:

It is best to select shadows for the eyes according to the principle of contrast. Such shadows highlight the shade of the eyes and make it much brighter and juicier. For example, blue eyes beautifully emphasize brown shades of shadows, gray eyes are beautiful with blue, blue, greenish tones, green eyes become just emerald next to purple and plum colors, and brown eyes are good with a lot of colors, the main thing is to choose them according to color temperature.

Warm shades will “ask” for softer warm shades of shadows, and cold brown color will be good with gray, blue, cold green and purple colors.

Some colors are neutral and work well with different eye colors. These are all shades of gray and black, a cool taupe that is often referred to as "taup" or "top".

Fashionable red shadows can turn a woman into a crying or sick woman with sore eyes, but it’s worth making red darker at the outer corner of the eye and drawing a thin line with a dark pencil or eyeliner at the lash line, as the makeup becomes very stylish and spectacular.

It is believed that matte shadows or those with a soft, unobtrusive satin sheen are best suited for daytime.

Shimmery, high-shine, frosty and glitter shadows are suitable for an evening out, and colored pigments are often used to create stage or carnival makeup.

You can make eye makeup with several specially designed products or use one or two products. For large expressive eyes, it is enough to use only separating and lengthening mascara, diligently highlighting the eyelashes. Enlarging the eyes and changing their shape will require more cosmetics and effort, but the result is worth it.

Important! When choosing cosmetics for the eyes, focus on hypoallergenic products. If any of the types of cosmetics provokes an allergy, mercilessly part with it.

Correction of the shape of the eyes with the right makeup

Happy owners of large eyes can just use mascara - and their eyes sparkle with precious stones. Those women who have small eyes do not have this advantage, but cosmetics will allow them to quickly make their eyes larger.

The easiest way to quickly enlarge the eyes is to emphasize the water line of the lower eyelid with a light kayal pencil. White color looks a little unnatural, so it is best to stay on a beige or pinkish kayal. Paired with it, you can use a thin line of dark eyeliner along the lash line on the upper eyelid, slightly stepping back from the contour, and then thickly make up the upper lashes with dark mascara. This technique allows you to visually enlarge the eyes and make the look “wide open”. During the day, the pencil on the water line needs to be updated periodically, so it should always be present in every woman's cosmetic bag.

With the help of shadows, pencil or eyeliner, you can also change the shape of the eye.

  • If you apply light shadows on deep-set eyes, they will seem more convex and large.
  • Bulging eyes can be corrected with dark shadows on the upper eyelid and mascara without using a contour.
  • You can give a beautiful almond-shaped eye by extending the line of the lower eyelid with eyeliner towards the outer corner of the eyebrow. An arrow made in this direction along the entire upper eyelid will give the eye a spectacular "cat" shape.
  • Close-set eyes can be visually "broke" by darkening the outer corner of the eye and highlighting the inner one. With too widely spaced eyes, they do exactly the opposite.

How to quickly and accurately draw arrows with a pencil or eyeliner

Some women do not know how to use eyeliner, thus depriving themselves of a very practical and effective makeup product. The fact is that eyeliners can be of different types. Soft and plastic, they are intended for shading, they do not hold the line and are not suitable for making a clear contour. Dense and less bold are used for neat thin lines and can replace eyeliner, they draw arrows of various types and sizes.

In addition, you can make up your eyes with a pencil as shadows and use it as a “substrate” to create a smokey eye.

A beautiful line of the arrow does not work out for anyone right away. It is especially difficult to make them symmetrical, that is, to draw arrows of the same length and width on each eye.

  • To draw a beautiful arrow, you need to place the elbow of the working hand on a hard, stable surface, start drawing from the outer corner of the eye, drawing a line upwards, then draw the outline of the upper eyelashes, connecting it to the tail, and lastly, drawing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corner of the eye.
  • The arrows can be thin, medium thickness, large, double, one-color and two-color, emphasizing the contours of only the upper eyelid or both eyelids. Using a pencil, you can make the original eyeliner only on the lower eyelid.
  • Beginning craftswomen can try to draw arrows using a special felt-tip pen. Usually it allows you to quickly and easily draw the desired line, and with it you can adjust the thickness of the arrow without problems. To do this, you only need to increase or decrease the intensity of pressing the felt-tip pen. But most eyeliners of this type have a significant drawback - they either end quickly or dry out too quickly.
  • Experienced young ladies prefer to use gel or cream eyeliner. It is produced by numerous cosmetic companies in cute little jars, applied with a special brush - with a thin tip or beveled. With this tool, you can draw the thinnest arrows or depict wide ones, in the style of the 60s, which is also in fashion now.

Important! Observe the expiration dates of eye cosmetics. Old cosmetics contain a lot of microorganisms that can cause conjunctivitis and many other eye diseases.

How to use mascara correctly

Most women are firmly convinced that they know very well how to apply mascara correctly, because. most often this is the first means of decorative cosmetics that a girl begins to use in her life.

However, most of us unknowingly ruin our mascara by making piston-like movements back and forth, trying to get mascara onto the brush. This is a fundamentally wrong action, accelerating the spoilage of the product. With such movements, air is injected into the tube, which contributes to the oxidation of the carcass and the ingress of harmful microorganisms into it. The product can deteriorate, and eyes with such mascara can become very inflamed.

In order to make the look more expressive and the eyelashes longer, we color the eyes with zigzag movements, bringing the brush to the very base of the eyelashes. Thus, we paint them over the entire length, separate them and lengthen them, covering them with a thin and even layer of mascara without lumps and gluing.

Mascara is a perishable product, its life usually does not exceed 3 months, so you should not try in vain to “reanimate” dried or thickened mascara. It still will not go well and evenly, or it will begin to crumble under the eyes a couple of hours after application. This mascara should be thrown away and purchased fresh. You need to buy only the copy that is "sealed" in cellophane and has a sticker indicating the date of manufacture. Expired mascara is a collection of bacteria and fungus that can lead to serious eye problems.

Step by Step Makeup Tutorials

A simple step-by-step guide will help women master the basics of eye makeup, so that they can use their knowledge to perform more complex options. This method will clearly show how you can paint your eyes in stages and help you easily remember the sequence of actions.

On our site you can find many step-by-step photos of creating eye makeup or watch special videos. These lessons will help you learn the procedure and accurately repeat them in your makeup.

Many makeup gurus recommend eye makeup first. This is due to the fact that during the application process, shadows and other decorative cosmetics products can crumble, staining the area under the eyes. If foundation and powder are applied to the face, removing traces of shadows and mascara can smear the layer of cosmetics and spoil the whole work. If the eyes are made up before applying the tone and powder, it will be possible to carefully remove traces of paint, apply foundation or BB cream, powder and mask the traces of bruises and swelling under the eyes with a concealer. As a result of this technique, you can get a perfect, perfectly executed and very neat eye makeup.

Everyday option

For everyday eye makeup, women with large eyes simply line the lash line with eyeliner or a pencil, and cover the eyelashes with mascara.

If you want to make up more expressively, you can use this scheme:

  • Apply basic light shadows on the eyes - on the entire upper eyelid.
  • With a shade slightly darker, use a soft fluffy brush to highlight the crease of the upper eyelid, bringing the color closer to the outer corner of the eye.
  • Bring the upper eyelid as close as possible to the lash line, and even better - between them. This will make the eyes look bigger and more expressive.
  • Cover the upper eyelashes with dark mascara (black for brunettes and brown-haired women, brown for blondes and redheads).
  • To top off this simple make-up, it’s good to slightly lighten the inner corner of the eye with light satin shadows, as well as lighten the area under the eyebrow.

Important! Store eye makeup in closed boxes away from sunlight in a cool place. Wash your brushes and applicators frequently, wipe down packaging, and wash makeup bags. This will help not only maintain a presentable appearance of cosmetics, but also protect against the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Universal "smoky eyes"

Smoky eye makeup never goes out of style, only the shades of shadows and the degree of color intensity change. Most often, classic smokey eyes are made on a substrate of shadows to give the desired density to the color. A good way to make eye shadow out of a pencil is to take a pencil with a soft plastic texture, apply it to the upper eyelid, then gently blend it with a soft brush.

You can use a pencil, creamy eyeshadow instead of eyeshadow, or apply ordinary dry eyeshadow on top of a pencil or cream eyeshadow to give the shade depth and velvety. To do this, with a fluffy brush, the shadows are superimposed in layers on the upper eyelid, outlining its shape and contours.

To get a beautiful haze around the eyes, the shadows need to be shaded well. For these purposes, a lush brush is used with neutral light shadows typed on it, which is carefully passed along the contour of dark shadows.

You can simply complete the makeup with mascara on the eyelashes or apply eyeliner, make an arrow, and for a "big exit" sticking artificial eyelashes for greater expressiveness.

evening make-up

It is easy to turn everyday makeup or smokey eyes into an evening one with the help of shiny and sparkling shadows and “metallic” eyeliner. You can apply them on the entire eyelid or use them fragmentarily, for example, apply shiny shadows or glitter only on the center of the upper eyelid. This technique will make the eyes more convex and expressive.

The line of shiny eyeliner looks impressive and at the same time more modest than too sparkling shadows. It can be combined with regular black eyeliner by making very expressive double arrows.

First, an arrow is carefully drawn with black eyeliner or a pencil. Then, when she “grabs”, just above her, a line is drawn along her upper contour with bright colored or shiny metallic eyeliner. This makeup is perfectly complemented by lush false eyelashes.

Creating a permanent make-up

A significant part of women have “fatty” eyelids, on which no, even the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics rest. After several hours of wearing makeup, it "floats" and loses its clear outline. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a special base for eyelid makeup.

This tool is simply applied in a thin layer on the skin of the upper eyelid and allowed to gain a foothold. Against such a background, any shadows look brighter and juicier, perfectly blended and worn up to two times longer than without a base.

In the absence of a base, you can use non-greasy cream shadows that need to be lightly powdered, or a soft eyeliner that needs to be blended well. For light shadows, it is good to use a white pencil, and for bright and dark shadows, a black pencil is suitable. It will make the shadows more saturated and expressive, give them depth and richness.

The correct use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes can make a woman's face more expressive and brighter, emphasizing its originality and beauty. When performing bright eye makeup, you need to remember that in order not to look vulgar, you need to focus on only one accent. If these are eyes, then lips should either not be highlighted at all, or a neutral gloss or lipstick should be used.

Eye makeup helps to give the appearance a certain chic and sophistication, but this will only happen if the makeup is done flawlessly neat. Careless shading, smeared shadows, uneven eyeliner and mascara, lying in lumps on the eyelids and crumbling under the eyes, will quickly nullify all efforts and make even a naturally beautiful woman sloppy.

Video tutorials step by step at home

Makeup helps girls emphasize all the advantages of facial beauty and hide certain flaws. If you know how to paint your eyes correctly, you can highlight their depth and brightness, make the look more languid or dramatic.

How to paint eyes with shadows

The first thing to remember is that you need to use high-quality cosmetics. Any cheap shadows (regardless of whether they are liquid or pressed) tend to roll in the folds of the eyelid. It looks extremely sloppy and spoils the overall image. The second thing to focus on is the base. Without a tonal and powder coating, the colors of the shadows will be inexpressive.

Step by step:

  1. The base is applied to the skin first. Instead, you can use body shadows or powder. Immediately, we note that the base means a tonal coating or a special base for makeup;
  2. Next, white shades of shadows are applied to the skin of the moving eyelid, they must also be applied under the eyebrow. This will make the eyes more expressive and all other colors that will be made up on top of the light layer will look brighter;
  3. If you work with shadows with a shimmer, then they should not just be shaded, but driven into the skin. It is best to use a flat eyeshadow brush. To work with classic pressed shadows, an ordinary small sponge is suitable. They need to apply the main color on the upper eyelid;
  4. To visually make the eyes more expressive, and give the look an openness, you need to add a little shine to the corner. It can be a highlighter stroke or just a drop of white shadows;
  5. Regardless of the shape, it is important to darken the outer corner - this will add drama without too much congestion of the image. To do this, two dark colors are combined (brown and black, blue and black, etc.), and they are applied with a beveled thin brush strictly along the lash line. After that, like a liner, a thin tail is removed outside the moving eyelid;
  6. It remains to make up the eyelashes with mascara and bring the eyebrows.

Why mix two dark colors instead of just one? Most drum shades look flashy on their own, and some (brown) can even add age or redness. To avoid this, they are combined with each other.

How to paint with a pencil

If earlier it was recommended to paint the eyes with either a white or black pencil, now it is correct to use any shades. The brighter, the more interesting. This is a huge scope for imagination, because you can choose the right option for any color. But the most popular, nevertheless, are black, brown and dark blue.

How to paint with a pencil step by step:

  1. The pencil is used in much the same way as the liner. In no case do not lead from the inner corner to the outer one line. It is unlikely to turn out to be even and neat, especially symmetrical;
  2. The pencil is applied only with thin light strokes. The tail is removed at the end of the process, so at first all attention is paid to the thin line of eyelash growth. Try to work with a sharpened pencil to make it as invisible as possible. Later you can give it the necessary thickness;
  3. To make the pencil strokes look uniform, they must be slightly shaded with a beveled brush. And only after that the tip of the arrow is pulled out;
  4. To reveal the look, a little highlighter is applied to the lower eyelid. Alternatively, you can use a white or shiny light pencil (in this case, its pigment will need to be thoroughly rubbed);
  5. After mascara is applied, the hollow at the inner side of the upper eyelid is emphasized with shadows, the eyebrow line is highlighted.

How to paint arrows on the eyes

Classic arrows go to almost all girls. They are the basis of the favorite makeup of Marilyn Monroe, Dita Von Teese and many other symbols of seductiveness. Despite the apparent simplicity, a clear line with a graceful tail is quite difficult to draw.

Instructions on how to make arrows in the style of Kylie Jenner:

  1. You need to apply a light base on the upper eyelid. We recommend using dry shadows or powder. To make the eyes appear more open, shadows of a darker color are also applied to the cavity near the upper eyelid. After this shadow is shaded;
  2. On the main part of the century, mother-of-pearl shadows are superimposed on top of the base. They should also be applied to the corner of the bridge of the nose and under the eyebrows. This will make the image more harmonious;
  3. Liner stains the lash line. To do this, thin small strokes up to a third of the eyelid are applied with the edge of the brush. To learn how to draw arrows beautifully, you need to do them exclusively with open eyes. So the curvature or unevenness will be immediately noticeable;
  4. The tail is drawn at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the lash line. After that, a thin line is drawn from its extreme tail up to a third of the century. It is painted over with eyeliner or pencil;
  5. The rest of the century is also stained with thin strokes. The most inconspicuous lines should fall on the corner of the eye;
  6. Next, the eyelashes are painted. But Kylie often uses overheads (by the way, they can also be painted with ink). Then they will look very natural.

Learning to paint with eyeliner

With eyeliner, you can draw for yourself not only thin "cat" arrows, but also spectacular art. They fundamentally differ from thin and ultra-thin in their shape and size. Considered incredibly popular due to the style trend of the 80s and 90s.

Tips on how to paint with a liner for beginners:

  • Regardless of the type of eyeliner (matte, glossy, liquid, pencil, etc.), it is applied only on a powder base. Otherwise, the line will be smeared and imprinted on the upper crease of the eyelid;
  • All girls face the problems of "different" arrows. To avoid this, you need to paint only with your eyes open. Please note that even templates will not help in this case: the eye sockets have a different shape, which is especially noticeable when painting the arrows;
  • To correctly make up your eyes with a liner, you can not draw one continuous line. First, the strokes are painted, and only then will they connect with each other;
  • The most important rule when working with eyeliner is that the first line should be as thin as possible. If necessary, it can be thickened, but made thinner will not work. You have to completely wash off your make-up.

How to paint with ink

Without applying mascara, eye makeup will not be complete. This is a unique cosmetic product that can even by itself make the look spectacular and bright. It is best to use black and brown mascara, although you can adapt to paint with brighter shades: blue, green, purple.

How to apply mascara step by step:

  1. The hair needs to be twisted. To do this, you can use tweezers, but if they are not at hand, then they are even wound on a finger. To do this, the index finger is horizontally applied to the upper eyelid and the cilia are smoothed along its direction;
  2. First, it is important to dye the hairs on the inside of the eye. The brush with mascara is directed parallel to the lash line and is drawn from the very roots to the tips. Depending on the consistency of this cosmetic product, two or more layers may be required;
  3. Be sure to stain the lower cilia. To do this, a progressive circular motion is made with a brush. From roots to ends, the paint is applied with soft movements;
  4. At the end, you need to apply an additional layer of mascara to the roots - this will extend the "durability" of the curls. If some hairs stick together, then they are simply combed with a brush or tweezers.

Step-by-step instructions on how to paint with different eye shapes

Depending on the shape, there are different technologies for applying shadows and liner. Small manipulations will allow yourself to make a first-class make-up. Any master can, with the help of small strokes, emphasize the most advantageous features of the eyes and hide any flaws.

Video: how to paint eyes correctly - says the expert

Makeup for impending eyelids

When the eyelids hang down, the eyes immediately become visually smaller, this gives extra age and creates the effect of “chronic” fatigue. Gently darkening the problem area, you can not only immediately become younger and refresh the image.

Master class on how to make up eyes with a lowered eyelid:

  1. The base is applied to the upper eyelid, the lower one is applied with a light pencil or highlighter. The skin fold at the outer corner is carefully shaded with brown shadows or a liner;
  2. The brown shade is stretched to a third of the lower eyelid, a ponytail is made at the corner to create a small arrow. Professionals blend shadows or a pencil with a brush, but at home you can use a sponge;
  3. To beautifully darken the overhanging part of the eyelid, a dark shade of shadows is applied over it, as close as possible to the natural palette. It blends very well. Beige light shadows are applied to the outer part and also stewed;
  4. To make it as natural as possible, the shadows of the two shades gently blend together. This will provide a transition from the light part to the dark;
  5. Only after that an arrow is drawn on the outer corner. To do this, it is best to use a dark shade of shadows: brown, graphite gray or another of your choice;
  6. If the eyelids hang a lot, but you also need to create a reflective accent on top of the darkened crease. To do this, under the eyebrows and before the beginning of the darkened zone, pearl-colored shadows or a shimmer are applied;
  7. A thin line of black eyeliner is drawn along the lash line. The lower eyelid can be tinted with a bright liner. It is selected depending on the color of the eyes;
  8. The corners are brightened with a highlighter. They also tint the area under the lower eyelid.

Bulging and large eyes

If almond-shaped eyes do not cause any problems for their owners, then girls with bulging and overly large eye sockets have to visually narrow them all the time.

How to make up bulging round eyes:

  1. A clear black outline is applied to the cream base. The easiest way to create it is with eyeliner. The line of the liner is shaded with a beveled hard sponge or brush to create a spectacular tip;
  2. The moving part of the eyelid is covered with a matte calm shade of shadows. Additionally, the crease under the eyebrow is clarified;
  3. After that, a little bit of dark is applied over a light color. You should not completely divert your eyes into darkening - this will give an extra emphasis on the convex part;
  4. Only after that the classic arrow is drawn with a dark liner. Some makeup artists use black shadows for this purpose, which they apply with a very small and thin dampened brush;
  5. With the help of a brush, small strokes are made upwards, the shadows seem to stretch towards the middle of the eye. This will darken the moving eyelid and make it as accurate as possible;
  6. Highlighter or shadows with a shimmer are applied to the corners;
  7. Now, from the middle of the lower eyelid, a light natural eyelash shadow is created. It is most convenient to do this with the same shadows that were used for the base on the top. Be sure to emphasize the lower stroke of the eye. To do this, you need to bring it with a gray or dark beige pencil. It is unacceptable to use light shades.

We paint narrow and small eyes

Slanted or narrow eyes most often have a small shape. But despite this, with the right makeup, they look incredibly impressive and beautiful.

Makeup for narrow eyes

How to properly make up oriental eyes at home:

  1. The entire moving eyelid is worked out with the lightest shade. Ideally, it should be close to porcelain or white;
  2. After that, the skin is covered with mother-of-pearl or shimmeror;
  3. A thin line is applied to the inner corner of the eye and the outer part with a liner. Next, a cold shade of brown is selected and applied to the upper crease at the eyebrow;
  4. Now the most interesting point. The scheme for painting narrow eyes is fundamentally different from all those described above. In particular, the fact that the crease between the movable eyelid and the eyebrow is emphasized by a thin line of dark color. It needs to be created with an open eye, so at first you will have to practice a little;
  5. From this "bird" the tail is stretched, it remains open. After that, from the middle of the eye to the outer corner, the second arrow is stretched, here its tail will close the upper eyelid. Naturally, the lines are shaded according to the growth of eyelashes;
  6. After the eyes are brought in a classic way (cat-like) with liquid eyeliner. It remains to add a little mascara and gloss under the lower eyelid.

Evening smokey ice is made according to the same scheme, but brighter colors are selected for it.

Deep set eyes

The main problem of deep-set eyes is extra volume above the upper crease. If the eyelids are sunken, then the eye socket is "lost" under them. Here it is important to darken not the fold itself, but the space above it.

Instructions on how to do daytime makeup for deep-set eyes:

  1. For this type, the optimal beige-brown gamma with a slight splash of red. This will create the most natural shadow;
  2. A dark shadow is applied over the problematic fold. It is shaded at a slight angle, as if stretching the eye. The same shade in a very small amount is applied under the lower eyelid;
  3. To prevent the eyes from looking tired, a thin classic arrow is painted over the eyelashes. This subtle outline will also help lift the outer corner, making it slightly stretched;
  4. For the arrow on the upper eyelid, it is best to work with liquid eyeliner, but do not remove the tip. This will only accentuate the weakness. Leave it open as it were. Underline the lower lash line from the middle to the edge with a dark feathered line;
  5. A small amount of gloss is applied to the inner corner. We recommend that with deep-set eyes, work exclusively with matte shadows in natural colors - this will allow you to look much more natural than when using catchy shades;
  6. Then mascara is applied and eyebrows are brought up. Note that the area around the eyebrows should also not be highlighted. Leave it almost untouched (with the exception of foundation).

By all the laws of color, if you use the “correct” shades in the shadows, you can achieve an incredible effect: the color will become bright, expressive, deep.

Brown eyes

Brunettes are very dark cold shades. These are purple, lilac and the whole gamut of blue. For daytime makeup, we recommend paying attention to delicate lilac tones and matte beige (they are natural and suitable for everyone).


Girls with such a unique color are suitable for shades with a reddish pigment. These are brown, red, peach and other "warm" shades. Red and pinkish palettes look especially cool.

Gray and gray blue

These are almost perfect colors. Almost all shades are suitable for their owners, including black and dark gray.


All blondes are suitable for light gray shades of shadows, yellowish, beige and mother-of-pearl. As an eyeliner, black and dark gray liners are ideal. But brown and bright colors are best avoided.

The owners of brown eyes are unspeakably lucky, because dark eyes, as you know, at all times riveted their gazes and drove many men crazy, being one of the main weapons of a woman. Their attractiveness is explained very simply - warm shades of the eyes give any image brightness, saturation and expressiveness. Especially when it comes to brown eyes. Therefore, even without makeup or with its light application, the owners of dark eyes look attractive and irresistible. Quite often, brown-eyed beauties need only apply a little shadow and mascara, as their look instantly changes and becomes even more spectacular and attractive.

That is why it is necessary to study the features of makeup depending on the color of the eyes, because certain colors and their combinations are suitable for each of their shades. For example, the owners of black eyes will not always be painted with makeup for blue-eyed ladies. In addition, in pursuit of the ideal image, you can spend a huge amount of money, but in the end you will not get the expected result.

That is why we propose to figure out how to properly select, apply and combine various cosmetics and what features should be considered when making brown eyes When applying makeup, it is necessary to take into account such important factors as the time of day and season, weather conditions, as well as appearance features - complexion , hair, and skin type. Any element of make-up that is incorrectly matched to the type or color of the skin can, unfortunately, not only not emphasize some of the advantages of your appearance, but also draw attention to the shortcomings. Therefore, before starting makeup, you need to find out your color type, and figure out which shades are best to use. Below we will talk about how to choose the color of the shadows depending on the shade of the eyes, but for now we also want to pay attention to what is needed in order to make up the eyes and what needs to be taken into account.
  1. Accessories. First of all, you need to stock up on an applicator with a sponge that will help you apply and blend shadows, a thin brush for applying eyeliner, and a wide one for shadows. You will also need an even wider brush, with which it will be convenient for you to remove shadows that have crumbled from the eyelids, a special brush to separate the eyelashes and, finally, cotton swabs. If you decide to paint your eyes with a pencil, choose a soft one that is easy to sharpen. It is desirable that a sharpening knife is attached to it. Before applying it to your eyes, check how it works by drawing lines with it on the palm of your hand if you have never used it before.
  2. Conditions for applying makeup. The most important thing is lighting. It’s quite difficult to make up your eyes beautifully without a good light source, unless, of course, you have many years of experience behind you and know the features of your eyes very well. And even in this case, we do not advise you to experiment. The light should fall from above and at the same time be bright enough. It is advisable to use two mirrors - one ordinary, the second - magnifying.
  3. Training. Before applying shadows, mascara and eyeliner to the eyes, you need to prepare the eyelids for this. First, use a moisturizer for the eyelids, which will help the makeup to be evenly applied. Do this carefully so as not to stretch the delicate skin of the eyelids. When the moisturizer is absorbed, apply concealer. It will hide various skin defects and circles under the eyes. You should not replace it with a foundation, as the latter dries the skin of the eyelids, which further leads to makeup spoilage. In the case of eye makeup, use a concealer with a special brush.

Selection of makeup depending on the shade of brown eyes

  1. hazel eyes. Hazel is the lightest shade among brown eyes. Therefore, all light shades of shadows can be applied to them. At the same time, it is desirable if they are still slightly darker than the color of the skin. The color of champagne and pinkish-lilac shades are ideal for such eyes. An interesting make-up will turn out if you use colored eyeliner - you can choose dark brown, bronze or purple. Highlighter can serve as either apricot or pink tones.
  2. Light brown eyes. Owners of this shade of eyes are not recommended to abuse shadows - they should be applied only to the crease of the eyelid, without much shading. Instead of classic black, we recommend using brown eyeliner, which will emphasize the pleasant shade of the eyes. If there are golden dots on the iris, we recommend using a light yellow shade as a highlighter.
  3. Brown eyes. Any shade will do. Violet and lilac tones look especially beautiful. However, copper, gold and bronze shades also work well. You can safely experiment with bright colors, combining them as you like, in order to subsequently find the shade that suits you perfectly.
  4. Dark brown eyes. Get any shadow that has a rich or at least medium intensity. However, you should be careful - some shadows may look too unnatural due to their excessive darkness. In this case, you can combine them with light shades.

How to choose and apply eyeliner

Eyeliner is a winning option for any makeup. With its help, you can visually enlarge or reduce the eyes, make them more spectacular and expressive. Arrows are used by make-up artists to create an image of an oriental beauty, giving a look of mystery and passion.

To do this style of makeup, apply eyeliner to the upper eyelid at the very roots of the eyelashes, and then very carefully line the lower eyelid. You can achieve a cat-eye effect by lifting the outer corners of the eyelids up a little.

Olive, brown or golden shadows will help complete the oriental-style makeup. You can apply different shades of the same color on the eyelid. At the same time, we recommend starting from the inner corners of the eyes, choosing the lightest shade for this, ending, respectively, with the most saturated shade on the outer eyelid.

It should be remembered that black has always been considered the classic color of the eyeliner, however, the owners of the autumn type of appearance are allowed to experiment with dark olive and brown eyeliner colors.

How to choose eye shadow

Above, we have already talked about how to choose eye shadow depending on the shade of the eyes. It remains to add that it is necessary to look at the whole image in order to determine whether the chosen eyeshadow matches the dress, hair color, other makeup elements, such as lipstick and blush. It is also necessary to recall that owners of brown eyes of all shades should avoid orange, but the lilac scale, on the contrary, will look very impressive and attractive.

How to choose mascara

Among makeup artists, the debate about whether there is a need for brown-eyed girls to use black mascara, or natural richness and brightness of the eyes is enough. There are several factors to note here:
  1. If, in addition to dark eyes, nature has rewarded you with dark hair, you can safely paint with black mascara, which will emphasize a captivating and passionate look.
  2. Owners of blond hair should try brown mascara.
  3. Brown-eyed beauties boast thick eyelashes, so they do not need to resort to the help of mascara that increases volume. I would also like to note that you should be careful when applying mascara - you should not apply many layers - this will only spoil the makeup and make the already voluminous eyelashes heavier.
  4. On brown eyes, makeup always looks quite bright, so you should pay special attention to the chosen color palette and the method of applying makeup. Sometimes you should avoid bright colors and turn your attention to calm tones. By the way, this remark applies not only to the choice of mascara, but also to make-up in general.

Evening makeup for brown eyes

Finally, I would like to share an interesting version of evening makeup. Glitter shadows will look great here, which will complement a stunning look.
  1. We paint the upper eyelid with shimmering shadows, preferably fuchsia. After that, on the upper eyelid along the lash line, draw a thick line with liquid eyeliner.
  2. Next, we apply shadows to the corners of the eyes - the choice of emerald color will be excellent, and, shading, we also distribute them on the upper eyelids closer to the eyebrows, which will smooth out the transition between colors.
  3. Finally, we move on to the last step. We apply glitter on the eyelids and complete the look with false eyelashes or curling mascara.

Eye makeup plays an important role in creating the image of a woman, her image. In order to naturally be able to emphasize your advantages, hide some flaws, it is important to know the intricacies and wisdom of applying makeup, otherwise the result may be completely opposite.

Below is how to do everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step (photos are given for each instruction).

Brown eye makeup color palette

Any eye color has a palette that can most clearly emphasize the expressiveness and attractiveness of specific eyes.

Shadows for brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls have an undeniable advantage over others, which consists in an almost unlimited choice of shades when applying makeup. Some shades may not look quite suitable, but there is always a choice.

The general rule from professional makeup artists is to prefer eyeshadows that differ in color or shade from the eyes: bright green, bronze, gold, brown, blue, etc. Mixing different colors will also help you choose the best option that will emphasize the expressiveness and depth of the eyes.

The color type also influences the choice of color palette, depending on it, some shades will be able to show advantages more favorably than others. No need to be afraid of experiments - the result is worth it!

Light tones go to light brown, and dark brown will shine from complex bright, saturated shades.(chocolate, bronze, plums, olives, coal).

Most Favorable Colors:

Brown-eyed women, when choosing a color for shadows, should pay attention to their skin tone. For ladies with a yellowish skin tone, it is not recommended to experiment too much with yellow shadows, and with redness of the skin, shades of red or pink colors will visually only aggravate the situation.

Eyeliner for brown eyes

A contour drawn with black eyeliner or a pencil on the upper eyelid along the eyelashes will add luxury to brown eyes. Bottomless depth to the look will add purple eyeliner in addition to blue or green shadows.

The color type also influences the choice of color palette, depending on it, some shades will be able to show advantages more favorably than others.

A great option is an eyeliner with a metallic sheen, to give extra brightness, it’s enough just to bring the upper inner edge and the lower outer one. You can combine metallic with gray, blue or cool green.

A dark blue pencil (eyeliner) is equally good to use for both evening and daytime versions.

Brown eyeliner must necessarily be darker than the eyes by 1 - 2 tones, otherwise it will not be noticeable on the eyes.

When using green eyeliners, it is better to choose olive and emerald shades. that will provide radiance and depth to the eyes.

Mascara for brown eyes

Such mascara will give magical mystery: green, emerald-pearl, brown, black with a shimmer of bronze or silver mother-of-pearl. It will make the look warmer, expressive and noble.

Makeup artists remind that choose the shade of mascara according to the color of the hair. Although brunettes can experiment with all of the above shades, adding black or black-brown mascara to them, it is better for blondes with brown eyes to stop at green, brown, bronze or silver mascara, which most favorably emphasizes the tenderness of the look.

How to do makeup for brown eyes, depending on their type

Skillful application of makeup will help emphasize the dignity and mask some unwanted nuances. Everyday makeup for brown eyes is applied step by step (photos below) with various structural features of the eyes.

If the eyes are close set

There are some secrets that allow you to visually increase the distance:

Weekday make-up for close-set x brown eyes:

  1. Movable eyelid (inner zone and middle) made in the lightest matte tone.
  2. Plot inside accentuated with a white pencil or shadows. The arrow is blurred.
  3. dark tones, applied to the area of ​​the movable eyelid from the outside, visually lengthen the eyes.
  4. On the third of the lower eyelid from the outside shade the tones, make an accent on the corner with a saturated color.
  5. With a dark pencil (eyeliner), corners are drawn from the outside, while lengthening the shape of the eyes.
  6. Draw carefully with ink eyelashes on the outer areas.

This algorithm allows you to experiment with different tones.

If the eyes are deep set

With a make-up of deep-set eyes, there are many options for adjusting this feature, by the way, often not at all negative. You can try creamy, bronze, peach, light marsh, purple, using a light color (for example, peach) under the base of the daily make-up.

Main rule: use a maximum of 3 shades to avoid “overloading” the image.

Step-by-step application of everyday makeup for deep-set brown eyes with a photo:

  1. Step 1. Draw a brown, chocolate or dark gray outline along the moving eyelid.
  2. Step 2 With a brush, distribute the base tones from the zones inside, gradually heading up. This will make the look softer.
  3. Step 3 Use voluminous mascara to paint exclusively the upper eyelashes, with a dark color you can shade the lower contour closer to the outer area.

If the eyes are set wide

Daily makeup options for wide-set brown eyes include the following steps:

  1. Step 1. Eyebrow line correction. According to the classic version, the beginning of the eyebrows coincides with the line of the end of the wings of the nose. A wide section of the eyebrows can be slightly lengthened with a pencil to the bridge of the nose, which will visually bring the eyes closer.
  2. Step 2 As a rule, shadows take two colors (light and dark). First, the base is applied, then a dark shade is applied from the inside with shading to the middle part. Light colors with shading towards the middle part lie on the outer zone.
  3. Step 3 The eyeliner is made thicker in the area inside, thinning it towards the outer zone. The contour should not be extended beyond the outer edge of the eye, this will help to avoid excessive lengthening of the eyes.
  4. Step 4 Eyelashes are painted with mascara twice, giving them the desired direction to the inner edge.

The most profitable make-up options are Smoky eyes, "cat's eye", oriental style, and with an emphasis on the inner area.

If eyes with an impending eyelid

The make-up has two goals: to mask the flaw and add expressiveness. The main focus of the make-up is the lips. A raised, not very thick, elongated eyebrow well distracts attention from a lack.

Makeup step by step:

How to do everyday makeup for brown eyes: a step by step guide

Preparing the skin for makeup

Before directly applying makeup, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin, which affects both the appearance and health of the skin.

Usually this process is not difficult, it is easily carried out under normal conditions and consists of several stages:

Applying the base on the eyes

The base is distributed over the skin in an even layer with fingers, a brush or in another way. This stage will protect the skin from harmful effects, prolong its youth, and preserve its beauty.

As a degreaser for the skin around the eyes, also for the durability of the make-up and the prevention of shadow clotting, it is recommended to use powder.

Direct eye makeup

The everyday version of the make-up is carried out step by step after complete drying and absorption of the above preparatory agents. Makeup is applied in accordance with the shape and color of the eyes, the chosen way.

Lip shaping

The final step in creating the image is the design of the lips, which is performed at the end of the entire procedure, after the preliminary application and absorption of the lip hygiene product.

To add saturation to the color of the main lipstick, applying the lower layer of ordinary hygienic lipstick, followed by a light powder of its powder, will help. Then, using a pencil, you should give the necessary contour to the lips and apply the first layer of lipstick.

How to make everyday Smokey eyes for brown eyes step by step with a photo

The “smoky eyes” option, or otherwise Smoky eyes, is a very worthy daytime or evening option for brown-eyed beauties. The technique of its application is not particularly complicated.

The main secret of a successful and effective make-up lies in its phased implementation, with careful and accurate shading of all lines and the creation of smooth transitions from one shade to another.

There are two ways to apply the smoky eyes technique:

  • eyeliner is first carried out, then shadows are applied;
  • or, conversely, the outline completes the make-up.

Everyday Smoky eyes makeup for brown eyes step by step with a photo:

  • even out skin tone apply the foundation
  • draw a contour, thicker to the outer zone, shade;
  • paint a larger area of ​​the top with the darkest color from the eyelashes of the outer zone to the beginning of the moving part of the eyelid;
  • medium tone goes to the eyelid below and the middle of the top, carefully blending the transitions;
  • under the eyebrow and on the edge inside goes the lightest color, with the same shading of the transition;
  • mascara to use in a couple of layers, carefully paint over their outer edges;
  • light blush and lipstick(shine) neutrals complete the look.

The main secret of a successful and effective everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step lies in its phased implementation, with careful and accurate shading of all lines and the creation of smooth transitions from one shade to another (see photo).

It remains only to decide on the choice of colors for "smoky eyes". The range of shades used for Smoky eyes is very wide: bold purple, bright blue, pale green, bronze, gold or metallic silver. Saturation depends on the type of makeup (day, evening).

Pro Tips: How to Get the Perfect Eye Makeup

Listening to the opinion of professionals, you can apply any makeup yourself, without spending much time and money:

  1. Using a white or nude pencil on the mucous membrane of the eyelid below will visually open the look.
  2. With the help of a red dot placed on the edge inside the eye eyes appear wider.
  3. Draw with a pencil (eyeliner) arrows along the upper line of the eyelid with closed eyes.
  4. The base will keep make-up neat throughout the day.
  5. Having drawn a triangular arrow with dark shadows, looking up, the lowered corners of the eyes will visually rise. You should not emphasize the eyelid below at all, or lightly paint on the inner edge along the eyelashes.
  6. Apply makeup always with extreme care, because even small errors will be emphasized against the background of the eyes.
  7. Abuse bright colors in everyday make-up is impossible, you should use the minimum amount of shadows.

It is believed that brown-eyed women are most inclined to rely on beauty, which is expressed in constant self-care. Possessing the art of everyday makeup for brown eyes, using step-by-step tips and photos from the article, it will not be difficult at all to cause everyone's delight.

Useful videos about makeup options for brown-eyed girls

Everyday makeup for brown eyes:

Pogashovo with a photo-instruction for applying makeup on brown eyes:

It is believed that tenderness and temperament are happily combined in the character of brown-eyed girls. And the ability to apply makeup correctly allows them to favorably shade the romantic sensuality of their appearance.

The secret of the ability to paint the eyes correctly and beautifully lies in the harmonious correspondence of the makeup to the anatomical features of the face, the style of clothing and the mood that the created image should convey.

At the same time, the makeup itself can be almost imperceptible or, on the contrary, spectacular and catchy.

To achieve such harmony, it is necessary to possess some technical skills and techniques, which we will try to talk about now.

Getting Started with Makeup

Cosmetologists and makeup artists know that in order to correctly and, most importantly, beautifully make up the eyes, it is necessary first of all to apply the foundation correctly. The meaning of this procedure is to give the skin of the face an even shade and smoothness.

On the surface of the skin prepared in this way, foundation is applied with light patting movements of the fingertips. At the same time, its layer should be as thin as possible, it should be guessed rather than conspicuous.

It is important to remember that in order for the shadows to beautifully lie on the surface of the skin, you should get rid of its slightest flaws. Therefore, if you, for example, have swollen or swollen eyelids, then it would be best to use special creams in advance that relieve puffiness.

If there are age spots or freckles near the eyes, then the corrector will help make them invisible.

Choosing shadows

To choose the right shadows, you should consider the tone and saturation of the eye color. The fact is that the color of brown eyes is not at all the same. Brown eyes can be light brown, honey, medium brown and dark brown. For each of these types of saturation, shadows are selected that have a certain color and shade.

For light brown eyes, a brown pencil is more suitable. Its color can be any shade. The same rule applies to shadows. It is not recommended to use a classic black pencil, as such makeup will not look so beautiful.

At the same time, shadows of darker tones are applied to the upper eyelid, and light or neutral tones are applied to the lower eyelid. The boundaries between colored and uncolored areas of the skin are often shaded with shades of emerald or golden tones.

For honey eyes, a combination of light shades of a golden hue with light purple shades is most suitable. To make the eyes more expressive, you can often also use a pencil, the color of which is similar to the color of antique bronze.

The color of light brown eyes harmonizes beautifully with purple, bronze and green shadows. Light gray pencil should not be used.

These same tones, only of greater saturation, are also suitable for dark brown eyes. Moreover, their depth and color can be beautifully emphasized by a black pencil, if used together with dark shadows.

Correcting the shape of the eyes

To make up brown, not too big eyes, you should use shades of light colors. Moreover, the depth of tone should increase, starting from the inner corner of the eye. A darker shadow applied to the outer corner, combined with sparkles, can create the desired effect.

In this case, the contour eyeliner is similar to the tone of the eyeliner, which is applied along the upper lash line.

If the eyes are too large or bulging, then matte shadows should be applied to visually reduce them. In this case, it is recommended to make up the crease of the eyelid with dark shadows. But on the inner corners of the eyes, shadows should not be applied.

In the same way, shadows should be applied with widely spaced eyes, especially when their eyeballs are small.