Groisman's pension reform. What will change for retirees? Retirement in Russia: useful information for future pensioners

The issue of pension reform worries every conscious Russian. The government has long intended to change the retirement age and the procedure for calculating payments. Changes are introduced gradually and next year we will definitely expect changes. What will be the pension reform in 2017 and what will change for us, ordinary citizens. Latest news in pension reform.

Reform in the calculation of pensions

According to the Ministry of Labor, major changes in 2017 in the order of accrual and payment of pensions should not be expected. All the rumors that the Internet is full of lately are completely unfounded. Russia's 2017 pension reform continues to follow the draft laws that were signed back in 2015.

The issue of changing the accrual of funded pensions is being actively discussed on the network today, but M. Toplin officially stated that, despite the fact that changes are expected to be introduced in the future, this issue has not yet been discussed with other departments, which means that no changes will be made in the near future. time is not expected.

Today, a draft law is being prepared to change the procedure for accumulating pension contributions. According to it, citizens should be given the right to independently accumulate funds in the PF. At the same time, the savings of citizens will be insured.

Also, these funds can be inherited in the event of the death of the drive.

However, this bill is still under preparation, which means that at the beginning of 2017 it will not come into force yet.

This change is scheduled to be implemented by early 2018. What are the benefits of this innovation? A. Siluanov, head of the Ministry of Finance, said that the expansion of opportunities for accumulating pension contributions will give citizens additional motivation to ensure a comfortable old age for themselves and will significantly reduce the burden on the state budget in the future.

However, the draft law states that participation in the accumulation of their own pension savings will be voluntary, those citizens who do not take care of their old age themselves will also receive social benefits.

What changes await us in 2017

Most likely, the pension reform in 2017 will affect the retirement age and the payment calculation ratio. This news appears in the press is not the first year. For several years now, the government has been discussing the issue of raising the working age to 65 years. However, the increase will not be made immediately. The age will increase gradually by one year over several years. Today, the President has not yet signed this bill, so people who are due to retire in 2017 need not worry.

These changes are planned to be introduced in order to save the state budget, because in the current economic situation this issue is especially relevant for our country.

The government is also discussing the issue of changing the coefficient of accrual of pension payments. News reports that now, when calculating the pension, the total length of service of the pensioner will be taken into account, which, according to officials, is fair. Now, in order to receive an average pension, which will be approximately 14,000 rubles. Must have at least 8 years of work experience. If a person has not worked out these required years, he will be charged the minimum social payment from the state fund.

News about pension reform in the power structures of Russia

The latest Russian news says that in 2017 there will be changes in the calculation of pensions for the security forces. In general, law enforcement agencies will undergo more than one reform next year, it is planned to reduce the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, increase the retirement age and revise the coefficient for accruing payments from the state pension fund.

Today, representatives of the FIU have already announced what changes will come into force from January 2017 when accruing:

  • The guaranteed pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be increased in line with the increase in salary and current allowances.
  • The pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be able to receive the first increased payment in February 2017.
  • Pensions for employees of law enforcement agencies will be increased by an average of 8%.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs already know for sure about raising the retirement age. The draft law on raising the retirement age of persons serving in the power ministries of Russia has already been approved.

Now the retirement age of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will increase annually by 6 months.

In 2017, this change will definitely affect only civil servants, but the government has already calculated that this measure will significantly reduce the costs of the pension fund, and hence the country's budget as a whole.

Also, the draft law states that the length of service is increased to 25 years. These measures will reduce the burden on the state fund, which means they will help stabilize the country's economy.

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Changes since January 1, 2017

There are a number of important changes that have taken place since the beginning of 2017:

  1. Increasing the minimum number and required for the appointment .
    • 1st of February- by the amount of inflation of the previous year;
    • April 1- depending on the growth rate of the subsistence minimum over the past year.

    Recall that in 2016, para. 4 articles 25 of the law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", part 21 of article 15 and part 6 of article 16 of the law "About insurance pensions", in connection with which insurance and state pensions were indexed by only 4% with significantly higher inflation in 2015 - 12.9%.

    Unlike the previous 2016, from the new 2017 the members of the Government have repeatedly promised to restore the legal order of indexation and carry it out in full, as required by law, in the amount.

    “We have decided that in 2017 pensions will be indexed in full.”

    Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev

    Thus, already now the draft budget includes the necessary funds to increase pensions, which indicates the serious intentions of the state in this direction.

    Pension increase in 2017 for old-age pensioners

    Labor (after the pension reform insurance) pensions are increased by indexation (SIPC) and (PV) - the components of the insurance pension after the pension reform in 2015. After the increase on February 1, 2016, these parameters were set at the following values:

    • the cost of a pension point is 74.27 rubles;
    • the amount of the fixed payment is 4558.93 rubles.

    The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development predicted an inflation rate of 5.8%, in which case indexation coefficient would be 1.058. However, the published data of the Federal State Statistics Service indicates the consumer price index for 2016 in the amount of 5.4%. In this regard, Maxim Topilin (Minister of Labor and Social Protection) stated that the coefficient of indexation of insurance pensions and social payments in February 2017 will be 1.054 (with SIPK = 78.28 rubles, FV = 4805.11 rubles). However, the Federal Law on the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation notes that as of April 1, 2017, the cost of a pension point will be set at 78 rubles 58 kopecks, in connection with which it must pass second indexation of insurance pensions, which in total will be 5.8%, resulting in On April 1, the insurance pension was additionally increased by 0.38%.

    Table of indexation of insurance pensions by years

    YearPrevious year's inflation rateIndexing percentageIndexing coefficient
    2011 8,8% 8,8% 1,088
    2012 6,1% 10,65% 1,1065
    2013 6,6% 10,12% 1,1012
    2014 6,5% 8,31% 1,0831
    2015 11,4% 11,4% 1,114
    2016 12,9% 4% 1,04
    2017 5,4% 5,8% 1,058
    • SIPC 2017 = 78.28 × 1.058 = 78.58 rubles;
    • FV 2017 = 4805.11 × 1 = 4805.11 rubles.

    On April 1, only the cost of the pension point increased, the amount of the fixed payment remained without changes.

    Indexation of pensions for working pensioners

    As one of the anti-crisis measures, a decision was made to raise pensions for working citizens in connection with the annual increase in their number. According to Rosstat for 2016, the share of working citizens amounted to 36% of the total number of pensioners.

    It is believed that the material security of pensioners who continue to work is higher than those who do not work, since in addition to pensions they have additional financial income in the form of wages.

    Thus, the law of December 29, 2015 No. 385-FZ came into force, which, from 2016, pensions of working recipients until they leave their labor activity. After the dismissal, they will be returned to the usual indexation procedure, taking into account all the increases that took place during the implementation of the work.

    • For working pensioners from January 1, 2017 this restriction will not be lifted and in February their pension was increased will not.
    • Moreover, as Maxim Topilin (Minister of Labor from Social Security) stated, in the draft law on the federal budget not provided return indexing up until 2019, as otherwise it may lead to significant additional costs that the State cannot afford at the moment.

    The adopted restrictions do not apply to pensions (including social pensions), regardless of whether the pensioner works or not.

    Indexation of social pension provision April 1

    Social pensions are not calculated according to a formula, but are set in a fixed amount, unlike insurance pensions, and depend on the category of the recipient. They should, depending on the change in the level of the subsistence level of the pensioner. Over the past 8 years, one can observe fluctuations in the level of indexation of pension provision, both up and down.

    YearIndexing level
    2010 12,51%
    2011 10,27%
    2012 14,1%
    2013 1,81%
    2014 17,1%
    2015 10,3%
    2016 4%
    2017 1,5%

    The head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Anton Drozdov, said earlier that indexation of social pensions in 2017 2.6% is envisaged - this is the level predicted by the Ministry of Economic Development. However, on March 16, Dmitry Medvedev signed, according to which social pensions will be increased only 1.5%, which represents the increase in the PMF in 2016 relative to 2015. In accordance with this, it is possible to calculate the indexed amount of pension provision for each category of recipients.

    Recipient categoriesUntil April 1, 2017, rub.After April 1, 2017, rub.
    • citizens aged 60 and 65 years (women and men);
    • persons from among the small peoples of the North, aged 50 and 55 years (women and men);
    • disabled people of the 2nd group (with the exception of disabled people from childhood);
    • children left without one parent who have not reached the age of 18, and for full-time students - 23 years
    4959,85 5034,25
    • disabled people of the 1st group;
    • disabled people of the 2nd group since childhood;
    • children under 18 years of age or in full-time education - up to 23 years old, left without both parents, and children of a deceased single mother
    11903,51 12082,06
    • disabled children;
    • disabled people of the 1st group since childhood
    9919,73 10068,53
    disabled people of the 3rd group4215,90 4279,14

The government plans to launch a new pension system, the first elements of which will be introduced from 2018. The main goal of officials is to balance the PFR budget. Covering the deficit of the fund requires significant expenditures of budgetary funds. In addition, it is becoming more and more difficult for the government to carry out annual indexation.

The current pension model remains unbalanced, according to the Ministry of Finance, which creates fundamental risks for the domestic budget. The fall in oil prices has demonstrated the vulnerability of the state treasury to external challenges. The new reform will help reduce the dependence of the budget on structural revenues, the Ministry of Finance emphasizes.

The most controversial issue of the reform proposed by the Ministry of Finance remains the problem of raising the retirement age. This measure is absolutely necessary, representatives of the economic bloc are sure. During the crisis, the authorities postponed this decision due to the deteriorating economic situation. In 2018, the economy will fully recover from the crisis, which will allow the government to adjust the retirement age.

The format of a future increase in the standard age continues to be discussed. This figure can be increased to 63-65 years, experts say. At the same time, the authorities use the experience of pension reform for civil servants, annually increasing the standard indicator by 6 months. This measure will form the basis of the new pension system, which will be implemented from 2018.

In addition to the problem of age, officials intend to finally resolve the issue of working pensioners. According to the position of the Ministry of Finance, this category of citizens should not qualify for annual indexation of pensions, since they have alternative sources of income.

In addition, representatives of the department intend to significantly reduce the categories of citizens who can count on early retirement. More than half of the beneficiaries are workers in hazardous and hazardous industries. According to the new initiative of the Ministry of Finance, this category of citizens may lose the right to early pensions. Also, officials propose to increase the necessary length of service for early-term state employees (teachers, doctors, etc.).

Significant changes await the accumulative system, the reform of which will increase the consciousness of citizens.

incentive to save

The long-term freezing of the funded part has a negative impact on the willingness of the population to independently form their own pension. The authorities are considering several options for reforming the current model, which have fundamental differences.

Representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development allow for a phased unfreezing of the funded pension. As early as next year, the authorities may remove restrictions from 1-3% of deductions, which will be a positive signal for citizens who intend to independently form a future pension. As the economic situation improves, the government will be able to move on to the next stage of unfreezing funded pensions.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance are set for a more radical reform, which involves the abolition of the current funded pension system in 2018. Instead, officials propose to launch a system of individual contributions, participation in which will become mandatory. The Ministry of Finance is confident that such an instrument will encourage citizens to actively participate in the formation of their own pensions.

Experts expect the launch of pension reform immediately after the end of the elections. Despite the reluctance of officials to take unpopular measures, there are no other alternatives to stabilize the pension system.

Lack of alternatives

The deteriorating demographic situation against the backdrop of declining oil export revenues is forcing the government to accelerate the implementation of pension reform. A further increase in the number of pensioners per worker leads to an increase in the deficit of the pension fund. As a result, the authorities must change the basic parameters that determine the size of the pension.

Under such conditions, the annual indexation of pensions will turn into a real problem for the government. According to experts, already in 2022 the authorities will be forced to cut other types of costs, redistributing resources to increase pensions.

In 2017, a pension reform for civil servants was launched, which affected key parameters for calculating pensions. Officials began to raise the retirement age for employees, supplementing this measure with a revision of the length of service required. Such an approach could become a reform prototype for other categories of citizens, experts say. Further delay in the reform is fraught with serious consequences for the domestic economy.

Raising the retirement age from 2019

The next stage of the pension reform will be an increase in the retirement age and residents of all regions of Russia will be able to feel the effect of the new rules from January 1, 2019.

They promise to make the transition to the new norms gradual, adding +1 year annually.

In order to increase the consumer abilities of citizens who have retired, the government annually indexes pension payments. An increase in the old-age pension is also planned for 2018.

Starting from 2015, the amount of pension accruals consists of two parts, which are insurance and funded.

In accordance with the current Federal Law "On insurance accruals" under No. 400-FZ, the increase in old-age pensions for state pensions will be carried out according to a special schedule in two stages. At each stage, indexation will be made only for certain categories of persons receiving cash benefits.

First stage - January

At the first stage, an increase in insurance charges is provided for non-working pensioners. The surcharge, equal to 3.7%, is accrued from January 1. This figure is determined in accordance with the level of price increases following the results of the past year.

Fixed supplement to the insurance pension, linked to the consumer price index, at the beginning of 2018 - 4.9 thousand rubles.

For clarity: if last year the average amount of cash benefits for old age was equal to 13.657 thousand rubles, then taking into account indexation, in monetary terms reaching an amount of 400 rubles, this figure will increase to an average mark of 14.045 rubles.

Second stage - April

From April 2018, you can count on an increase in the old-age pension in the amount of 4.1%, as well as social benefits for low-income and disabled citizens. This category also includes those persons who, for whatever reason, have not earned the necessary experience.

Since social payments often fall short of the subsistence level, which is 9.159 rubles for 2018, the elderly, whose income is below it, also rely on social subsidies. They will increase the amount of the allowance to the level of PMP established in the state.

Recall that in 2017 it was equal to the amount of 8.5 thousand rubles. The recipients of the "social program" were 3.9 million people.

Help is of two types:

  • social - is intended for all persons of retirement age in our country who receive below the subsistence level;
  • regional - designed for residents of regions where the PHC is below average, but at the same time, the income of people of retirement age is inferior to this indicator.

For the implementation of regional assistance by order of December 15, 2017. under No. 2830, the government approved the dispersal of interbudgetary transfers to the regional budgets of 13 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The main purpose of the allocated amount in the amount of 7085.7 million rubles. – pay local social supplements to pensions in order to maintain the income of non-working persons at a level not lower than the LMP.

Budget appropriations are calculated for the repayment of additional payments for 424.6 thousand recipients and the calculation of the average value of additional payments in the range of 2351.4-8414.2 rubles.

But it should be borne in mind that the program of budget appropriations to increase the amount of PMP applies only to social benefits for new people who have retired. Those who received payments before 2018 are not eligible for the current program.

According to Maxim Topilin, Minister of Social Protection, the decision to shift the schedules of the first stage from February, as it was last year, to January was made in order to ensure a more significant increase in real pensions.

In general, by the beginning of 2020, the Russian Pension Fund is reassuring in that it plans to ensure a significant increase in old-age pensions. It is assumed that the average amount of payments will increase by 1.6 thousand rubles. Due to this, the average regular cash income of persons who have reached retirement age will be about 15.4 thousand rubles.

What to expect for working pensioners

The number of pensioners in our country reaches 43 million. Of these, approximately 30% are still working. For these people, the indexation of old-age pensions in 2018 does not apply, since at this stage the program is frozen until the beginning of 2019.

The government adheres to the point of view that pensioners who continue to work do not need allowances, even if they are required by law.

Working pensioners can only count on an increase accrued with an increase in seniority.

Under the new rules, insurance premiums of 22% of salary paid by companies in the Pension Fund for working pensioners are converted into pension points. One point unit is equal to the amount of 81.49 rubles. It turns out that the higher the salary, the more points you can earn.

The procedure is unclaimed. Specialists of the pension fund carry it out without the personal appeal of citizens. This year, the recalculation will take place on August 1.

But there are limitations on this as well. The maximum allowable amount of the increase should not exceed three points, which corresponds to 245 rubles.

As an alternative for working pensioners, the government offers other incentives in the form of suspension of payments or voluntary postponement of the date of retirement. This makes it possible to obtain a multiplying factor in the future.

Indexing will not affect military pensioners - people who have retired from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the army and the Federal Penitentiary Service. Accruals to pensioners of this category will continue to be carried out on the basis of Law No. 43, adopted on February 12, 1993, namely Article No. 4468-1.

In accordance with the accrual rules, the level of pension, directly dependent on monetary allowance, in 2017 was initially set at 72.23%. Every year it increases by 2% until it reaches 100%.

Many working citizens and people who have retired on a well-deserved rest can be pleased with the latest news from the Ministry of Finance. It plans to launch a new pension savings system. The developed scheme is beneficial in the sense that accruals become the personal property of the payer. During the accumulation, if necessary, for example, the same disease, he can easily remove them at any time.

Video about old age pension:

Unlike some countries, the current pension system in our country provides for different retirement ages. for men and women, equal to 60 and 55 years respectively.

But these indicators are generally established for all citizens with some reservation: for those who have the required minimum experience and the accumulated amount of individual points.

  • For those citizens who could not earn this experience and score the minimum number of coefficients, a social pension aged 65 years old for men and 60 years old women.
  • For citizens who work in dangerous and hard jobs, the state has provided for an additional age reduction, taking into account the requirements for length of service in the relevant types of work.

Appointment of an old-age pension

For example, if a citizen decides to draw up his pension 5 years later, then his fixed amount will be increased by 36%, and the insurance part of the pension by 45%.

Moreover, this right to increase the pension payment is also granted to the current recipients of the pension. They can refuse the amount received for a period at least a year, then at the subsequent establishment of the payment, special coefficients will also be applied to them.

In addition, the new rules for calculating pensions encourage citizens to work longer and earn more. The size of the future payment will directly depend on these indicators. It is only important that the salary was official, with which the employer will pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.