Refreshing face mask at home - the best recipes, effectiveness and reviews. Cherry mask with flour. Refreshing face mask before the festive event

Our skin needs daily care, regardless of the season. And summer gives us a great opportunity to get enough and enrich ourselves with vitamins. It's time for refreshing face masks at home. We will talk about them in this article.

The effect of refreshing masks

They saturate the cells with useful substances, providing comprehensive skin care. As well as:

  • They have a cleansing effect (before the procedure, you can use a scrub, which ensures deeper penetration of useful components).
  • Saturate the skin with oxygen, accelerating metabolic processes.
  • Antioxidants have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • They make the skin younger, more elastic and velvety, smooth fine wrinkles, lighten dark circles, tighten, cleanse.
  • The complexion becomes better due to increased blood circulation.

Their usefulness is obvious. There are no age restrictions for working with refreshing masks. But there are some contraindications. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Who is prohibited from refreshing face masks at home

These are not suitable for everyone. It is better to refrain from such procedures if:

  • the dermis has visible damage;
  • one of the products is allergic;
  • rash occupies 25% of the skin;
  • capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin.

To begin with, the mask must be tested on the skin of the hands or behind the ear. You should apply the product and hold for 10 minutes, in case of unpleasant sensations (itching, redness), stop using it.

These masks are suitable for those who:

  • the skin is dry, flaky, there is a feeling of tightness;
  • in spring, age spots appeared, the complexion has a greenish and yellowish tint;
  • lack of blush;
  • the number of small wrinkles increased;
  • the dermis has acquired a greasy sheen;
  • the second chin grew, folds formed in the cheek area, the oval of the face blurred.

So, we figured out who is allowed refreshing face masks at home. Only after you have decided on the recipe, it is worth considering whether you will be able to regularly buy all the necessary ingredients. Because for a good result, you need to do the procedure for thirty days. It is desirable to choose products that are environmentally friendly, without chemicals.

Before considering folk homemade recipes for refreshing face masks, we will learn how to apply them.

In order for the components to be useful and have the right effect, it is necessary:

  1. The resulting mass is applied to the skin in a heated form, then the beneficial substances are absorbed better.
  2. Apply a homogeneous mixture evenly.
  3. Keep the gruel on your face for no more than 25 minutes, otherwise irritation may appear.
  4. Remove residues with plain water, without using soap.
  5. Make a healing mass strictly according to the recipe, without changing the technology.

As you can see, the recommendations are simple. It should also be noted that before applying it is better to clean the pores first. To do this, hold your face over a pot of hot steam, covered with a towel. You can add your favorite medicinal herbs. But such a procedure is contraindicated for asthmatics and people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

And a few more rules

In addition to vegetables and fruits, medicinal herbs may be included in the composition. For example, St. John's wort, calendula, aloe, oregano, linden, parsley, chamomile. As well as egg yolk, dairy products, oils and even activated charcoal.

So here are the tips:

  • The mask should be prepared before the procedure itself, so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.
  • It is better to apply the gruel with a cotton pad, trying not to get on the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • The product you choose should suit your skin type.
  • The remains are removed with a napkin, then it is recommended to wash with a decoction of herbs or tea, chilled, of course.
  • It is recommended to make masks before going to bed.
  • After removing the product, you need to use a moisturizer for the face.

Now let's move on to the recipes for refreshing face masks at home.

Is the process of making a mask difficult?

There is nothing difficult. To saturate dry skin with moisture, you need to mix liquid honey with sour cream, then add cottage cheese and apply the composition for 15 minutes.

Oily skin needs a raspberry and strawberry mask in tandem with liquid honey and lemon juice. There is another option that regenerates and renews cells. You will need steamed oatmeal, to which we will add the yolk, tomato juice and a mass of grated cucumber.

More recipes

The main thing is to keep the proportions. So, let's begin:

  • Potato. It is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to boil a potato, crush the peeled tuber, add the yolk and 50 ml of milk to the mass. We mix. We achieve a uniform consistency.
  • From curd. It will take only two ingredients, homemade cottage cheese and lemon juice, which must be mixed to a thick slurry. Such a mask not only refreshes, but also fights against age spots.
  • Grape. Squeeze 50 ml of juice and mix it with fat sour cream (40 grams). As the main component, you can use an apple or lemon.
  • Based on yeast. In the juice of sauerkraut (30 ml), we dilute a little yeast. Add 5 ml of olive oil, mix thoroughly and let it brew for 20 minutes.
  • Coffee. After drinking a mug of insoluble coffee, leave the thick. We add 20 grams of honey (preferably fresh) and a teaspoon of milk to it. Mix everything thoroughly and add a couple of drops of sunflower oil.
  • Cucumber mask. It will take 30 grams of juicy green pulp, the same amount of heavy cream and 15 grams of honey. We mix everything and keep it on the face for no more than 10 minutes.

The recipes are quite simple. Now we know how to prepare a refreshing face mask at home. Do not forget that seasonal vegetables and fruits saturate the skin with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

Face mask recipes

At home, if there is an important event coming up and you need to look good, you can do manipulations that, in effect, will be no worse than salon procedures. You just need to simply apply one of the masks on your face, which you need to keep for 15-20 minutes:

  1. It is better, of course, to use products of their own production. We take 17 grams of fatty cottage cheese. To it we add 30 grams of cream, you can sour cream, and 7 grams of salt. You need to mix everything well. The consistency will be liquid, so you need to apply it while lying down. Not suitable for oily skin.
  2. Mask based on oatmeal. We take a tablespoon of them and add them to yogurt, put a little honey in the resulting mass to give the mixture a density. Rinse with water, preferably warm.
  3. Parsley and other fresh herbs perfectly even out the complexion. This recipe is extremely simple, you need to grind the parsley with olive oil to get a thick homogeneous mass. We apply for half an hour.
  4. Watermelon mask. You will need a few tablespoons of watermelon and lemon juice and a little natural honey.
  5. Potato-carrot mask. To the grated orange root crop, add a tablespoon of warm crushed potatoes and the yolk. Wash off with warm and then cold water.
  6. Popular beer mask. We heat up 50 grams of light beer, add the yolk, a tablespoon of potato flour and the same amount of finely grated carrots. The mass should be homogeneous.
  7. Berry mask. The composition includes a handful of raspberries, half a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of sour cream. It is applied in a thick layer and washed off with warm water.

Refreshing face mask at home is an excellent remedy in the fight against tired and pale skin. But there are a few other important things to keep in mind.

So, tips:

  1. A healthy glow and blush can be maintained by limiting or not drinking alcoholic beverages at all. You need to leave bad habits, take care of your physical and mental state, eat right.
  2. You can take 20 minutes before a meal, four tablets of activated charcoal, washed down with chilled boiled water.
  3. Oily skin, dotted with black dots, must be cleansed and cosmetics used to even out complexion.
  4. A positive mood and a radiant smile work wonders. After all, stress and depression are reflected in our face.

Skin care must be comprehensive. Consider a few more recipes for refreshing and toning face masks.

What ingredients to use?

The answer is simple: all the same vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs. Perfectly tones the skin cabbage and cucumber juice, as well as applesauce. If there is no time, you can simply wash the cucumber, cut into slices and put on your face. But it is better not to be lazy and prepare a mask that you need to keep for 10-15 minutes. Here are some recipes:

  • A classic mask that invigorates the skin. We take a fermented milk product 20-25 ml: sour cream - for dry skin, for oily - yogurt, for normal - yogurt. Next, mix with 10-15 ml of lemon juice. The mass is ready. We cover the face with gauze so that the mask does not drain. Then we remove everything and wash our face.
  • Potato-egg. You will need one potato and a raw yolk. We rub the tuber on a fine grater and squeeze it well, mix with the yolk. For oily skin, protein is taken.
  • Coffee mask. We take a dessert spoon of a fermented milk product, two coffee spoons of lemon zest and two of the same spoons of coffee grounds. Mix everything, apply on the skin with massaging movements.

Again, a home face treatment with refreshing masks alone will not be enough, you need to take care of your health in general. A positive result can be achieved only through complex, painstaking work on oneself. Daily self-improvement is necessary. Never stop half way.

Even the word "freshness" is feminine and is associated with tenderness, youth. How do you want to always stay just like that. But to preserve natural beauty, you need to work hard, which is not always enough time. Therefore, it is important to have a proven tool in reserve, which in emergency situations will quickly remove fatigue from the face, tighten, and give a velvety effect. This is where nature itself comes to the rescue. A refreshing homemade face mask made from natural ingredients is a lifesaver on the eve of a long-awaited date or an important business meeting.

A baby is born with perfect skin, which contains 90% moisture. Gradually, the hydrobalance is disturbed. And by the age of 60, this figure is only 30%. Therefore, it is so important to constantly maintain the epidermis from the outside, nourish, moisturize. Especially the skin needs attention in the winter and spring seasons, when the body is depleted and the lack of vitamins and proper care is literally reflected on the face. How should you properly take care of your skin?

Regular care rules


This condition is a necessity, since the influence of the environment and the characteristics of the modern lifestyle directly affects the skin. The pores are clogged, oxygen is not supplied, the blood flow slows down, respectively, the cells of the dermis lose moisture, vitality, the face ceases to be elastic. What means to use for cleansing?

  • Water. This is the most basic tool to remove dirt and dead cells from the skin. The most effective will be boiled, softened with a decoction with herbs or lime juice.
  • Ice. Cosmetologists recommend it for wiping. Due to its tonic properties, it tightens pores, slows down the aging process of the skin, and gives a flush to the face.
  • Decoctions. You can prepare herbal decoctions that will relieve irritation and soften the skin.
  • Scrubs. Their cleansing power is undeniable, but is often not recommended as it thins the skin, making it more vulnerable.
  • Steam . Bath or sauna - a great opportunity to open the pores and cleanse the skin of the accumulated "garbage". If you only have a sink at home, then you can make steam baths. It is enough to prepare a decoction of herbs or with the addition of essential oils, cover yourself with a large towel and hold your face over the steam.


Saturation with moisture is an important step in skin care, especially in winter. In the absence of violations of the water balance, the skin retains velvety, smoothes, fills with a pleasant shade.

  • Thermal water . Its use is indispensable in the hot season, when the sun's rays are trying to dry the surface of the face, and also when the heating is turned on.
  • Olive oil . Due to the content of vitamins important for the skin, slightly warmed oil perfectly moisturizes the face. Don't forget to wipe off the excess with a tissue.
  • Honey. It has a unique property to be absorbed deep into the skin and carry with it all the moisture that it contains in the composition, and this is 30%.
  • Masks. Regularly pamper your skin with moisturizing treatments. They don't take much time or effort. By choosing a few recipes with simple ingredients that are always available at home, you can balance the inner feeling of youth and the outer expression of it.


In addition to moisture, the skin constantly needs additional nutrients that would help it resist aggressive external factors. And you need to think over the diet both outside and inside.

  • Food . The more satisfied the body, the more beautiful the skin. The face only mirrors the state of the internal organs, the work of which is getting better or worse from incoming food.
  • Masks. Do them only once every seven days to saturate the skin with oxygen, saturate it with vitamins and other useful substances. Depending on the condition of the integument after the masks, use post-care: cream or serum. This is especially important with dry epidermis. For combination skin, nourishment after masks should be point: only those areas that suffer from peeling are processed. In the case of oily dermis, additional nutrition is not required.
  • Cream. Use a nourishing night cream, because while you sleep, skin cells work, and the beneficial substances of the cream contribute to them.

Facial massage is another way to keep the skin fresh. By allocating ten minutes a day, you can increase blood flow in the layers of the epidermis. What will be the key to getting rid of a gray tint, fatigue in the form of bags under the eyes, harmful wrinkles. In the morning your face will be filled with freshness. Manipulations can be carried out with fingertips or a small terry towel, rolled up with a roller.

What to do in an emergency: refreshing face masks

Let's not prevaricate - not all girls closely and regularly take care of themselves. This is especially true for young mothers on maternity leave, whose time and attention are completely absorbed by the baby. And now comes the long-awaited occasion for publication ... Training begins after several months of "reclusion". And looking in the mirror, I want to cry. But let's leave the tears for melodramas. It's not all that bad, and there's a way to fix things quickly. Exit - masks for freshness of the face at home. To get the maximum effect, you need to choose the right recipe for your skin type and take into account a few rules.

  • Product quality. Prepare facial freshening masks only from good quality ingredients. Don't add chemically created substitutes, they won't do any good, but they can hurt.
  • Allergy. If you have not made face masks according to the selected recipe before, do not be lazy and check the skin for the tolerance of the ingredients.
  • Regularity. A quick refreshing face mask will cover up blemishes and you can be the queen in public today. But at a deep level, such an unsystematic approach will not solve problems. For a lasting result, refreshing masks are recommended to be done up to two times a week.

If there is irritation, wounds or a purulent pimple on the skin, then refrain from sessions with home cosmetics. This will make the situation even worse. In the beginning, take care of quick healing. Avoid mixtures with components that cause you concern. Here are substances that are best excluded: hydrogen peroxide, soda, alcohol.

If the skin is flaky

For dry skin, careful care is essential. Before applying the mask, the dead layer of cells, which prevents substances from penetrating deep into the epidermis, must be removed from the surface of the face. Do not complicate your life by choosing multi-component mixtures. Use recipes with simple products and you will see a disproportionate result.

milk boom

  1. Take one small spoonful of the following dairy products: cottage cheese, rustic sour cream and milk.
  2. Add two similar spoons of fresh honey.
  3. Stir.
  4. The mask must be kept on the face for 20 minutes.

Fresh from oatmeal

  1. Make berry puree. Use a tandem of blackcurrant and raspberry in the amount of two large spoons.
  2. Pour boiling water over oatmeal.
  3. Wait until it softens.
  4. Add one large spoonful of oatmeal to the crushed berries.
  5. The procedure time is 30 minutes.

Strawberry with banana

  1. Take equal proportions of banana and strawberries.
  2. Make a bowl out of them.
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey to one large spoonful of grated fruit and berry mixture.
  4. Wash off after 30 minutes.

With yolk

  1. Take chicken yolk as the basis of the mask.
  2. Whip it up.
  3. Add a small spoonful of oatmeal, bring to uniformity.
  4. In this recipe, you can dream up a little, using one more of the listed ingredients in the amount of ½ teaspoon: fermented milk product without sugar and chemical dyes, aloe or lemon juice, honey.
  5. The mask needs 15 minutes to impregnate the dermis cells.

If the skin is shiny

For oily skin, vegetables, herbs, and herbs are the best friends among the bases for masks. If cosmetic sessions are carried out constantly, the face will no longer be greasy, the pores will narrow.

cabbage mixture

  1. Puree a fresh white cabbage leaf in a blender. You will need two tablespoons.
  2. Stir in the same amount of curd.
  3. Dilute with one small spoonful of lemon fresh.
  4. And you will need the same amount of honey to complete a refreshing cocktail.
  5. After 20 minutes, excess fat will come off after applying the mixture.

Herbal mask

  1. All herbs are taken proportionally and ground. Combine the leaves of the mother and stepmother and wormwood, add chamomile flowers, as well as St. John's wort.
  2. Pour three large spoons of this herbal mix into a glass of hot water.
  3. Let's insist.
  4. Use the cake as the basis of the mask.
  5. The time required for the absorption of nutrients is 20 minutes.

with dill

  1. Prepare a glass of boiling water.
  2. Pour a bunch of dill over them and cook for seven minutes.
  3. Leave it to stand. Next, you will need a large spoonful of broth.
  4. Separate the protein and beat.
  5. Combine the ingredients and let them "work" for 20 minutes.

Elementary Recipe

  1. Separate one protein and mix with a teaspoon of honey.
  2. The duration of the procedure will be 30 minutes.

Remember that the skin does not like monotony, so immediately choose several suitable recipes and alternate. Be sure to connect cleansers before a home cosmetic session.

If the skin is aging

Yeast, eggs and all kinds of oils should be called the main components for maintaining aging and tired skin.

cream apple

  1. Prepare two small spoons of applesauce. (By the way, you can take both strawberries and peaches).
  2. Shake the yolk and stir with one large spoonful of melted butter.
  3. Add a small spoonful of honey.
  4. Apply the fragrant mixture for 15 minutes.

Mask with coffee base

  1. A thick natural ground coffee will be needed in the amount of one large spoon.
  2. Separate the chicken yolk.
  3. A large spoonful of vegetable oil (grape seed, olive or sesame) heat a little with the same volume of fresh honey.
  4. Mix all ingredients.
  5. The procedure is designed for 20 minutes.

Yeast Help

  1. Dilute a large spoonful of dry yeast with milk so that it resembles sour cream in thickness. Milk should be warm to enhance fermentation.
  2. Leave for ten minutes.
  3. Attach the yolk.
  4. Dilute a small spoon of honey with two of the same spoons of olive oil.
  5. Combine all ingredients.
  6. The duration of the session is 20 minutes.

Options for all types

For any skin, you can choose one of the recipes below, which do not require much time to implement. And in the composition - tomatoes and hercules.

tomato express

  1. Make tomato puree by removing the peel first.
  2. Apply to face and wait ten minutes.

Essential oatmeal

  1. Mix ground oatmeal flakes and natural yogurt in equal proportions. The fermented milk product should not contain sugar and various chemical additives.
  2. Add a small spoonful of honey.
  3. Apply the mixture with light massage movements without pressure.
  4. This mask only needs ten minutes and before the holiday or a date, your skin will be smoothed and energized.

If you are on a business trip

When time is running out or products for masks are not available, think about a contrast shower. It can be used not only for the vivacity of the body.

12 381 0 Hello! This article will tell you how to refresh your face. This can be done quickly and without large material costs, as a rule, everything you need is at hand.

signs of tired skin

How often, looking at yourself in the mirror, did you notice signs of fatigue on your face? Bad ecology, changeable weather conditions, and simply lack of sleep and prolonged stress can affect your face with the following adverse effects:

  • the skin becomes dry;
  • swelling and bruising appear, as well as which are not so easy to get rid of;
  • elasticity is lost;
  • appears;
  • the face looks pale and tired.

How to quickly refresh your face

Ahead of a business dinner or a date, and you feel that you do not have time to put yourself in order and you need to quickly relieve fatigue? In modern cosmetology, there are a number of popular procedures that will help tidy up the skin of the face and eliminate all signs of fatigue.

Refreshing ice cubes

Here are some of the most popular recipes:

  1. Parsley root and dill. To use ice with these ingredients, simply chop the peeled parsley roots and pour boiling water over them (about 60 ml). After the water has cooled, add chopped parsley leaves and dill. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and use several times a day.
  2. soda and salt. For 60 g of salt, you need to take a teaspoon of soda. Thoroughly dissolve the mixture in 250 ml. very hot water. Cool and pour into moulds.
  3. Green tea. To prepare, take 4-5 bags of green or white tea and brew in boiling water. After an hour, add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour into molds and freeze. Use to wipe several times a day.

Refreshing recipes for sprays, tonics and lotions

refreshing water Add 8 drops of natural essential oils to 250 ml of mineral or thermal waterThis composition is best applied to the skin with a spray bottle. This will distribute the refreshing water evenly over the skin.
Refreshing spray 150 gr. tea rose petals.
150-200 ml. water.
Pour boiling water over the roses. After the composition has cooled, it can be poured into a convenient container. Store in refrigerator for 5 days.
Spray can be applied not only on the face, but also on the whole body.
Refreshing facial toner Water - 150 mg
Grapefruit juice - 50 g
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Alcohol - 50 g
Mix all the ingredients and pour the resulting composition into a dark glass container. Let the tonic brew for 3-4 days. Apply a small amount to a cotton pad and gently wipe over face.

In addition, in the war against time, quickly give a radiant shine and get rid of dark circles under the eyes will help.

By taking just a few minutes a day and using home remedies, you can get not only beautiful skin, but also a good mood. And the reflection in the mirror and the admiring glances of men will be a clear confirmation that you are no longer a middle-aged woman, tortured by everyday problems, but a beautiful young girl, glowing with beauty and health.

Refreshing face masks at home

Recipe number 1. Refreshing Cream Mask

  • Take 1 small banana and mash it.
  • Add a little of your favorite nourishing cream, about a teaspoon.
  • So much olive oil.
  • A few drops of lemon juice.

All ingredients must be mixed well. Apply to face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. The result is fast skin hydration and elimination of dryness.

Recipe number 2. A mask that eliminates peeling and evens out the tone.

  • For those who have dry skin, a mixture of homemade cottage cheese and cream will help. Having rubbed all the ingredients well, apply the mass on the face and after 15 minutes. rinse gently.

Recipe number 3. Mask that improves skin tone.

  • You can tone up normal skin with a fruit mixture made from a banana and a tablespoon of grapefruit juice.
    The time of exposure to the skin is 15-20 minutes.

Recipe number 4. Mask for oily skin.

  • 1 egg white. Mix it with a small portion of olive oil and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to face. The time of exposure to the skin is 12-15 minutes.

Recipe number 5. Gelatin and honey mask.

  • For 55 g of liquid honey, you need to take a tablespoon of gelatin and 10 g of glycerin. Heat the mixture in a water bath for several minutes and leave for 30 minutes.

Apply to a previously cleansed face and leave for 12 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and rub with an ice cube.

Recipe number 6. Oatmeal mask with kefir.

  • Brew a tablespoon of cereal in boiling water (you can take bran if you wish), then add 2 tbsp. l fatty kefir. When the mass swells, it must be applied to the face and left for 15-20 minutes.

For a light scrubbing effect, you can massage the skin for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Recipe number 7. Mask of red currants and thick sour cream.

  • 200 g of currant must be crushed in a blender and add a tablespoon of gelatin and 30 g of sour cream to it. Let infuse for 25 minutes.

Apply to the face with a special brush or spatula. Exposure time 15 min. The mask perfectly tones and makes the complexion better. Suitable for oily skin.

No less effective and easy to use.

If you have very dry skin, and there is absolutely no time, then they will come to the rescue.

Salon procedures

You feel that you have neglected your face and have not resorted to anti-aging masks and care products for a long time, then we suggest you start with facial peeling, which can be of several types:

  1. - this type of peeling involves cleaning the face with a laser. Under its influence, there is a complete renewal of cells, rejuvenation and restoration of tissues, and collagen begins to be actively produced - it gives elasticity, and elastin;
  2. Peeling with fruit acids- this is a very good way to improve complexion and get rid of excess fat. This procedure gently cares for the skin of the face and is harmless, and you will immediately notice the effect;
  3. Exotic peeling- this type of cleansing is made with a mixture of fragrant herbs, sea salt and the smallest coral chips. This procedure allows you to tighten and refresh your face in a short time. In addition, there will be saturation with nutrients that will help the skin shine;
  4. - the latest and very gentle type of treatment that evens out the tone and perfectly refreshes.
  5. - penetrates deep into wrinkles, smoothing them, renews the upper layer of the epidermis and evens out the complexion.
  6. - helps in the fight against acne, psoriasis and photoaging of the skin.
  7. (diamond microdermabrasion)- This is a micro-resurfacing of the skin surface using a vacuum suction apparatus.

In order for the prepared mask to bring the best effect, you should know a few rules for the preparation and use of masks and other homemade products:

  • The mass to be applied must have a uniform consistency.
  • It is good when the mask is applied warm.
  • Before using the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics.
  • All funds will work in full only with regular use.
  • Products used to prepare masks or tonics must be of good quality and tested for individual intolerance.

Refreshing products should not be used if the skin has wounds or any other damage, and is also very sensitive.

The effect of regular use of home recipes

With regular use of refreshing masks, sprays, lotions, the following occurs:

  • Improving the functioning of the circulatory system, which contributes to the appearance of a blush and the elimination of yellowness and excessive pallor.
  • Eliminates oily sheen.
  • The upper layer of the epithelium is updated.
  • Dead cells are cleared.
  • Significantly improves complexion.
  • The skin becomes radiant and even.
  • Pigmentation spots lighten or disappear.

A sleepless night? Do you only have 15 minutes to recover? Then the following tips and recipes are for you.

Our skin gets everything it needs, but with age, metabolic processes and the production of natural collagen slow down. Physiological changes become noticeable - age spots appear, the contour of the face changes. The sooner you start the necessary care, the longer the skin will delight with beauty and youth. .

A homemade face mask is an ideal option for those who prefer natural over artificial and natural chemistry. Thanks to this tool, which can be made very quickly from products that are often available at home, you will feel how tone, healthy color and youth return to the skin of the face.

It is especially important to refresh the skin during the period when the sebaceous glands are most active - in summer, and also in winter, when the cold wind dries the face.

Affordable beauty

Every day, our skin is exposed to stress - from exposure to the sun, and cold wind or dry / too humid air, and city dust along with exhaust fumes.

At the same time, health suffers not only from external factors - nervousness, feelings also play a role and are reflected in appearance. In pursuit of new fashionable ways of rejuvenation, we forgot that everything you need is already at hand.

To restore youth and beauty, it is not necessary to spend big money on going to a beauty salon or buying expensive imported "panacea". Nature has given us a lot of recipes for cooking at home, and everything you need for this can be found in the kitchen.

Simple products, fresh fruits and vegetables, a little imagination and patience - and a refreshing home remedy is ready.

In terms of form, the mask is one of the most effective types of products, as it combines several properties: cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, and sometimes scrubbing. Modern stores are ready to offer a huge range of masks "for all occasions", however, you can not always be sure of the quality and composition. Undertaking to make it yourself, you know exactly what components it will include.

The effect of the components in the composition on the skin and a specific problem

For a mask recipe at home, simple products are usually needed.

But, despite the fact that they are all familiar to us from childhood, not everyone thinks what benefits they bring to the body:

  • Honey - heals inflammation, fights acne and acne;
  • Cucumbers - tone up and eliminate oily sheen;
  • Lemon - normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores;
  • Cranberry - refreshes the complexion;
  • Greens (dill, parsley, cabbage) - effectively whiten, help get rid of age spots;
  • Currant - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores the normal level of moisture;
  • Strawberries - nourishes the skin, relieves it of acne;
  • Apples, pears - relieve fatigue.

This is not a complete list of products. Considering that each person has his own characteristics, which are usually known, the selection of components should be tailored to individual needs.

A mask made at home can not only replenish lost energy, but also fill the skin with vitamins and microelements, as well as other beneficial substances that have a rejuvenating effect, and also fight against various diseases.

In addition, home cosmetics has the following properties:

Mask Recipes

A homemade face mask will allow you to quickly recover and tidy up your face after a hard day's work.

It will cheer you up, help you replenish energy and continue activity.

  1. Green sour cream.

Ingredients: fresh lettuce and sour cream (for oily skin - kefir).

Preparation: grind the leaves until a thick and homogeneous gruel is formed and mix with sour cream.

Application: apply the finished product on the face in a thick layer, hold for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. In order to get a moisturizing effect, add a little olive oil;

  1. Invigorating mint.

Ingredients: mint leaves and water (1:1).

Preparation: crush the mint well and add liquid to it.

Application: leave on face for 15 minutes, rinse;

  1. Honey strawberry.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. pre-mashed strawberries, 2 tbsp. liquid honey (linden or buckwheat).

Preparation: mix everything.

Application: Spread on the face in a thick layer and leave to dry. Remove by rinsing normally or with a cleansing toner with a refreshing effect. Consolidate the result by applying your favorite cream;

  1. Refreshing greens.

Ingredients: parsley and water.

Preparation: finely chop the parsley (it should release juice) and transfer it to a saucepan, filling it with cold liquid. Bring to a boil and cook a little. Strain the decoction and save the separated gruel as a mask.

Application: apply on face for 25 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a week;

Ingredients: 50 g oatmeal (you can make it yourself by grinding oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder), 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and boiling water.

Preparation: Pour boiling water over the flour so that it slightly covers the oatmeal. Leave the mixture until it turns into a porridge. Then add some oil and mix well.

Application: apply on the face and hold for about twenty minutes. Wash away.

To get the desired effect from the mask, it is important to remember some subtleties.

  • The finished mask must be applied immediately, otherwise its composition will lose its beneficial properties;
  • The components of the mixture should be selected in accordance with the type of skin and the desired result (for example, if the skin is oily, it makes no sense to add oil, and if dry, products with drying properties);
  • Before applying the mask, the face must be cleaned of makeup and other contaminants - so the beneficial substances penetrate faster and deeper;
  • To evenly distribute the mixture, there is a special brush, sponge or cotton pad. You can distribute it with your hands, but strictly along the massage lines, without affecting the delicate area around the eyes;
  • Do not keep the mask on your face for more than 25 minutes, as it will tighten your face when it dries;
  • After applying the homemade mixture, allow yourself to leave pressing matters for a while and devote it only to yourself.


Before making home remedies for a particular recipe, make sure that you are not allergic to the ingredients.

If you do not know this side of the body, after mixing the components, test the resulting product on your arm or elbow. If redness or irritation occurs, do not use the product and the components from which you made it.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles, pimples and facial imperfections, but cannot afford expensive procedures and products, then refreshing masks for home use are the way out for you.

Experiment with combinations, try keeping a beauty diary to record sensations and changes, and you will become the owner of the most valuable knowledge about the properties and benefits of natural gifts.

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Our skin is exposed to environmental influences on a daily basis, which means that it requires constant and thorough care. What we can do? In order to keep the skin healthy and attractive, a refreshing face mask is best. At home, preparing such a remedy is not difficult. By mixing just a few ingredients, you will get a tangible result.

Homemade face masks

Anyone who has tried a refreshing mask at least once knows what an amazing effect it has on the skin. Mixtures prepared independently at home can not only restore the health of the skin, but also eliminate minor problems, if any. It is recommended to apply nutrient mixtures on the face regularly, several times a week. This will be quite enough for the general condition of the skin to noticeably improve.

When does the skin need masks?

Nutritional masks are of particular importance precisely in the autumn and winter periods, when the skin is most vulnerable due to the lack of vitamins and the constant harmful effects of the environment. The dermis needs comprehensive care, therefore, in addition to using masks, you need to eat right and walk more often in the fresh air. A special role is assigned to healthy sleep. As for skin care products, there are many of them in the pharmacy, but a refreshing face mask at home not only helps to improve the skin, but also helps to relax after a hard day, devoting a little time to yourself and your beauty.

All in your hands!

It is easy to make a face mask on your own, without leaving your home, because the main ingredients in the manufacture of refreshing mixtures are natural fruits and vegetables, herbs and berries, which, of course, can be found in the house of every housewife. It is important to know that not a single purchased mask, even of the highest quality, can be compared with the one prepared by oneself, without all sorts of chemical additives and concentrated substances. Homemade face mask recipes are time-tested and experienced by millions of women.

Winter refreshing masks

No matter how beautiful and fabulous season winter is, our skin can hardly endure this period. Due to frost and cold wind, the skin becomes covered with microcracks and becomes dry. A shorter daylight hours compared to summer also negatively affects the dermis, the situation is aggravated by a lack of essential vitamins and changes in humidity. In winter, the skin intensively loses moisture, its upper layers thicken and coarsen, it begins to peel off. That is why a winter refreshing face mask at home should contain vitamins and the necessary help to increase the protective properties of the epidermis and maintain a flowering appearance even in winter conditions.

Carrot-apple mask is a very simple but effective way to refresh your skin. To prepare the mixture, you will need some fresh apples and carrots. Cut them into small cubes and mash them into a puree. The mask is ready! It should be applied in a thick layer, left on the face for 30 minutes, then it can be washed off with warm water. As you know, carrots are a real treasury of vitamins, they perfectly refresh the skin, increase its immunity to external stimuli. The advantage of this mask is that the ingredients are available at any time of the year.

And sour cream is easy to make. To make the mixture, you will need a few carefully washed parsley stalks and leaves, as well as some sour cream. After you have washed the parsley with water, it must be dried and the healthy juice squeezed out of it. The resulting liquid must be mixed with sour cream. A simple mask allows you to moisturize the skin of the face, promotes the renewal of dermal cells and even smoothes out fine wrinkles that have appeared.

Masks with glycerin are very useful for women of all ages. Mix a teaspoon of glycerin with the same amount of liquid honey, then mix the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Next, you need to add a teaspoon. If the mask is too thick, dilute it a little with purified water (one spoon is enough). The mixture is kept on the skin for about 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Spring refreshing masks

In the spring, when everything around is so bright and blooming, the skin of our face, unfortunately, fades. This is due primarily to the harmful effects of winter. Spring masks are aimed just at awakening the skin from hibernation, removing redness, peeling and lethargy. A refreshing face mask at home will restore skin tone and replenish its vitamin supply.

A mask of cabbage and cottage cheese is simply an indispensable cosmetic procedure. Finely chop the cabbage leaves, about fifty grams is enough for the mask. Add to them cottage cheese (35 ml), a spoonful of lemon juice and pre-melted, preferably natural, honey. The main ingredient in this mask is cabbage, it perfectly tones, helps to smooth fine wrinkles and improves the elasticity of skin tired after winter.

Oil face masks perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. To prepare the mixture, you will need egg yolk, natural honey, flax oil, burdock or castor oil is also suitable. A spoonful of warmed honey must be beaten together with egg yolk, then add a little of any vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Keep the mask on your face for at least 15 minutes.

Summer refreshing masks

Even such a favorite time of the year as summer has a harmful effect on the skin, because it is merciless to the dermis. Our main task in the summer is to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, provide all the necessary vitamins and start preparing for the difficult autumn period. Experts recommend preparing medicinal formulations more often in the summer, when it is hot outside.

A plum and sour cream mask can regulate the work. Choose a couple of large plums, rinse them thoroughly with water, remove the stone and mash the fruit with a spoon. In the resulting mass, you need to add sour cream and a little olive oil. Plum is very often used in various refreshing masks, because it helps to heal dry skin.

A mask of starch, milk and strawberries rejuvenates the skin, makes it attractive and healthy. To prepare, dissolve a tablespoon of starch powder in about the same amount of fresh milk. It is best to add a little more peach oil. In the summer, when all kinds of berries are available to us, it’s just a sin not to use their beneficial properties. The starch and strawberry mask is prepared in almost the same way as the previous one, only chopped strawberries are added instead of starch and milk. Leave the mask for 15-18 minutes and you will get a fresh pink complexion.

Autumn refreshing masks

Autumn is one of the most difficult periods not only for the skin of our face, but also for the whole organism as a whole. It is in the autumn season that all chronic ailments begin to worsen, the skin noticeably coarsens, preparing for the winter cold. The main purpose of refreshing masks in the autumn is to saturate the dermis with vitamins, raise its overall tone and prepare it for a long winter. For autumn masks, berries such as sea buckthorn and wild rose are often used. Pre-frozen fruits must be thawed and scalded with boiling water, only after that they can be added to medicinal mixtures. No less popular is the potato face mask.

Sea buckthorn and dairy product mask. Any dairy product should be added to the sea buckthorn mass (25 g is enough), the main thing is that it be non-acidic. Perfect, for example, cottage cheese or sour cream. If you like thicker face masks, add more dairy product. Sea buckthorn is rightfully considered one of the best tonics. It contains everything that is necessary for emaciated skin.

Potato face mask

The mixture is quite easy to prepare. Boil potatoes, mash them and add some milk. Thus, we get mashed potatoes, which is not only a favorite dish of many, but also an excellent tonic mask. In order to refresh the skin around the eyes, it is better to use raw potatoes.