Why do we like animals so much? Your character in the pet: Dogs love bold, cats - smart

"Tell me who is your friend, and I will tell you who you are." This saying is familiar with childhood. Indeed, on those people whom we choose to communicate, you can say a lot about ourselves. Is it possible to judge the character of a person, knowing his preferences among pets? Scientists argue that it is possible. And in this article we will talk about the nature of the owner of the dog and people who prefer fish, we will analyze the differences in the temperament of catchers and fans of reptiles. I hope you will be interested.

The owner of the dog

About a person who preferring a dog as a pet, one can say that he is sociable, open, friendly. Dog owners usually have a huge number of friends, which they are easily acquired throughout life. They prefer an active lifestyle, because in any weather with a dog you need to go for a walk. In sports, such people prefer team sports. The owners of dogs in the nature of the devotees and patient is almost the same as their favorite animals.

By the way, you can tell a lot about a person and what kind of dogs he prefers. For example, young dogs most often are breeding women (although it is possible that then their husbands love them more than the owner), the owners of dwarf dogs are often not confident, dependent on the opinions of others. Middle breeds prefer to start making people who adhere to generally accepted norms and rules, family playing a major role in life. The owners of large breeds of dogs are maximalists, people who have only two colors: black and white - and no halftone. And in life they often share everything only for good and bad, do not tolerate compromises.

The character of the owner of the cat

We can say about the worships that they are independent, wayward and even a little selfish. Closed, sensitive, love to spend time at home. They do not like big and noisy companies, instead of a huge variety of acquaintances prefer old good, proven times, friends. The best weekend for the catmaid is the house spent with a book or a TV. Over time, a person who prefers cats, begins even slightly resemble his pets. That is, this person is delicate, unobtrusive, independent, sometimes affectionately, but can stand up for himself. And another real cat is often careful in movements - almost everyone faced the fact that cats are spinning under their feet, often there is a risk of step on a pet.

Owners of fish

Fish are breeding people who prefer purity and comfort in the house that pay great attention to the interior in the apartment. Fish owners are considered excellent family mans, several children are very often married. Fisteners of fish can be divided into two categories. Active, emotional and temperamental rest and remove the tension at the sight of fish. They are fond of smooth movement of fish. For them, aquarium is the interior like a TV. The second category of fish lovers: thinkers, contemplates. Watching the fish, their non-standard mind gives rise to genial ideas and solutions. Pisces help them from reality, abstract.

Owners of rodents

Rodents prefer people who do not loving loneliness as a pet. As psychologists say, the little rodent is given to people who themselves are in dire need of patronage. They masked their weakness about someone, even weaker and dependent, next to which they may feel strong, powerful.

The owner of the reptile

Snakes and lizards are set in extraordinary and extravagant people. They love to attract attention to themselves, not like everyone else. Often reptiles as pets are breeding people who lack fame, recognition, attention. In other cases, reptiles are set as an indicator of wealth. It is important for them to notice their status, wealth, originality. Reptiles just answer all these requirements. After all, the content of reptiles requires significant material costs. In other words, this pets are not for everyone.

Host birds

About man preferring birds as pets, we can say that it is sociable, sociable and mobile. Noise and bustle is his favorite habitat. He likes to surround himself with bright colors: unexpected wallpapers, bright upholstery on upholstered furniture. A lovedant of birds is a romantic nature, which in life lacks adventures, diversity, new pleasant sensations.

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We write about psychology and biology in glamor magazines, but about the zoology of weak gender can be found in male publications and on thematic forums. The portal offers its own interpretation of animal types, based on read fairy tales and encyclopedias, associations, external similarity and coincidence of characters. In order to avoid reproaches in male chauvinism, the classification process was instructed by a woman.

From infusoria to jellyfish

An extraordinary personality in the crowd is rare. Increasingly, we are surrounded by Plankton: freely drift in life, hang in the depths of the Internet and are one of the components of the food chain. And after all, plankton is a gathering of heterogeneous organisms. In this environment, you can meet female infusoria whose thoughts occupy exclusively shoes. Easy as five kopecks, she doesn't even want anything and does not expect anything. Well, except to meet the same unicellular one so that you can turn into an infusorium-slipper.

To the discharge of the simplest should be attributed to the syllability and liveliness of the character of ameb , Those in the eternal queue in the supermarket for feeding, then in the executive committee for improving housing conditions. Female woman Quietly floats in the flow, easily adapts to the surrounding reality and actively multiplies.

If the plankton representative in the ... Ocean could not meet his half, it can easily turn into a jellyfish . It only seems to women-jellyfishsafety and soft. In fact, they have not only character, but also life credo: "Do not touch me!". However, the lips are married. In addition, no man in the world is insured against the fact that, licking in the evening with a charming beauty, in the morning can detect a real gorgon in his bed. An irritated jellyfish stamping without misses, can turn into a stone in one glance or cause paralysis in one word.

From mouse to bunny

Woman mouse You can meet on the street, at work and even in the museum in the Greek Hall. And not noticing. She is a sweet, friendly and modest. Therefore, it is easy to come across a mousetrap with free cheese.

The mouse is not inflated. Some women from this category have imagination and know how to fly. What often scares men. Therefore, it is not surprising that some of the volatile mice husbands are called vampires and reproach that they suck their life juices. Although in fact fear a strong half of humanity need completely other women.

Any mouse in terms of psychology can easily turn into rat. The benefit of courses and textbooks on sterry is enough today. In contrast to the corner of the gray mouse, the rat can not only rush to the offender, but even cause a proactive blow.

On the woman-protein keeps the whole office. All day it turns the impeller, then runs home to feed home and create a stock for the winter.

Woman bunny serves as an office decoration. She does not forget to change the fur coat on time. Often a coward, but always shows a smelter to achieve the desired result. Fuckingly performs small whims of a husband or chief. After all, it is for this that it is created - white and fluffy. Men often live with bunks, but dream of completely other women.

From cat to lioness

This female type like is like to exploit Hollywood scenarios. Catwoman Walks by itself, purrows when in the mood, and scratched without reason. In fact, cats are also different. Pissels near the hooks left. Such easily become mistresses and even more than fifth wives of aging oligarchs. The main thing in the content is not to forget to buy fashionable gadgets and other things on time. Forgetful owners of pussy Mustit - usually shitted in shoes.

Advanced kits become secular lioness. Some are born, but still remain the property of the one who feeds them, provides shelter and protection.

Cat woman bold and decisive. But she is a terrible lazy. Agreeing to live in your home, it becomes a full mistress in it. Now she decides which curtains should hang on the window and what kind of whisas you will have for dinner. But to nourish the eaves and feed on the table will have to you. Do not forget to regularly scratch the cat behind the eye and in no case do not face the wool.

At the unsatisfied family life of the cat often blows the roof. She goes into the roast, and in the house instead of heat and comfort, kittens appear suspiciously similar to neighboring cats.

From dog to wolf

Men have their own ideal women's dogs. They are faithful, loyally look into the eyes, fulfill all the teams, bring beer with slippers, lick soul wounds and erase the sacred dining dream of the host. Only on the will such women are rare.

The woman dog can be a friend, and can put on a short leash and her husband. Watchdog Cerber forbids her man to drink beer, watch football, meet friends and far away from the cone. She can go for any trifle.

Woman-Lisa - The main initiator of office intrigues. Her trick will not be able to get out of any crisis situation. Beautiful, smart and self-sufficient, she can invite the man you like for lunch, pay the account and use for its intended purpose.

Woman wolf - Single. But if he finds his pair, ready to blame her throat, who will look towards the male. Can manage the packs.

From sheep to cow

Unprozhet representatives also should be divided into types: they are paired and unpaired, homemade and wild. There are in their number Callogenic and ruminants.

The most harmless female type from this series - sheep. Bright curls, the presence of a golden rune and the almost complete lack of mind ensures they are constant success in the male company.

Nobody wants to live with an old klyach, but rarely who is upset when a worker appears in the team horse. You can stick not only all the problems, but also the burden of responsibility. And such a woman plows, not swinging heads, even sleeps on the go.

No less willingly, the woman's female is imputed in the family wagon and pulls this burden to the mountain without unnecessary strokes. She is dispersed all to someone who is not too lazy, periodically tightened to life. Nevertheless, they meet in this class. Mustanga women are well moving through the career staircase, since, in addition to the ability to work a lot, there are still a freight and solid. You can skip the offender and easily gallop to rip out problems.

Another female type - milch cow. Such prefer to take Sons' Mamenikina's son in order to ride as cheese in oil. Women of this type are rarely becoming the heads of high rank, as they prefer a gum for everyone, ready to live in a hlev and work in a clean field. Adorable TV shows.

From the canary to forty

Women and birds have a lot in common. For example, the constant need to clean the feathers and twitter without silent.

Women canary Will eagerly live in a cage and please the owner with sweet trils. These prefer men, insecure and needing a permanent portion praise.

Woman with a challenge Holds under the sleeve to a pension not only numerous offspring, but also your own husband.

Woman Hummingbird Bright and exotic, but in our forests are not found. Wares on the way from the south to visit the parents and buy a ticket again.

Female-forty Can't without bright stuck and die from envy, if the broocher is larger on the collapse.

Woman cuckoo He considers the years lived alone and is angry with children who have grown and for some reason they do not come to visit Mum, preferring to hold a day off at her grandmother in the country.

Woman Dweathcapably Crazy even the tax inspector.

From butterfly to God's cow

From the pupa they turn into butterfly. Light, fucking in life, such women are pleasing to the eye, but do not bring benefits.

Unlike bee. These workaholic women are equally indispensable in the office and at home. They are forced to clothe their drones and take care of the queen, day after the day, follow the established rules.

There are women entitled like flies. They willingly get ready to work by sales representatives and can be cluttered in the office from customers, distracting everyone from work until someone twists the newspaper and will not fade them out.

Distinguish god's cow From others is easy: each marriage leaves the trace in her soul and on its wings. Before the next trip to the altar, she throws her kids to her parents to Neco, and she periodically had to remind her maternal duties.

From tick to spider

The most terrible types. That is, in reality you need to be afraid of men. Woman tick It fell on your head, it is embarrassed and climbs under the skin so that it has to delete it surgically. Although you can wait until it breaks blood and go to search for the next victim.

W. women Pauka. Other habits. She is waiting for a long time in ambush and weave her web. If you can still get rid of the woman tick, then everything is more complicated with spider: there are no chances in the network there is no chance. Especially if a man has social status and property that can be inherited.

Let's notify immediately: in nature, a woman is rarely found that it will absolutely be attributed to a particular type. Any horse can sweep up, and a nasty duckling - turn into a wonderful swan. The most important thing, despite all the animals of instincts, is always to remain a person.

The love of everything is laid in man in nature. Someone can not pass by a homeless puppy, and someone prefers to start the houses of exotic animals or contain an aquarium. There are people who love cats. The psychology of the cat-inquiry to representatives also has its own characteristics. After all, the conscious choice of four-legged friend can tell a lot about the nature of his owner. As the famous writer M. Twain said, cats differ from other pets that they cannot be made to obey any ways. These animals will never be slaves. And under any circumstances, the cats will not do what they themselves do not wish.

People who love cats

Unlike meowing animals, simple and understandable. They quickly learn to execute teams, well leaving for training. Maybe that's why Yarym Caskets are more like the inadual nature of the cat. She is independent, stubborn. The cat prefers to walk by itself, as was noticed in the famous work of R. Kipling. But despite this, it is capable of truly to attach to a person. And, becoming a friend who does not inten for him, but at his own request, may love sincerely and forever.

Cat in the house's house, we automatically strive to communicate with wildlife. In essence, this is a small tiger that you can take on your arms and to climb. Mostly fluffy pets prefer women, but it happens that the man loves cats. Psychology is designed so that sooner or later we all strive to create a family and a cozy focus. And the purr is a symbol of home well-being, tranquility and reliability. A soft creation rolled by the glomerulus, peacefully terrible on the sofa, gives a feeling of heat and a stable lifeguard. Love for the cat often characterizes a man as an exemplary family man, a caring father. Such a person appreciates comfort in the house, women's affection, order and purity, delicious lunch. If the guy prefers cats dogs, he and his life companion will look for under the one. Bright, beautiful, graceful and independent. But at the same time gentle, gentle and able to give love.

Pet selection and responsibility

Cat psychology is so unique that education requires a special approach. Deciding to start in the house of this semi-dog beast, it is necessary to remember much responsibility. After all, this is not a hamster who will live just a few years. Cat, you should realize that it will become a host companion on his whole life. We will have to put up with her behavior, with wool on all surfaces, including clothes and food. In addition, this pleasure is not cheap. An animal needs full-fledged food, care, it can get sick. And then a lot of spending to spend on the veterinarian services. But if all these worries are not frightened, it means that you feel about the category of people who are called "cat lovers". Psychology is designed so that any whims of a pet will be perceived as small pranks. And communication with him will give only positive emotions and charges a good mood.

Character and temperament of cats

Cats live, obeying instincts. German scientists revealed an interesting pattern. It turned out, the psychology of cats and cats is determined by their color. Striped animals are more independent, they are with great reluctance come to contact with man. Prefer to be granted by yourself. Cats of black color, on the contrary, sociable, love affection. White representatives of feline - monochrome. They only are tied to one owner, giving him all the attention, allowing him to iron himself. But black and white is usually harmless, adore children, allowing them to squeeze themselves. Three-color and redhead are somewhat phlegmatic, a little with oddities, slow. But these statements are not an axiom and not always correspond to reality. Psychology of cats, the nature and features of their behavior depend on how the type of temperament the animal belongs from birth. And to this database, as other qualities are added as adults are added. There are four such types:

  • Sanguine. Such a cat quickly gets used to a new setting, loves children. It is easy to get along with other pets, movable and moderately active.
  • Choleric. Psychology of cats and cats of this type is rapidly active. They quickly change the mood, they are hot-tempered and somewhat nervous, poured loudly, growl. A pet will not tolerate offense or restrain emotions. He will prefer to immediately give the paw or bite the opponent. Whether a person or another animal. From him you never know in advance what to expect. Such a cat is more interesting to live with the owner, which leads an active lifestyle and is distinguished by an explosive temperament. In the house where there are small children, with choleric cats need to keep the Ear East. The child can stick to the tail by ignorance, press the paw, for which he will rebuff.
  • Calm, slightly slow and imperturbable cat. It rarely manifests emotions, restrained and very closed. She can sleep around the clock or sluggishly watching attempts to involve her in the game. In the soul, such a cat will have to house houses, an elderly or busy, rarely exit to people.
  • Melancholic. This is a very sensitive and touchy animal. It is impossible to shout on it, and even more so punish physically. Cats of the Guglivy, afraid of foreign people or new interior items. Psychology of cat-melancholic cats is distinguished by great devotion and love for man. But they stop their choice only on one owner, who becomes them a friend, because they are monochrob.

Knowledge of the features of temperament will help choose a pet, because the primitive features are clearly visible at the most young age. The nature is manifested in the process of communicating with brothers and sisters, with a cat's mother. It is enough just to watch the behavior and the game of the baby to understand what the temper is.

Dogs and cats

The relationship between these completely different animals is well described in the work of K. Lorenz "Man finds a friend." The book, the psychology of cats and dogs in which is revealed from all sides, must become desktop. Especially if a person plans to start the houses of these pets at the same time. The author describes in detail the life situations from personal experience, gives recommendations and tips. Differences between the animals of the sea. Take at least body language, a considerable part of which is given to the tail. The dog, wagging the tail, shows joy, greeting, willingness to come to contact. And the nervous popping of a cat tail signals the displeasure and irritation. The first meeting seemingly irreconcilable enemies, the most important. Depending on how it passes, and further animal relations will be built. But the friendship between them may occur, especially if you teach them to each other from an early age. Even if you manage to establish the connection and the pets are already sleeping and playing together, this does not mean that everyone should have a common. Each of them needs its own personal space, a separate corner with a mission for food, as well as equally the attention of the host. Murlykes are more prone to territorial aggression, so the psychology of cats is arranged.

The book also describes how it is better to deal with animals to live together to injure the psyche of both as little as possible. It is believed that the settlement in the house of the cat to the already living dog - the situation is most favorable. After all, dogs are less worried about their territory and more obedient if, of course, to correctly educate them. It is also noticed that larger dog breeds are faster than a small kitten. The animals who loved each other begin to care for each other, sleep together, there is from one bowl.

What cat poses are talking about

It is believed that feline representatives more like straight, frank and fair people. Cats, whose psychology is arranged different from dogs, can become true friends, but not slaves. You can find a common language with a cat if you know the features of its behavior. Pay attention to everything: Posa, Manera move, voice, ears and tail. Cats use not only sounds to express needs. More often, they prefer to communicate with gestures and facial expressions, and sometimes a whole set of signs.

Love for cats, whose psychology to the end is not yet solved, is the stimulus to study the habits of the beast and understand it. Different with gracefulness and can tell a lot about it:

  • Calm, observation is a cat sits, wrapped the tail of the paw.
  • Greeting - the cat rubs about the foot of the owner, crossing the paw on the paw.
  • Love and location - rubs with muzzle and mustache about the face or foot of the owner.
  • Pensiveness - Lies on the back.
  • Warning is a sharp tailpiece.
  • Beating - the back will be deployed by arc.
  • Threat - wool end, straight paws and elongated.

Raised up a feline tail talks about friendliness, lowered and disheveled - about confusion. The tail, directed down and tapping about the floor - the cat is frightened. Nervous twitching of the tail from side to side, whipping by them means the highest degree of aggression.

Dominance and desire to suppress the opponent's aggression rarely can be observed among females. Cat mother, if her kids are in danger, will fight to a victorious end. She will give a life for kittens without retreating even before the worst and big opponent. But the cats often in the struggle for the location of the young cat can be brutally fighting, finding out who is stronger. Pose, when they still stand the nose to the nose, expresses extreme concentration. The slightest enemy movement or sharp extraneous sound can be an impetus for brave battle. But one of the cats sooner or later suffers defeat. He falls on his stomach, tightly pressing the body and head to the ground, and pulls the paws with claws towards the opponent. His posture expresses at the same time humility and threat. The winner in this case leaves the first, demonstrating its dignity and superiority. Friendly relationships between adult males are practically impossible.

Cats in relation to man at home is somewhat different. They rarely express extreme aggression to the owner. But the stranger can scratch or bite, if after warning signs he has not retreated. More often aggression is provoked by fright, stress or confusion. Complete confidence in the owner and the surrounding manifests itself in a pose on her side or back, when the stomach is open. Cat's eyes are usually covered, she relaxed, sleeping and not at all away, so that she was climbing.

Cat conversation: Sounds and Mimic

Despite the fact that cats prefer to communicate with gestures, the most talkative of them constantly purr. There are more than 16 signals for various ranges, including an unsaturated ultrasound for the human ear. Such inacted sounds more often than mothers communicate with kittens. The usual "meow" may differ in the timbre, a tonality. Having learned to speak catchers, a person will be able to inform the necessary information to petition similar sounds. For example, quietly zashipev on the cat when she does something forbidden, you can give her to understand what it is impossible to do this. The psychology of cats is arranged so that not all of them are too talkative. Some animals have made only some quiet sounds. Others, on the contrary, are constantly screaming, Murchat, growl, hiss and grumble. That's what can tell about the mood of a fluffy friend Some cat words:

  • Hissing - warning signal.
  • Ficking is a surprise, the desire to distract the enemy, confusion.
  • Low Range Rerota - Willingness to Protection.
  • Grumbling - threat and warning.
  • Clace with teeth, smock and bleeding - the desire to catch prey or disappointment if this could not be done.
  • The purr - the cat is pleased with life.
  • Vorceiving short "meow" - the joy of the meeting, greeting.
  • Vibrating with hoarse "meow" - friendly attitude, gratitude.

Each outfit "Mi-Auu", "Mea-y" in most cases expresses requests, call for help, complaint or crying. The degree of conversationality of the cat depends not only on its individual nature, but also from the breed. Psychology as well as their collections of Siamese and oriental is characterized by the fact that they are very boltles and sociable. British and European short-haired cats, on the contrary, silent.

Mimica in all cats is very expressive due to the high degree of muscle mobility muzzle and head. Feline eyes are a mirror reflecting the mood and mental state of a pet. Semi-closed eyelids, slow blinking means calm, peacefulness, relaxation. Widely opened eyes - interest, concern. Fear is shown extended pupils. A pretty look at the focus expresses a warning and challenge. Sharply narrowed pupils indicate the limit concentration. If the cat takes a look to the side, then she is ready to submit. A straight look into the eyes of the owner and the ears stretched forward express interest, a request, the desire to communicate or is. The ears lowered to the ears point to aggression, and drawn back and lowered - that cat is frightened. If the tips of the ears are nervous, it is a sign of uncertainty.

Education and Training, Punishment and Promotion, Game and Toys

If a woman or man loves cats, whose psychology is so unpredictable, then they, of course, want to play with them. Cats by nature hunters and know how to have fun and without a person. Rusting paper, balls, laces, curtains and other furniture and interior items - the best toys for them. Riding, jumping, trying to catch his own tail, the kitten develops the body and skeleton, strengthens the muscles. Playing with a cat, you should remember that she is used to dominate. And too aggressive, in her opinion, attacks from the owner may forever convert the interest of the cat to the games with him. Bow on a string or lace in her understanding - mining. And the victim cannot behave fearlessly, to attack or repulse. Do not allow the cat to play with hands and legs. The habit of scratching and biting can easily consolidate, which is extremely unpleasant and is dangerous for young children.

Rising a cat, it is necessary to remember that you will not succeed and achieve its full obedience. She does not care about bans, she does not respond to physical punishment, continuing to do what she likes. Animal It is important to teach to cope with a special tray, absorb food and sleep in strictly allotted places. Here all actions should be aimed at developing conditional reflexes. For example, if the cat fell to walk past the tray or in another angle, then it follows it day after day to led to place, waiting for it to make his affairs. We must not forget about the promotion, the cat should be closed, stroke and praise. A few days later, and in the extreme case weeks, the cat will get used to.

Territory and social aspects of behavior

The psychology of cats is designed so that the territory is very important for them, because they are animals asocial. They will make loved places, thus protecting their personal space from the uninterested enemies. Despite this, in nature cats can live with groups or colonies, intending in interest. For example, fed together, sunbathe in the sun. As a rule, there is no friendly communication between them. Each individual retains individuality, trying to retire to sleep in a secluded place, choosing separate walkways for walking and places for thought, favorite trees for sharpening claws.

Hunting and Food

And although cats - hunters are simply amazing, at home, they do not need to hunt. Like not required to protect their housing. The breadman and defender is the owner to which the cat refers rather as a parent. This is manifested in how it shifts from foot to the leg, gently rubs about the leg, showing its location. Exactly how the kitten communicates with the mother. Hunting for a homemade cat is entertainment, instinctive desire. She can catch a mouse, fly or bird. Pretty rare the cat is solved to attack a huge rat with sharp teeth, capable of hurting her. His mining, a domestic cat brings to the house. This is a gift for the owner, the expression of true friendship and care.

Cat mother and offspring

Cats are very caring and loyal mothers. They constantly lick kittens, stimulating blood circulation and kids breathing. Animals raise their offspring in the game process, silent communication. If there is a threat of danger, then the cat can drag children to another place. But the connection of the mother and the child continues not long. As soon as the kitten is growing up, the cat loses interest to him, perceiving it as a young male or female.

No matter how pets you decide to settle side by side with you, remember that the psychology of cats, dogs and other animals are located differently. And, before bringing to the house of a new tenant, it would be nice to study the main features of the behavior of the future pet, so that in the future of his poles, the game or aggressive behavior did not become an unpleasant surprise. Finding into a new home, the kitten feels defenseless, insecure. He needs who will help him get comfortable in a new place, protects against dangers and become a true senior comrade. And the cats never forget the good, affectionate relationship, like pain, fear. And all these feelings are usually associated with a person. Take care of the cat, caress her, do not hold for violently, do not punish too strictly, and it will become a true friend for many years.

Even if a person tries to do everything possible to keep his inner world in secret, his pet can tell a lot about him. This is absolutely sure Lisa Peterson, which is a member of the American dog breeding club. Its numerous observations confirmed the assumption that people usually stretch to animals that reflect the character traits inherent in them.

And Dr. Sam Gosling from the University of Texas, who conducted an online survey of about a thousand people, says that the pets are polar from shelters, everything like one looks like its new owners.

Do you have a pet? Do you think he actually reflects your personality? Read on to find out!

Companion dogs (rescuers, inferior, guide)

Of course, there are differences between the owners of dogs and people who, in principle, do not want to start a dog, notes the psychologist Lance Workman from the UK. In general, "dog lovers", as a rule, have many friends and acquaintances. They are always happy to spend time in the company. And dog owners, especially such as Labradors, Erdelterier, as a rule, are very friendly personalities.

Shepherds and office-search dogs

Dogs like Collie, German Shepherd, often choose extroverts. They also like bulldogs, Dobermans and Rottweilelers. They like any physical activity in the fresh air, as well as assistance in cases where intelligence and determination are required.

Round dogs

Owners of such dogs, such as beagle, are distinguished by emotional stability. These balanced people also like Afghan greyhounds and retriever. If you see people staying in nature, then, with a lot of probability, detect one or more funny pieces that are chasing the ball.

Indoor, Decorative Dogs

The owners of small dogs "toys" are very often - people open and inquisitive. They adore new impressions and are true connoisseurs of works of culture and art. They often choose a profession that will allow them to expand the circle of dating and will not make sit in one place.


Cat owners are often emotionally more sensitive than dog owners. They carefully carefully care for their pets. But on the other hand, such people are more adventurous and creative in their nature. In addition, they often love to contain several cats.


People who choose birds most sociable. They are usually quite emotional and can sometimes be even somewhat powerful.


Reptile owners are independent and extraordinary. They do not squeeze their pets without tired, and they themselves do not require constant attention from them, which is a big plus, given the overall alienation of most reptiles.

Although many people believe that the choice of a pet is the result of personal preferences and lifestyle, but do not forget that it helps to determine who you are actually.

It is believed that, looking at the four-legged or feathery pet, you can make an error-free conclusion about the character of its owner.
Most often, we bring in your house animals, guided by three motives: "This beast is like me," "I wanted to live in the same way and behave. You feed you, they will sing, do what you want, and no responsibility, "" always dreamed of having such a strong (brave, devoted, funny, funny ...) creature. " We unconsciously choose to our friends of animal cholerics, sanguits, melancholics or phlegmatics.

Dog trains

All dog lovers are able to be friends, maintain close in a difficult moment, they are conservative and often happening. In addition, they are intolerant to someone else's independence and try to control the life and actions of those who are near.
The man is the owner of a large dog - strict and fair. And if a woman has such a dog, it means that she needs protection and support. If a male dog has a decorative dog living in the house, we can safely say that he is a fan of female beauty, because miniature dogs even dress up as women - the same skirts and bows ... But the woman, the hostess of a similar dog, as a rule, places Men overwhelmed demands, looking for all possible advantages and intolerant to disadvantages.


Cochetics - independent by nature, respect someone else's independence. They adore comfort and closed spaces, love and know how to follow their appearance.
A man who is able to get along with a cat, charming, artistic and easy to rise. This is a romantic with changed mood and a variety of hobbies. He will treat his wife just as belonging to the cat. For him, a cat is a symbol of femininity.
A woman, a cat, wants to be like this animal: mysterious, graceful, languid, with curls. If a woman is good and clever, feminine and at the same time, the delusite, gentle, but persistent, then she is more likely to start a cat, but a cat.

A lonely woman in years, living with a cat, belongs to men incredulously and in close relationship with them is reluctant. The bachelor who started his cat, self-sufficient and hardly ever marries - he already has a friend.
A lot of people who can not tolerate cats. If this man means he has antipathy to the whole female floor. A woman who does not like cats denies his female essence and is afraid to show its independence.

Fans of rodents

Hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and other rodents - Favorite animals of a lonely busy person who will be with their loneliness. He needs a close soul, but he can't get a cat or a dog because of his employment. The lover of all small and fluffy needs tenderness, caressing, feels small, helpless and trying to compensate for this concern about someone even more defenseless, although himself is a light and cheerful man.

Fluffy pets, despite the harmless look, can deliver many troubles: bother the wire, spoil furniture and connect the whole house. It can only be tolerated with a good sense of humor, who is able to not pay attention to annoying little things in life.

Separately, I must say about men who hold the houses of the rat (among women such units).
The coloir is kind, inquisitive, tolerant to other people's weaknesses, who does not trust public opinion, has one's own judgment and he does not care if it does not coincide with the generally accepted.


Keeping in the house Aquarium with fish prefers people of two types: active, emotional and temperamental, which calm down, watching fish, and a little eccentric thinkers. They love fish for dislike for people and watch the inhabitants of the underwater world, seeking to leave reality.

Pernaya lovers

A lovedant of birds in character is very similar to his pets - likes to talk, paint in society and talk to any topic. If a person is missing in everyday life of adventures, he turns a parrot that romantic natures are associated with sea adventures and pirates. In the houses in the silence and loneliness of melancholic, you can also see the birds that our twitter dispersed his longing.
Very often, the parrots are given to the elderly, but it is most often not connected with any psychology. Just old men have neither funds nor forces on cats and dogs, so birds are breeding.

The owners of exotic

The one who prefers to keep an exotic living creature in the house seeks to originality. This is his opportunity to attract the attention of others to their unusualness. Moreover, than an exotic pet, the stronger his owner is tormented by the question of its own significance and uniqueness. Very often exotic animals create creative people who are in the eternal search for their "I".

No one is not necessary

If a person does not have the desire to start a pet, it does not mean that he is evil and cruel. This means that he has anyone to take care of and whom to poison that he does not get tired of communicating with people, is not going to depend on anyone and categorically does not want to take responsibility for someone else. And dislike for animals here.
By the way, very often for the exaggerated passion for our smaller brothers, it is worth disturbing people, contempt and hate similar.