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In this article, you can find a lot of useful information on relationships with women and understand how best to persuade them to meet, and other articles provide answers to many equally important questions.

How to invite a girl to take a walk together in the evening for the first time in contact phrases so that she does not refuse even if she is busy what to write

The advantage of social networks is not only the possibility of communication, but also the fact that people involuntarily reveal themselves and their hobbies in them, posting photos or joining certain interest groups. This should be used so that even an overly busy girl does not refuse a meeting.

So, for example, if a girl loves cats, then her page will certainly be filled with pictures of these animals, which means you can safely invite the girl to visit a cat show - there should be no refusal.

The rendezvous invitation message will look something like this:

“There are two tickets for the cat show. Will you keep me company?"

How to invite a girl to walk around the city if she does not want and refuses

One hundred percent win-win option to lure your girlfriend out of the house is to purchase tickets for a concert or a movie with the participation of her favorite artists.

After a concert or movie session, under the influx of feelings, the girl will no longer be able to refuse you a walk around the city.

How to invite a girl to take a walk examples of SMS without refusal

The probability of not getting a refusal from a girl for an invitation to take a walk increases along with sympathy for you. A loving girl can arrange the next meeting even without your reminder. But until this happens, it is important to intrigue your chosen one and interest in the meeting by writing an SMS with approximately the following content:

“There is important information that I can’t tell anyone but you.” Next, you should turn on the fantasy and figure out how to get out further. For example, you can mysteriously inform your beloved that tonight the Eye of Taurus in the night sky will be bright, as it happens once in a hundred years, so I really would not want to miss such a significant event when there are all opportunities for this.

How to invite a girl for a walk if she is shy, you are shy

You can invite a shy girl for a walk if you are shy yourself, for example, with the following phrase: “I’m sad to sit at home alone, let’s go for a walk in the park?” As a rule, such places are deserted and you will be more comfortable and free to communicate than in public.

How to invite a girl to walk on the phone examples

You can invite a girl to take a walk on the phone by imperceptibly involving her in a dialogue. For example: "What movies do you like?" Having received an answer, immediately say the second half of the phrase: "Come up with a company, let's go to the cinema for 5 - a film to your taste."

Or: "Who do you love more - sparrows or doves?" Having received an answer, write a second SMS: “Let's go and feed them?”.

For a very large number of guys, dating is much easier than organizing it. Fear of rejection can hit a man's pride very hard. There are doubts whether she will agree, and what she will think of you, etc.

Especially when it comes to the one with whom you study at school or university. After all, those who study with you can find out about her refusal!

Therefore, the most pressing question for you is “how to invite a girl for a walk?”

In any case, if you have now decided to find out the answer to your question, then you have already taken the first step towards your plan. So, you believe that it is, in principle, possible. It remains only to work a little with something.

"What if she doesn't agree?"

I suspect that you already know this girl. Perhaps you study together. Or maybe you just met her recently.

Chances are you're being tormented doubts about whether she likes you, whether she will agree go for a walk with you. And this is not surprising!

All of us, when we invite girls to meetings, are so worried that even before a telephone conversation, our palms sweat and our hands shake.

So let me try to help you overcome internal barriers (in the case of dating, the absence of internal restrictions plays a very important role).

You see, it's all about your confidence. If you want to beautifully invite a girl to take a walk, you should be able to make your proposal confidently.

An insecure guy will think that a beautiful girl will not just walk - "she needs restaurants, expensive cafes, cinema", etc. He will be afraid to invite her to a meeting, because her significance for him is too high. He will assume that she may not agree to meet with him and the only chance is to invite her somewhere. And for this you need money.

But remember: maybe you know that this girl was dating another guy who also has no money?

If you don’t know, then believe me: it’s not at all about where exactly you will meet.

From my own experience and the experience of other seducers, I can say that if she likes you, she will agree to walk with you even in the cold rain.

There is another barrier that may prevent you from inviting a girl out. This is the fear that classmates (classmates) will start laughing at you.

And really, what if she decides to tell everyone about how she sent you off?

Yes, yes, no!

As all successful people say, all fears are only in your head. And there is nothing shameful in the fact that you decided to invite her to a meeting. Especially when you know

Let's start with the choice of the route of the walk.

If you clearly know where and for how long you will walk, then your invitation to take a walk will sound quite confident and decisive. And confidence, as you know, is a defining quality that greatly affects a woman's interest.

To do this, do not be afraid to have a casual conversation, as if it were not your classmate, but, for example, an old friend with whom you spent more than one day of entertainment.

Be sure to joke. After all, our task with you is evoke positive emotions(negative emotions, of course, also sometimes help, but you need to be able to evoke them correctly so that the girls are yours).

Furthermore, don't be afraid to make fun of a girl. Many of them are used to the fact that guys creep in front of them, trying to please. And those who, on the contrary, tease, become very attractive men for beauties, with whom “for some reason I wanted to meet.”

About occasions

Despite their young age, almost all girls understand perfectly why they need to meet guys. And when they refuse, they do it not because they do not understand the meaning of the meeting, but because these guys simply simply did not interest her.

If you know how to interest by phone (and my simple recommendations should help you with this), then you don’t need any reasons. She wants to walk with you.

But, unfortunately, most girls will be afraid to go on a date. They, just like you, do not want their classmates (classmates) to make fun of them, and therefore the motivation to refuse is much stronger than the motivation to agree.

How then to invite a girl to take a walk and not get rejected?

Therefore, I advise you to use the occasions for the meeting. Ask her to help you do your homework. In this case, even if she is afraid to meet you, then she will have a reason that will reduce the likelihood of rejection to almost zero.

By the way, are you still sure that you need a walk? It is in your power to invite her to your home or ask for it. Especially when there is such a good reason.

By the way, you can invite the girl to take a walk in the place that matches her hobbies. For example, if you know that she is engaged in dancing, then ask her how long she has been walking, what is needed in order to come to these dances, can you come to see, etc. Be sure that she is unlikely to refuse you such a “request”. And when you meet, you can organize a walk right after class.

She can be interested in anything. So use it!

Now you know how to invite a girl for a walk. The main thing to remember is that much of your success will depend on your confidence. Don't be afraid to take the first step! The most valuable thing in this life goes to those who act boldly and decisively. And those who are afraid, doubting and constantly postponing, never achieve anything. Believe me, many girls like you initially, but they are afraid to take the first step. Help them!

I know that you came to this blog for knowledge and experience. The fact that you are developing is worthy of respect. But information from one article is often not enough, right?

You also need to know what 7 parameters you need to show her so that she wants you. Or how end the date so that she thinks about you all night and wanted you to call. I'm ready to reveal all these secrets to you! Enter your e-mail in the form below and receive the best materials directly to your inbox!

Some more information on the topic:

4 original ways to ask a girl out on a date Unusual date with a girl: advice from a female person Communication with a girl on the Internet: advice from a girl

Some men compare the moment of being invited to a meeting to walking through a minefield. In fact, there is nothing terrible in this. Knowing some principles of behavior, choosing the right words and suitable places for a meeting will help to successfully invite a woman on a date. There are several ways to invite a girl to a meeting so that she agrees. In each case, certain nuances must be observed.

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    How to invite a girl for a walk or a date

    The guys of the part are afraid to invite the girl for a walk because of self-doubt, a possible refusal. To develop the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, you must observe the following points:

    1. 1. Confidence. It is necessary to speak in a calm voice, not to make nervous movements like shifting from foot to foot or scratching.
    2. 2. Correct choice of words. Don't use the word "date". For many, it implies a serious intention. Dating is meant to develop relationships. Not every woman will agree to start them with an unfamiliar person. It is more relevant to say a phrase like: “Do you have any plans for tonight? I suggest you go to a cafe. The meeting place must be specified, since ladies do not like uncertainty and usually expect the initiative from a man in everything.
    3. 3. Look while talking. Women during the conversation always try to look into the eyes. If a man often looks away, looks away, this shows his insecurity, insincerity, or little interest. If the guy is unable to look into the eyes for a long time, you should look at the bridge of the nose of the interlocutor.
    4. 4. Smile. It is advisable to smile during an invitation, conversation, observing the measure. Frequent and loud laughter can cause rejection if the acquaintance is just beginning.
    5. 5. Intimate setting. At the beginning of dating, you should make a date in sparsely populated places. Many girls are afraid that someone they know will see them. And how the communication will develop is unknown.
    6. 6. A placegoodbye. You need to prepare in advance by selecting the best places for a meeting. It is advisable to find out from a woman what establishments and places for recreation she prefers. If she does not attach any importance to this, standard options should be used: cafe, cinema, museum, theater and others.
    7. 7. Neat appearance. You don't have to have a fancy date suit, but a clean, tidy look is a must. This applies to clothes, shoes, body care.

    Don't be afraid of rejection. A woman can refuse for many reasons: lack of time, unwillingness to communicate with an unfamiliar man, the presence of a loved one. After a refusal, it is appropriate to answer something in a calm voice, without resentment and anger. There is a possibility that she is simply testing the guy for certain qualities: will, self-confidence, perseverance, sense of humor.

    If you answer with calmness or a good joke, there is a second chance to get consent. To do this, smile and provocatively say one of these phrases:

    • Well, yes, probably, this is not the first time that such an offer has been made to you today.
    • And I was going to tell you so many interesting things. You apparently already have a cavalier.
    • Okay. I'll have to drink this wonderful coffee alone.

    It is allowed to clarify the reason for the refusal if the girl did not voice it.

    Invitation of a stranger

    It is not easy to invite an unfamiliar girl for a walk or a meeting, as there is no information about her. Even about the presence or absence of a loved one. Therefore, in this case, you need to be smart. The following steps should be taken:

    1. 1. Approach her and say a similar phrase: “Girl, tell me, where is good coffee made nearby? Show me and I'll treat you." It is important to maintain a distance of about an outstretched arm. Otherwise, she will be embarrassed and the acquaintance will not take place.
    2. 2. Study her reaction by habits. If she stands or sits with free, uncrossed arms and studies a man, then she is thinking about how to respond to a tempting offer. When he shifts from foot to foot and smiles embarrassedly, looking away, he is embarrassed. If she keeps her hands on the lock, crosses her legs - shows that she is not inclined to make contact for some reason.
    3. 3. In case of a positive answer, you need to find the nearest coffee shop. You should not invite a lady to a restaurant for the first time, even if opportunities allow.

    If the answer is no, you should apologize and leave.

    One of the best ways to catch a woman's attention, to get consent to a meeting, is to help. There are many options for this - pick up the fallen thing and say nice words, offer to bring it home.

    How to invite a girl on the phone

    In this case, she does not see the man. It goes to the hands of people who are not quite confident in themselves. Here it is important to observe the correct intonation and say the appropriate words:

    • The voice should not be too loud or quiet. It should sound easy, relaxed.
    • You need to speak politely, but without familiarities. Pronounce words clearly and distinctly.
    • The girl should feel a joyful, high spirits in her voice.
    • It is undesirable to delay the invitation for a long time during the conversation.
    • Address by name.
    • After the invitation, check if she knows where the meeting point is.

    In order to call for a date, you need to use something like the following phrases:

    • Hi Katia. My name is Dima. Do you remember we met in a cafe last night? Shall we go there today?
    • Hello Sveta. I remember you told me that you can skate. Well, I bought them today. I also want to learn. Shall we go to the skating rink tonight?
    • Hello. Did you say you want to go to the Spider-Man premiere? Let's go tonight?

    At the beginning of an acquaintance or relationship, you should adjust your time to the girl’s schedule. She can work weekends too. This needs to be specified in advance.

    Make an appointment on a social network

    To invite a girl or girl on a date on a social network, it is enough to correctly write relevant words. The advantages are the availability for communication with any girl who has a page on the social network, and the absence of the need to speak. The disadvantage is a decrease in the likelihood of obtaining consent to a date.

    You should invite a date only after a long conversation, when there is confidence that the girl is interested and wants to get acquainted in reality, and not in the virtual world.

    • Carefully study her page by looking at the groups in which she is a member, photos, posts. This is appropriate for other invitation methods as well. Information about the girl is already half the success.
    • Beautifully design your profile by deleting all the vulgar and not entirely successful photos, cynical posts.
    • Use appropriate multimedia files in messages: audio recordings, images, videos.
    • Do not use obscene and vulgar words, a lot of slang (especially prison topics). Frequent cuts are also inappropriate.
    • More often interested in her: affairs, mood.
    • Write moderate compliments.

    Pleasant words can be written not only in prose, but also in verse:

    • Joy, love gave fate to me. I want to be with you in reality, not in a dream.
    • You are the real miracle! Have you come down from heaven? Or where?
    • You are like the sun in spring. You warm my heart. Come to heaven with me. The one you dream about.

    Examples of phrases for an invitation:

    • Hello. I think we've gotten to know each other enough to chat over coffee. Shall we go to a cafe tonight?
    • Hello. I wonder if you're the same in the real world? Let's take a walk in the park tonight.
    • Hello. Judging by your photos, you like rollerblading. I recently got them for my birthday. Will you teach me a lesson tonight? Let's get to know each other for real.

    How to choose a meeting place

    Sometimes you have to be original. You won’t surprise a girl with banal trips to cafes, cinemas, museums. More important is the spiritual atmosphere that the person himself creates. But if it is created in an unusual setting, it impresses the girl and increases the likelihood of a relationship developing.

    First you should ask her where she wants to visit for the first time. If the girl leaves a place for an original meeting at the discretion of the guy, it is worth embellishing the situation in the classic version. To do this, there are such methods in the case of a date in a cafe:

    • Place an order for a table.
    • Order a bouquet of flowers, meet a girl, hand it over, then escort her to a table.
    • Place a small handful of rose petals on the table.
    • Arrange with the waiter to serve the girl yourself.
    • Order music.

    This will please her. Just don't take these steps on the first date. They are more appropriate at the beginning of a relationship.

    What phrases are suitable for an invitation

    Men often get lost, not knowing what words are suitable for an invitation. Especially those who have repeatedly been rejected or have done it only a few times in their lives. Appropriate words are:

    • Hello. When will you have a day off? I can take time off any day to offer you a hot air balloon ride.
    • Hello. You said you wanted to go running several times a week for a long time. I'm going to the stadium tomorrow for a run. Come with me.
    • Help me choose a jacket with your professional look.
    • I like talking to you. I propose to make our dates regular.
    • We had fun with you. But I still don't understand what kind of person you are. Let's meet again.

    It is important to focus on the tastes of the girl, to clarify when she has free time. This approach has a beneficial effect on the development of relationships.

    Inappropriate words

    There are phrases that reduce the likelihood of obtaining consent. So that the girl does not refuse, you should not use such expressions:

    • Hello. What are you doing today? Would you like to go to the circus with me?
    • Girl, your mom is probably looking for a great son-in-law?
    • Hello. Can I invite you on a date?
    • Hi. Will you refuse to go with me to Phillip Kirkorov? Only if you're late, I won't invite you again.
    • When are you going to invite me for coffee? I keep waiting and waiting.
    • How can I persuade you to go to the river with me?

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Inviting a girl for a walk is almost the same as inviting her on a date. There are several ways to take the girl you like for a walk. The main rule in this matter is to learn not to be shy about inviting girls for a walk.


Perhaps the most optimal and best way to call a girl for a walk is to call her on the phone and say: "Let's go for a walk then and there." But, of course, you should not immediately invite her for a walk as soon as you hear the cherished word “Alle”, but first, chat, discuss an interesting topic and at the end of the conversation, when you are ready to say goodbye, invite the girl to meet and take a walk with you. We recommend that you read

If you are too shy to call a girl and invite her for a walk, then use various messengers, it can be an SMS message, a message on social and other communication networks. But at the same time, remember that it is much easier to refuse a walk with a response message than with a voice on the phone, and therefore, by inviting a girl for a walk through a message, you reduce the chances of getting her consent. The message inviting the girl should be something like this: “Hi, Arishka. I invite you to take a walk tonight in the lake area. Michael".

By inviting a girl to go for a walk with you, you can not only through a phone call or by sending a message to her, but also in a personal meeting. So, for example, at school, at an institute or at work, you approach a girl, start an unobtrusive conversation, and at the end of the conversation, completely unobtrusively, invite the girl to take a walk together at such and such a time, in such and such a place. And then, as luck would have it.


If the girl you invite for a walk refuses your offer, do not rush to get nervous and freak out. First of all, ask why she is not ready to go for a walk if she does not have time, ask if she can consider another time for a walk? If here you get a refusal, then don’t bother anymore, let her rest, let her think, and while she thinks, show signs of attention to her. A week or two will pass, try again to invite the girl to take a walk. Your chances of getting a positive decision should increase significantly. In any case, and in any case, do not despair, know that sometimes girls themselves do not know what they want and what they are waiting for, and therefore take the initiative and do not give up. We recommend that you read


Most likely, that feeling when you are already sort of tuned in and ready to approach or call a girl to invite her for a walk, and then suddenly, once and everything breaks down at the moment when you see her, or when she picks up the phone. Fear, stiffness attacks, and constraint prevails and clamps in full. Only practice will help to cope with this. To begin with, think that the girl is just as shy of you as you are of her, and also think that she is the same person who wants affection, care and attention from a man. And, of course, practice. There is some way that will help you learn how to overcome your fear in dealing with girls. Buy one rose and go to the first girl you meet, say hello to her, give her a rose and tell her your name and wait for the girl to answer. After her answer, try to keep the conversation going with her. If you are embarrassed to do this in your city, go to the next one, no one knows you there.

Going somewhere with a girl for a walk is a very tempting idea, with the implementation of which young people often have some problems. For example, before you think about what to write to a girl to invite you for a walk, you should decide where exactly you should go so that both have vivid impressions and she has a desire to meet with you next time. Also, if not much is known about the girl, you need to know what to talk about with her during the meeting.

If the acquaintance with the beauty happened on the Internet, then you should not delay the virtual for a long time. Better after a couple of weeks unobtrusively offer to meet and take a walk. However, first you need to make sure that the girl does not have a boyfriend and clarify whether she is free at the time when she will be asked to take a walk.

What is the best way to invite a girl for a walk?

It is worth noting that an ordinary walk, unlike an official date, does not oblige anyone to anything. Therefore, wanting to invite a girl to meet, you should not panic and sow uncertainty in your actions. Since the walk involves ordinary communication, in order to get to know each other better, you do not need to bother thinking about restaurants and expensive gifts that require considerable financial investment. You can find much more interesting places.

To minimize the chances of not going out for a walk, you should act confidently and decisively, but at the same time unobtrusively. Even if the girl refused, you should not be very upset about this, and even more so show her your resentment. Perhaps she really has some good reasons or she is busy with something. Worth trying again after a couple of weeks.

The first meetings are very important for the further development of relations, therefore at these moments it is necessary to communicate more in order to get to know each other better. It is not recommended to invite a girl to the cinema from the very beginning. The duration of the first meetings is usually no more than two hours. During the film, it will still not be possible to talk, and the time spent in silence is unlikely to benefit the development of relations.

It is better to invite a girl to the cinema with whom you have been talking for a long time, and at the same time, if this is not your first walk. Especially if the young lady herself started talking about films and would like to watch some particular movie masterpiece. You can invite to the cinema directly by offering it or choose some other way, saying, for example, “I just won two movie tickets (indicate date and time). Can you come with me? I would love to watch this movie with you."

How nice to invite a girl for a walk?

For the first meetings, it is recommended to invite the girl to places where there will be an opportunity to talk and at the same time there will always be a topic for conversation, and there will be no awkward silence. For example, you can ask a girl how she feels about horses and if she would like to ride on the weekend. Instead of horse riding, you can offer to go to the skating rink, ride bicycles, go to an exhibition or choose any other cultural program.

Before inviting a girl for a walk, you should make sure that she is free on the expected day of the meeting. It is also necessary to tell her that she is attractive to you, and it is interesting to communicate with her. But everything should be in moderation. It is better to confess on an official date, which should be invited when the girl will willingly agree to ordinary walks. And if you manage to please your girlfriend and interest her, then she will definitely give a positive response to the offer to go out somewhere.