How is paraffin therapy for the face carried out? Paraffin mask for the face Paraffin mask for the face at home

When it comes to beauty, women forget about savings and are ready to spend a decent amount on a makeover in expensive salons. But a cosmetic procedure such as a paraffin face mask is also available at home. How to apply the mask correctly, and what materials are needed to complete the procedure, you will learn by reading the article.

How paraffin affects skin condition

The world owes the emergence of paraffin therapy to France, as, indeed, to many other cosmetics. At the beginning of the 20th century, a French physician first began to use this substance for cosmetic purposes. Now paraffin therapy is a very popular and effective method in the fight for beauty. What is the use of a paraffin face mask?

You need to understand that paraffin, from which candles are made, is not suitable for this mask. It contains many impurities. We need a special paraffin that has been well cleaned. You can buy it at a pharmacy at an affordable cost.

When warm paraffin is applied to the skin, the pores expand, which contributes to the removal of accumulated dirt and toxins. Opened pores absorb the nutrients in the paraffin more easily. The procedure activates blood circulation, providing cells with nutrition, which improves the complexion.

As it cools, the paraffin wax compresses the skin for a lifting effect. This smoothes out small wrinkles and makes the face contour more expressive. The mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminating flaking.

Who is the mask shown to?

Due to its unique properties, this cosmetic procedure is suitable for young and mature skin. The mask solves many cosmetic problems, among them:

  • oily or dry skin;
  • inflammation and desquamation;
  • acne, pimples;
  • loss of tone, double chin;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • black spots.

Who shouldn't have a mask

Take your time to make a paraffin face mask at home. Although the procedure is considered simple, it can be harmful to some people. Conditions in which the mask is not recommended:

  • the presence of spider veins;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • purulent and open wounds in the area of ​​application;
  • increased hairline;
  • bulging or hanging moles on the face;
  • pink acne;
  • blood clotting problems.

If you do not have such contraindications, make a paraffin face mask boldly.

Materials for the procedure

For a paraffin face mask, prepare in advance:

  • cosmetic paraffin;
  • bandage;
  • a small spatula made of wood or silicone;
  • utensils for heating the substance (2 containers);
  • a wide brush for applying the product;
  • towel and cotton pads;
  • additional components as desired.

How to carry out the procedure

When everything is ready, it's time to start the procedure. Better to do it with an assistant. This will make it easier to monitor the temperature of the paraffin, avoiding solidification. When applied alone, it will be difficult for you to lie down and the paraffin wax will drain off your face. Agree, all this is not very convenient. But in the pursuit of beauty and youth, such inconveniences will not stop the beautiful half of humanity, and, judging by the reviews, many girls and women make paraffin face masks on their own. But we will talk about the reviews later, and now we will move on to the stages of the procedure.

Preparatory stage

The face should be as clean as possible. To do this, you need to wash with a cleanser, dab your face with a towel and apply cream to your skin. Choose a nutrient depending on what result you want to get: rejuvenate, moisturize, nourish, relieve inflammation.

Build a water bath from two containers. A larger container will contain boiling water, and a smaller container will contain paraffin. To find out that the material is ready to apply, run a simple test. Apply a drop of the substance to your wrist. If the paraffin burns, then it must be allowed to cool. Paraffin should be at a comfortable temperature, warm.

Application to the skin

Use a wide brush or cosmetic spatula to apply the paraffin facial mask. In specialized stores, you can buy brushes for applying paraffin wax. Start with the forehead to make sure once again that the wax won't burn your face. There the skin is the least sensitive. But in no case should the agent be applied around the eyes.

After spreading the first layer all over your face, apply a gauze bandage or bandage. Then reapply several coats of paraffin wax. It is recommended to do 4 layers. Keep the product in a comfortable position and relax for 20-25 minutes. According to reviews, the paraffin face mask is very pleasantly tolerated. Only a slight tightness of the skin is felt.

End of procedure

Now it remains to remove all layers. This is done simply - you need to gently pull the edges of the gauze bandage from bottom to top. Then walk over your face with a cotton pad dipped in herbal decoction, lotion or plain water. Finish with a nourishing cream.

To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to carry out the procedure several times a week for 1-3 months. Paraffin face packs are made more often in winter than in summer or spring. In the cold season, under the influence of frost outdoors and dry indoor air, the skin loses moisture, becomes flabby, peeling and redness appear.

Precautionary measures

Let's take a look at how to make a paraffin face mask to avoid unpleasant moments. Follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Do not apply too hot product.
  2. Be sure to moisturize your face before applying the mask.
  3. Used paraffin is not suitable for reapplication. However, some people use it to treat their hands and feet.
  4. The mask is best applied in the evening before going to bed. After the procedure, the skin remains vulnerable for some time, so you need to limit external influences for 1 hour.

Paraffin mask recipes with various additives

Natural ingredients can be added to the workpiece to enhance the beneficial effect of the paraffin face mask. Wax and paraffin oil are a great combination for the skin. The following are additional ingredients that can be added to a paraffin mask to give it an extra effect.

With the addition of honey

It is used for dry, flabby skin, and also prone to inflammation. You need to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week for one or two months.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt 50 g of paraffin in a water bath.
  2. Pour 1/3 of the product into a separate container.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon honey to a smaller part.
  4. Apply the first layer of paraffin and honey to the face.
  5. Let the layer dry a little.
  6. Then apply a few more layers of paraffin, this time without honey.
  7. Keep it on for 20-25 minutes.

With the addition of propolis

It works well on oily skin prone to breakouts and greasy shine. This mask nourishes it and has an antibacterial effect.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the paraffin in a water bath.
  2. In a small container, mix a little melted paraffin wax and 1/2 teaspoon of propolis.
  3. Spread a layer of propolis over the face, let it cool slightly and harden.
  4. Apply another 3-4 layers of paraffin.
  5. Wait 20-25 minutes and remove the mask.

With the addition of aloe

Cooking method:

  1. Melt 50 g of paraffin as described above.
  2. Pour some of the product into another container.
  3. Add a few drops of aloe to the smaller portion.
  4. Apply the first layer on the face, consisting of paraffin and aloe.
  5. Let the layer cool and harden a little.
  6. Then apply another 2-3 layers of paraffin without aloe.
  7. Keep the mask on for 20-25 minutes.

With added oil

The oil-based mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, has a lifting effect, removes swelling, and rejuvenates the face.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the paraffin.
  2. Separate some funds.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of oil to the smaller part, which suits your skin type.
  4. The first layer will consist of paraffin and oil.
  5. After the first layer is dry, apply a few more layers of paraffin.
  6. Keep for 20-25 minutes.

Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months.

With added essential oils

For this mask, you can use the following essential oils: lemon, orange and rose. Masks based on essential oils relieve inflammation and provide an antibacterial effect.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the paraffin wax to the desired temperature.
  2. Pour some of the product into another container and add 2-3 drops of essential oil there.
  3. Apply the first coat containing essential oil.
  4. Allow to dry and apply a few more layers of paraffin without oil.
  5. Keep the mask for 20-25 minutes.

Combining a paraffin mask with a steam bath

To enhance the effect of a paraffin face mask, you can create an effect.To do this, you need to make a paraffin mask according to the basic recipe. Lay a layer of cotton wool on top, leaving the mouth and nose areas open. Cover with a terry towel on top. You can keep such a mask a little longer than usual, because a layer of cotton wool and a towel retain heat, and the paraffin cools down more slowly. After 30-35 minutes, remove all layers, and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. It is highly recommended not to go outside for 2-3 hours.

This procedure is suitable for all skin types. Owners of dry skin will receive a moisturizing and exfoliating effect. For those who have it oily, it will protect from greasy shine, and for normal and combined - it will serve as an excellent nutritional agent.

Paraffin - a substance resembling wax - can retain heat for a long time and, when solidified, keeps its shape well. These qualities have been appreciated by cosmetologists and are successfully used for skin care.

The substance paraffin is associated with industrial products, but it is actively used in the medical industry to treat various diseases. In addition, paraffin wax has taken a strong position in cosmetology. It is used for face and body care both as part of cosmetic products and in its pure form.

Important: There are 2 types of paraffin - white and yellow. Yellow is used in medicine, and white (refined) is used in cosmetology.

White paraffin

Paraffin masks, indications

Paraffin masks have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, improve blood circulation, open and cleanse pores.

Indications for the use of paraffin therapy:

  • Skin damage (cracks, mechanical damage)
  • The presence of ulcers, wounds, burns
  • Salt deposits
  • Joint diseases, arthritis
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Skin irritation, flaking, or dryness
  • Puffiness
  • Scars and red spots after acne on the face

Contraindications for paraffin masks

Paraffin therapy, as a medical and cosmetic procedure, has a number of contraindications:

  • Allergies and individual intolerance
  • Diabetes
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • The presence of open wounds
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Pustular rash
  • Abundance of moles and warts

Indications for paraffin masks

Do paraffin masks help with wrinkles?

Paraffin, when solidified, perfectly retains heat, improving blood circulation under the mask. It enhances perspiration, which widens and unclogs pores. Moreover, paraffin, when solidified, keeps its shape, decreasing in volume, which is successfully used by cosmetologists to fight wrinkles and for general rejuvenation of the face.

After applying paraffin therapy, skin tightening, smoothing of mimic and age wrinkles is observed, the skin becomes more elastic and silky.

You can make a bandage by soaking the bandage in paraffin wax. This method is suitable when you do not need to apply the mask to the entire face, but only to some of its parts (second chin, cheeks). The paraffin dressing is effective for combating forehead wrinkles:

  • Cleanse your forehead with a scrub
  • Warm up 25g of paraffin in a water bath
  • Soak a three-fold piece of gauze or bandage in paraffin wax, place on your forehead
  • To prevent the bandage from dislodging, you can fix it with a bandage.
  • Hold the mask for 15-20 minutes, after removing it, moisturize your forehead with cream

Important: Avoid getting your hair in contact with the paraffin bandage, otherwise you risk losing it.

Paraffin therapy for wrinkles

How to make paraffin face masks?

To achieve the result, do paraffin masks about once a week. The effect of paraffin therapy will be noticeable after the first procedure and will last 7-9 days.

Important: In winter, do the mask at least an hour before going outside to avoid hypothermia.

Before carrying out the procedure for the face, you need to prepare it:

  • Wash yourself. Make sure that there is no moisture left on the face, when interacting with paraffin, this can lead to burns
  • Wipe face with lotion, wait until dry
  • Try to remove your hair as much as possible, it is best to hide it under a scarf or under a hat

Important: Do not use products containing alcohol before the procedure - you risk getting burned.

After completing these simple procedures, start preparing the mask:

  • For one procedure, heat 50 g of paraffin to 50-55 ° C in a water bath, stirring constantly. Make sure the wax is not too hot before applying
  • Using a cotton swab, apply 2 to 3 layers of melted paraffin to your face
  • Apply the mask starting from the chin, gradually working towards the forehead
  • Cover your face with a towel or a thick napkin. For convenience, you can make slots in it for the eyes and mouth.
  • Keep the mask on for 15-25 minutes. It is advisable this time to lie down, relaxing. Do not speak.
  • Remove the mask by pulling on the edges
  • Moisturize your face with a nourishing cream

Important: White paraffin can only be used once. Take a fresh batch for the next mask.

To enhance the effect of the mask, you can add vitamins or essential oils to the paraffin, for example:

  • For dry and flaky skin - add 1 tsp. beeswax and olive oil
  • To soften the skin - 1 tbsp. aloe juice
  • For rejuvenation - 3 drops of vitamins A and E
  • For regeneration - 4-5 drops of propolis infusion
  • For cleansing - 20g olive oil and 10g cocoa butter

Paraffin face masks

How to make paraffin hand masks?

For the hand procedure, you will need 2-3kg of paraffin. You can purchase a special bath that maintains a constant temperature, but any dry container will work.

  • Prepare your hands: soak them in warm water and use a scrub to remove dead cells
  • Massage moisturizer on your hands
  • Heat the paraffin in a water bath to 40-45 ° C. Make sure that no water gets into the container
  • Immerse your hands in the melted paraffin wax and hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the dive 4-5 times
  • When the paraffin wax begins to harden on your hands, wrap them in a towel or put on warm gloves, after wrapping them in plastic
  • Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes. After removing the paraffin, lubricate your hands with moisturizer.

To achieve the result, carry out 8-10 procedures at intervals of a week.

How to make paraffin foot masks?

The technique for performing the procedure is the same as for the hands. After a few dives in melted paraffin, wrap your feet in cellophane (you can take regular bags) and put on warm socks. Keep the mask on your feet for 20-30 minutes.

Due to the constant wearing of shoes, the skin of the feet coarsens. Paraffin therapy helps to get rid of calluses, corns and cracks, softens the skin, relieve puffiness and fatigue. Paraffin masks are extremely effective in treating fungi and inflammation. Moreover, they are the prevention of varicose veins.

You can combine this procedure with a pedicure.

The skin under the eyes needs care and cleansing, but you need to be careful, because the area around the eyes is extremely sensitive. A paraffin mask is an excellent treatment for this area. It will help remove wrinkles, smooth and moisturize the skin.

  • Warm up the paraffin, its temperature, unlike face masks, should be no more than 40-45 ° С
  • Apply paraffin in 1-2 coats
  • Place a thin layer of cotton wool (cotton pad, for example) or cellophane wrap on top of the paraffin to keep warm
  • After 15-20 minutes, remove the paraffin and apply a moisturizer to the mask application area.

Important: To achieve the result, conduct courses of 10 procedures 2-3 times a week.

How often can paraffin masks be done?

Do face masks in courses of 10-12 procedures once a week, after that you should take a break and carry out the procedure no more than once every two weeks for 3-5 months, then you can repeat the course.

For intensive exposure, paraffin therapy is allowed every 1-2 weeks.

What does the skin look like after a paraffin mask? Photo

After a course of paraffin therapy, the skin acquires a well-groomed appearance, tightens, and wrinkles are significantly smoothed. Paraffin masks help unclog pores, soothe inflammation, and moisturize the skin. In addition, paraffin wax has excellent regenerative properties and heals damaged facial skin.

  • For making paraffin masks at home, use white paraffin, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Make sure that the container in which you melt the paraffin is dry
  • Avoid getting water droplets on the paraffin or on your face as this can cause burns.
  • During the procedure, you should relax as much as possible.
  • The use of paraffin was appreciated by many women. Some people report excellent results in skin rejuvenation and improvement of general condition.

Video: Technique for performing paraffin therapy

The beneficial effect of paraffin on the skin has long been used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes, especially in the form of masks. A cosmetic paraffin mask is applied to the face, hands, feet, which helps to improve the condition of the skin and its rejuvenation.

For these purposes, white purified paraffin is used, which does not contain dyes, harmful and irritating chemical elements, and is electrically neutral. Cosmetic masks can be prepared from pure paraffin or in combination with various special cosmetic additives. These include biologically active substances, cosmetic fragrances, nutritious, anti-inflammatory, emollient and moisturizing substances - vitamins “A”, “E”, vegetable oils (almond, olive, peach), extracts of medicinal plants (aloe, calendula, chamomile, etc. ).

The action of paraffin and indications for the use of masks

The skin of the face and hands is the most vulnerable parts of the body to external negative factors. The cosmetic effect that a paraffin face mask has noticeable from the first procedure is explained by the physical properties of the paraffin itself - high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. Despite the fact that it begins to melt at a temperature of 48-54 degrees and is applied to the skin in a liquid state, paraffin does not cause skin burns even after heating to 65-75 degrees.

After applying the mask, the temperature of the skin under it rises by 1.5-3 degrees and remains within 38-40 degrees almost throughout the entire session. Slow heat transfer of paraffin, long-term preservation of heat, impermeability to moisture and air lead to a slow uniform heating of fabrics and the creation of a greenhouse effect under the mask. This contributes to the development of positive physical and physiological processes of a local nature in the skin of the face and underlying tissues. Cosmetic has the same effect. These processes are:

  • softening of the upper layers of the stratum corneum;
  • increasing the space between cells;
  • stimulation of the function of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • blood flow due to the expansion and increase in the number of functioning capillaries;
  • acceleration of local metabolic processes;
  • relaxation of facial muscles and muscles of the hands.

The result of this is increased sweating under the mask, which leads to easier desquamation (sloughing) of dead epithelial cells, to the release of the excretory ducts of the skin glands from sebaceous "plugs" and impurities, to the removal of salts and toxins with sweat. The return flow of water through the enlarged pores helps to moisturize the skin, and the large amount of molecules and toxic elements prevents their reabsorption.

As a result of an increase in the microcirculation of blood and lymph, a faster removal of metabolic products occurs, the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients to cells is improved, metabolic and regenerative processes and renewal of the skin layers are accelerated. An additional therapeutic and cosmetic effect of paraffin is due to a gradual decrease in its volume during the cooling process, reaching a maximum after half an hour. This leads to stretching and "compression" of tissues, smoothing of fine wrinkles, improvement of lymphatic drainage and outflow of venous blood.

After the paraffin procedures, the skin acquires a natural color, becomes smooth, soft, velvety and elastic. Thus, face and hand masks have moisturizing, detoxifying (removal of poisons), mild anti-edema and anti-aging properties. It is recommended to use them:

  1. For dry and “aging” skin, pale or dull complexion.
  2. For resorption of acne infiltrates.
  3. To eliminate swelling of the tissues of the face and hands.
  4. To accelerate the healing of residual skin damage and eliminate pain.
  5. In the presence of acne without signs of inflammation and post-acne.
  6. In order to strengthen nails and prevent them from brittleness.
  7. To eliminate fine wrinkles and reduce the severity of deeper wrinkles.
  8. After some plastic surgeries, as well as preparation before cleansing the skin.
  9. For preventive purposes.

Practical use

Almost all beauty salons offer different treatments for different areas of the body using paraffin wax. However, in pharmacies and many specialized stores selling cosmetics, you can buy cosmetic paraffin, with which a cosmetic mask at home can be applied to the face and hands for 15-20 minutes 2 times a week as a systematic skin care.

Before starting the procedure, the face and / and hands must be cleaned of dirt, preferably with a scrub, and dried. After that, you can apply a moisturizing, nourishing, vitamin, anti-inflammatory or other cream or lotion that will serve as the basis for applying paraffin. It provides deeper penetration of the required active ingredients.

Paraffin wax is melted to a liquid state in a special tray or dry saucepan, which is placed in another saucepan with hot water (water bath). The latter is heated to 50-60 degrees until the paraffin is completely melted. First, to determine the sample for the temperature of the paraffin, a light brush is applied in the forehead area with a flat dense brush. Then the entire area of ​​the skin (face, hands) is smeared with a thin layer, with the exception of the eyebrows and eyelids, wings and the nasal septum. On the hardened first layer, another 2 or 3 layers of paraffin are applied so that the thickness of the mask is 1-1.5 cm. For a longer heat preservation, you can put a terry towel on it.

Contraindications to the use of thermal procedures with paraffin:

  1. Skin lesions, acute inflammation and pustular eruptions.
  2. , and .
  3. Hypertrichosis, papillomas and birthmarks at the intended area of ​​the mask application.
  4. Arterial hyper- or hypotension, diabetes mellitus.

Even after thorough cleaning and rinsing, the paraffin used for the preparation of masks can retain epithelial cells, hair debris, dirt and bacterial infection, which can cause skin irritation and an inflammatory reaction. Therefore, its reuse is undesirable.

The healing effects of paraffin were first studied back in 1902 by a French physician Bart de Sandorf. For more than a century, paraffin therapy has been widely used both in medicine - for the treatment of many diseases, and - with the aim of maintaining the beauty and prolonging the youthfulness of the skin. In this article, we will talk about the beneficial effects of cosmetic paraffin on the skin of the face and how to carry out this procedure at home.

The effects of paraffin therapy

Is a thermal procedure. After applying a paraffin mask to the face, the temperature of the skin under it rises by 1-2 degrees. This stimulates the opening of pores and increased perspiration. By hardening, the mask blocks the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, then the moisture is absorbed again. The result of these processes is healthy, hydrated skin with a minimum of wrinkles.

The thermal effect of paraffin causes softening of the upper layers of the epidermis, due to which the nutrients contained in the mask easily penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis and exert their therapeutic effects there.

As a result of an increase in skin temperature, the vessels located in it expand - the skin receives more oxygen. Metabolic products and toxic substances are easily excreted through the dilated vessels. However, due to the rather large size of the molecules, they cannot, like moisture, penetrate the skin again, but remain on the surface of the paraffin and are removed with it at the end of the procedure.

As it cools, the paraffin decreases in volume and slightly tightens the skin, which helps to tone the facial muscles and tighten the facial contour.

So, after a course of paraffin masks, the following skin changes will be more than noticeable:

  • dry, flaky, chapped skin will become hydrated, smooth and velvety;
  • narrowed pores will expand;
  • clogged pores, blackheads will be cleansed;
  • the color of a pale complexion with an earthy tint will become healthy, pale pink, with a natural blush on the cheeks;
  • facial muscle tone will increase;
  • the contour of the face will be tightened, the second chin, if any, will become less pronounced;
  • wrinkles around the eyes and lips will be smoothed out and shallower.

The use of paraffin therapy is especially important in the winter season, when frosts, wind, and a sharp change in temperature (when moving from a warm room to the street and vice versa) have the most detrimental effect on our skin.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy for the face

Despite the many positive effects of paraffin therapy, in some cases, this physiotherapy procedure is contraindicated, as it can result in a deterioration in the patient's well-being (more often the patient) and the development of complications. So, the contraindications are:

  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular stage II-IV hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • the presence of pustular eruptions or an allergic rash on the skin;
  • a large number of moles, warts, papillomas on the face;
  • excess facial hair growth;
  • the presence of open wounds on the face;
  • pregnancy.

In all these cases, you should abandon the paraffin therapy procedures and, with the help of a specialist, choose a safer method of physiotherapy for yourself.

Paraffin therapy at home

Paraffin therapy for the face can be carried out not only in a cosmetology room - it is enough to do this procedure at home, you just need to prepare well for it.

First of all, you need to purchase cosmetic paraffin. As a rule, it is available on sale in pharmacies and in specialized beauty shops.

Cosmetic paraffin is a white, dehydrated, highly purified substance. It can be without impurities - pure paraffin, or with the addition of any other medicinal components - essential oils of rose, lemon, orange, almond oil, cocoa butter, fruit acids, honey, aloe juice and other substances. Depending on the desired result (whether it be moisturizing, nourishing the skin, antibacterial effect), you can choose a paraffin with the most suitable components for a given purpose. Alternatively, try purchasing pure paraffin wax and adding the necessary ingredients to it as you prepare the mask.

It is also worth saying that you need to think in advance who will be your assistant during the application of paraffin - it is completely inconvenient for yourself to carry out this manipulation.

  • The first step is to cleanse your face with a scrub and apply a thick layer of your favorite nourishing, moisturizing or vitamin cream on it.
  • Next, you will have to do the preparation of paraffin. It is worth noting that for the 1st procedure you will need about 150-200 grams. The paraffin must be melted. Previously, you can purchase a special bath for this, or you can use the time-tested method - a water bath: put paraffin in an enamel saucepan, which you put in another - of a larger diameter, filled with boiling water. Paraffin should be heated to a liquid state and a temperature of 53-55 ° C.
  • When the paraffin is heated to the desired temperature, without removing it from the water bath, you need to dip a special spatula or a wide brush into it, apply the first stroke on the forehead area (to check if the temperature of the material is really tolerable or if it should cool down a little), and then process the whole face with paraffin, except for the area around the eyes (it is better to cover it with cotton pads beforehand).
  • After the first layer of the mask is applied, it is necessary to apply a prepared gauze napkin with slots for the nose, mouth and eyes on it.
  • On top of the gauze, another 3-5 layers of liquid paraffin should be applied, leaving its ends free so that you can grab them later.
  • It is recommended to lie down, turn on relaxing music and lie down quietly for 20-30 minutes.
  • After the above time has elapsed, you need to take the tips of the napkin with your fingers and carefully remove it together with the paraffin from the bottom up - starting from the chin, then from the cheeks and forehead.
  • It is imperative to wash your face with water or (better!) Infusion of medicinal herbs at room temperature.
  • Finally, apply a face cream to the steamed cleansed skin.

Paraffin therapy for the face should be carried out regularly - once every 3-4 days.

The effect that a paraffin face mask produces is incomparable with anything else. Since a slightly elevated temperature is established under the layer of this component, the skin is perfectly cleansed. Seals begin to dissolve, the pores become wider, blackheads and sebaceous plugs come out of them. If you have wrinkles or your face always looks sluggish and tired, a paraffin face mask is perfect for you. Reviews of women who have used it claim that this beauty recipe is most effective in combating skin aging. Well, let's look at how such a mask is prepared, how it works and how to use it.

What is this procedure

It is widely known in cosmetology that paraffin face masks are proven beauty secrets that have come down to us since ancient Japan. The essence of using this component is that it simultaneously performs three actions. The first is heat retention, which accelerates blood circulation and metabolism under the skin. Second - when hardening, the mask slightly decreases in volume, while tightening the skin. Thus, a tightening effect is created, and the oval becomes more perfect. And the third is intensive moisturizing of the skin, since paraffin is a natural mineral fat. This beauty recipe can be used not only in salons, but also at home. It is extremely simple to prepare a paraffin face mask at home - for this you only need to buy the basic material at the pharmacy. It is necessary to purchase cosmetic paraffin, in no case should you melt a candle. Difficulties here can arise only with application - your assistant should do this, since it will be extremely inconvenient to carry out this process on your own.

Briefly about the benefits of the procedure

Paraffin face mask has the following effects:

What is required to prepare a mask

To begin with, we purchase 50 grams of cosmetic paraffin at the pharmacy - this amount will be enough for the whole face. This component is the main one, and all the others need to be selected depending on the characteristics of your skin. Homemade paraffin facial mask can contain any other natural ingredients that will cope specifically with your skin problems. For example, if the skin is too dry, then we will add oils or honey to the main material. For oily skin, lemon juice, aloe, fresh cucumber juice, etc. are suitable. We also prepare a water bath, a brush for application and three strips of a thick bandage or thin natural fabric.


Cosmetic paraffin must be melted in a water bath to a temperature of about 50 degrees. It's important that it doesn't get too hot for you. After that, we divide it into two parts. In the first, add the component that you have chosen: butter, honey, lemon juice or something else. We leave the second untouched. A paraffin facial mask is applied to cleansed and moisturized skin. Therefore, before the procedure, you must definitely wash your face, clean your face with a sponge and dry it with a towel. Then, if the skin is dry or normal, apply a thick layer of nourishing or moisturizing cream on it. If it is oily, we treat it with lotion or milk.


Features of the use of paraffin face masks are not only in their composition, but also in the application process. Firstly, the product should not burn the skin, so test it on your hand beforehand. Secondly, the paraffin wax is applied with a brush, starting from the middle of the chin and ending with the forehead. Thirdly, such a mask always consists of two layers. The first has a thickness of 5 to 7 mm, and an auxiliary component can be added to it (see above). After applying the base layer, gauze is placed on the face, and a second layer of the substance is already applied on top of it. It reinforces the previous one and creates a more greenhouse effect on the skin. Fourthly, this procedure will have a longer effect if you put cling film on top of the last layer. So the paraffin will not harden for 20 minutes, as it should be, but a little longer, due to which its effect will increase.

Seasonality and major skin problems

A paraffin mask is an ambulance for your face if it has problems of various kinds. It saves from dryness, flaking, evens out wrinkles, dissolves formations and abscesses, pulls out sebaceous plugs and cleanses pores. But each of these cases has its own characteristics, and therefore it is necessary to apply this beauty recipe based on them. Also, the frequency of using the mask, the frequency and those auxiliary components that you add to it depend on this. Well, let's look at the main "emergencies" and ways to solve them.

Summer option

It would seem, in the hot season, why moisturize the skin? She already secretes the maximum amount of fat and shines constantly. It was not so. The fact that the skin becomes oily and sweats means that it loses moisture. As a result, your face will look tired, exhausted, the skin will begin to sag slowly, tone will disappear and wrinkles will appear. In the hot season, a paraffin face mask is especially effective if freshly squeezed juice of citrus fruits, cucumbers, lemon or grapes is added to it. Sour milk products and aloe juice will keep the water balance and at the same time remove the increased fat content. And in order for this tool to make the skin also elastic, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin E.

Winter and spring options

During this period, the skin, on the contrary, becomes very dry, lethargic, begins to peel off, redden. In order to prevent these symptoms, a paraffin face mask is prepared at home with the addition of oils, honey or milk to the base material. It is these components that nourish the skin as much as possible, saturate it with moisture, make it more elastic and resilient. As for the choice of oil, it is worth starting from individual problems. If the skin is always dry, and from the cold this trouble becomes more pronounced, then almond, olive, sunflower will do. If dryness and flaking is a recurring matter, or you have a combined type of skin, then it is recommended to use flaxseed, wheat germ oil, amaranth oil. Milk and honey are suitable for all occasions and can even be mixed.

Aging skin problems

A paraffin face mask is an excellent and, most importantly, inexpensive solution for those who have their first wrinkles. Paraffin, hardening, tightens the skin a little, thus undermining the contours of the face and smoothing out folds. In order for its effect to be non-traumatic, several drops of liquid vitamins A and E must be added to the bottom layer of the mask. Glycerin and amaranth oil will also work effectively here. It is noteworthy that this recipe is relevant not only for women whose skin is already aging, but also for young girls who wish to correct their facial features, remove a double chin, or simply tone the skin.

Frequency of application

If you need emergency help, then the mask should be applied to the skin every 2-3 days using one prescription. As soon as you notice a tendency to improve the condition of your face, the course is limited to application 1-2 times a month. In winter, such a mask should be applied as often as possible, since the skin does not just peel off and dry out, but literally freezes. By the spring we are reducing the number of procedures. If you are trying to get rid of wrinkles using a paraffin mask, then even before using it at home, you need to consult a beautician.

Paraffin face mask: user reviews

Many women who have undergone a rehabilitation course using this recipe notice noticeable improvements in the condition of their skin. Of course, the mask does not work as dramatically as plastic surgery. However, it returns a healthy glow and purity to the face. Pores get rid of blackheads and acne, abscesses disappear, scars are smoothed out. If wrinkles begin to appear on the face, a paraffin mask is able to smooth them out within a month of regular use. Among the shortcomings, ladies note only the application process. For this, you definitely need an assistant.