Pathological secretion in the process of bearing. Mucous allocations in late dates. When brown discharge during pregnancy - norm

The toddler hatch period causes not only positive emotions from the future mother, but also many not very pleasant unrest. The first weeks after conception are the most important, because the female body changes radically and adjusts to the needs of the emerging life. At this time, the fruit egg passes the implantation in the upper layer of endometrial, and the placenta and amniotic waters are just beginning to be formed. Therefore, during this period, the fruit is most susceptible to negative impact, and the risk of abortion is very high. To save your pregnancy, you need to carefully relate to the alarming signals and to seek help. Especially many questions in pregnant women cause brown vaginal allocations. When they are caused by normal physiological changes after conception, and when indicate a pathological course of pregnancy? Let's deal with.

After the egg fell, and its fertilization occurred, the hormonal background of women is completely rebuilt. Such changes affect the nature of the selection from the genital tract. Normally, in the first trimester, the selection can be described as watery, moderately abundant, without color and unpleasant odor. They should not cause discomfort, burning and itching.

But, not every woman has an ideal hormonal background and health in general. Often, the ladies are in the position notice the brown selection in the first trimester, and sometimes even before the planned delay of menstruation. The reasons for such discharge can be enough, but one should not worry. Most often it is the usual reaction of the body on sharp changes.

Dangerous allocations from physiological is absolutely not difficult. It is worth just paying attention to your well-being and character of these discharge. But to consult the gynecologist is still needed.

Brown discharge as a primary pregnancy symptom

Light brown discharge during pregnancy belongs to a small number of symptoms, for which you can suspect the conception before the delay. But, most women do not even notice this "bell" and learn about pregnancy a little later.

Such discharge should be painless, light brown shade, odorless. They cause an increase in the number of hormones, which actively produce ovaries and a yellow body. They may be abundant or very scarce, everything depends on the characteristics of the secretory function of the female organism. Allocations disappear as soon as the body "gets used to" to the germin.

Implantation of fertilized eggs

As soon as the spermatozoa penetrates the egg, it immediately closes a dense membrane and "departs" into the uterus in the uterine pipes. Such a journey takes an average of 7-12 days from the moment of ovulation, while the duration of this process is individual and depends on the hormonal background of the woman. When a fruit egg comes to the destination, its implantation occurs in the top ball endometrial. So that the embryo can firmly entrenched, the endometrium under the influence of progesterone becomes quite loose. The embelling of the embryo causes the microgenous membranes of the uterus, which provokes brown seals. In the norm of a brown brown can last no more than two days.

Important! If you are planning pregnancy, and brown sections coincide with a possible implantation date, be sure to limit physical and psychological burden for a couple of days. So the embryo will be able to attached in the uterus.

Mucosa plug in the cervix

As soon as conception occurs, the reproductive center of the woman begins to actively protect the embryo from infections, mothers and harmful antibodies. For this, the cervix begins to reproduce a thick mucus, which tightly clogs the cervical canal in the cervix. This makes it possible to prevent pathogenic microorganisms in the uterus and stabilize the mugger microflora comfortable for a woman. The mucous plug periodically separates old cells and causes these brown discharge during early pregnancy. These discharge can be from light beige to dark brown, which depends on the level of progesterone in the body.

"Memory" of the reproductive female system

For the normal course of pregnancy, a pregnancy hormone is responsible - progesterone. If a woman does not have enough of this substance, the body may not perceive its pregnancy and the woman appears brown allocations during the period when menstruation should pass on the schedule. It does not cause a strong threat, but at such periods it is better to observe a strict bed regime. Some women have such discharges to appear before the kind.

If the woman is diagnosed by the borderline level of progesterone, it is recommended to treatment under hospital. The fact is that low progesterone is often accompanied by a high testosterone that does not best affect pregnancy.

Brown discharge during pregnancypathological state of a woman

Brown discharge in the gestation period is not always natural. There are many pathological conditions in a woman who can interrupt pregnancy and deprive the woman's joy of motherhood in the future. Therefore, even the most minor allocations should alert a woman. In this situation, it is better to be restrained than to lose the desired baby.

Disturbation of the attachment of a fetal egg

Promotion of the fetal egg in the uterine pipes helps special vills that throw it like a ball. When the embryo falls into the uterine cavity, it should be gaining in its top with the help of trophoblast. If the women's hormonal system does not cope, the fruit egg can take the wrong position near the uterine zev. As the fetus grows, the trophoblast will grow and form a placenta. Incorrect placental location will cause pulling pain and brown selection of a woman. This state in obstetric practice is called the prelationship of the placenta. It requires treatment and continuous control, since a woman has a risk of miscarriage and premature births for a long time.

Ectopic pregnancy

The localization of the fetal egg in the wrong place leads to the fact that this pregnancy will not be able to end the delivery. The egg is implanted not in the uterine space, but in a pipe or cervix, which makes the impossible subsequent pregnancy and threatens a woman with a fatal outcome. If dark brown discharge is accompanied by intense pain syndrome on the one hand, you need to undergo a diagnostic study and set the location of the fertilized egg.

On time, the diagnosed ectopic pregnancy allows you to remove the embryo with the preservation of the uterine tube. If the moment is missed, the pipe bursts under the pressure of the growing embryo, and the woman begged. Such a state requires immediate surgery.

Gynecological diseases

Different diseases of the sexual system are often developing against the background of hormonal disorders. Basically, a woman cannot become pregnant, but if the conception occurs, then for all 9 months, a woman has certain complications. Dark brown discharge during pregnancy, often with blood impurities, accompany endometriosis, mioma or fibromy of the uterus, cervical canal polyps. To pregnancy, these diseases are different in nature cause abundant mucous allocations. But after conception, they can manifest themselves in a special way:

  • With benign formations in the uterus (Mioma, Fibromyoma), a woman is disturbed by brown allocations on the days of alleged monthly out of pregnancy.
  • Against the background of hormonal restructuring in women in the first trimester, hormone-dependent polyps often appear. They provoke the contact separation of brown. But in most cases they are determined on inspection when registered and immediately deleted.
  • In case of endometriosis, a woman notices abundant mucous membranes with blood inclusions. If the woman rises the uterine tone, the amount of selection may increase.

Tip! Any hormone-dependent diseases can cause unbearable or fading pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important to directly apply to the doctor about abnormal discharge.

Sex infections

At the planning stage or when registering a woman, a survey is undergoing infections that are transmitted by sexual means. But, the normally flowing pregnancy does not prohibit sex contacts, so the risk of "picking up" infections is always present. It is possible to suspect the problem by the discharge of dark yellow, sometimes, green. They are accompanied by unscrewed itching, burning, hyperemia of external genital organs and a terrible putrebile smell.

Important! Most pathogenic bacteria and viruses can cause genetic abnormalities in the fetus and fastening pregnancies. If you have brown allocations for a week during pregnancy or longer, be sure to contact the doctor to clarify their nature.

Disposal of fertilized eggs

Progesterone failure weakens the possibility of a fetal egg to hold on the wall of the uterus. The embryo detachment causes the microtraums of the vessels that begin to bleed. Therefore, a woman notices allocations with different color intensity. They may be dark brown or aluminum. If a woman feel pain with brown secretions during pregnancy, it may indicate a threat to miscarriage.

Failure to pregnancy

Chromosomal anomalies are incompatible with life or sex infections often cause fading of the embryo. Up to 4-5 gestational week, this fact is quite difficult to determine this fact, so it remains to rely on the sensation of a woman. To suspect the pregnancy of pregnancy can be for meager brown secretions, poor well-being and sharply ceased toxicosis.

On a note! Save pregnancy after its fading is impossible, so the woman is carried out gynecological scraping with the subsequent histological examination of the embryo. It helps to establish the cause of his death and eliminate it.

Erosion of cervical and microtrauma vagina

On the presence of a woman's damaged epithelium cells on the cervix (erosion), brown sections during pregnancy without pain often indicate. Their intensity may increase after sexual intercourse or gynecological inspection. If erosion during pregnancy is diagnosed for the first time, a woman is sure to take a fence for cytological smears to eliminate dysplasia. Since the mucule of the vagina is very susceptible to injury, after inspection, short-term brown discharge can appear in a woman.

Spontaneous miscarriage

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy can save. For many reasons, the woman begins the detachment of the fetal egg or an already formed placenta and a pregnancy is interrupted. At first, when only brown discharge appear, the fruit can be preserved, but in the case of open bleeding, the woman loses the child. Therefore, if you have brown discharge during pregnancy and pain, immediately appeal to the hospital for help.

What to do if brown discharges appeared during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy is not time for self-diagnosis, so any changes, including the brown discharge, should be negotiated with the attending gynecologist. If the selection is combined with strong pains and the advent of blood impurities, you need to immediately cause ambulance, without waiting for a planned visit to the doctor. While medical care is on the approach, the woman needs to take a comfortable pose, better lying with a little raised on the pillow with their feet. If the pain is very strong, you can drink a spasmolytic, for example, but-shp.

If the selection is scarce and do not bring discomfort, it is quite possible to consult a doctor on a planned inspection. The doctor will determine why they arise, and will advise how to enroll in such a situation.

Brown allocations in pregnant women can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the cause of their appearance only to your pregnancy Akuster-Gynecologist. The only thing that should be done on your part is to attend the doctors in time, to pass all the research, to fully eat and stick to the gentle regime. Remember that the appearance of the selection is not a reason to panic, but only a signal that you need to contact the doctor. Now most of the discharge problems are easily solved with the help of modern drugs. Therefore, the chance to endure and give birth to a healthy baby very large.

Video "What is the discharge should alert a woman?"

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If brown discharge during pregnancy appear on early time, this is an eloquent sign of pathology; And the presence of such a symptom in the third trimester may indicate the approach of childbirth. In both cases, it is necessary to turn to a specialist in a timely manner, to pass the survey, control the "interesting position", lie down to save. Brown discharge during pregnancy can not be ignored, otherwise the consequences for the child may be irreversible.

Can there be selection during pregnancy

Because after fertilization of the egg, a hormonal background is changing, changes in the well-being of a pregnant woman appear. For example, specific allocations can appear and disappear, change your color, smell and consistency. If it is a pale mucus without other symptoms, it is not required to see a doctor. If pink allocations are complemented by pain at the bottom of the abdomen and a leakage of temperature, this is a sign of ectopic or measuring pregnancy with the need to perform an abortion. Selection during pregnancy brown is important not to observe, but to eliminate it in time.

What is brown discharge during pregnancy

After successful conception, the hormonal background is changing radically, the concentration of estrogen is raised at times. Pregnant women appear specific discharge from the vagina, which in a brown shade can cause miscarriage on early period, pathological genera of 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy. It is necessary to stop sexual intercourse urgently, consult a doctor, be sure to hand over the blood test to determine the concentration of hormones HCG and progesterone, the nature of pathology. A vaginal ultrasound becomes an additional method of clinical examination.

Causes of brown secretions during pregnancy

If the underwear begins to smear, and the pregnant woman is experiencing internal discomfort, such unpleasant changes in health should not be ignored. The dark shade of the discharge testifies to blood impurities in a homogeneous consistency, which when entering the fetus, they pumped on the alarming thoughts on pathology. Before entering the fetus to suspect a dangerous disease, it is necessary to study color, consistency, selection smell, determine the obstetric week.

In early terms

In the first month of pregnancy, the usual menstruation can go, and the woman does not recognize his "interesting position." However, the color and consistency of the usual discharge changes significantly, while the duration is reduced, the abundance of familiar bleeding. Within the norm, the following explanation: Brown mucus during pregnancy is a consequence of the separation of the epithelium due to the fastening of the embryo.

If we talk about the pathological factors for the appearance of brown discharge, the likelihood of progressive pregnancy with the risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is high. If the tooling of the fetus is accompanied by such symptoms, the woman needs to be treated in a hospital already from the first obstetric weeks. In any case, it is important to turn to a specialist in a timely manner. Additional symptoms of the threat of miscarriage are:

  • abundant highlighting of brown;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • high pressure in the abdominal cavity, discomfort;
  • feeling of nausea, attacks of vomiting;
  • high temperature, fever.

During pregnancy in the second trimester

If dark discharge during pregnancy does not stop in early periods, the problem with health is only aggravated. In the second trimester, such an unpleasant symptom is also dangerous because it may indicate the following diseases of the female organism:

  • infectious sexually transmitted diseases;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • bubble skid (fertilization of genital cells without chromosomes);
  • cervical erosion;
  • myoma uterus of different sizes.

With such an unpleasant symptom, a woman is experiencing serious concerns for their health and health not yet born baby, and there are good reasons for it. To preserve the child, it is required to undergo treatment in the hospital. About surgical intervention during pregnancy, for example, in the world, speech does not go, this kind of neoplasm should only be observed. Symptoms that, in addition to bleeding from the vagina, you need to pay attention to, are presented below:

  • increased pressure in the lower abdomen;
  • pain in the uterus;
  • responsibilities, drowsiness.

In the third trimester

If a woman is on the so-called "finish stage", there is also a risk of intrauterine pathologies, pathological clans. With the appearance of brown discharge, the most common cause on the period of 34 obstetric weeks and more is the separation of the mucosa, the leakage of the octoperwater, detachment and the prelation of the placenta. In this case, a pregnant woman is put on keeping up to the birth, carefully tracking her condition every day.

Causes of brown discharges that do not depend on the term

There are pathogenic factors that can progress on any obstetse week, disturb the future mommy an indefinite period of time. For example, brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy causes suspicion of ectopic fertilization, and mechanical cleaning and removal of one of the uterine pipes becomes a fatal junction in such a clinical picture. Dark discharge from the vagina can occur at different terms, the reasons determine the attending physician and vaginal ultrasound.

Cervical erosion

The photos of pathology foci scares all patients, therefore, the chronic disease is recommended during the period of pregnancy planning. Otherwise, when entering the fetus, the erosion of the cervix will remind themselves with unpleasant consequences, as an option - dark or brown releases appear during pregnancy in early terms and not only, risk of uterine bleeding increases. If the open ulcers on the walls of the cervical mucosa are not in time, the reproductive system of the woman suffers. There are pathologies that may disrupt pregnancy.

The injured epithelium when entering the fetus is particularly sensitive, so brown isolation from the erosion of the cervix may occur with rough or careless sexual contact, as a result of incorrect activities for intimate hygiene. Pathological uterine bleeding in this case is distinguished by their scarcity, which is a temporary phenomenon.

Infections and inflammatory processes

If moderate hemorrhages appear when entering the fetus, the likelihood of infectious and inflammatory processes is high. Additional symptoms of pathologies are the abundance of bleeding, specific smell, pain, discomfort of the lower abdomen. Infections can be chronic and prevailing in a "sleeping form", sharpen during pregnancy after weakening the immune response.

The danger of infectious and inflammatory processes is that pathology can spread to the fetus, and conservative treatment of the future mommy is limited. In the latter case, it is worth recalling that during pregnancy, most medical drugs are prohibited for use, especially if we are talking about antibiotics, antimicrobial means.


With the onset of pregnancy, cervical mucus from the vagina can change its consistency, shade, increase or decrease in volume. But the anxious sign will be the emergence of red and brown discharge during pregnancy in early terms.

Previously, the opinion was widespread that at this stage there is a natural selection of healthy embryos, and doctors do not need to interfere with this process with attempts to keep the child.

However, the development of histology and the emergence of ultrasound technologies refuted such statements and proved - the genetic inferiority of the embryo is not the main cause of the threat of miscarriage arising in the early periods.

What are the allocations are normal?

Immediately after conception and implantation of the embryo in the wall of the uterus, the endocrine system of women begins to reinforced the production of progesterone. If you do a blood test, then it can be noted that the norms of this hormone during pregnancy are much higher than the norm in the second phase of the cycle, when fertilization did not occur.

The high level of progesterone can affect the color and consistency of the vaginal selection. Many pregnant women are becoming yellowish and more viscous. When contacting air in a few hours, they change their color to yellow-orange or bright yellow.

Part of women progesterone does not affect vaginal secretion. Therefore, the allocations in the early deadlines they are whiten or translucent, which is also the norm.

Blood selection is regarded as dangerous on any gestation. Color variations can be several:

  • Yellow-brown;
  • Transparent with reddish streaks;
  • Pink-red;
  • Brown;
  • Red;
  • Dark red.

All this indicates that blood clots were formed in the uterus body, cervix or phallopy tubes. The reasons for their appearance in the early periods may be as follows:

Frozen egg detachment - The most common cause of dark brown discharge, which can be in the early pregnancy.

The detachment can occur due to the lack of progesterone, the re-equipment of testosterone or prolactin, due to the high tone of the uterus, and also in cases where the embryo died and the mother's body will rejected a non-viable flicer egg.

The detachment can be both partial and complete. In the first case, pregnancy can be maintained with timely medical intervention and reception of drum doses of hormonal drugs. If it is more than 70%, it is no longer possible to save the fruit, so there is a miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy - contributes to the emergence of bloody secretions in the early deadlines, when the ultrasound did not reveal the presence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

Polyps of uterus or cervix - neoplasms that can not manifest themselves in ordinary menstrual cycles. But since the conception in the body of a woman, serious hormonal changes occur, under the influence of which the structure begins to change.This often provokes the appearance of light brown discharge in early pregnancy.

Embryo implantation - causes the appearance of a small number of bloody discharges, literally a few drops. Does not require treatment.

But it is necessary to take into account that these allocations are from 3 to 12 days after ovulation and continue no more than a day.

Among women, the myth of the so-called "blotting of blood", which, in their opinion, may cause brown and yellow-brown discharge in early pregnancy.

However, there is no such concept in obstetric practice and no process of "ablution" does not occur. Any, even insignificant, bleeding, except appearing when implanting, sign that a woman and the fetus need medical care.

Required surveys

Dangerous allocations that appeared during pregnancy - reason to find out as soon as possible to find out the reason for their occurrence. It can save not only the life of the fetus, but also the life of the mother (in cases where the fruit egg attached not to the uterus, but to the uterine tube).

It is necessary to visit the gynecologist, but to go to him at the reception without the results of the ultrasound is meaningless - even at Palpation, the doctor will not be able to evaluate how serious the threat to the child's life is. Therefore, the survey algorithm must be approximately following:

  1. Ultrasound examination - the doctor will appreciate the degree of detachment of the fetal egg (if present), the tone of the uterus, the state of the cervix and the uterine cavity (for the detection of polyps).
  2. Analysis on the level of progesterone - it is necessary to exclude (or confirm) the lack of this hormone responsible for preservation of pregnancy.
  3. Analysis on the testosterone level - it is necessary to exclude (or confirm) the oversupply of this hormone, which, starting from 7-8 weeks, can provoke miscarriage.
  4. Analysis for the level of hCG in dynamics - it is necessary to pass at least twice, with an interval in two days. However, it is possible to go to the gynecologist upon receipt of the first result. The doctor will not be able to evaluate the dynamics, but at least relates the indicators of the concentration of hormone in the blood with a pregnancy term on the ultrasound.
  5. A visit to the gynecologist - the doctor will appreciate the state of the fetus according to the results of the ultrasound, the state of hormones according to the results of blood tests and will decide on the appointment of the necessary preserving therapy, which may include drugs that reduce the uterus tone, regulating hormones, etc.

The reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor, bypassing the preliminary surveys, the bright red allocations, which appeared on the first weeks of pregnancy, as well as the appearance of a large number of brown discharges. In this case, the woman will put on treatment in the hospital, where all the necessary surveys will be carried out.

Hooray! Finally, the cherished two stripes on the VV test. And suddenly a few days later brown discharges appear during pregnancy. Naturally, it becomes cause for experiences. In order to calm down or take some urgent measures, you must consult a gynecologist. It is better to re-run once again than to miss the time and not to do everything you need to preserve pregnancy if necessary.

As practice shows, brown discharge during pregnancy in many cases should not be caused for excitement. If their occurrence is painless and not accompanied by other uncomfortable sensations, this phenomenon is most likely not caused by a pathological condition. But when brown isolations in the first trimester of pregnancy are combined with deterioration of well-being, it is a symptom of processes that cause the threat of life and mother, and a developing fetus.

Brown allocations at the beginning of pregnancy are observed with almost everyone. Their appearance can be explained by various physiological processes, which is accompanied by a period of tooling the child.

The fertilized egg is attached to the placenta in about 5-6 days after ovulation. Implantation is carried out in 3 stages. On the first - the fruit egg is trayed to the surface epithelium of the uterus, as soon as it enters its cavity. At the second stage, the microvascular of the fertilized egg is beginning to actively interact with the cells of the epithelium of the inner shell of the uterus. On the third - the egg cell is distinguished by special substances dissolving endometrium and is connected to the maternal blood system. Since there is a slight damage to small blood capillaries, a small amount of blood is distinguished. The volume of implantation bleeding in different women is different.

Sometimes it is almost unnoticed, and in other cases it can be taken for prematurely started menstruation. Most women have these dark discharge during pregnancy are usually scarce and short-term (up to two days). This is a normal physiological manifestation of conception. Only very sensitive women can mark weak pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

Light brown discharge in the early period of pregnancy can be caused by hormonal instability, inevitably occurring in the body of a woman. Their painless appearance is usually not dangerous. But still it is better to inform about the observer gynecologist.

Pathological discharge from the genital organs is almost always accompanied by a feeling of pain of different intensity. If a brownish shade is a symptom of inflammation, then, as a rule, the discharge has an unpleasant, rotten smell. In case of endometritis, there is a dirty-yellow selection with an admixture of blood. In this case, the temperature may rise above 39ºС. This is a dangerous disease that threatens with infective waters and fetal death on any gestation period. Only on time, the initiated treatment prescribed by a gynecologist will prevent the development of all sorts of complications. Any delay as independent therapy is unacceptable in this case.

Brown allocations In the first 3 months of pregnancy, many women arise in days when menstruation should have started. This happens when the progesterone hormone decreases. During this period, the probability of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy increases many times. The appearance of a bloodflower testimony indicates the beginning of the fruit egg detachment. In this case, you need to call an ambulance and lie so that the legs are above the head level. The faster the selection stops and sacrows the pain, the greater the likelihood of safe preservation of the fetus. Since brown discharge during pregnancy in early terms is often precursors of miscarriage, their appearance needs to be exercised. The risks of spontaneous abortion increase in cases:

  • infectious disease pregnant (rubella, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, etc.);
  • chronic torch infections;
  • inflammation of the kidneys and bladder;
  • previous abortions;
  • sharp lifting weight;
  • incorrect hormonal background;
  • stress or sudden frightement;
  • resh conflict of mother and fetus;
  • genetic fetal disorders.

The process begins with the emergence of contractions of the uterus, expressed by grabs-like pain. These cuts lead to detachment of the fetal egg. There are several stages of spontaneous abortion:

  1. The symptoms of the increasing threat of miscarriage is an increased tone of the uterus. At the same time, unsalted pain in the region of the uterus, giving up for a lower back, and minor bleeding. These symptoms are not always present.
  2. The beginning of the spontaneous abortion is expressed by the appearance of strong grapple-shaped pains and bleeding of various volumes.
  3. For spontaneous abortion in the go, a strong grapple-shaped pain is characteristic. Bleeding is always abundant.

Treatment of pregnant women who used spontaneous abortions earlier, start from the first trimester. At the same time, the reasons that provoked spontaneous interruption of pregnancy are taken into account. Women with a threat of miscarriage first is recommended to observe a strict bed mode. Emotional state stabilizes with valerian or dyeing. If necessary, hormonal therapy is assigned. In the presence of concomitant diseases, appropriate treatment is carried out

Sometimes the fruit ceases to develop as a result of the death caused by various reasons. In this case, we are talking about frozen pregnancy. It is possible to diagnose it only after 6 weeks when the fetal appears heartbeat. In the event that the heart rhythm is not listened, and the size of the uterus corresponds to the term, it is supposed to be a frozen pregnancy. In such a situation, the gynecologists prescribe the scraping of the uterus, since the long-term delay in the dead fetus in the mother's body will cause an inflammatory process in the organ, and in severe cases it threatens with a common sepsis.

One of the most difficult complications is an ectopic pregnancy - also characterized by dark brown allocations in early pregnancy. Spikes of the uterine tube, a shortage of hormones, weakening the moving egg movement of the organ movement, prevent the fruit egg to fall into the uterine cavity. Since the fertilized egg should attached to the mucosa at a certain stage of its development, its fixation occurs where she managed to get. Most often - this is a uterine tube, sometimes ovary, and in very rare cases a fruit egg begins to develop in the abdominal cavity.

Save life to a woman can only succeed with a timely discovered ectopic pregnancy. The ultrasound method allows you to prejudice the pathological attachment of the embryo on the sixth week. When diagnosing ectopic pregnancy, an operation to remove the fetal egg is assigned. If it attached in a phallopyan pipe, it is removed using 3 methods: without cutting it, with part or with complete excision of the organ.

The laparoscopic method of carrying out the operation implies the smallest damage to the body and the minimitation of subsequent cosmetic defects. Since with an ectopic pregnancy, a significant loss of blood often occurs, treatment includes the replenishment of body fluids. Food and antibacterial therapy may be needed to complete the recovery of the parent function.

There are many reasons for the appearance of brownish secretions up to 13 weeks of pregnancy. Some of them may not cause anxiety from a gynecologist. Another - involves conservative or surgical treatment. From 13 to 28 week, the highlighting of brown in pregnant women always carry threatening. During the entire period, they may be a sign of the pathological location of the placenta. If the fetal egg fixed in the lower part of the uterus, then in this case we are talking about the preservation of the placenta.

Most often, this state is diagnosed at the beginning of the second trimester by the Uzi method. Complete preview eliminates the likelihood of natural genera and threatens with massive bleeding towards the end of pregnancy. In this case, caesarean section is assigned. In some cases, partial presence natural childbirth is possible. Bleeding with this pathology can be regular and being scarce. But there can be a sudden abundant bleeding caused by the pregnant and deadly for pregnant. It can begin during childbirth. In this case, it is necessary to prompt objects. In all situations, frequent bleeding harm the fruit, causing hypoxia.

Brown secretions during pregnancy on any time can appear in the presence of Moma. The growth of significant size can exert pressure on the embryo. And the close location of myoma to the placenta threatens partial or its full detachment. Therefore, the presence of myoma in a pregnant woman is a reason for more close attention to her state.

The placenta detachment, which manifests itself with the occurrence of browned discharge, can be caused by a large number of various reasons. On 1 place gynecologists put hypertension. Among other reasons provoking this condition are called numerous pregnancies, cesarean cross-section, multipleness. Among the external causes of the main importance are smoking, abdominal injuries. The first degree of detachment of the placenta may not manifest itself. It will be possible to determine this state only when ultrasound.

Dark bleeding is characteristic of a second degree of placenta detachment. For the third degree, the condition of a pregnant woman deteriorates sharply. Strong abdominal pain appear, pressure drops, the bleeding is usually insignificant. In all cases, pregnant women are placed in the hospital and carry out stabilization by hemostatic drugs.

End of pregnancy

The appearance of brown discharge from the genitals of a pregnant woman after 28 weeks of time in most cases signals the readiness of its body to childbirth. For a couple of weeks before them, the reproductive system begins to signal directly about this event. One of the signs of preparation is shortening, softening and the beginning of the opening of the cervix. The mucous membrane is easily injured during sex or gynecological examination. It does not arise any pain. And the brown mastery stops in a couple of hours.

Light brown discharge during pregnancy in late terms can appear when the mucosa of the plug, which prevented the uterus cavity from the penetration of various infections.

In all cases of the occurrence of brown, during pregnancy, these processes with a physician must be discussed. The degree of danger and possible risks can only be appreciated only. And to engage in self-medication and to easily use various drugs - this is a crime against your own child.

All events accompanying pregnancy should be under the control of the gynecologist. Avoiding the majority of problems will help the advance full examination of future parents for the presence or absence of chronic diseases. It is necessary to abandon the bad habits in advance, balance the diet and physically prepare for a very difficult period called pregnancy.

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Questions and answers on: brown mucous drugs during pregnancy

2008-10-21 00:12:23

Asks Anna:

Hello! I have about 12 days a cycle began to appear brown mucous allocations. Monthly steel in short, more abundant and with clots. There are no pain. In 2005 It was a cesarean section.
10/17/08 was inspection. The doctor took the smear and sent ultrasound and ovaries on ultrasound. From the protocol: The uterus in Anteflexio. Form of the uterus of a ball-shaped (clothid). Body of uterus, 60 mm long, front-rear size 48 mm, transverse size 54 mm. Clear contours, smooth. Myomeritical homogeneous. Miometric echogenicity. Endometrium is placed symmetrically. Endometrium hyperplazated (thickness - 17 mm). The structure of the endometrium is inhomogeneous, dense (Schilna).
The ovaries are not increased, the normal structure is typical. Volumetric formations in the structure of the ovaries was not detected.
Diagnosis: endometrial hyperplasia.
the doctor explained nothing. Only the fact that the thickness of the endometrium is 17 mm - very bad. According to the results of the smear, an inflammatory process is detected.
Passed blood from the vein, the result will be later.
Months were from 01.10.08
Didrogesterone is assigned to 1 table. 10 mg 2 times a day 7 days, and antimicrobial and antiseptic preparation - in the first, third and sixth days of the next cycle according to the scheme.
from 15-16 days to 25 of the next cycle, repeated Didrogesterone.
as far as I understand the disease serious and long-term treatment. A doctor on WSDP recommended to be pregnant as treatment. From the read above, I understand that this is impossible until he is cured. In addition, endometriosis is a benign tumor? Which during pregnancy faster goes into malignant? Is it possible to determine the results of the ultrasound, what is my degree of endometriosis and how serious it is. I really want more children. Thanks in advance

Replies Bystrov Leonid Alexandrovich:

Hello Anna! You are true of all the outburry according to the ultrasound, nor according to the diagnosis you have written, you do not have endometriosis. Your doctor appointed you correctly treatment, after which it will be necessary to repeat the ultrasound and pass the control en. Allocations and if everything is normal for you, you can plan a pregnancy. If this treatment does not give the desired effect to have hysteroscopy to clarify the diagnosis.

2016-04-09 10:56:37

Asks hope:

Hello! Pregnancy 13 weeks. April 8 was an inspection of the gynecologist a little painful, and also took a smear, there is a small erosion, in the evening, a small spot of beige-pinkish color was noticed on the underwear. After hiking to the toilet, on the napkins, the mucus in a small amount with brown streaks or simply grayish discharge not mucous, the next day (April 9) the same. The same when walking the tension and pulls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt on the right, before that I had to spend a lot of time on my feet and simply left the lower back, before the month before the month always pulled the lower back, and during pregnancy all the time it painfully pulls especially after walking or long standing, seats. Tell me, is it worth it to disturb with these symptoms? Thank you for the answer)

Replies Medical consultant portal "Site":

Hello, hope! Symptoms are suspicious at the threat of abortion. It is urgent to turn to the full-time reception to the gynecologist. If a diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will send you to the hospital, recommends Bed regime, spasmolitics, sedatives and vitamin preparations. With high risk, hormonal supporting therapy can be assigned. Take care of health!

2013-12-14 11:17:54

Ash Anya:

Hello! I am 20 years old. Began to live sex life from March 2013. The cycle was 26-28 days. From June the month ceased to be menstruation. At that time, the latter were 26.05-30.05. Pregnancy was excluded (did tests, all negative). Turned to the gynecologist. Everything was normal (took the smear on the flora, did an ultrasound). We decided to wait. But they were not until July 15. Pressed the gynecologist Duphaston 10 days. Propil, on a 4th day after the course. That is, July 30, menstruation came. After, in September there were no them again. In the planned, on September 24 they did not come. But from October 1, the selection appeared, similar to menstruation, first non-human cargoes brown, then blood clots. Accepted these allocations for menstruation, as they passed in 5 days. 7.10 was at the reception. Made an ultrasound, revealed the cyst left ovary. Prescribed tampons into the vagina with the ointment of Vishnevsky. Oak passed with a formula, smear on oncocytology. According to the gynecologist, everything is fine. Making tampons with ointment did not become. And from October 15, these allocations began again in the form of menstruation. There is no pain and unpleasant sensations. They go days 5-6, then there are no 3 days, and again. I do not understand what it was.
At the moment, they stopped, because the gynecological fee was propil. Now there are daily normal mucous allocations.
Question: Maybe this is due to the fact that I started living PZh?

Replies Stitch Marina Petrovna:

Hello! In some women, the beginning of sex life is perceived as a powerful stress, and then this can cause a malfunction in hormonal regulation, and maybe easier coincidence.

2012-07-27 13:43:07

Asks Anna:

Good day! I have 20 weeks of pregnancy as a result of Eco, Bichorial Biamniotic twins. The entire first trimester to 12 weeks were brown allocations and threat of miscarriage. From 13 weeks I feel good, no complaints, I feel the movement. Until 20 weeks took Duphaston. Now the reception of this drug has stopped and from now on for the second time when you knead the mucous brown is very scanty allocations. There is no pain. Tell me please, what can it be and how dangerous it is? Thank you!

Replies Danilenko Elena Grigorievna:

Anya, pregnancy with Eco, double will be accompanied by the threat of abortion. Multiple pregnancy, even independent. Treats with phenomena of threat. Scargoing separating selection is cervical selection. Of particular dangers, they do not represent. It is necessary to control the state of the cervix.

2007-11-27 16:17:26

Asks Marina:

Hello! I have 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. In the account she is the third. The first ended with the forced Cesarean, the second interrupted on early due to contraindications to childbirth. At the fifth week, sharply went sharp blood, and behind it is the selection, as during menstruation. The ultrasound showed a detachment on a large plot, but the behavish embryo, the heartbeat listened. The doctor prescribed Didrogesteron on 3 tab. In the day, spasmolitic and homeopathic candles. There are no bright blood, but for two weeks after that, the cargo mucosal allocations of black and dark brown is constantly going. Boles as it was not and not. Nowhere does not pull, does not shoot. If it were not for allocation, I would not know anything. Please tell me whether the endometrium can be flawed without affecting the embryos if you faced with such things, is it possible to preserve the child with such a picture, can we avoid defects in development and what is the probability of normal pregnancy next? Thanks in advance. Really looking forward to the answer.

Replies Skiba Alexander Pavlovich:

Good day!
4-12 weeks - the period of formation of the placenta is a critical period of pregnancy. The presence of bright blood and signs of detachment according to the results of the ultrasound are a direct indication for hospitalization, bed regime and the appointment of drugs that contribute to pregnancy.
In the early periods, the interruption of pregnancy begins with bleeding, and there is no insignificant pain at all.
The therapy was assigned to you correctly, since the most frequent cause of detachment is a violation of a hormonal background.
Have you been offered hospitalization?
The allocations of the protesters that continue and now are an indication for re-conducting an ultrasound and resolving the issue of further pregnancy conservation activities. Be sure to go to the consultation and decide this question, not postponing!
In your situation, you need to talk about the detachment of the fetal egg, and not endometrium. A fruit egg peers along with the embryo, the outcome of pregnancy depends on which stage the detachment was stopped, respectively, the earlier, the greater the chance to preserve the pregnancy.
Now about development defects. Just they can be one of the reasons for detachment. The detachment does not lead to them. Defects are given all sorts of genetic breakdowns, diseases of the mother (especially infection or activation of the Torki during pregnancy), environmental impacts.
Do not postpone the visit to the doctor!

2013-11-08 04:21:12

Tatyana asks:

Hello, the term of pregnancy is 8 weeks old, 6 days ago Beginning, prescribed treatment, magnesia and hemostatic, glucose intravenously. + Tablets Duphaston, magnesium B6, ascoril., Papaverin candles. In the inspection of the inner zev closed all well, made ultrasound of the uterus in a tone. Blood selection stopped two days later, but the mucous brown selection began, that is, it was not, Majut very little. Today I looked at the chair said everything is good, everything is closed, the uterus is not in the tone. Racked 6 days. And sent home after bleeding, How much can continue to smear such discharge. And is it very scary? I continue to drink Duphaston.