What date is the vernal equinox in. As the Mexicans say. Rite of passage for the bride to be betrothed

The autumnal equinox is a day when night and day are identical in length. September 22, 2016 is a kind of border point between summer and winter.

From an astronomical point of view, the equinox does not mean anything special. This only indicates that the Earth has covered a certain distance, moving around the Sun. The autumnal equinox is a kind of call that it is time to “reel in the fishing rods”. Summer is coming to an end, and winter is gaining momentum. This suggests that it is time to start increasing your energy, as winter period robs us of our vitality.

The astronomical meaning of the autumnal equinox

On September 22, 2016 at 18:21 Moscow time, the Earth will cover exactly three quarters of the way to complete a revolution around the Sun. Day will be equal to night, so after September 22, the day will decline sharply. The sun will hide faster and more slowly.

In astronomy, this day is also called the end of the tropical year. This phenomenon no longer has any additional significance in astronomy. Astrologers can tell us much more about this day.

Astrologers about the autumnal equinox on September 22

On the days of the equinox, there is usually a big blowout. solar energy... It is about magical energy that awakens people to action. September 22, 2016 it will be useful to make some important actions... For example, if you have long wanted to make peace with a loved one, then you can try to do this on the 22nd, that is, today.

New businesses will be a huge success. If you have been hatching plans for a business for a long time, but did not dare to start their implementation, then today will be perfect timing for this. Be proactive and don't try to hide from problems. Fight like lions against everything and everyone. This is the only way to win today. Since the Sun will be in Libra, it is best not to try to build a relationship on hostility. Be diplomats.

Today is the day when balance is important in everything. If you do your best to get promoted, you may be expected to fail in love. Simply put, pay attention to everything that matters to you.

Today has come, so the waning moon and Gemini will join forces in creating favorable conditions for any mental and physical activity... This is very, very good, because everything will be in harmony. Astrologers can call such a day not just auspicious, but super successful and incredibly strong in terms of energy. Don't take it easy to catch your luck.

Folk holiday September 22

The ancient Slavs had the equinox day in the fall great holiday and important event, because by this time all crops were being harvested and perennial plants were preparing for wintering. On this day, the people usually bake pies and go to visit with treats. This tradition has passed to our generation hundreds of years later. In the south, wine will be prepared on September 22, 2016, and mushrooms will be picked in the north and in the middle lane.

One way or another, but in the minds of people, summer is already saying goodbye to us. As they used to say in Russia: “On this day, take off your light clothes, put on warmer”. Exists special sign on September 22 - if the day is rainy and cold, then winter will come early.

May this day be successful and bright for you. You should not be sad about the departure of summer, for there are still many ahead of us summer seasons... to know how the stars affect our lives. This will make it easier for you to adapt to winter and help you cope with energy problems. All the best and do not forget to press the buttons and

22.09.2016 01:11

V recent times there are many natural anomalies. Scientists have come to the conclusion that it may be to blame ...

The vernal equinox, or astronomical spring, in 2016 comes March 20. On Sunday, the day will be equal in duration to the night: on everything the globe wherever we are, day and night will last 12 hours.

The sun at this moment crosses the celestial equator and passes from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the northern one. Astronomical spring comes in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and autumn - in the southern hemisphere.

What time is the vernal equinox

The vernal equinox will occur at 06.30 Moscow time (GMT - 04.30) on March 20, 2016. And exactly six months later, namely September 23, the day comes autumn equinox, which, accordingly, is called the astronomical autumn.

In ancient times, when there were no calendars, it was believed that it was on the day of the vernal equinox that renewal in nature began: melting snow, swelling of buds on trees, the return of birds from the south, the first spring thunder.

Why is there no exact date for the vernal equinox?

The interval between the two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year, which is taken to measure time. Our regular daily calendar contains equal number days - 365 days. The tropical year is approximately 365.2422 solar days, so the equinox falls on different time days, moving forward every year by almost six hours.

For four years, the date of the equinox is shifted by almost a day and, if not for the inserted day leap year(February 29), the moment of the equinox would have continued to "float away" further along the calendar. To compensate for this shift, the concept of a leap year was introduced, which returns the equinox to the previous number.

The day of the vernal equinox among the Slavs

The day of the vernal equinox is not only a unique natural phenomenon and the beginning of the astrological spring, but also a pagan one. slavic holiday- Komoeditsa.

Komoeditsa appeared during the time of the Magi, and was celebrated up to the 16th century. Moreover, the holiday itself began a week before the vernal equinox and lasted a week after. It symbolized the complete victory of spring over winter. Yarilo-Sun came into its own: began New Year new cycle. Therefore, in ancient times, on the day of the vernal equinox, the Slavs, like many other peoples, had the beginning of the new year.

How the vernal equinox is celebrated in other countries

The day of the vernal equinox is considered the beginning of the year (not calendar), for example, in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran and Afghanistan. Muslims on March 21 will celebrate Navruz - the holiday of the beginning of spring and the arrival of the new year.

V modern Japan the day of the equinox is called "Spring Higan" and is a day off. By tradition, the Japanese on this day consider it right to visit the graves of their deceased ancestors, the altars are renewed.

In Mexico, this holiday is celebrated by gathering at the pyramids of the Sun and Moon. According to their beliefs, to meet spring at the top of the highest pyramid means to receive a blessing for whole year... At the foot of the pyramids, Mexican actors perform ritual dances.

Who is Ostara?

The name of Ostar is associated with the Germanic or Anglo-Germanic goddess Eostre (Istra), about which Bede the Venerable in the book "De Ratione Temporum" informs us - he was the first to declare that christian easter(Easter) was named after her. The goddess known as Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron, Ausos, was the goddess of dawn and fertility among the northern European peoples. This is the greatest female deity of antiquity, fruitful of all nature.

The name "Ostara" has common roots with the names of Astrea, Astarte, Astghik (Armenia), Atargatis, Ishtar, Ashtoret, Greek Eos and Judaic Esther, which evokes associations with dawn, east direction, beginning and "morning star" - the planet Venus. In addition, among the peoples of the Mediterranean region, celebrations related to the resurrection and / or return to the world of living male companions of the mother goddesses: Attis, Adonis, Astara, Tammuz-Dumuzi and so on, right up to the Christian Jesus, fell on the vernal equinox. This symbolized the spring revival of nature, hitherto dead and frozen death.

Rites and traditions on the day of the vernal equinox

One of the main rituals among the ancient Slavs on the day of the vernal equinox was considered to be the lighting of bonfires, symbolizing the main deity - Yarilo (the sun god). But the fire was kindled for a reason, but with the help of glass.

To better recharge from the solar fire, the Slavs jumped over fires, believing that in this way they burn everything bad, all diseases, receiving health, strength and new abilities from the Sun. The boy jumping over the fire was bound to grow up to be a real hero, and the girl - to become the mother of a hero and protector of the family.

Like everything folk holidays, on the day of the vernal equinox, they tried to find out the weather on next year... So, if there was frost on that day, they said that forty more frosts awaited everyone.

On this day, it was impossible to think about bad things: the ancients believed that it would definitely come true. One of the customs was to bake cookies in the form of a bird that day. They were called larks.


It is believed that the vernal equinox is the time for those who want to start new life, fix previous mistakes, rewrite something "with blank slate". To do this, you need to do the cleaning of your home or workplace.

Most main advice- On March 20, think and speak only about good and pleasant things. Bad thoughts, anxiety, swear words, quarrels and negativity will lead to the fact that everything that you talked about and thought about on this day is realized. So esotericists recommend spending this day only with positive emotions.

March 20, 2016 is the day of the vernal equinox, which for many peoples - the countries of the Silk Road - is considered the beginning of the new year. So, the time has come for the fulfillment of desires and magic in the spring. You just need to properly celebrate the New Year, because it is not an ordinary one ...

Spring new year dishes

What a new year without festive table? Only instead of "Olivier" you need to prepare "Spring Salad" from Peking cabbage, boiled eggs, dill, cucumber, onion, parsley, seasoned olive oil and sprinkled with specially prepared "powder of happiness and love."

Love powder recipe

Take a little red and black ground pepper, add a little salt to them and say the following words: "I meet spring - I attract love and happiness." Repeat three times. By the way, this "powder of happiness and love" can be used to season any New Year's dishes on the spring table.

Be sure to prepare the herb sandwiches as well as the signature New Year's dish spring - okroshka, because this is magic in one plate. It includes radishes - the embodiment of love, cucumbers - a symbol of financial stability, eggs - health and rebirth, potatoes - sustainable life position, and all this is spiced with joy and success - greens. It is better to make okroshka on kvass, as it will give strength and confidence, with its own storminess.

New Year's decor

If the main decoration of the new year in winter is a spruce, then in spring it is flowers. They need to be placed in a vase in the center of the room where you will celebrate the holiday. Flowers need to be picked different shades- the more there are, the more diverse your life will be in the new year. It is also important to decorate the vase. It should be wrapped in green paper and tied with red ribbon or lace. The bow needs to be made four-petal: the first petal is luck, the second is joy, the third is happiness, and the fourth is stability. And so that everyone is the same size. After celebrating the new year, the flowers should stand in this vase for another 7 days.

It would be nice to change the curtains or curtains in the room to green, yellow or blue - the colors of grass, sun and sky. On sofas and armchairs, you can put pillows, toys or blankets in the same shades.

Spring new year image

In clothing, use only natural colors, you should look gentle and natural, like spring itself. Lightweight and transparent fabrics will do. It would be nice to sew or buy something new for this day, but if there is no possibility, then at least get a chiffon neckerchief... Wear a minimum of jewelry and only gold or silver. Jewelry is prohibited.

You need to loosen your hair and pin a flower hairpin or put on a hoop decorated with a flower. Make your makeup natural and without use dark colors... Even if you are used to drawing black arrows, discard them this day.

Make yourself New Year's manicure in the nude style: delicate, as natural as possible, natural, made with varnish flesh-colored, or draw flowers on your nails.

Spring new year music

The music of this day is also important. You can choose the music to your taste, the main thing is that from it there is a spring and joyful mood... For example, Michael Bolton "Music of Spring", Katya Buzhinskaya "Beautiful Spring", Lena Perova "Where Spring is". Or you can find something classic or childish. If you want to dance - dance, if you want to sing along - sing, but if you want to compose a song yourself - go for it!

How to make a wish on March 20, 2016

To make a wish this spring new year's day, put on a wreath, today you can buy flower wreaths in a store, or you can weave yourself, for example, from willow or birch branches. Take a green ribbon in your hands and start spinning around a vase of flowers, saying the following words: "Spring maiden, grant my wish(say the phrase five times) ", then remove the wreath from yourself and tie it with one ribbon, while saying:" I give you one ribbon, Spring, but I ask you for the fulfillment of your wishes(repeat again five times). A wreath with a ribbon should be hung on a tree, it would be better away from prying eyes. At this moment, you should tie the second tape around your wrist, while saying: “ I take the second tape for myself, thereby, Spring, I secure our contract". This tape must be hidden from yourself and away from your family.

There is another way to make a wish. Since the vernal equinox will be at 6:30 am Moscow time (GMT it will be 4:30 am on March 20, 2016), you need to go out onto the balcony or street at this time, utter your desire in a whisper and thank the spring for her help in the implementation of our plans, reaching out to the sun.

Spring mascot

On this day, you can purchase a spring New Year's talisman for yourself. You can buy it, for example, in a jewelry store: a brooch in the shape of a butterfly or a flower. Or do it yourself: a snowdrop made of beads, weave a wreath of ribbons or a bracelet of beads. Each has its own association with spring. The most important thing is to put it on the windowsill so that the rays of the sun hit, and then let it lie next to yours for seven days spring bouquet... After that it can be used as a talisman.

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The period of the festival of the autumnal equinox begins at the moment when the night is equal in duration to the day, moreover, this phenomenon can be observed simultaneously on the entire planet. For Europeans, this is more likely a sad event than a joyful one, as it foreshadows the rapid onset of autumn. However, for the southern hemisphere of the planet, from the moment of this holiday, the period of astronomical spring begins.

History of the days of the equinox

The question of the alternation of the seasons, including the days of the spring and autumn equinox, has puzzled humanity since ancient times. In the northern hemisphere, this unusual day says that the baton of the change of the seasons has been passed on to the Queen of Autumn. This means that hot sun rays will be less every day, and the nights will be longer.

The date of the official onset of winter, falls on December 21 or 22 (in the northern hemisphere), the time when the day is the shortest and the longest night in the entire calendar year. Interestingly, winter in the northern part of the planet is a whole week shorter than in the southern part. The reason is that the gap period between the spring and fall equinox is 186 days, while the next gap between the fall and spring days equinox is equal to 179 days. That is North hemisphere revolves around the Sun at a slightly higher speed than the southern one.

Signs of the day of the autumnal equinox 2016

There are also a number of signs regarding this day, by which you can determine the weather for the coming autumn and winter. The weather on the day of the autumnal equinox will be the forecast of the weather that will gain a foothold throughout the fall. At the same time, if you notice that birds on this day began to leave their native lands and fly south, this is clear sign the fact that the winter will be cold and harsh.

Another factor indicative of the upcoming cold winter and frost, is the presence of yellowed foliage on birches and mountain ash. Many people say that the days that come immediately after the autumnal equinox are very favorable for commercial activity or, simply put, trade. By folk calendar this day begins Golden autumn, which will run until October 14.

On the day of the autumnal equinox, the second half of Indian summer begins and, by popular belief what the weather will be on this day, so will autumn. People also say: the drier and warmer September is, the better the autumn will be, the later the real winter will come.

Rites of the autumn equinox

The autumnal equinox is a special day in magic; on the day of the autumnal equinox, important magical rituals and ceremonies are performed, with the help of which well-being, health and love are attracted into life.

Rite of passage for the bride to be betrothed

There is a belief that water before dawn has special qualities and a woman who will wash herself before dawn with this water until old age will be a beauty, and unmarried girl be sure to meet your betrothed during the year.

Rite of passage for the home

If you pour your child on this day right on the doorstep of your home, he will healthy whole day. In addition, it was considered a good omen to burn old things on this day, they believe that the misfortunes of the previous year will burn with them.

Amulet for the house

It was considered common in Russia to bind a special amulet for the house, consisting of mountain ash, spikelets of wheat, viburnum and pine twigs. The bouquet was tied with a red thread and hung over front door, this bunch had a protective effect for exactly one year.

Rite of passage for early marriage

A girl who wanted to get married tied hazel twigs with a red thread and burned the twigs on a platter, while the fire burns, you need to say the following words: As the fire burns fast, so will I quickly marry. After that, you need to scatter the ashes in the wind and add: My word is firm. May it be so.

Autumn equinox: prayers and affirmations

Prayer is also meditation; therefore, you can attract love and family well-being into your life through prayers and love plots.

If you want to make your relationship with your loved one harmonious, full of trust, understanding and love, accept comfortable position, light up aroma sticks or candles that help harmonize and strengthen relationships (ylang-ylang, rose, jasmine, cinnamon, nutmeg, patchouli) and read the following affirmations:

“I attract the real one, sincere love»

"I deserve to be loved"

"Love fills my life with joy"

“I take love into my wonderful life»

"My family life is harmonious and happy"

"Love and understanding reign in my house"

“I am always lucky in love and family life»

"My family is strong, friendly and harmonious"

"My love is endless, like the universe itself"

"I thank the Universe for the prosperity and abundance in love"

Even if you are still alone or have difficulty communicating with your loved one, if there is still no trust in your family, mutual understanding and respect, just believe that you can change everything for the better on the day of the autumnal equinox! Say affirmations for attracting love and happiness in your family as if all the best happened, and you thank the Universe for it. Believe that the result will not keep you waiting long.

Conspiracies September 22, 2016 - the day of the autumnal equinox

It's no secret that our ancestors considered the main holidays that fell on special natural phenomena - the equinox and the most long days and nights of the year. In 2016, the autumnal equinox falls on September 22nd. What is an equinox - these are days when nights and days last the same time.

Days when day and night are in perfect balance.

The Slavs believed that day and night are only two sides of the same medal, they are always together and always fighting against each other and their battle is eternal as the battle of the brothers Chernobog and Belobog. And naturally, these days have special symbolism and energy and were suitable for conspiracies like no others. This holiday in Russia was dedicated to Veles, it was on this day that the autumn month called Veresen (named Veles) began. Later, the church replaced this holiday with its name, Nativity of the Virgin.

A conspiracy from trouble

On this day, you can get rid of fears and troubles. To do this, you need to collect a bunch of leaves, then throw each leaf into the water or downwind, saying: “Let the wind (water) carry away my fears (or other troubles) forever. I say goodbye to them and let them go. "

Conspiracy for a good relationship

For good relationship with friends and family, prosperity and well-being of your family and your land, you need to bake buns on this day and treat your friends to them. When treating you must say the words: "May we have prosperity and peace and a rich harvest."

Conspiracy - letting go of adversity

Collect autumn leaves, stand by the water or downwind. On each leaf, talk about what you regret, and let go of the leaf in the water or in the wind with the words: “May my losses and regrets (fears, doubts) take the waters of life. I say goodbye to this event with joy and without sadness! Nothing lasts forever, let all adversity go away, I let them go from myself! "

Conspiracy of friendship and prosperity

If you want to feel unity with family or friends, to call prosperity, productivity and peace to your home, to your land, you need to pronounce a special conspiracy on the day of the autumn equinox.

Bake buns and share them with your loved ones and dear people... With words like this: “May we have prosperity and peace and a rich harvest. In the name of God and the Goddess. " If your friends or relatives are not aware of your beliefs, you can say this phrase to yourself.

The period of the festival of the autumnal equinox begins at the moment when the night is equal in duration to the day, and this phenomenon can be observed simultaneously all over the planet. For Europeans, this is more likely a sad event than a joyful one, as it foreshadows the rapid onset of autumn. However, for the southern hemisphere of the planet, from the moment of this holiday, the period of astronomical spring begins.

History of the days of the equinox

The question of the alternation of the seasons, including the days of the spring and autumn equinox, has puzzled humanity since ancient times. In the northern hemisphere, the onset of this unusual day suggests that the relay of the change of seasons has been passed on to the Queen of Autumn. This means that there will be less hot sun rays every day, and the nights will be longer.

The date of the official onset of winter, falls on December 21 or 22 (in the northern hemisphere), the time when the day is the shortest and the longest night in the entire calendar year. Interestingly, winter in the northern part of the planet is a whole week shorter than in the southern part.

The reason is that the gap period between the spring and fall equinox is 186 days, while the next gap between the fall and spring equinox is 179 days. That is, the northern hemisphere revolves around the sun at a slightly higher speed than the southern one.

How in Russia they celebrated the day of the autumnal equinox

In Ancient Russia, this holiday was widespread enough. On this day, the hostesses prepared all kinds of food, baked pies, and the festival itself was accompanied by dancing, singing and festivities.

Children decorated houses with rowan branches. Our ancestors believed in the protective properties of this tree. According to legend, rowan fruits protect from troubles, misfortunes and evil spirits, save a person from insomnia, sent by dark forces.

According to the weather, according to popular belief, during the autumn equinox, we can talk about the whole autumn as a whole. If the weather is warm and dry, then winter will come late this year.

How the Japanese celebrate the autumnal equinox

Many pagan tribes celebrated the festival of the autumn equinox. Today, only in Japan, this holiday has the status of a state, since the 19th century.

On this day, the Japanese bring cleanliness and order to their homes, commemorate their ancestors, set the table. Vegetable food prevails on the table, preference is given to vegetables, beans, mushrooms, all kinds of broths without animal fats.

On this day, according to tradition, they visit cemeteries, carry out appropriate rituals at the graves of relatives.

As the Mexicans say

The Mexican holiday of the autumnal equinox is inextricably linked with such a historical place as Kukulcana.

The Pyramid of Kukulkan is one of the most famous Mayan pyramids, located in the ancient city of Chichen Itza. During the construction of this pyramid, strict geometric proportions were observed.

It so happened that exactly during this festival, when the sun's rays hit the huge platforms, an alternation of sun and shadow figures of a triangular shape is obtained. Sinking lower, the play of shadows and sunlight forms a whimsical snake figure. The head is visible at the base of the platform, and the tail is at the very top.

It is here, on the day of the autumnal equinox, that the inhabitants of Mexico gather to see this miracle, which lasts about 3 hours and 22 minutes. Mexicans believe that if at this very moment to be at the very top of Kukulcana, then the most cherished wish will certainly come true!



The magic of the autumnal equinox

The autumnal equinox is a day when the length of the day and night are the same. In 2016, the autumnal equinox falls on September 22 and occurs at 14:22 UTC or 17:22 Moscow time.

The autumnal equinox occurs once a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator, moving south. On this day, it shines equally in the northern and southern hemispheres.

This is a special magical day in terms of astrology and magic. On this day, the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra. Libra symbolism - balance, harmony, balance. This sign is ruled by Venus and Saturn.

In ancient times, people solemnly celebrated the day of the autumnal equinox, knowing that changes in nature correspond to internal changes. The holiday symbolized the harvest and the harmony of nature.

This magical time happens only once a year. Most of us today do not harvest to prepare our food for the winter months, but we must prepare ourselves for the winter days when the sun is getting smaller and smaller.

To mark the autumnal equinox, focus your energies on preparing for the coming winter and creating inner balance. Prepare for the dark winter days by holding the light within you.

This is a good time to use magic for protection, wealth and prosperity, self-confidence, balance and harmony. The day of the autumnal equinox is suitable for making for yourself or charging the Venus talisman for love or the Saturn talisman for career success and financial growth.

Wherever you are on this day, set aside some time for the magical ritual of the autumnal equinox to reflect on the grace of nature, say thanks for what you have, and prepare for the coming winter months.

Autumn Equinox Affirmations

Find a comfortable and peaceful place where you feel comfortable and not disturbed. Relax and repeat magical affirmations. It is good if you have magic stones corresponding to the day of the autumnal equinox.

Below are the affirmations corresponding to the autumnal equinox and the magic stones.

Topaz. I have the strength to act, and through this abundance comes to me.

Tourmaline. I find balance and protection.

Aventurine, moonstone. My days are as joyous as my nights.

Sapphire. I am open to understanding the inner knowledge that God gives me.

Tiger's Eye. My emotions and intelligence are balanced. I clearly see that for me the best choice on the path of life.

Agate. I welcome change and understand that all things are impermanent.

Hematite. I see light and joy around me.

Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz). I deserve a good life and prosperity.

Put magic stones in your bag when not in use. Return to them from time to time and repeat the affirmations of the autumnal equinox.

When favorable events occur in your life that correspond to affirmations, present white topaz to the person who is dear to you. Topaz increases awareness of actions and understanding of their karmic consequences.