Abstracts on aesthetic development. An open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group “Journey to a fairy tale. the lesson on the stove cackles



An integrated lesson on artistic, aesthetic, cognitive and speech development using multimedia technologies

with children of the preparatory group

« Who lives in the forest? »

Compiled by: G. M. Degtyareva,


Volgodonsk 2015

Target:to improve the ability to sculpt animals according to plan, to make a collective composition.

Tasks:arouse interest in the compilation of a collective plot composition of molded forest animals (bear, wolf, hare, fox, squirrel, owl, magpie, etc.). Continue to learn to analyze the structural features of different animals, correlate parts in size and proportions, notice characteristic postures and movements (walks, runs, jumps, flies). Learn to independently determine the method of modeling based on a generalized form: from a cylinder (roller), cone or ovoid (egg), to transmit a simple movement. Develop an eye, synchronize the work of both hands. Raise interest in cooperation.

Lesson progress

Communication game

Teacher: "Girls and boys, all gathered together,

and where you go, you need to guess something!

(The teacher has a pink ribbon in one hand and a blue ribbon in the other.)

Why did the girls go to the pink ribbon hand and the boys to the blue ribbon hand?

surprise moment

Guys, since everyone has gathered, I want to please you -we're going on a trip! Want to? And where, you will find out when you sit back and close your eyes.

(Children sit on the carpet and close their eyes. The teacher turns on the Sounds of the Forest.)

Teacher: Guys, where are we?

Who have you heard? What other sounds of the forest have you heard?

Look around, do you see anyone? Let's go down the path and find out what happened.

(Children, together with the teacher, overcome obstacles, walking along"path" from the modules.)

Children: "Through the bushes and bumps, through the twigs, stumps,

Skipping, jumping, we came to the forest!

(The path leads to the TV)

Game activity

Teacher: There is someone's message here. The forest fairy left him. Listen.

“An evil sorceress has bewitched our forest. No one will be saved if you do not complete her tasks!”

(An image of a dark empty gloomy forest appears on the TV screen, and disturbing music plays.)

Teacher: Guys, do you like this forest? Why? (children's answers).

If you and I had not seen the forest, how else would we understand that it is unpleasant and scary to be in it? (children's answers).

What music? (children's answers).

And here is the first task from the evil witch. Who will read it?

(Children read the task. Silhouettes of animals appear on the TV screen.)

Task number 1

"Guess who?"

Teacher: Name the animal in the top left corner. What bear? What is the name of his house? (children's answers).

Who is in the lower left corner? What is she? Name her baby. One squirrel, but many ..? One little squirrel, but many...? (children's answers).

Who is the biggest among these silhouettes? And the smallest one? (children's answers).

If a hare has long ears, then what is it? (children's answers).

And if the wolf has fast legs, what is it like? (children's answers).

Guys, let's go down the path further. Read the following witch's task.

Task number 2

"Learn by sound"

(Reading the assignment by children)

Task number 3 (Physical minute)

"Turn into birds!"

Can you guys, we're in a magical forest?

(To the melody of birds, children performexercises with elements of game stretching).

Guys, now the birds have flown to their nests.

Look, we ended up in the workshop of a forest fairy. Here is the enchanted forest.

(The teacher shows the children a model of the forest without animals).

What do you think the task will be for you here?(children's answers).

Children, look how many clues the fairy has left us. From them we can learn how to properly mold animals.

Explanation of the execution of work according to the schemes

Teacher: Guys, what kind of animals do you need to blind? Name them.

I blinded these. (The teacher demonstrates fashioned samples of wild animals).

(The teacher invites the children to go out and tell the sequence of work according to the schemes).

What geometric shapes are the bodies of these animals molded from? (children's answers).

How to make a head, legs, tail? (children's answers).

In what sequence is it better to sculpt the details of the animal? (children's answers).

What are the needles of this hedgehog made of? What else can we make them from? (children's answers).

How to make animal fur? (The teacher demonstrates a diagram with different ways in which you can make animal fur.)

Guys, remember how you can make a deer or a giraffe from a whole piece of plasticine or clay? (Teacher demonstrates the diagram).

How can the body be positioned if the animal stands on two legs? What if it's four? (children's answers).

Guys, the head can be attached to the body from above or on the side of the neck or directly to the body. For other fastening of the head, you can use a small part of the toothpick.

How can you show that an animal runs, jumps, flies? (children's answers).

(The teacher shows, using the example of his samples, different positions of the body of animals).

What can you make the eyes, nose and mouth of an animal out of? (children's answers).

(Children's plates contain rice, peas, pieces of toothpicks, etc.).


« Orange »

We shared an orange. There are many of us, and he is one.

This slice is for a hedgehog. This slice is for a siskin.

This one is for kittens. This slice is for ducklings.

This slice is for the beaver. And for the wolf - peel!

He is angry with us - trouble! Run away whoever!!!

Independent activity of children.

Guys, close your eyes and imagine what kind of animal you will sculpt. What size is it, what is its fur, what is the position of its body; whether it is kind or angry, bold or timid... Have you imagined?

Now take the plasticine, cut it into the required number of pieces. What do we blind from the largest part? And from which we blind our heads? ...(children's answers).

(The teacher shows the children all the stages of modeling, then the children sculpt on their own to the quiet melody of the forest).

After the children have completed their work, an image of a forest with animals appears on the TV screen, and a beautiful autumn forest melody sounds.

Children, do you like this forest? Why? Who lives in it?(children's answers).

How is this forest different from the previous one you saw at the beginning of the lesson?(children's answers).


Come with sculpted animals, we will populate them in our forest. But in order to completely disenchant the forest, you need to say something good about your animal.

(Children "populate" the forest with animals).

Disenchanted the forest? Time to get back to the group. Let's say a spell:

"Turn around, turn around,

Be in your group!"

Wood Fairy: Hello guys! I came to you from the fairy forest to thank you for your help.

Were the tests difficult?(children's answers).

What difficulties did you overcome?(children's answers).

What test was the most difficult? And the most interesting?(children's answers).

As a reward for saving the forest, I give you the medals "Guardians of the Forest"!

See you guys! I look forward to visiting you!

Synopsis on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group "Wonderful tree"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to draw landscapes.


  • reinforce the use of non-traditional drawing techniques (wet painting, finger printing, stencil printing);
  • develop the ability to bring your idea to the end;
  • help create a positive emotional environment.

Preliminary work: examining trees and shrubs on walks, watching migratory birds, examining the sky, paintings depicting flowering trees.

Material: sheets of paper, glasses with water, brushes, gouache, watercolor, napkins, stencils "Flowers" , sponges, wax crayons, (music "Seasons" Tchaikovsky).

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.

Planned results: they independently find simple plots for depiction in the surrounding life and nature, use non-traditional drawing techniques, perceive the means of expression with which an image is created, emotionally respond to works of fine art.

Music by Tchaikovsky "Seasons" , "Spring" .

Children pass and sit on the carpet.

Music teacher:

Children, now we will fly on a carpet - an airplane over our native land, and everyone will see their own corner of their native land, which they would like to draw. Let's join hands, close our eyes and we'll fly. What do we see? We see trees, buds swell on them, and some trees are covered with delicate flowers.

And we are flying on a carpet - an airplane, and it is felt that it has become warmer - after all, spring has come!

And now, we are returning back, and we hear the cry of birds that have flown from the warm lands.

We are next to the kindergarten - we have already arrived.

Now I'll count to ten, and we'll all open our eyes.

The children opened their eyes at the count of ten.

So we made a trip on a magic carpet.

What did you see while traveling?

What trees did you meet along the way?

What color are their leaves?

What color are the flowers? (Interview 2 - 3 children).

Children, now we will go to the tables, and each of you will draw his own corner that he saw in his land. But before we draw, the sheets of paper must be wetted with water, we will draw with a wet layer. Children wet the sheet.

First, I suggest drawing the sun, sky, grass.

Independent work of children.

Our drawings should dry a little. In the meantime, I suggest you play the game "Touch to..." : at the command of the presenter "Touch to..." the players must quickly orient themselves and touch what the leader calls. You can name the color, shape, size, toys, inventory, properties of objects (smooth, hot, soft, prickly...), shape and color combinations, etc.

Children, I suggest you draw trees with wax crayons. Pay attention to the fact that real trees have beautifully curved branches. The leaves on the trees have a heterogeneous color (some lighter, others darker).

How can you draw leaves on trees? (finger, brush). Children independently choose the way the leaves are depicted.

If someone needs help, the teacher helps.

Performed finger gymnastics "Our fingers are tired" .

Guys, what do you think, what is missing in our trees? (Colors)

Draw flowers using stencils and sponges.

Reflection: children with their work sit on the carpet. Everyone looks at the work and chooses who has the most interesting work. The teacher praises the children for good work and says goodbye to the children.

Svetlana Romanova
Abstract of the lesson on artistic and aesthetic development

Target: creating conditions for development cognitive activity of children through experimentation in artistically-aesthetic activity.


Systematize children's knowledge about the properties of water.

To introduce children to the technique of drawing on the water.

Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, color combination, imagination, fantasy and fine motor skills of the fingers.

Cultivate a sense of beauty, independence, accuracy.

Material: Plastic plates, brushes, paints, paper sheets (cut to size of plates, glue, palette, disposable forks, bamboo stacks, conditional designations: nose, eyes, mouth.

preliminary work: consolidating children's knowledge about the properties of water, observing snow and ice on the street, exploring cold and hot water.

caregiver: Guys, today is our last day of winter. What time of the year is already in a hurry to us after winter?

That's right, spring. Do you know the spring months? What signs indicate that spring has come?

Children list signs.

I suggest you watch how spring comes to us.

Video display "Spring Awakening"

Who noticed what colors spring has (blue, yellow, green, purple, pink)

So that spring comes to us faster, let's call her.


Sun, sun, golden bottom,

(children walk in a circle).

Burn, burn, clear, so that it does not go out!

A stream ran in the garden,

(children run around).

A hundred rooks flew in

(children wave their hands while standing still).

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

(children squat in place).

And the flowers are growing.

(children get up slowly).

caregiver: Guys, do you like to experiment? Let's go to our mini-lab. Guys, scientists, before entering the laboratory, put on bathrobes, no matter what gets dirty. What do we need to get into the lab? (aprons)

Guys, as you already said, in spring the snow melts, water forms. Look at the cups of water in front of you. What is water? What do you think it is for? (children's answers) Yes everything is correct. Water is essential for all living organisms.

Let's explore it. I'll show you a sign, and you tell me how we're going to explore?

showing sign "Eye".

So what do we see? (liquid water, transparent). What kind of water is there? (warm, cold, hot). Take a straw and dip it into the water. What do we see? Make a conclusion. And now the next sign (nose sign). How are we going to explore the water now? Does she have a scent? next sign (mouth). Try it. What taste is the water? Well, water has no taste. What needs to be done to make water taste good? (berry, lemon, sugar)

Let's make a conclusion. Water is ... (a liquid that does not have (color, smell). Maybe in … (liquid, solid, steam).

We have learned a lot about water. Do you think it is possible to draw on water? And why? Of course, paints dissolve in water. But still it is possible. But what is needed for this? What do you think? After all, water is liquid, and we need to make it ... What? (thick) You are right it needs to be thickened.

Painting on water is called Ebru. Ebru technique came to us from Turkey and is translated precisely as drawing on water.

Watch a video about the Ebru technique.

The base solution is poured into the container, then the paints are applied manually "brushes". The artist mixes colors, stretches, twists. As a result of such drawing, the paint on the water also acquires a pattern similar to marble. Want to try?

To find out which thickener we will use in our work, we need to guess the riddle.

I am a very important subject.

To make a paper cube

Airplane, cardboard house, appliqué in an album,

Don't pity me.

I am sticky, viscous. (glue)

Yes, guys, it is glue that will help us change the ability of water to dissolve paints. Before you start drawing, what should you do? (play with fingers, warm them up)

Finger gymnastics.

Spring has just peeped into us - Stretching out their hands forward

I dipped my palm into the snow. Hands below, perpendicular to the body.

And blossomed there gentle, Hands are connected into a bud at eye level

Little snowdrop. Slowly spread fingers "flower opened")

Let's try to paint on the water together. Take a jar of glue, pour it into a plate of water. Now take a fork and stir gently. Now that we have prepared the base, we take the brushes, dip them in paint and dip them in water, make a few multi-colored drops. Remember what colors spring has, use them in your drawings. Now we take forks "we comb" paint. And now let's take the paper, it lies on your table, we lower it into our magic solution. Now be careful. As soon as the edges of the sheet begin to wrap, you can turn this sheet over and put it in front of you.

Children experiment on their own.

Guys, look what magical pictures we got. These pictures are like a reminder to you of spring. What did you learn new? What else did we do today? lesson? What is the water painting technique called? Guys, did you like it? class? We have accomplished so much today. We are all great. Let's invite guests to look at our unusual drawings.

Related publications:

Summary of the lesson on artistic and aesthetic development "They are all matryoshkas, they are all cuties" Artistic and aesthetic development. Purpose. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture and traditions. Formation of ideas in children.

Abstract of the drawing lesson "Mouse in a mink" Educational activities in kindergarten (summary of the lesson) I. Organizational information Note (additional information to the abstract).

Abstract of the lesson on artistic and aesthetic development "Dymkovo toy" Preparatory work: looking at paintings, albums, getting to know the Dymkovo toy, getting to know and drawing mural elements, classes.

Abstract of the lesson on artistic and aesthetic development "Karelian embroidery" Tasks: 1. To introduce children to the folk arts and crafts of Karelia - embroidery. 2. Teach children to see and highlight characteristic features.

Abstract of the lesson on the artistic and aesthetic development of "Matryoshka" Purpose: to teach children to draw points and lines with a brush, to develop the ability to work with gouache, to distinguish objects by size, to cultivate aesthetic.

Abstract of the lesson on the artistic and aesthetic development of "Matryoshka" Familiarization of children with Russian folk arts and crafts MATRYOSHKA Purpose: Educational. Reinforce the concept of "one-many".

Purpose: 1. Development of artistic and creative abilities, emotional perception, figurative thinking of children.

2 .To develop in children the ability to convey mood through drawing through the use of the necessary art materials and means in the work.


1. To teach children to draw fabulous birds using a “stencil” - a hand;

2. Exercise in the selection of colors to convey the desired effect;

3. Fix the ability to draw the contour of a bird with a simple pencil;

4. Cultivate accuracy, the ability to express yourself.

Demo material:

A set of slides with the necessary illustrations that are attached to the lesson;

Audio recording of calm music for drawing;

A sample of the finished drawing to explain the purpose of the work.

Handout:necessary art materials for children's creativity (gouache, brushes, paper, pencil, eraser).

Methodical methods:

Game situation, problem statement, conversation-dialogue, drawing.

Educational areas:Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Reading fiction, Music.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Organizing time.

Hush, kids, don't make noise

Don't scare our story.

There are miracles here...

The story is hidden for now!

Don't be sad, smile

The fairy tale gives us a surprise!

Guys, I suggest you go to a fairy tale. And what is this fairy tale? I’ll tell you now: “There was a girl Masha.(slide show #1)

More than anything, she loved to draw. She drew with pencils on paper and chalk on asphalt, with charcoal on a blackboard, and with a stick on the ground.

Masha had a younger brother, Pasha, whom she loved very much.(slide show #2)

One night Masha woke up from an unusual noise and was surprised. Raising her head, Masha saw that Pasha was sitting on a chair and talking ... "

With whom? What do you think?(children's answers)


With paints. Yes, yes, with colors.

“And the colors were arguing among themselves, which of them is more important. The argument became more and more heated. Masha could not stand it and said: “Why are you quarreling? You are all in charge! Red paint is needed to draw strawberries(slide show #3)

Orange - carrot(slide show #4)

yellow - sunshine(slide show #5)

Blue - cloud (slide show #6)

Green - grass (slide show #7)

Blue - ball (slide show #8)

And purple - eggplant"(slide show #9)


And what happens if you make friends with all these colors? (Rainbow)(slide show #10)


That's right. “To make a rainbow, the colors need to come together. Therefore, you are all important. Satisfied paints stopped arguing, thanked Masha for reconciling them and inviting her and Pasha to the magical land of Izbraziliya.

The friends came to the door. Pasha turned the key and said:

One, two, three, four, five,
It's time for us to step into the fairy tale!(slide show #11)


Guys, let's warm up with you!

Fizminutka "Walking in the Woods"

Good forest, old forest,(arms wide to the sides, turns)

Full of fabulous wonders!

We are going for a walk now walking)

And we invite you with us!

Waiting for us at the edge of the forestsit down, get up slowly)

Birds, butterflies, animals.

Spider on a cobweb(to touch fingers along the hand from

And a grasshopper on a blade of grass! shoulder to wrist)

We walked along the paths(walking, jumping)

They jumped across the clearings.

Goodbye old forest(hand waving goodbye)

Full of fairy tales and wonders!


A magician came out to meet them and said:(slide show #12)

“In our magical country Izizili, a disaster happened. The evil witch turned all the birds into white sheets of paper. Help! Disenchant them: draw and color, please.”


Guys, help the wizard and save the magical land?(children's answers)


What do you think they are fabulous birds?(children's answers)


- How can we draw fabulous birds?(children's answers)


- How can you draw fabulous birds?(children's answers)


Look at your hand. What or who does she look like?(children's answers)


The thumb is the neck of the bird, the index, middle, ring and little fingers are the tail of the bird, the palm is the torso. Circle your bird with a pencil. She turned out white, sad... What needs to be done to fix this?(children's answers)


What techniques can be used to decorate a bird's head? With the tip of the brush - eyes, priming - a tuft on the head and a beak.

And you can color the feathers however you want, using all the colors of the rainbow, but choose them so that they convey your mood.

What colors should be used to convey joy, happiness ...?(children's answers)


- And what colors are needed to convey sadness, sadness ...?(children's answers)


Grab your pencils and get to work.

Practical work.

(An audio recording plays in the background, setting the children up for work)


Birds have long been considered by the people as harbingers of warmth and spring. People believed that birds could bring happiness. If a lot of birds perched on a tree near your house, then you need to make a wish, and it will certainly come true. Let's put your birds on the tree and make a wish. May your birds bring you happiness.Guys, today we have a whole flock of "fabulous birds". Let's look at the birds and admire them.

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development, cognitive development.

Target: to consolidate with the children of the older subgroup the use of non-traditional drawing techniques (drawing with a cotton swab, PVA glue and semolina).


  1. To consolidate the ability to depict seasonal changes in a drawing using various artistic techniques (stem and leaves with cotton swabs, a flower with PVA glue and semolina).
  2. Improve the aesthetic perception of natural phenomena, consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in wildlife (fix and summarize the signs of early spring, knowledge about primroses).
  3. To form the correct posture, maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children in order to relieve static stress.
  4. To develop in children a sense of musical rhythm, to freely navigate in space.

Methods and techniques:

verbal: art word, conversation, riddles, situations of communication, repetition, request).

Visual: display illustration material.

Practical: non-traditional drawing with a cotton swab, PVA glue and semolina.

Children's activities: motor, game, productive, cognitive-research, musical.

preliminary work: Examination of illustrations, albums about spring. A conversation about spring changes in wildlife, memorizing a poem by E. Serova "Snowdrop", S. Marshak "March", "April". Reading a Slavic fairy tale in the processing of I S. Marshak "Twelve months". Making a postcard from non-traditional material "Snowdrops Bloomed". Drawing using non-traditional artistic techniques (fingers, palms, foam, foam, crumpled paper, potato prints, shaving foam).

Material: 1/4 blue thaw-shaped album sheet, flower templates, simple pencils, hygienic cotton buds, PVA glue, semolina, green and white gouache, napkins, plates, Tchaikovsky's musical works "Snowdrop", Rachmaninov "Dream".

Planned result:

– formed skills and abilities to place the image on the sheet, taking into account its proportions

- the children mastered the techniques of drawing with cotton swabs, PVA glue and semolina.

- Expanded and replenished the vocabulary of children.

- the skill of memorization, correct pronunciation is fixed.

A sense of rhythm is developed, the skill of dance movements, a round dance is fixed.

Children scattered into the hall to the music of Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop".

Children: - We walk through the village

And we meet our friends

Looking at a friend

Hello friend, we say.

- Hello, hello, my dear friend.

caregiver: Hello guys and dear guests. Today we have an unusual day. Many guests came to us. Look, turn to face the guests, greet them, smile at them.

A girl is sitting under a tree, crying. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the girl.

caregiver: Guys, look here. Who are you and how did you get here? What do you need in the forest?

Girl: My name is Nastenka. I need to type in this basket of flowers. And my stepmother sent me here for flowers and did not order me to return home without flowers.

caregiver Q: What are these flowers called?

Girl: I completely forgot what these flowers are called, but I know a riddle about them.

caregiver: Well, guess your riddle, and the guys and I will try to guess.

Girl guessing a riddle:

The princess ordered them

Bring winter from the forest,

Bring flowers in winter

And what? Do you remember?

Children's answers.

caregiver: I know how to help Nastenka. Guys, we need to call the spring month here, but which one should you guess:

The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice

The starling returned to his house

And in the forest the bear woke up

In the sky the lark trills,

Who came to us? (April). (bird sounds)

April enters.

April: They called me?

caregiver: Yes, April, Nastenka needs help. Her stepmother ordered her to bring snowdrops, but snowdrops will bloom only in April.

April: Well, well, of course, I will help you

“Whatever the day, for a minute

The day is longer, the night is shorter

Slowly, slowly

We drove the winter away!

caregiver: Guys, let's remember what signs of spring do you know?

Children's answers: (the sun shines brighter, snow melts, streams run, the first spring flowers appear, grass appears, the day becomes longer, buds swell on the trees, thawed patches appear, it often rains in spring, sleet, birds arrive from warm countries).

Guys, do you know about spring poems?


It's getting blacker every day

Stitches and tracks

And on willows with silver

The paths light up.

Get out the ants

After the winter cold!


Bear sneaks

Through the woods

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

(The teacher shows a flower -snowdrop)

caregiver: Oh, guys, look what a beautiful snowdrop has blossomed.

Girl: But he is only one, and I need to collect a whole basket of snowdrops.

April: And this trouble is fixable. I will now turn all the guys into little wizards, and they will draw a lot of snowdrops for you. After all, the snowdrop guys are listed in the Red Book, they cannot be torn. And we will try to make them so that it is impossible to distinguish from the real ones. And now, come to me, I will share with you my element of magic and you become magicians.

April attaches a flower to each child.

caregiver: Well, then, little wizards, go to your seats.

(Children sit at the tables.)


- Guys, before we start drawing, let's remember what it is?


Spring, first, gentle, blue, sunny, beautiful, thin, bold, light.

Let's remember what parts a snowdrop flower consists of.

(Children name parts of a flower.)

caregiver: Guys, you probably noticed that there are no brushes on the table? You and I will draw in an unusual way, it’s not for nothing that you were turned into wizards. You will draw stems and leaves with hygienic cotton buds, and flowers with pva glue and semolina.

caregiver: Guys, now let's remember the sequence of drawing a snowdrop. What do we draw first, what color will we draw the stem and leaves.

caregiver: Let's prepare our fingers:

Play massage « Ladoshka» .

Your palm is a pond

Boats are sailing on it. (Slowly drive with bent index finger across the palm)

Your palm is like a meadow

And the snow is falling from above (touch palm with fingertips)

Your palm is like a notebook

You can draw in a notebook (with your index finger "draw", For example "Sun")

Your palm is like a window.

It's time to wash it. (rub palm with fingers clenched into a fist)

Your path is like a path, and cats walk along the path. (gently cross with the fingers of the other hand).

caregiver: Take the templates, carefully trace around the contour.

Children's work.

caregiver: And let's, guys, remember together how the snowdrop awakens.

Music sounds "Dream".


snowdrop woke up

And stretched

The sun smiled

Touched Mother Earth

bowed to the sun

Surprised with happiness

Drops of dew washed him

Animals and birds immediately recognized

"The snowdrop woke up -

Promises of spring

snowdrop, snowdrop

Blooms in the forest.

We continue to work. Turn on the music "Dream" .

(At the end of the lesson, lay out all the drawings in a clearing.

Note that all children With rammed, and it turned out a very beautiful meadow.)

Girl: Oh, how many snowdrops have blossomed, and how beautiful they are. Guys, you are real wizards!

caregiver: Guys, let's thank the month - April for the help. And I propose to start a spring round dance around our meadow, which is called "Vesnyanka".

(Children invite Nastenka and the month of April to the round dance.)

April: Guys, I really liked you, but it's time for me to leave, because my time has not yet come, and I again give way to the legal spring month of March. Goodbye. I will come to you soon.

caregiver: You all tried very hard , put a piece of their heart into their work, warmed the work with the warmth of their hands.

Guys, let's say goodbye to the guests, and it's time for us to return to the group. Our favorite toys are waiting for us there.