Lightening of pigmentation. Effective and safe methods for self-bleaching of age spots on the face. Whitening cosmetics

Text: Evgeniya Bagma

Regardless of the reason for the hyperpigmentation of the skin, it does not add beauty to the face, alas. Therefore, it is logical that so many women are wondering how to whiten dark spots and return even and beautiful colour faces?

Products for whitening age spots

Whiten age spots it is possible with the help of numerous means offered by modern cosmetics industry- these are creams, masks, serums and even rollers. Active ingredients These products exfoliate the skin by removing melanin from it and reduce pigment production. So, the composition of products for removing and whitening age spots can include a-hydroxy acids (for example, glycolic or lactic), hydroquinone, salicylic acid, and other components. Substances actively involved in bleaching age spots are found in parsley, dandelion, lemon, cucumber, licorice, which are successfully used for making home remedies.

Cosmetology procedures for bleaching age spots

You can whiten age spots not only at home or using ready-made bleaching products, but also using the services of a beauty parlor. Today there are several methods for removing age spots. The most effective is laser therapy, which exfoliates upper layer skin, due to which the pigment contained in it is lightened, and the skin surface is smoothed. For a long-term and high-quality result, 3-4 sessions may be needed. laser therapy with a month break between procedures. The procedure not only helps to whiten age spots, but also restores skin elasticity and removes wrinkles.

The next most effective is chemical peeling, which is carried out with the use of acids - retinoic, kojic, glycolic, etc. The acids gently but effectively burn the upper pigmented layer of the skin, and also effectively tighten the skin of the face. For three to four weeks after the chemical peeling procedure, one should not appear in the sun, therefore, such procedures are recommended to be carried out in the fall, when the sunlight becomes less intense.

Chemical peeling can be combined with mesotherapy, or you can use the latter yourself - this is a procedure for introducing special injections under the skin, which is used to solve many cosmetic problems: from treatment acne before cellulite removal. If it is necessary to whiten age spots, whitening preparations are used as injections, which suppress the production of pigment or have a whitening effect.

You can also whiten age spots with the help of phototherapy - flashes of light that remove not only spots, but also vascular network and fine wrinkles... For achievement desired effect it may take up to 6 procedures - with a break of 3-4 weeks between sessions.

With slight pigmentation, cryotherapy can help - exposure to the skin with ice or, better, liquid nitrogen... Ultrasound can also whiten age spots - waves stimulate cell renewal, destroy melanin pigment, while exfoliating and moisturizing the skin.

The decision on how to whiten age spots is different for each individual case. Talk not only with your beautician about the products or treatments that are right for you, but also with your healthcare professional to find out the cause of the blemishes.


What do the overwhelming majority of women dream about? About keeping their beauty as long as possible, their hair is thick and shiny, and the skin is smooth and fresh. Unfortunately, skin pigmentation is not uncommon; both older women and women are prone to it. young girls, for someone one speck or just a few pieces jumps up, and for someone - a whole scattering. And in the second case, the pigmented skin layer can cause a lot of problems, so removing unattractive spots becomes a priority.

The causes of pigmentation and the traditional solution to the problem

Before deciding how to whiten age spots on the face, you should understand what causes this phenomenon... By origin, pigmentation can be congenital and acquired. The first includes vascular and birthmarks, the second - freckles, chloasma. As for the reasons that cause the appearance of stains, they include:

  • Long stay of a person under ultraviolet light, which contributes to increased production of melanin.
  • Pathology digestive system, especially when it comes to impaired liver function.
  • Frequent consumption of increased amounts of foods containing high level lipochromes. These products include carrots, oranges. Usually, when you exclude them from the menu or significantly reduce the amount consumed, the problem goes away on its own.
  • Constantly arising stressful situations.
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system, pigmentation can occur against the background of pituitary neoplasms, pituitary insufficiency, or Graves' disease.
  • Nervous strain and mental disorders.
  • Gynecological pathologies.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body, especially ascorbic acid.
  • Pigmented spots can appear during pregnancy or as a result of childbirth.

With quite natural desire to cleanse the skin, the most reasonable way is to consult a specialist, because modern cosmetology is able to remove age spots in the most gentle ways, without harming the patient's health. At the same time, medical examination allowing you to establish the type of pigmentation and possible contraindications, identify provoking factors. After that, to cleanse the face from age spots, the following procedures can be carried out:

  • The use of a laser helps to effectively whiten the face, since this method allows you to break the bond of pigment molecules without affecting healthy skin. This method considered the most effective and safest.
  • Another popular whitening method is photorejuvenation, in which the skin is exposed to a combination of heat and light energy.
  • With the help of peeling, lightening occurs due to the removal of the upper layer of the epidermis. The procedure makes skin cells actively renew, resulting in a uniform color. At the same time, there are several types of peeling - ultrasonic with the introduction of special preparations under the skin, painful laser, which removes almost completely the upper skin layer. At chemical peeling a special active agent is applied to the skin layer, under the influence of which the epidermis is exfoliated. During cryotherapy, pigmented areas are treated with liquid nitrogen.

What to consider when choosing a procedure

Regardless of whether you want to get rid of pigmentation in beauty salon or prefer a room cleaning option using traditional medicine recipes, certain factors should be considered:

  • The state of health and the type of pigmentation are of great importance. With implicit severity of pigmentation and without its significant internal medicine alternative treatment can be actively used.
  • It is necessary to conduct an examination to identify the state of organs and systems, since it is often impossible to quickly whiten the skin until the treatment of diseases of the liver, genitals in women has been carried out, endocrine system.
  • Masks for age spots can solve the problem, but their use should be regular.
  • Removing toxins and toxins that have accumulated there that cause stains can also be an effective solution. However, when cleansing the intestines, one should not forget about the need for a plant-based diet. Enterosorbents should also be used.

WITH increased attention should refer to the selection of the recipe. Face masks that help eliminate pigmentation are prepared on the basis of fresh cucumber, milk and its derivatives, citrus fruits, parsley and others. plant components... Each of the recipes should be pre-tested on a small area of ​​the skin and after 24 hours it should be determined whether there is negative reaction... It must be remembered that many whitening face masks include components that are quite aggressive in their effect.

Any product should be applied to exfoliated skin as this allows for fuller penetration. medicinal components into the dermal layers.

Peroxide masks

Products containing hydrogen peroxide are especially popular for getting rid of age spots at home. In addition, other ingredients may be included in the recipe:

Folk recipes using food

As a rule, many of the products that we are used to using for cooking delicious dishes can help get rid of problem spots on the skin layer:

To even out and lighten the color of the skin, it is recommended to use tonics and lotions made from natural ingredients:

  1. It is necessary to brew a handful of mint leaves in 250 ml of boiled water. After cooling, the infusion is filtered, half a lemon is squeezed into it. This tonic is necessary to wipe the face in the morning and evening. The result is noticeable after seven days of using the product.
  2. You can mix cucumber juice with homemade milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Such a tool must be used for several days, after which a new one must be prepared. It is necessary to wipe the skin in the morning and evening hours.

Net smooth skin with a slight pinkish tint - this is the dream of any woman. But sometimes it is almost impossible to achieve it. And the reason for this is skin pigmentation - the appearance of dark shapeless spots that are chaotically scattered over the face. Some women have few of them, but for others, an excessive amount of age spots is a real tragedy, because they greatly spoil their appearance.

If there is a barely noticeable speck on the face, it is unlikely that it will become big problem... But if the pigmentation is pronounced, then the question of how to whiten age spots on the face becomes relevant. Good news: from this cosmetic defect you can get rid of it at home with folk remedies.

Pigmentation is a kind of body defense against adverse conditions. environment... If a person spends too much time in the open sun, the skin begins to produce the pigment melanin, which becomes the cause of the appearance of spots on the face.

By the nature of the origin, spots are:

  • congenital - these are vascular formations and small moles;
  • acquired are freckles and chloasma.

Doctors identify the following main reasons for the appearance of an excessive amount of age spots on the face:

  • frequent and prolonged exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation;
  • digestive system problems. Liver diseases especially affect pigmentation;
  • often hyperpigmentation is an excess amount of lipochromes in the diet... They are found in oranges and carrots. Sometimes it happens that after eliminating these products from the diet, stain removal is not required - they disappear on their own;
  • constant being in a stressful state;
  • pathology of the endocrine system of any nature and degree of development;
  • nervous strain;
  • mental illnesses such as severe phobias or neuroses;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins in the body;
  • vitamin C deficiency;
  • sometimes pregnancy and childbirth provoke the appearance of age spots;
  • long-term use of certain groups of medicines;
  • age changes in the structure of the skin;
  • sometimes the person himself is to blame for the hyperpigmentation. The fact is that the constant squeezing of acne is an excellent prerequisite for the appearance of age spots;
  • if a person does not like his congenital moles, and he tries to quickly whiten his face, hyperpigmentation is inevitable, and this is, in some way, the best outcome. Sometimes such actions lead to the development of malignant tumors.

Most of these reasons cannot be controlled by a person, therefore skin lightening is a problem that worries a large number of people.

It should be noted right away that whitening age spots on the face is possible at home, but this is a rather long and laborious process. In addition, not only will it not be possible to remove congenital spots, it can also turn out negative consequences for health, therefore, all the recipes in this article are designed to get rid of age spots at home, which have appeared due to the above reasons.

First Steps to Eliminate Imperfections

Before applying masks for age spots, it is imperative to visit the hospital for full examination... If the cause of pigmentation lies in the pathologies of internal organs, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. Without this, all efforts will be in vain. If the spots disappear, then they will not for long, and later they will appear, and in even greater quantities.

First you need to visit a dermatologist who will prescribe diagnostic measures. If a diagnosis in this area is not made, the doctor will send the patient for an examination of the internal organs, after which it will be necessary to undergo appropriate treatment.

This article provides face masks that will only help in the case of dermatological prerequisites for the occurrence of age spots.

Before using any of the products listed below, you must completely cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. This can be done with over-the-counter laxative tea or a regular enema.

Cosmetological treatments

Today, many beauty clinics offer skin whitening services.

  • The most effective, fastest and safest method is laser removal.
  • Another effective method- photorejuvenation. But it is not suitable for everyone; a comprehensive examination is required before using it.
  • Whitening peels do not always give the expected results. In addition, the procedure can be painful.
  • Cryotherapy - newest method exposure to the skin with liquid nitrogen.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if the pigmentation is not too pronounced or the person does not want to seek the services of specialists, then the skin can be cleaned at home.

Masks as a treatment

A mask for age spots on the face at home is very effective method treatment. There are many recipes similar funds, and they are all used according to the following rules:

Now directly on how to prepare face masks:

After applying any of these masks, the question of how to whiten your skin will disappear by itself. In addition to its main function, each of these recipes:

  • eliminates skin irregularities;
  • gives the skin a healthy tone;
  • eliminates spider veins.

Another famous and very effective remedy is hydrogen peroxide, which deserves a separate discussion.

Hydrogen peroxide against age spots

The benefits of hydrogen peroxide are obvious:

  • whitening and lightening the skin;
  • elimination of traces of age spots;
  • elimination of acne and scars from them;
  • getting rid of age spots.

Hydrogen peroxide for age spots is used at a concentration of 3%. Otherwise, there is a risk of receiving chemical burn, which is fraught with visible scars.

The skin treatment procedure itself is quite simple:

  1. A cotton pad is moistened with liquid and applied to problem place for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, the skin should not be wet.
  2. Next, the skin is blotted with a paper towel.
  3. A regular nourishing cream is applied to the skin. It is advisable that he moisturize it. Apply in a thick layer.

When processing leather, it is necessary to observe the following recommendations specialists:

  • first, it is advisable to test the hydrogen peroxide on small areas that need clarification. So you can exclude allergic reactions and hypersensitivity and avoid negative consequences;
  • women who have too sensitive skin are at high risk using hydrogen peroxide;
  • if cotton pad keep on the skin for too long, chemical burns are inevitable.

The main thing in getting rid of age spots is regularity. It is important to be patient, as the treatment process sometimes takes several months, but the results are worth it.

Visually, age spots are dark areas of skin on the face or body. Their appearance is due to a violation of pigmentation processes, excessive accumulation of melanin. Masks for bleaching age spots will help to lighten non-aesthetic imperfections of the skin, improve its condition in general, but they can be used only if you are fully confident in the causes of the appearance of pigmented areas. Before using homemade whitening masks, you should visit a specialist who will determine the cause of their occurrence and prescribe a set of measures to eliminate the problem.


Products with whitening properties

In general, whitening masks are useful for absolutely everyone and not only to eliminate pigmentation, because they cleanse, refresh and tone the skin, which is useful at any age and for any type. Remember, homemade whitening products do not always help completely get rid of pigmentation areas, but lightening the skin and dark spots for several tones - this is also a noticeable result.

For masks with a lightening effect, products are usually used that are present in the kitchen of almost every housewife. The record holder among such products is lemon, namely its juice. For the same purposes, it is good to use grapefruit, fresh cucumbers, sauerkraut, dairy products, parsley, oat flakes, egg whites, turmeric, potato and corn starch, cocoa powder, berry juice(viburnum, strawberry). Masks based on cosmetic clay, hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid.

Features of the use of whitening masks at home from dark spots

  1. Apply lightening compositions in dosage and keep exactly as much as indicated in the recipe, so as not to dry the skin and not provoke dehydration of the epidermis.
  2. It is important to carry out the procedure in the evening and at autumn-winter period, in order to exclude negative impact sun rays.
  3. During the period of using whitening masks, it is necessary to use creams with high sun protection factor as the photosensitivity of the skin increases.
  4. Whitening compounds for stains should be washed off with cool water, without drying the face, apply the nourishing cream in an even thick layer.
  5. During home treatment areas with hyperpigmentation, it is recommended to include in the diet foods containing vitamins C and PP, as well as exclude the use of coffee and coffee containing beverages.
  6. Each blemish composition must be tested for skin sensitivity, since aggressive impact can provoke their appearance even more.
  7. The mask must be applied to the face cleaned with a scrub.

Depending on the type of skin, the constituent components of masks for dark spots can be varied, which will increase their effectiveness. Regularity is important in any endeavor, therefore, whitening procedures must be carried out systematically twice a week until visible improvement. In the future, for the prevention of blemishes and just for the general tone of the skin, brightening masks can be done every two weeks.

Recipes for whitening home masks and face compresses

Lemon mask-compress for age spots.

Medium lemon - 1 pc.
Vodka - 100 g.

The composition for application must be prepared in 10 days. Wash the lemon, cut into pieces, remove all the seeds. Fold the raw materials into a small glass jar with a lid and pour vodka. Put the mixture in a dark place for infusion. After 10 days, strain the resulting tincture. Take a piece of gauze, fold it in three layers and make slits for the eyes, mouth and nose. Such a napkin will be required in case of large age spots located all over the face. In the case of single darkened areas, it is enough to take cotton pads. Moisten cotton pads or cheesecloth in the tincture, squeeze lightly, put on problem areas and leave for 20 minutes. Pre-clean the face of cosmetics and impurities. During the entire time, it is necessary to periodically additionally moisten the discs or gauze in the infusion, preventing the mixture from drying out on the face. After the procedure, it is advisable not to wash your face, let the infusion remain on your face for as long as you can withstand. Then you can wash your face and apply a nourishing agent to your skin.

Lemon-protein mask for oily skin against age spots.

Egg white - 1 pc.
Lemon juice (viburnum juice) - 1 tsp.

Whip egg white until a thick foam forms. Continuing to beat, gradually introduce lemon juice into the protein. On a previously cleansed face, apply a protein-lemon mass, avoiding the area around the eyes, which it is advisable to lubricate before the procedure fat cream... As one layer dries, apply the next. And so on until the whole composition or your patience runs out. Rinse off the mixture with water room temperature, the skin must be lubricated with a fat cream.

Video: How to lighten age spots at home.

Lemon honey mask for age spots for all skin types.

Lemon juice - 1 lemon.
Liquid honey - 100 g.

Squeeze lemon juice and combine with honey. Ready mix can be stored in the refrigerator. Apply daily to areas with age spots or the entire face and neck, hold for 15-30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water, be sure to lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

Olive oil mask for mature and aging skin.

Lemon - ½ pc.
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Liquid honey - 2 tsp
Sugar - 2 tsp

Mix honey and sugar, squeeze out the juice of the pitted lemon and add oil. Stir everything thoroughly and apply on the face with gentle massaging movements. Leave on for five minutes, then rinse and apply a nourishing product.

Mask with clay and cucumber juice for age spots.

White clay (kaolin) powder - 1 tsp.
Fresh cucumber juice (parsley or strawberry) - 1.5 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply on the face or only problem areas, stand for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. After the procedure, it is imperative to lubricate the face with an intensely nourishing cream. Fresh cucumber can also be used as a stand-alone whitening agent. Apply fresh cucumber mass daily on the face for 20 minutes. Course - 10 procedures.

Cottage cheese and sour cream mask for stains with hydrogen peroxide for all skin types.

Not fat cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 1 tsp

Grind the milk components into a homogeneous mass, add peroxide and stir thoroughly. Apply the mixture to age spots, you can keep the whole face and hold for 15 minutes, then wash with water at room temperature and apply the cream.

Milk citrus mask for skin prone to pigmentation.

Dried orange, lime or lemon zest - 1 pc.
Milk - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Grind the zest in a blender to make a powder, dilute it with milk until the consistency of sour cream and apply on the face for 10 minutes. Wash off with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Yeast mask for all skin types from age spots.

Raw yeast - 25 g.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp l.

Dilute yeast with milk until smooth, add lemon juice. Apply the ready-made mixture to the areas of pigmentation or the entire face, keep it on for 15 minutes.

Anti-blemish mask with starch and lemon juice for all skin types.


Lemon juice.

Dilute the starch with lemon juice to make a thick slurry, which is applied pointwise to areas with pigmentation. Keep the composition for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply the cream.

Brightening anti-blemish mask for fair skin.

Potato starch - 1 tbsp l.
Country milk - 1 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the components, distribute on the face, rinse off after 20 minutes and apply the cream.

Viburnum mask for all skin types (except dry).

Viburnum juice - 100 ml.

Moisten gauze wipes with slots for eyes, mouth and nose in fresh juice viburnum and apply on the face. After 10 minutes, moisten the napkin again and apply for 10 minutes. Do these masks-compresses every day for 10 days. Then you need to take a 10-day break and repeat the course again if necessary. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with cream.

Mask with turmeric and lemon juice for problem skin.

Turmeric - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 2 tsp

Mix the components until a pasty consistency is obtained. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little more lemon juice. The mass is kept on the face or only age spots for 15 minutes. Wash off with plenty of cool water. Be sure to moisturize the skin with a cream.

Mask with cinnamon for age spots.

Natural honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 1 pc.

To squeeze the lemon juice all without residue, place the fruit itself for a few seconds in hot water... Mix the prepared juice with the rest of the ingredients and lubricate the pigmented areas, or apply to the entire face. Wash your face after 10 minutes cold water, and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream.

A brightening oatmeal oil mask for all skin types.

Lemon juice - 3 drops.
Oat flakes - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Natural yogurt - 1 tsp

Grind the flakes with a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting flour with the rest of the ingredients. Keep the mask on the face until it dries completely, rinse off warm water and lubricate your face with a nourishing cream.

Whitening mask with horseradish juice for aging skin.

Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Horseradish juice - 1 tbsp. l.

The resulting mass of mixed ingredients keep on age spots for 5 minutes, rinse with plenty of cool water and apply cream.

Anti-age spots body mask.

Hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 2 tsp
Bodyagi powder - 1 tsp.

Pour over the body with peroxide and let stand for a few minutes until foam appears. Moisten a cotton pad in the resulting composition and apply pointwise to the areas of pigmentation. Wash your face after 15 minutes hot water, powder face with talcum powder. This recipe is not suitable for sensitive and dry skin, as well as in the presence of rosacea, wounds on the skin.

Video: A valid recipe for a bleaching mask for age spots in the "Everything will be good" program

Kefir mask for light sensitive skin against age spots.

Homemade kefir - 2 tbsp. l.
Wheat bran - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and leave warm to swell. After ten minutes, apply the resulting gruel to the entire face, after 20 minutes, wash with running water and apply a cream with a moisturizing or nourishing effect.

Mask with sauerkraut for age spots.

Chopped sauerkraut - 2 tbsp. l.
Brine sauerkraut- Little.

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face to prevent dripping - lie down for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Anti-blemish potato and milk mask for all skin types.

Boiled and crushed potatoes - 2 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Cottage cheese - 1 tsp.
Milk -1 tsp.

Mix the components into a thick gruel and apply to areas of pigmentation, for those who want to tighten the skin and increase its elasticity, the composition can be applied to the entire face. After 20 minutes, rinse off the composition, and moisturize the face with cream.

Whitening masks at home will help solve the problem of pigmentation and improve the condition and appearance skin.

Facial skin on which cosmetic defects have appeared requires special care... Home remedies help lighten age spots on the face, restore natural color skin, to rejuvenate the epithelial tissue. Masks are quick and easy to prepare at home from natural products.

Types of age spots

Means for removing pigmentation are selected depending on the type of cosmetic defect. There are 4 types of age spots that form on the skin:

  • chloasma;
  • lentigo;
  • moles;
  • freckles.


Chloasma - pigmented formations, colored in brown shades... Smooth spots are different in shape, size, color, shape. They occur mainly in women during the period of bearing a child. Such formations are usually not eliminated. After the baby is born, pigmentation disappears without a trace.

If chloasma is not associated with pregnancy, it should be examined internal organs... To education brown spots lead gynecological diseases, reception oral contraceptives, liver disease, excessive exposure to direct sunlight.

The pigmentation disappears after the root cause is eliminated. The doctor, having identified the provoking factor, prescribes the appropriate treatment. Chloasma cannot be eliminated by cosmetic methods.


Consolidated dark brown or brown spots that rise above the skin are called lentigo. Formations of various sizes with oval, oblong or round shape sharply delineated. They scatter on the face, capturing small or large areas of the skin.

The appearance of lentigo is influenced by age-related changes in the human body. There are 2 types of stains:

  1. Baby lentigo. Formations occur in children under 10 years of age. Then they spontaneously disappear. Baby lentigo is not treated.
  2. Senile lentigo. Pigmentation develops in old age. The diameter of the spots reaches 2 cm. They get rid of such age spots on the face in beauty salons.


Nevi are pigmented formations that are different in shape and size. Spots of red and pink shades are formed from blood and lymph vessels. They are difficult to remove and treat.

Dark formations develop under the influence of melanin, a pigment substance that is synthesized in the body in excess. It is forbidden to get rid of them at home.

Not every mole will agree to be removed in a beauty salon. The procedure can lead to grave consequences threatening health.


A scattering of reddish-brown small specks on woman's face considered a decoration. However, not every owner of freckles is ready to put up with their presence. Pigmentation appears on exposure to sunlight or UV radiation in fair-skinned people.

Freckles appear on skin face and hands in spring. In autumn, the spots begin to fade. Throughout the cold period, they remain barely noticeable or disappear without a trace until spring.

It is impossible to remove freckles forever. Such pigmentation is lightened with home or pharmacy remedies. Under their influence, the spots become almost invisible. Freckles are prevented by shielding the skin from UV rays.

Pharmacy preparations

Age spots help to whiten pharmacy products... The pigment disintegrates under the influence of:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia and boric alcohol;
  • white clay;
  • peach seed oils.

From pharmacy products prepare the following whitening compositions:

Facial cleaning products

To successfully whiten pigmented skin, plant extracts are used. They are prepared like this:

Plant extracts dry out the epithelium. After applying them, the face should be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Masks as a treatment

Masks for whitening brown spots on the face are done twice a week. The brightening compositions are left on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash away home cosmetics herbal infusions or plain water... The treatment ends with the application of a moisturizing cream.

Fresh cucumber mask

Cucumber is an effective natural skin whitener... Use the vegetable in pure form or mixed with other ingredients:

  1. The cucumber is turned into gruel, spread on the problem area.
  2. Cucumber gruel is combined with olive oil, store-bought nourishing cream, or lemon juice. The components are taken in equal amounts. The mixture is applied to the pigmented areas.
  3. Juice from 1 cucumber is combined with 15 ml of aloe juice, 15 ml of dandelion infusion, 15 ml of parsley, 1 teaspoon of cream. The herbs are brewed separately. Take 1 tablespoon of raw materials for 250 ml of boiling water. Give plant extracts infuse for 30 minutes. The ingredients are combined, mixed. A napkin with slits for the eyes is impregnated in the solution, applied to the face. The mask cleanses the skin, accelerates the regeneration of the epithelium, and whitens.
  4. Take 1 tablespoon of cucumber gruel, add 5 ml castor oil, 5 ml of lemon juice (or 15 ml of kefir). The mixture is spread on pigmented skin.

Parsley and lemon mask

Take 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, liquid honey and finely chopped parsley, mix thoroughly. The mass is applied to areas with pigmentation.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

Burdock oil mixed with hydrogen peroxide solution eliminates uneven pigmentation. It is prepared according to this recipe: add 3 drops of peroxide to 6 ml of oil, 3 ml apple cider vinegar... The mask is washed off with rosehip extract (1 tablespoon of fruits is brewed in 250 ml of boiling water, kept for 15 minutes, filtered).

Berry masks

Yeast mask with grapefruit juice

Yeast masks brighten and rejuvenate the skin, making it velvety and smooth. To prepare a product with a whitening effect, use the following folk recipe.

To 10 ml of grapefruit juice add 15 g of baker's yeast. Place the container with the mixture in a pot of hot water. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Apply a mass to the problem area.

Anti-age spots cream

Cosmetics can lighten age spots and regulate melanin production. Pick up suitable remedy the doctor helps. The whitening cream is applied to problem areas after using the scrub. It exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis, thanks to which the cream penetrates into the deep layers of the epithelium, more effectively destroys the pigment. However, this is not a prerequisite.

The following products have good brightening properties:

Pharmacy, cosmetic and home remedies with a whitening effect even out the complexion, discolor age spots, smooth out irregularities on the skin, eliminate spider veins. To obtain a lasting effect, they should be used regularly for 2-3 months.