How to hide age: little secrets of female beauty. Hair care. Deal with toxic friends

Should you hide your age? “This is the question every woman faces after forty-five. Some thoughts on the topic ...

Should you hide your age, or is the truth really so bitter?

Remember how we behaved as children? We blew out the candles on the cake and proudly reported to friends and neighbors - I'm already 4! Already 5! Already 6!
When we were teenagers, we also threw ourselves a couple of years old, when the saleswoman asked for a passport, or so that the guys did not consider us minors.

But after 22, relations with age changed dramatically. 23 - and you do not work yet, 31 - and you still have no children, 35 - and there is no permanent apartment ... And although all this is pure water conventions, we still listen to them. After the next one ends life stage and the time comes to take stock, we feel a certain tremor about the fact that life is not developing in the way we would like. Something failed, some did not have time. But we say to ourselves: “Nothing. What my years! "

And by the age of 40, everything becomes completely different. We start to hate our birthdays. In the photographs, we become half-turned and tighten our stomachs, make haircuts that make us younger, or, on the contrary, let go long curls... “It's not scary, I'm not old yet,” we say to ourselves. Meanwhile, we are starting to read more and more about diets, cosmetic procedures, physical activity, which allow you to preserve youth as long as possible.

To prove to ourselves that we are in the ranks, we exhaust ourselves with more and more vigorous activity, communicate and hope that our age opportunities will appreciate.
Contacts of doctors and clinics appear on the phone. And doctors hurt the living with the constant question - "how many full years?"

Anyway. Somehow there is less confidence in these doctors. Yesterday's graduates from medical schools are already suspicious, and we are looking for doctors older than us, whom we could trust more.
Those with whom we worked one after the other retire, and profitable vacancies necessarily have a clarification: "age up to 40 years."

Well, and birthdays, of course. It would be better if they were canceled altogether - we tell ourselves, and turn off the phone for the holidays.

And how is it really?

The famous sexologist A.M. Poleev asserts according to modern Western medical classifications, up to 55 years, a woman is considered young, and only after 65 years can we talk about the beginning of old age. These figures are not determined to calm women, but for the work of doctors and are conditioned by physiology.

And if you want to be young - who has the right to forbid you? Enough simple care behind yourself to look 45-55 at 30. Opportunities modern cosmetology and the secrets revealed by scientists healthy way life keeps you young. Thanks to them, women bloom longer, and the years do not cause them any inconvenience.

There are also women whose face is already reflected in age. They cannot be called superbeauties, sometimes they look even worse than their peers. But a certain inner fire, sexuality and charisma make them attractive to both peers and very young guys. What's stopping you from attending several trainings to uncover femininity? To love yourself and devote more time to yourself, because after 45 it is so necessary.

If you can't get the "witch" charisma in any way, you can always turn to the developed rejuvenation industry. Procedures that allow you to prolong youth today exist for every taste, age and wallet. Do not be afraid to spend money on yourself and live a life without age restrictions... And it is enough for the attending physician to name the number in the passport. In other cases, etiquette allows you not to answer the question about age.

To this end, a huge industry works for women: for any age, taste and wallet. If you invest in yourself, you look younger, others confirm this to you, you lead a lifestyle without age restrictions, you just have to forget and not mention the number in your passport. Many will agree that it is not always worth answering the question about age, since etiquette allows.

Coquetry or honesty?

There are times when you really have to hide your age, but they are rare. For example, you and your husband are going to some official event, and he is much younger than you. And you don't want to attract too much attention to your couple. But again, this rarely happens.

Today, among women, the trend of honesty is becoming increasingly important. Why hide your age when with a little effort you can look at least 5 years younger. More intense cosmetology procedures and wearing a youth wardrobe, lightweight nude makeup and will help to throw off 10 years at all. Physical exercises and taking care of your body is already minus 15-20 years, and so on. That is, a woman can look attractive at any age. And naming the real figure of your years, enjoy how the faces of those around you are stretched. And the envious "KAAAK?" and asking you for the secrets of beauty will make you bloom altogether.

Real youth is inside. Do not rush to start leading a senile lifestyle and wear things in the style of "goodbye youth". Communicate actively, make friends with the same interests, let life be in full swing - and then you will feel young for a very, very long time.

But the most important thing is to be yourself. Stick to your life values, relax, accept and love yourself in the years in which you are. Enter into an open and honest dialogue with the world. And yet - age is not just a number in a passport. It is an indicator of your maturity, wisdom and life experiencethat do not have to affect your appearance.

Since the creation of the world, people have had many rhetorical questions, many of which still remain unanswered. One of these mysteries is the mystery female age... Why do many ladies try to carefully hide their date of birth? Why do so many of us subtract several years from our real age?

"I will always be 18"

Canadian performer Brian Adams sings in one of his songs that he will always be 18. Surely the musician hints that in his soul he will remain young until his death. It is unlikely that, while writing this song, he took an example from most women, coquettishly keeping silent about his real age. After all, he is a man and has other concerns. It doesn't matter to him how old he looks and how many wrinkles he has under his eyes. However, it will be understood by a woman who answers the question about age like this: “I will always be 18”.

Modern ladies challenge biological processes

Women have sought to look younger than their age at all times. However, only with the modern wonders of cosmetology does this become easier. Before, ladies tried to “shrink” their years to attract attention. worthy menwho are used to casting their languid eyes at healthy women of childbearing age. Now there's even more to it vital necessity... The careers of actresses, singers, models and other representatives of the media profession are so short that before you know it, a younger and extremely persistent applicant takes your place.

Miracles of rejuvenation

So women have to upload photographs for general viewing, where their image has been edited from head to toe in Photoshop. This hides everything: wrinkles, acne, dark circles under the eyes, excess weight and cellulite. As a result, another famous person appears on the cover of the magazine as an ideal beauty, and her appearance becomes a reason for the envy of ordinary townsfolk. Not only 40-year-old ladies are now thinking about Botox injections, but also 25-year-old girls, who are considered real "old women" by model standards. On the one hand, it's better for women, but they keep lying to themselves and those around them.

How does science explain this phenomenon?

When everything is at stake, there are no methods to achieve a goal that are considered taboo. If the star of the show or the dancer has gained one size, she will be immediately dismissed with the stigma of “professional incompetence”. But in reality, the fear of looking older is more than an opportunity to be left without high-paying job... Every woman in her heart is afraid of not catching the departing train called "life". It's not easy to blame the biological clock, Related childbearing age, popular with men, with more lucrative contracts.

This fear is passed on with mother's milk

This fear is embedded within the representatives fair half humanity from birth. “The beauty of a woman is short-lived,” so people say. So the ladies have to go to any tricks, hiding their true age. The simplest thing here is not a Botox injection at all. It is much easier to "forget" about your date of birth and thereby slightly delay the explosion of this time bomb.

"A woman is young as long as she is loved." Gustave Flaubert

“Ask yourself: how old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” Wayne Dyer

“Thirty years ... There was a time when it seemed to me that I would never live to be twenty, so I wanted to become an adult as soon as possible. And then ... "Erich Maria Remarque

"If you are still capable of being disappointed, then you are still young." Sarah Churchill

"The only thing a woman never forgets is the year of her birth, as soon as she finally chose it." Dorothy Parker

"Age is just numbers, not a state of mind or a reason for any particular behavior." Cecilia Ahern

“You cannot trust a woman who does not hide her age. Such a woman does not hesitate to say anything. " Oscar Wilde

"Than older man, the more there is in his life that cannot be corrected. " Haruki Murakami

"The woman is seven years younger than her friends claim, and five years older than men give her." Gina Lollobrigida

“Kindness and intelligence are properties of old age. At twenty, a woman is much more interested in being heartless and frivolous. " Ray Bradbury

“At 20 your face is given to you by nature, at 30 - life molds it, but at 50 you have to deserve it yourself ... Nothing ages so much as the desire to be young. After 50 no one is young anymore. But I know 50-year-olds who are more attractive than three quarters of poorly groomed young women. " Coco Chanel

"A person's passport is his misfortune, because a person must always be eighteen, and the passport only reminds you that you can live like an eighteen-year-old." Faina Ranevskaya

“It's not about age, it's about the culture of communication and the level intellectual development". Winston Churchill

“Anyone can be a genius at twenty-five. At fifty, something needs to be done for this. " Charles Bukowski

"The beauty of a woman grows with her years." Audrey Hepburn

"At any age, it is much more interesting to spend time with someone who is older or younger than you - just not with your peers." Jodie Foster

"Age is not how old you are, but how you feel about them." Gabriel García Márquez

The famous model Anastasia Kostenko has ceased to hide her pregnancy from the public. The other day her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov, had a birthday - for the holiday Nastya put on a sheath dress, in which a protruding tummy immediately became noticeable.

As you know, the couple got married in January 2018. The relationship of lovers has always caused a lot of controversy and gossip in society. Nastya allegedly took Dmitry away from the family, dashing the hopes for the happiness of the famous presenter Olga Buzova. And no matter how the couple rejected, saying that the relationship began after Dmitry broke up with Buzova, the stars cannot prove this to numerous critics, and therefore they no longer try.

Kostenko Tarasov made an offer in December - the footballer took his beloved to a romantic corner of the planet and arranged a gorgeous surprise on the ocean shore. Subsequently, the speed of preparation for the wedding immediately prompted the idea that Kostenko was expecting a child, but the couple was silent until the last.

Nastya only once gave fans a reason to think about their situation when she asked for advice on the choice of an outfit on the Web. Instagram subscribers saw a tummy in one of the photos and began to congratulate the couple on the early replenishment of the family. The star did not react in any way to the rumors, but it was already impossible to close the mouths of the public - everyone immediately started talking about the fact that the wedding was just a flight, whatever one may say.

The fact that pregnancy is really true was said by photos and videos from Dmitry Tarasov's birthday, accidentally found on the Web. The footballer celebrated his 31st birthday in one of the restaurants in Moscow, where he gathered only his closest friends. His wife put on a black sheath dress for the celebration, which neatly emphasized her position.

The audience with double activity congratulates Tarasov on his early paternity - the player already has eldest daughter from his first marriage, but he never hid that he wanted more children. By the way, it was the refusal to give birth that became one of the reasons for Tarasov's fading feelings for Buzova - the famous wife did not want to ruin her career by decree, which made her husband very upset.

Meeting with Kostenko turned Tarasova upside down her whole life - girl model appearance and with great prospects turned out to be very simple and naive, dreaming of big family and cozy nest... Tarasov later admitted that he finally has homemade food and happily spends his leisure time "in family shorts", and not at social events and parties.

Kostenko herself admitted that she really wants to give birth to her beloved man's heirs, but clarified that this year her family has no children in her plans. Apparently, the plans have changed a bit.

The fact that the couple was about to get divorced, the Network has been buzzing for many days. In February, Tarasov was literally caught cheating on Nastya - he was noticed in a nightclub in the company of a blonde, well-known in some circles, a participant in the "Boys" project Kristina Belokopytova.

The audience immediately buzzed - just got married, and already for the old. Only Kostenko was silent, and it was from her that the most violent reaction was expected.

A divorce became a reality just the other day - Nastya shared a picture on the Web without wedding ring... Fans sympathized with the woman who survived the betrayal of a frivolous athlete, but apparently in vain - Nastya hastened to demonstrate that everything is fine in her family.

On Tarasov's birthday, the girl on her Instagram page tenderly congratulated her husband on the holiday:

"Happy Birthday, my Dear! Thank you for everything I feel. I have already voiced all my wishes "

The couple's fans joined the words of Kostenko and wished the newlyweds a long and happy living together and speedy addition in family.

“Beautiful! Dima is so enamored and contented! ”,“ Happiness, health, success! Love for life! Patience, you guys! ”,“ Be happy and let’s give birth to a baby already! ”,“ Congratulations to Dima and wish you happiness and strong nerves, ”said Anastasia's subscribers.

According to rumors, Kostenko is in her fifth month of pregnancy - the public is still intrigued by how the couple's marriage will turn out, because the news of infidelity, divorce and other dirt does not bode well. Optimists, however, are sure that everything is just fine in the football player's family, but dirty rumors are spread by people interested, in particular, friends and fans of Olga Buzova, who for several years has not been able to forgive her husband for parting, and always makes her purely personal sufferings public.

Once I heard that it was indecent to look younger than my age and always “mow like a girl”. It is ridiculous, of course, to illustrate the anecdote: "A pioneer in the back, a pensioner in front."

None of the envious girlfriends wants to grow old ahead of time and are trying with all their might to preserve youth. Some generously distribute their simple secrets beauty, others trumpet in all that nature has pityed them.

Here are a few actionable advice on how to hide age and preserve youth

Proper sleep

Sleep is the very first remedy for beauty and health.

  • Sleep correctly, in no case with your face in the pillow: in the morning there will be a lot of wrinkles due to reduced blood circulation.
  • Lack of sleep causes dark circles under the eyes and swelling on the face - go to bed early, turn off the lights and ventilate the room.
  • The secret is that sleep from 23.00 to 01.00, in addition to beauty, makes the body work in a slimming mode.

Face care

The face requires constant care.

  • The traces of approaching maturation on the face will help to hide the super nourishing layer of your favorite cream and a mask-film applied on top of it. In the morning, remove the hardened thin film as a second skin, the face will look refreshed and toned.
  • Moisturize your skin constantly different methods: For example, after washing, do not wipe it off for a while, let it dry itself.
  • If treacherous swelling appears under the eyes, then a minute compress from teaspoons cooled in the refrigerator will solve the problem.
  • If you begin to notice that longitudinal wrinkles appear on your forehead from surprise or between the eyebrows from the fact that you often frown, then try to avoid these habits, watch how your emotions are reflected on your face. Try to relax the muscles in your face. Do gymnastics for the face.

Lip care

Lips also require careful maintenance.

  • Massaging, moisturizing with hygienic lipstick.
  • Fatty nourishing masks keep your lips attractive for a long time.

Hair care

Hair clean and styled always gives your look well-groomed, complete image and style.

  • To keep it longer natural color hair, you need to eat foods rich in copper: seafood, nuts and seeds.
  • If gray hair appears and you decide to dye them, then dye your hair a tone lighter than your own.
  • Loosen your hair at night or, in extreme cases, you can not braid it tightly so as not to damage it.
  • For fresh hair, after shampooing and using conditioner afterwards, never rub it into the hair roots. From this, the hair not only quickly becomes oily, but also dulls.

Neck and décolleté

For some reason, the neck and décolleté area is often forgotten. It is written in detail about this.

  • The skin in these places must also be carefully protected from the scorching sun and moisturized. if this is not done, the aging process will start earlier. Details on how the skin ages.
  • Creams containing green tea extracts are very useful - they are able to tighten the skin, act as antioxidants and have antiseptic properties.

Hand care

Hands give away a woman's age in the first place.

  • If they are well-groomed, the skin is not overdried, there is light varnish on the nails, and accessories on the fingers and wrists, then the hands look much younger.
  • Enjoy hot summer days sunscreen for hands - this will get rid of premature.


  • Of course, properly applied makeup will correct many of the flaws in your appearance and highlight its advantages.
  • Always try to do your makeup in the right lighting. Otherwise, your makeup will be either very bright, or vice versa, dull.
  • Use liquid tonal basis under makeup. Skin tone will be smoother, and all will disappear dark spots and vascular networks.
  • Rejuvenates a woman of any age open gaze... This can be achieved by imposing in the middle upper eyelid close to the lashes with reflective shadows that match your skin tone.
  • Correctly corrected eyebrows with a top at outer edge eyes will visually correct the problem of the overhanging upper eyelid. And remember that eyebrows add age.

Whatever problems lie in wait for a woman, she probably keeps her beauty secrets in reserve. I am sure that you know quite a few of them. Share them in the comments.