What is the name of the state of women when they are pregnant. The emotional state of a woman at the beginning of pregnancy. Causes of nausea include:

Pregnancy is a new state for a woman, which, in addition to absolutely logical ones in the body, also affects the psyche of the pregnant woman. Within nine months of waiting future mom may experience various emotions: anxiety, emotional upsurge, joy and fear, and to understand why a change of mood occurs is sometimes beyond the power of even the woman herself.

What changes in one's own behavior pregnant woman , how relations in the family will change due to the “special situation” and how these changes prepare parents for the future birth of a child, let's try to answer these questions based on the traditional periodization of pregnancy: the first, second and third trimesters.

First trimester of pregnancy

It is not very successful for a woman to work with full dedication: there is a constant distraction in her thoughts, the expectant mother dreams, reflects, plans and ponders something. If a woman is worried bad feeling or it also does not add optimism and performance.

Advice for the future dad : the first reaction to the wife's message about pregnancy is an important factor that can change the relationship between spouses for a long time. And if your reaction to the words: “Darling, you will soon become a dad” was not joyful enough, you were just in shock and did not know how to behave, be sure to try to find the right ones afterwards, the right words who are able to convince a woman that you are really happy about the unborn child, are ready to take care and responsibility for him and family life generally.

Another psychological difficult task second trimester: accept the changes that have already happened With female body, feel your new state, beauty and style. If you become small habitual clothes- take it as excellent opportunity, colors and materials. It is important not to perceive yourself from a negative point of view, worrying about the loss of a wasp waist or the clumsiness of a weighted gait, but to see your new inner beauty and enjoy harmony, feel like a keeper, a keeper, a real woman.

Advice for future dads : during this period, the husband still needs to show constant participation in the life of his beloved wife, not to be eliminated during discussions about choosing a doctor, even if you absolutely do not understand anything about it, without fail visit with a pregnant ultrasound, accompany during the delivery necessary analyzes. Of course, many women's experiences will be too emotional and not entirely clear to pragmatic men, but in any case, show your wife a willingness to respond to her requests, listen to a too detailed story and not criticize excessive emotionality. Don't forget to tell your wife how beautiful she is, how much you love her, how motherhood is going for her, and how much you look forward to meeting your baby.

Be that as it may, but when a pregnant woman's tummy is rounded, and she begins to feel the movements of the child, the mental instability of the first trimester gives way to some kind of internal detachment, specific protection against external alarms , strong stimuli and experiences.

During this period, the expectant mother can surprisingly get close to her mother and grandmother, try adopt the experience of older relatives , ask about how their pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, what they thought and felt. Rapprochement in relations can also come with the mother-in-law: a pregnant wife begins to be interested in issues that she previously did not pay attention to, for example, some features of her beloved husband in childhood, his habits and character. In the second trimester, a woman may feel the urge to take part in family holidays and affairs, to feel oneness with the family.

One of the original psychological features pregnant woman may become desire to do everything until X hour. Intuitively, a woman understands that in a certain month the usual course of her life will end and some other one will begin, which she will not know for sure, and therefore the pregnant woman tries to do as much as possible. Finish an important project, open a store, complete a diploma, defend a dissertation, complete repairs or buy an apartment - every woman has her own list. important issues that need to be resolved before childbirth, and the maximum efforts of the pregnant woman will be thrown into their implementation. Trying to limit a woman in her activity is not worth it, everything will happen by itself, in the third trimester of pregnancy, according to the inner desire of the expectant mother.

third trimester

By the end of pregnancy, a woman is less and less worried about the surrounding fuss, she stays in a state of listening , their feelings and movements of the child. And the pushes with tiny arms and legs are already quite noticeable, which cannot but evoke thoughts about her future mother. future life with a crumb.

To meet the baby at home with maximum comfort and coziness, pregnant woman starts preparing : a stroller, a crib, clothes for the baby and all others are bought necessary accessories. The process of choosing the necessary things takes place in a pregnant woman under special control : the expectant mother does not want to make a mistake and double-checks everything several times, finds out opinions and reviews about the selected stroller or crib model, carefully studies the labels on bed linen and baby clothes.

The preparation work does not end there, mainly it is during the third trimester in the families of future parents that repairs and alterations in the apartment , are committed necessary purchases , for example washing machine or multicookers that will help make it easier for the expectant mother to care for the baby.

Many pregnant women during this period begin to sew, knit, are fond of embroidery, build toys for the baby with their own hands, trying to give their unborn baby all the best, natural and safe.

With the approach of childbirth, even the most psychologically stable pregnant women can experience anxiety and fears. In this case, an excellent and already proven remedy is a patient understanding husband, scheduled examination and a consultation with a specialist who will confirm that everything is fine with the baby or, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

To instill in a pregnant woman as possible more confidence that there are no reasons for unrest, it would be useful for the husband or close relatives to accompany the pregnant woman during visits to the doctor as often as possible, not to leave her alone with situations that require quick decision-making.

The situation when a pregnant woman actually works until the very birth is now not uncommon, but with psychological point it would be correct to take a month or two for the pregnant woman to relax, tune in to new program , calmly solve all the necessary matters before childbirth and comfortably enter new rhythm life with a baby.

No matter how pregnancy and childbirth natural processes, it is necessary to prepare for them, and abrupt transition from the life of an actively working woman with a wide circle of contacts to the role of a housewife and mother of a tiny child, who at first spends almost all the time at home, is fraught with emotional and psychological problems such as postpartum depression.

Advice for future dads : if before pregnancy the lion's share of your wife's attention belonged to you by right, the third trimester is the most best time in order to gradually, taking care of your wife and supporting her, realize that soon most of her attention will be switched to your baby. Learn to be independent: find out where the nearest stores are, try with my own hands cook soup, figure out where in your neighborhood you can buy diapers and how to get to the nearest children's clinic. Soon you will need all this knowledge, because the roles in the family will change, and from a reckless husband who does not know where his things are, you have to become indispensable assistant for a young mother.

We tried to compile a list of several criteria, adhering to which, your psychological condition during pregnancy will be as positive as possible :

  • Do not resist the changes that pregnancy brings, rather try to feel how pleasant they are.
  • Feel free to show weakness and ask for help, this will not reduce your attractiveness.
  • Tell your husband about your anxieties and joys, but only in words, not outbursts of emotions, and first make sure that he is ready to listen to you.
  • Start learning special relaxation techniques, such as auto-training, yoga, breathing exercises. This will help you deal with emotional ups and downs during pregnancy.
  • Keep a sense of humor, thanks to which you can win in absolutely any situation.
  • Do not change your lifestyle drastically: meet friends, study interesting things discover new knowledge and skills. Pregnancy is not a reason for imprisonment, but a way to know yourself in a new way.
  • Do not be afraid of your emotions, do not drive gloomy thoughts into the depths of your soul, but let them out. If you want, cry at your pleasure, perceiving it as a preventive treatment.
  • Plunging into pregnancy, remember that in addition to the child you have a husband, and he also needs your attention and warmth. Do not perceive a man only as a means of consolation and fulfillment of your desires, discuss issues that concern him, believe in your husband, support him in his endeavors and aspirations.
  • Try to rest during the day and get used to the idea that mood swings are of course part of the " interesting position", but this phenomenon is temporary. Soon after childbirth, emotional outbursts will no longer bother the young mother, because small miracle that will bring you happiness and joy.

During the nine months of pregnancy, you have to go through a lot of physiological and psychological changes, but the main task future parents, change your relationship so that you can easily accept a child into the family and from married couple become a real happy family.

Pregnancy! Like what's wrong here? Almost every woman is in this state and more than once! A new life develops inside the woman. Sounds so mysterious and at the same time, simple! But, how do future mothers themselves perceive their new state?

Feeling love for your baby, whom you have not yet met, and then accepting his birth can be a serious test for a woman. It is understandable that many women during pregnancy experience emotional swings such as stress, anxiety, and many even become depressed. And this is quite understandable. On the one hand, the joy of motherhood, and on the other hand, uncertainty, anxiety. It would seem that there is nothing to worry about: “Let the baby develop itself”! It's in words! But in fact?

Causes of emotional changes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, not only the body of a woman changes, but also her emotional state. Hormone changes are the culprits of mood swings. The mood can change almost every hour.
Even if the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, and the expectant mother has already been checked and rechecked by all doctors, there is still fear and uncertainty. Anyway, you can’t foresee everything in advance, but here is such a responsibility: the birth of a new little man! And no matter how the expectant mother sets herself up, the fear is still voluntarily or involuntarily present: how will the birth go, will everything be all right with the baby? And suddenly a miscarriage? Is there a woman who is not afraid of contractions? Pain during contractions? Probably not!

There is another side! Which? Many women to change appearance, are calm. But, there are also such future mothers who are very worried about own body. First it swells, then the chest increases, the stomach grows. And then fear arises again: “What if my husband doesn’t like me like that?” “What if I stay fat after giving birth?”
Can you control your emotions? As experts say, that is, doctors: “Emotions must be learned to control. And preferably before pregnancy.

AT modern world expectant mothers devote a lot of time to the computer, they have little and inadequate rest, and besides, they constantly do not get enough sleep. And this leads first to hormonal, and then to mental disorders. Think about it!
But not only hormones affect the condition of a pregnant woman, but also certain physical aspects, the same discomfort.
For a pregnant woman, the moral and physical support of loved ones is very important.

Is it possible to avoid stress during pregnancy

Such different feelings overcome a woman when she finds out about the pregnancy. Desired pregnancy- joy and happiness! And these sensations simply overwhelm the soul: I want to shout at the top of my voice to the whole world; "I am pregnant!" Feeling like a holiday! Behind the back, as it were, wings grew! "People! I am pregnant! I'll be a mom!" Gradually, these feelings subside, and the expectant mother begins to think about her pregnancy in a different way. More precisely, how to make sure that the pregnancy ends successfully, and a healthy and happy baby is born.

Basically, expectant mothers take a responsible approach to carrying a baby. A woman fulfills all the requirements of doctors, observes the regime, adheres to a diet, attends courses in preparation for childbirth.

And everything would be fine, yes real life can bring such surprises!
Pregnant women are so vulnerable that sometimes a minor trifle, or an unfortunate misunderstanding, can cause an uproar. And then he worries about his state of mind, scold themselves, their behavior. Because she thinks that with her anger she harmed the baby.
And she doesn't want that! "How to avoid stress?" - this question is not a single expectant mother asks herself and specialists. And what kind of mother wants the baby to feel uncomfortable, and even through her fault?

The fact is that no mother will be able to avoid such a state. The psyche of a pregnant woman differs in many ways from her state before pregnancy. A woman, for no reason at all, can scream at her beloved husband, and then again remorse.
The secret is that after a violent outburst of emotions, when the excitement subsides and emotions subside, just talk to the baby and calm him down. Talking with an unborn baby, the woman herself calms down. Going to a dialogue with the baby, the pregnant woman frees herself from feelings of guilt before him. The more confident the mother, the more confident the baby.
“But, what can’t be done so that a woman is not nervous?”

It costs incredible effort, and maybe even impossible. And is it worth it?
Let's look at this situation from the other side. baby in prenatal period does not experience any negative emotions at all. Trying hard future dad and the whole family to protect the expectant mother from all negative situations, and therefore the baby. Baby 9 months old lives in paradise. But the time comes, and he is born. In a new world for him, where there are problems and anxieties. And the baby is not ready for this, he did not experience anything like this while he lived and grew in his mother's stomach. Hence, the confusion of the baby and his unwillingness to resist outside world. And this can negatively affect the future character of the child.
But, this does not mean at all that the expectant mother should hysteria with or without reason. Moderate stress will benefit the baby, he will prepare him and teach him to face future difficulties.

You have frequent mood swings unexpected actions? Don't beat yourself up about it! This is normal. Talk to your baby, explain your behavior. Learn to switch to something pleasant in time. Turn on your favorite music, light candles!
Learn to trust yourself and your loved ones. Think of yourself with love, love yourself!

Bad negative thoughts and emotions are not harmful to the unborn child only if, having splashed them out, part with them! Do not carry negative, disturbing thoughts. Trust yourself, your feelings. you give to the world new life! And at the moment you are the whole world for the emerging little man. The richer your inner world the richer the palette of your feelings, the more information get a crumb. And this is very important for him, for his future!

© "For women" | Pregnancy

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Chapter 1. Emotional condition women during pregnancy

1.1 Pregnancy and its impact on a woman's emotional state

1.2 The concept of neuropsychic stability

1.3 The concept of anxiety. Causes of women's anxiety during pregnancy

Chapter 2 Research Methods emotional sphere women during pregnancy

Chapter 3


Bibliographic list



Peculiarities mental state women during pregnancy have attracted the attention of specialists for many years. At the same time, it is noted as emotionally negative role pregnancy, and positive. O favorable influence Hippocrates wrote about pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a woman's psyche changes, her attitude towards others, a pregnant woman reacts in a special way to external and internal stimuli. The psyche of a pregnant woman is filled with her own sensations, it affects the function of the neurohumoral system, neurotrophic metabolism, as well as the synthesis of enzymes, etc. biochemical indicators. AT to a large extent the reactivity of the whole organism of a woman changes, including the mental form

Like all times of intense change, pregnancy presents us with new, sometimes quite difficult challenges. The very fact of its onset often makes you experience a whole storm of emotions, which is difficult to understand. Emotions come completely different, contradictory, even if a woman planned a pregnancy, anticipated and waited. Pregnancy is often imagined as a happy time, devoid of worries and problems, but in reality it turns out that along with its onset and quivering joy comes anxiety, fear of changing life, relationships in the family and with her husband, regret about something unfinished. At the same time, the woman continues to live her life, full of different experiences, problems. The situation may look even more difficult when the pregnancy is unexpected, and family situation not as stable as it could be. From the point of view of physiology, the beginning of pregnancy is also a difficult time: a powerful hormonal restructuring takes place in the woman’s body, the rate of formation and development of the child is very high, all this affects the well-being of the expectant mother

The problem of motherhood and, in particular, such milestone preparation for motherhood as pregnancy in the scientific literature is not very fully represented, attention has been paid to it only in the last decade and consideration of this problem can be found in a limited number of authors (Filippova G.G., Meshcheryakova, S.Yu., Brutman V.I. , L. Stone, L. De Maus, E. Shorter, D. Pollock, F. Aries, J. Kagan, M. S. Radionova, E. Badinter, V. A. Wagner, N. A. Tikh, E. Erickson, D. Winnicott, M. Mahler.)

Would like to note relevance studying the problem of changes in the emotional sphere of a woman during pregnancy.

Hypothesis of our study: the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman is characterized by emotional instability, increased anxiety.

aim Our study is to study the characteristics of the emotional state of women during pregnancy.

object studies are women different ages during pregnancy.

Subject of study- features of the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman.

To achieve the goal of the study, we set the following tasks:

1. study the literature on the problem of the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman

2. to study the level of neuropsychic stability and the level of anxiety of pregnant women and women who are not pregnant.

3. to analyze the relationship of neuropsychic stability and the level of anxiety with future motherhood.

To achieve our goals, we used the following methods:

1. From the organizational level, they chose the comparative method, since they compared anxiety and neuropsychic stability of pregnant women and women who are not pregnant.

2. From empirical methods, we used the method of determining the level of "neuropsychic stability" and "anxiety level" by J. Taylor

3. for mathematical data processing, the U - Mann-Whitney test was used

The study of pregnant women was conducted on the basis of maternity hospital No. 7.

The study was carried out in individual form. The study involved 15 pregnant women (ages 18 to 39) and 15 women who are not pregnant (ages 18 to 40).

Chapter 1: The emotional state of women during pregnancy: theoretical approaches to the problem

1.1 Pregnancy and its impact on the emotional state of women

Pregnancy is a very special time of constant change, transformation. The process of development and growth of the child takes place in the mother's uterus, and the woman herself changes during pregnancy and childbirth - she becomes a mother, comprehends her feminine destiny. This process of transition to motherhood takes place at all levels: physical, mental, emotional, the body and soul of a woman is transformed. The hormonal background of pregnancy can lead to frequent shifts mood, increased anxiety, changes in libido, fatigue and tearfulness, to other unexpected emotional changes. Sometimes quite a lot of tests delivers to a woman her general life situation. All this that happens inside and around a pregnant woman often requires a lot of effort from her. At this time, the quality and sufficiency of support that a woman receives is very important; professional help from a psychologist, midwife or experienced woman, past the experience of bearing and giving birth to a child.

The study of the psychological state of women during childbearing (V.I. Brutman, A.Ya. Varga, M.S. Radionova, G.G. Filippova, I.Yu. Khamitova and others) suggests that pregnancy has its own , its inherent dynamics of exacerbation and weakening of a woman's problems. In the first trimester, problems with one's own mother and other objects of affection, problems of relations with her husband are actualized, and acutely experienced. In the second and third trimesters, a pronounced avoidance of negative emotions appears, the problems of the first trimester are clearly weakened, the fear of childbirth and incompetence in the postpartum period become relevant. At the beginning of the third trimester, the “nest arrangement syndrome” is expressed, which manifests itself in an increase in activity, the desire to streamline existing problems. The direction of activity during this period is to prepare for childbirth and postpartum period correlates with favorable dynamics of the course of pregnancy and the value of the child, activity not related to the child - with unfavorable dynamics. By the end of pregnancy, the fear of childbirth, their incompetence, are most often weakened, and the tension of all other problems is reduced. The reverse situation reflects the pronounced unfavorable dynamics of the experience of pregnancy and the value of the child.

The crisis of the first pregnancy at the subjective level may be accompanied by negative emotional states. These include irritability, emotional instability, special sensitivity to stressful factors, vagueness of life prospects, a feeling of loneliness. Faced with this crisis, often a woman tries not to notice how her life situation has changed, although at the same time she may feel unhappy, depressed and disappointed. Complete absence negative emotions, the serene experience of pregnancy may be a symptom of the abandonment of efforts to overcome the crisis. Women who ignored difficulties by exaggerating positive feelings during pregnancy subsequently did not believe in themselves as a mother, they worsened marital relations, births were more difficult, they were more negative about breastfeeding, their children were less developed than others.

The change in the self-consciousness of a woman is largely due to the action of evolutionarily developed biological mechanisms for the formation maternal attitude to the child (attachment). Important role“paraceptive” experience plays a special role in the formation of attachment in the mother (i.e., the experience associated with the mother’s sensation of the movements of the fetus, causing the expectant mother to feel “affinity” with own child). (basics of family psychology and family counseling)

Considering pregnancy, we can highlight the main distinctive characteristics this period. In our opinion, the changes affect three levels human life: physiological, psychophysiological and psychological. Consider psychological level changes.

Psychological changes during pregnancy are manifested in the so-called pregnancy syndrome. In relation to pregnancy, the syndrome is a new psychogenic condition, limited certain period a time that does not begin on the day of conception, but when a woman realizes her new position and ends not with childbirth, but at the moment of pygmalionization of her child. The pregnancy syndrome is experienced by a woman at an unconscious level, has certain time limits and is characterized by the following symptoms

At the first stage, the affect of awareness of being pregnant is most often experienced. Within this symptom, as a rule, the following difference manifests itself: the higher the social and intellectual level of a pregnant woman, the more independent and professionally successful she is, the more questions about the meaning of childbearing she will put before herself, the more difficult it will be for her to decide to become a mother.

The next stage in the development of pregnancy syndrome is the reflexive acceptance of a new own image: "I'm in position." This stage is characterized by the recognition physiological changes in your body. The actual biological and neuroendocrine changes that accompany pregnancy can have profound psychological impact for expectant mothers.

The obscure ones are found in different periods pregnancy, perhaps, in all, without exception, expectant mothers. In the first weeks after conception, unusual sensations in the lower abdomen may be associated with the production of pregnancy hormones that act on the ligaments, muscles and may manifest as tingling in the lateral sections of the abdomen, sensations reminiscent of premenstrual.

It must be said that it is often quite difficult for a future mother to draw a line between normal manifestations of pregnancy and signs that require medical attention. If the sensations are short-lived (lasting a few minutes), disappear spontaneously, if they cannot be described as pain, but only as discomfort, then they can probably be attributed to normal manifestations of pregnancy, in all other cases a doctor's consultation is required.

Another type of sensation that can only occur during pregnancy and characterize its normal course is the so-called false, or preparatory, contractions, or Braxton-Hicks contractions. They can appear after 32 weeks of pregnancy and are manifested by short-term tension in the lower abdomen, not accompanied by pain. So the uterus trains, preparing for childbirth. Preparatory contractions do not have a periodicity, the intervals between them are quite large - from several hours to several days.

2. Health during pregnancy: what does discharge from the genital tract say

An increase in vaginal discharge is one of the characteristic symptoms a normal pregnancy. Change hormonal background, which already characterizes the most early stages the period of bearing a baby, leads to an increase in the amount of mucus produced in the glands of the cervical canal. During pregnancy, a woman may experience a significant increase in vaginal discharge, which becomes somewhat thicker than mucus during ovulation and is either clear or milky in color. If a increased amount vaginal discharge accompanied by itching, burning, discomfort in the vagina, then this is already a cause for concern and a visit to the doctor.

3. What should be the weight gain during pregnancy?

Normal is one of important factors characterizing the successful course of pregnancy.

The expectant mother can independently control it. To do this, you need to weigh yourself in the morning after release. Bladder, with or without the same clothes. At the same time, you should not weigh yourself daily, it will be enough to stand on the scales once every 7-10 days.

The expectant mother during the pregnancy period should gain from 9 to 14 kg, while waiting for twins - from 16 to 21 kg. The less you weighed before pregnancy, the greater the reserve increase for 9 months.

In the first trimester, as a rule, the weight does not change much - the increase is about 2 kg. In the second trimester, this process is more rapid: 1 kg per month (or up to 300 g per week), and after seven months - up to 400 g per week. No weight gain, very little or excessive gain may indicate problems during pregnancy.

4. Health during pregnancy: belly growth

Many expectant mothers begin to observe this sign almost from the first days of pregnancy, but the uterus is shown due to the pubic articulation only at 12 weeks, that is, a slight increase in the tummy can be seen no earlier specified period- about the 4th month of pregnancy, and do not worry if at the beginning of the gestation period "the tummy does not grow." I must say that the evidence of the growth of the tummy depends on the physique of the expectant mother: for example, slim women the stomach is allocated a little earlier than in those inclined to fullness. In addition, in multiparous women, it begins to be noticeable a little earlier than in those who are expecting their first child.

Doctors use in their practice such an indicator as the height of the uterine fundus - this is the distance from top edge pubic articulation to the highest standing point of the uterus, the so-called bottom of the uterus. The height of the uterus above the womb, measured in centimeters, is usually equal to the gestational age: at 20 weeks - 20 cm - at the level of the navel, at 30 weeks (about 7 months when a woman goes on maternity leave) - 30 cm - in the middle between the navel and herself a low point of the sternum - the xiphoid process, etc. Only at the end of pregnancy, this pattern is not observed: after the 38th week, the baby goes to exit the uterus, prepares for childbirth, falls lower, so the height of the uterine fundus on the eve of childbirth is usually 36–38 cm. As already noted, this indicator is followed by a doctor monitors and measures it at every appointment. However, it is obvious that the height of the uterine fundus is easy to measure on your own, so if you yourself want to fix the growth of the tummy, you can do this with a centimeter tape. Measurements should be taken in the supine position and should not be done daily, weekly control will be enough. This parameter should increase by 1 cm per week. If the height of the fundus of the uterus does not correspond to the norm, then the doctor prescribes additional research to understand which of the components of the growing tummy lags behind or, conversely, adds beyond measure: fetus, placenta or water.

You can also measure the circumference of the abdomen. This figure at the beginning of pregnancy, of course, depends on the physique, the constitution of the expectant mother, but later, at the end of the second - third trimester of pregnancy, the growth rate of the abdominal circumference should remain uniform - no more than 1-2 cm per week. If the growth rate does not correspond to this pattern, then it is worth telling the doctor about it.

Once again, I would like to note that all women are different and the tummies of all expectant mothers are also different, so you should not focus on acquaintances and girlfriends, comparing the growth rate, size and shape of their abdomen.

5. How to evaluate fetal movements

The embryo begins to move already from the 7th week of pregnancy, but at first it is so small that its swimming in amniotic fluid the expectant mother does not feel. In most cases, a woman notices the movement of the crumbs from 20 weeks of pregnancy, and with repeated - from 18, although sometimes earlier - from 16 weeks, but by normal phenomena the appearance of movements can be attributed to the 22nd week of pregnancy. Usually before stirring thin women begin to feel, later plump ones. The first movements are quite gentle, neat, not very noticeable - like the swimming of a fish, or the flight of a butterfly, or, less poetically, like the work of the intestines. The longer the period, the larger the child becomes and the more noticeable its movements. Usually fetal movement is good feeling, but a growing baby in the third trimester of pregnancy can, pushing, cause discomfort and even pain. At the end of pregnancy, the baby takes everything free place inside the uterus and its movements become more rare and less active than in the second trimester, but the strength of the movements can be significant.

Almost all the time, except when he sleeps. Children often become active at night and in the evening, when a pregnant woman is in a calm, relaxed state. This can lead to nocturnal awakenings of the mother. In this way, she develops a new regime, in which she will need to feed the baby at night. If the baby does not tolerate some state of the mother, for example, excitement, or she is in a position for a long time that interferes with the normal blood supply to the fetus, then the movements can also be uncomfortable for the expectant mother - quite active, intense and even a little painful. If the expectant mother does not feel any movement for more than 6 hours, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

6. Changes in stool during pregnancy

The chair is a reflection of work gastrointestinal tract. It is easy to follow this indicator, you do not need to apply special efforts. The chair should be regular - daily, the process of bowel movement should not be uncomfortable for a woman. The changes in the body that occur during pregnancy often lead to constipation. Already from the first days of pregnancy, the body is adjusted so that the uterus - a muscular organ is in the most relaxed state. This is achieved through the action of pregnancy hormones. These same biological active substances act on the muscles of the intestine, the intestine becomes "lazy", poorly moves the food bolus. Later, the growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the intestines, causing constipation in recent months pregnancy. In the third trimester, the expectant mother is usually advised to reduce the amount of fluid she drinks, which also predisposes to problems with the stool. And a sedentary lifestyle does not contribute to solving the problem. And, although it can be said that constipation is physiologically determined, they should not be scared, but you also do not need to put up with them.

For prevention, it is necessary to eat rationally, make sure that the menu contains vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products. good effect has mineral water With high content magnesium or a decoction of prunes, you need to drink them every day on an empty stomach for half a glass. Also, do not forget about the regular physical activity, of course, feasible for a pregnant woman. Suitable, for example, hiking, and if there are no contraindications, then special classes for expectant mothers.

7. Change in urination during pregnancy

Frequent urination is considered one of the first subjective signs pregnancy. Already on the eighth day of conception, it begins to be produced hCG hormone (chorionic gonadotropin man), under his influence and occurs frequent urination on the early dates pregnancy. In addition, the intensity of the work of the kidneys of the expectant mother increases due to the fact that the volume of blood that is filtered through the renal membrane increases. As a result, the woman's kidneys begin to work much faster, and very frequent visits toilets become inevitable. As pregnancy progresses, another factor makes you feel frequent urges to the toilet - an increase in the uterus and its pressure on the bladder.

If it is not accompanied by soreness, pain, urine is of a normal color, then you should not take any measures in order to go to the toilet less often. On the contrary, it is important to empty the bladder as often as possible, since stagnant urine is a factor predisposing to inflammatory diseases of the organs. urinary system- from inflammatory diseases urethra(urethritis), bladder (cystitis) to inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis).

The only thing allowable limit- this is the amount of liquid consumed at the end of the second - in the third trimester: 1.5 liters per day is the amount that should be drunk during the day, and this includes first courses, all free liquid, as well as fruits by actual weight.

8. Health during pregnancy and swelling

At the end of pregnancy, there is a tendency to fluid retention, which can manifest itself in the formation of edema - more often on the legs, but possibly also on the hands. Wherein narrow shoes it may turn out to be small and uncomfortable, deep dents from the elastic bands of the socks remain on the shins for a long time, and the rings are difficult to put on and take off. Every expectant mother has fluid retention to a greater or lesser extent in the third trimester. However, in some cases, it can be one of the first symptoms of such a pregnancy complication as preeclampsia, when the adaptation of the body of the expectant mother to pregnancy is disrupted, in addition to edema, protein appears in the urine and blood pressure rises. In this case, if it is not provided in a timely manner health care, conditions that threaten the health and even the life of a woman and fetus can develop.

In addition to a subjective assessment of the presence or absence of edema, a pregnant woman can independently assess fluid retention as follows: within one day, for example, from 8:00 a.m. of the previous day to 8:00 a.m. of the next day, it is necessary to measure all the liquid drunk - free liquid (tea, compote, fermented milk products etc.), first courses, fruits and vegetables by actual weight. These indicators must be entered in a table consisting of two columns: drunk - highlighted. And in the second column, you must enter the amount of urine excreted. To do this, during the day you need to collect urine in a measuring container and record the amount of each serving. The amount of liquid drunk should not exceed the amount of urine excreted. Such a plate will help the doctor to choose the tactics of treating edema.

9. Blood pressure during pregnancy

(BP) during pregnancy is important feature which allows early detection of preeclampsia. However, pregnancy is not a reason to buy a blood pressure monitor and measure blood pressure daily. If the doctor has doubts about this indicator, then he will certainly say that the pressure should be measured daily. If the family has a device for determining pressure and you use it from time to time out of curiosity, then there is nothing wrong with that, then it should be borne in mind that in the first trimester of pregnancy there may be a tendency for pressure to decrease compared to usual numbers. Attention should be paid to this situation, since a prolonged and poorly tolerated (dizziness, weakness) decrease in blood pressure can lead to the formation of preeclampsia in the future. An increase in pressure above 130/80 mm Hg. Art. is serious symptom trouble in any case and always requires a visit to the doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to say about such a subjective parameter as general well-being. Of course, any change that the expectant mother feels is an occasion for more attentive attitude to health. Remember that different painheadache, pain when urinating, pain in the stomach, back, etc. - during the period of bearing a baby, they require special approach and you should not dismiss them, try to independently attempt to eliminate pain.

However, pregnancy cannot go unnoticed by the body, and any expectant mother experiences certain new sensations during this period, but many of them are evidence of normal flow pregnancy and baby development.

Anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts- all this happens to every pregnant woman from time to time.

No matter how the pregnancy proceeds, almost every woman has “heavy” thoughts, doubts, fears from time to time, and depression can occur. Here you need to understand that this is due hormonal changes, the vulnerability of the psyche of a pregnant woman and the fact that natural fear, anxiety, to a certain extent, prepare a woman for the role of a mother.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and at the same time very exciting period in the life of every woman. And that's okay. After all, this natural state female body, during which there are a lot of changes: physiological, hormonal, psychological.
The whole body is rebuilt to fulfill the super-mission: to endure and give birth to a child. During this period, the woman special treatment to yourself, you need the support and attention of loved ones.

The woman is physiologically and psychologically involved in the creation new personality. A lot of information and interesting studies have already been collected about the prenatal period. We know that the child feels the emotions of the mother. And it is mom and dad who create a space of love for the development and growth of the child.

Harmonious for a woman and a family is the state when the pregnancy is carried by two. Only a woman carries a child, and a man carries a woman. Such a waiting period brings the family closer and minimizes the anxiety of the woman. But we are not talking about hyper-custody over a woman, when she is literally strangled with attention and pitied from all sides, interfering with the natural rhythm of her life.

Every person needs a sense of fear in order to assess and avoid dangers. And the fear of a pregnant woman prepares her for the responsible process of giving birth and raising a child in the future. This is how the instinct to protect yourself and your child from possible threats.

If you feel that you cannot cope with your fears and feelings on your own, and they do not give you rest day or night; perhaps that is why relations with relatives begin to deteriorate or depression covers you - look for professional help at a psychologist. Your psychological state affects the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Have an easy pregnancy and positive mood during this period. In Russian there is a very poetic expression about a pregnant woman - "a woman in position." Hope for the best and it will surely come.