When the baby shows character. Formation of character in a child. Early development of children's temperament

Until I gave birth to a child, all babies seemed to me the same, similar to each other. But already in the maternity hospital, I began to understand how multifaceted nature is, how many people it can create, and most importantly - constantly different.

How different are their figures, appearance and characters. Babies with similar, at first glance, parameters (for example, blue eyes, blond hair) can be completely different from each other. Of particular interest are the differences in character.

And we are so different, happy, beautiful

It so happened that my sister and I gave birth at about the same time. My daughter appeared 1.5 months earlier than hers. My sister lives in another city, and recently they flew to visit us, and we finally introduced our girls.

Naturally, at first we compared them externally. It turned out that her girl is bigger, because, being younger, she weighed like mine. Her daughter is dark-skinned with black hair and eyebrows, mine is fair with white skin. Well, this is all nonsense, the main thing is that they differed in characters.

For a long time I could not believe that a newborn could have some kind of character and temperament in general. But it turned out, still how can. I even believed that character is formed in infancy.

Rita and Varya

My daughter, Margarita, in her 6 months is the owner of a hysterical type of character. She is very active, one might even say - nervous. He likes to achieve his own, freaks out, screams, knocks with his feet and fists. Very often she is dissatisfied with something, which is manifested by tedious grunting and a corresponding grimace.

Varyusha is a plump good-natured fellow. She is calm and more often in a good mood than in a bad one. She is very gentle, loves to be kissed and hugged, which my girl does not like at all. Varya loves attention and constantly smiles at everyone. She even cries softer and more pitifully than mine.

They are still very little, but each has its own, unique character. My Margarita Pavlovna is, of course, more difficult, but I like it. A mischievous child will not let his parents get bored. But with Varyusha now it is very comfortable and calm, so my sister has more free time.

Other children

Many of my friends recently also had small children. Some we have already met. And with each new acquaintance, I am again and again amazed at how diverse and multifaceted they are. They can be copies of their parents, or they can be absolute individuals.

And I don’t know what it depends on: genes, mother’s thoughts during pregnancy, zodiac sign or something else. It's unpredictable, and I don't think anyone can give an exact answer. Such is nature, it cannot be unraveled.

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Perhaps many will be surprised that the character of children begins already from infancy. From the first days of life, a baby-baby is able to be capricious, to show its displeasure by crying and screaming. Of course, a nursing baby expresses almost all his needs by crying - when he is hungry, when he wants to sleep, and when it is time to change diapers. But there are times when a baby just wants to be picked up, because skin-to-skin contact is very important for babies. And if his requirements are not met immediately, the baby begins to show character.

Character of newborns

Psychologists distinguish the following types of infant character:

sad child

Such kids are very vulnerable and ready to cry for any reason and for no reason. Parents of a sad baby need to make sure that all changes regarding the baby proceed very smoothly and almost imperceptibly for him, because any changes for such a child are a kind of stress. And as you grow older, you need to teach the child that change is inevitable, and you should not be afraid of them.


It is very easy to recognize a capricious baby: he quickly gets bored with everything, he can not get off his parent's hands all day and cry for no apparent reason. As parents grow older, they should carefully adjust the character of the baby, identifying the positive traits of his character and develop them through praise.

sensitive child

There are very sensitive children who react to every sound, even during a night's sleep. The task of parents is at first to minimize the presence of all external stimuli.

active child

Active kids can be seen from the first days of life: they do not want to follow the daily routine that is necessary for them, which pretty much alarms their parents. In this case, you just need to be patient and gradually accustom the baby to the regimen characteristic of his age.

In practice, there are several types of relationships between parents and young children when:

The child is under constant protection

In this case, the parents of a newborn baby are always on the alert: all the needs of the baby are met in a timely manner, the child feels the constant presence of his parents, which means he feels comfortable and safe. With this approach of parents to education, no doubt the child will grow up with the most positive character traits - self-confident, kind and sympathetic.

The child is left to himself

In this case, unfortunately, a newborn child is very often ignored: they try to pay less attention to whims and crying, they rarely take them in their arms, they practically do not try to calm the baby, citing the fact that the child will calm down on his own. Such an approach will lead to the fact that the child, not knowing love and attention, will grow up cruel and indifferent.

The child is often punished

In this case, the parents cannot agree among themselves, and make the most terrible mistakes - they praise and scold the baby for the same action. For example, the mother feels sorry for the baby when he fell down and hurts him, while the father scolds him at this time because he is inattentive and does not look under his feet. Such an approach will lead to the fact that the child will grow up very insecure, doubting all decisions made and actions performed.

Of course, there are such character traits that a child can easily inherit from close relatives - parents, grandparents. But the main role in shaping the character of a small person belongs to parents. It depends only on them how their child will grow up, how kind, fair and open he will be. The sooner the mother of a newborn baby understands the traits of his character, the easier it will be for her to establish contact with her baby and direct the upbringing of the child in the right direction.

When is a child's character formed? (video)

A person is endowed with temperament from birth. It just seems that a person who has just been born behaves exactly like his peers. From the first months of life, you can determine which temperament model is the most dominant for your baby - is he a melancholic, choleric, sanguine or phlegmatic.

Tests that are applied to adults to determine the type are not suitable here. Psychologists have developed a technique that allows you to determine the temperament of the smallest children.

Melancholic or "unfortunate baby"

The baby is almost always tense and cannot sleep. At best, he slumbers. Even feeding does not give him pleasure. It is likely that it is difficult to feed him to the full, because he sucks slowly. When the feeding is finally over, he does not fall asleep, but he does not have the desire to play and communicate with his parents. It seems that he almost does not react when they speak to him, but if you want to put him in the crib, he expresses displeasure. Such a child often wakes up at night.
Melancholic babies later than other children begin to smile and play with their own hands. He often looks miserable.

Perhaps you will feel bad or deceived by your parents. After all, you exude love and take care of the baby in every possible way, and in return you get only discontent and whims. You can be understood, but try to drive away such thoughts from yourself. No need to think that the unhappy expression on your face and incessant crying is a reproach to you as parents. It's just that your baby can never get used to living outside the mother's womb.

Try to get the baby to look at you, listen to your voice, and maybe even smile at you. Once you get him to respond to you, both you and him will get better. Always show your love to him, regardless of whether he responds to it or not.

Provide maximum comfort to the restless baby:

Keep your child in a warm room. If he becomes calmer, let him spend the entire first month of his life in warmth. For ventilation, just open the window. At the time of sleep, try to swaddle the baby better. If he doesn't like it, he will start spinning.

Do not force-feed the baby - let him get as much milk as he wants.

Take the baby in your arms more often, press it to your chest and soothe. Use a sling to maintain physical contact between parent and child at all times.

Choleric or nervous child

The natural reactions of the baby are very pronounced: they just turn pale with fright and yell even with weak stimuli. You might think that they are afraid of literally everything in the world. The choleric baby tenses up at the slightest touch, the feeling of hunger can bring the baby to a desperate cry in the shortest possible time.
How to deal with it

If the choleric feels invariably calm and careful treatment, then he himself will become calmer. Try for the whole day, or at least for some part of the day, not to do anything that would make your child cry with fright - ensure peace and quiet.

Never rush and do everything as carefully as possible, even picking up and putting to bed. Try not to disturb him too often, including bathing - such babies, as a rule, cannot stand bathing. It is enough to keep the "top" and "bottom" clean until the child becomes calmer.

Sanguine or active baby

Babies who prefer wakefulness to sleep sleep no more than 12 hours a day (against the norm of 16 hours). Their sleep rarely lasts more than 2 hours in a row. After feeding, the child immediately falls asleep soundly, but after an hour or two he wakes up again. However, it is not at all because he wants to eat again - he simply does not have the desire to sleep. Such a child can develop faster, because he has more time to look at and study the surrounding objects.

How much time you can devote to it depends on your busy schedule, but be prepared for sleepless nights. After all, at night the little sanguine person will also be awake.

Try not to be upset that the baby is not sleeping - he will fall asleep when he needs to.

Ideally, you can approach the baby at any time to talk. It is better that the stroller has a removable cradle that you can take with you to any room in the apartment.

Come up with new tasks for your child. For example, let's look at interesting objects for him. Hang bright toys above the crib and on the top of the stroller and change them more often - so that the baby sees something new in front of him all the time.

Phlegmatic or little "dormouse"

There are children who are able to sleep all day long. But this does not happen from relaxation. They, like nervous and "dissatisfied" children, are also not yet ready for a normal existence outside the womb. Only instead of yelling loudly or not responding to their parents, they avoid contact with the outside world, plunging into sleep. Such a baby requires almost nothing from you. Often, at the time of feeding, he has to be woken up, and at the very moment of feeding, he can easily fall asleep. Such a child, as it were, withdraws from participation in life - he prefers "his" sleepy existence.

Such an infant is quite easy to deal with, although you may be worried about his indifference. But think: while the baby is sleeping, you can go about your business.

Feed your phlegmatic baby on schedule. Even if he is sleeping, wake him up. Otherwise, he will spend too much time without water, not to mention nutrients.

Talk to him and wear on your hands. Gradually arouse his interest in the world around him, in yourself and other relatives. Let him gradually feel that it is pleasant to be awake.

Finally, it should be recalled that any types of temperament in their "pure form" are quite rare. However, your task is to determine the dominant one in order to help the baby adapt to life from the very first days after birth.

The first girl is quiet and calm, she enjoys playing alone. She watches everything that happens around her and rarely requires attention. Left alone, the girl sleeps for a long time and rarely eats.

The second child is fussy and easily irritated. She twists her arms and legs, not stopping for a minute even during sleep.

While most newborns sleep fourteen hours a day, the second girl sleeps only ten, and wakes up at the slightest sound. It seems that she is constantly, somewhere in a hurry, eats very quickly, impatiently and swallows air along with feeding, therefore she needs to burp often.

Both girls are absolutely normal in development and healthy. Both are equally good, but their personalities are so different that from birth they need to be perceived and raised differently.

The uniqueness of the character of the newborn

Just like these children, the child will demonstrate uniqueness from the very first weeks of life. Learning uniqueness is the most exciting thing for parents of an infant. Is he very active and energetic, or is he calm and slow? Does he act timid in new situations, like taking his first bath, or does he like it?

The key to his personality is in everything he does, from falling asleep to crying. The more you pay attention to these signals and learn how to properly respond to the uniqueness of the child, the calmer and more predictable your life will be in the coming months.

Early development of children's temperament

Although most of these early newborns are hereditary, their manifestation may be delayed if the baby is born prematurely.

Premature babies do not express needs, such as hunger, fatigue, or discomfort, as clearly as other newborns. They may be overly sensitive to light, sound, and touch for several months. Even playful speech can be too intense for them and cause the child to turn away fussily.

If this happens, then parents need to wait until the crisis period is over and the child is ready for increased attention. Eventually, most of these early reactions will disappear and the newborn's natural personality traits will become more apparent.

Features of the character of a newborn with a low weight

Babies who weigh less than 2.5 kg at birth (low weight), even if born at term, may also be less sensitive than other newborns.

They may be drowsy at first and seem not to be alert. A few weeks later they wake up, eat willingly, but still remain irritable and oversensitive between feedings. This irritability may last until the child is older.

The uniqueness of temperament

From birth, the temperament of a newborn child depends on the attitude and manifestation of parental feelings. If there were specific ideas about parenting before the birth of a child, they will need to be rethought so that they are in harmony with the character of the newborn. The same goes for expert advice - from books, articles, and especially from well-meaning relatives.

Such a question as the nature of the newborn causes a lot of controversy. Some experts say that a month-old baby simply cannot have it, while others argue that a person’s character is formed from the moment of his birth. And yet, most mothers will surely agree that each baby is individual, and this very individuality is manifested from the first minutes of a child's life.

2. Active baby

Such children strive to break the regime of the day that they are supposed to! And with regard to such children, any perseverance is contraindicated. Actions to be taken should be gentle and non-coercive. Only such measures can give the desired result! If you manage to gently teach an active child to order, this will also help develop his independence in adulthood.

Moms take note!

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3. Sad baby

If your child reacts very sharply to every slightest change in his environment, and any changes in life make him cry, then you have a representative of the "Sad Baby" type. Here, it is simply necessary to add smoothness and regularity to the behavior of parents. This means that each change should occur as imperceptibly as possible, with partial preservation of the old conditions. The main thing is to make it clear to the baby that a lot of new things await him in life, and this should not be afraid!

4. Gentle baby

Infants with a very sensitive perception of the environment can be attributed to this type. They react sharply to loud, sharp sounds, bright lights, etc. Parents of such children are advised to protect their child from external stimuli and from communicating with people who are alien to your child and cause his negative reaction.

5. Little adult

It is not difficult to distinguish such a character. If your baby often frowns and rarely smiles, then he can be attributed to this type. Here, your observation can play a major role. Carefully monitor the child: if he frowns, but does not show that he is uncomfortable, then there is nothing to worry about. If the frown on the face of the baby is accompanied by crying, this can serve as a signal of health problems and the need to consult a doctor.

Of course, among the readers of this article there may be those who did not see a description of the character of the newborn that suits them. And it's completely natural! After all, loving parents will always consider their child unique! Therefore, the most practical advice is this: love and give warmth to your child every minute. Then all the problems that will be encountered on this difficult path of raising a child will not seem so serious.

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