Methodical aspects of work before going to bed in kindergarten. Report “Regular moments in kindergarten: raising children after sleep

Sleep is an integral part of a child's daily routine. Particular attention is paid to the organization of daytime rest in kindergarten, since during periods of wakefulness children are usually very active, and it is very important for the baby's body to recuperate and accumulate energy for activities in the afternoon. The teacher is faced with the difficult task of arranging a bedtime so that all the children have the opportunity to relax.

Working with children at bedtime - goals and methods

Sleep is necessary to restore the physiological and mental balance of the baby. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, its duration for children under 5 years old is 2 hours, for children under 7 years old - 1–1.5 hours.

Sleep is the foundation of a child's health

In order for a child’s sleep to become a physiological habit, it is necessary to strictly follow, up to every minute. Then by the time the daytime rest begins, the child will be ready for it.

Many preschool children have a thousand reasons not to fall asleep, so methodical work before daytime rest plays an important role. Its goals are:

  • relaxation of children (reducing the level of anxiety and muscle tension);
  • restoration of the normal state of the nervous system;
  • relief of psycho-emotional stress;
  • accelerating the process of falling asleep by creating a safe and comfortable environment.

To achieve the set goals, the organizer of daytime sleep has a number of tasks that he has to solve daily:

  1. Preparing a room for relaxation. The best sleeping pill is cool air. The rest room should be cleaned and ventilated. In the hot season, it is recommended to open windows for ventilation (in the absence of drafts!) And during the sleep of babies.
  2. Checking the readiness of children for sleep. Adults ensure that all children go to the toilet, wash, wash their hands / feet, and change into comfortable clothes for sleeping.
  3. Creating an atmosphere of calm and relaxation suitable for sleep.

The room where children sleep must be ventilated in advance

Methodical organization of preparing children for sleep

In order to achieve the set goals, the educator:

  • determines the list of quiet games before going to bed;
  • selects an appropriate calm musical arrangement (for no more than 10–15 minutes), accompanying it with a decrease in the tempo of speech, timbre and tone of voice;
  • conducts a set of breathing exercises to improve the well-being of children;
  • periodically organizes conversations with children about the importance of daytime sleep (this technique is more relevant for older and preparatory groups);
  • makes a selection of fairy tales, stories of suitable subjects.

These techniques can be used in combination, but for kids of the first and second younger groups, who, due to their age, get tired faster, which means they need rest more than others, it is enough to turn on the musical background after dinner (for hygiene procedures, dressing) and reading fairy tales. For children of the middle group, we add breathing exercises. They, in addition to a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, also help to develop the correct sound pronunciation. This is a very important task for this age. This gymnastics is carried out 20-30 minutes after lunch. Older children can play some quiet games before starting hygiene procedures.

Many psychologists deny the importance of daytime sleep, since such a routine moment, strictly observed in kindergarten, suppresses the individuality of children who do not want to sleep.

How to create favorable conditions for falling asleep

It is very important in what environment babies fall asleep. Set up for sleep:

  • muffled light;
  • closed curtains or blinds;
  • pastel, calm colors of walls and ceilings;
  • Fresh air.

Pastel colors of the environment, cleanliness and fresh air - the key to a sweet sleep for kids

Stages of work before bedtime: time plan

There are 3 stages of organization of daytime sleep.

  1. Preparation (15–20 minutes).
  2. Relaxation (5-7 minutes).
  3. Sleep (1-2 hours).


The longest and most responsible stage. At the first stage, children play quiet games.

Games for the first and second junior groups

Quiet games with objects:

  1. "Magic Bag" The teacher offers the kids to put the pen into the bag with small toys and, without taking it out, guess what it is.
  2. "Choose a Shape" Kids receive a set of geometric shapes (3-4 pieces) and blank stencils. Task: name the figurine and put it in a suitable hole.
  3. Domino (lotto). If the kids are already familiar with team games, then dominoes can be offered for them, in which animals are depicted on all the dice. Task: players need to find among their chips the one that will continue the line on the table.

Games for the middle group

Games for the middle group may include tasks for ingenuity and ingenuity (but not only):

Games for older and preparatory groups

It can also be motor games, after which you can tell a fairy tale or do breathing exercises:

  1. “Grandma went to the market and bought…”. The host says: “Grandma went to the market and bought a meat grinder” - he imitates the movement of the meat grinder with his hand. The next participant says the same phrase, but instead of a meat grinder, he calls something of his own (for example, a coffee grinder, a sewing machine). After the hands, the movements for the legs are called (the main thing is that the “purchase” can be shown with a simple movement). Imitating the movement of the named object, the child does not stop turning the meat grinder. The point is to do all the movements at the same time.
  2. "That's my nose." The kids sit in a circle. One touches his chin and says, "That's my nose." His neighbor touches his nose but says, "That's my chin." The point is to speak and show different parts of the body (you can limit yourself to one face or head).
  3. "King of Silence" One kid - the king - sits on a chair, the rest stand around him. The monarch points to any child and calls to him with a gesture. So he chooses his ministers. If the "minister" makes even the slightest noise along the way, he leaves. The same with the king: if he made a noise, then he was deposed from the throne and put in this place the first minister, who reached the royal person without a sound.

In games, it is desirable to involve all the kids.

Fairy tales

Children are very fond of fairy tales. And in the younger groups, due to age-related slowness, there is no time left for games, so reading aloud is the best technique. Although older guys will be happy to listen to an exciting story.

  1. "The Tale of the Deer Who Couldn't Sleep."
  2. Iris Revue "How Tisha was looking for a dream."
  3. Andrey Prokofiev "Hare's Foot"
  4. "The Tale of the Rhino Who Couldn't Sleep."
  5. Natalya Yashchenko "How the Tiger Cub was looking for a treasure" and others.


At the stage of preparation, after playing and reading fairy tales, children go to the toilet and carry out hygiene procedures: they wash their hands, in the summer - their feet, wash themselves. The younger ones do this with the help of a teacher and an assistant teacher. Adults accompany all actions with poems (especially important for kids, whose actions are better organized by such rhymes), older children pronounce them together with teachers.

game situation

It's time for the kids to undress, fold things and put on pajamas. The process of undressing can be turned into a game of "We are already quite big."


  1. “Children, let's check if you have matured this day. First, let's tell you in what order you need to take off your clothes.
  2. Children perform. Either everyone speaks in turn, or one person, called the teacher.
  3. "Now we need to put things on the chair." Children do, adults help.
  4. "Fine! I see that you are already quite big. But, probably, you won’t be able to put on pajamas without my help ... ”The children, spurred on by the passion of the teacher’s doubts, get dressed.

Creating playful situations speeds up the process of undressing and changing for bed

As an option, you can come up with a story about a Bella doll, which does not remember in any way in what order you need to take off your clothes: first the shoes, and then the dress, or vice versa? Many children, regardless of age, find it difficult to keep things in order. For such guys, you can use the story about Mitya, who, after sleeping, constantly went dirty.


  1. "Children, look who's here! This is Mitya, he is also going to sleep. Oh, he’s upset about something and doesn’t want to go to bed ... What happened? It turns out that Mitya is a very neat boy, but every time after sleeping his clothes turn out to be dirty and wrinkled. And all because the boy, undressing, does not fold things, but crumple. And puts shoes on top.
  2. "Let's tell Mitya how to fold clothes."
  3. The children are talking. (Preferably in turn, after the teacher gives the floor. Otherwise, they will vying with each other).
  4. "Fine! You said everything correctly, and now we are going to bed together with Mitya.


This stage is appropriate to carry out with calm music, which has a general calming effect. The best option is the sounds of nature (the noise of the forest, the murmur of a stream, etc.).

Breathing exercises

Before the kids go to bed, 1-2 exercises are performed with them (for the younger group), 2-3 for the middle, older and preparatory groups.

"Rose and Dandelion"


  1. We stand straight, imagine that we hold a rose in our hand, inhale its aroma.
  2. And in the other hand - a dandelion. We blow on it, exhaling.
  3. We repeat 3-4 times.


  • Quietly we will breathe
    We listen to our heart.


  1. The initial position is standing, the arms are extended at the seams.
  2. We inhale through the nose until the air begins to expand the chest.
  3. We freeze for 4-5 seconds.
  4. We also exhale through the nose.
  5. We repeat 2-3 times.

Breathing exercises help children relax

Incentive Games

Reward games can be used to set older children up for sleep.

Table: games with encouragement for organizing sleep (a fragment of the master class "Time to sleep, or how to organize sleep in kindergarten")

Option number 1 Before going to bed, the teacher tells the children that they have a competition "Who will fall asleep first." After a sleepy hour, the teacher chooses the winners: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place - who fell asleep earlier in turn. The educator singles out each of the winners by raising his hand and presents a medal. The medals are rolling, the next day these medals can be received by other children.
Option number 2 Before going to bed, you can arrange another trick. You can offer the children a condition: for children who are the best to pretend so that the teacher (or character) thinks that they have fallen asleep, after a quiet hour there will be a surprise (at the choice of the teacher - for example, you can buy stickers, chips or other interesting things for children and inexpensive item). But to stop your attention on the fact that this will not be easy to do, you need to relax, lie down comfortably and close your eyes without opening them. Children will try to pretend and fall asleep.
Option number 3 Use the accumulative system of bonuses. We also choose the winners - who fell asleep before everyone else, we collect tokens for each child during the week. At the end of the week, we count the number of tokens and award the winners.
Cit. Quoted from: Skovorodko E.V., educator of MBOU "Sinekolodetskaya Primary School-Kindergarten". Sleep Encouragement Games

nursery rhymes

Rhymes are great for relaxing kids:

  • Here they are in the bed
    Pink heels.
    Whose heels are these -
    Soft and sweet?
    Goslings will come running
    Pinched at the heels.
    Hide quickly, don't yawn
    Cover with a blanket!
  • Little hares
    Wanted bainki,
    Wanted bainki,
    Because bunnies.
    We'll sleep a little
    We will lie on the back.
    We lie on the back
    And let's sleep quietly.

Going to sleep

At this stage, the music is turned off, the children calm down in their beds. As a signal to fall asleep, it is recommended to come up with some short phrase. For example, "Boys and girls close their eyes, quickly fall asleep."

During the entire rest period, the teacher is in the bedroom and controls the correct posture of the child:

  1. On the left or right side.
  2. Handles over the blanket.
  3. It is not recommended to sleep on your stomach or with your knees bent, as this position of the body makes it difficult for the respiratory system, blood circulation and negatively affects the musculoskeletal system.

With those children who categorically refuse to sleep, a conversation is held in order to convince them to lie in bed calmly and not interfere with the rest of the babies to rest.

Sleep during the day is a prerequisite for maintaining and strengthening the physiological and psycho-emotional health of children. Classes before bedtime are an important part of the organization of the educational process in kindergarten. It consists of three stages, at each of which the teacher uses a certain set of techniques that help to realize the goals and objectives of methodological work in the group.

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Very few kids go to bed on their own. Therefore, children's sleep for parents is a real reward that must be earned after going through many trials - tears, screams and persuasion. However, there are also calm games that set the baby up for sleep. What are they?

Games before going to bed can be played in bed. There the baby will relax and subsequently fall asleep easily. There are many quiet games. We will tell you about 10 of them.

1. The game "Three silences". The rules of this game before going to bed are very, very simple. You need to create absolute silence, and then listen to what is happening around and what sounds surround the baby. For example, a computer is buzzing or grasshoppers are chirping. You need to tell who heard what sound.

2. "Magic Carpet". You can select a small rug and tell the child that this carpet is not simple, but magical. And before going to bed, so that the baby calms down, you can sit down with him on this unusual rug and start the story. To do this, the baby must sit with his eyes closed. You, in turn, begin the fairy tale with the words “Today our magic carpet will fly ...”, the child must add where you will go. Further, the narration is carried out in turn, complementing each other and fantasizing. Such a game perfectly develops the creative thinking of the child.

3. "Diary". Try to keep a diary with your baby and write down the events of the day together before going to bed.

4. "Conversations about animals." Invite the child to tell how his day went and draw an analogy of this day with a certain animal. Let him explain to you why this day is similar to this particular animal.

5. Try to draw something on the baby's back with your finger. The kid, in turn, must guess.

6. "Who came to us?" You can also invent an animal, and then “stomp” your hands on the back of the child so that he guesses what kind of animal he came.

7. "Magic bag". Put small toys in the bag, ask the child to put the pen into the bag, take one of the toys and, without pulling it out of the bag, guess by touch what the baby has in his hand.

8. You can put his favorite toy on the baby's tummy. The baby needs to breathe deeply. So that the toy "floats" on the rising tummy. This exercise is similar to yoga exercises. It slows breathing and soothes, which is great as a game before bed.

9. "Logic chains". Put different geometric shapes in front of the baby. And start laying them out, for example: “square, circle, triangle, square, circle ...” ask the child to continue the chain.

10. "Embroidery". Gauze is pulled over the hoop, the baby needs to be given a bright colored lace. Let the child “embroider” this string on gauze, pulling it through the holes in the fabric. Instead of gauze, you can use cardboard, after making a lot of holes.

Many quiet games before bed develop your child's attention, creative thinking and memory. Therefore, do not neglect such calm, but interesting activities.


The child went to kindergarten - and you cannot recognize your baby: he becomes uncontrollable, rushes around the apartment like a meteor, jumps on sofas and beds, screams, laughs, easily breaks into tears ... "How they changed the child! - lament the parents. "I'll have to talk to the teacher!" And in the kindergarten they say: "Very obedient boy!" or: "Such a quiet, calm girl!". Mom and dad are surprised. But in vain!
Even for the most sociable child, kindergarten is stressful. Try to spend a few hours in a big noisy company - and if you are a calm and "quiet" person, you will soon have a headache, irritation will begin to accumulate, and a desire to quickly go home will appear. And your baby spends the whole day in such an environment, so by the evening the seething tension is ready to break out along with tears, screams, whims.

What can parents do to help their child relieve daytime stress? Unfortunately, there is no magic remedy - one for all. It is always necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a small person: age, character, temperament.

First, you should carefully observe the child, talk with caregivers to determine what kind of help your daughter or son needs. If the baby is constrained and timid during the day, and “catches up” in the evening, you need to help him relax, speak out, but not allow him to become even more excited.

If the child is a "hurricane" in the kindergarten, and cannot stop at home, it is in the power of the parents to smoothly, gradually transfer the energy "into a peaceful channel." It is good to plan the evening in advance so that the child is gradually released from the accumulated tension, participating in the life of the family, and at the same time, so that he has time to be alone with his thoughts and events of the day.

One of the best anti-stress techniques is the game. It allows the child to be liberated, to relax. Try to follow a few simple rules. First, the choice - to play or not to play - should always remain with the child. Perhaps just today he is so tired that he just wants to take a walk or read. Secondly, the "evening" game should not be noisy, accompanied by running around and shouting.

If during the day your child is "quiet", and in the evening - "savage", the game "Rvaklya" helps to relieve tension and release destructive energy.

Prepare unnecessary newspapers, magazines, papers and a wide bucket or basket. A child can tear, crumple, trample on paper, in general, do whatever he pleases with it, and then throw it into the basket. The kid may like to jump on a pile of papers - they are very springy.

If the little man didn’t sit down even for a minute in the kindergarten, and doesn’t stop at home in any way, games with a gradual decrease in physical activity, which do not contain an element of competition, will help him. One of these games is "Mushroom picker". Invite the child to arrange skittles or small toys in a random order at a small distance from each other. If you have a sports complex at home, you can hang toys on it. Then ask him to close his eyes and from memory collect all the items - "mushrooms" - in a basket. Collected "mushrooms" can be sorted by color, shape, size... You can attach a note to one of the items with a further plan for the evening: "Let's read?" or "Will you help me in the kitchen?"

Having muffled the "extra" energy in this way, you can proceed to the usual homework - read, dance, watch a filmstrip. Even if it seems to you that classes in the kindergarten are not enough, try to remove all the additional burden from the child at least for the first month of adaptation to kindergarten. Try to get your child to spend as much time outdoors as possible. If time permits, walk with him - this is an ideal opportunity to talk with your son or daughter, discuss the events of the day. You should not postpone this conversation for "before going to bed" - if something unpleasant or disturbing the baby has happened, do not let it put pressure on him for the whole evening.

Try eliminating TV from your toddler's evening entertainment. Screen flickering will only increase irritation and stress on a tired brain. An exception can be made for "Good night, kids!" - this program is broadcast at the same time and can become part of the "ritual" of going to bed.

Almost all children are well helped to cope with the daytime stress of playing in the water. Fill the tub with some warm water, place a non-slip mat, and turn on a warm, high-pitched shower. All the scum of the day - fatigue, irritation, tension - will go away, "drain" from the baby. Games in the water obey the general rule - they must be quiet, calm. You can blow soap bubbles (ask your child to blow a big-o-big ball and a tiny bubble), play with sponges (watch how they absorb and give water, make the child "rain" from a sponge, turn them into boats or dolphins), just give two or three jars, and let him pour some water back and forth. The sight and sound of running water has a calming effect - in 15-20 minutes the child will be ready to go to bed.

Light, subtle smells also help to create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. To do this, only one or two drops of oil, such as tangerine, are added to the aroma lamp. Warm citrus aroma refreshes the air, calms, relieves nervous tension. Excellent relieves stress smell of mint - it is well refreshing and invigorating. But you should not use it if the child is under six years old, and it is better not to do it before bedtime.

If your child is allergic and you are hesitant to use aromatic oils, put a small canvas bag with valerian root in the child's pillow or attach it to the head of the bed - this will help the baby sleep more peacefully.

Before going to bed, you can give your baby a relaxing massage, listen to quiet melodic music together, a cassette with recordings of the sound of the sea or the sounds of rain. Remember all the joys of the past day, dream up how the next one could go. No matter how wonderful the kindergarten is, no matter how professionals work in it, no one will help your child better than you. If the kid knows for sure that at the end of a noisy day a “quiet pier” awaits him, eight hours in the kindergarten will not seem to him such a deafening eternity, and the stress will recede.


You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are piled on the table. At the signal of the leader, the opponents (2-4) assemble the chain with the help of paper clips. The winner is the one who collects the longest chain of paper clips in a certain time.


You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkins, large pasta, etc. All seeds before the game are mixed and divided into identical piles according to the number of players. At the signal of the leader, the participants in the game must sort all the seeds into different piles. The first one to complete the task wins. Options: Hold a blindfold competition, arrange a team competition.


All children leave the room. Someone hides a big, loudly ticking alarm clock. The children return and look for the alarm clock. If someone has found it, then whispers in the ear of the presenter, where is the alarm clock and silently sits on the floor. The child who was left standing last, as a punishment, entertains all the children - he sings or reads a poem. Tip: for small children, it is better to put the alarm clock on a saucer or something metal so that it can be heard better.


Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other's clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and to whom they belong.


You will need many pairs of shoes, towels. Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts his shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns blindfolded and try to find their shoes by touch.
Option: For older children - look for your shoes on the table all at the same time. Guess the voice. Children sit in a row. The driver sits with his back to them, next to the assistant (preferably an adult). The assistant calls the children one by one, without naming names. Children behind the leader in a voice depict some kind of animal. The driver must guess who it is. If he guessed right, he changes places with him.


Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing to each in turn, says: “Water, earth, air.” He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word "Water", then the child he pointed to should name a fish, reptile or animal living in the water. If it is called "Earth" - you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called "Air" - the one who flies.


A chest (box) filled with various things is being prepared. Each of the players puts his hand into the chest (you can’t look !!!), gropes for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out - for verification.


For any number of players. The first player draws a house on a board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, draws a window, a door, a chimney or a bird on the roof to the house.
What kind of drawing will turn out in the end?


Participants of the game are invited to consider any jar, bowl or pan. You can't take it in hand. Then take a sheet of paper and try to cut the lids for the jar so that they fit exactly into the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.


Everyone sits in a circle, the driver is in the center. He asks everyone in turn: "Do you like your neighbors?". If someone does not like it, the question follows: "What kind of neighbors do you need?". The player must name either names or some sign that his new neighbors should have. For example: "I need neighbors in jeans" - then everyone in jeans changes places, two of them sit in the places of former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. Whoever did not have enough chair becomes the leader, and everything starts from the beginning.

11) 1-2-GOOD DAY

Everyone plays in sequence. You need to count in order from one to infinity (as many as you get), but instead of numbers that end in three or are divisible by three, you need to say "good afternoon." That is, the first says "one", the second - "two", the third - "good afternoon", the fourth - "four", the fifth - "five", the sixth - "good afternoon", etc. The one who made a mistake is out of the game until there is only one winner.


They play standing in a circle. The host starts: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder” and shows how she will grind coffee (she turns the imaginary handle of the coffee grinder with her right hand). The person standing next to him repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. round. When everyone is involved in the process, the turn again reaches the leader and he shows the following movement: "Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron" (strokes with her left hand, without stopping grinding). Next circles: Grandma bought an old sewing machine (push foot on the pedal), a rocking chair (rock) and finally a cuckoo clock ("Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo,"). The point is to do everything at the same time.


The king is sitting on a chair. The other players sit in a semicircle a few meters away from him so that they can see him well. With a hand gesture, the king calls one of the players. He gets up and silently goes to the king and sits at his feet to become a minister. During this movement, the player listens carefully. If a player makes even the slightest noise (rustle of clothes, etc.), the king sends him to the place with a hand gesture.
The king himself must remain silent. If he makes a sound, if he makes a sound, he is immediately deposed from the throne and replaced by the first minister, who takes his place in complete silence and continues the game (or the tired king announces that he must be replaced and invites the minister to take his place) .


The players sit in a circle. The host begins by saying to his neighbor on the left, "That's my nose," but at the same time touches his chin. The neighbor should answer him "This is my chin", pointing to his nose. Having received the correct answer, he turns to his neighbor on the right and tells him: "This is my left foot", showing him his right palm. His neighbor should reply, "This is my right hand," pointing to his left foot, and so on. You should always show a body part other than the one being talked about.

In a preschool institution, it was compiled taking into account the correct planning of time for the full development of children. It implies the presence of a curriculum, work and recreation for children. The general routine can be divided into certain periods of time in which the main routine parts of the day are performed. Such parts in preschool institutions are called “regime moments”.

Formation of regime moments

The regime of the day in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard forms in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the educational development program. Proper organization of the routine leads to the successful development of the child both mentally and educationally. Mode moments develop perseverance and attention in children, due to the fact that they are an important part of the pedagogical process as a whole.

Conversations, classes and various games in the preparatory group develop cognitive activity in children, discussions make the child responsive and active, help to prove their point of view without being embarrassed.

Regime moments associated with workloads form in children the ability to work and self-service. They show how to properly carry out hygiene procedures, dress, help an adult, respect his work.

The formation of regime moments during the day is created in a friendly atmosphere of cooperation, taking into account an individual approach to each child.

Meeting children and morning routine moments

Children are taken to the garden in a group area or indoors during the cold season. At this time, the task of the educator is to provide a positive charge to the child for the whole day through the game or to interest him in carrying out certain actions in the labor plan. Together with the children, preparations are made for classes, dusting toys, independent activities, reading literature or other activities planned by the teacher for this day.

The daily routine in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard for the morning hours, from 7.00 to 10.30, provides children with mental stress for the full acceptance of the material in the classroom.

Morning routine moments also include mandatory morning exercises, which begin at 8.00. Gymnastics in the preparatory group is carried out for at least 20 minutes and activates the entire muscular system of the child, which has a positive effect on overall well-being. In addition to charging, the teacher can conduct a corrective or acupressure massage, show the children the advantages of physical activity.


In a kindergarten with a twelve-hour worker, meals are taken three times. For breakfast, lunch, dinner, time is allotted taking into account the age category, on average, preschoolers eat 15-20 minutes in the older groups and up to 30 minutes in the nursery group.

Before each meal, children carry out hygiene procedures with obligatory washing. At the same time, the teacher conducts conversations about the rational use of water and the rules of behavior in the washroom.

The daily routine in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard provides for the development of etiquette rules by preschoolers. Therefore, dining room attendants are appointed to help the nanny set the table in accordance with the requirements, and after eating, put the dishes in the sink. Preparation for dinner is also carried out with the help of children, such events fix the rules of table setting, teach them to order. Breakfast at the preschool usually takes place at 8.30, lunch - at 12.30 and dinner - at 17.30. This time may vary according to the age group of children.

For breakfast, lunch, dinner, the meal time may vary depending on the nature of the child, if the baby does not cope on his own, then the nanny or caregiver must feed him. Also, the staff of the preschool institution monitors the posture, the correct arrangement of cutlery and careful eating.

Educational activities

After the morning meal in the preparatory group, a block of educational sessions begins. They are held from 9.00 to 10.30 according to the teacher's account and contain all the necessary information for the mental work of the child.

With older preschoolers in the first half of the day, 3 classes of 20 minutes are held with game breaks of up to 15 minutes. At this time, the children of the preparatory group comprehend the basics of logical thinking, mathematics, literature, drawing, modeling, and applications.

In preparation for the holidays or matinees, poems are memorized or certain parts of the future event are rehearsed. They conduct conversations with children, talk about the traditions of the holiday, its attributes, which allows preschoolers to correctly set landmarks during the actual event.

Preparing for outdoor walks

All regime moments in a preschool institution go through a stage of preliminary preparation. From 10.30 to 10.45, before the walk, the guys put things in order in the group after the educational block. Toys, materials and manuals are removed to their places, after the visual activity, the tables are wiped. Next, the children go to the locker room and put on clothes for walking in the fresh air. At the same time, the teacher points out the correct order of dressing and draws the attention of preschoolers to the appointment of one or another wardrobe item. Before going outside, children are taught to pay attention to the overall appearance and point out mistakes in case of improper dressing. The teacher or nanny straightens and fastens clothes if the child is having difficulty.

Walk and its organization

Walks in the preparatory group have a duration of 4 hours in the cold season and 5 hours in the summer. Children walk 2 times a day: before lunch, until 12.30, and after the quiet hour, from 17.30 until going home. The regime of the day in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard and educational programs recommend spending time outdoors at temperatures up to -15 and wind speeds up to 15 m / s, if these data are exceeded, then the children remain in the group.

During walks, the teacher does not cease to engage in educational activities and divides the time spent outdoors into the following parts:

  • Observation of the environment.
  • Mobile games.
  • Labor in the group area.
  • Working with children on the development of physical abilities.

Also, walks in the preparatory group imply independent play activities and physical activity; during such moments, children choose independent types of play.

Day rest and preparation for sleep

Quiet time begins at the preschool after lunch. Usually this time is from 13.00 to 15.00. It is preceded by calm relaxing activity. All physical activity stops 30-40 minutes before visiting the bedroom. During this time, the child's nervous system is restored, which gives a restful sleep and general rest to the body.

Before going to bed, the bedroom is ventilated until the air temperature drops by 3-4 degrees. Getting ready for bed is accompanied by calm conversations, reading fairy tales, listening to relaxing music. The teacher controls the convenience of the child's position on the bed, straightens the blanket if necessary, and conducts individual strokes of the children. During sleep, the nanny or caregiver is inseparably in the bedroom to avoid accidents.

Activities after quiet time

After a gradual rise at 15.00, the children undergo hardening procedures, awakening gymnastics, dress themselves and put their hair in order. After an afternoon snack, which starts at 15.30, the children play games with the teacher or engage in independent activities.

This time is suitable for individual work with children who are not keeping up with the program or lagging behind due to missing one or another lesson.

After a quiet hour, the educator conducts reading and analysis of literary works, dramatization, watching animated films or educational programs.

Individual work

The second half of the day, from 15.40 to 17.00, in a preschool institution is aimed at consolidating the material studied in the morning, or repeating previously acquired knowledge. Individual work with children is aimed at improving speech, creative and motor activity.

The music director, speech therapist or educator conducts individual work according to planning or seeing the general poor progress of the child. The preparatory group in the preschool educational institution, or rather the children attending it, takes classes with a psychologist who corrects the mental abilities of each child.

Evening walk and leaving the children home

In the evening, after all the necessary routine moments, the children go for a 2nd walk, usually at 17.30, and meet their parents. The main task of the educator is to inform adults about how their child's day went, about his successes or shortcomings. Children's work performed in the first half is demonstrated, consultations are given on parents' questions regarding the general behavior of a preschooler, or advice on how to correct mental ability if the child does not understand the material received.

Special attention is drawn to the observance of the rules of good manners. Before leaving home, the child says goodbye to the teacher and the children remaining on the site. The teacher forms a positive attitude towards the preschool institution and sets the child up for the next visit.

In case of bad weather, children work in a group room. At this time, plants or a living corner are cared for, toys are washed after a working day, and general tidying up.

Irina Ocheretova
Report "Regular moments in kindergarten: raising children after sleep"

Municipal preschool educational institution

« Children's combined garden "Dubravushka"

city ​​of Balashov, Saratov region"


on the topic:

« Regime moments in kindergarten: waking up children after sleep»



Ocheretova I.V.

Under regime It is customary to understand a scientifically based routine of life, providing for a rational distribution in time and subsequence various activities and recreation.

In a child accustomed to a routine, the need for food, sleep, and rest comes at regular intervals and is accompanied by rhythmic changes in the activity of all internal organs. The body, as it were, tunes in advance for the upcoming work, so it does not cause fatigue.

When conducting regime processes should be followed rules:

1. Full and timely satisfaction of all organic needs children(sleep, food).

2. Careful hygiene care, ensuring body cleanliness,

clothes, bed.

3. Attraction children for active participation in regime processes; encouragement of independence and activity.

4. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

5. Emotional communication during execution regime processes.

6. Consideration of needs children the individual characteristics of each child.

7. Calm and friendly tone of treatment, respect for the child, elimination of long expectations, since the appetite and sleep of babies directly depend on the state of their nervous system.

TO regime moments include:

1. Reception children, inspection, games, morning exercises;

2. Preparation for breakfast, breakfast;

3. Games and children's activities;

4. Direct educational activities;

5. Preparation for a walk, a walk;

6. Return from a walk, preparation for dinner and lunch;

7. Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep;

8. Getting up after sleep, water procedures, hardening measures;

9. Games, independent activities children;

10. Preparing for dinner, dinner;

11. Games, walk, care children home.

Requirements to regime are determined by the psychophysiological characteristics of the child's age, the tasks of education, and the surrounding conditions. Mode must take into account the age children, be constant (although there are differences in the construction regime days at different times of the year, the time spent by the child in kindergarten and parental hours.

Regime moment: waking up children after sleep.

Climb carried out gradually as you wake up children.

Educator for awakening children I used calm relaxing music. At the same time, it took into account the individual characteristics of some children: Bad mood after waking up desire to go to the toilet.

After the awakening of all the children, we carry out wake-up and gymnastics in bed (sipping, stretching the muscles of different groups)- 2 minutes

1 exercise: "Eyes wake up"

"Eyes need to be opened

A miracle not to miss. "

I. p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-2 - close your eyes, 3-4 open wide. D - 3 times. T - medium.

2 exercise: "Rotik wakes up"

"Mouth must wake up,

To open up more. "

I. p .: lying on your back, arms along the torso. 1-2 open your mouth wide, 3-4 close your mouth and smile. D - 3 times. T is slow.

3 exercise: "Hands wake up"

"Handles stretched up,

Reached for the sun. "

I. p .: lying on your back, arms along the torso. 1-2 - raise the right hand up, 3-4 take the right hand up behind the head. Also with the left hand. D - 3 times. T is slow.

4 exercise: "Legs wake up"

"Let's wake up the legs,

Collect them on the road. "

I. p .: lying on your back, arms at the top. 1-2 pull one leg towards you with a toe, 3-4 and. n. the same with the other foot. D - 3 times. T is slow.

5 exercise: "Here we are awake"

"We reached for the sun

And smiled at each other!

I. p .: stand near the bed, 1-4 - raise your hands up, stand on your toes and stretch up. D - 3 times. T - medium.

After we carry out respiratory gymnastics:


You ask questions, the child answers.

How does the steam locomotive speak?


How is the machine buzzing?

Bi-bi. Bi-bi.

How "breathes" dough?

Puff - puff - puff.

Then air hardening is carried out procedures: children perform different types of walking along the corrective paths that lie between the beds in the aisles, and go to the group at an average pace.

In a group of children after sleep reinforce the skills of self-dressing, and the teacher helps them if necessary. Work continues on the education of accuracy, independence.

Then we carry out water procedures gradually, in small groups. First explain to the children (remind) regulations behavior: before washing, roll up your sleeves, lather your hands well, do not splash water on the floor, squeeze water from your hands over the sink, keep the washroom clean and tidy. In the process, they make sure that there are 2-3 children at the sink so that they do not push each other. Make comments if necessary. Children should use a personal towel, carefully hang it in its place.

When washing, you can use nursery rhymes and rhymes that will not only make washing pleasant, but will also stimulate the development of the child's memory and thinking.

Water - water, wash my face,

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks blush

To laugh mouth

And he bit his teeth.

Whole regime moment from waking up to getting dressed children takes 20 minutes.

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